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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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and back out again, the prime minister netanyahu has lost his way. you have sent its top 10 across as israel, as prime minister is an obstacle to peace and calls for new elections, the problems that are wrong. and then this is houses that are locked in the coming up in the next 30 minutes on the grounding goals, or at least stage people are killed in this way to get to the warehouse starting food on humanitarian aid. in misread the refugee can lead to this, and lola's height, the spirals into chaos of the prime minister ariel on re sites to resign. and now, fine, it has broken down as a national prism is if you just press that we are in no way intended to respect,
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especially religion over the c k government now is its definition of extreme is in from thing pushed back from groups to say it's pained limits in protest and free speech. the welcome to the break and we begin in the us west, senate majority the truck shame. it has cold for new elections and israel cooling prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a major obstacle to peace is the strongest criticism, yet by a senior american official have nothing on his handling of the conflict in garza. i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interest of these real, that he has put himself in coalition with far rice sticks far right. extreme is
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like ministers smoke trick. and ben could be here, and as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in gaza, which is pushing support for his real worldwide to his star. it loads is real, cannot survive if it becomes a pariah. a white house correspondent can we help it joins us now and kimberly, there is a news while i just dropped. i'm sure. hopefully you've seen it to that the prime minister in, in israel, his policy look, could have rejected what chuck she might have said, and said it's not a but not a republican that they have wide public support. so my question was going to be, she was, would certainly have reverberated well beyond the borders of the united states. us . yeah, and we were getting some indication that this was reverberating in israel because already we have seen on x, formerly known as twitter. the statements of the as really
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a mass that are to the united states that said that these comments by chuck schumer, the senate majority leader, are helpful in his words and counter productive to our common goals, our being the united states. and israel. we should also point out what makes this significant is chuck schumer himself identifies as jewish. in fact, he is the highest ranking, jewish elect to official in the united states, to loving these types of criticisms against the israeli government, and to do so on the floor of the us senate. and that's what makes us so significant . the fact that he is not only criticizing the is really prime minister, but, but he's doing it on the floor of the us senate in the us congress where we have always traditionally seen for decades, iron clad support of israel. and he is criticizing the fact that benjamin
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netanyahu has rejected the 2 state solution. he calls this a grave mistake, as he also is criticizing him for bowing to what he sees as the demands of extreme is with in his coalition governments. do you want to say fuel to the fire? the new sanctions being put on 2nd is really citizens, which is going to tell of these for absolutely. and again, this is because the bible administration believes that benjamin that's in yahoo is government is not doing enough to rein in the extremist elements not only with in the coolest and government, but living with in the west bank, taking action against palestinians and repeatedly causing extreme violence and sometimes even death. oh, this is the 2nd time we have seen within 2 months. the vitamin ministration taking
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action in the absence of the is really government. this is the 2nd round of sanctions against 3 settlers as well as to illegal outposts. and so this is being done at the direction of joe biden and through the state department as well as the treasury department. and we can expect that we will see more as long as these really government is not actually in the matter the by the administration thinks it should be in order to limit the palestinian casualties, or in this case the, the wounding or even just the harassment that we see that has been ongoing. i'm sure the story is going to develop in the coming out of that costs will come back to you for come in to as we get to can we help get the a white house correspondent. this meanwhile is our goal is that is why the forces have continued the relentless bombardment of the strip. at least $69.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours and they include 9 members of the same time. many of the out of the rash and refugee camp in central 1000 is
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where the falls is also talked at a food and a distribution warehouse in the industry has come. 8 people are reported to have been killed 5 now and goals and city 6 palestinians were killed while waiting to collect food parcels. these ready forces of repeatedly opened fire all civilians trying to find t monetary and aid. meanwhile, most applies to be now dropped into northern gauze. tell us the news that rushed to the dropped zones in bed la here. long just there was tara capitalism has more. from alpha, the situation on the ground is really controversial. that is really like saying that it's facilitating a delivery on areas of the gaza strip and the good and, and the other hand, we can see that there is an increase of attacks on a distribution centers yesterday. for example, we have destroyed and targeted you, i'm, i'm a run a, a distribution 8 centers. and now today you have to talk to another one. but for a church full organization in the middle areas is specifically, you know,
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say rocks where she can at least 8 tungsten and after reported the killed in the latest attack. this is absolutely terrifying because kind of thing and see generally that as well as the police right now targeting these 8 centers as a part of the ongoing tough ation that had been launched by israel and coast since the beginning of this one. also, they are afraid right now to repeatedly go to the areas, do the distribution centers to receive aid because to put that as an extra pressure on humanitarian date was a great i'm but these are rustic circumstances as there is a, a full collapse. so insecurity as people are completely right now, depending on 8 supplies for living. i 2nd ship tons of calls where it's being loaded with aid. as i propose to depart from cypress, the will central kitchen towers. he says, 300 tons of food, all being packed on board is all clear when the vessel will leave the pool to
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monica. another ship coming, 200 tons of supplies is due to reach cause or on friday. charities have criticized the programs like opening more line crossings for trucks will be far more effective . this is rosa fuentes, the restrictions on access to our exit most on friday, during the muslim holy month of ramadan. any wish. because with 2nd time its will be able to enter the grounds, access to the site will end by 5 pm, local time, restricting worship, as trump performing pres after they break that fast. the best bring you some of the days of the news now, and haiti is spiraling out of control in the absence of a leader and under the pressure of the games. a fight has broken out, is that the national prisons in the capital, poultry prince attends to full the transitional council to shape the country's political future stoled. prime minister ariel on re,
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who's stuck in puerto rico's promise to resign, but only wants the counselors formed to select the interim government. united nations has begun with drawing. it's not a central person. now. let's go to the very latest job home and he's starting by for us incentive dominga, neighboring dominican republic. so the focus really told that the day, which is this transitional town. so it was supposed to be really the 1st step towards solving hate these problems. where are we in terms of the timeline of its full mation to you? right? so this was in a way, meant to be the easy part, at least that's how it was presented by the united states, and by the countries in the caribbean, who from kyra coma trade book. who came up with this? i did, they said well by wednesday or thursday, that should be in place, and then we have it's 7 vote team members and 2 observing members from civil society and inside grades. we can vote on an interim prime minister. we can start
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getting elections going or at least the roadmap for elections. and we can also start getting going with the deployment of a canyon police, a 1000 of them to the country to sort out new and food. can you said yes and send them? but already, once you have that intern, government established so that there's actually a sense of power in the country. but that hasn't happened. there's been disputes, reports coming out of heights. these sites between obviously different functions of what a seat will not count. so the most say on those console and other leaders that just outright reject it. say that this isn't a solution. the haitians, this is more interfering from outside powers. and of course, as a long history of that in hate, say we should be able to sort that out for ourselves. now. i think the other side would say in this world has been a years without elections in height. the something has to happen. something needs to be done, especially with this biling, crisis of violence with 80 percent of the capital in the hands of gains at the
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moment. but so far, there's no all so that because there is no answer for the public at large, as well as that job. because haitians are stuck in the middle, trying to find safety and refuge as well as food under the disparity with those that are in the urban areas. and those in the rural areas because they're all looking for help. but in different phones. a definitely so you know, i've been talking about the fact that there's very little places that they can actually run through, especially outside the country. we're here in the dominican republic who's closed its food a very tightly with hightail, which is unusual. usually there's at least goods, services, some flow of people between the 2 countries, such as an, an island here, the already a slim link between the 2 at the will probably be the united nations average. it's just been announced, which will fly in essential supplies and person out in and out from hate see to the dominican republic. but that's about it. the main hate,
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the apple of wise is closed the poor. so close a lot of the roads outside of the capital or in the hands of games, meaning the agricultural produce this around the capital call get in and feed the people that are inside. so there's more than $300000.00. it certainly displays people in hate, say, but they're mostly just splitting from district to district, trying to avoid localized violence without being able to get out well together. townhome in that forest with the light is from sunset. dominga. thanks so much. all righty. i spoke to politician and full the haitian rebel lee to the philly piece. as haitians don't, won't the us all of the car be nations to decide the makeup of the next government of what i want to say. it stuck up to united states or friends, not, nothing kept together in. come to decide what kind of wood age we can go hunting. it's up to the asian people to decide what kind of people they want to go when that will give the right to. can you come in 3 of the countries i'm really just present,
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gathered up to the side industrial community. it's all on the united states. canada or twins in the, in the show community, in other countries. why are those countries the borrower is involved in agents for the to always do plus really and why should they be the same one decided? and the 2nd one is again, to choose the same court. the guys who do you want to help you then who should be coming forward to help you if you don't want the united states and you don't want cover. com and you don't want your regional neighbors. who do you want? i think do you enter the in the united admissions? should the invoice not only the same or guys the same people that besides the southern side and where we are, i'm not saying the trucks are, you know, my country, my people are starting, dying thing should change. we need some children, and i will as the united, the issue is to decide if antonio guitar actually un secretary general is watching this broadcast. do you want him to speak to you or who else who can speak to?
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if you don't want to speak to the united states, if you don't want to speak to our com, do you want to speak to the un secretary general? united restaurants should say, they know they have people who they can make bull is to see what donald see, what was the shows, what was the thing wasn't the origin, we're giving you the 80 age of i've been sitting in the front. so here i've had united nations haven't done isn't to know, would it be for the needs you want to go running into change to things in h the of the 60 mile events including women and children, have died in the mediterranean sea while trying to reach easily from libya, since i have a said that the breakdown of today's, at all from the libyan city of so we have a child group said that it rescued 25 people according to the you and almost 2 and a half 1000 microns have died or go missing while the time thing the crossing last you still had here all the options there, the space 6 mega rock it by
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itself. the world's largest ever built reaches space but fails on re entering pat, sent in the same the critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the often in the highest level they've been using games for this policy . let me come out to him today because the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, examining the impact of today's headline. which is there a sense the stage giving voice to the voice program producing rise to an alternative view from well today on ouch is here in the line to palestine.
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hope is then we reach out to hand let the giving begin with okay. foundation, you donated with kindness, you showed you okay. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it dominates with confidence, donates without calf foundation. with every pact of 19 with every press will bringing it to light. a little love in palestine. we share a in the the book about 2 weeks ago, just bear with me. so he'll roman in doha. remind me of all the top stories,
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the us senate majority leader truck. sheila has called for new elections in israel, cooling, prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a major obstacles of peace is the strongest criticism, yet by a senior american official of destiny. all his handling of the conflicting guns also is ready. false is a continued that relentless bombardment of the gaza strip. can i get the 69 palestinians in the past 24 hours? is where the falls is also boomed, a sued and a distribution warehouse in the industry. it can also, in haiti, a fire has broken down to the national prison and the capital port footprints attends to fully transitional council to shape the country's political future. that's too old for him, and it's a very long rate because promise to resign. but any wants accounts was formed to select an interim government the business government has an failed. a new definition of extreme is a response for an increase in hate, crimes against jews and listens. groups fully under the new definition will be
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unable to receive government funding or have dealings with ministers, full civil servants. critics say the change it poses a threat to free speech. so let's take a closer look at the language in the u. k. 's new definition of extreme is a, is defined as promoting an ideology based on violence, hatred, or intolerance. it says extreme is of aims to attack the fundamental rights of others, undermine over ton britain's democracy or created environment, enabling others to do so. the previous definition adopted in 2011 was less specific extremism. mister fine, just opposition to fundamental british values. well, speaking impala and a senior government, minnesota, outlined why a new definition is needed. as a new definition makes clear, extremism kind of leads to the radicalization of individuals than only people that for right some opportunities. suppress. freedom of expression, insight takes, which we conceptual cohesion and ultimately become leads to acts of terrorism is
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implicitly distress that we are in no way intended to was fixing that expression. religion, or believe the government in a position where unwittingly will not. we sponsor subsidize with support in any way . organizations of individuals opposed to feelings. we hold you a boy child insensible, westminster. well, the actual text definition of extremism that the government is now using. there's no actually that different from the text that the definition that they were using from 2011, but that's not particularly important. what is important is the legal i'm the pinning was this definition does. and also what is going to follow what the government is going to be doing next. now the government says that it is changing this definition so that it can back to allow itself to distance itself. the government from groups that may don't cross the threshold into criminality. but
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which the government doesn't like which of what for one, for which he wants to withhold. a government funding, government face time, legitimacy. the trigger for all of this is of course the all type of 7 attacks on each route and these rows was on cause and response. and the tide of islamic probably be an anti semitism that has these swelling in the u. k. since then, but there are many critics of this new move from the government. they point to some of them. they have poked to say, if the government, which has been much in scandals, all of that is i'm afraid of you and racism and sexism at the last few weeks. proposing to come up with a previous organizations. it's going to be typed in that control times. organizations the finance of homeless, i can find it difficult to get all that so it will take them lots of time and money
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to appeal that decision. and there are lots of people who say that this has got a disproportionately target islamic organizations within, within the u. k, i didn't the, the leads list that as being announced by much guys in the house of commons of groups that are going to be scrutinized 8 organizations. so fos, 2 of them a fall right near not c organizations. and 6 of them is not made groups where we tell them how to 0, westminster, london. they tow cheesy installed in big size. ukraine is running out by munition for its war against russia and member states and not doing enough to help keep. his comments come as russian troops have made gains an eastern new trade in recent weeks. the cranes are not running out of courage. they are running out the, i'm a nation together, we have the capacity to provide to create what it needs. now we need to show the
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political will to do so. the fact of the rest is able to outcome of the ukrainians every day. of course, is a huge challenge as one of the reasons why the russians had been able to make some advances on the bottom. seeing over the last weeks on the, on the unknowns, at least 2 people are being killed and you quite need a tax on russia's belgrade region. it's by the both with ukraine that has been repeatedly hit by ukrainian shelves and drugs in recent months. now the region is governance at several civilian costs was struck, at least 4 people were wounded. the tank some days after ukraine's military send ways of trains into russia or pro ukrainian group said they lost a cross border attack. russia is preparing to hold as presidential election. they think will be held over 3 days from friday till sunday because of let them they appear to be widely expected to win another time until 2030. and the other 3
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presidential candidates, all in the west and sanctions, and directly opposed to 2 o rushes will in ukraine, us know about some protest by solid as in india, this intensifying of to thousands. got that in the capital, daily, demanding moles. think, suppose, and guaranteed crop prices. they choose the prime minister and the venture bodies government to failing to all the commitments to bring it in reforms of to similar protests 2 years ago. michael apple has the story of the. 6 form is from northern india, gather in the capital, knew didn't, they're angry, they month long protest calling for government intervention to improve. the livelihoods hasn't led to results, but they're not backing down. they want, what they say was promised to them 2 years ago. i did it for the during the previous process, the government made several promises including the introduction of minimum cups of old prices. hope with electricity,
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those alone neighbors. but they have done nothing on the farm is a rising input cost. so eating into what civil profits they're able to make. and that coupled by data, the multi government has increased the price of electricity. they are looting after installing smart meters, they should provide electricity to farmers and stuff. increasing electricity charges. and heavy police presence monitors the $5000.00 protest is given permission together in the capital. the driving force behind the mass action, the o in the form is union is unequivocal in its demands. we are also given a close to the with the food, a worker via the valley unite to do freed this rule on it and coming to the government. one second, hold on farm is hoping their actions will have greater respect in the run up to a general election scheduled to take place within weeks. the by the we boy
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causing version protest against moody. we will vote for those who support farm is being pharma. should probably test against the prime minister all across the country. if the politicians escaped of anything, it is the bulk of the people. in february union leaders and the government held full rounds of talks, but off to failing to reach a breakthrough. the mass demonstrations are scheduled for the end of march, mike level l g 0. the space excess successfully carried out the longest test lines of its method. starship rocket tides. but it's found somebody get back to us in one piece. the module was destroyed while approaching its lending points in the indian ocean, announcing our efforts to call from southeast texas scholarship is the most powerful walk it has been created and is vital to nicest plans to attend us to those to the moon. later in the decades, i mean in thompson is a space they'll come contribute to. she explains the significance of the test. one
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to other words, the previous to um, test sides of this rock it exploded as the rock. it was sort of making its way to or bet. so this test got significantly further and space x was actually able to carry out several of its test objectives before it lost the rocket right now. and space x is one of 2 companies who are providing a human landing system for nasa. so that will be starship a version of it. and the starship will actually carry astronaut from the lunar and gateway to the surface of the moon. so there's a lot riding on this test. everyone is excited to watch their progress, which should have actually ended the move landing space acts is 22 years old. today, the company announced its plans for starship in 2015. this is the 3rd in slight test for this rocket system in less than
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a year. so they are definitely making very big strides towards that goal. i feel like most of the countries have similar goals, you know, they want to create bases on the moon that will be sort of a stepping stone to get to mars. so um the moon is obviously a lot closer. we can get back and forth from there much quicker than you can from our so it's the perfect testbed to test out all of the technologies that any country or even private industry, would need to make it to other deep space destinations. so what they're doing now is definitely very crucial and even if they don't succeed, all of these entities are making very big progress because they're collecting all of the data from these planes which will inform future successes. and so that's it from me. so robins at the moment, i'll be back in half now, but you can find out more information on our website. the challenges ever don't come. the weather is next. and then on inside story,
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we ask whether the us will and the funding tick tock. so to stay with us, i'll see you have a lot of the exceptional heats continues to groups, central and southern africa. we'll get that in a moment. first to the middle east and live and we'll see something of a cool change that's dropped into that event. some blustery showers as well as some west of weather. and so a weather system working its way across took a bringing a wintry mix here in the and the rain is set to develop across most eastern areas of saudi arabia, pushing across into to wait. and iran in the days ahead, that is still a story of some glossary conditions, kicking up some sense. and those conditions extend the course into the north of africa. we could see some west, a weather as well,
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developing across the north east of libya, edging into pots of egypt as well. that is the last 8 dry picture across the north, west, across from the west scenarios if you show is coming in. but the story of exceptional he was tempt just continuing to rise, not just the comfortable central areas, but across the con goes down in the south of what florida and south africa is looking a little bit clearer in terms of west to weather. as we go friday in to saturday, but a cooler feel coming in to cape town, we've got some winds picking up a few showers here in that. but temperature is rising up for gab around and to have his book into the 30s on saturday. not sure weather update. the, the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fire around 2000 show a day with detailed coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey
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continues to the place is a version inside of run is done from around the world. so forty's in the dominican republic refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic mean will the united states then take talk, a bills costs that could make the chinese platform unavailable in the country. the reason, given tick tock is a national security threat. but what about freedom of speech and how will basing respond this is inside story, the hello that on james pays the future of.


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