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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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to excess and so when i get say was ultra 0 for the global reaction. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello until mccrae. this is the news allan life from coming up in the next 60 minutes looking for the loved ones. we report from northern nigeria. we're that has been a research in some kidnappings. i am. yeah, incredible. interstate nigeria was 287 school children to austin. this is coming at a time when multi se and celebrations of the symbolic victory for students. i'm in
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the more rides across the occupied westbank with this ready forces killing at least 3 palestinians and destroying infrastructure. and in mid you with joe biden. and donald trump get ready for a re match. folks have secured the delegates needed for the apologies. presidential nomination, uninspired, also all back in the champions league, quarter finals, the english permit, and the latest bates and full set on penalties to progress to the last night for the 1st time. in 14, the we begin in northern nigeria were of groups have canet hundreds of people embracing dies. the latest incidence was 61 people abducted from the village of buddha and could do an estate. now, when the society kidnappings happened, just before midnight, local time on monday,
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the attack is said to have driven off castle in the in dense. now it comes just days, up to 287 school children were taken from a school and creating at all so and could do an estate to speak now to um, an address who is in the town of kosher and was near the village of buddha, you've just been to that village. can you explain what you saw? and what the people told you when i was when you were there? of the tom, the village of i do is just less than 10 can number just why, why we are we just coming from the village. in fact, we met some locals. we also met people who are really estate on the night of the invasion by the spend. it's uh for example, one woman. as for me, that when the band is broken throughout whom the one looking for her husband and when she couldn't produce it, after you get another bed, they took it away and then before start to carry lots of luggage and which she said
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that she couldn't handle then shortly after, as they start moving out of town, there was a military patrol that arrived and that was when the attention of the bandits was divided. she to get the opportunity to drop the bags and run as fast as she could. we also met someone who said he was abducted along with members of his family, including his in law, his step mother, as well as the brother and daughter, and he escaped when they left the house. uh simply because the medicaid was pointed to a distress called to for them to be attacked by defendants. so it took the opportunity to run into the bushes and also headed back to town. and that's the story we getting. and we also met a federal legislator. we came to visit, there was a live support, in fact, uh then, but he came to visit to companies that rate with victims as of what was what, as well as members of the front of the house in particular, what is the nat, geo, and government doing what our department trans doing because we continue to see
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these rates continually across not only in community across the northern parts of the country. our cases in point is done for our state. and i just stayed catalina to do to all these places, as well as synchronize it in some parts of the southwest as well. is that they're trying their best. he doesn't want to discuss security code matches, but of course he said they're doing all they can to control this. i want to see what they're doing right now is not good enough to stop these rates from could entering some across nigeria, top and to as you mentioned, that it has been a significant rise in the number of these types of inductions. in recent times. i mean, what channels are these do at this point in time to try and stop them? what basically, it's difficult because this problem is much space. uh, we're talking about 600 rad victims. keep not within a period of one week in northern nigeria alone, we're not talking about those that we haven't heard before. then military. then i did a military which is taking the lead in legal process, i guess, branded,
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i guess all of these things that i did, delta i guess took numbers i guess, called just i guess people who want to separate a separate homeland the be out for a in the south, east of the country are the big these are the people the military is confronted right now. and in every state you to death to hear about kid nothings, newton austin, on all these latrice almost stretched. in addition to dealing with other critical issues. they almost straight through all 350000 policemen in this country. in the words of one governor, i spoke to recently that i know enough boots on the go. the security services are stretched to me and the conflict and the challenges i just to hear about us to deal with that is that situation across that i get it. okay, thanks so much. i'm at, i'm an address for us then on this stuff unable bodka is one of the students who managed to escape that mess. abduction including a his, his story now missed the problem. my name is my stuff a becca,
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according days when we saw a bend on the motorbike that did not seem strangely, it is we have seen some of them right for the village before the co, shortly after more than a hundreds of people fighting indiscriminate the commission was no, i'm not if you i'm gonna to say was shooting a test, hedging us like capsule beating them. like i said to me and marching us to it is to have, i mean that's where we drink and what to continue to. that to water was a breakfast we'll look at. and some of us did not eat breakfast before coming to school. injured and the sick as much as i don't. what does it mean instead of flicking them about turned out co is similar. we didn't just do haven't we didn't suddenly catch him and military aircraft of kid overhead. and they quickly pushed us under a tree. and as i'm attempting to kill us for when they, when they, you discussion with, i mean look at and look at why size. cuz like i said, i'm with them. they offer discrete quoting, just imagine my, the fleet part in just on the front of me, gave them to the youngest among my place and want to come while i'm, you know, i'm gonna try to because one over to, you know,
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more they said that updates the different village for 3 days and the for the truck is i'm going to be talking to you almost a security force and i've got cio and other ones. when i found a push, when one was looking, i hit didn't different. our ideas. we know it's short, they were gone. i worked 5 hours till i came upon us, get old man know to chat that you had to go. no, i didn't. so i finally these the group of longest, who was oblivious to all of that was happening. the fighting continues in sudan despite the united nations security council call for a ceasefire during the muslim holy month of ramadan. on tuesday, the army regained control of the symbolically important state. television studios. the rapids foot forces use the building for military operations and the reports that it was also used as a detention center and then move into pulls from on demand. this is the premises of sedans, national cooperation for radio and television. or at least it's used to be because of the slicing between the hours of and disabilities. army,
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this is what now it looks like there are signs of the fighting that took place between the cities army and the parent military rapids support forces. b r a stuff was in control of this building since april 15th, when fighting broke out between the recess and the sudanese army incidents capital . how to the premises also home to sedans, oldest and largest collection of archives. and that includes archives from sedans, independence up to just before the conference began in april. now over the past few months, this is denise army laid siege to the premises. off the broadcasting corporation and for weeks has been typing the siege around the paramilitary rapids support forces and the early hours of tuesday morning, the student is army was able to regain control of this premises. now this is significant for 2 reasons. historically, whoever controls to them and it's government controls the state television. so symbolically, this gets the food in his army on upper hand. it also shows how far they've been.
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these army has come over the past few months of fighting between it's and the rest have sedans. army has been regaining grounds and territories from the power military are assessed in the city of the mind and in other parts of the capital as well. now the united nations security council has called for a cease fire to be observed during the muslim holy month of ramadan for release supplies to reach the civilians that have been affected by the conflict. but slicing continues between the army and the recess. the sudanese army says that there will be no cease by it unless the receptor withdraws from civilian facilities . i'm from cities it took over since may last year. the hours of has refused to do so. so far, i think, continues with ne, fired to be observed, at least for the time being incident, and especially in the capital have to him, he but morgan onto 0 on through mine suspect, and pirates have hijacked a cargo ship off the coast of somalia, the bangladesh she flagged bulk carrier,
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was traveling from mozambique to the united arab emirates. was seized by 50 on demand a stump, somali as capital mortgage issue on choose time. within 20 crew members were on board. the . there has been another nice have as riley rides and the occupied west bank. military operations have increased in frequency and intensity since as well began as for on cars are in october. that is where any bulldozers have now withdrawn from jeanine up to destroying buildings and infrastructure. at least 2 palestinians were killed during the incursion that lasted for nearly 6 hours. now inside ramallah is ready for a short date, at least 2 palestinians during a ride. never a military check point, an elegy and other 3 were injured and being treated in hospital. the army says they were throwing stones at is ready. vehicles need to,
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abraham has more on the roads from ramallah in the occupied with bank and white as well as targeting palestinian infrastructure. the palestinians in 60 percent of lands in the occupied west bank need permits to be able to build any structure in areas known here. as serious seats, but because more than 97 percent of those permits gets rejected by israel palestinians go ahead and build those structures. anyways. as a result, these really forces go and demolish them. this is one rate that took place in an old job. but let's talk about the other rates that took place in other places here in the occupied westbank. mainly one of them in janine that last is for hours started at around 2 am local time, where these really forces it's pushed through inside the janine refugee camp where they've killed at least 2 palestinians outside the hospital. basically we're talking about
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a 10 situation here in the occupied respect with at least 5 palestinians killed in the last 24 hours. when we talk about those rates, that's not forget that the main goal is to conduct a rest in since the beginning of the war. we're talking about within 7500 palestinian prisoners who have been taken into his rated custody. which means you're talking about thousands of families, we're going to be breaking their fast without their loved ones. it's a means a tense situation and posting is here with tell you, you know, these really forces do not care if it's what i'm all done or if not, they're going to continue their violations upgrades against positives in occupied east jerusalem. the is ready, military has killed a 13 year old palestinian. he was chosen a chest, a pine, with fireworks near a chick point. at this, you will find refugee camp and is rarely a soldier and the security guard have been stab near a check point in the occupied with bank. the pay would take him to hospital police side is ready. security forces shot the attack. a filaments has moved from occupied
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east jerusalem of the 15 year old approaching that check point from the direction of jerusalem on a bicycle heading towards bethlehem on one of the main roads between the 2 communities. at the check point when he was stopped to be such t a types, a 19 year old is really female soldier and a 25 year old is raining civilian on god. they would take him to hospital here in jerusalem with what was described as minus to moderate stop injuries. it's a 2nd thoughts incident about specific check point. there was another one back in november. they ended up with 5 people being wounded. more than half of the injuries treated in hospitals in the occupied westbank last year with them. this is randy gun fine. it's according to the palestinian health ministry. bits of 12 percent increase on figures from 2022 and many of those injuries. leave the victim with life changing disabilities has been smith reports from ramallah. the salt abraham
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yagi knows he's lucky to be alive. these really pull it the tool through his body, damaged his intestines, zivare and stomach. he said he was cold in the cross 5 joint and he's really military right in jericho. last october where i'm the plot. you leave your house, not knowing if you come back to we don't notice a month, so we don't feel safe at night fee. if you could leave the house and not come back, it's not on the gaza. this is happening. it's also the west bank emergency rooms and hospitals in the occupied westbank have never been so busy. 53 percent of the injuries treated in 2023 from is really going to file a 12 percent increase on the 2020 to the is that right? is they have they get a light from the international community to be posted to be killers. you can do whatever you want and we can protect you from in the international arena. i mean, just talk to the, treating a more serious the majority of this uh, ones where um,
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in the extreme it is many number of them with them or not to disability. the number of cases who suffer from a chest of domain, no kids. what introducing these really military's rules of engagement that a soldier should shout, stop, fire warning shots in the only after those warnings to get the lower body. only what i suspect is all i'm doing tends to use the weapon or is riley soldiers permitted to shoot to kill the palestinians of describe 2023 as the year of no to moves. and these rarely military unleashed all its military capabilities against them. and with it came unprecedented levels of brutality and violence. opposed to 300 of the 420 pounds as the means killed in the west bank since october. the 7th shots in the upper part of every me actually needs most during the coming months to reconstruct his abdomen. he hopes that will give him the strength he needs to hold
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his children again. but it's may, i'll just say era ramallah in the occupied westbank to gaza and is ready forces have bowman to more homes coming at least 2 people and injuring others. the attack happens in the all the raj neighborhood, east of gauze. the city is already military. also targeted residential areas and con eunice and maud and this also being an operation in a town, just north of con eunice. honey. mike mood has the latest from profit and southern gaza. a while on the 3rd day of of ramadan, people woke up across the gaza strip on more intense artillery. yeah. and then over night i pack across the guys pretty, including the as carving northern part of the bread and the under to be relentless attack. a city of han units and the central area of the guys and city, including directly as you come to raise your you got on the last there,
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but i have to be with an overnight attack. the residential home was not targeted and destroyed with people inside, and we reported that in multiple casualties inside the residential homes. and the number of people killed so far hasn't been conferred by i'll have to go out very those more people under the rebels. the majority of people who were injured and overnight at times happened to be from the a, the pattern that we've seen within the past week. and since the beginning of this at genocide award women and it shows. busy mostly out of the box majority of people were being injured to people have been killed in and is ready to instruct that hit a civilian car in south western living on the area is close to a refugee camp, housing, palestinians, in the city of the time of mazda is the target of the attack, was a member of a resistance group based that the can cross border strikes between the israeli military and has belie, have increased since,
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as rails war on guns up again. the in the united states, the stages it for a presidential re managed between joe biden and donald trump and the rice for the white house and both candidates, one enough delegates to secure their potties presidential nominations by them, passed the threshold after winning the georgia primaries. the us president faced the position from his own policy. well, trump secure with the republican nomination after winning the primary in washington state of more on this uh, white house correspondent kimberly healthcare joins us now from washington, dc and kimberly the right finally on officially many a wondering why that being left to choose between 2 old men, what happened? oh, yeah, well, and 1st of all, uh, part of it is uh, name recognition. you know, it was really hard for
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a lot of these candidates to penetrate the fact that there is just already this built in name recognition that gave both of these candidates the opportunity and the free advertising that they've had of being uh, not only the incumbent and the case of joe biden, but in the case of donald trump, he's been the president before and that is hard to compete with. so that was the 1st factor. the 2nd factor is, as you mentioned job, i didn't face very little competition. and when it comes to donald trump, his mag of movement or make america great again, movement, this sort of challenging of the status quo o is something that really still appeals to ordinary americans. this notion that you can go up against the man or the system and that is something that really has resonated with the ordinary americans and continues to do so. and it was simply just hard to beat for the other candidates. but by doing this, the incumbent is,
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is really struggling in the polls right now. what does he need to do to try and boost his campaign at this point in time? or? well, it is going to be a challenge front. there's no question about that. the fact that he is and by some pulls behind, and donald trump, a man who is right now facing criminal charges is astonishing. given the fact that he is the incumbent. what he is basically sparring with the former president on or really the kitchen table issues when it comes to immigration when it comes to economic issues. and many of the sort of voters he could count on in the past. voters of color are saying things like they can't afford to vote for joe biden, this time around him. that is going to be the problem for joe biden. i a, what donald trump has managed to do is penetrate into some of the voters. the typically would have gone to jo by them in the past,
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and so he's really going to have to double down on making sure he could normally hang onto the voters in the past. the try and get after some of the was that typically have gone to donald trump before trump obviously is facing many legal issues uh over the next few months. i mean, are they going to affect him at all? or is that just to noise? you know, it definitely will affect him. it is he's going to spend much of his campaign season in a court room. and this is certainly unprecedented for not only reporters like myself, but also for the voters. what we would typically be seeing is that in these candidates on the campaign trail making stump speeches, but much of the time. now we will also see the republican presumptive nominee in the court room. so we can see donald trump campaigning from outside of courts and
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really facing off with his opponent as he's in court. so this is really going to be interesting. not only is he facing 91 felonies in but and this is for separate criminal cases, not just in his attempt to overturn the 2020 election but also for his handling of classified documents among other allegations. so this is going to be a challenge for donald trump, but it's also going to be a challenge for the american people try to make sense of this because we really are unusual times indeed. and of course, it's not until november, so have plenty of time to go. thanks so much. kimberly. kimberly help you do for us in washington. politicians in the us house of representatives, jews a vote on a bill to ben. take talk to pull his off the bill side of the companies chinese on his pose, a threat to national security. the bill of coals to take talks, parent company bites downs to sell stakes and implications that it owns within 6 months. it takes a lot denies any ties to the chinese government and says that data from american
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uses is held inside the country. it seems that every every even if the legislation is much more than just enough for jump check, talk there. so when i hear these elected official, literally mocked and make fun of tick tock and it's creators to discuss this chart. so many people find really a small business. we learned about a 170000000 people re arms with just their life to help or plans to deploy you in back to multinational forces to restore order and hate to you on hold up. the prime minister ariel already announced he will resign.
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could i support reports from center domingo, the neighboring dominican republic, to haiti's prime minister at atlanta? he has stepped aside and while the transition government takes shape, patients are filled with uncertainty. leverett, when yeah, it's no real that the prime minister is resigning patients of a duty to see if we can find someone who can bring to get the old society and put the country back on track. they need to haiti has been struggling with that political and security crisis. women's fighting between gangs and the police has intensified in the past days. gang leaders said that he lisey's return would trigger a civil war. now that and re, has resigned, talks around the way to pick a new prime minister that will lead the country. they're also moved to for my moutain national security support mission to help the police fight begins. can you
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has put the mission on hold until there is a new government? but the us says the operation should move ahead as soon as possible. right now, as you wait for the appointment of a presidential transition council, which would appoint then a new government, new prime minister, and it goes to the appropriate steps of the canyon government to take. but we think those are steps that will happen, as i said in the very near future, and that would pay the way for this mission to go forward without to us. but trusting the international community is not funding high on the streets of hate the scott, because the guy comes out they go from failure to failure and can do nothing for us . what is happening here is not happening to kind of commer, this happening to us, the population into the political leaders who could not solve the situation. we must take our destiny into our own hands. many, we sent following interventions. un peacekeeping troops, also known as mino stock, left the country in 2017. their presence was marred with accusations of human rights violations and of use the united nation, the size of a move. ty,
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national security support mission will help bring x for support to the haitian that sion of ways to fight against the gang. they say they're not foreign troops on the ground, but fix for support to help stabilize the country so that elections can happen as soon as possible. but for now, guns controlled, hey, peace capital. and for many, the possibility of an election seems distant as they continue to cope with hardships and violence. they see every day betty, so i'll just feed us on blooming for 1000000 people and hazy face, acute food and security. that's the warning from the world food program which says a 1000001 step away from standing. the agency is distributing humanitarian aid from existing reserves, but it says it's only a matter of weeks before it runs out of stock. gabriella, alexander has moved from the united nations. the u. n says they only have enough food left in puerto prince the capital to last
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a few more weeks that according to the world food program, country director. when a briefing on tuesday said that the main port in haiti remains closed due to gang violence. and that is where most of the food enters the country. so the u. n is having to rely on what's left of their emergency stockpiles that are quickly running out with, with this and security it's, it's hampering people from doing very simple things and 80 right now taking your trip to school. i'm going to the supermarket that going to work. all these things are extremely risky, needs security to come back to the country. i need to make sure that you understand that. um a security is important, but it's not a case of, of funds or butter. we actually also need to have focus on on, on, on the feeding, the people in haiti, the world food program estimates. there are 4000000 people in haiti that are food in the secure, with 1000000. just one step away from famine, with
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a shortage of food, that means prices are increasing in some parts of the country, jumping as much as 25 percent. now in terms of the political uncertainty in the country, the u. n says they will support any political transition proposed at the caricom meeting, the calls on all haitian stakeholders to act responsibly, to take steps towards the implementation of the agreement in order to restore the countries democratic institutions through peaceful, credible, participatory and inclusive elections. gabriel's on though, i'll just say to at united nations in new york. so many haitians in the capital portal prints, it's become too dangerous to go to work. that means they have little money for food was the end of the basic necessities. here's the story of one mother who's hungry, demoralized and scared about the future. my name is josephine and tony. i live in posey prince,
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i'm 70 years old. i've been setting coffee for a long time. the trade used to help me take care of my children, but now there is no profits in it because i company on the streets with bullets flying. the gang say that helping us, but the reality is different. we don't have a problem with them. so why are they destroying up businesses? a bag of sugar now goes with $38.00. i can't afford it because people it sells the $13.00. i can't afford it either. so there is no lie for us. the selling on the street is very dangerous because we're close in the middle of the shooting. a few days ago, i inhaled to a gas, i couldn't open my eyes. i had to run away from my coffee store. back in the day i was able to pay my loans, pay rent, and take care of my family. now i can't afford to do that because criminals have destroyed the country. i select my house because of the violence now and stage
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a friend's house only god knows what he'll do with the games because nothing his what to get rid of them and elected president should not tolerate the gangs. maybe that is the change we need otherwise the problem will continue. i struggle a lot because i've notation all day. i don't have enough money to buy food to eat. i used to buy a cup of rice for $0.19, and a small set from $19.00. now if i didn't have $38.00, i calling to food it. my husband died in 2004. ever since then i've been struggling with my kids. politicians say they will do this and that, but that's because they don't seem power. once they're empower, they only help the families and those who voted for them. they don't see you. i will never say to gain though are you alone resigned? it won't brings change the name of that. there is no life he hates. he is sick.
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it's lying in a hospital bed with no good doctors to take care of it. okay. it's time for the with a now his roll with a catch up on cycling sleep. we should catch up with sikes and filippo that's made land full in mozambique near in him by me and then he's going slowly south, just coming off the coast. now there's over water in the mountains, it's slowly strengthening bumps again, which is an interesting point of view. because windsor, $85.00 couldn't be surprised, i think will increase once more. but once they've opened water, the still risks from it of heavy rain that raise over the phone in the future that so what's happened is a bit of 9 shots, admittedly, but probable feldman i saw would be a $140.00 millimeters in 6 hours. so very short order and that's moving the months was in. now please extend you ready for the rest of wednesday and the photo and then says they will say debris so essentially allow thunderstorms and then things
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quite darn. by the time you get to friday. so the storm itself and run stand, it catches s what td this eastern side or south africa before it starts his drinks and was good. but i have open was that would be a shipping risk. but we should look at the capital fest with tv. and here's the full cost, so that's to wednesday morning. rain breezy, south wesley. then it could well be over cost and sundry. it's a pretty hard kingdom off to roll. last thursday's full cost and friday, things improved greatly, but cool day. it was still a head. hey ronelle to sarah, how's filipino nose isn't that you with that being trapped in contracts and given you a work loads, then the american colleagues of water crisis and southwest india will tell you what one site is doing to keep the tabs from running dry. and in sports, that means well, number 2 is targeting is 1st type of winning items. and he's here with that story like
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the is freedom of speech on the internet. a right for something, but not for others. how is 10 or the content has been removed or restricted? when he, the content hasn't just 0 world investigates whether social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. there's a good understanding of the matters that request. there are the standards between israel security services. another part is like my to close cyber space on adjusting it off. the latest news as it breaks or save only the deliveries of food it didn't play needed because at that cute level was hung up and medical supplies need to r. rawlings to with detailed coverage, no sooner do repair works for did this rarely, military rates were assumed and there is more property, destruction from the house of the story. this 10 has been a home and the only shelter, or as someone who family,
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the living conditions are for perfect. the it's the, you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the south. is there any forces have again, right in the cities across the occupied west bank. they killed at least 2 palestinians near ramallah and another to engineering. bulldozers have since been throwing off to destroying infrastructure, engineering, and is rarely soldier and the security code have been stab near chick. points in the occupied with bank is rarely security policy showing killed a teenage palestinian who is believed to have failed the attack of the states. you say it's in the united states for presidential re match and the rice for the white house 1st job. i didn't,
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and donald trump one enough delegates to secure the policies, presidential nominations. the united nations is urging the international community to you nice to help were hanging refugees and bangladesh. it's asking for more than $850000000.00 to provide humanitarian assistance and coaxes bizarre. the only island to bust on chalk, the funds will go towards protecting or hanging refugees and the communities hosting them. bung with issues home to almost a 1000000 were hanging if and violence and persecution of mima. and the un says women and children who make up more than 75 percent of the cancer residents are particularly at risk of abuse and exploitation. of more on this. he has been, le, is the executive director, edward. i think a may a for enough collaborative network. it's a woman lids for having an organization working on human rights issues and she joins us now from vancouver. thank you very much for being with us here on al jazeera. so this plan, is it going to work?
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and i guess what happens if it doesn't i think it brings up a lot of questions, but i think it, it also tells us that there needs to be a renewal of both commitments that the international community is made at this point where seeing dwindling funds and food rations caught and it really speaks to the level of desperation that the people have been dealing with on the ground. as you said, uh, the international community, the calls going out to them. then he's $1852000000.00. where do you think that money is going to come from and how likely is it that they will get that much? i very much doubt that the beach national community will renew its commitment to meet all of the demands. but at the very least, i hope that, you know, some level of this commitment or, or some level of this funds will, will be going to the necessity. you know,
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the various different services that are available on the ground in the caps currently as, as we know with the development in the kansas, that this situation is deteriorating very, very fast. and without this funds, of course, we're going to see some careful, some, some more terrible development fund at developing, you know, i'm events and we're, we're, we're seeing this as a, um, a, something of a push factor as well. because i'm just very recently in the past few months, there has been more and more both arrivals in southeast region region, specifically in northern to my tribe indonesia. and so this is, this is going to be quite disastrous if the, if the funds are, are not raised to the level that, that the services or the necessity are required on the ground. yeah. you, you mentioned the people that afflicting cox's bizarre because of how bad the conditions have got recently,
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i believe within 2000 just in the last 5 or 6 months. how big concern is it different that extra this continues, especially for the countries that they f lean to or um it is, it is, it is quite concerning. um we've, we've had some conversation with eyes and, you know, different stakeholders and that. and the worries on our part, at least on the communities part, is that as an or you know, the regional response, it's not going to ever be ready or, or um, well prepared enough for the influx that potentially will come in. and our prediction is that there will be more and more people who believe from the camps if these um, if you and h c r, i don't have the space amount of funding. if the international community falters on it's all responsibility to to, you know, further that genocide, monstrosity. yeah. well, we know the majority of opinion and responsibility is pulling on buying the dish.
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that is obviously brought attention to how critical is it that they play a major role here, or i think it, it, it is direly need it, that the international community, not only plans for the future in a more long term, you know, manner, the bottom of that she's currently dealing with a lot of burden in, in, in the same, you know, way that you've mentioned. but potentially this could open doors for, you know, force forcefully with a trading people back to on to were kind state, well the situation is still quite violent and, and do something for, you know, for a lot of people were currently living there because the military of intent is currently ongoing, you know, there's, there's an ongoing fight between the winter and an army. and so we're, we're looking at a very, very disastrous ending is be international community doesn't step in. but, but at the same time, it also goes into, you know,
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how much funds are we actually utilizing in order to prop up people's agency. and they, you know, ensure that the funds are not going into necessary services and, and they are, but really building, you know, into empowerment to capacity building so that people will, will not meet these funds long term. okay, well, have to leave for the day, but we really do appreciate your time and inside to this is yasmin or you okay, let's why he is president has blamed to russia for an attack on a close ally of like the russian opposition leader lakes. you know, finding the ended, the volkoff was sold to downsize his home, and then the us on tuesday evening, he was severely injured when and an identified person beat him with a hammer. and the attack comes days before russia's presidential election because tons of support. now his handy, thank you so much. so most of the 1st time in full saying is also are in the quarter finals of the european champions like they are became
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a one know 1st like deficit to be pulled. so on penalties at the everett stadium, david stopped triples. it's been a while since the boss no found themselves in this position already told the english premier needs they've never reached the last day to the champions league the 1st time since 2010. when they were managed by awesome thing, because it all fits his team breaking a run of 7 successive exit to the last 16 stage before a 6 year absence from the competition altogether. well, for them to do it, when the club has a minus do it for 14 years, i tell you the frequency of it and then modern so, so as more than to we find a way to do it again. and then i see how much they want it and how much they trying to add it. want to sacrifice anything to win. that god will love that hospital child one mill heading into the 2nd leg. but 4 minutes before half the time they leveled things out. even with extra time that would no more goals,
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which meant it was the 1st champions league knockout game to go to penalties since the 2016 final between athletic co enrollment rate to also hospital schools a for with this. but it was like, don't keep put david, right, yeah. who stole the show, saving to have photos to send his thing through. step wise, i'm only because step and especially as i loved being that i 7 years we haven't been in this competition in the last 14, we haven't been where we are today. so that's the difficulty of it. and the best thing is we know satisfies one more and we're gonna try to go through the next round. so she'll all still will be full of confidence heading into fridays quote, the final drop and they now have 18 days to regroup. for the next game. a huge title rights crash and the premier lead a way to defending champions. manchester city, david stokes, out to 0. ball sign uh, also celebrating after winning the 1st champions league. knock out game in full use the 5 time your pin champions, reaching the quarter finals with
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a 311 when i'm not really sending lopez, jock and seller and robin. i've been down ski, getting the goals for sending through for the 2 on aggregate. also have going to have some a group stage the last 2 years haven't reached the last states since 2020 a do still trail remedied by 7 points in the spanish. the league, so this is realistically the last chance of thinking of a tracy this season with coach chevy set to step down at the end of the campaign. so you will games coming up a little later on that will complete be cool to find a lot of in some, a lot of a one. the lead heading into the 2nd like again itself, let's kind of madrid into all sorts of serial. having one that last 10 games, let's eco have just 2 wins in non the old site brush adult will host a p as the on housing dot sign level 11 to open during basic phone, just one to 3 to 9. last 13 games, no competitions, highest fee that some of the not shared a busy. i've only those twice and 13 on games now. outside the writing and seem out
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of broken the world record for consecutive wins. they've ranked so that's when see a victory in a row facing fellow savvy, sought out it's a how to hit signal in the 2nd leg of the agent. sam, please wait for the final. that breaks the previous market. chief, my welsh team, the new site, and see themselves broke a 44 year old records set for you. unfortunately, x out of one. the champ is a full times more than any other team. they'll now face outline in the semi fonts casa, across the can. good, and the defensive is indian wells tennis titled, the spanish world number 2, a straight since when air against the how the american a hungry now face like sun, that is there of, in the quarter finals across is. and so in his 1st tournament since last year's wimbledon championship year and a head, she is impressive running california goes on, coming off the back of a big tree, goes on, right, very bless the check. 5 based will number 11, the font of sits fast in straight sets of next payments. australian opened
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champagne. younique's in a in the women's draw a well known industry on site drop, just 3 games on her whites, the quarter finals. this picture of a cows extends usually affix and save the center of the whole lot. well, number one, how long does it take? look at the n b a where the sacramento kings and bates in the milwaukee bucks for the 1st time in moving to use their own fox was the top score with 29 points. the month as a bonus recorded his 47 consecutive double double, which is a franchise recruiting the kings winning this 1129. so nice people and being a run, a 15 straight to face against the bucks, which was the longest active, losing strict anything a wills that number one run goal for has start the farm and rest in his spoke, scotty schifflit, his voice. he's on happiness applies to quit the pga tool to join the saudi right. in fact, live compensation split means some of the games. biggest names won't be taking part . for example,
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in the 1st major season bodies next month semester. i think we're trying to do our best to create the best product for the fans, but we can't control it. and i guys want to leave if guys want to go take the money and leave and that's their decision. you know, i'm not gonna sit here and tell guys not to take hundreds of millions of dollars. if that's what they think is best for their life, then go do it. i'm not gonna sit here and force guys to stay on our tour. shy or tony bus that a to run home, run us his life don't just teen continued the spring training schedule with a winner with the san francisco giants. a tony to saw the record 10. yes, $700000000.00 contract. it's all just the regular season that was started the games against the san diego apologize in south korea next week. and japan's new rugby coach says he's on the account for his supposed version of charmaya tony. australia is edie. jones is back in a joke for 2nd song with the amy says of making japan and one of the wells top full teams. so it's about how we can,
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how we can make young players. they really ambitious and wanting to be the best play as i can and, and create the next right, be a tiny. and then in terms of the team, right, this new plane style, which means we got to try and differently. all right, that is how useful is looking for that. so pretty and thanks so much and a look at well, so hit hit on alan's is here. the funds were just a 150 meters down the track. we could have them still think douglas were on patrol in for real thailand, twit wild elephants and going on the rampage it not the
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the, the,
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the, the capital of india is kind of like a state is facing. it's with voltage shortage and 40 years, they don't deal with the problem. the government plans to find people who use drinking water for other purposes. vanelle fernandez, reports tank is like this of the only source of water for thousands of people in been glue, widely called india, silicon valley, inadequate green, falling water in the version. the creative, amazing, and rapid development have reduced water supplies in the city. west 14000000 people live near to verify law board meeting lopez, no router in the tops, full well as also not working for the last 3 months. we have to do this. we don't get it from the cobra river. it's a big big problem. a lot of do you say $110.00 villages that rely on ground water supplies from bowl? well, as other voice defected,
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the deputy chief it is to have come out to us is nearly half of the 14800 bull wells, have dried up, residents, j authorities are not doing enough to address the problem. and that's forcing them to buy water at exorbitant prices. kiosks, dispensing drinking water like this one of these you, they never eat says 20 liters of water. put it on 60 us cents. the funny thing i added earlier, drinking water was available on our street. that's not the case anymore. now we have to come to this choice with our cons. we have to wait because there is always a queue. hydra is residential blocks. other was suspected residents of this apartment have been told that rationing was stopped on monday with supply times restricted by government officials to dodge a 0. there's a mismatch between supply and demand and the situation with the results sooner to shut the short base. definitely leave you will be bringing the gap in the next
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152015. then we are requesting the engine up for me to many ways that we don't want them. of the state government is a known $60.00 fines. the doors we use drinking water as the purposes that scientists say that a bigger issues to consider. this professor says unplanned a benign nation and over the use of concrete is the main cause of the shortages. he said, 80 percent of vegetation and 79 percent of waterways have disappeared in the last 4 decades. where the spread of concrete has sewage. more than 10 full research top the conclude that they should, that we need to be consistent city. we should think about how do i sting that a lot the to the need. we need to think about the wastewater treatment. if it do that, yes, that is illusion. and all of us will be the otherwise cd dies. and we all have to leave the city with months to go before any rain is expected. residents here are
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hoping things will improve the deck. speed in sofa suggests otherwise. mean that fernandez does eat, or at least one person has been killed in the suspect of gas explosion in the chinese city of san jose, which is close to beijing state media reports. the explosion happens in the restaurants, in the residential area during rush hour and thousands of injured people were taken to hospital. the us has been battling a shortage of health care workers for years to fill the void. it's recruited a record number of notices from the philippines, but labor and migrant rights. active assigned many being exploited. below reports from manila, like many filipino nurses, k or renders, wants to work in the united states. she's one step closer after passing the license exempt. the grass is greener and the house is bigger like that. but what many called the american dream has turned out to be a nightmare for. and again, he's asked us to conceal this identity for fear of prep precautions. he says,
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filipino nurses have heavier workloads, the local staff, they're treating us like dismay then they like for us we are like a cheap label or say for example you have 4 or 5 patients and then you'll see those who are working here. i mean those people who are from here and they were just sitting in the space and if a patient dies, nurses risk losing their license to practice in the us at the else as he pointed out, but couldn't leave because his contract required him to pay $40000.00 in damages if he quit early, even though he covered his own immigration and travel expenses, he also says his recruiter rate of all of professionals to you is a threatened to. the company refused our request for comment. activists say these practices amount to human trafficking, enforced labor threats of d port taishan threats,
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a reputation of damage. all of those are the threats of serious harm can be enough to compel somebody to continue to provide those services that it isn't alone. in recent years, recruitment agencies of filed lawsuits against filipino nurses for breach of contract. but the nurses are finding back tallahassee memorial health care for our real work. told us it's aware of the case involving professionals to you as a and it's reviewing its relationships with recruiters, the us labor department to suit at least one agency for forcing nurses to pay for projected future profits. professional nurse recruiter say a breach, be standard and contracts as this for recovery expenses incurred by the recruitment agency or health care facility. but that amount has to be reasonable as one study in 2020, to predict. if the u. s. will need an additional 450000 nurses. by 2025 a gap. filipinos are eager to fill,
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but one that could lead them vulnerable to abuse. bond below al jazeera manila. if it's to protect endangered elements in thailand, halfway to another problem. as populations of wild elephants have grown, some have straight into areas inhabited by people to find food with tragic results . it's tony chain reports from eastern talent. the group of poland to search for clues is dusk pools in eastern time and the targets a. how does a sports then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up to 400 kilograms of 2 today, withdrawal in the mass of the forest and on to phones. while they try to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. of the darkness falls, more volunteers come to join the hunt
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a few around. but that's just for protection comedy. maybe it's not really a job to hunt, but at least since we're more like spots is we're trying to make sure the elephants don't go to the community. this elephant education center. they try to track the elephants that kate, everyone, and how to react when they encounter the time to the elephant population has been increasing and people have to come across safe to protect themselves and their property. some, at the same time, the friends have become all aggressive as so it is small fiction between humans and animals that we live in. the homes is raced through the country side, search lights pointing into the thick forest. many people in this area right now too scared to go out at nights. and these are not the punctures patty dems. many imagined them to be silent and stealthy. they can creep up in the dock. that's what happened to ties maybe last month, rubber tappers have to work in the cool of the night. but it's a huge risk. okay,
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non got all my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time when the elephant ended up stopping him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community system or imaging during takes all this time there in lock 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still thing in the darkness, but the heading off into the forest and the left and onto the theme. there's no threat unless they decide to turn back is the volunteers showing lights to the to them? they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and then elephant never forgets tony chang else. is there a touch on south eastern thailand? well, that's all for this news out, but i will be back in just a moment with much more of the dies use to start with us.
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the a unique perspective that is done is one of the most, the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it, not the stream on out just the or the
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the, the condition of the things that she needs this, you know, this is this, this is helen sort of female surgery and let me see if the, with this added on to can you show me
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the of the end is riley is trying to get to you in a distribution center in southern guns are killing at least 5 people in rough on the, on tell mccrae this is i will just say we're alive from and so coming up i am. yeah, incredible. interstate nigeria was 287 school children picked up


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