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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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and making sure that you're hearing the stories from people in places like how is fine. lydia young man has regions and so many others. we go to them, we make the effort. we care. strict the is there any forces loan to yet another attack on solving civilians killing 6 people seeking aid of the 2 h e rounds about in garza city. the main site, this is donald, is there a life and also coming on the you on demands accountability of israel deliberately attacks. one of the few remaining food distribution centers in golf as well. and poses restrictions on receiving the body of 13 year old palestinian child assault
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dead on wednesday. and the warning assignment, and hey, see, you know, you don't watch nations says formally, and people face acute food and secures the we beginning cause a city where at least 6 people live in kills buys riley firewall waiting for aid. the attack took place near the crazy round about which is the main road that links the north of gaza to the south. at least 83 people have been injured. video taken by palestinian douglas shows the optim off of the attack that targeted people waiting for a. the meanwhile, at least 17 palestinians have been killed, often is rarely asteroid targeted residential buildings in con eunice in the south of especially $1000.00 palestinians have been killed since israel began its will on
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golf and the id october. let's get more from laura con. she joins us from occupied east jerusalem, so yes and now the top floor on people trying to access food aid and gaza took us through exactly what happened. the absolutely, as you said, 6 people killed by these, right? the minute treat in the quite round about this is in gulf of city. this is an area that a trucks will go through and will to distribute h a throughout out garza and many hundreds of people. sometimes thousands will gather that desperate palestinians buddies and such to be solving, trying to get some age. and as many times that feed a tax, there are also $83.00 people looking into that being rushed to. she felt hospitable, but certainly not the 1st time that quite round about have been attacked. it's have at least 6 times, most recently on monday when 11 palestinians were killed in that. certainly not the
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1st time that people trying desperately to get a bit of tax throughout garza one of the the most. well, one of the worst instance happened at the end of february, this has become known as the flower mastercard, around a $118.00 palestinians shot dead as they were attempting to reach this age. many desperate and many more hundreds were taken to hospital. these rays change the stories on the many times they said that they died because of a stem pete. then they shopped into the ads and they shot postings coming towards them because they were immediately endangering the box. 8 organizations on the ground said they were coming in with that were and so certainly not only is that notion of a house, the amount of 8 of february as january, but also it's very dangerous. just trying to get to these rates. now say they will flush garza with a true to land out at the port and also by the ad from all the
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countries. um box on rod, the un refugee agency says why reinvent the wheel when you could be a clean move down footboard is uh and that would essentially be the easiest way of getting a desperate need aged 2 people in joseph. laura, stay with us because i want to get your reaction to something else. the solve of the palestinian child who was shot dead buys, rarely forces. they don't keep bodies to risk them. has been saying that israel has impose restrictions on receiving his body. seen your rami how, who really wish shelton the chest while playing with fine works near the show off at refugee camp on wednesday. so laura, tell us a bit more about what's going on here. why all the restrictions around this boy's body as well. this is certainly nothing unusual when these writers take away bodies,
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they often have heavy restrictions. if they give them back a tool. and this is just one example. rami has poorly fetching is old. he was shot in the chest by and it's where the sniper, he was playing with fine works at the time. i witness accounts and also the video the committee corroborate this shows the young palestinian boy and soft top refugee camp, which is in the ultra east jerusalem. but on the west bank side of the as riley will. it shows him shooting if i were in the, at the next video shows him lying down and his mother absolutely destroyed him. the policy which present took his body to the it's ready separation will be as is right. the opposite st. collected him. they pronounce his dad when he goes to east jerusalem. now his father accepts that the is right to have kept him. he came up with a statement saying they have been in touch. they said they will return his body, but with very heavy copy. as this is only allowing full members of the family to
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collect his body on friday at midnight, and then they will only allow him to be buried inside shop at refugee county. even though that's not in the family, the burial side in occupied east jerusalem. and they will only allow 50 people to attend the offices community cause a lot of friction. confrontations in chocolate refugee camps, people shop these ready armies be coming. it's rating definitely met with very finance confrontation. so it's certainly not a good reaction. the other issue is often these readings have said that they will get the party back then that's the withheld, the bodies, the various reasons. so we'll have to wait to see as to whether he will actually be released on friday evening. leucon the 1st set. ok parties. tours them thank now at least 5 people have been killed and 22 injured in is riley attack on the u. n. h center in rasa. the facility is one of the last operating un centers in garza. the
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agencies cooling for an independent inquiry into repeated is rarely violations. felix knew our ports. no blood stains the flow, but you when relief distribution center in rafa stock reminder of the dangers humanitarian workers faced in gaza. oh staff members move on the law. so the clink one to 5 people killed. you know, these are really attack. oh, i know mark, this is only yeah. yeah, i know, i love this is for didn't we are international institution. all of this is for the people we stopped returning to our homes and we work your day and night to serve refugees. we take all of this to the elderly and the children. what is this? one drawing says that it frequently she has locations of its facilities with all the parties, but that has not stopped these really military from targeting it. these really ami
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described when his days attack as a successful operation, targeting a mass commander since october, more than 151 percent has been struck in these riddles, was on garza. this includes schools sheltering. the displaced at least 400 people have been killed while sheltering under the united nations flag. the un call to this latest attack, devastating. it has a negative impact on our ability of staff to, to, to work. it has a negative impact on the ability of those who need aid to get aid it's, it's another, it's another tragic symbol of the conditions under which or humanitarian colleagues work every day in um, in gaza. aid agencies say was ruled in palestine and territories is
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a replaceable debts from hunger are already being reported in gaza. in a meeting with the us secretary of state, the use policy chief called for the opening of more channels to deliver aid. we need to clear the humanitarian nexus to see by and that's good, that's not enough to cannot replace hundreds of trucks by sending body which the most important thing is to open the survey line. under international aid facilities are supposed to be protected, doing conflict. but as war rages in gaza, incidents like this seem likely to continue unchecked. felix me or ologist era, northern gossip palestinians of finding it hard to give loved ones a dignified burial one mind that is making it his juicy to give his deceased
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brother a respectful send off with the help of kindness from strangers. run the con reports and just to wanting to have us some may find the images just stepping on a desolate coastal road in northern casa, i need crouches next to the lifeless body of his brother. ha, ha. he's in shock. despite his mental state site is clear on his duty to get hudson's body to the mor good. i'll ship a hospital in the front of a few minutes. several men come to help on foot and surrounded by devastation in silence. they start out then more people join them,
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providing an abandon shopping cart. the sight recounts what happens when the machine them on all the way up. and then we were walking and holding a white flag, heading south with several other fine died and then a tank shell fell from above us. my brother was holding my 2 year old nephew when the attack happens, all of us. i don't know where he is though. i tried to retrieve my brother's port and is there any type continued shooting at us? the x in the holding onto his dead brother's ankle. so you've never leaves his side. on reaching l ship a hospital site is consoled by people he meets and asking questions about his late
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brother, the members of a community shattered by war coming together to help a stranger the sides obligation to his brother has been filled. how soon his journey is now, complete rental of han out is here now to haiti, where the country is waiting for a change in government on the arrival of canyon forces to restore order. but in the meantime, the will of gangs across the capital is making it harder and harder for haitians to fold or even access food, beating to die warnings from the united nations. john holman, has moved from santa domingo in neighboring dominican republic, while hate to use political crisis plays out more than a 1000000 people. and now and the bring consignment that's coming from the well
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food program, which is struggling to feed them. it's a losing battle because the country and especially the capital, a cut off from outside supplies order prints is essentially gonna bubble the roads in and out of order prints have been uh, controlled by our groups for a long time. these past few days, the ports been closed and there have been no incoming flights, and we're seeing food prices rise. we're seeing a scarcity of some food items. gains are in control of both ways that the cap to it's then choking of the entry wise. they've been doing it for years, but it's escalate them. recent weeks is a clement, the prime minister audio and ready to quit. now he says he'll go as soon as an interim prime minister is named. but as that political crisis plays out, people are struggling to provide for their families to chair the original lives incense to one of the poor parts of the capital. they've been especially affected by food shortages because they're the ones that you see. the problem of hunger is
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very difficult for me and for all patients. i live with 5 children as well as my mother, all of whom i take care of and feed every day. it's no small matter. this is the worst experience in life. we live in a country where people's rights are not respected patients, children especially are at risk even before the recent escalation and violence, one in full suffer from chronic mountain nutrition. and the will free program says it's now running fruits reserves. once those give out things could get worse, the children in puerto prints, the most volatile part of the population, are a great greatest risk in the commune of aquatic. okay, and for the prince, you've got malnutrition rates that are as high as they are. they are in, in words on the hope of some is it wants to transition governments, established, the country can reopen and supplies can get where they need to be. but that appears to depend as much on the gains as the politicians. a powerful, unpredictable force in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. john holman,
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out dizzy to the dominican republic a. so ahead on out to 0 y social media, john take so finds itself cold between the us and tony's government and facing a possible bound on a prominent ones in opposition. politicians says she will fight to own offices suffering a step by the had lower than now. the satellite image for salvation might look largely settled and quiet, but we are seeing some pretty nasty thunderstorms rumbling around across the north west of india. we have with warnings and watches out for that. we also see some wet of weather invigorated across the northeast for those thunderstorms piling into bangladesh as well. but the good news is the westerly disturbance that brought some
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more rain and heavy snow to the likes of i've got us on pockets on the north west of india, a start to ease state into friday. it is a large, the 2nd picture. no warnings out by friday, just a few showers coming into the very so we could however, see some more fondest. don't come back into cold carter on saturday. now it is looking logic quiet as we head to east asia, especially across the moving areas of china. lots of rooms coming in to beijing, the korean peninsula, as well, and southern parts of japan. you can see some winfrey and wet weather continuing to look into northern parts of japan. by friday, the temperature, however, in tokyo rising up to 18 degrees celsius. and this isn't the story for shanghai, lots of stuff of weather and wants to be found here. you can see that winter weather is starting to creep across central parts of china, and that will bring the temperature down and we'll hand on friday with the rain. and the
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very best to use human appeal has been making the most of your mfc, our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the mostly mild, we are feeding building, tearing julie, planting, fuel refined teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy in action. this is human appeal. so the the looking back and watching out is there in mind. if i told stories the sound is
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really selling is hit one of the few remaining food distribution centers in golf. at least 5 people were killed in the owner of facility. in rough agencies, quoting, for an independent inquiry into repeated is really vonage. at least 6 people live in killed vines, really fine while wasting fishing. monitoring aid in goal suspension attack happened near the crazy round about in the center of the guns for a 2 people have been injured. bonds to deploy a un box posed to rest, so order on hold off to prime minister arrow on reset. he will set down. this comes as well. food program warns us in booming simon agency says 4000000 people in hasty are facing acute food and 6 sources us house of representatives has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would force its chinese owners to sell tick tock. it cools for its power and company, bind dogs to sell it shares within 6 months. suppose to say johnny's ownership
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poses a national security risk, but take self denies. any ties with the chinese government official. have the story of the bill is passed without the objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the moving us house of representatives took a step towards binding, picked up the chinese illinois of the social media up used by around a $170000000.00 americans would have 6 months to sell it to us opperation or present nationwide. but critics argue the company works too closely with the chinese communist party and could seize us user data and even push a political agenda. you wouldn't allow a radio tower owned by the chinese to be put up right in the middle of washington dc and then allow it to just put out chinese propaganda. you probably complained about that. that's exactly what tick tock can be used for. tell congress to not being tech talk, so i think talks to the possible band coming and us content creators mobilize to
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object some lawmakers think the bill doesn't address key issues are going to tell americans a color can't put a piece of software on their computer. they can't go to certain websites that the president designates. president joe biden says it could be a national security risk. bypass all fine. the chinese government before the motion passed, criticize the idea of a sale or for the bon. jeanette, i think was may of all sure to me which all, although the us has not found any evidence of tick tock threatening, national security has never stopped. going to take talk with step step on any social media platform could face court challenges with the issue of freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate and there are no plans even to give it a heating. never mind, devote one 1st amendment expert says the idea of government going after social media should kill everyone. i think it's a terrible bill. i think that runs rough shod over the 1st amendment,
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and that it is a kind of gift to authoritarians all over the world. who will use this as a pretext to, to, to crack down on their own citizens, access to information and ideas and media from abroad. when president donald trump issued an executive order binding take talk, but rescinded it when the court ruled, it had not been established. it was a clear and present national security threat, which makes it talk to see the disappearing from american phones any time soon. allan fisher, i'll just see that capitol hill will take dog c o 2 is the true house responded to the right. judging the apps uses to help keep service running in the us. this legislation is sign into law will lead to a band of tick tock in the united states, even to bill sponsors and that the district goal. this bill is more power to a handful of other social media companies. we believe we can overcome this together . i encourage you to keep showing his thoughts, share them with your friends,
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share them with the family, share them with us senators, protect your constitutional rights, make your voices heard. it's as brand, katrina uses envisioning for us katrina. what else has the seo been saying about the bugs we had from show to the, to the see or some take talk in that video that he released following the voltage. and for him, this is far from over. but you can pretend to use every possible legal avenue to fight this. and indeed they do have experience fighting this and us quotes on the state and federal level. and we also went on in that video to say that the biggest victim of this possible band will be americans themselves. you said that 300000 american sense of use the adults if this goes through. and this will take away billions of dollars from small businesses in america that rely on kicked off for the income. now, not only is picks up stuck and how to get this against this. we also heard from the aging, and they said that this is
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a hedge. a monic knew the chinese foreign ministry spokesperson accused washington a bully and said that this group would undermine the international business environment and eventually back fly on washington. and would by dogs be willing to sell, take talk if it, if it did come down to that well, that is the biggest question now by going to the huge internet company, most of its assets here in china. so most of it fall and it's hope it's come from china. thoughts to talk does make up a significant portion of the business about 20 percent. and it is the boss is growing part of by done some business. another key issue is that phasing has said in the past that the algorithm used by to make it so wildly popular. it says that this algorithm is national security level, proprietary technology that they do not want to end up in the hands of phone companies or the forward government. so if this move to divest, kicked off,
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does go through, it will indeed be an extremely complicated process. okay, thank you for that. katrina, you'd offers ization. a gunman have attacked another village in large areas, cartoon estates seizing 61 people, mostly women and children. it's the 3rd attack in a week now of a 300 people are missing and it just reports from buddha. the village and could you know where the kidnapping took place? people in the world, communities in the ideas, couldn't estate us kid days after the kidnapping of more than $280.00 school children, including what they called blended. struck again and with the village. dozens of people. what do you do? who not only escaped that she didn't know what the or did the out of the house to kill going to do was heavy. i also had my b. b on my back is. my soldiers arrived,
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the bandits panicked because i seized the opportunity, tripped the load and ran what i mean, which i'm so that they yeah, but a few others also got free. so good. so now go down more with the committees, have a window to do. they drive us out like counseling to the outskirts of the village. when the ministry arrives, we run into an orchard. that's how some of us escaped, but my wife and step mother did not. being helped by bandits along with 58 of us. people here say if the saw just not arrived, everyone in the village could have been abducted. then we just say dozens of attack has arrived just before midnight and went from house to house, seizing men, women, and children. this is a 3rd attack in federal and state within one week on fellows the kidnapped of 287 score children, or the number of objections in nigeria. as knowles has increased, at least 600 people have been kidnapped in the region this month. and open the scripts and security service is struggling to contain the lawlessness sweeping
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across many nigerian states. the government is key to reassure people for the government to make sure you come to the situation. but really just say gunman rule freely in many parts of northern nigeria, imposing what they call texas and their own laws on helpless. but i just and it seems that as little to stop how many degrees does it have? no idea. yeah. no, jerry is president, has ordered the reopening of land in a board is with ms. jack the listing of all the sanctions against its neighbors. while latino bas directive follows decisions made up the eco y summits and a budget last month. he's also prove the lifting of financial and economic sanctions against guinea. it was late as had agreed to last economic sanctions
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against guinea naja. molly, booking of foster high coals in wanda, has ruled the opposition, m. p evict walking. a b or a tunnel stands in presidential elections in july. she was part of 2018 off to subbing 8 years of a 15 year prison sentence for terrorism and genocide. now under one to know anyone jailed for 6 months or more cannot stand for office. catherine sort of reports from narvie. this is a big blow to victoria in gab it is. she's a problem in that opposition. a politician in wanda, she's one of the few who are still in countries. several others are in exile and she wanted to run for an elective position during as this is a general election. so she went to court to have us criminal
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records expunged in gabby, to attempt to, to vice president in 2010 to challenge president of pools gunmen, she was but after that she was convicted for among other things, denying genocide which is a prime in wanda and she was in prison for 8. yes. and she was had a 2018 and she's been very quiet since then until now you're on the speaking i just picked up. wanda is a country that does not respect to the new what i'm fighting for is to establish lose that respect, democracy and human rights. the judge based his rulings on emotions. this encourages me to continue the fight home by the election about 3 months and it's expected that the president of government is going to we,
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he does not have a nice strong competitors. and we have been hearing over the years that the, the government has stifles democracy and has been a shot things out of pretty called voices. so lots of rondon say that say they don't expect any surprises in that election cast. we saw the 0, i wrote the dots fall, arise, politician get will to says he will not be the next prime minister. will this for you to policy? one of the poles held last november. he's been even coalition to accept a sense. but now says he called govern unless old policies, greece was anti immigration platform. the us has been battling a shortage of health care workers for years to fill. the void is recruited a record number of nurses from the philippines,
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laban migrant right side to the same. many of banks pro, sit by recruiters on health care facilities on a be low reports. like many filipino nurses, k or renters wants to work in the united states. she's one step closer after passing the license exempt. the grass is greener and the house is bigger like that, but what many called the american dream has turned out to be a nightmare for. and again, he's asked us to conceal this identity for fear of repercussions. he says, filipino nurses have heavier workloads, the local staff near to be honest like this may then then like for us we are like a cheap label or say for example you have 4 or 5 patients and then you'll see those who are working here. i mean those people who are from here and they were just sitting in the space and if a patient dies, nurses risk losing their license to practice in the us or the else as he pointed
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out, but couldn't leave because his contract required him to pay $40000.00 in depth.


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