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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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the suffered casualties we have not suffered, scientology is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say. no double stand to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful. here. the story on talk to how does era us intelligence agencies have concluded? a mass cannot be destroyed a quarter a month is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has most of this on the slogan garza. so why does the u. s. continuing to israel to fight to war? it doesn't believe can be one. this is inside story. the
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hello that are on jane space is are, i will face armed resistance for my mass for years. and the groups boss, tunnel network, and gall, so won't be destroyed. in addition, is riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu is viability is a lead. a is in jeopardy as this is paul, right, coalition government, not the comments of a mass palestinians or opponents of israel. but instead the view of the us intelligence services, the was nothing yahoo is on least since the mouse attack on october. the 7th is killed and maimed more than a $100000.00 palestinians, and destroyed foss. ways of casa, yes, of mass and its allies continue to fight back. so if the intelligence community of israel is closest ally doesn't believe in the coal aims of the military offensive. why is the us still providing it with money and weapons? and with these projections that nothing you all whose governments could collapse. what does this report indicate about the current state of us is really relations. we'll discuss all of this with our panel of gas shortly, but 1st, and we can kinda as more details on what's in the report. israel will not destroy
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him us. that's according to a us intelligent assessment of global threats. it states as well, we're probably face lingering resistance from us for years to come and the minute treat will struggle to destroy its network of underground tunnels and garza the money so it's likely not well, it's really prime minister. netanyahu wants to hear the has repeatedly stated, the total elimination of the great is, is ultimate, a, to in the for we must destroy the remaining come us, but values in rough. if not, if not, come us. when we grew, we arm and we conquer garza and then we're back to square one. but netanyahu's premiership isn't secure either. the repeat predicts major protests
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demanding his resignation of new elections with the possibility of a more moderate government taking power. but when nothing y'all here and us intelligence officials may agree, israel's more on goals or trends to become a broader regional conflict. now having lasted for more than 5 months, the guy's a conflict. his world, the middle east with renewed instability, presenting new security paradigms and humanitarian challenges while pulling in a range of actors. the conflict has prompted new dynamics, even as it has entrenched old ones. and at risk of increasing economic fragility, even in countries not directly involved, covering tourism in jordan and egypt, for example, as well as globally and solidarity would come us humans, duties are attacking ships in the red sea. a major maritime star event causing disruptions to delivery, smell, and costs worldwide. the involvement of the who tease which impact by iran underscore is the potential for whitening conflict. the us forces in the regions
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have also been targeted. although the report completes, tacker on, did not have probably knowledge of how a mazda is october. the 7th attack on israel is relations between nothing you all who enjoy button become increasingly strained fonts. a dining assessment, these ready prime minister may make things was the crisis has galvanized violence by a range of actors around the world. and while it is too early to tell, it is likely that the gods a conflict will have a generational impact on terrorism. but for the people of goals of the war is already had a devastating impact image and came out a 0 the inside story. let's bring in a panel of guess to discuss this further in boston and then call. so for more than 20 years and the kindest on services of the c i a and is now us national security and foreign policy specialist. in london, you'll see medical book as an associate fellow with the middle east and north africa program at the u. k. think tank chatham house,
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and here in doha time of commute is the assistant professor of public policy at the doe institute for graduate studies, who specializes in conflict resolution and international aid, a real team of experts. thank you, and welcome to the program. well, this is the report that we're going to be talking about, and i'd like to read what i think is one of the key quotes from it is, well, we'll probably face and lingering resistance for my mass. we used to come on the minute tribble struggle to neutralize the masses. underground infrastructure which allows insurgents to hide, we gain strength and surprise is riley forces time about what is your reaction to that? not just as a specialist in the field, but as a palestinian who comes from gauze a generous. um, i think we're starting through some logic in some sense coming from from, from the americans. and i don't, i don't have to explain why. i mean, look at how this i must emerge as a what assistance,
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minute to the movement inside by this time i'm not designing probation. i'm the product displayed information. and when these are the controls that goes through and the even when the, when, when the, when the piece of process to, to go to 1994. and then we have also is 40 percent of the guidelines to different animal. like to give so many supplements, dropping those into 3 pieces of land and all the have the security wise and how much the config storage was. how much in the information so the either of the realtor buying the goes, but if i gain something the yeah, of course this item is describe the most thing. how much does the think of abilities on the wrong the the on the long term. but it's not been promised as an adult, easy as an idea of the moment, but do you measure it again and again, because of the terms of the past. so that's the only path for the piece. so to set
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is, is going to total more properties that b o, y, a bit of august, i've done it before, isabella and a at each went to the very top piece with the beautiful matches the, it's not going to go anywhere because it's a mainstream for pickup, but it's gonna be, it's an idea of scientology and how much does that sense in this context, this outcome of the book to any of these, what i do to patient. and the only way for is that i am to and this one is doing each piece not with, with the piano i don't have access with, i think often there's a way to do it to get the dimensions when, especially by the americans. meaning how much also from the perspective and i realized that this was supposed to be a lot and a brief lots of them as. busy of, of the stage and the official mode of, of, of mass getting to the scene is holfer's, mom in an easy position. so i think in these moments critical moments where
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basically they realize what the americans wrote that option of thinking that they cannot get to know how much, how much also revising with its benefit tactics. it's got off the gps that i'm going through with this, with tactics before then, but maybe that's something to do for the medical. some sort of being for the being was i'm going to have an end this morning thing, p. okay, time on that. and that's bringing plan um with that point that you just raised that it's time for the us to support the idea of a c spa, the us of the country around the un security council table by using his veto. that's preventing that to see spa, glenn, if i'm ass comp, be destroyed. if that goal is unattainable, why is the us administration to it? still allowing israel to pummel garza as well as the working title of my book, which is about the terror terrorism of the cold war on terror. a number of years ago was victims of delusion. that title was changed for secondary reasons, but the,
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the, the title is apt to, the intelligence community has the easier job in creating, in the process of government scan. and that job is the expression you will, you will have heard is to speak truth to power. so it's not as a discovery or a change in the assessment to the intelligence community in the united states to say that a conventional military attack on the all g or a, they're political idea or a cultural view point the can't cannot succeed is however, the, the intelligence community does not make policy, and there are significant elements in the power structure in the government and the political process. that simply don't believe that a conventional military methods are almost irrelevant for actually make matters
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worse when dealing with a fundamentally political and cultural issue. and so that's why, broadly speaking, the truth is almost irrelevant, where the facts are almost irrelevant to the power struggles or to support their convictions that are not based on facts but, but, but get planned on that. i mean we, we get this public intelligence, this report that we've just seen. but these are the same intelligence agencies that are feeding information to the senior us leaders every single day. the us present get something called the presidential daily brief present bite and really not have been told this for weeks months maybe since october. the 7th. oh, i'm sure. well not just as october the 7th. very. how about for the last of the 50 years? yeah, i think that is true and i and i, i do not know by and personally didn't work under him or meet with him, but i will get my retirement. so on the fact that he assesses
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understands the presentations and assesses the the realities on the ground and gaza in the same way that he has slowly been trying to increase the pressure as periodically happens in the us system on israel. but the fact is that the crude party in the right wing of the liquid party, the ultra orthodox parties that are aggressively pursuing the settlements in the west bank, the drive the policy. i do not mean to imply what people often believe, which is that there's some sort of dark, couple or jewish lobby making the decisions but the political, the in the united states. but the political dynamics are such that it is difficult for the republicans in particular. but the american political system to the
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pressure is real, show much that they would implement policies that everyone recognizes as the necessary or fact based y'all. so you could let me bring you in. and of course, we want to know your view of these riley perspective as someone who analyzes these ready position plus b. if we go back to the 11th of october, the minister defense, you'll have guidelines, and we've got so many quotes. so i could choose like this one we, we'll wipe this thing called a mouse. i says garza of the face of the it will cease to exist. you've heard what thomas says, you cannot defeat an idea. do you think the senior is riley, won't cabinets, and others do believe they can destroy him ass complexity as well? had the to option either. so it's, this is full public, public consumption, domestic, public consumption. although the notion and they say no, no, i don't like those shows, these are they, these are leading to us that the defense who knows defined
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a standing interest and know that really kind of interesting in this case and it ends and so that the, the assessment i think the, the action and one can understand and go off the october 7. but the government mentioned this policy. so this strategy. and instead of afraid they are low as you know, before age and in almost the vision by, by revenge instead of thinking straight towards his achievement. but i think to the point of thought, the most important thing for me is the point of the if the one to the feet from us, it's actually to make you to politically, i don't logical is relevant and for and suggest and also the palestinian. and those penalties as was all for there to be a peaceful solution, the 2 state solution, something that because a toll full by the stain in but by feeling loved instead of 2000 palestinians and guys, most of them uh civilians, children as well. this is not something that we separated between from us and, and,
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and, and, and the end of this, of the, of the, of the palestine is and this we, so there is an increase in supporting in some us. and i think is an maybe it's too late for this government to we assess its aims, which cause for a new government that actually can look at the day after the war and fight to reveal the relations we have with the police things which not based on a 0 sum game, which is not based on that, the old security valid. i'm the ok. you also get the i talk general. i guess all those comments you made that on you're focusing on the current is really government . but the report also says these really population proudly supports the destruction of home us. so if the bite and administration is how, hoping that nothing you all who will decide to bring the war to an end some day, very soon, just by himself, with that backdrop, with this writing population that supports the destruction of homeless and doesn't support a 2 state solution that's what will happen any time soon,
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is it so i think we need to set that up between the issue of supporting 2 state solution and the the destruction of come us. i think this is again, this is in the action to october 7. but if there is any population, i mean to cut it must be the same day and certainly population with all for the to a peaceful understand that they've been, you'd see shifting and these are getting a public public opinion recently. so 2 years ago though, of the times that no one wanted to speak to the piano in these i and it was the guy that is totally st organization and also changed it. unfortunately, it didn't types, it's all of them at the conclusion of face. so i think we need to and towing to a political process politic, public opinion can change if the changing of circumstances from well to piece. but for this you need new leadership. you move the new disclose to offend the society. and then i believe that we see it also public opinion. this is more susceptible to
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it. they say this goes well, the way this report works that we're discussing, it comes out every year. and this report then is debated in the sell it. the senate intelligence committee and the intelligence treats have to answer questions in that senate intelligence committee. and there are pretty striking exchanges in that committee. listen to these questions, aust, by the senate said tom cotton, the republican senator ex military officer who served in iraq and afghanistan. listen to the questions. he asked is israel exterminating the palestinian people? and senator, all i can say is do you know what i said before? so is that a no, you do not believe is realized exterminating the palestinian people? i think i think israel's, i understand israel's director haines. do you believe israel's exterminating the palestinian people? and i really don't have anything to add to what director, for instance, center,
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so time of your reaction to that there they will open about some things but and also about others. well, it's, it's, so it's sort of supporting james, i mean, i mean for good enough to have a clear answer on this or i didn't. so do you, do you want this contract in this order is, has been more or less. i mean, we understand that said um, so how big was 711 from the us? 7 to 2, but as an image on days late in society and when the so think of that adventures with a lot of things just advise nothing justifies this genocide. the last thing, i mean, the way it's be from texas, looking to targeting of civilians. yeah. it's, it's, i mean, i mean, i mean it's, it's, it's, it's the more we can, we have what we're watching on the basis. i don't think i think it's, i mean, i know it's perfectly understand that the us is like the shoulder, the beginning contain and when that's the, by the but you know,
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i mean district stuff. no, because this has gone too far. and the, i mean, i mean, i hope this one wishful thinking behind the simple not one the timing but for this . but for us also the same is that i make it understand that it's starting to end this. you come out that there's a backup on the new. it's coming back as if it hasn't been going on so far. let me remind you of you or someone else for yours or something, james. and when, when, when it's ready to withdraw from the god, the set up in 2005, and then we have the connections. and then the, the complexity is that all the time as opposed to going to times in the nation from 2006 to 2024. what's never seen is the eighty's or the eighty's. i mean the, the, the week off of the c bought something else, is they, the soldiers, i think the generation now she sold the houses and shrink points in all this ring
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every element of their lives. and this is hard to find sort of the, it's not the end of the story now. so what, what, what for us, for students? what really met this now? is this the united nation that yes, i mean, even months if the, there's a huge demand on the issue of resistance. lots of option a resistance. what's the zip resistance? what's that thing and thought you might have this that's not the students i agree with from as the i agree with that that comes with. but you can look up the punishment entire nation, the way it is, or it is doing what has done and goes up on the side and the support this war entity. so let me, let me, let me bring in the plan. now we heard that clip from the senate intelligence committee, this is the report. i think it's worth getting some context with you because you worked for 33 years in the c all. yeah. you worked in the field around the world doing secret stuff. i'm sure you can tell us about, but you also prepared previous versions of this report. this isn't just some
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snippets of intelligence information. this is the key report is yes, it accurately reflects the consensus. no, there will always be varying opinions into watches, but it gives us the consensus of the intelligence community. so a lowest common denominator sometimes. well, you negatively will miss certain new us. um, however, the question that we heard was on surprisingly political and objective and malicious, frankly, because it made a binary issue out of a terrible complex situation. the, the director of the d, an i end of the ca, couldn't really say a, in a setting that, you know, you know, hearing that there are the elements in the is really government that on the far right, the ones that lead a to before to would probably be very happy and they actively be seeking to re occupied and in fact, they said it's explicitly reoccupied
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a gaza and expel all the palestinians. but the are in terms of the sort of information the is really go. yeah. kind in terms of the sort of informations that they will be transmitting to us leaders, intelligence information, they don't make public, they'll be all sorts of questions they can all so that we have suspicions about the they'll be able to talk about is really targeting and whether the really targeting civilian target says so many people, including rulings by the international court of justice. i'm making clear the so this, so the president biden is called say he doesn't know what was going on county as such a hard one to answer or if, if there are reports that the united states, the obtains of whatever the origin that are considered reliable that these really government were or is targeting civilians. i am confident that that would be made
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public that that's a factual issue. less subject to political interpretation and shading and so on. so i don't think that there's the information of that nature of being withheld or papered over the political dynamics from the far right to the, the central left. and these really government, those things become fundamentally political and more delicate. for a, an intelligence official to comment on, but the factual targeting issue that would come up you'll see in this report, it also talks about what the ron is doing. it says that it raining and lead as they assess, did not have full knowledge of the whole mass attacked against israel. it also talks about it robin's road in lebanon, and iraq and syria, and in gavin and the red sea. what i found interesting about that is it all comes in the report onto the goals are heading. and normally the us administration tries to separate these not admit they are causes of because a will,
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the nice things. now there is that there is a recognition that those, all these issues are connected. now they have sometimes they'll, they'll, their own causes, the one disability if they, they, they cited by this time a conflict easily. so then that a space, but at the same time, if the, the, a, the, the issue is not the result as a result of defense, it feeds into other conflicts. so we have this form from the father a or even before saying that, you know, he had no knowledge of october of 7 in, in, in advance. and it's in the same issue. but at the same time, there wouldn't tied to type that a. so i, and these are the ideas, as long as, as, as, as possible in these, no doubt, taking advantage by any plays it's, it's a loan game. also, boxes, you know, they'll to, a, to balance it's, there is a button though for generally, between these a and any of on,
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and also to detail do like that states. but i think it's important to see that i'm not reserving these early by the same conflict as why the implication in the region and to be honest with the old plan in the report. there's also questions about the future of ness and yahoo and his file, right? government saying his viability of his colon coalition may be in jeopardy. and there may be elections and protests and coming coming. now that's, that's quite a political judgment as well as an assessment of a political issue. it's not taking sides in a, in a political manner. however, somebody's going to close on, difficult problem is, is going to cost political problems potentially. is it not that not going to like hearing that issue in, in, in the, in the next one. yahoo. com a no, they will not, they will not. and, and i will also wager that the already easy is really nothing yahoo government is
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taking actions to undermine the credibility of the people who may in united states . you don't reach this assessment for the political figures who agree with it or try and work with it. that that's, that's certain. yeah, no it's, it's not a good thing for the destiny of the government to hear about it. so fact, even seems to me is pretty clear from the millions. it was rarely, as you have taken to the streets for years, but nothing yahoo, it is at best surviving. the because of the, the support of the far right. the only, that's it. you'll see in terms of relations between israel and the us. how damaging could this be different than some of the comments we've had recently by president biden? i'm prime minister netanyahu, or if i may assess to say, you know, you don't need the intelligence assessment a to, to realize that the viability of them, if any outcome, samantha is dwindling rates enough to
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a public opinion polls one after another. and this, this would suffice as full as sold intellectually to deal nighted states that then you always an ongoing damage to this relation. it became a liability in the way what was conducted became reliability on this relations when president biden said they will hopefully call that as saying that, you know, if there is, if there is a needs fully come to jesus conversation a talk with, with, with, with, and you know, is actually attending the training, is that that's yes, they need the new leadership, the counseling that she needs to change, that there is a need for what you may need to than a to enter to enter the guys as soon as possible ending the quantities that, that can save, doesn't paper for you, money down, disaster tanaka, if i could, if i could have a final word from you, i do, but beginning to feel as
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a palestinian watching this, that the truth is finally being spoken by some western leaders. for example, joseph burrell, the foreign policy, chief of the you said recently starvation is being used as a weapon of war. we've known that for months, but he's only saying it now, just as this intelligence report is only coming up now briefly, please. a jim. yeah, i mean, yes but, but again, we need more actions they need to, as the leverage change is, are, is behavior. if you're not me was leverage. if you don't know sanctions, if you don't know was, i don't know whatever you have on your menu, machine die, payment is made of government, then it's just old, but it's dean has named it actions. i think everyone is shut up with what happened . this conflict has gone from to me and they said it's kind of diminish. we'll get to the students and the other way at all. it was also so i think there is, i mean, with all the sacrifices with all this love should. this is this, this call to be the students to bring the piece for the 2 sides. if there is any of
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what i think the americans then hold the car to you and then the, then the, i mean, i mean it's, it's the decision though it's on the know sign cute to all of all guess what? joining us today, let me call, you'll see medical book and time of comm mode, much more detail in context on israel's war on cars that can be found on our website, which is their adult calm insights story. is your spotlight on global issues? where should we sign up showing on the spot like next time that it's not a post on our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha, inside story messages on x. a handle is at a inside story for me, james, based on the team here in doha, stay safe. i'll see you very soon. the president biden says once a 2 state solution for palestinians and israelis,
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what does anybody believe it's doable? what this is real for? i'm gonna say it back to us foreign policy and what are the long term consequences for the region and the world? a quizzical look at us politics, the bottom line, or the all of latin america for most of my career, but no countries alike. and its my job to shed light on how and why what constitutes exempt. so we just talked, you were saying, i want you to start with just the fence right as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education i want. we do. we don't have lead them in different countries in the policy. um, it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services this placement and you're saying you don't have your reports with it. i should just trust the community often is
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the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the i'm to try and are, these are the top stories on al jazeera is rarely strikes, have killed at least 9 people from the same family in central cancer, the attack talking to the home and allegories, refugee camp 5 children are among the dead, the victims have been taken to along the hospital to prepare them for burial. grounds of health official site is rarely strong, so killed $69.00 pellets indians and just the past 24 hours. well now from images there was honey mac, mood and rough. it's not only the 5, but we seen the pattern happening and all that every single day because the data.


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