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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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the, the at least 6 people killed simply waiting for food is really forces continues a target civilians in the gaza strip. the player watching now to sierra alive from bill ha, i'm for news back. people also coming up no let up in violence. i un warehouse full of a to is hit by is really bombs in the rock by in southern guy. after weeks of unrest attends. com, hang silver haiti's capital following the resignation of entering prime minister
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ayalani. and the us move forward with plans to potentially bad chinese social media giants. the . is there any forces i have open fire on palestinians waiting for food a northern gaza. at least 6 people were killed and 83 injured in the attack on the crate found about these really forces. i've repeatedly targeted stopping civilians who wait for a truck smit into section on slide. dean road, which makes northern guys went to the south. at least $400.00 palestinians have been killed in is really a tax on a deliveries the right schools say israel is using salvation as a weapon of war against palestinians. the attack happened on the day that is read also targeted the u. n. for distribution center. this time in the south of uh, guys, uh, in vasa,
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at least 5 people were killed including an onerous staff member. the facility is one of the last remaining food distribution points in gaza. the you, an agency has call for an independent investigation. felix, me a wire reports the blood stains the flow for you when relief, distribution center in rough or stock reminder of the dangers, humanitarian workers face in gaza. oh staff members. more on the loss of a clique one know 5 people killed. you know, these are really attack oh, i know mark, this is only yeah. yeah. and are going love. this is for bit and we are international institution. all of this is for the people we stopped returning to our homes and that we work here, day and night to serve refugees. we take all of this to the elderly and the children. what is this? one drawer says that it frequently, she has locations of its facilities with all parties, but that has not stopped these really military from targeting it. these really ami
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described when his days attack as a successful operation, targeting a mass commander since october, more than 151 percent has been struck in israel's war on casa, this includes schools sheltering, the displaced the least 400 people have been killed while sheltering under the united nations flag the you in call to this latest attack, devastating. it has a negative impact on our ability of staff to, to, to work. it has a negative impact on the ability of those who need aid to get aid. it's, it's another, it's another tragic symbol of the conditions under which or humanitarian colleagues work every day in the in gaza. aid agencies say
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was role in palestine in territories is a replaceable debts from hunger are already being reported in gaza in a meeting with the us secretary of state, the use policy chief colored for the opening of more channels to deliver aid. we need to clear the humanitarian nexus to see by a that's good, that's not enough to cannot replace hundreds of trucks bite, sending body huge. the most important thing is to open the by line. under international aid facilities are supposed to be protected during conflict. but as war rages in gaza, incidents like this seem likely to continue unchecked me or i was just responding to that attack on the you and distribution center us secretary of state antony blinking. j is around to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers and gaza,
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body go henry for some washington. a very brief press conference with us secretary state, answer your bike. and here at the state department, you wanted to talk about a video conference call that was hosted with cypress, the us, the european union, united kingdom you a cutter and the united nations. they're really trying to coordinate how they're going to do this temporary here in dallas or to get aiden by see, he said it's going to take time. but he said he hopes that when it is up and running to be able to deliver 2000000 meals a day, he did say that this can only just complement a that really needs to go in the most effective way, which is overland. now he did say that it was a good view is really to provide a very definitive list of items that are not allowed and to speed up inspections. but when asked, who is to blame for such a little a getting in? he did not blame d, as really he was asked about just the latest attack on a food distribution side in gaza without getting to the specifics of this incident
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. because again, i don't know the facts. i think it does as a general matter, underscore something i talked about a few minutes ago. and that's the imperative of having much better and much more consistent. conflictions are mandatory and workers, the agencies they need to be able to do their jobs. and with as much security and as much confidence as possible. many of the questions focus on potential consequences for israel, as you know, president joe biden said that there was a red line. if they were to invade rasa, he didn't go into any detail that they're even maybe potential consequences. if the prime minister of israel benjamin danielle, who does what he's been said is going to do and invade rafa. anyway. patio hain al jazeera at the state department. the father of a palestinian child killed by is there any forces in occupied east jerusalem? says israel as imposing restrictions on receiving his body, virginia rami allowed tony was shot in the chest while playing with fine works.
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near checkpoint, close to the strong side refugee camp on tuesday. is there any res has become more frequent and more intense across the occupied westbank since these are as well on guys have begun last year? laura con is following the found the story from occupied easterling. ronnie, i'll honey hood shots in the chest by this ready, a sniper in shop at refuge account, but it's really important to tell you exactly where that is, because there's lots of politics around that. that's an occupy the story. swim like where it was now, but the only other slides of the is ready for that. once he occupied westbank, he was playing with fireworks at the time with his friends at the video to corporate eye witness accounts of this these right. he said that they would shoot it towards him. we've seen video of him shooting it up. anyway. they shot him. the is ready, read. sorry, the posting a ridgecrest, an ambulance collected him, took him to be, is ready for to where and it's ready. i'm, you know, it's quite similar to the hospital. it's a psychiatric deadness kept his body ever since. now his father bodies,
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the statement out saying that the army had contacted him, they said that they be come, collect his body on friday at midnight. only full members of the family are allowed to have some serious have yet to go along. with that, only 50 people can attend the funeral and it has to be buried in schwann's hub, refugee kept no to the found the burial ground in east jerusalem, which is where that's from. so of course that wants to bury the loved ones in a great, you know, in the found the gray box. of course, many of worried that that will be false hope because ultimately it's ready safety that they can take of 40 that often they resend that office. we'll have to wait to see what they have actually very wrong. the other has really on friday evening and overnight and see if there any forces arrested for palestinians during res, across the occupied westbank soldiers told him several homes me a novelist. they were raids also in concordia, and near the columbia refuge account north of occupied east jerusalem. israel has
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detained at least $7550.00 pounds as to means and killed $420.00 people since the one gas would be gas is found to have the world news and a proposal to install a new political leadership in haiti has hedge of old, drunk after some opposition parties rejected the move. the plan was to create a presidential council that would select an intern guffman to pave the way for a transition. relative calm has returned to ages capital for to france. after weeks of gang violence, some banks and businesses have reopened at schools. hills station and the 2 minneapolis remain closed from me. so i know he has promised to resign. after the transitional presidential council is formed, is comes as a well food program warns of and moving from in, in hate to john home and has more from santo domingo and neighboring dominican republic. while hate to use political crisis plays out more than a 1000000 people. and now, and the bring consignment that's coming from the world food program,
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which is struggling to feed them. it's losing back to because the country and especially the capital, a cut off from outside supplies order prints is essentially under bubble. the roads in and out of order prints have been not controlled by our groups for a long time. these past few days before it's been closed and there been no incoming flights, and we're seeing food prices rise. we're seeing a scarcity of some food items. gains are in control of both ways that the cap to use them choking of the entry wise. they've been doing it for years, but it's escalate them. recent weeks is a clement, the prime minister audio and ready to quit. now he says he'll go as soon as an intern, prime minister is named. but as that political crisis plays out, people are struggling to provide for their families to chair the original lives incense to one of the poor parts of the capital. they've been especially affected by food shortages because they're the ones that you see. the problem of hunger is
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very difficult for me and for all patients. i live with 5 children as well as my mother, all of whom i take care of and feed every day. it's no small matter. this is the worst experience in life. we live in a country where people's rights are not respected patients, children especially are at risk even before the recent escalation and violent one and full suffer from chronic, now nutrition and the well 3 programs. it's now running fruits reserves. once those give out things could get worse, the children in puerto prints, the most valuable part of the population, are a great greatest risk in the commune of our credit. okay. it's important for us, you've got malnutrition rates that are as high as they are. they are in, in words on the hope of some is it wants to transition governments, established, the country can reopen and supplies can get where they need to be. but that appears to depend as much on the gains as the politicians. a powerful, unpredictable force in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. john homan,
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i'll just say to the dominican republic, the united nation says it's with drawing some non essential stuff from haiti because of the volatile and security situation. stuff providing life saving assistance will remain gabriel is onto has more from you and headquarters in new york to you and would not specify exactly how many people would be affected by this order. but for some perspective, i can tell you the un has about 1500 staff inside haiti and of those about 17 percent or international staff. now the u. n. made this decision after reviewing a security and risk assessment that they look at periodically and for the past 2 weeks or so. o u n staff working in haiti, or under a shelter in place order, meaning that they could not just roam around 3 weeks on the streets and that's due
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to the security situation there. now. now the main message from un headquarters on wednesday is that the u. n would not be leaving 80 and that the essential staff members would continue to do their humanitarian work in the country as best as they can just with slightly less personnel to do it. this humanitarian work is critical now more than ever. and so you and says that there are 1000000 haitians that are on the verge of famine. and about 360000 haitians internally displaced, including $15000.00 alone that have been pushed from their homes just this month. gabriel's on though, i'll just see there at the united nations in new york, a still head on algae 0. the man just how mannion guys made any of his mission to loved ones. a dignified fairway, the
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critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people have starving and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments, for addition to the highest level, they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy for a new teacher. they usually forget the family, please. when you think that the people in power meet the inhabitants still fighting for justice. jesse, wait and took, evaluate and think. and for the money you're in the home,
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i didn't think they even considered as like in the black people's people. the sacrifice then on out is there examining the impact of today's headlines, which is 0, set the stage giving voice to the voice of program producing rise to an alternative view of the world today on allergies in sooner. the and watching out just 0 life from doha reminder about top stories. at least 6 palestinians waiting for food aid has been killed by is there any forces in northern gaza? 83 others went and gave me a talk on the coate found about the way it's really forces. repeatedly target
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starting civilians to wait for a truck in ra, fine, southern gaza. israel has targeted anyone for the distribution center. at least 5 people that came, including an own or a staff member, the facilities, one of the last remaining for distribution points and got an in haiti, a proposal to install a new political leadership that has had a role drunk after some opposition. fundies rejected the move, the well food program is wanting all the moving findings in haiti. northern guys are palestinians are struggling to give them knocked ones a dignified burial, but one man is making it his duty to give his deceased brother a respectful send off with the helpless strangers and run a little icon has the story of wanting some view as may find the images in the report just to be on a desolate coastal road in northern casa, lead, crunch is next to the lifeless body of his brother hoss. he's in shock. despite
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his mental state sites clear on his duty to get hudson's body to the mor good, i'll ship a hospital in the front of a field of several men come to help on foot and surrounded by devastation in silence. they start out then more people join them, providing an abandon shopping cart. the sight recounts what happens when the nice thing about the home. well the way up and then we will walk again, holding a white flag, heading south with several other farm died and then
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a tank shell fell from above us along with it. my brother was holding my 2 year old nephew when the attack happened. i don't know where he is though. i tried to retrieve my brother's board and is there any time continued shooting at us? the x in the holding onto his dead brother's ankle. so you've never leaves his side. on reaching l ship a hospital site is consoled by people he meets and asking questions about his late brother, the members of a community shattered by war coming together to help a stranger saves obligation to his brother has been filled. how soon his journey is now complete rental of han
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houses. here in the us, the house of representatives has overwhelmingly approved a bill that would, for stick talks, chinese own is to sell the accounts for the parent company by dies to offload his shares within 6 months. supporters say chinese ownership poses a national security risk, but tick tock denies any ties with the government. engaging island official reports of the bill is passed without the objection. the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. the moving us house of representatives took a step towards binding, picked up the chinese illinois of the social media up used by around a $170000000.00 americans would have 6 months to sell it to us opperation or present nationwide. but critics argue the company works too closely with the chinese communist party and could seize us user data and even push a political agenda. you wouldn't allow a radio tower owned by the chinese to be put up right in the middle of washington
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dc and then allow it to just put out chinese propaganda. you probably complained about that. that's exactly what tick tock can be used for. tell congress to not being tech talk. so i think talks to the possible band coming and us content creators mobilize to object some lawmakers think the bill doesn't address key issues are going to tell americans a client can't put a piece of software on their computer. they can't go to certain websites that the president designates. president joe biden says it could be a national security risk. bypass all fine. the chinese government before the motion passed, criticize the idea of a sale or for a bon jeanette. i think that may voucher to me which although although the us has not found any evidence of tick tock threatening national security to it has never stopped. going to take talk with step step on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of freedom of speech. but before that,
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this would have to pass the senate and there are no plans even to give it a heating. never mind, devote one 1st amendment expert says the idea of government going after social media should kill everyone. i think it's a terrible bill. i think that runs rough shod over the 1st amendment, and that it is a kind of gift to authoritarians all over the world. who will use this as a pretext to, to, to crack down on their own citizens, access to information and ideas and media from abroad. when president donald trump issued an executive order binding take talk, but rescinded it when the court ruled, it had not been established. it was a clear and present national security threat, which makes it talk to see the disappearing from american phones any time soon. allan fisher, i'll just see that capitol hill, tick tock, seo shows. h. u has responded to the vote urging uses to help keep the service running in the us. this legislation is signed into law will lead to
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a band of tick tock in the united states, even the bill sponsors and that the district goal. this bill is more power to a handful of, of the social media companies. we believe we can overcome this together. i encourage you to keep showing his thoughts, share them with your friends, share them with the family, share them with us, senators, protect you constitutional rights. make your voices heard. the question now is how the china will respond to the say less katrina. you a for some badging, a tick tock, c o. so it says here says this is saw from over the company intense use every possible legal avenue to flight this. and indeed they do have experience slicing this in american quotes at the state and federal level. now, in that video statement, he released shortly after that a vote was passed. he said that this will victimize, most of all americans. he said that 300000 americans, dental dues that jobs the viscous fluid. and also that this will take billions of
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dollars away from american small businesses that rely on tick tock full, the income. now the full, the support was policy also head friends aging and they've accused portions of hedge remote and you're saying that they are bullying. china with this that there is no evidence that this poses a national security threat to the us. and that this move also undermines international business and international business confidence. and they say that this will backfire eventually on washington. now the big question of what a bite jobs will actually reach to sell tick tock is the question on everyone's minds. most of white thoughts, sites on just profits come from china. it's a huge company that does make up about 20 percent of the business and it is the fastest growing portion of their business. so they're not going to once or willingly let it go and adding to that aging has said in the past that the algorithms that to take use of the algorithms that make the app so wildly popular are in fact they say national security level, proprietary technology and the aging does not want that to end up in the hands of
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foreign companies or indeed foreign government. so if there is a move to divest, talk from black debt that will be extremely complicated. indeed. katrina you all to 0 agent. us investigators looking into admitted door roll out on a bullying planning january, see an important piece of evidence is missing. the national transportation safety board says video of the repair to the door had been over written. the 737 max model had been grounded worldwide for years after crashing thing, 20182019, which killed hundreds. hi, jerry, as president has ordered the reopening of london and borders with new share and the lifting of other sanctions for latino boost. directive follows decisions made at a regional, somebody can avoid your last month. he's also approved the lifting of financial and economic sanctions on guinea lead us from the regional blanca weiss have also agreed 3 sanctions on guinea shan molly, and book in
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a facile which were in post following military, causing those west african nations gunmen and nigeria have a time to not as an agent can do in the states, keep not being 61 people, mostly women and children. it is the 3rd attack in a week and more than $300.00 people are now missing, and a dresser for some board at the village, and could do now where the kidnappings to face people in the world community using the idea is catalina state. us can these after the kidnap of more than $280.00 school children, including what they called pend it struck again and with the village, dozens of people. what do you know? who not only escaped natasha the or did the out of the house to can you going to was heavy? i also had my baby on my back is my soldiers arrived the band. it's perfect because i see the opportunity to drop the load and run what i mean,
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which i'm so but they yeah, but a few others also got free. so good. so now go down more with the committees, have a window to do the drive and felt like counseling to the outskirts of to finish. when the ministry arrives that we run into a north church. that's how some of us escaped. but my wife and stepmother did notice that being held by bandits along with 58 others, the people here say if the soldiers not arrived, everyone in the village could have been abducted. they will just say dozens of attackers arrived just before midnight, then went from house to house, seizing men, women, and children. this is a 3rd to type in federal and state within one week on fellows the kidnapped of 287 score children. the number of abductions in nigeria. as knowles has increased, at least $600.00 people have been kidnapped in the region this month to and open the scripts and security service is struggling to contain the lawlessness sweeping across many nigerian states. the government is key to reassure people
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in the government to make sure the company's depression, but really just say gunman rule freely in many parts of northern nigeria, imposing what they call texas and their own laws on helpless. but i just, and it seems that as little to stop how many degrees, obviously that would nigeria in australia, one minor has died in 29. others were rescued after a gold mine collapse in the state of victoria. and national labor union has raised concerns about the mind safety standards, where there was a similar incident in $26.00 o. 2007 police and safety regulators are investigating a cos ellsbury and need a came john own has responded to a join us south korean military exercise with a display of his own state media. say he, joe,
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one of the countries like latest time simself came, has been keen to show off north korea's military power, mostly by launching ms. sanchez. and those are the headlines. best thing is for now on alex's here. a stay with us coming up next. if inside story and then one years with miss veronica, thanks for watching the hello. there was not in southern africa which tropical psycho and philipo has continued to bring more heavy rain. so the likes of mozambique south africa and s with teeny, and one thursday. it pulls out to see, but behind it we seeing a legacy of thunder storms and very heavy rain that's likely to cause further flooding. go southern parts of mozambique into s, what you need and eastern south africa behind that however, allows you clear and dry picture, lots of heat continuing for countries like bought swan. and that's
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a similar story. as we walk away further north, the rush of severe thunderstorms affecting the democratic republic of congo. this is a large weekly, a picture across the very no, that's the hail heart and getting hot to over the next few days, with temperatures rising for chad and sudan. now we are seeing something of a cold on however, across the north west, but does clear up the skies remaining a locked y a full out urea and to easier to go into friday. the wind, however, picking up across libya, bringing a risk of some sand stores and stand stones may be the story of correspond for the middle east and live. and some blustery winds picking up saudi arabia, bringing some showers here, some cloud conditions across the gulf. and we'll see something of a cool job with some rain across the event to end the week of the stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach,
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they usually forget people from lake point when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting for just just wait and took their lead and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think dave insensitive applicants like people, the people, the sacrifice them on, which is their us intelligence agencies have concluded have mass cannot be destroyed a quarter, a movie is randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who's most of us on the slogan, garza. so why does the u. s. continuing to from israel to fight to war? it doesn't police can be one. this is inside story, the color that are on jane.


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