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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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you know, it is difficult, you wouldn't get 5 kilograms near shore. fishing has been the backbone of coastal communities in the nation for generations. but that's the way of life is coming on the threat. the another nice of rates across the occupied westbank for this really falls, this killing at least 3 thomas demands and destroying and destruction. the child is, says, als, is there a live from the also coming up, a palestinian teenagers killed off in his way. the soldier and security guard stopped. net back to him. you when wounds fool billy and people in haiti's face
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acute food and security, and a quarter of them are just one step away from common beautiful work, just a 150 meters try you can hear them still sing. douglas and durham patrol and rose highlands of wild elephants on aging at night. the beginning the occupied west bank where there's been another night to all is rainy waves. military operations have increased in frequency and intensity since as well began at school on garza in october. it's very bold as of now withdrawn from jeanine off to destroying buildings and infrastructure. at least 2 palestinians were killed during the incursion that lost it for nearly 6 hours. stop side ramallah is ready for the shot dead, at least to palestinians during a raise the mercury check, pointing out jim at least 3 inches and being treated in hospital. the army says
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they was throwing stones as is ready. vehicle is it occupied? east jerusalem is right in middle, the tree has killed a 14 year old palestinian boy. he was shaw. send the chest while playing with fireworks. they were check points at the show at the show. fox refugee come. we'll get more on that shooting with the moxie isn't occupied, is to is let me just a few moments. but 1st let's go to need to abraham. she's in ramallah in the occupied west bank. so need to tell us about these raids across the occupied westbank. one that you're reporting to become in the past few hours. oh yes, it's begun in a low as a town near jericho in the occupied westbank. what is ready forces? how did they are to do miller's shop? usually in these areas, posted is do not get permits from israel to be able to build houses, structures, shops, even when we're talking about the occupied west bank itself. but this is the case
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of 60 percent of lives in the occupied post bank with how soon you need those as really permits to build with. they don't get though. what they do is they build and these really forces go and demolish those structures as well. when we talk about those ways, sometimes the purpose is for demolition. sometimes the purpose is to arrest palestinians and other times they are so big the homes of those that they deem responsible for attacks that's killed as raised. but also we see a lot of those rates turn deadly and we're talking about janine when these really forces the rate at the area at all to a local times there and shop to palestinians near a hospital in the area. also armed confrontations and sewage in janine this is not the case in all of the occupied with spec, but in specific towns and refugee camps. we see a palestinian armed ben who is rare to confront these really forces megatar the when they conduct those rates. so we are talking about the situation with palestinians feel that these really forces are making their lives much more
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complicated, much more difficult, whether it's being at by a rusting palestinians. those who cannot read the break of meal a breakfast meal with their families do it. and get them up on or by the killing. we're seeing at least 5 processing is killed in the last 24 hours. we're here in the occupies with bank or by the demolishing of the infrastructure. so we're talking about the pens situation altogether and people are looking to see how the situation is going to unfold and rumbled on. yes, they were hoping for us these 5 and said, what the good thing is more and more attention, okay. need to abraham, joining us that from ramallah, thanks need to. there's any soldier and the security guards have been stops near a check point to me. ok, applied westbank power would take him to hospital. police say is where the security forces have shown the attack him with a mux joins us live now from occupied to easter. was them? and for them. what are you hearing about this attack that the lower place said that the attack took place?
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just off the 6 i am, the attacker was 15 years old travelling on a bicycle from the direction of tourism down towards bethlehem. this is the check point known as the tunnel crossings between those 2 communities. and as he was stopped to be checked by the security forces that he starts to stop, at least 2 of them, a 25 year old civilian dog and a 19 year old member of these rated security forces, both of whom were taken to the hospital. here in jerusalem with what was described as mild to moderate staffing injuries. this the 2nd such incident at that specific crossing since the beginning of the board. does that back in november, a similar incidents, sol, 5 individuals wounded in the stomach, and found them. tell us more about this 14 year old boy who was shots by is really forces of the this was over night, a young man was firing fi. what sits round it down as
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a lot of fi was in and around the city? does it just north of the searching it to shop. com? well one of the far works, according to the video we've seen was 56. the he was in style is by a bullet through his chest, his body was chasing him to a hospital in jerusalem. not far from where i'm standing right now where he was pronounced dead. we've been in touch with both his family and the lawyer representing the family about the return of his party by his radio authorities, the lawyer telling us he doesn't think that's going to happen today. the family insisting that going to push to get about 40 back as soon as they can. okay, well, i'm not so give across that story and others across the occupied territories. thanks very much. more than half of the injuries treated in hospitals in the occupied westbank last year were from is really on fire. as according to posted in health ministry as a 12 percent increase on figures from 2022, many of those injuries, leaving the victims of life changing disabilities. as ben smith reports from
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ramallah, the salt abraham yeah. he knows he's lucky to be alive. these really pull it the tool through his body, damaged his intestines, zivare and stomach. and he says he was close in the cross 5 drawing and he's really military right in jericho. last october. the plot you leave your house, not knowing if you come back to we don't notice a month, so we don't feel safe at night if you could leave the house and not come back. it's not on the gaza. this is happening it to us at the west bank emergency rooms and hospitals in the occupied west bank. i've never been so busy. 53 percent of injuries treated in 2023 from is really going to file a 12 percent increase on 2022. the is that it is, they have, they get a light from the international community to people tend to be killers, you can do whatever you want and we can protect you from in the international audience. i mean, just talk to the, treating
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a more serious the majority of this, uh once where um and the extreme it is menu number of them with their own on the disability. the number of cases who suffer from a chest of domain, no kids. what introducing these really military's rules of engagement that a soldier to shout stop, fire warning shots in the only after those warnings to get the lower party. only where a suspect is on during tends to use the weapon or is riley soldiers permitted to shoot to kill. the palestinians of describe 2023 as a year of note to moves. and these rarely military unleashed all its military capabilities against them. and with its came unprecedented levels of brutality and violence. close to $300.00 of the $420.00 power steering is killed in the west bank since october. the 7th with shots in the upper part of every me actually needs most
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during the coming months to reconstruct his abdomen. he hopes that will give him the strength he needs to hold his children again. but it's may, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank. well, that's bring in some of the l area and again, he's directs the center for as long as global fast assembles. i'm a university good to have you back in the studio assignments of abundance against kind of citizens in the occupied territories. we've seen it rise, especially since the will on gone. so we'd like to see that increase again during ramadan. unfortunately, that's the way it's been 2021. there was also an historically tack in which over a 1000 for the studios were killed. and we're seeing this again, that the, even there are global, you know, uh, the conversations or, or, or please for, for this to stop. it hasn't stopped at all. we've seen the children being targeted . you know, it's, and it's very the official policy, you know, back in november, december 20th. i believe when the u. n. secret, the general, you know,
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i'm telling you of, with her is, was talking about the amount of killing of children and civilians. he said that this has been the most since he was or became a secretary general and at the time were only 5500 children were killed today. we have 2 and a half times that and yet nothing has stopped. so it's continuing, it's a salt genocide against the palestinians against children you. it's really a former is really a soldier hit on if rocky said that he was directed, he was instructed actually to go at night and target palestinian families in their own homes and even target for this thing. and children to intimidate, to provoke, to, to target in terms of abuse. and that's been documented by many human rights organizations . and this is even while the wells eyes on israel, especially with the rule and garza. and yes,
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it still seems to manage to act with impunity on the world stage. why is the nothing done to solve this? the main reason is the us, us as part of and these crimes and this genocide it's been chosen, is it test? uh, 48 deals. i believe. since nixon, you know, 3 under, by them just for this conference at all. every single the u. s. president. since nixon, that since prism $57.00 to $46.00, this dent presidents a scratch at least one or more vetoes, to protect it from any accountability. but in top of that, also we have a very weak little bit of response, particularly from european countries because of this feeling of guilt of what happened during the nets of the game of the holocaust. as if the for the students have anything to do with it. so this combined with the us with diction has been issued for is for him to hold them accountable for any crimes which has committed. and we also have a very weak, honest and in need to ship,
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especially notified touch raise that we're not saying. and the thing being done that to protect people, unfortunately not the only way, but they're also more of a client to the, to the occupation. they have been part and positive. the problem, there has been also an attempt by america to use the weakness over the policy and also to in trying to keep the post stadiums under control by creating this security . and that's it for the security of the, for the stimulus. but sort of the, for the security of the is really set those and the is the occupation and that's the paradox that the policy is had to lift. so on one hand, they have the occupation to deal with. and then they have a, a compliant us 40 that is trying to keep them under the some of the is what it is at the bottom so, so disproportionate system have you have people who are throwing stones at vehicles being shot dead? you have young children being killed. what are the is rate is trying to achieve by this level of care like so. so i mean is right, as i've said that they look up at
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a simmons as a human animals. so they don't really look at them as humans, as children, as human beings, that they deserve respect. and that does have to live. so they did was that they did with them as a problem, but they have to deal with as a you know, somebody that has to be under control all the time. the oh, there are several is really maybe 3 declarations in which they say that they could arrest. but it's 10 years as young as 12131415 keep them under detention for 6 or even 12 months. in one instance, in 2013 the rest of the 5 year old 5 year old palestinian and they charged him with throwing a stone. and he was, and he was, he was going to be sentenced to 10 years until the whole world was saying, what are you doing at so that's, that's the type of is really occupation that since i've been living on the, for the, for the past, 50 years plus somebody l r n. great. speak to you. thanks for trying to think us again. i mean,
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garza is ready for us as have bombed more homes killing at least 2 people and injuring all those. they attack happened in the elder raj neighborhoods east of gauze. stacy is where the military also talks it residential areas and con eunice and how much. and there's also being an operation in the town of our car. all right, just north of con eunice mackwood has the latest from rafa and southern gaza. a while on the 3rd day of of ramadan, people woke up across the guys and stripped one more intense. our killer is coming . yeah. and then 2 birds denied as attack across the gauze is pretty, including them, carving northern part of the bread and the under to be relentless attack, a bit of con units, and then close the area of the guys and city, including directly as you come the raise your you got on the last there, but i have to be way an overnight attack. the residential home was not carpeted and destroyed with people inside. and we
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a report that had multiple casualties inside the residential homes. and the number of people that killed so far hasn't been conferred by i'll talk to them as there are still more people under the rebels. the majority of people who were injured. and overnight i happened to be from the a, the patent that we've seen within the past week. and since the beginning of this at genocide award women and it shows. busy mostly are the vast majority of people who are being injured to people is being killed and is running dry and strength that hit a civilian car in south west and lebanon area. talk to this place to a refugee camp housing kind of students in time to take cost for the strikes between because we're in the military and has the have increased as the will ongoing. so fig. or is where the attacks of damaged hundreds of losses and goals or reducing them to the level that has the todd palestinians who continue to pray in
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the courtyard sense amongst the bruins of the holy sights um at val reports in the midst of the people of causal upsetting, but i'm a bunk conditions, the latest, relentless, foaming cause damaged or destroyed, more than 260 miles. but despite the destruction worship as a guest setting to put it among the seas and follow up the most scandalous in the south consisted of 21000 people still attending the congregational. pray here, and i insist on continuing to do so. to complete the ramadan rituals, and it's an occasion that happens only once a year. it's a place to him which people can't afford to miss the
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palestinians across the goals, a student of the timing distance and in the face of these links on the other side of the message, we'd like to seen from him from wounded wrong cancer, where the world is watching that and even conspiring as israel is killing the innocent people targeting even the unvil, destroying homes and mosques, and committing unprecedented crime messages that these people are standing for, and only down to the old mighty garden. these are all safe for places. this is now palestine and no amounts of atrocities and killings will make us late for people to ask for all the misleading around the world, the holy month of them are gone is a time for spiritual. even in the most dire conditions and the constant attack to the, to the display on the, on the brink of famine, palestinians are keeping the fates. that's pretty for piece. how much fun and does
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it. so it has hell now to sierra we have from a school boy who managed to escape from kid. not this students in nigeria, the heaviest time pose of mood, east bright top. so the kinds of suggest bonia is at risk of some potential flash flooding. but i think the main risk is for the sas through job. her lines extends into normal strategy and back, increasingly is coming north with the sun coming north from the equator. but it takes it off shore from sumatra, no longer at risk, from big dime pool. northern australia is still at risk and this been a line that runs through weston australia has been producing persistent rain for days on end. in particular places, at least one particular phase, 325 millimeters in full days. and so what you might think, well,
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this is so it was that's about a year's worth of writing in the last 4 days. cleaning is extensive flooding. in fact, the highway has been closed as a result for us, at least on the watering as to what's his date on reco. it's, it goes back to all the past the 20th century. now the picture still sees more raining west, and australia. nothing's at the same place, but it could well be topping up most of that and then off shows that that spin which may in finchley make land full in the northwest. the next day a site is cooled down in melbourne and in adelaide that increasing the assembly breeze clad and rain showing itself asked the new zealand. nothing spectacular here . fine looking day on thursday. maybe a little bit west of rule on friday. the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, again, you're working on to 0 has to remind you of our top stories. this is where the forces have again weighted cities across the field to find west spike that killed at least 2 kind of simians near ramallah, another 2 in geneva, full days this have since withdrawal enough to destroy infrastructure in geneva. and it's really sold to run a security code has been stops and they are checkpointing occupied. westbank is where the security forces show some killed a teenage to send in boy in nigeria, at least 61 people have been kidnapped in the village of buddha. and can do an estate when it says say the abductions are carried out just before midnight. local time. on monday,
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they come days after 208 to 7 school children were taken from the school in kareka, as also in could do in the states that speak now to our correspondent address who's in that could do now as well. what more do we know about the 61 people who've been kept up from food to the local community context? that's fine this morning. so i think this around the entire community and so it's, it's always 6 to one people. most of the women and women, i'm printed i in the morning of force last week and the baby is still there without just to see. yeah, i'm not said anything about it, but sure. that's probably in the next few minutes. well,
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so when you have something from the point is we've tried to come talk to them yesterday about what exactly happened, but they didn't say anything. i don't want to as well. any comments about this is it's got me just a few days after the school you know was taking a significant rise and the number of adoptions in the region, only off we. what are your thoughts? he's actually doing stuff. test of the florida. it's a must have yeah, we're talking about a country with a population of the $210.00. she 1000000 people with just probably 350000. and over the years we've seen the legacy of several
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decades of ministry. so call me back 6 priorities or to express about the pos tickets with see how the police was sort of lugging behind a jump training in terms of numbers. and so the army was injured to deal with most of the problems. now the army using gauges are almost all states, such as estates. i'm from kids, nothing to talk to them to the east. but somebody, according to the governor's office state, the country's largest. now we also hearing about the latest do nothing or whatever. that'd be either keeping yourself with the stake. why the tip was made. run some, do you mind this morning and then talk to you about getting like $20000009.00,
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which is a $100.00 to $1.00 point something $1000000.00. so basically we just really struggling to deal with a situation on the ground. okay. i could address reporting that from could in the state. thanks very much. i plan on this stuff other becca is one of the students who managed to escape that mess up. the option in kareka is his story. the now missed the problem with my name is most tough. becca. yeah, according to is how and as we saw a bended on the motorbike that did not seem strangely, it is we have seen some of them right for the village before the co, shortly after more than a 100 to appear fighting indiscriminate conventions. no, no, to you, i'm gonna say was shooting a test, hedging us like catch all beating. and like i said to me and marching us to just sort of, i mean that's where we drank and what to continue that to what was a breakfast? we'll look at and some of us did not eat breakfast before coming to school and
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injured and the sick eyes went to the to bite on what did that one instead of flicking them that turned out co. it seemed we didn't, did you haven't, we didn't sudden the military aircraft of kid overhead, and they quickly pushed us under a tree. and as i'm attempting to kill us all when they, when they did cushion with them. okay. and look at why size. cuz like i said, i'm with them. they offered us $300.00, just imagine them with the fleet part and just on the front of it. oh, we gave them to the youngest. never mind my place while ago mommy's. i'm gonna try to because one over to, you know what they said when it updates different village for 3 days as i know for the truck, i'm going to be talking to you. what was the security force and i got cio and other ones. when i found a push, when one was looking, i had been there for an hour. yeah. just when i was sure they were gone. i worked 5 hours to that came upon us, get old man know to chat that you had to go. no, i didn't. so i finally reached a group of the longest who was oblivious to all that was happening fully. and people in hate to face acute food and security. that's the one from the world food
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program which says a 1000000 a one step away from funding. the agency is disappearing, humanitarian aid from existing reserves, but such as any of mushroom winks before it runs out of stock, goes on there has moved from united nations. the u. n says they only have enough food left in puerto french, the capital to last. a few more weeks that according to the world food program, country director, when a briefing on tuesday said that the main port in haiti remains closed due to gang violence. and that is where most of the food enters the country. so the u. n is having to rely on what's left of their emergency stop files that are quickly running out with with this and security it's, it's hampering people from doing very simple things and haiti right now. taking your trip to school, i'm going to the supermarket that going to work. all these things are extremely risky,
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needs security to come back to the country. i need to make sure that you understand that. um, security is important, but it's not a case of, of funds or butter. we actually also need to have focused on on, on treating the people in haiti, the world food program estimates. there are 4 1000000 people in haiti that are food in the secure, with one 1000000. just one step away from famine, with a shortage of food, that means prices are increasing in some parts of the country, jumping as much as 25 percent. now in terms of the political uncertainty in the country, the u. n says they will support any political transition proposed at the caricom meeting, the calls on all haitian stakeholders to act responsibly to take steps towards the implementation of the agreement in order to restore the countries democratic institutions through peaceful. ready credible participatory and inclusive elections
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. gabriel is on the, i'll just say to at united nations in new york, as in the us, the stage is set for a presidential. we match between joe biden and donald trump and the rice for the white house. both concepts of one and no delegates to secure that policies. presidential nominations funding past the threshold off to winning the georgia primary of trump killed the public a nomination of to winning the primary in washington state. president kona is a professor of american politics at the united states studies sense at the university of sydney. he says, 5 men trump 1st want to become a 2 time president, very unlikely that an incumbent president would be challenged, lived in johnson, and $960.00. i did step aside well fighting the vietnam war, but usually once you've won a presidential election once you want to win it twice can be a 210 president that seriously the market success side by it. and despite being 81 years old, i think would want that place in history to be a to, to imprison like president obama. so very likely he was going to stand again. what
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is remarkable in many ways is the republican party you've chosen to put donald trump forward for the 3rd election and the right off to hit last and election. usually that's a sign that you should look for a new candidate, trump, the controlling meaning within the republican party. pushing aside his challenges and being put forward at 77 years old with a lot of cool cases hanging in the lot of questions about and nothing fit for office i think being brightly off. but these are the 2 candidates, we left with 2 people who are not widely liked across america, but this long election season. we now know who the 2 party nominators, the guy today in japan, the real kid has expired of just off the left of the company space. one was attempting to become the 1st private japanese company to put a satellite in. all this incident happened to the phone space ports on southern japan's see peninsula to protect some dangers elephants in thailand have led to
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another problem. as populations of wild elephants have grown some of straight into areas inhabited by people to find food with tragic results. that's any chung reports from eastern thailand. 7 people have been killed by elephants in the past 2 months alone. the crew put for them to search for clues, as dusk pools in eastern time, and the targets a haul does a sports, then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here have adapted, hiding, and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up to 400 kilograms of 2 today, withdrawal in the mass of the forest and on to phones. while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. often this falls more volunteers come to join the hunt a few around, but that's just for protection comedy. maybe it's not really a job to hunt, but at least since we're more luck spotters,
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we're trying to make sure that the elephants don't go near the community. that these elephant education center,


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