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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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are you the the colors, the whole rahman you're watching the out. is it renews on life? my headquarters here in the hall, coming up in the next 60 minutes, leaderless and lawless, hazy spirals and details of the prime minister. irene alone replied to resign. the reports, the national prison is on fire. in gaza, at least 8 people are killed and is really a time to go to warehouse storing food and the amount is heavy and this is a refugee can, isn't it just for us that we are in no way intended to split the look, especially religion or believe the government knows its definition of extremism,
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prompting pushed back from groups who say it's aimed limiting protests and free speech, the display sex, and make a real case plan. so the world's largest real goods ever built, which is facebook fails on re entering something to stand out and support has a lot of common driven breath. you're departments have claimed the last 2 places and the champions report of finals jayden santo helping dormant on their way to victory and the last 16 against p. s. you find the welcome to the news. uh, we begin in hazy with the country spiraling out of control in the absence of a leader and under the pressure of the gangs of fire has broken out the national prison in the comfortable footprints at times to full bay transitional council to
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shape the countries political future has also sold prime minister ariel re, who's stuck in puerto rico as promised to resign. but when he was, a counselor is foam to select the interim government. the united nations has begun with drawing it's known, essential personnel. john holman, has moved from sun to them and goes and neighboring dominican republic. a while hate to use political crisis plays out more than a 1000000 people. and now in the bring consignment that's coming from the well food program which is struggling to feed them. it's a losing battle because the country and especially the capital, a cut off from outside supplies order prints is essentially on a bubble. the roads in and out of border prints have been not controlled by our groups for a long time. these past few days before it's been closed and there are been no incoming flights, and we're seeing food prices rise. we're seeing scarcity of some food items. gains are in control of both ways. the cap to it's then choking of the entry wise.
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they've been doing it for years, but it's escalate them. recent weeks is a climate for prime minister audio and ready to quit. now he says, who go as soon as an intern prime minister is named. but as that political crisis plays out, people are struggling to provide for their families. to chair the original lives incense to one of the poor parts of the capital. they've been especially affected by food shortages because they're the ones you can see. the problem of hunger is very difficult for me and for all patients. i live with 5 children as well as my mother, all of whom i take care of and feed every day. it's no small matter. this is the worst experience in life. we live in a country where people's rights are not respected. the patient children especially are at risk even before the recent escalation and violent one in full suffer from chronic mountain nutrition. and the will free program says it's now running fruits
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reserves. once those give out things, cook, it was the children in puerto prints, the most volatile part of the population are a great greatest risk in the commune of aquatic. okay, and for the prince, you've got malnutrition rates that are as high as they are. they are in, in words on the hope of some is it, once it transition governments established, the country can reopen and supplies can get where they need to be. but that appears to depend as much on the gains as the politicians, a powerful, unpredictable force in the poorest country in the western hemisphere. john homan, aus is a to the dominican republic. and john joins us from the dominican republic and it does beg, the question really told about how patients already getting on with life. and i'm trying to work through all of the chaos that they're experiencing right now. yeah, that's completely right. so in the new space that we would dwelling on hunger and the fact that as well as like 4000000 people that are in foods in security and have
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been for some time is now on the bring a 1000000 people. well, food program says on the brink assignment. so that's just one aspect though. another aspect in height to not just now but over the last couple of years has been the front of sexual violence right in demick, in the country, partly as a means by their games to control the territory and to keep the population under that control. there's more than 300000 people in height that just sliced at the moment. they've been leading a areas where the balance between games or the bonus we games and the police that just become too much for them. and just on thursday to day, oh sorry business. i've been a for one of haiti's main prisons. luckily a lot of the inmates of that to be already been moved off to a mass prison outbreak in which thousands of people escaped from prisons. this all started happening recent weight. so in terms of, uh, what misery can be inflicted upon a people the haitian people of c o over the last couple of years ready,
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but things have been coming to a head now. in the last couple of days, there's been a relative relative calm in the capital city, port a prince, and the rest of the country. that's what we're hearing through report. as there's been tool of, of new possible start a new transitional count. so which united states an outside country from the caribbean, hope would take start the country, going me to an interim government lead to a police force from tenure of a 1000 people coming in. but there's a lot of different opinions, all not transitional counsel. and on the fact with a hate to can take the outside help, a tool and it's led to the facts about transitional counsel is still not full. and there are a major political voices in the country, one of which i think we're going to see it from in this program who resisted and reject that trans tional council all together. yeah, it's like we're hoping to speak to a guest in a short while john, but be full that. let's just talk as well about the actual you talked about the
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security scenario, certainly and hazy, but if we just look at ports i prints, for example, it is sort of a bottleneck, a capital. and everything that goes in and out seems to be according to when we spoke to somebody from the well food program. what 24 hours ago, controlled by the games a such inverted commas. in terms about security and in terms of people trying to pups leave the capital to move into the countryside. even get to the border of dominican republic. what sort of are you hearing about that? the ability of people to find safe haven, if they not finding it in the capital of the i think it's extremely complicated for people. and we've talked about the fact that there is more than $300000.00 displays a law. so he's a moving actually was in the capital dot send the situation in the past couple of days from the neighborhood trying to just get out to somewhere else way even if they're on the streets, at least they're in, if not safe. the move safety the when they were coming from,
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with the border from the, with the dominican republic where we are now, that's actually shot. obviously, that has an effect on goods and services. but it also has an effect on the fact that people call get out from hate to one side of the island to us in the dominican republic. on the other side of that, unless you have a side to the island, the dominican republic has long been quite resisted in many ways to that sort of migration. anyway, and i'm willing to explore the problems that hazy has onto the side of this fund. you'll, as they saw island, is code. there's other countries as well. the worried about possible migration. the united states has long been a place. the haitians undergoing great difficulty in danger up the route from latin america pulse view and stretch of jungle bizarre and got try to get to, to some sort of say, states. so the united states has been heavily involved up to this port with the plan to try and get this transitional counsel going on. big government as well. i'm going to have one on the fact that they don't want to see an influx of people
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coming to the states either. so there's very much a situation in which the haitian people undergoing all of these problems at the moment have limited access to get out to escape, to get away from them. don't hold them the incentives may get thanks very much for the latest job. it's the best take you to go. so the way it was ready forces have continued the relentless bombardment of the strip. at least 69 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. may include 9 members of the same timely at the out of the rise refugee camp in central garza is there any falls is also talk that a food and a distribution warehouse and the display it's come age. people who are reported to being killed by in garza city, 6 palestinians were killed all waiting to collect food parcels. is why the forces
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of repeatedly opened fire on civilians trying to find to mandatory and aid. meanwhile, both supplies have been dropped into northern garza palestinians. the rushed to the dropped zones in bethlehem. while it all comes on the day after his ready forces struck the united nations food distribution center and prosecuting 5 people, that stuff been performed. the human agency, full palestinian refugees, is amongst the that now the center is one of the last distribution points in garza . let's join the topic as email correspondence. he's on the phone now from a southern gaza atomic. obviously a very bloody day across the street. just tell us a little bit about what we're hearing now and attack the subjects comp. i mean, what more do we know about this? yes, to hail the, our 160 days of blood, the attacks that did not stop till now. and we have been observing, please say military attacks from the middle areas of insurance where you were the
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one of the ladies killed 9 men does one family in the same and in the same strike as their house being completely level to the ground. and we have been also recording and reporting on ongoing to decide the military attacks on the middle areas where people are completely suffering from she destruction resulted from that usability from bottom. that induced families also that have been killed at the civil defense teams. i've taken time in order to recover them from under the rustles, have been destroyed buildings due to the difficulty that they are facing to open from the jeffries to come under the deep freeze of the destroying houses. and this, these attacks. similarly continued of palestinians. i'm no longer feel safe in areas that had been initially designated as faithful and pulled up. until eric, the aid situation we know can continues to be sort of an obvious concern, a life threatening welcome to those who are approaching any called in boy, or even an agile as well. so here's the situation on the ground. it's really
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controversial. that is really the front of site, so you think that it's facilitating a deliveries on areas of the gaza strip and the biggest band. and the other hand, we can see that there is an increase of attacks on a distribution centers yesterday. for example, the have destroyed and targeted are you i'm, i'm a run a, a distribution 8 centers and now today you have the tact, another one. but for a church full organization in the middle areas is specifically, you know, say rocks where she can at least 8 tungsten and after reported killed in the latest attack. this is absolutely terrifying because college students see generally that as well as the police right now targeting these 8 centers as a part of the ongoing tough ation that had been launched by israel and coast since the beginning of this one. also, they are afraid right now to repeatedly go to the areas, do the distribution centers to receive aid because to put that as an extra pressure
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on humanitarian date was a great i'm but these are rustic circumstances as there was a full collapse. so insecurity as people are completely right now depending on 8 supplies for living topics, i was doing that for us in southern gaza. tonic always good to speak to you. thanks very much for that update. well let's talk just mentioned on wednesday is will talk to you and see distribution center in the south of the strip. do that to me is the head of communications, foot and roller. the. she spoke to my colleague, tom mccrae and she says the organization is trying to keep going despite these right of the attacks on this facility's on wednesday. a no impact on the supplies that we have done in the warehouse is very me. and so we continue to provide humanitarian assistance and we continue to do everything possible with very, very little supplies on coming in by far, nothing off as
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a famine in some parts of guns and bloom. somebody continued to have that issue with accessing northern gauze on itself. to the warring parties to make sure that the united nations 1st and then slips and facilities are protected at all times. and to many times during this worked on these facilities, i would personally have come under attack and they've been hit. so every day on ground shows, the goal would be means, all of our facilities across the guns was stripped with all parties to the conflict and commuting with the state of is when i check the on this particular warehouse and it was on the list and the list was sharon, a be before the say hit the happen in southern got a 2nd ship bounce. a goal is risk being loaded with aid, as it proposed to depart from cypress. the weld central kitchen charities has 300
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tons of food, all being packed on board is so clear when the vessel will leave the pulse of monica. another ship carrying 200 tons of supplies is due to reach casa on friday. the atrocities have criticized the program, st. opening more land crossings. the trucks will be far more effective. a palestinian and northern gauze. i have been observing the most them how the month of ramadan, in the shadow of all displaced families in bethlehem, cooking, what little food they can find to improvise kitchens to break the thoughts. others have been praying and it makes shift most can jabante in the area has suffered some of the most intensive variety, bombardments since the world. again, thousands of times and hundreds of most have been reduced to rubble high and the guy the them separately. and we've been unstable, moving from one place to the next. there's no shelter or anything. there is no food, no water, nothing. even the most basic living essentials like bread that do not exist. we 4
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inch wide cloves when it rains and cooks. and this is a situation that we pray, go to see and then to this crisis and the end of this way for not from the, from the side. that's football. we 5 families in our household and we made a make shift tent because there isn't enough space. as you can see, we sit here and have if talk, we don't have shelter or anything on money and belongings under the rubble. we don't even have food. we eat, biscuits sleeps every day, we go to charities to get a plates of leaves to eat, because there's no flour or anything else to eat. several people how reported have been stopped in southern israel. they were injured as a fuel station and bet comma one person is in a serious condition. officials a security forces killed the attack. israel says it'll impose the restrictions on access to a lot so most on friday during the muslim holy month of ramadan. any worship as was 2nd pub, it's will be able to enter the grounds, accessed to the cycle ends by 5 o'clock in the evening,
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collect the time restricting worship us from performing prize after they break that fast to the violence code out by out against the palestinians. has been taking place the decades now, and israel's military occupation is only intensifying it. palestinians say that labeled terrace whether that and or when they fight back with weapons is a pattern that undermines the right to resist. something guaranteed on the international save as property, has moved from the occupied westbank when war is brought to your doorstep. when faced with the destruction of your culture, life society posted you and say, armed resistance is a natural response to the structural violence of israel's military occupation. maximize the sophomore and guides and makes us more determined to carry on the path to fight side by side, while uncomfortable. keep going. we were let down by the palestinian authority. the
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arabs everyone let us down and we rely on the ongoing custom. we are prepared to die. it is familiar rhetoric, ideas that would be considered a valid part of any struggle for freedom where culture and resistance intersect. anything, anyone that stirs the collective consciousness of people, artist, musicians, and performance, are also targets of this really aggression shows how pride guy they are effect about threatened by even a symbolic, called sort of project like the, the phrase of our song. so i don't want to sound forward to see if i tyrants hate song, arms or phone, or any kind of palestinian resistance, any celebration of cultural identity, even something as simple as coming together to dance. israel perceives these things as
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a real threat at the posting of popular arts center in level to dance is to resist young men and women using art inquiry hungry feet instead of arms and ammunition. keeping traditions alive to protect the palestinian identity. with funding for the arts is limited as are their movements traveling abroad to perform challenging at the best of times for people living under the authority of a high still i mean the culture for any kind of people. it's the backbone of, of the community and, and, and, and it ties with the idea that you exist, that you have the heritage that you have the past and that you're proud of it. and it gives us hope as well. so it's very important in these days to say that our culture is part of the resistance movement, the posting, you see the resistance is quite simply self defense. it exists because the
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occupation does and resistance will remain in all its forms. as long as it takes to the bus route, the 0, the occupied was the, the, the precious government has unveiled a new definition of extremism in response to an increase in hate crimes against jews and listens groups. folding under the new definition will be unable to receive government funding or have dealings with ministers. all civil servants, public demonstrations, old gatherings will not be found. but critics say the change poses a risk to free speech. so let's take a closer look at the language. in the case, new definition of extremism is defined as promoting an ideology based on violence, hatred, or intolerance. it says, extremism aims to attack the fundamental rights of others,
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undermine or over time britain's democracy, or create an environment enabling others to do so. the previous definition adopted in 2011 was less specific. extreme msm then was defined as opposition to fundamental british values. well, speaking in parliament, a senior government minister outlined why a new definition is needed. as the definition makes clear, extremism kind of leads to the radicalization of individuals. the only people that write some opportunities suppress we'd most expect. so, insight takes, which reconceptualization ultimately become leads to, acts of terrorism is implicitly distressed, that we are in no way intended to, was fixing that expression, religion or belief. but the government cannot be in a position where unwittingly will not respond. so subsidized with support in any way, organizations and individuals opposed to feelings. we hold to you. role by charlie begin. sky is currently the progressive judaism, a jewish movement to working with ac communities throughout the united kingdom.
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enjoys us from london, rub up against use kentucky with us on the program. thanks for your time. is what the government proposing a help or a hindrance to sort of the narrative of what is the definition of extremism, but what it should be? i think it's less the language of the new proposed legislation a much more about the timing and the lack of consultation and bringing people with us on this journey. i don't think you'd get very much argument from across both the jewish community and the muslim community that it is important to tabulate stream is bought. the question is, is what the tools that you use to be able to do this? and i think that many of us have worried about, by the time a and, and the framing of this legislation. indeed, some groups would also just do that g d, legitimizing law,
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full dissent. perhaps can be viewed as undermining liberal democratic principles. something it's sort of all about free speech and the threat to free speech is not a consent i think, and it saying that limits the ability for communities to what was the social cohesion, is a concern. at the moment we all, in many ways a fraction society is really difficult, often for face to sit around a table and talk to each other. and we need to be working on ways that we can help that to happen. i know ways that tends to that happening and i think this of whether it's intention is to limit free speech or no, i can't get into the minds of mindful guy, but well, i can say is that the moment it's tough enough that we need to be working on additional ways to be able to make sure the phrase speech can happen in the happened in ways that front communities together rather than anything that might
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even if that text eventually, sorry, like communities made them feel tall. it makes them feel like the speech is being limited, is no, a helpful intervention. governments often things that when they do these sorts of things that helping in a sort of mission long and short term sort of way. i mean, do you think that should have been perhaps more time given to consultation with face groups like yourselves, civil groups, civil society groups, regional voices, and think because from across the united kingdom, it all seems very quick. so, i mean there's what else to that and the answer is yes, i mean, absolutely. and i think often it's in those moments of having those discussions the relationships are built in and of themselves. and it's not just and the asking the question about what is extreme is the opportunity for those communities to feel hide. that isn't and of itself such a vital process in breaking down extreme is in bringing communities together. i
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mean, there is this pump solve given time. i'm playing devil's advocate here, but any non violent group with a strong belief advocacy for an issue that really concerned about what could well be labeled extreme missed by this particular definition. and again, it's all about the sorts of groups, groups like yourself that you represent who wants access and the chance to communicate with government officials with civil servants not about being banned, it's about the, the, the opportunity to communicate and not that is a concern generally isn't that even when issues a not ones have been in the making for decades, but they have pops being an instance, a currants in the united kingdom sites. the big old on the cost of living. for example, people go out, some protests they might be deemed extreme is, i mean, it's possible, of course, it's possible and we don't want to create an environment where people are even thinking that that is possible and thought perhaps, you know,
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if i was unhappy or government which i called 2nd id, but how do i have that? how would that? and i think i'm adding television to look at what happens during have it during tell you that one of the amazing things based on this was able to do was to bring face communities or many district communities around the table to be able to look at how did they support communities during kind of it and you're absolutely right. when you talk about the cost of living process that we are never more effective than when groups are allowed to have better say to contribute their experience to contribute that boys into sole bang a couple of together. it also is a wonderful way of breaking down perceptions and of being hide and yes, to apply that same model to the question of what does it mean to give voice to something? how do we also stop that voice becoming a voice of bided sort stream is a, is something that i'm sure that them many of us would absolutely commit both on time
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and all energies to be part of helping to tackle a rob i visited ski. i think that i would hope that that would be, but just a couple of minutes does watching this broadcast right now. so i'll ask you, actually, what's your advice to them with regards to this advice on the definition of extreme is and what should they be wary of in the short and long time? and should they be amenable to change, to say, maybe i'll state from the points of the rabbi and it just has and within the community at the moment there is without question fit both within my own community with the just community at large. and certainly also. busy within the muslim community, in the u. k, the government has an absolute opportunity to be able to provide forums with many different people from both of those communities have an opportunity to learn about what it is that, that basketball. and if you ask me, well, i'm faithful,
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i'm really faithful as well, like these guys be like the jewish admission in children tomorrow. and i'm bad questions that we should be bringing communities together to be able to have opportunities to meet and harry each other. and i could not be back to wherever tackling stream is in the future, i think given groups, so i'll put you in a team, but it's a good speak to you. and thanks very much for your opinions run by charlie presents, could that joining us from linda? thank you. thank you. that's not your area where i present the bowler to new boom. has said that the government will not to pay a ransom to could not schoolchildren. government abducted more than 280 students and stuff. and the school in the northwest them could do in the state last week for the monday, most of $600000.00 for that safe. for ton, the nigerian army has been deployed to assist with the rescue efforts. so the job shea, who is a security analyst, explains what's behind the way this kid nothings in northwest in large area to do
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the with the challenges. in vidalia, the more we used to be more on and then a few minutes as well. now some of them we, we, we, we tend to be there to spoken to the judge and live in the house along with which means that the decision is, uh, so for them we usually see something i eulogy, some people from the company to just work with an education in language. yeah. but could you just use oh, well, with the since we just want to get people to look in the uh, 7 people i would say for this people. i think it was the morning heading into correct. yeah, yeah. yeah. what division this morning when he some of the videos that sometimes
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will this to you and we're very fortunate to be one of the, to the email that's the need to be for how the fix lives. everybody knows that the, you know, we have seen videos uh, was to use it as it went for the uh you know exactly what to do before you get to the news. well, definitely it's an easy way to be. uh, you know, the very best, the situation i think is because uh, the best you is to bring up the hosting use the one us, well still a head here on the i will just every news l. o. in the assignments. the pressure on the government does they demand a deal for that cross?
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and it's for one of the types of favorites as a surprise lose. i think indian wells, tennis tournaments, not story unexplained. the had a lot of that. it's still a story of significant hate because central america, the caribbean and south america with temperatures. what about the average for this time of year and months, the records being broken, but we're also seeing some severe stormy conditions, particularly for equitable pushing down into bolivia as well as more heavy rain to come for the pass of the next few days on another batch of severe storms sweeping across, mold in origin. tina we saw flooding and went upstairs just days ago. we could see more of that as that rain pushes its way further north. it's keeping the temperature around the average cooler, coming in behind that. but the some improvements come on saturday,
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we'll see more in the way of clear skies towards the end of the day. but it is still a story of heat, certainly across power. why an eastern areas of brazil temperature is picking up into the early forty's for us and she on, as we go into the weekend and the heat continues to build the gulf of mexico, we've had a heat wave conditions, mexico city. so i'm just up in the north for places like monterey, continuing to rise of the next few days on it. system the story down in the south of panama, panama city, seeing the temperature build 34 degrees celsius, the on set to date, more than 10 degrees above the average. that's the spice of showers. that on sunday, on the east timor, jesus towards the catholic nation. but scandals involving high profile priests, plague the church, all of us goes back. we were all abused gifts. some of the countries talk latest, openly stopped by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison. 101 east investigate. east
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t most priest candles on out. just sierra. the ship is home to survivors of losses . earthquakes and took care. a floating hotel, its features, rooms, a dining hall and entertainment facilities. social workers offer lessons to president, still recovering from there or 24 to 5 year olds. good note is scared of entering your building after the earthquake destroyed her home. luckily, we have the sea and we are leaving on a ship to build a small world. hey, we our family and eventually they have something to look forward to. the nearest part reopened, giving many here for the life is the most returning to normal. their playing nothing, but the trauma is never far away. of the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book i'm up to the i'll just even use with me. it's a hill robin in our mind to of all the top stories this hour is where the fault is that continued the relentless bombardment of the gaza strip. coming at least $69.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours is ready for it is also balm day food and a distribution warehouse in the new sweats come in gold city 6 palestinians have been killed while waiting to collect food tassels is by the forces of repeatedly opened fire on civilians trying to find to mandatory an aid. moles supplies have been ad dropped into knolls and guns. in haiti of fire has broken as that the national prison in the comfortable footprints attends to form a transitional council to shake the country's political feature of souls. 5 minutes of a little re as promised to resign, but only was
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a counselor's form to select an entering customers. joining me now is deep sleep take politician of the full but haitian rebel lee that he loved the 2004 haitian co again, see then president joe metal out of state. he returned to haiti last november up to 76 years of a prison sentence. in the us, so many little drink enjoys us from the southern hate. see a mr. phillip. good to have you with us on the program. the international community is suggesting a transitional council with no, with no gang members. what c o reaction to that to you are an elected official. now in haiti, no one was expecting the international community to make a position with gang members. the one would do such things, but what happened is what it's coming to them in the international community. i mean, united states, canada, and friends,
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what they did is to choose some puppets. some people are we know for the support. the during power is the same guys that way. and by what seems the 1998. it's the same guys, that jewelry gee way is now the same. go up to guy that store one and i'm really in dallas he lives in 15 years. so is the same guy, the similar guys that shouldn't go up the man that general us where we are the same one that the games the youngsters in, in the neighboring to get was that's the same guys that the united states wants to go back. empower so telling me that there's so many times going to leap. i know there's a bit of a sound delay. i do apologize that, but we've got lots to get through. if you don't want those individuals that you blame for the chaos that haiti is experiencing. right now, who would you suggest sits all the transitional counsel, cuz somebody who knows, all people who know the country, people who know how the country works and operates,
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need to be able to sit on the councils. they can take those decisions. who would you like to see on the council? what i want to say start up to united states or friends, not nothing to getting come to decide. what kind of, what age we can go over and it's up to the nation, people to decide what kind of people they want to go over and in the that's how for them, that's all for, for, for more than the let's see the 30 years united. so okay, so it is, this is as far as what i understand, if this is a put in that particular issue, perhaps it is going to be something they're gonna have to account in terms of what you think the council's 1st action should be. is it about food security? is it about the country security? is it about health? is it about a functioning government? what do you think they should be doing 1st, if and when a council is formed? i think there's, i think they should be sent to,
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to asian people. they shouldn't people as been saying loud and clear, what kind of people, what type of people and what people do, you want to go run them. but it seems that united states going to extend that, they think they're getting continuing, pause that we, that's the problem and they shouldn't be send to the people as to what the federal government. some, some people that was that's what nothing but think ocean that didn't have you said i'll be just what i mean. so sure. it's impossible to accept the 98 percent of asians are leaving in extra mystery. oh keep getting it. no have can nothing. no. was nothing, so that's true and you liked it, but we should change that to us. we were just affiliate for the, for us to get to that position for the people of haiti to actually have a voice. as you say, the people need to choose. and they choose through the ballot box to organize an election requires an election commission, or at least a group of people that can be trusted,
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both internationally and domestically. haiti is a mess right now and it needs to be sold it out. you can't expect people to say who they want when there is no pro, put this schools a no avenue for them to explain properly through the ballot box perhaps who they want to represent the so we'll give the right to can you come in 3 on the entries, i'm a guy present gun, i'd have to decide international group. it's on the, on the united states, canada or friends in the international communities in other countries. why are those countries that borrow is involved in ages pointed to our ways to plus where we are now? why should they be the same? one is decided and they decide ones again to choose the same call to guys. okay, so who do you, who do you do? do you want to help you then who should be coming forward to help you if you don't want the united states and you don't cover. com and you don't want your regional neighbors? who do you want?
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i think video engineers in the united nations should the invoice not only do the same for guys, the same people that besides the set and he said, and where we are, i'm not saying this trucks are, you know, my country, my people starting 9 is the us that shouldn't change, we need some changes if i'm to and i, as the united nations. if i decide indeed, if antonio guitar actually un secretary general is watching this broadcast, do you want him to speak to you, or who else? who can i speak to? if you don't want to speak to the united states, if you don't want to speak to our com, do you want to speak to the un secretary general? united restaurants should say, they know they have people who they are going to pause to see what channels, what was it shows, what was the thing wasn't the origin we're giving you the 80 age of i've been sitting in the front. so here i've tried, united nations haven't gotten it done, isn't to know, would it be for the needs you want to, was written in interchange,
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say things in age, but we'll see how this progresses in the coming days. but for the payment to d, felipe, it's been good to speak to you, so thank you for joining us from southern haiti. route district through the back in washington has imposed sanctions on to illegal is rarely supplements in the occupied westbank. the by the administration says the 2 outposts were used in secular attacks against palestinians. 3 is rarely individuals have also been sanctioned. the us government has been increasingly critical of israel sacrament expansion program. my wife has correspond, can we help? it joins us now from the white house. kimberly a very busy day, really in terms of sanctions on settlers. just tell us a little bit more well, this is the 2nd round sanctions that we have seen against settler violence. in fact, we had 4 that were section just last month. it is clear that the by ministration is
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sending a message to israel. and when we saw this, the last time, it was something that the, by the ministration said it was doing an absence of action by the mess and yahoo coalition government. so this is something that was directed by joe biden, and the part of the state department, and further by the treasury department that puts in place these types of sections. as you mentioned, 3 settlers have been section 4 westbank biolife as well as to illegal outposts. again, this being the 2nd round at the white house saying that they believe if there is necessary for further sanctions, it is something they intend to pursue. of course, uh, kimberly just hold it for you to stay with us for a moment because um the majority leader in the senate chuck shame has been speaking about is well let's just listen to what he has to say. i also believe prime
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minister netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interests of israel. is put themselves in coalition with far rice sticks far right. extreme is like ministers, smoke trick and then good beer. and as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian tolan, gaza, which is pushing support for his real worldwide to his star. it loads is real, cannot survive if it becomes a pariah prime minister. netanyahu has also, we can do is really political and moral fabric through his attempts to co opted judiciary. and he has shown 0 interest in doing the courageous and visionary work required to pay the way for peace. even before this present conflict. it must be said, kimberly, that chuck schumer hasn't minced his words and those words are going to be very bright, not just in washington, but across the atlantic of the. yeah,
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this is really striking and profound because for so long and the united states is senate, but also in the house of representatives. and a criticism of israel was unheard of. and so to see this and to see it from a majority leader is really something that we rarely see that if at all. and so to have this is remarkable. but further, it shows that there is a major crack and something that really has occurred in washington for decades. and that is a solid and iron clad support for israel and its policies. even when the us congress doesn't agree, what we ours witnessing really is not only a fracture, if you will, but very public disapproval of the nothing. you all have coalition government and its policies. and we know for some time that there has been disapproval of jo
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bivens support for israel's policies within the, by the administration. but now we're also seeing a bit of bulk lies ation on the part of the congress members themselves will not directly criticizing joe biden. they are choosing to criticize the policies of the government. what we didn't play there in those clips or some of the other statements that chuck schumer made, where he said that or to stay solutions, the only solution to reject that would be a grave mistake. he also said that he believes that benjamin netanyahu is a major obstacle to peace. and that if you were to remain there that that would be a real challenge. yeah. after the war and that there must be some cooperation with the united states moving forward. the united states must work actively, in other words, to achieve broad peace, could be on show a bit more on this as the full amount of that speech continues in the coming hours
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. but for the moment can be how could the a white house correspondent, thank you? still has all the houses it renews. are in full balance and is football team is seeking inspiration for one of the countries the same as victory creations? not story. after the break, the business latest to be sponsored by intellect tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the base initial agents to be sponsored by intellect tuck, he's real estate consultant. the book about type of pull the his bar. so he'll thank you so much champions, lake or the final lineup is complete. that letter from a dread fault for me to goes down to be to enter milan on penalties, and jayden santos squared for bras here dormant to help them progress. they would stokes reports. i'd like to coach coach diego, sent me any, make sure we think that funds after an unlikely come back when are the last years champions. we can run this up in some atlanta. it's
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a victory that sees them. jordan to most spanish teams ran madrid and boss. so let me know in the last night a shuttle. okay. i think the team and no mostly felt the support of the people. people with the tim and, and the stadium, and everyone around the world sees this and that plays grow with defense, support mexico had it all to do or the training by one after the 1st leg. they can see that another federico demarco putting the it's how many league lead is to ahead . i let's go hit straight back. so 2 minutes late to enter. increase me enjoying the level of the noise, but they still needed one more. and they got it with 3 minutes less into the substitute. memphis deployed the full of bus, somebody to remember. so you know, it could strike a forcing the game into extra time. no more goes followed, so it went to penalties and step forward. yeah, no black, unless it goes go, keep us safe to smoke picks, which meant incense top school i like to write about scene is have to score his the
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minute the it's it's inches 1st to think of 2024. and because 13 game winning streak bits put them 16 points play in syria. so it kind of, it could've been young people on the outside. so we didn't stand a chance. and this was the best thing because when they see us is already out of what that is when the team reacts for an extra and to the other tie. so gross, the adult make progress with the to know whenever psv it's jayden centers. good for the 2nd game running to give them the lead. the joint meant $5090.00 to $93000000.20. but it's been like back to don't fully out with, you know it's, it's manager eric 10 hug. walker royce put the result be on down going to the end, securing a $31.00 aggregate victory every day. it's going to be a tough drawer. whoever waits for us, but it's going to be possible. and if it's possible, if you're going to try it, and that's, that's, that's the target for the next lot or issue the, the quote of bottles built into one of 2 german teams along with buying munich,
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still in contention for european footballs. biggest price, the tool for the quarter finals takes place on friday. they be spokes out to 0, killing them up a help guide, perry size your man into the semi finals of the french cap. bobby was back in the starting lineup, having been banished for the last 2 lea games. the walk of winter opened the scoring. and this 31 when over nice and bobby is set to leave the club at the end of the season. the report manager even clock says he has no intention of reversing his decision to leave at the end of the season. the return of michael edward's deliver pool as chief executive of football. prop the questions as to whether that might convince comp to stay on the report placed part of prague in a rubber league later this thursday and have a 51 lead from the 1st like. and that is that the rest of the house and other subjects to talk about is to be honest, it's like, i can, you mentioned i, i change my mind now says can you do it?
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of course not. i can't say what i said. it would be like if i never have a another come up in england and signed for next year for neighbors or whatever over whatever needs a cold shift to delude completely crazy. i don't say these things without thinking before. so it would mean stock only now realizing how great describe is. i know with all the time well, number 2 arenas at a lanka has been knocked out of the indian wells tennis tournament. the us really, it opened champion was beaten by 23rd. frank, i'm a navarro in the last 16. the american took the 1st set, 63, some blank, a hit back to force a decider. but it was novel ro who close at the match because he is for his 1st when over a top 5 player. she's also into her 1st quarter final, at least level turn and it's the when a young kid i've uh, worked really hard over the years to uh, kind of just get to this point and be able to play at a level that can compete with the best players in the world and i think that showed today. so yeah,
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just excited to get the way in and i'm ready for the next one. the 3rd seed, cocoa golf, celebrated her 20th birthday with a dominant performance against elise martin's gulf winning in straight sets for the loss of just 2 games against the belgian. the us open champion into the quarter finals for a 2nd street here more slams and i went to a metal at this olympics are 2028. and so that'll be cool. um and then life goals honestly you have it. so it's not that far. uh. yeah, i mean i'm not trying to do anything. i'm not trying to get married anything. so i definitely know kids are home. so yeah, just the tennis right now and we'll see where life takes me off. the court and belgium's football team are seeking inspiration from one of the country's most famous, illiterate recreations about jim's new. second tip is
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a tribute for $0.10 complete with blue jersey, white color and brown shorts. the cartoon character 1st appeared in print almost a century ago. the men's team aware of the outfit for the 1st time in a friendly against england on march the 26th. okay, that is all useful now. excellent. so as always been tintin found this case. great . thank you. know even most space x has carried out the longest test flights of its method. stuff should rock it to date, but it's failed to make it back to us. in one piece, the module was destroyed while approaching its lending points means you know, the bouncing our half it took off from southeast texas stole ship is the most powerful rockets have created. this vital to us has plans to send us the rules back to the moon. later in the decades. amy lynn thompson is a space dot com contribute to join us now for alondo, florida. this thompson always nice to have you on. i'll just over, thanks very much for your time. we just begin with sort of so, so time lucky, it seems rarely for this rocket. what makes this particular version so which will
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special in the previous to that didn't quite make it as sure. so the previous to um, test flights of this rocket exploded as the rocket was sort of making its way to or bet. so this test got significantly further and space x was actually able to carry out several of its test objectives before it lost the rocket. of course there is much bigger story here, isn't that about this rocket in the sense that nessa looking to the future about what they actually want to do in terms of space exploration. meanwhile, it's all the aims and objectives. sure, so right now and space x is one of 2 companies who are providing a human landing system for an alpha. so that will be starship a version of it. and the starship will actually carry astronauts from the lunar and gateway to the surface of the moon. so there's
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a lot writing on this test. everyone is excited to watch their progress, which should have been shirley and, and the move landing. is this whole about a long term sort of space community, a living breathing scenario will groups of people on various planets, whether it be the moon or miles? yes, absolutely. and so to make that goal happen, um, one of the space access tests today was to demonstrate a fuel transfer in orbit, which they did. they opened a little payload bay door and did a test and that was successful. so it's very promising for sending people to other planetary bodies will sort of timeline are we looking at, in terms of what's happening today to rockets being able to be launched, taking large payloads which include, you might say, you know, housing equipment to, to put it very simply to allow these communities as such as if they do establish
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themselves all on the moon, on the balls it still, is it that kate's away? yes, it would still be decades away, but we're making very um, huge steps forward and that space x is 22 years old. today, the company announced its plans for starship in 2015. this is the 3rd in flight test for this rocket system in less than a year, so they are definitely making very big strides towards that goal. i mean, we've seen the very quick succession as by sort of stay tuned and private launches, heading to the moon or mile. certainly in the last 12 months. i mean, what's the long term strategy for countries like the us, china and india compared to a private company like space x that is doing work for nasa? yeah, so i feel like most of the countries have similar goals. you know, they want to create bases on the moon that will be sort of
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a stepping stone to get to mars. so, um the moon is obviously a lot closer. we can get back and forth from there much quicker than you can from our. so it's a perfect testbed to test out all of the technologies that any country or even private industry would need to make it to other deep space destinations. so what they're doing now is definitely very crucial and even if they don't succeed, all of these entities are making very big progress because they're collecting all of the data from these planes which will inform future successes to be interesting to see what does happen in the future for the baby. it's amy lynn thompson. thanks for joining us from orlando. thank you. i'm not the is the. i'll just have a new song with makes hell rahman and i'll be back. the more news on the other side of the break with him to learn from me. i don't even use on same here in dive home . thanks very much for your time and your company.
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the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line? as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. from dawn to dusk, be nice to miss you as relentless on a mother's toils nose no rest. her determination fused by love alone. she labours for scott to avoid enduring every hardship gives a hope of securing life, changing surgery or daughter to an easiest fields of recipients. a portrait of devotion with this on the just the
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the, the, the, i don't need that to stop us democrat. chuck schumer says benjamin destiny, all who is an obstacle to peace and calls for new elections and israel traveling the product. so robin, you're watching old. is there a lot of headquarters here in the also coming up on the grounding guns or at least 8 people are killed and it is really a town called a warehouse storing food on humanitarian aid. in this sense, refugee can lead to less and little less hazy spirals and decay. i also have to find me in a salary on re touched to resign. and now of sonya has broken out at the national


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