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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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them finding, did you find everything is much more difficult? ukraine has accused both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian banners. f may things even worse. the the us goals for the protection of a workers often is really asked roy kits, one of the few remaining aids distribution centers in southern gaza. kidding. at least 5 people these really military, these really governments have a responsibility and obligation to do everything possible to ensure that the monitoring is, can do their jobs. the find my name's site, this is out. is there a life from the also coming up?
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warning of famine and hate to you? the united nation says full 1000000 people face acute food insecurity. during government holding moving 280 students in stop are reportedly make a run. some demands beverly plus island fisher on capitol hill where us lawmakers have taken the 1st steps and what could possibly lead to a fan of tech tool. in the united states, the we begin in gaza where one of the few operating united nations a sentence has been struck by is riley shelling. at least 5 people were killed and 22 injured in the attack on the facility in rafa in southern gaza. and one of those killed was an own right employee. the head of and right has issues statement saying
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the group regularly says the coordinates of its facilities with new policies. and that israel's army received information about this facility on choose day. entitled more than a 150 on rough as soon as these happen hits. and so will began in october. the us actually general spokesman stuff on deer g jerrick has condemn the latest attack. it has a negative impact on our ability of staff to, to, to work. it has a negative impact on the ability of those who need aid to get aid. it's, it's another, it's another tragic symbol of the conditions under which our humanitarian colleagues work every day in the, in gaza. is the main humanitarian agency in gaza. it's been facing an unprecedented crisis up to its main international donors led by the united states co funding. i'll just there,
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as part of the zoom has moved on the situation on the grounds from rafa in southern gaza, of israel has been a completely imposing mo, restrictions and deliveries to the gauze trip since they one of the fighting as that'd be broken or kinds of age entries until the whole process of negotiations to reach cease fire agreement right now. if been clearly that the more expensive the military attacks to reach to the headquarters under warehouses in a distribution center has one by the owner over here in the roof. and the area is supposed to be at save 7. has its been, has been designating for the majority of the conference. he has, we have been seeing a doctor stating a tech, had killed 5 palestinians including you on a facility, a to you on the stuff in the and this is absolutely terrifying. that is one of the systematic trying to create unsafe environment for the majority of the humanitarian work. cuz inside the chair at 3 here,
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as also the majority of the united nation width is our freedom now unsafe as the un humanitarian relief coordinator. marketing, chris wrote one textbook, how are we to maintain a gratian without teams and supplies ok was chemically under freight? and he says, absolutely what palestinians are afraid of. it's the collapse of the united nations facilities and also services, insight profit, which means that more than 85 percent of the causes population will be deprived from receiving human charity and supplies. as is really trying to deliberately create a state of carriers where people completely lose trust and also deed i'm safe and frank concept pushing them to leave the territory. or at least to prove that the situation under completely unbearable conditions and circumstances where us actually have stay on to me blinking is again calling for the protection of
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humanitarian workers in gaza. have to call hey, and has moved from washington. a very brief press conference with us secretary state and city of lincoln here at the state department. you wanted to talk about a video conference call that was hosted with cypress, the us european union, united kingdom, you a cutter and the united nations. they're really trying to coordinate how they're going to do this temporary here in dallas or to get aiden by see, he said it's gonna take time. but he said he hopes that when it is up and running to be able to deliver 2000000 meals a day, he did say that this can only just complement a that really needs to go in the most effective way, which is overland. now he did say that it would be good if he is released to provide a very definitive list of items that are not allowed and to speed up inspections. but when asked who is to blame for such little a getting in? he did not blame d, as really he was asked about just the latest attack on a food distribution side and also without getting to the specifics of this incident
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. because again, i don't know the facts. i think it does as a general matter, underscore something i talked about a few minutes ago. and that's the imperative of having much better and much more consistent confliction, the mandatory and workers, the agencies they need to be able to do their jobs in with as much security and as much confidence as possible. many of the questions focus on potential consequences for israel, as you know, president joe biden said that there was a red line. if they were to invade rasa, he didn't go into any detail that they're even maybe potential consequences. if the prime minister of israel benjamin danielle, who does what he's been said is going to do and invade rafa. anyway. patio hain al jazeera at the state department. o israel's been restricting the entry of humanitarian supplies into garza with a highly complicated inspection system. you and says that a truck loaded with aide was turned back on monday because it has says,
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is used in children's medical kits. the list of band items has been guessing long ago since, as well began at school and audio tow. but it includes basic and live saving items, like especially ex, con, some medication maternity kits and oxygen cylinders. your auntie. so rep to is the president and chief executive and save the children in the us. she says she was surprised by some of the items being rejected at border crossings. as i sold a toy box of games for children being rejected because the box was made of wood and it had to be packed and parts and boxes. i, sol, hygiene kids would show up in blankets and cemetery, pass for women. rejected because it was a meal clipper. so the, the list goes all and i think the key thing here is also it is very unpredictable which trucks that make it into gaza and which ones are rejected. so i saw hundreds of trucks there at the crossing irish waiting for their to or some of them were
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there for the 2nd or 3rd time. and then so that they didn't get it because the authorization gave him further instruct sometimes to return. sometimes they got a 2nd or 3rd time. so it is that a level of predictability and she or adequacy of the number of supplies that are coming in. that is making the delivery of good humanitarian assistance at scale. so call to get and go home today they love the basic food items, blankets, clean water and balls um flow. 1 or so it told me that it was just, well, you know, even at the time this is a general we saw and i was there to were about a $130.00 trucks on average per day going in versus 500 trucks. and we're going before the 7th. now we're what, 56 weeks later, we're now looking at a further the management of the number of trucks being loaded. so that is
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a real problem. and aside from the even the trucks make a to go to the distribution inside. got and still you see problematic the to 18. now we have plans to deploy the un box full was to restore order on hold off the prime minister ariel. henry said he would step down. it comes as well. feed program who owns us and looming, simon agency says that 4000000 people in hazy, all facing acute food and security. it's been distributed engine monitoring, aid from existing was of submit, a renewed wave of gang violence. the wsp says it will soon run out of stock. john holman, has moved from santo domingo in neighboring dominican republic. i hate see, is really in a moment of white thing right now, and that's because in a few rates between power being countries, the united states,
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and also have permanent access within, pacey itself, there was agreed for a transitional counsel to be announced. this is going to be 7 people with a vote to observe is from public society and to safe grades. they're gonna decide what the next students are in 5 minutes through the country is how to kick start elect tool prices. remember that the country hasn't had the elections, but i use, i know, so how to get going, the deployment of a police keeping force from that can you that's meant to try to come in and restore order in the country. the problem is, at the moment, they're all the names of who's actually going to be on that transitional account, so haitian political, great, seem to still be deciding that within themselves. meanwhile, there seems to be a sense of law at the moment in the country after the recent extreme violence out on the streets, the storming of police stations, the mass breakouts from prisons as perhaps even the country's own powerful gangs.
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wait to see what's going to happen. the wall that's going on. there's also a dire situation with food security. move in 4000000 people. at the moment start have food security in the country says the world food program. they will so say that more than a 1000000 people are in danger. assignments in hate. see. so the situation remains a cute in the country. don't home and i would just say the incentive the mean go the dominican republic. well hazy is the poorest country in the last an american caribbean region. the well feed program says that 4350000 people acutely food and secure. well, that's nearly half the population. one and a half 1000000 are facing emergency levels of hunger on the edge and support to survive. it keep malnutrition is affecting more than 70 percent of children aged on
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the 5 and 66 percent of suffering from anemia. i mean, while a rising cost of living is worsening, hunger in the country can see, and the prices are up to 77 percent higher than in all the nations in the region. so not to invalid is the hazy country direct to app. the well fee program. he says yvonne and in the capital port prince is west thing. the existing seed crosses the cube. concern we have is that the order prints is essentially on a bubble. the roads in and out of border prints have been not controlled by arn groups for a long time. and these past few days before it's been closed and there are been no incoming slides. what this means is that the food stops and 4 prints are being drawn down for the princess cut off from its the agricultural control land. and we're seeing food prices rise. we're seeing scarcity of some food items and we need to know the population and for the prince is extremely vulnerable. 1.6000000 people accurately forward and secure in for the prince and the forest sections are for
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prince reporting. see if there's still a experience to brush what spam and just a little over a year ago, about 20000 people into this, the way were categorized as facing spam and light conditions. so we're really concerned that if things don't get better, we're going to have the most valuable population, get one step closer to them. and you should note that the children in puerto prints, the most volatile part of the population, are a great greatest risk. i am the commune of a product. okay. and for the prince has got malnutrition rates that are as high as they are. they are in in word zones. gunman have attacked. another village in nigeria is, could do an estate seizing 61 people, mostly women and children. insist that attack in a week and over 300 people are now missing. and they just report from buddha, the village in kaduna, where the kidnapping to place people. and we're on the communities in the ideas cuz we wanna state us can,
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the days after the keeping up of more than $280.00 school children, including what they called, pend, it struck again and with the village, dozens of people. what do you know who not only escaped natasha? they ordered the out of the house to carry them to do was heavy. elsa had my baby on my back. a couple of my soldiers arrived. the bandits panicked because i see the opportunity to drop the load and run what i mean, which i'm so but they yeah, but a few others. also, godfrey to consider a good that more with the community. i mean, we're not to do the drive us out like counseling me to the outskirts of definitive and the minute for a ride. we run into a north church. that's how some of us escaped. but my wife and stepmother did notice. that being held by bandits along with 58 other people here say if the saw just not arrived, everyone in the village could have been abducted village if
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a dozens of attack is arrived just before midnight and went from house to house. seizing men, women and children, this is a 3rd attack in federal and state within one week on fellows the kidnapped of 287 score children. the number of abductions in nigeria. as knowles has increased, at least 600 people have been kidnapped in the region. this month is an open, strict, and secure to service is struggling to contain the lawlessness sweeping across many nigerian states. the government is key to reassure people government to make sure the company's depression, but really just say gunman rule freely in many parts of northern nigeria, imposing what they call texas and their own laws on helping us. but i just, and it seems that as little to stop how many degrees,
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obviously that would nigeria. so head on, the algae 0. why russians need of like me? pigeon is constant and extending his 24 years in power. had a presidential election on the brought to you by visit capital. hello, that will look to north america and fi is the story for the us and canada. we've had an early stops, the was 5 season declared across parts of canada. we've also got an extremely critical fire danger, risk across from the central and southern parts of the plains in the us. but we've still got some severe weather rumbling around that. so as a cold and mass hits with that room, a weather rising up from the gulf of mexico, you can see those severe storms bringing lodge hail, potentially,
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as well as tornadoes across towards the great lakes. now, behind that, it is a very quiet story for the west coast of the us on western pots of canada. we've seen lots of heat, that's going to come flooding in the bushes, columbia. i know, but in the days ahead now have a look at the average for calgary, this time of year we should be about 4 degrees celsius. we're up to 16 degrees celsius. that on friday, just not to the hot story of fossil knolls and areas, but also the east coast of the us. we say about 10 degrees above the average in washington dc, the on thursday 25 degrees celsius. and the heat is a story for the south of this, for central america and the caravans, lots of heat continuing to build so much of mexico launch each why and quiet picture, and the sunshine instead of whether it extends out further east. the weather brought to you by visit castle, stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach,
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they usually forget the from leap point. when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting for just wait and took evaluate and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think they even consider it as like in the black people's people, the sacrifice then on tuesday or the the the you're watching out. is there a mind a thought told stories this out? israel has attacked one of the few remaining few distribution centers in golf. at least 5 people were killed in the on red facility. and roughly,
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the agencies cooling for an independent inquiry and to repeat it is riley foundations plans to deploy a un box force to restore order on hold off the prime minister ariel hungry, said he would step down. it comes as well. feed, for example, ones that the new me, simon and hate. see the agency says many and people are facing a tube. food and source gunmen and nigeria demanding around some of the $2620000.00. the release of moving 280 students in stock. they would keep not from the town of kareka in kaduna state last week. now to russia's presidential election, which begins on friday. very thing has already started in what russia cause. it's new territories. the pumps of ukraine now controlled by russian forces. with only 3 of the candidates on the ballots, carnes president vladimir pierson is excessive to win. your leadership of alova
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explains from us guy. some of the with members of russia spread draw position dead, jailed or sent into eds, i let you repeat it and keeps a fun group on its political system. his 3 opponents on the ballot. spam neutrons. poles showed the majority of russians behind pollutants come to the sea and support his policies, including the when ukraine, referred to as a special miniature operation. he has confidence, christmas, good international connections. it's clear that he succeeded as presbyterian, the remaining candidates are not able to continue and complete the special military operation of the mom and got them. our mothers and grandmothers, the older generation support him the most they've seen was times whose it could have been that want me to explore why his amount of his wad. we trust him and thank him for the fact that we live here in peace. we usually go media, stay tv repeatedly shows a strong and a tragic and young looking person who's been romping up his pre election activities
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. most russians family believe his rhetoric is the work of the so called with, with this color, know how to do it. with this ability of inciting national conflict all over the world around 6, not only due to his training or development, but they need a dependency fading when we have dying restaurants to display the russian economy. launch the withstanding, western sanctions living standards on the tumor, racing defense pens until 2024 is growing so fast that it's pushing aside almost all of the priorities and with inflation. also rising wages and punches on keeping pace that's facing the most vulnerable the holidays and immune and tax reforms are also expected to further reduce incomes for the rest of the population. despite most pros has been fund managed to demonstrate openly wives and mothers. the reserve is sent to the front has spent months demanding the every ton and tens of thousands of people queued for hours to lead the signatures promising the only um 2
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more presidential. so many more recent attached and his name didn't end up on the ballots. they also said the last goodbyes to opposition leader. i'd say no. volney, who died in oxford prison last month, lining up with his gray for many kilometers, is now remaining a position. voices have cold, and russians to turn up at the polling stations. at the same time, on noon of the last voting day and vote for any other kinds of it, but patience will spoil the ballots. never on these. we do you there also us, he's support as enjoying the protest gloves. the most important thing is to come, this is a very simple and safe action. it cannot be prohibited, and it will help the meal is to see like minded people and realize that we are not alone with surrounded by people who are also gazed war. it gives corruption and it goes little listening to the presidential administration would prefer not to see such mazda to send, but now it has to figure out how to deal with it as they come, declared the planned smell tenuous. arrival
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a vote is at putting stations unlawful. you lash above all of that. i'll just be wrapped most of the high course in rolanda has rule that opposition m. p vic twice in the beer cannot stand. and presidential elections in july, in a beer was pub in 2018 off to subbing 8 years of a 15 year prison sentence with terrorism and genocide. now on the one the low, anyone jail for 6 months old mall cannot stand for office. catherine suite has moved from nearby this is a big blow to victoria in gab it is. she's a problem in that opposition. a politician in one. she's one of the few who are still in countries. several others are in exile and she wanted to run for an elective position during as this is the general election. so she went to court to have us criminal
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records, expand in gabby that attempted to vice president in 2010. the challenge of president pools had gotten there. she was but after that she was convicted for among other things, denying genocide which is a fry in wanda. and she was in prison for 8th. yes. and she was had on the 2018 and she's been very quiet since then. until now. johan, don't speak, you need to speak to me. wanda is a country that does not respect the new what i'm fighting for is to establish lose that respect democracy in human rights. the judge based his rulings on emotions. this encourages me to continue the fight home by the election is about 3 months and
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it's expected that the president, the government is going to lose weight. and uh, he does not have a nice strong competitors. and we have been hearing over the years that the, the government has stifled democracy and has been shot things out of pretty cold voices. so lots to run than say that say they don't expect any surprises in that election cost. we saw the 0 narrows, the slicing continues in saddam despise the united nations security council. cool for a cease fire during the muslim holy month of ramadan. on tuesday, the army regained control of the studios of the symbolically important state television center. the roof and support forces use the building military operations and signing was also reportedly used as a detention center. have a morgan report from on the bottom. this is the premises of sedans,
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national cooperation for radio and television. or at least it's used to be because of the slicing between the hours of and disabilities. army. this is what now it looks like there are signs of the fighting that took place between the sudanese army and the parent military rapids support forces. the are a staff was in control of this building since april 15th, when fighting broke out between the recess and the sudanese army incidents capital . how to tune the premises also home to sedans, oldest and largest collection of archive. and that includes archives from sedans, independence up to just before the conference began in april. now over the past few months, this is denise army laid siege to the premises. off the broadcasting corporation and for weeks has been typing the siege around the paramilitary rapids support forces. and the early hours of tuesday morning, the sudanese army was able to regain control of this premises. now this is
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significant for 2 reasons. historically, whoever controls to them and its government controls the state television. so symbolically, this gives the, to the needs army on upper hand. it also shows how far they've been. these army has come over the past few months of fighting between it and the rest have sedans. army has been regaining grounds and territories from the power military are assessed in the city of on demand and in other parts of the capital as well. now the united nations security council has called for a cease fire to be observed during the muslim holy month of ramadan for release supplies to reach the civilians that have been affected by the conflict, but fighting continues between the army and the recess. the sudanese army says that there will be no cease fire unless the receptor withdraws from civilian facilities and from cities it took over since may last year. the iris has refused to do so. so far, i think continues with ne, fired to be observed at least for the time being incident. and especially in the
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capital, hot tomb. he but morgan, alta 0 on through mine, the us house of representatives has overwhelmed me. approved a bill that would force it's johnny's own is to so take talk. it calls for his parent company by don'ts. the senate shows within 6 months. suppose you say chinese ownership poses a national security risk, a tick tock denies. any ties with the chinese government island, fisher explains the bill is passed without the objection and the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the moving us house of representatives took a step towards binding, picked up the chinese illinois of the social media up used by around a $170000000.00 americans would have 6 months to sell it to us opperation or present nationwide. but critics argue the company works too closely with the chinese communist party and could seize us user data and even push a political agenda. you wouldn't allow a radio tower owned by the chinese to be put up right in the middle of washington
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dc and then allow it to just put out chinese propaganda. you probably complaint about that. that's exactly what tick tock can be used for. tell congress to not being tech talk. so i think talks to the possible band coming and us content creators mobilize to object some lawmakers think the bill doesn't address. key issues are going to tell americans they collect, can't put a piece of software on their computer. they can't go to certain websites that the president designates. president joe biden says it could be a national security risk. bypass all fine. the chinese government before the motion passed, criticize the idea of a sale or for the bon. jeanette, i think was may of all sure to me which all, although the us has not found any evidence took talk, threatening national security has never called going to take talk with step step on any social media platform. could face court challenges with the issue of freedom of
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speech, but before that this would have to pass the senate and there are no plans even to give it a healing. never mind, devote one 1st amendment expert says the idea of government going after social media should kill everyone. i think it's a terrible bill. i think that runs rough shod over the 1st amendment, and that it is a kind of gift to authoritarians all over the world. who will use this as a pretext to, to, to crack down on their own citizens, access to information and ideas and media from abroad. when president donald trump issued an executive order binding take talk, but rescinded it when the court ruled, it had not been established. it was a clear and present national security threat, which makes it talk to see the disappearing from american phones any time soon. allan fisher, i'll just see that capitol hill event and certainly is the co found. and c, a, a server at security is cyber security fun. he says that takes of dose res,
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real privacy concerns uses um security risk for the us. we specialize the company and find the.


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