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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 14, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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right at any moment unless the firefighters keep coming back and back again, they started simultaneously at exactly the same hour and 6 different places. this was no accident. the government appears to agree and bows to find and punish the coverage. the children and guns are rushed to hospital him from his reading. striking this rep, refugee camp, kills at least 8 people. the atlantic law offices out of their life, though ha, also coming out, prime minister netanyahu has lost his way. the us senate, democrats says israel's leader, is an obstacle to peace cools for the elections, leaderless and lawless, hazy spirals into kale,
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solve the problems that are in on re sites to resign. and now find has broken out of the national prison, plus isn't dismissed that we already knew, we continued to restrict seem expression religion only. yes and you take government narrow is, is definition of extreme is impromptu pushed back from groups who say same, that limits in protests and free speech. so fast it goes away. is ready, forces have continued very letting this bump up into this trip. at least 69 pellets thing is being killed in the past. 24 hours include 9 members of the same family. the outbreak refugee camp in central garza is ready for us is also talking to the food in a distribution warehouse in the district. com. if people have been killed and goes and sits, a 6 palestinians were killed while waiting to collect food parcels, it is ready for us as it repeatedly opened fire and civilians trying to find him
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humanitarian aid. meanwhile, most supplies have been dropped into northern garza. people that rushed to drop zones and basically a 2nd ship bound for gauze was being loaded with de does. it proposed to depart from cypress, the wealth, central kitchen chairs. he says $300.00 tons of food, or puts on board. the 1st ship carrying 200 tons of supplies is due to reach casa, on friday. charges have criticized the cargo as a opening more line crossings with trucks would be much more effective. oh, does there a target busy is in rough, a trailer in the past few hours, in fact has been up scaling its military attacks across different areas only in the middle areas of the turret tree. but one of the most, inc, it was one of the most latest attacks had been carried out, was another say rod truck through g cam after residential house being completely slots into the ground at least as far as palestinians have reported killed. we've
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also dozens of injuries that are still under the russell as more rest cute effect topping maids in order to recover them. but also we have been hearing an access movement for the use with the men at tree. so they lives in trends and fight tickets. and in fact, he roof off as we were preaching over a fost, we heard the loud explosion in the middle areas of brussel. wherever residential house has been targeted with new casualties report says, image that these really hopes also explode, which isn't cost continued to be clearly overhead and decided that part of the city of hon units were back. so there are some ranging between almost points isn't easily. sewage is the situation on the conditions and gaza are competing with shocking on sustainable and really desperate some and a recently becomes so also on say for 8 c, cuz to use as a distribution centers have been targeted by the has been admitted to we've been seeing got p up skating and attacks against these areas. yes. today and you on our
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own facility that is responsible for just a few things. aid has been bothered on today. another one in the middle areas specifically and, and the so right, a refuge account has been picked where it palestinians that have been killed in the united states. senate majority leader, chuck schumer, who's cooled for elections in israel, describe the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu as a major obstacle to peace is the strongest criticism. yet by seeing that american official of netanyahu's hind leave the conference and goes to the state department says his comments to show him is not the bible administrations. and i also believe prime minister netanyahu has lost his way by allowing his political survival to take the precedence over the best interests of israel. he has put himself in coalition with far right sticks far right. extreme is like ministers smoke trick and ben could be here. and as a result, he has been too willing to tolerate the civilian toll in gaza,
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which is pushing support for his real worldwide to historic lows is real, cannot survive if it becomes a pariah. let's enough from our white house correspondent, kimberly how good he reports on the significance of chuck. she missed comments. what so shocking about this is not only is this coming from a high ranking us official in the us congress, but chuck schumer also identifies uh with the jewish faith. so this is remarkable in that he is jewish, and he is a us senator. and anyone who has followed us politics will know that in there really is iron clad support for decades in the us congress for israel. and so to see a departure like this, that is so point is so critical of israel is not really shocking, but unprecedented. he made very strong comment saying that benjamin netanyahu is an
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obstacle the piece he's lost his way. and he essentially is using is really politics for political survival and allowing that and those interest to supercede the interest is real. and i think the other thing that is really valuable in all of this isn't reflects something that is more domestic in nature here in the united states. and that is the frustration with the binding administrations support of israel as war and gaza, particularly within the democratic party. and given that this is an election year, he is local icing, that frustration and the fact that there are concerns about the ongoing support for israel, particularly the military support in tune of billions of dollars. well, that's the view from the white house that's have its head, david george white histories them hum to select, standing by for sarah, and have to tell us what we've been hearing from these riley side. and, you know,
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who's own policy about as well. no surprise, nothing, you know who's ruling the code party slamming the us. senate majority leader in a statement saying that israel is both a proud and independent democracy that elected these really prime minister. the statement went on to say that nothing yahoo leads policy that is backed by a majority of these really public, but this statement did not provide any evidence for that. this is just a continuation of the risk we've been seeing between both is really and the american officials on how and that's in yahoo and his war cabinet had been prosecuting this war. that is now entering it's 6 months. what about is roosevelt position polity? what do we hearing from them to serve in several statements from across these really political aisles? let's begin with you here in the p, the head of israel's opposition, the leader there. he said that nothing yahoo has policies are further distancing
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israel from its allies across the world, and they are losing support. now we also heard from benny gans and member of israel's war cabinet and one of the 10 yahoos political arrivals who has said that chuck schumer made a mistake in those remarks and any sort of external interference in israel and who calls for it. so elections is both incorrect and unacceptable. next time the thank you for that time to speak to an occupied these trees them. let's take this on now here on said with monkey was where to use the director of a go study center at the catch university. good to have you with this. this is extraordinary, isn't it? because she was a very, very senior politician in us. he is the most highest ranking jewish official in the united states. quite unprecedented. what he's been saying and causing, as you would expect, referrals across the world, no doubt it's, it's um, it's unexpected. but let's put things in a context. we were witnessing the last 2 weeks and the mentor of pressure on is
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there any prime minister? started with a bank when guns was to the white house the way how he was uh, basically um, uh, received by the white house and then it was at the london. and then we witnessed the statement by the benefit of c, i a and then the intelligence community report about what's happening is that i had, which was absolutely unique. and it's case if you go to the, this community history says was established 2001. it was unique and then you go to and you come to the statements by blinking and other uh, you know, administration officials. so there isn't momentum with the pressure on this. and, you know, however, we've been to that there is kind of a division between the pressure on nothing, you know, but supporting is what it's politically and giving that just tennessee of this operation. and so at the defend thing is, right as a state. however, they believe that this idea is the obstacle is the popular. so they are pushing for the it is, it is basically, i said,
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vice versa. the democrats in america playing in the is about any domestic politics, right? reaction from his reality. it has been, as you would expect, and even the more modern many got to you just mentioned is just being up to the united states. as you said, a himself saying that she made a mistake about this. i expect that because basically this will make a, this will help and it's at yahoo to be more logical. his position. and i said he also believed that at least 75 percent of those are 80 supporting the war. and as long as this water, as, as a then so basically he's in power, then the minute there is less support to the world that's gonna be in trouble. so basically many guys who's saying vertically, the message, basically you are empowered, inc as the life and state this in yahoo in directly because that is what he wants to hear when he goes back to that. is there any part in this? yeah. okay, look the out against us and this is actually today. it's happened. he, it is he, in his me to his meeting with the, with the military personality. he said,
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i will stay solid against this push out from outside folks to stop this operation. so he knows this very well, so he says not putting any pressure on netanyahu, and it just you think gives him the ability to double down. i believe that this when he wouldn't be acting and i wouldn't be surprised if propagation will happen anytime soon. all right, yeah. the older he is, he's incredibly poor the united states as far as it started in his right as far as the war is, can correct, but once the war is over, but if some of the 85 percent of his readies want to see him go yes, but again, the, the minute, you know, as long as the strokes he talks about the war, as long as he talks about, you know, the immunization of what's happened and, you know, and because then when i was actually the palestinians, an oldest set them is everything he would be he would have the support of them is right is so that's it think he's a plank and so far and what about the potentially impending rough or offensive? he's saying that yahoo is saying that it will go ahead and this will,
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this tool could making, you know, humanitarian islands where they, the occupants of russell will kind of move to just this is, this is what he was saying in the last one week. he made, i think, 2 of the interviews, what were the major media out as an in the united states. and he made it clear that, you know, this is the last, but we, we want to make sure that how much is, is we can, i, i will not stop unless i'm doing that. so basically he's now presenting the a basically operation as a, you know, the, the operation which lead to the victory off as i. and that's what he was trying to sell it to the eighty's and to the american. it's american people, the done to it many competitions by g. great to get your perspective is the much the cheapest way to here on set. thank you. now israel says it will impose your restrictions on access to i like to most on fridays during the muslim holy month of ramadan. these are pictures of people praying at the compound on 1st day, but on old fridays during the month of fasting, i need those with the special permits will be allowed to enter. in recent days,
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tensions have been high around our lives are combined with his ready forces, detaining multiple palestinians. it is the 3rd have the site for most of the policy . i mean, president property to boss has named mohammed who stuff or as a jew prime minister of the palestinian authority, his appointment for his mounting pressure to reform the governing body of the occupied west bank. stuff of we'll have 3 weeks to form in your cabinet. it's replacing former prime minister. we should be resigned in february the on to other news and hate is spiraling out of control in the absence of the lead and under the pressure of long guns. these are pictures were getting out of haiti's capital, where crowds of russians get food, aid is both or in. medicine ought to be trapped in the homes due to the ongoing dying violence attempts to form a transitional council to try and shape the country's political future. or they've
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sold the prime minister or it on re, who's stuck in puerto rico, promise to resign. but only once a council is form to select an intern go. united nations has begun withdrawing its normally central personnel. it is similar to reduction of the footprint, but more importantly it's a rejected ring of the configuration of people. so some people who don't need to be physically in haiti are being moved to the dominican republic to work remotely. others who have a specialized ations that are more needed, notably on uh on. did you manage here in crisis and, and coordination are coming in. the state department says the united states has any helping efforts to form a government hazy, not deciding on one. al, deserves rosamond jordan aspects. we met miller about the strong objections from some policies to repair his transitional accounts. a mistake to look at this is
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what the united states will do. because ultimately, this is a matter for the haitian people to decide and hate haitian people and haitian leaders need to be front and center and making decisions about their country. what we will do is work with haitian leaders and work with care comm leaders and worked with our other international partners to do everything we can to offer support for haitians and making those concessions and trying to get on the path to democracy. we're now 72 hours past. what happens if for whatever reason, the names that have been put forward or rejected? what is the plan b? this is always going to be a political process that required people to make compromises and people to make some concessions as you just heard me say. all right, just in the past 2 years, we've seen a number of names submitted for this presidential transitional council. we want to see get off the ground as soon as possible. we want to see internet interim prime minister appointed as soon as possible. i right, so the head here are not 0,
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the space x is mega rocket blast off the world's largest record ever. bill reaches space fails on re entry. that's not the, the weather brought to you by visit castle where in so a lot of the spell of whether across northern parts of australia over the next couple of days to tropical systems, to keep an eye on the 1st one was just to the north of w white, i think it will just for a close to the west coast. hope these thing of sure, but the one here, this one just around the top and that is already causing problems. lots of heavy rain here. this may will become a tropical side. does it go on through the we can,
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but you can see that a 117 millimeters afraid around? no. i to columbus to the north of darwin here in the space for the 24 hours. that same system that's good. continuing trusting. it's why little feathery switched into the gulf, a carpenter area. so some heavy a shout was coming in here is to go on through the next couple of days. and that's when it may well develop into a tropical sites. i'm picking up that will moist as an off. the wall says lot of showers save up to was to k built financial, a few showers down tools that is to sort of go straight here for the west stride and home. once again into the thirty's, the full path laquata felt down towards the south east, the leg one until the twins is that the melvin and for sydney? good scattering a shower has meanwhile for days and lots of dry, little bit of rain. maybe the snow into northern parts of japan over the next couple of days. and then tony little dry the weather brought to you by visit castle. unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard.
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voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it not to stream on out just the or the the again, you're watching out 0. her mind about top stories is and is ready for us as a continued to relentless bump up into because a strip killing at least $69.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours is ready for us
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is also problems of food and a distribution warehouse. indeed, minnesota come us senate majority leader chuck. she met his goal for new elections in israel, 25 minutes to benjamin netanyahu, a major obstacle to peace. it is the strongest criticism. yes, by seeing the american official of netanyahu's handling of the conflict in gaza and medical teams in southern girls that have recovered more than a dozen bodies from the ruins of her mad town. and con, use the palestine red crescent society were able to get into the area and transport the bodies to out the hospital after his ready forces withdrew from the neighborhood on wednesday. michael awful as this report. and it's the 1st time in weeks that medical teams have been able to reach from a town in a fun unit. it was designated as one of his rel, circle, safe zones in the cell. palestine red crescent teams weren't able to get into the area off these ready troops pulled out. recovering the bodies of 15 people. what
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now looks apocalyptic. used to be a series of high rise apartment blocks that i needed to call y'all to i know where do i do just been i have beautiful memories here with my children, my grandchildren and my son in law shop. he was taken by the east re lease at one of their tech points. i was told these are, these had to go. so i came to inspect the area of the entire block has been leveled by the east, or at least memories in our entire lives, helping reduced to dust. all your residents who pretend devastated homes, say there's more than just belongings lost beneath the roof. we got to be sure that it is definitely the most of all we are of the people under most of the buildings in this situation is dire. these are your lives destroyed in the world just watches the published and you know, people are falling apart in new york and people are trying their best to salvage
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what positions they can do in the month. so we came to the city to inspect the damage and found destruction that is not just massive, horrifying. entire towns have been reduced to dust, houses and apartments have been burned, and costs have been destroyed. the main water pump stating the city with boulders and ripped down to the ground defiant residents say they will return and will rebuild mike level. how does their of the british government has unveiled a new definition of extremism in response to an increase in hate, crimes against jews and muslims. groups falling under the new definition will be unable to receive government funding or have dealings with ministers or civil 7th. public demonstrations or gatherings will not be banned. but critics say that change poses a threat to free speech. so your closer look at the language in the case, new definition of extremism is defined as
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a promising an ideology based on 5 minutes patriot or intolerance. it says, extremism aims to attack the fundamental rights of others, undermine or overturned prisons, democracy, or create an environment, enabling others to do so. the previous definition adopted in 2011 was less specific . extremism was defined as opposition to fundamental british values. while speaking, apartment 11, the up and community 2nd street michael goes outlined why he feels the new to the definition is necessary. definition makes clear experience of what kind of leads to the radical context of individuals. then only people that write some opportunities suppress. freedom of expression, insight takes, which we conceptual cohesion and ultimately become leads to, expert terrorism is implicitly distressed that we are in no way intended to restrict seem expression religion or belief. but the government cannot be in a position where unwittingly will not respond. so subsidize will support in any way
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. organizations of individuals opposed to freedoms. we hold for our challenges more now from westminster or well, the actual text definition of extremism that the government is now using is not actually that different from the text that the definition that they were using from 2011. but that's not particularly important. what is important is the legal i'm the pinning was this definition. it does. and also what is going to follow what the government is going to be doing next. now the government says that it is changing this definition so that it can back to allow itself to distance itself. the government from groups that may don't cross the threshold into trim analyses, but which the government doesn't side, which he what for one, for which he wants to withhold. a government funding, a government face time legitimacy. the trigger for all of this is of course the all type of 7 attacks on israel and these rails on cause and response and the tide of
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islamic probably be an anti semitism that has been swelling in the u. k. since then, but there are many critics of this new move from the government. they point to some of them, the hypocrisy of the government, which has been much in scandals. all that is, i'm afraid of you and racism sexism at the last few weeks. proposing to come up with the home screen. as i said, it's gonna be type seeing that controls times organizations, the findings of homeless. i can find it difficult to get off that. so it will take them lots of time and money to appeal of that decision. and there are lots of people who say that this is going to disproportionately target is alignment organizations with even within the u. k. i didn't deeds the early list that as
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being announced by much guys in the house of commons, both groups that are guys to be scrutinized states organization. so foss, 2 of them, a file right near not see organizations, and 6, if that is not meant groups or which happens, i'll just say rob westman said london. and they said shift and stilton bank says ukraine is running out of i munition for his will with rush or, and mistakes and not doing enough to help keep his comments. com is russian troops of maintains in east and ukraine in recent weeks. the cranes are not running out of courage. they are running out the i'm a nation together, we have the capacity to provide to crate what it needs. now we need to show the political will to do so. the fact of the russians able to outcome of the ukrainians every day, of course, is a huge challenge as one of the reasons why the russians had been able to make some
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advances on the bottom. so, you know, the last weeks on the, on the unknowns and these 2 people have been killed in that ukraine attacks on russia's belgrade region, is by the border with ukraine and has been repeatedly hits by you, craving shells and drains recent months. the regions government says several civilian calls were struck. at least 4 people were wounded. the tax comm days off to ukraine's ministry sent waves of dragons into russia. a pro crating groups that they noticed across the board at vases and rushes far east to begun costing, pallets in. this is presidential election for the 1st time. 30 will be held eva 3 days from friday until sunday. at president vladimir putin is widely expected to win another time until 2030 the other 3 presidential, kind of as a rule under western sanctions and do not directly oppose pollution or russia's will in ukraine. it's now late last year out 0 was the 1st international news
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network to bring the world images of make shift migrant come spreading along. the us mexican border migrants arrive after long journeys to request to sign them in the united states for border authority, say, detention facilities of overwhelmed forcing them to stay outdoors exposed to the elements. reynolds has returned to the region to see how people surviving and sent this report. a top, a wind swept hill within sight of the border. asylum seekers huddled around fires evening to the sense they come from china, turkey, india, brazil, georgia and other countries converging on a gap in the border wall. rodrigo peters, his wife giovanna, and their 2 boys age 6 and 8 have just arrived. after walking through the hills for 2 days and nights they are from guatemala, rodrigo explains, the gang members approached him demanding money referrals. i don't know if they've
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told me we're not where your children go to school. when can you run them alive or do you want them? the within a few days, rodrigo and giovanni had sold everything they owned and fled their homeland. he called his mother who lives in los angeles. somewhere. yes, mama, we're on the american side now. it was cars, but we made it to a border patrol official comes by. then the most patients are full. we are trying to find room for you. maybe it will happen tonight, but i'm not sure if they go with the help of a translation apps, the news spreads all the tents, blankets in other essentials of life, including food, are provided here, not by any government agency, but by small volunteer groups and individuals. border patrol is not providing
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shelter, food, very little water. it gets down to 4 around 4 degrees celsius at night and it's very windy. a few weeks ago, 2 children were taken out of a nearby camp after spending the night. they were both hospitalized for serbia. these harsh conditions violate a long standing court order on how asylum seekers should be treated. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants including children, left to fend for themselves in make shift camps like this one. so the attorneys that have brought an action to obligate border patrol to provide shelter, food, water, medical care, and other things, especially for children who are here. but really, for anyone who is being held in these conditions, as the peters family prepares to spend the night, a volunteer who asked, we not use his last name, phelps, rodrigo, set up
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a tent. we don't like seeing people suffering. i mean, i think there's a lot of suffering here of family, up routed fleeing violence seeking asylum, bound together by low rob reynolds, l, g 0, your company, california. or even most space access successfully carried out the longest test flight of his massive style sheet. rock it to date, but it's failed to make it back to us. and one piece the module was destroyed while approaching is lending points in the indian ocean about an hour after it took off from southeast texas. calling baker has more, what makes it different? it's a long way from texas to the indian ocean space ex just made the trip in about an hour. it did. it was the largest most powerful rocket ever to successfully leave the earth star ship is a 2 part rocket that's built at a private base.


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