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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the, this business uptake, the rooftop, no bundle dash football to use the the, you're watching the news, our life or my headquarters and oh hi, i'm getting you navigate, here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes and is really or strike hits. one of the few remaining un 8 centers in southern gaza at least 5 people are killed in that attack, including one owner, a member of stuff, the u. s. has condemned the attack. these really military is really government, have a responsibility and obligation to do everything possible to ensure that the monitoring
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is, can do their jobs. a warning of famine and hate seen the united nations as 4000000 people faced acute food in security. nigerian gunman holding more than $280.00 students and staff reported lead, make around some demands for their release knowledge. so sure. on capitol hill where us lawmakers have taken the 1st test and what could possibly lead to a fan of tech tool. in the united states, the hello, we'd be getting guys all where one of the few operating u. n. a centers has been struck by is really showing at least 5 people were killed and 22 injured in that attack on the facility. and jeff, off on southern gaza, one of the one of those killed was an owner. what employees now the headphone arise
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issued a statement saying the group regularly shares the coordinates of fits facilities with all parties. not israel's army receives information about this facility on tuesday. in total, more than a $151.00 of our facilities had been hit since the war began in october, the un secretary general spokesman, has condemned this latest attack. it has a negative impact on our ability of staff to, to, to work. it has a negative impact on the ability of those who need aid to get aid. it's, it's another, it's another tragic symbol of the conditions under which our humanitarian colleagues work every day in um in garza well owner, what is the main humanitarian agency in gaza? it's been facing an unprecedented crisis after its main international donors led by the united states, cut funding out 0 as part of our assume has more on the situation on the ground
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from it off off in southern gaza, of israel has been a completely imposing more restrictions and paid deliveries to the gauze trip since they one of the fighting as that'd be broken or kinds of age entries until the whole process of negotiations to reach cease fire agreement. right now, it's been clearly that the more expensive the military attacks to reach to the headquarters and the warehouse has a distribution centers, one by the owner over here in the roof. and the area is supposed to be at save. 7. has its been, has been designating for the majority of conference. he has, we have been seeing it devastating a tech, had killed 5 palestinians of putting you on a facility, a to and stuff. and, and this is absolutely terrifying, but it's been a systematic trying to create unsafe environment for the majority of the humanitarian work. cuz inside the territory here,
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as also the majority of the united nation width is our freedom now unsafe as the un humanitarian relief coordinator. marketing, chris wrote one textbook. how are we to maintain a gratian without teams and supplies? ok was technically under freight and says, absolutely what palestinians are afraid of. it's the collapse of the united nations facilities and also services, insight profit, which means that more than 85 percent of the causes population will be deprived from receiving human charity and supplies. as is really trying to deliberately create a state of carriers where people completely lose trust and also the sites in front costs are pushing them to leave the territory or at least to keep the situation under completely unbearable conditions and circumstances. the us secretary state antony blinking is again calling for the protection of humanitarian workers in gaza
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. patty calhane has more from washington dc, a very brief press conference with us secretary state, answer your blinking here at the state department. you wanted to talk about a video conference call that was hosted with cypress, the us, the european union, united kingdom, you a cutter, and the united nations. they're really trying to coordinate how they're going to do this temporary here in dallas or to get aiden by see, he said it's going to take time. but he said he hopes that when it is up and running to be able to deliver 2000000 meals a day, he did say that this can only just complement a that really needs to go in the most effective way, which is overland. now he did say that it would be good if he is released to provide a very definitive list of items that are not allowed and to speed up inspections. so when asked who is to blame for such a little a getting in? he did not blame d as relates. he was asked about just the latest attack on a food distribution side in gaza without getting to the specifics of this incident
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. because again, i don't know the facts. i think it does as a general matter, underscore something i talked about a few minutes ago. and that's the imperative of having much better and much more consistent confliction, a manager and workers, the agencies they need to be able to do their jobs. and with as much security and as much confidence as possible. many of the questions focus on potential consequences for israel, as you know, president joe biden said that there was a red line. if they were to invade rasa, he didn't go into any detail that they're even maybe potential consequences if the prime minister of israel benjamin danielle, who does what he's been said is going to do and invade rafa. anyway, patio haynes al jazeera at the state department. israel has been restricting the entry a few mandatory and supplies into a garza with a highly complicated inspection system. and un says, a truck loaded with aide was turned back on monday because it had scissors used in children's medical kits. the list of band items has been getting longer since
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israel started it's war and early october. it includes basic and life saving items like anesthetics, cancer, medication maternity tips as well as oxygen cylinders don't teaser up to is the president and chief executive and save the children in the us. she says that she was surprised by some of the items being rejected. a border crossings while she was on a visit in january, i saw a $120.00 boxes, games for children being rejected because the boxes made of wood and had to be packed and parts and boxes i, sol, hygiene kids would show up in blankets and cemetery pass for women rejected because it was a meal clipper. so the, the list goes all and i think the key thing here is also it is very unpredictable which trucks that make it into gaza and which ones are rejected. so i so hungry drops there at the crossing irish waiting for there to are some of them were there
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for the 2nd or 3rd time. and then so that they didn't get it. because the authorization given for those drugs sometimes to return, sometimes they go a 2nd or 3rd time. so it is that a level of predictability and she or adequacy of the number of supplies that are coming in. that is making the delivery of good humanitarian assistance at scale so complicated and go home today. they allow the basic food items, blankets, clean water and in bottles. so slow. 1 or so it told me that it was just, well, you know, even at the time this is the general we saw and i was there were about a $130.00 trucks on average per day going in versus 500 trucks and were going before the 7th now we're what, 56 weeks later, we're now looking at a further the management of the number of trucks being loaded. so that is a real problem. and aside from the, even if trucks make a,
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to go to the distribution inside, got and still usually problematic. partly because of the, the confliction and the violence that you just talked about earlier, that is still going on it's making unsafe for us to do our work at unsafe for the communities we are trying to help. and it is there. so role and destruction around that, it is physically even hard to actually get to the last mile in order to deliver our supplies when they make it in the scale. and this will be an adequate situation, is getting worse. 5 minutes we are now here. the 4th from children starving to death, literally starving to death, completely unnecessarily aside from the injuries and, and the killing that's been going on because all of the lack of a cease fire. and what we're doing, we're trying to do our most, we have about 34 weeks inside mostly punch stadiums with the, with a number of international colleagues there. we're trying to be everything we again, we can't get live, c, h 2 people to give them as to hospitals to get
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a military treatment to children when we can be severely impacted in northern gaza. palestinians are finding it hard to give loved ones, a dignified, very old, but one man is making it his duty to give his deceased brother a respectful send off with the help of kindness from strangers. iran or la con reports just a warning to our viewers. so may find the images disturbing, is on a desolate coastal road in northern casa. i need crunches next to the lifeless body of this brother hospital. he's in shock. despite his mental state sites clear on his duty to get hudson's body to the mor good, i'll ship a hospital in the front of
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a few minutes. several men come to help on foot and surrounded by devastation in silence. they start out then more people join them, providing an abandon shopping cart. the sight recounts what happens when the machine of the home well the way up and then we were walking and holding a white flag, heading south with several other 5 died and then a tank shell fell from above us along with it. my brother was holding my 2 year old nephew, when the attack happens, all of this. i don't know where he is, though. i tried to retrieve my brother's board and is there any time continued shooting at us? the x in the holding
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onto his dead brother's ankle. so you've never leaves his side. on reaching l ship, a hospital site is consoled by people he meets. and asking questions about his late brother, the members of a community shattered by war. coming together to help a stranger the sides obligation to his brother has been filled. how soon his journey is now complete? the rental of han out to 0. a funeral has been held for 2 people killed by is really forces during a read in the occupied westbank. 2 hundreds
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of palestinians gathered in the janine refugee come for the service is really incursion into the area. last that for nearly 6 hours is really forces have killed $432.00 palestinians in the occupied westbank. since israel begun it's for on gaza last year. an outside that i'm on the is really forces have shot dead at least 2 palestinians during a raid near a military checked point in a jeep. another 3 were injured and are being treated in hospital. the army says they were throwing stones, it is really vehicles means that he has more on the rates from it on a line they occupied westbank and why israel is targeting palestinian infrastructure. the palestinians in 60 percent of lands in the occupied west bank need permits to be able to build any structure in areas known here as areas seats. but because more than 97 percent of those permits gets rejected by israel palestinians go ahead and build those structures anyways. as a result,
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these really forces go and demolish them. this is one great that took place in an old job. but let's talk about the other rates that took place in other places here in the occupied west bank. mainly one of them in janine that last is for hours source is around to a local time where these really forces, if pushed through inside the janine refugee camp, where they've killed at least 2 palestinians outside the hospital. basically, we're talking about the tense situation here in the occupied respect with at least 5 palestinians killed in the last 24 hours. when we talk about those reeves, let's not forget that the main goal is to conduct a rest. and since the beginning of the war, we're talking about within 7500 palestinian prisoners who have been taken into his rated custody. which means you're talking about thousands of families. we're going to be breaking their fast without their loved ones. it's a means a tense situation and palestinians here will tell you, you know,
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these really forces do not care if it's normal done or not. they're going to continue their violations, upgrades against positives palestinians have named the street in jericho after aaron bush, though he's been us airman, who died after setting himself on fire to protest against israel's war on gauze, on surface drive your reports from jericho and the occupied westbank we're here on the newly named aaron bush now straight in jericho. the town council meeting unanimous decision to name the street after this man, but before his actions on february 25th. nobody living here. no palestinians probably living across the occupied territories, even knew his name. and active duty, us air for service spent just $25.00. he's set himself on fire in front of us. really embassy in washington dc. it was a protest of israel's war on garza and his own government's role in it posted you and say it was a powerful expression of solidarity. and he connected with people here, shot them have not a metal yet,
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but i felt that he will assembly someone who's so close to us who shares or the paint i cried when i saw with an a kite every time i do. this is the ultimate sacrifice at a time where no one seems to see us. we feed solely on one street sign may not change. but here in one of the longest, continuously inhabited cities in the world, the gateway, the palestine. aaron bush, nels name lives on. how the and the palestinians in jericho, the service month, jericho was a tourist destination and we wanted history to link to the main one in our city. so people would know that palestinians are strongly connected to those who share their love for freedom, independence, and rights. we have friends across the world to a ready to sacrifice, in order to end domestic, as the mayor of jericho says he hopes to invite aaron's family as a special guest to see the town. to see that despite the fact that his death was so
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tragic, what he did is earned him a special place in the hearts and minds of the people here posted in you and say that what aaron did here in his final words, free power made them feel seen and for that, he will soon be forgot the same bus, probably older 0, jericho in the outside west spend hundreds of for testers calling for a cease fire and gaza blocked the international terminal at san francisco's airport . airport officials say the demonstrations did not disrupt air travel, and the passengers were rerouted to another terminal, the san francisco protest, or just the latest and a series of actions taken around the world. since the war on gaza began the to hating our plans to deploy a u. n backed force to restore order on hold after prime minister oil and reset
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that he will step down. and this comes to the world food program warrens from blooming fan, and the agency says 4000000 people in hate. so you're facing acute food in security . it's been distributing humanitarian aid from existing reserves and made a renewed wave of gang violence. but the w p says it will run out of stock within weeks. john holeman has more from santa domingo and neighboring dominican republic . i hate see, is really in a moment of white thing right now. and that's because in a few rates between power being countries, the united states, and also have permanent access within pay see itself that was agreed for a transitional council to be announced. this is going to be 7 people with a vote to observe is from public society into safe grades. they're gonna decide what the next students are in probably minutes through the country is how to kick start the elect tool prices. remember that the country hasn't had the elections,
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but i use, i know, so how to get going, the deployment of a police keeping force from that can you that's meant to try to come in and restore order in the country. the problem is, at the moment, they're all the names of who's actually going to be on that transitional count, so haitian political groups seem to still be deciding that within themselves. meanwhile, there seems to be a sense of law at the moment in the country, off the recent extreme violence out on the streets, the storming of police stations, the mass breakouts from prisons as perhaps even the country's own powerful gains. wait to see what's going to happen. the wall that's going on. there's also a dire situation with food security. moving 4000000 people at the moment, don't have food security in the country says the world food program. they will so say that more than a 1000000 people are in danger of funding in hate. see,
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so the situation remains a cute in the country don't home. and i would just say the incentive the mean go, the dominican republic, the united nation says they'll begin to immediately withdraw some non essential stuff from hate to do to the volatile security situation. essential staff who are providing life saving assistance will stay. gabriel alexander has more from the un headquarters in new york to you and would not specify exactly how many people would be affected by this order. but for some perspective, i can tell you the un has about 1500 staff inside haiti. and of those about 17 percent or international staff. now the u. n. made this decision after reviewing a security and risk assessment that they look at periodically and for the past 2 weeks or so. o u n staff working in haiti, or under
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a shelter in place order, meaning that they could not just roam around 3 weeks on the streets and that's due to the security situation there. now. now the main message from un headquarters on wednesday is that the u. n would not be leaving 80 and that the essential staff members would continue to do their humanitarian work in the country as best as they can just with slightly less personnel to do it. this humanitarian work is critical now more than ever. and so you and says that there were 1000000 haitians that are on the verge of famine. and about 360000 haitians internally displaced, including $15000.00 alone that have been pushed from their homes just this month. gabriel's on though, i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. was on more time bowers, the hated country director of the world food program. and he says that the violence and the capital for the princes, worst thing,
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the existing food crisis in the queue concern we have is that the order prints is essentially on a bubble. the roads in and out of 4 prints have been not controlled by arn groups for a long time. and these past few days before it's been closed and there been no incoming slides. what this means is that the food stops and 4 prints are being drawn down for the prints is cut off from it. so agriculture, inter land. and we're seeing food prices rise. we're seeing a scarcity of some food items. and we need to know the population in 4 prints is extremely vulnerable. 1.6000000 people accurately for the insecure in puerto prince . and the 4 sections are for print report and see if there's still a experience to brush was found in just a little over a year ago, about 20000 people in caesar. so they were categorized is facing spam and light condition. so we're really concerned that if things don't get better, we're going to have the most vulnerable population, get one step closer to them. and you should note that the children in puerto prints,
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the most volatile part of the population, are a great greatest risk. i am economy and of our credit. okay. it's important for us . you've got malnutrition rates that are as high as they are. they are in, in word zones. well, here's a story. if one mother who's hungry, demoralized and frightened about the future, my name is josephine and tony. i live in posey prince, i'm 70 years old. i've been setting coffee for a long time. the trade used to help me take care of my children. but now there was no profits in it because i company on the streets with bullets flying. the gang say that helping us, but the reality is different. we don't have a problem with them. so why are they destroying up businesses? a bag of shooting now goes with $38.00. i can't afford it. the coffee put sells the $13.00. i can't afford it either. so there is no lie for us. the somebody selling on the street is very dangerous because we're close in the middle of the
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shooting. a few days ago, i inhaled to a gas, i couldn't open my eyes. i had to run away from my coffee store. back in the day i was able to pay my loans, pay rent, and take care of my family. now i can't afford to do that because criminals have destroyed the country. i select my house because of the violence. now i stay at a friend's house only god knows what he'll do with the gangs because nothing his what to get rid of them and elected president should not tolerate the gangs. maybe that is the change we need, otherwise, the problem will continue. i struggle a lot because i have no teeth and all day i don't have enough money to buy food to eat. i used to buy a cup of rice for $0.19, and a small saxon $19.00. now if i didn't have $38.00, i calling to food it. my husband died in 2004. ever since then i've been struggling
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with my kids. politicians say they will do this and that, but that's because they know to empower. once they're empowered, they only help the families and those who voted for them. they don't see you. i will never, it's a game. well though, are you alone resigned? it won't bring change. there is no life here. hate is sick. it's lying in a hospital bed with no good doctors to take care of it. well, gunmen have attacked another village in nigeria as can do no state. seizing 61 people, mostly women and children. it's the 3rd attack in a week and more than 300 people are now missing some of these reports from food on the village and could do know where that kidnapping took place. people in the world, the communities in the ideas couldn't estate. us can. these of to keep a couple of more than 280 school children,
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including what they called brand. it struck again and put the village, dozens of people. what do you do? who not only escaped natasha. they ordered the out of the house to carry them to do was heavy. elsa had my baby on my back to my soldiers arrived, the bandits panicked because i seized the opportunity to drop the load and run the terms of website and yeah, by a few others. also got free goods in the community. i mean, we're not to do the drive us out like counseling to the outskirts of definitive and the minute for that, right? we run into a north trip. that's how some of us escape. but my wife and step mother did not being held by bandits along with 58 other people here. say if the soldiers not arrived, everyone in the village could have been abducted. they will just say dozens of attackers arrived just before midnight, then went from house to house, seizing men,
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women, and children. this is a 3rd to type in federal and state within one week on fellows the kidnapped of 287 score children, or the number of objections in nigeria. as knowles has increased, at least 600 people have been kidnapped in the region this month. and almost strict security service is struggling to contain the lawlessness sweeping across many nigerian states. the government is key to reassure people government to make sure the company's depression, but really just say gunman rule freely in many parts of northern nigeria, imposing what they call texas and their own laws on helpless. but i just and it seems that it's a little stop. how many degrees? obviously that would nigeria the still ahead on the out. is there
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a news our why rush us later blood referencing is confidence of extending is 24 years and power ahead of for presidential election on fridays. and a prominence were wanting to an office. this and politician says she'll fight on after suffering gifts set back, and course the the had a lot of that was on down on the in australia and the monsoon 12, as we developed across the north of the country where he was at risk of rain, some fund the storms and as well as the risk of some tropical flight clothes in the day that we've got a couple of swelling systems here. one of those is expected to put into the north of w a. it's going to bring a very heavy rain. we've already seen flooding down in the south, west and australia, and you can see that boomerang shape that's set to pull more rain to most southern
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areas over the next few days. but past managers to stay dry, the temperature setting in the early thirty's, we'll see some winter weather starting to creep in along the east coast with new south wales. some of that rain folding and sidney feel free to attempt to down $25.00 degrees celsius. the on friday now temperatures will be coming down across new zealand. something of a cool change coming in the days ahead. with the weather pouring into the very south, it'll eventually ripple its way north with some heavy falls to come from the north on an open at 22 degrees celsius. the on friday. and rain is still the story across march of southeast asia, especially down in the south. we've got that ribbon of rain pouring into pots of indonesia, bring a flood of risk to java as well as slo wessy. had to show us to come to northern parts of the philippines on friday. the, the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500
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columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fight around 2000 show a day with details coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version inside of the sun. from around the world of forty's, in the dominican republic refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic needs. after a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer big language world, wide shaped come out of ward for translation and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period for the year? 2024 starting march 1st to mesa, to fast nominations i made on the award official website w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m the the
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the tell them again, the top story, somebody else is there a news? our israel has a top one of the few remaining food distribution centers, things off, at least 5 people were killed in the winter or facility and dropped off the agencies calling for an independent inquiry and to repeat it is really the violations plans to deploy and you went back for us to restore order on fold after prime minister oil and reset that he will step down. this comes as a world food program warns of blooming from and the agency says 4000000 people in haiti are facing a shoot food in security gunman and nigeria are demanding
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a ransom of 620000 dollars for the release of more than $280.00 students and staff, they were taken out from the ton of korea and to do an s face last week. the us house of representatives is overwhelmingly approved of bill, but with forest tick tock chinese owners to sell it. the bill calls for the parent company by dance, the so it's chairs within 6 months. supporters say chinese ownership poses a national not security risk, but took talk, denies any ties with the chinese government and fisher reports the bill is passed without the objection and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the moving us house of representatives took a step towards binding, picked up the chinese illinois of the social media up used by around a $170000000.00 americans would have 6 months to sell it to us authoration or face and nationwide. but critics argue the company works too closely with the chinese
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communist party and could seize us user data and even push a political agenda. you wouldn't allow a radio tower owned by the chinese to be put up right in the middle of washington dc and then allow it to just put out chinese propaganda. you probably complaint about that. that's exactly what tick tock can be used for. tell congress to not be in tech talk, so actually take talk. so the possible band coming and us content creators mobilize to object some lawmakers think the bill doesn't address key issues. are going to tell americans they color can't put a piece of software on their computer. they can't go to certain websites that the president designates. president joe biden says it could be a national security risk pass. i'll find the chinese government before the motion passed. criticize the idea of a sale for a bad thing that i think was made of i'll shoot and we'll talk. although the us has not found any evidence of the tick tock threatening, national security has never stopped. going to take talk with the steps to buy on
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any social media platform could face court challenges with the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate and there are no plans even to give it a heating. never mind devote one 1st amendment expert says the idea of government going after social media should kill everyone. i think it's a terrible bill. i think that runs rough shod over the 1st amendment, and that it is a kind of gift to authoritarians all over the world who will use this as a pretext to, to, to crack down on their own citizens, access to information and ideas and media from abroad. when president donald trump issued an executive order binding take talk, but resend to that when the court ruled it had not been established. it was a clear and present national security threat, which makes it talk to see the disappearing from american phones any time soon. allan fisher, i'll just see that capitol hill. what we can now say to yvonne serenity, who is
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a co founder and ceo, a for route security. that's a cyber security for him. joining us from toronto, welcome to alta 0. so you yourself, testified before the house committee recommending the sale or banning of tick tock, tell us why you advocate for this us things for, for us to you know, we specialize as a company, find the security problems and the s. i've got to find it in front of the congress, or would it be for commission? would it be found? it is a lot of atoms work to talk specifically about all this. other companies that are associated with china are collecting a lot of information through tracking technologies on the websites. and that information is collected, especially people who never are used to talking to the live or we don't have to take talk in their lives on their phones and therefore that information the people
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are, it's a meeting and she thought is collecting, resolved their concerns can be used for insurance purposes and it is always inferential secret service to, to the concert. so how do you believe that that data can be stopped from being leaked a really loaded question? sure. to load it. well, uh, once a data is collected uh by a company that has to buy to the chinese los, those companies must disclose that information to change. the storage is under the china is cyber security law. there or there is nothing that would prevent chinese authorities for accessing any of the information that is collected by tall or by dentist or other companies that are associated at this time. i mean, is this all about china? i just wonder why, why the urgency right now because bi partisan demands,
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the band tech talk have really been around for years since in fact the trump presidency. so why though, has it suddenly picked up this sort of, extreme bi partisan support and urgency? so it's uh politically a little bit outside of my expert, an area of expertise. but we do see in terms of the scale and just what they've changed over the last 12 months, is just the amount of information that they talk specifically. but also the other musicians are electing and just the volume is increasing. and therefore, that can also include the policy makers in it or being a little more patient right now, rather than not even a year or 2 years ago. okay, i won't ask you about the politics, but i will ask you about some of the reaction that's come through because opponents of this bill say a site concerns about freedom of speech and call this move a knee jerk after that falls short of any meaningful reform so what's your response to that as well? oh, these are the last of the security concerns and the risk,
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any information that is collecting by organizations or companies that have to buy it by laws of china are definitely a concern because those companies must disclose information to chinese intelligent p l a or any other surface therefore, even though yes, there is a legitimate concerns about 1st amendment, if we don't speech when we're looking. so this is security and that's all secure to allow that the private and the risk response from the requirements of dispos, any information to, to change the 3rd, is there sort of an next tech talk? i mean, who would you expect or who else would we expect the us to be concerned over going forward looking sort of the security less definitely in your organization that has to. ready dispos information to kind of mental versus a chevy you as far as buying or it's been accurate anyhow, there in the 1st service. is there any data that is collected by organizations?
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loans that will be required to share that information. and mr. besser is, should the officer the answer. okay, i will leave it there at thank you. if on of for speaking to us from toronto events or any thank you. thank you for having me. oh, that's for right politician. good realtor says that he will not be the next prime minister. will there is, is freedom party wanna polls held last november? he's been in coalition talks ever since, but now says that he counts govern unless all parties agree to his anti immigration slot for him. russia's presidential election will begin on friday, but voting has already started and what russia calls its new territories. their parts of ukraine now controlled by russian forces. president vladimir putin faces little opposition and is widely expected to when you'll yeah, shop of, i know of our reports from moscow. one of the members of russia's friend draw
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position dead, jailed or sent into eggs. i let him in peace and keeps a fun group on its political system. his 3 opponents on the ballot. spam neutrons. poles showed the majority of russians behind pollutants come to the sea and support his policies, including the when ukraine, referred to as a special miniature operation. he has confidence, career, somebody, good international connections. it's clear that he succeeded as president. the remaining candidates are not able to continue and complete the special military operation as the mom and dad them. our mothers and grandmothers, the older generation support him the most. they seem was times who's you 3 been that want to explore? why he is a matter of his wad, we trust him and thank him for the fact that we live here in peace. we usually don't media stay tv repeatedly shows a strong and a tragic and young looking piece. and there's been romping up his pre election activities. most russians family believe his rhetoric,
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such as the way is the work of the so called west lock with this color. know how to reach with this ability of inciting national conflict. all over the world are 6, not only to this training or development, but they needed dependence. the same thing with me and i in restaurants to display the russian economy launch the was standing west of sanctions living standards on the tumor racing defense spending for 2024 is growing so fast that it's pushing aside almost all the priorities and with inflation also rising wages and punches on keeping pace that's facing the most vulnerable, the holidays and immune and tax. their phones are also expected to further reduce incomes for the rest of the population. despite most pros has been fund managed to demonstrate openly wives and mothers. the reserve is sent to the front has spent months demanding the every ton and tens of thousands of people queued for hours to lead the signatures promising the only um 2 more presidential. so many more recent
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attached in his name didn't ends up on the ballads. they also said that laws could binds to opposition leader, i'd say, no. volney, who died in an oxy prison, last month's lining up with his gray for many kilometers. now remaining a position, voices have cold, and russians to turn up at the polling stations at the same time, on noon of the last voting de unload for any of the kinds of it. but patience will spoil the ballots. now as long as we do you, there also us his support as enjoying the protest gloves. the most important thing is to come. this is a very simple and safe action. it cannot be prohibited, and it will help the meal is to see like minded people and realize that we are not alone with surrounded by people who are also gazed wore it gives corruption and the gaze. little listen to the presidential administration would prefer not to see such mazda defense, but now it has to figure out how to deal with it as they come, declared the planned smell tenuous. arrival a vote is of putting stations unlawful us above all of that old to 0. most of
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the high court in vermont has ruled the opposition and p. victoria in gab or a cannot stand in presidential elections. in july, in danbury was pardoned in 2018 after serving 8 years of a 15 year prison sentence for terrorism and genocide. and galbraith is a critical president pulse and gama, who's been in power for 24 years. katherine story has more from the kenyan capital nairobi. this is a big blow to victoria in gab it is. she's a problem in that opposition. a politician in one, she's one of the few who are still in countries. several others are in exile and she wanted to run for an elective position during as this is the general election. so she went to court to have us criminal records expunged in gabby that attempted to vice
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president in 2010. the challenge of president of pools cub gunmen she was but after that she was convicted for among other things, denying genocide which is a fry in wanda. and she was in prison for 8. yes. and she was, had a 2018 and she's been very quiet since then until now. no one don't speak, you know, i just picked up. wanda is a country that does not respect to the new what i'm fighting for is to establish lose that respect democracy in human rights. the judge based his rulings on emotions. this encourages me to continue the fight home by the election about 3 months and it's expected that the president of government is going to we,
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he does not have a nice strong competitors. and we have been hearing over the years that the, the government has stifles democracy and has been shot things out of pretty called voices. so long to run than say that say they don't expect any surprises in that election cost. we saw the 0 arrows in the u. n. is urging the international community to unite to help ro hang your refugees in bangladesh. it's asking for more than $850000000.00 to provide humanitarian assistance. and cox as bizarre on the island of bus on char, and the funds will go towards protecting bro, hang your refugees and the communities hosting them. bangladesh is home to almost a 1000000 roofing go, floods, violence and persecution in me in mar, the, when says women and children are particularly at risk of abuse and exploitation.
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yes, mean a lot. is the executive director as well. hang up my a for you in our collaborative network and she explains the importance of funding being renewed in order to provide life saving a to ro, hanging refugees in bangladesh. there needs to be a renewal of both the commitments that the international community is made at this point where seeing dwindling funds and food rations cut. and it really speaks to the level of desperation that people have been dealing with on the ground. i very much doubt at the beach national community will renew its commitment to meet all of the demands. but at the very least, i hope that, you know, some level of this commitment or, or some level of his funds will, will be going to the necessity. you know, various of the services that are available on the ground in the caps currently as, as we know with the development in the kansas,
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that this situation is deteriorating very, very fast. and without this funds, of course, we're going to see some terrible, some, some more terrible development funds at developing, you know, um events. and we're, we're, we're seeing this as a, as something of a push factor as well. because i'm just very recently in the past few months, there has been more and more both arrivals in the southeast region region, specifically in northern. so my problem, indonesia, and so this is, this is going to be quite disastrous if the, if the funds are, are not raised to the level that, that the services or the necessity are required on the ground. are still a heads on the als, is there a news? our house filipino nurses in the us are being trapped in contracts and given heavier workloads compared to the american colleagues the
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the, the the in the tech hub of bank alert is facing its worst water shortage. and 40 years, the government plans to fine people who use drinking water for other purposes. we know fernandez, reports tank is like this. so the only source of water for thousands of people in been glued through widely called india significant valley. inadequate green, falling water in the version, the coal very vivid basin and rapid development have reduced water supplies in the
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city, west 14000000 people live near to. but if i love what made it look as no router in the tops full well as also not working for the last 3 months, we have to do this. we don't get it from the curb or a river. it's a big, big problem. a lot of do you say 110 villages that rely on ground water supplies from bowl? well other voice defected. the deputy chief it is to have could announce it. costs is nearly half of the $14800.00 bowl wells. have dried up, residents, j authorities are not doing enough to address the problem. and that's forcing them to buy water at exorbitant prices. kiosks, dispensing drinking water like this. one of these, you know, they never eat says 20 liters of water for around 60 us cents. the funny thing i added earlier, drinking water was available on our street. that's not the case anymore. now we have to come to this choice with our account. we have to wait because there is
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always a que. hydra is residential blocks. other was suspected residents of this apartment have been told that rationing was stopped on monday with supply times restricted by government officials to dodge a 0. there's a mismatch between supply and demand and the situation with that result soon. to shut the short base and definitely leave you will be bringing the gap in the next 152015. then we are requesting that ended up for me to minimize the vision of what the because the state government is a non $60.00 fines. the doors we use drinking water, so the purposes that scientists say that a bigger issue is to consider this professor says unplanned a benign nation. and over the use of concrete is the main cause of the shortages. he said, 80 percent of vegetation and 79 percent of waterways have disappeared in the last 4 decades where the spread of concrete has sewage. more than 10 full research top the
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concrete, i'd say should we need to be consistent city. we should think about how do i sting that a lot that through the need, we need to think about wastewater treatment. if it do that, yes, that is illusion. and all of us we leave. otherwise, city dies and we all have to leave the city with months to go before any rain. these expected residents here are hoping things will improve. but the experience sofa suggests otherwise, not fernandez, just ear a us has been battling a shortage of health care workers for years to fill the void. it's recruited a record number of nurses from the philippines, but labor and migrant rights activists say many are being exploited. barnaby low reports from manila, like many filipino nurses, kate or renders, wants to work in the united states. she swan step closer after passing the licensed exam. the grass is greener and the house is bigger like that. but what many called
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the american dream has turned out to be a nightmare for us. again, he's asked us to conceal this identity for fear of repercussions. he says, filipino nurses have heavier workloads, the local staff. they're treating us like a slave. and then like for us, we are like a cheap label or say for example, you have 4 or 5 patients. and then you'll see those who are working here. i mean those people who are from here and they were just sitting in the space . and if a patient dies, nurses risk losing their license to practice in the u. s. l says he wanted out, but couldn't leave because his contract required him to pay $40000.00 in damages if he quit early. even though he covered his own immigration and travel expenses, he also says his recruiter rate of all of professionals to you as a threatened to the company refused our request for comment. activists say these
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practices amount to human trafficking, enforced labor threats, a d port taishan threats, a reputation of damage. all of those are the threats of serious harm, can be enough to compel somebody to continue to provide those services at it isn't alone in recent years. recruitment agencies of filed lawsuits against filipino nurses for breach of contract. but the nurses are finding back tallahassee memorial health care for our real worked, told us it's aware of the case involving professionals to you as a. and it's reviewing its relationships with recruiters, the us labor department, to suit at least one agency for forcing nurses to pay for projected future profits . professional nurse recruiter say a breach, be standard and contracts as this for recovery expenses incurred by the recruitment agency or healthcare facility. but that amount has to be reasonable as one study in
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2020, to predict. if the u. s. will need an additional 450000 nurses by 2025 a gap. filipinos are eager to feel, but one that could lead them vulnerable to abuse. bartonville to al jazeera manila efforts to protect endangered ellison since highlands have led to another problem. as populations of wild elephants have grown, some have strayed into areas inhabited by people. it's tony chang, reports. 7 people have been killed biodefense in the past. 2 months alone. the group it for them to search for clues is dusk pools in eastern time and the targets a. how does a sports then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here have adapted, hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites up to 400 kilograms of 2 today, withdrawal in the mass of the forest and on to phones. while they trying to avoid
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contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. often this falls more volunteers come to join the hunt a few around, but that's just for protection comedy. maybe it's not really a job to have to any friends. we're more like spots is we're trying to make sure the only friends don't go near the community. but these elephant education center, they trying to track the other funds that kate everyone and how to react when they encounter the time to the elephant population has been increasing. and people have come across safe to protect themselves and their property. some at the same time, the friends have become more aggressive. so it is small friction between humans and animals, went to the left and hunters raced through the countryside. searchlights pointing into the thick forest. many people in this area right now too scared to go out at nights. these are not the punctures. packee dams many imagined them to be silent
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and stealthy. they can creep up in the dark. that's what happened to ties maybe last month. rubber tap is have to work in the cool of the night, but it's a huge risk. okay, non got all my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time when the elephant ended up stomping him to death. then a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community system or imaging drone takes all this time there in lock 2 distinct shapes. the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them starting in the darkness, but they're heading off into the forest and the elephant onto the theme. there's no threat unless they decide to turn back. as the volunteer is showing lights to the to them, they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and then elephant never forgets tony cheng l to 0 touch on south eastern time. then
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one is coming up with mulling sides. and a moment to announce is 0. the a pod came in to be used as the oil c software, the casualties we have not suffered states pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who that you say know double standard to all of us, any, anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era in the biggest global direction you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown? join me, see new oxygen in this new ballpark thieves focusing on india. in this episode,
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i'll examine how india's pricing with got it in ism veterans to turn the clock back on is the country founded on secular ideas being report box one on protests against policies from brussels. ok, escalating these farmers increasingly consider the debt and the me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked. pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far. so ukrainian green is flooding colin and we're getting for and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore awhile to find because i saying that say like military and humanitarian a past, these protests have seriously damaged your brains relationship with the one country that's help is most sense to our 2nd faded ukrainian drive us hope the low k 12 and they had 0 loans that hit everything and i still carrying dentist and finding out
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and you find everything is much more difficult. ukraine has accused it both test us of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian banners estimate things even worse. the the us coals for the protection of a workers often is really asked ry kits. one of the few remaining aids distribution centers in southern gaza. kidding. and at least 5 people these really military is really government, have a responsibility and obligation to do everything possible to ensure that the monitoring can do their jobs. the by my name's site, this is out. is there a lot.


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