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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 13, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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miss steele really feel like i said, he's a, we're the, we had to we as a new here we are with who is that the that is really ask why case one of the few remaining you in a centers in southern gaza at least 5 people have been killed, including one monroe, lost us then by the time so robin, you are watching. i'll just say we're line headquarters here in the also coming up a warning assignment and a hazy, the united nation says that 4000000 people face a cube suit in security. like jimmy and gunman, holding more than 290 students and stuff, they could not for the school last week,
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reportedly make a run some demand item. yeah. and catalina stage, nigeria was 287 school children. austin, this is coming at the time when multi tick, tock, a time while i time is running. and it's all the social media giants in the us. the welcome to the fact that we'd be getting goes away as many shells have hit a united nations humanitarian distribution center in rough killing at least 5 people, including a un employee. then the $155.00. you and installations of being bonuses as well started as for don't tell you about more than a 100 and please of the un agencies of palestine. refugees has also been killed, including doctors, and the engineers have a marks. this is only
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a yeah. and are gonna love this is for bidding, we are an international institution. all of this is for the people we stopped returning to our homes. we work your day and night to serve refugees. we take all of this to the elderly and the children. what is this? at least 17 palestinians have been killed on foot as many as strong talks with residential buildings in con eunice in southern casa, israel has continued to intensifies bombardments of the cause, a strip of palestinians of ramadan. morgan's 31000 palestinians have been killed as israel started its war on garza and early october to recover those whom has moved from adolfo again. russell has been on the bottom of this time. are you on a distribution center has been attacked by the is ready for i to just still have a bound? did one of the areas that is responsible for distribution guys,
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for more than 1900000 palestinians being displaced here in a rough ha. now this type of sold to, to the clinical far promised williams with dozens of injuries who are right right now in the critical condition. so he's 30 minutes. he did not provide a key comes comment regarding the attack. and the incident today you for it could be understood among palm city inspector. a key sign back is where it is much completely slipping out. it's got a 3 attacks and rough specifically and a distribution centers on the coming days if they are clearly planning to carry out to military and cogent for the city here where hundreds of thousands of people not receiving aid from that center that have been bound to pay and absolutely, this is key for palestinians among the ongoing pressure being exhausted by the is what a minute treat on residency in the south, wild palestinians are completely afraid to be deprived for the given scenario. supplies and assistance being delivered throughout these a distribution centers is specifically that they are right now mainly defending
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those such centers for receiving my savings. i believe sort of policy chief says that starvation is being used as a weapon of all in garza addressing the united nations security council members on choose day. yes. a but i'll describe that humanitarian crisis in the besieged strip has been made when we look for alternative ways of providing support by c y s, we have to remind that we have to do it. because the natural way of providing support for road is being closed, officially close on this sort of ation is being used as a will arm. and when we condemn this happening in new grain, we have to use the same words for what's happening in gas. but spring and i'll just have a senior political analyst ball bushera in london, high ball. and so the foreign policy chief,
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i think his voice is concerned really to the war on garza but you and i be wondering for quite some time while your husband spoke earlier, allowed to yes, i think for the past 4 or 5 months, the europeans like the americans had been driven more by cynicism, that by any sense of morality or decency, when it comes to the war, the genocide, the world crimes, the more children but as unravelled in place side on the tv screens around the world. that's it. of a cynicism what you quoted a single stand that they just basically pursued their interests, whether they do this in ukraine or what is right and turn their back on the human suffering. that is taking place in gaza in fact, in order to sign. but funding to be spoken as we start once and again late is better than never the thing i think they now will justify themselves as having
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spoken. i'm excited. they have been complicit in the genocide and guided by the past 5 months. it makes you to wonder again, i'd like your analysis on this about how much joseph bell is being pushed because the, nobody speaks with one voice. yet we've seen in this past, you know, 4 to 5 months, how you nation's individually have had very different views on the war on gauze that you, that you have got belgium in spain, an island, and then you've got various others who are more, you might say prone to a supporting israel, they will have to look at themselves as, as a unique body as to how they deal with as well as they move forward. yes sir, that is a general problem. when it comes to the uniform box, we can be able to pick uh, i mean, real decisions because the decision would have to be consensual, swinehart to get some sorts accomplished. i agree on a loss, and yes, there is such a thing as human decency. there is such a thing as a waterfront and there is such
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a thing as unconditional support to the country that's part of that is cutting. so they don't seem to have a problem. a simple thing is the soul, right? of self defense. when actually it doesn't exist in occupied territories, or they seem to disagree on questions on the driver's side, which they shouldn't be anywhere 5 months later. clearly there is a consensus that at least some minimal business. it has to be met in saying we cannot turn the inside and it's about a start, a vision as of what the war either we use by is or that gets a deeper on costs. and the last several weeks i've been just phenomenal in the way that these are and has used few course vines, i guess before basically standing in line to get so the way it has locked me for getting to the people who need it most. so i think they use are part of the be
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speaking because they just kind of hide any more from the stark that the pictures are coming out of. oh gosh, i mean they just have to come take a look at what you just reported. i know the admissions agencies been taught by the time people are waking up children waiting online to get a phone call at 400 or more to the united nations agency. as good. it is 4 months and guys are done in the world when it comes to more than $1300.00 children were killed in gus. i'm one of them for years. a want to have to reach out again. i don't want to remain silent about something like this. they were being like a 100 years, or at least most of them of the daughter in law because
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a handful of people wasn't confused by the jews by side or the us. it is genocide in gaza. and the 8 continues to flow too. so why is forms of doing? oh oh no, i'm more than happy to 60 by his right. and it's sanctioned by your bills and americans remains to get arms. i'm fine on a separate 1st set this and she, i think it is remarkable what is going on in the worst the world that presumably stands for democracy in human rights. while he gets back against the children casa, authentic, his whole mist out, the might say, by the public though, while the politicians work in one particular area, you might say, baldwin, the public uh adult, blind or deaf to what best seeing all the tv screens and on social media and with
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every important collections coming up in june, these very politicians are going to have to justify that positions if they want to keep the places in power. but frankly, he's been an percentage of the level of public support for justice and about a sign for an immediate impairment of cds fire in gaza for anything that is really the question and guys of the public support, the countess european cities have been remodeled. i personally my experience, someone was because the house. oh, western nations for the past 30 years. haven't seen anything similar. why they've got size be found good. why guys are a big star. fortunately, the people around the world are we can go to israel's. i don't use this words like we actually don't use this for the one, but i'm gonna have to use the site to is pure evil in god's people just got tickets
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anymore and they're making the sound their voice. or i think they're making sense because they are putting the meters machine, whether it is in washington, brussel, patters, london, believe elsewhere. thank you. and pin west. so the, those, the general are working up to the fact that the people are not stupid. there might have been cited, they didn't want to be on the preoccupation. but the seas from guys a week, it was something in the, in the, in the all the conscious, the, to the cautious or western or so on. i think more people need specially on the, on what conducted effect and making divorce, or unfortunately it might be a task being heard. we'll leave that for the event tomorrow, the shower, the thank you. a funeral has been helpful to people killed by his very forces during a raise in the occupied west bank. 2 and
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these are products and these guy that in that you need to cancel the service fee is really encouraging the alarm system move and 6 hours now is ready for us is they've killed 432 palestinians. we all could find westbank since, as well again as well, garza last year outside realize ready for the shot dead at least 2 palestinians during a raid near a minute to check points in other tube. another 3 was injured and being treated in hospital beyond me says they were throwing stones as is rated vehicles. 2 the, let's move to hating our plans to deploy a un bucketfuls to restore order on hold of the prime minister ariel on reset the pill. step down. this comes as the well food program, most of alluding simon. the agency says full 1000000 people in haiti of facing
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acute food and security. it's been described as a humanitarian aid from existing reserves. i made a renewed wave of gun violence, but the wsp says it will run out of stock within weeks, john home and joins us now from son to domingo in neighboring dominican republic. hi john. obviously the kidney is not going to be sending the police force to haiti right now, but the ground realities mean that they do need some sort of stability. and this is what politicians need to try and so talk very quickly of the yes and when you look at the picture in height, the size, i think we both know is not just the politicians that it's full. so the gang that with the politicians, like you don't have a see about table of deciding what happens with the country. it's the games that really put a chunk codle in the country that made such a wave of violence and the rest that there was not
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a lot of choice except the prime minister at a low rate to step down. they seem to fools that they cover 80 percent of the capital are in charge of 80 percent of the current capital and the surrounding areas. they are in charge with, with the food gets a certain sections of the population. you were just talking bad about the world for your program, and there were estimations that a 1000000 people might be in danger of farming now in the country. so this is a political situation, but it's also a situation with the games, which makes as well as security situation because there's no hold on them. certainly not from the haitian police were hopelessly out max of the moment. i'm not from the can you pull stuff on going to come in as you mention until they feel that there is a government in place, the sorts of even the operation, the all bells, all ringing though all day john, about food and security. we spoke to an ex, but just a little while ago saying that, you know, there was some food distribution, but it's coming just from reserves. but there's obviously no sign of any aid
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guessing in from way you are right now, that there are several avenues of ways of age getting into the country. yup. so he rides the boat as close to the dominican republic. i'm. that's one of the types he's biggest ways of getting in food and services. the airports closed, the pool, so closed and we were hearing you were speaking earlier with the director of the will through programming heights in saying that even the roads getting into the capital from the agriculture into land around. i hate say they're all so close to the moment, so he described it as a bubble. you can describe it was so is a child cold the games have and it's stopping produce, getting around. and that's being felt of the moment in the poor, his thoughts as usual on the carpet. so there's talk about mt. nutrition increasing among children, especially is something that he's, he's been struggling with for a long time now gang. so having just pops up. they've been around for some years
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and they type that control and that chart code of the capital for some years. organizations like the world food program for some time. i've had this upset post outside of neighborhoods. it's hard for them to get in things for people to come out and actually get fed in the sense if they've got shut off. that's what it's like and hate say, but obviously this problem of rule as most of a lack of governance, remember it's been a year now since the last elected official in the hate see the last elections, they have what i d is ago. so what about coming together is made the situation just was will continue to follow events with you, joe. the incentive to being assigned to you. i, in the still ahead here, hold out, is there a se, and celebrations after a victory for saddam's? i'll make the story coming up the a week to look at the world's top business stores. how much of the rebuilding going
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to cost and who pays from global markets and economies of small businesses have just started seeing and station come down and how it affects the lives? how big a problem is going on? food insecurity counting the cost. oh no, just the generation simple meets premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts and appear in it, is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add tyria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country. from its struggle for liberation to the 20000000 to protest the political reform generation simple episode to phone which is era use from i'll just on the go and need tonight out is there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is
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a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think? is it the, [000:00:00;00] the book about what you all just bear with me? so roman, in the heart of mind to, of all top stories is very nice shows that the united nations humanitarian distribution center in southern guns are killing at least 5 people. did the $155.00 view and installations have been on since israel started it's will. it will tell you, but at least 17 palestinians have been killed after it is really as frank talk to the residential buildings in con eunice,
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in southern gaza as well as continue to intensifies bob bob into the gaza strip palestinians of the drum. it done the plans to deploy you in bucketfuls to restore order on hold. after 5 minutes, i will reset the hill step down. this comes as well to take on wounds of a living. simon agency says full. many people in haiti are facing a cute suit in security. the government in nigeria demanding around 7 for the release of 296 students and staff who could not from a town of could he go in kaduna state last week. the kids up is have demanded the $620000.00 and threatened to kill hostages if possible received within 20 days. 61 of those have also been abducted from the village of buddha in the past 48 hours, and the address of the latest from the town of judah. then the village of buddha, of this problem is, must say,
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we're talking about 600 rad victims. keep not within a period of one week in northern nigeria alone, we're not talking about those that we haven't heard before. then military. then i did a military which is taking the lead in legal process, i guess, branded, i guess all season that i did, delta i guess took me off as a guys called just, i guess people who want to separate a separate homeland the be off or in the south east of the country are the big. these are the people the military is confronted right now. i'm in every state. you do get to hear about kid. nothing's newton austin, not always the military. it's almost great. in addition to dealing with other critical issues, they are restrict you have 350000 policemen in this country. in the words of one governor, i spoke to recently that i know enough boots on the ground, we met some locals. we also met people who really escaped on the night of the invasion by the spend. it's uh, for example, one woman. as for me, that when the band is broken throughout whom the one looking for
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a husband and when she couldn't produce it, after you get under the bed, they took it away and then they full start to carry lots of luggage and which she said she couldn't handle then shortly after, as they start moving out of town, there was a military patrol that arrived and that was when the attention of the bandage was divided. she to better for 20 to drop the bags and run as fast as she could. the fighting continues instead of despite the united nations security council cool for ceasefire during the muslim hadn't even of ramadan on tuesday, the army we gain control of the studio is the symbolically important stake television center to the local repulse, not from the. this is the premises of sedans, national cooperation for radio and television. or at least it's used to be because of the slicing between the hours of and disabilities. army. this is what now it looks like there are signs of the fighting that took place between the sudanese
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army and the parent military rapids support forces. d r s f was in control of this building since april 15th, when fighting broke out between the recess and the sudanese army incidents capital . how to tune the premises also home to sedans, oldest and largest collection of archives. and that includes archives from sedans, independence up to just before the conference began in april. now over the past few months, this is denise army laid siege to the premises. off the broadcasting corporation and for weeks has been typing the siege around the permanent, through rapid support forces. and the early hours of tuesday morning, the sudanese army was able to regain control of this premises. now this is significant for 2 reasons. historically, whoever controls to them and its government controls the state television. so symbolically, this gets the food in his army on upper hand. it also shows how far the to the
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needs army has come over the past few months of fighting between it's and the iris have sedans. army has been regaining grounds and territories from the power military are assessed in the city of the mind and in other parts of the capital as well. now the united nations security council has called for a cease fire to be observed during the muslim holy month of ramadan for release supplies to reach the civilians that have been affected by the conflict. but fighting continues between the army and the rest of the sudanese army says that there will be no cease by it unless the recept withdraws from civilian facilities. i'm from cities it took over since may last year. the iris of has refused to do so, so far, i think continues with ne, fired to be observed, at least for the time being incident, and especially in the capital have to them people morgan onto 0. i'm pretty mind. stevens house of representatives says overwhelmingly approved available with false chinese evidence to so take talk. suppose is of the bill, say trying these out of shape. all the popular social media poses
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a threat to national security. it goals the parent company, bug guns to summit chance within 6 months. tick tock denies any ties to the chinese government. a lot of the fisher as move from the capitol hill. i'm sure there people are home thinking. what's the problem here? pick top. so if people go to watch cat videos and people dancing and all that sort of stuff, why with the us house of representatives, even boulder with us. well, there are people who believe that take told the pin company is essentially run by the chinese government that they have got to what in cahoots with them? because otherwise they wouldn't get the chance to operate in china and elsewhere. now there's a 170000000 users in the united states. and the politicians, the lawmakers are concerned that not only could use or d to be taken and used by the chinese government. but the video recommendations could be pushed at following a political agenda. so essentially,
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the chinese government could orthotic talk to spot a particular candidate in the us presidential election that is coming on. so we had this odd situation with the republicans arguing for and against the bond, the same with democrats, but the house of representatives has taken the historic step and it is an historic step that it will take the 1st step towards a coupon of a social media platform in the united states. now, assets to protect endangered elephants in thailand to have led to another problem was populations of wild relevance of guide some of the straight into areas inhabited by people to find food with tragic results. tony chang report so from eastern thailand or the group of the following to search for clues is dusk pools in east in thailand. the targets a how does a spot then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here have adapted,
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hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up to 400 kilograms of 2 today. withdrawal in the mass of the forest and on to phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet the result can be disastrous. of the darkness falls, more volunteers come to join the hunt a few around. but that's just for protection. somebody, maybe it's not really a job to hunt, but at least since we're more like spots is we're trying to make sure that the elephants don't go near the community that these elephant education center. they try to track the elephants that kate, everyone, and how to react when they encounter the time to the elephant population has to be an increasing and people have to come across safe to protect themselves and their property. some at the same time, the funds have become a aggressive house. so it is small fiction between humans and animals that we live in. the homes is raced through the country side,
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search lights pointing into the thick forest. many people in this area right now too scared to go out at nights. these are not the punctures. packee dams many imagined them to be silent and stealthy. they can creep up in the dark. that's what happened to ties maybe last month. rubber tap is have to work in the cool of the night, but it's a huge risk. okay, non got all my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time when the elephant ended up stumbling him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community system or imaging drone takes all this time there in lock 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them starting in the darkness, but they're heading off into the forest and the elephant onto the theme. there's no threat unless they decide to turn back is the volunteer is showing lights to the to
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them. they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food and an elephant never forgets tony cheng l to 0. touch on south eastern thailand. what do you say the hop not counting? the cost is next to do stay with us here on the the brought to you by visit castle. now as the sun comes north, so the band of rain around the 10th to move north was it which changes to focus on where the potential funding is for southeast asia. and i would say job is at risk of that and it will lines to the east, the knowles of it, then it's costing there and much is too much of it's much dry than it did. and that's true. most of board there and probably the philippines to the ball and you
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still has that risk, a big showers and the end of winter sees a breeze still picking up enough time to build snow shelves to the mountains of a home issue. but the sol, so that there isn't that cold a longer evening. how big my prostate and i most of central and northern childs enjoying the sunshine in the south in south the yangtze in particular that seemed to have clouded stretching east was and the rain all made along the river valleys getting heavier and heavier it might catch hong kong every now and again, but it seems be heading further east and north towards shanghai. we've recently seen yes, again, a deluge in the final for pakistan and of in northern india and indeed afghanistan, but that's, that's resolved into a few sto, shala's doesn't know the rest india, pac 7 bank. today's popular ones you like to shop is allows you to draw a picture and the sun is coming out. so because of that time she's a rising, any cutting cobble, but $22.00. and if then, what about the weather brought to you by visit castle in the miners and tried to switch,
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switch to new extinction. now the ami enjoys and community groups to bring the box from the bring one a one east investigates. the the hello, i'm elizabeth put on and this is counting the cost on al jazeera, your weekly look at the world of business and economics this week. the american economy is remarkably strong, but foreign costs are high and many americans can't afford to buy


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