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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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the, the why each, the power of session with you energy reveals itself analysis, plug in hybrid electric, the, [000:00:00;00] the around the clock. this is a new life from so ha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 11 palestinians waiting for 8 a killed and it's really attacking some us, gives mediators negotiating in kansas seized by a new proposal. prime minister netanyahu has lost his way the us senate. democrats says israel's leader is an obstacle to peace and calls for the
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new election. struggle for survival on the streets of hazy civilian, scramble for food and water, his games types, and the grip on the capital. and the space ex mayor rocket flow solves the world's largest rocket ever built reaches space, but fails on re entering the . so we begin this news with a proposal from him by saying that ending will and garza facilitating relief efforts and returning refugees to the homes. the group released the statement detailing the plan and just the pasta model on the ground and gauze, or at least 11 people have been killed by is ready for it. yes. another attack on palestinians waiting for 8. they were at the q 80 round about
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a key location at linking northern and southern cause a wind shots were fired from ms. riley helicopter. it was the 2nd attack on the round of us. and as many days, thousands of people have been injured. to meantime rescue, james had been trying to find survivors in the rubble of destroyed buildings in the southern city of con eunice. this follows a day of relentless writing strikes right across gauze with thousands of palestinians killed in just the past 24 hours. so let's take a closer look at the new proposal from a mass that we mentioned in a statement that says the movement is submitted to catherine. a gyptian mediation is a comprehensive vision based upon the principles and fundamentals of mass themes essential to any agreement. the statement goes on to say that the vision submitted by the movement outlines is view on the present as well. and also says, the rights and concerns of our people shall remain a top priority. i,
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let's get more now from nora calling to joins is from occupied east jerusalem and north. it took us through this statement from mass, if you would as well, you just read out that this is a vision by him. i say believes that they can end the war and gone to out. there are many similarities. that's what they've been asking for was full. that may be some concessions in terms of how many are exchanged out in any kind of prison that the captive deal. they certainly want people to go back to the news about her, but there has been months of shuttle diplomacy taking place. this. the meetings in paris meetings in kyra, this is being mediated by the us kata, egypt now the us as hoping to, to get rid of this political deadlock and finally have some sort of deal by robert down. of course this didn't happen very sticking points includes a mouse warranty. i did want
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a full withdrawal of is riley's and to have his big out cap to exchange for prisoners. and they, they wanted essentially to see a permanent states fire. nothing yahoo has been refusing his concessions. he said he wants to continue this war until he reads off enough, but he had just seen the last 2 hours of being under serious political pressure. no, certainly from us present by didn't. who's been his closest allies for many years, but now by a senate majority leader, chuck schumer had some really sticking was to get assessing yahoo also under with domestic pressure in the country as it's being is growing protests where people are wanted to see some sort of deal in order to release the captive these all the prizes taking place in tel aviv jerusalem out across the country and lower a particular reaction for ms rela, about this new proposal. what we've had,
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we actually just in the past 10 minutes from these ready time is office. it says, and i quote from mazda of the mountains are unreasonable, and we will provide an update on this matter to the we'll cancel this as a rule cabinet. they will be missing on friday. so immediately another sticking point it's, it's, it's important to remember that israel didn't show up to the car tools that happened at the beginning of march. it refused to send a delegation. nussum, yahoo has not changed since stones. he says there are 3 main objectives on these concessions. he will not concede them. they ought to destroy him, asked politically and militarily, militarily release count to ensure cause that does not pose a threat to israel. but as i said before, he's under much domestic, political and international pressure. people of course, been gone to want to see some sort of breakthrough in the deadlock. so talking about the death toll of fall mold and saucy $1000.00. and that's created
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a huge amount of international pressure, not any from us, but that part is taking place around the world. i'm drawing protests here. so although they are, they seem to be finding what's from nursing, yahoo's office at the moment. we'll have to wait to see if they begin to, to dial down to some of this pressure. right, laura, thanks for that. laura con. i speak just from what you might histories, but elsewhere in dallas and medical teens recovered more than a dozen bodies from the ruins of my town in on eunice, in the south of gaza. michael apple has this report now. it's the 1st time in weeks that medical teams have been able to reach from a town in a fun, eunice, it was designated as one of his rel, circle, safe zones in the south palestine. red crescent teams were able to get into the area off. these riley troops pulled out recovering the bodies of 15 people. and
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what now looks apocalyptic. used to be a series of high rise apartment blocks that i needed to call y'all too. i know where do i do just been i have beautiful memories here with my children, my grandchildren and my son, to load up the ship. he was taken by the east re lease at one of their tech points . i was told that you 3 of these had to go, so i take to inspect the area of the entire block has been leveled by the east release of memories in our entire lives, helping reduced to dust. all your residents who pretend devastated homes, say there's more than just belongings lost beneath the roof. we got to ensure that it is definitely the most i'm home. we are of the people under most of the buildings in the situation is dire. these are your lives destroyed. in the world just watch is published and you know, people are falling apart. and here again,
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people are trying to advance the salvage what positions they can within the month. so we came to the city to inspect the damage and found destruction that is not just messes the horrifying. entire towns have been reduced to dust. houses and apartments have been built in costs, have been destroyed. the main water pumps fading, the city with boulders and brook down to the ground, defiant, raise it, and say they will return and will rebuild mike's level, how does their home, how might i lead my team is an emergency physician base in the united states. and these 2 for ton from garza of to work in europe and hospital, but it says it was his duty as a medical professional to go now as long as all of them into but obviously when they get the see what's really going on and their situation very dire, heard about things or that of course, i mean um there's only 5000 people who were in the hospital and it sells people living in the hallways. some people have 1070,
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perhaps she's on bonds the whole night and reset the bonds every night in the privacy bar. my night for a psychological it started when the people there is a jewish is very diary. do you see a lot of pediatric patients that come in and a lot of the children that were attracted by shot and it was the wrong with the gunners. how many days? why don't want me to come in a lot of actually one of the 0 reporters came into and i run into the hours. ready one that took care in the are you guys actually have footage on that as well, but um and physicians are being targeted uh most of the hospital and um, yeah, it was very assessed. ready for the tasks that needs and what about medical treatment? certain amounts of aid have been getting in. do you think nice is the ability in any way to treat the victims a tool is really difficult to see how much stuff is actually getting in because the house and the crossing of egypt and palestine. um,
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even that you just told me were not allowing stuff to go in. and they were like down like miles and miles of the food trucks and the nature of static trying to get in with it with their police because that is released. wouldn't allow them to get in a public thing is involving dollars. we've been observing the muslim holy month of ramadan in the shadow full of displays, families and basically here cooking what little food they can find in improvise kitchens to break the fast. others being praying and it makes shift most getting jamalia. the area has suffered, some of the most intense is really from above. incidence of will began thousands of homes and hundreds of most to be reduced to rubble. the hi and the guy, the them. so i thought the and we've been on stable moving from one place to the next. there's no shelter or anything. there is no food, no water, nothing. even the most basic living essentials like bread that do not exist. we 4 inch wide plumps when it rains and cooks, and this is a situation that we pray,
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go to see and then to this crisis. and the end of this way. if i know from the side that's football, we 5 families in our household and we made a make shift tent because that isn't enough space. as you can see, we sit here and have if talk, we don't have shelter or anything. all the money in belongings under the rubble, we don't even have food. we eat, biscuits sleeps every day. we go to charities to get a place of lease to eat because there's no flour or anything else to eat. what are the highest ranking and politicians of united states is called the is ready, prime minister, a major obstacle to peace. democratic senator. chuck schumer also criticized benjamin netanyahu, whose tolerance of the civilian death toll in the gaza can be. how can reports now from washington, a scathing review because it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the floor of the us senate. and that's in yahoo coalition no longer fits the needs of
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israel after october 7th. the world has changed radically since then. and these really people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer says the is really prime minister, is an obstacle to piece schumer's, the highest ranking, jewish elected official in us history utility. wherever delight were such as needs are criticising and is really prime minister color over his handling of the war on gaza. and his rejection of a 2 state solution. more than $31000.00 palestinians have been killed and $73000.00 have been injured and is really a tax on gaza since october 7th. as a result, many americans are no questioning israel's nearly $4000000000.00 an annual military assistance or didn't take long for schumer's remarks to be condemned by republicans
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. it is grotesque and hypocritical for americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy. to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of israel. this is unprecedented on social media is really a basset, or is calling the comments unhelpful and counter productive to our common goals demonstrate to the war and goes up. it has become such a nightmare. both morally and in terms of us interest that is creating a possible dramatic major rift between democratic leaders and mainstream american leaders and is around center shimmers criticisms come as us president joe biden's administration on thursday. section 3 is rarely settlers and to illegal outposts
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in the occupied west. beg for acts of violence committed against palestinians is yet another barrier. the binding administration says toward achieving peace. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house, the pot of sydney and president. my friend of boss is named mohammed mustafah is the prime minister of the palestinian authority. it, let's have a look at the human stuff, right. see, is the 70 year old. is a politician and economists from the city tool could have been the occupied west bank at he's to run the policy and telecoms company and the palestine investment fund which supports projects and the palestinian territory. is also a member of the palestine liberation organization. in 2014, he served his deputy prime minister and let it commits he tossed with rebuilding pockets of gaza, of israel's 7 long bump up. and when she was ready, as the director of the gulf studies enter at dekalb university and says, the may will further disappoint protest against us. i was reading the statements
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coming from them. a lot about someone on the x platform says that letter was sent by the who, the bus to the new prime minister talks about development, that kind of development and projects to kind of as partners and the go. the person says we are an award and you spoke about this. so orderly, the, he's been and that of mind the selection itself because the content is very clear. we know that sort of thing. i was sort of these but a week and the autonomy is it has list support for them to participate in. for this thing is believed that the context is basically reforming for the student also to teach. so they kind of include because i'm the one that has the so the context does not have the prime minister or even does not have the authority. because the context is because the war and the focus would be on what's happening. and because it's being always he's by artist of the so i think this add, the more i, i would say um, it blew me to the situation in, within person here in context to be for this thing. and you talk to everyone,
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you hear that you know where it is, but it's now, so what is the president, what are they doing there? i'm not even putting any pressure international organization to do something to have to buy this thing is the questions about the effectiveness of that? but it's the sort of in a, in a very critical situation that the 1st thing that is, which is because the 2400000 in basically suffering a day by day for 6 months. now. the un security council met on thursday to discuss humans piece towards, but it's the rebels, the tax on commercial ships in the red sea, but also discuss gabriel is on that. has this report, a punch greenberg, the un special envoy to him, in brief, the security council about the stove piece, cox. he also told the council that without a ceasefire in gaza, it would be difficult to restart. the un broker truce from 2022 with the red sea, you know,
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part of the widest set of concentric circles of escalation. i also reiterate the secretary general's warning about the risk of further spillover of because that contract across the region. and his recent calls for new means as for many times as far it goes up the whole, they say they're a tax on commercial shipping. and the red sea will continue until israel steps. it's a tax on gaza, but in the council they us. this misses this justification who the propaganda now even suggest that they would continue these attacks even after a ceasefire and gaza. after the meeting, the russians said that their predictions that the u. s. and u. k. retaliatory strikes against the who these would hinder and not help the situation will have come true. we know from the outset of warrants that such an action and such a decision is a breach of international law. and we of course and not support such actions. we do not support the the gunboat diplomacy. as i said,
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the counsel is fairly unified when it comes to yemen, especially the u. n. lead mediation efforts, but the fisher's appear when it comes to the red sea, who to blame for the escalation, and how to respond. gabriel is on do, i'll just see that united nations in new york. the a possible gang leader in haiti is willing to politicians against participates in a propos transition council. as far as breaking through the cityscape, people have been stranded in the homes for days because of the bottom is and then running out a basic needs. prime minister ariel, i'm re, you're stuck and put the record is probably is to resign once a transitional counselor's phone to select the interim government of you and has begun with drawing is known as central personnel. well, coordinating an air lifted to hey t, it is similar to reduction of the footprint, but more importantly it's
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a re jiggling of the configuration of people. so some people who don't need to be physically in haiti are being moved to the dominican republic to work remotely. others who have specialized ations that are more needed, notably on uh, on the medicare and crisis and, and coordination are coming in. the state department says the united states, is there any helping efforts to form a government in haiti? not deciding on one of the zeros roseman jordan, all suspects when the match miller about strong objections from some policies to the proposed transitional council. some mistake to look at this is what the united states will do. because ultimately, this is a matter for the haitian people to decide and the hate, haitian people and haitian leaders need to be front and center and making decisions about their country. what we will do is work with haitian leaders and work with care comm leaders and work with our other international partners to do everything
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we can to offer support for haitians and making those concessions and trying to get on the path to democracy. we're now 72 hours past. what happens if for whatever reason, the names that have been put forward or rejected? what is the plan b? this is always going to be a political process that required people to make compromises and people to make some concessions as you just heard me say. all right, just in the past few hours we've seen a number of names submitted for this presidential transitional council. we want to see get off the ground as soon as possible. we want to see internet interim prime minister appointed as soon as possible that at my colleague it so hell. raman spoke to the politician informa haitian rebel lee. to the philippe, he says haitians don't belong to us or other caribbean nations to decide the makeup of the next government. what i want to say start up to united states or friends, not, nothing. got in come to decide. what kind of,
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what age we can go over and it's up to the nation, people to decide what kind of people they want to go over and that will give the right to kind of, you come in. 3 are going to is i'm really just present, gathered up to the side, industrial community. it's all on the united states, canada, or twins in the, you know, the show community in other countries. why are those countries a borrower is involved in ages quoted? always to plus really and why should they be the same one decided and they decide ones again to choose the simple to guys who do you want to help you then who should be coming forward to help you if you don't want the united states and you don't want cover. com and you don't want your regional neighbors. who do you want? i think do you enter the voice of the admissions? should the invoice not only the same or guys the same people that besides the 7 you said and where we are, i'm not saying the trucks are here. my country, my people who started dying. thing should change. we need some children. and i would,
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as the united issue is to decide if antonio guitar actually un secretary general, is watching this broadcast. do you want him to speak to you or who else? who can you speak to? if you don't want to speak to the united states, if you don't want to speak to our com, do you want to speak to the un secretary general? united restaurants should say, they know they have people who they are going to pause to see what donald see, what was the shows, what was the thing wasn't going origin, we're giving you the 80 asians i've been sitting in the front. so here i've had united nations having to be done isn't to know, would it be for the needs you want to go running into change to things in h let's, let's move on to nigeria where the president photo to nibble has ruled out any possibility the government paying rent, some could not, schoolchildren, government deducted more than $280.00 students to install from a school in the north west. some could do the state last week that the money more than $600000.00 for the safer time. the jury. no,
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i mean has been deployed to assist with rescue efforts. so i think and god bless you, who is the security? unless that explains what's behind the way the kidnappings, northwest and nigeria. and the good the challenges in vidalia is what we used to be more on and then a few minutes as well. now when we, we, we, we just leave the subject to the judge and live in the house, which means that the decision is, uh, so for them we usually see something on uh, i usually go to the company to just work with them in the kitchen. yeah. but could you just use, oh well we the, we just want to get people to look in the uh, stuff i would say for this people. i think it was the morning heading into correct
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. yeah, yeah. yeah. with the vision this morning when he some of the videos are sometimes the same. and we've also crazy, unfortunately, one of the people, the email that's the needs to be for how to fix lives. everybody knows that the, you know, we have seen videos uh, listed use it as it went for the most uh you know, that i'm gonna need to do before you get to the news. well, definitely it's an easy way to be. uh, you know, the very best, the situation. i think it was because uh you use the hosting use the one as the leader of asian barbara
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insect has appeared in coal tuft as 16 grays were discovered on his farm north west of the capital harry fleece rated the property and rescued. $250.00 children who were reportedly be subject to the physical labor smell that chucker or on the gal was arrested is always 7 members of his church. please re expected to conduct exclamations of some of the graves, i believe, to be those of babies. and he has initially been charged with child abuse as investigations and now couldn't see that close to trying to see if it is the new found to if the needs say, color, abuse, some of them the good to children you today it is uh below 16, indicating that uh, there is a case or 4 in the charge manages, which was being conducted the deficiency in the we are also trying to find out the number of people, the exact number of people who died in the way, secretly, betty,
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did you say at least 60 people including women and children, have died in the mediterranean sea while trying to reach it's neat from libya. survivors say the boat's broke down and after they sets off from the libyan city is we are leaving them drifting without food or water. charged groups that had rest june 25 people, according to the united nations, almost $2500.00 microns dido wasn't missing while attempting the crossing. last year. the law say about this or was it 1st international news network to bring the wealth images of make shift migrant come spreading along the us mexican border. microbes arrive of the long journeys to request the asylum, the united states, the border authorities, say detention facilities of overwhelmed and forcing them to stay outdoors exposed to the elements. reynolds has returned to the region to see how people also 5 a is report. a top,
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a wind swept hill within sight of the border. asylum seekers huddled around fires evening, chill the sense they come from china, turkey, india, brazil, georgia and other countries converging on a gap in the border wall. rodrigo peters, his wife, giovanna, and their 2 boys age 6 and 8 have just arrived. after walking through the hills for 2 days and nights they are from guatemala, rodrigo explains. the gang members approached him demanding money. refer over how do i know they told me we not, where's your children go to school? when can you run them alive or do you want them this? within a few days, rodrigo and giovanni had sold everything they owned and fled their homeland. he called his mother who lives in los angeles. somewhere. yes, mama, we're on the american side now. it was cars,
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but we made it to a border patrol official comes by. then the most patients are full. we are trying to find room for you. maybe it will happen tonight, but i'm not sure if they go with the help of a translation apps, the news spreads all the tents, blankets in other essentials of life, including food, are provided here, not by any government agency, but by small volunteer groups and individuals. border patrol is not providing shelter. food, very little water. it gets down to $4.00 and $4.00 degrees celsius at night and it's very windy. a few weeks ago, 2 children were taken out of a nearby camp after spending the night they were both hospitalized for serbia. these harsh conditions violate a long standing court order on how asylum seekers should be treated. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court,
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saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants including children, left to fend for themselves in make shift camps like this one. so the attorneys that have brought an action to obligate border patrol to provide shelter, food, water, medical care, and other things, especially for children who are here. but really, for anyone who is being held in these conditions, as the peters family prepares to spend the night, a volunteer who asked, we not use his last name, phelps, rodrigo, set up a tent. we don't like seeing people suffering. i mean, i think there's a lot of suffering here of family up routed fleeing violence seeking asylum, bound together by lo, reynolds l. g 0 near temple, california. i thought it had here or not. russia votes, poles open in the far east for the 1st presidential elections since the invasion of ukraine,
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the color waving. so a lot of the spell of whether across northern parts of australia or over the next couple of days to tropical systems, to keep an eye on the 1st one. i was just to the north of w way. i think it will just for close to the west coast. hope these thing off. sure . but the other one here, this one just around the top and that is already causing problems. lots of heavy rain here. this night will become a tropical side. tends to go on through the we can, but you can see, can you 170 millimeters afraid around 90 columbus to the north of darwin here in the space for the 24 hours. that's think system that's going to continue a trusting it's why a little further waste with into the gulf, a carpenter area. so some heavy a shout was coming and here's a go on through the next couple of days. and that's when it may well develop into a tropical side,
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picking up that will moist and then we'll see what it says. a lot of showers save up towards the cape built financial, a few showers down tools. that is the side stride here for the west stride and home once again into the thirty's, the full path laquata felt down to the south east the legs until the 20th at the moment and for sydney scattering a shout was meanwhile for days and lots of dry little bit of rain over the snow and all the pots of japan over the next couple of days. and then tony little dry of the what do you consume? easy lexus, we believe in the luxury of choice. introduce each class the
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why each college session with you energy reveals itself analysis, plug in hybrid electric even bigger selection, jordan history, the world's biggest democracy off its own epic showdown join me really was injured in this new ballpark. leaves focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the rising majority in ism settings to turn the clock back on a country founded on secular ideas being report box one on
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the head again to what she had 0 reminder about top story is this uh, i'd have my so submitted a new proposal and to the ending the war on garza facilitating relief efforts and returning refugees to their homes at the group as setting the plan to a category and egyptian mediators. it's rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office as cold as unrealistic at least 11 people have been killed by his ready fire. and yet another attack on palestinians waiting for a as they were at the q. 80 roundabouts. when shots the 5 minutes where the helicopter, it's the 2nd attack on roundabouts has many se, and us democratic senate to judge she by his tool is really prime minister major up school to piece. he also criticized benjamin to know who's tolerance, disability, and death told, and gaza republicans visit fella, democrats, content. she was vermont the night to achieve installed and bug says ukraine is running out of a munition for its board gains,
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russia bones the allowances member states are not doing enough to help. keith is comments. com is russian troops of make gains in east and ukraine. in recent weeks . the cranes are not running out of courage. they are running out the, i'm a nation. together, we have the capacity to provide to crate what it needs. now we need to show the political will to do so. the fact of the rest is able to outcome of the ukrainians every day. of course is a huge challenge. as one of the reasons why the russians had been able to make some advances on the bottom. so, you know, the last weeks on the, on the unknowns, but at least 2 people have been killed. then you create a tax on russia's belgrade region. it's near the border with the crate and it's being repeatedly hit by you crating shells and drains and recent months. the reason
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is governance says several of it in costs were struck. at least 4 people were wounded, intact, follows, it just stays fully just days after ukraine's ministry sent waves and drains into russia, while per you create groups and they lost across the border attack. russia as far east has begun voting in the countries presidential election for 18 will be held over 3 days from friday until sunday. president vladimir putin is old. but so when another time which would last until 2030, you have a 3 presidential candidates, underwent west and sanctions, and do not directly oppose booty. no russia's war in ukraine or young russians have been speaking to alex, is here about the hopes and aspirations. you, the shepherd of oliver has the story now from the capital laska for a generation of young russians alleging the patient is the only liza they have a noun with he's election test if to all but said we are several to assess his presidency and look toward the future the,
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i'll go to the pools and cast my vote for letting me put team, because a lot has been done for our country, especially for most school. we're young families. we have many social benefits, like maternity capital, which we can invest in a house whom i'm a political. i don't discuss the conflicting you credit with anyone, including my husband and relatives. my children live here isolated from it. luckily, none of my close ones are at the front. unlike valentina, atlanta is less optimistic for several years has been a volunteer helping political prisoners, including her boyfriend, was sentenced to 5 years ago. staging a performance near the kremlin about connection. i think it's predictable that situation. colorado is non predictable to told things. involvement want to. 6 make people seem cars at avalon support for team support tools, but when use be, please, are you not? people is not who likes it for several years. 23 year old liza has worked as
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a volunteer in an organization dealing with the problems of domestic violence. because obviously over the past 7 to 10 years, the situation's been getting worse. our statistics show in 2021, out of a total number of domestic violence victims, about 65 percent of women were killed. the russian orthodox church ignores women's desire for independence. a real months as young people are uncertain about the futures. when the mobilization of reservists was announced in september 2022 people look foolish about what would happen to them in 2 weeks. authorities have driven us into what is called the special military operation. and they don't know themselves how to get out of it for my little students. so that's i used to study history cinema and lou with lights that we do to censorship. pictures of the stuff. i have a cost and feeding of the. i'm not scared when i see the police. if i go out into the street and i see strangers,
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i carefully choose my words. i cannot say anything about you create a sketch report as to what rule. so despite old as says and t hope is still bad, and these concerns inspirations will be heard by the next president. he's going to lead russia for the next 6 years. you lash at bob oliver ultra 0 most. okay. let's take this on the with them and the 2nd most. so who is a senior electron in security development in kings college london. and she's the author of russian imperialism revisited. joins us now from london, done today. grant's heavy with this, what does it say about a nation when we know exactly what the election outcome will be every single time as an election as well. i mean, again, it shows that the system is when we're talking about the democratic election. i, it's usually said there is an election, but there isn't any choice. so in a way of getting shows that are, you know, russia is not gonna get democratic stages. there's nothing new. and we know very
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ways at all. and that's one time shalondria john, just to the scene, either canada, nevada, ne, have been put in prison, such as far as i'm seeing here, yashimi or, or has been silenced. many i'm being forced to a fee abroad. and those were competing in the elections. are those why are not, were you presenting a challenge to the coaching, even figure like bodies, bodies and not be interested in who was running for the party called a new people on who was running on and on. they won't actual, uh, was also disqualified because there were many people where i sort of signing up online to sign on to present to be the signatures. uh he had to gather signatures. i meant to be worth funding online for that. and he was also be totally fine. so of course to the outcome is, is predictable, very much, right? so in election without real choices, then the question is why it is that to be
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a pension ball the going through this, you're out of the selection a brand. i think she, she's someone who, and this is also part of our particular russian foundation, that the hard sort of this week i need to speak our understanding sometimes of how to manage things or another situation. and also sometimes also, externally he wants to show that she and he's a democratically elected leader, according to him on his system, like she has the support of the people on some of that, he can show what was starting to nationalities. actually, if not to not really tell me and when you die, but he and he, you know, i used to was a public, he's trying to run. that's crazy and fair election. he wants to show that he has as a folder for people. so it's only fond of him also showing not only that he's popular, but oh, somebody hasn't. did you do my see all the you said you should have procedures on the go situation of procedures. he's someone who wants to make sure that the
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constitution and you know, that he's abiding by the constitution that, uh, you know, that the goals are our, our phone load and he's starting out as a sort of a, as a sort of shamrock. but down mind this is very important to him, and that's always really and so he can stay back to the general public, right? to what degree is it possible or is it just not possible to try and to sunday, the quantity of just any voice, mail or dissenting voices, or say dissenting voices in the country to the government? the way in the e mail, hurry, geron regime. it's very difficult to know what people really think. also people don't know if i'm free and sharing information. other candidates are not able to present their views openly to criticize the government or in this case of president . so i, you know, a lot of information is very social, so it's very hard to that page are very independent to sort of mindset. but of
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course, we know that there is a position to bludgeon at 14, we seeing that to him very recently twice. first, i've restarted those who are standing and 9, uh, trying to give the support for um, body's not usually and whores. the honest, i won't candidate for i started was disqualified. there were many lines under those horse standing in line to get the signature work in showing the support for i'd be spending a towards that against the war. so it was against that important. and of course, in the last weeks i've done them the day. so the killing off unexplained a lot of money. we had a memorial service on the funeral, where i noticed people went to show their respects to the cemetery. angel. uh, laid some hours that the grade book now on the, on these jews were very long. and he's also showed that there were another people for a very dissatisfied, and they also people who are not maybe expressing themselves opening. so an interesting aspect here which are some of my car makes the most or telling me,
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is that it's very interesting to see who, how many, both the vocational the 2nd candidate is going to get. his name is alexander the long calls on. he's become the only we interpreted message that could be the kind of protest, but you mean it could be potentially the sort of the boat as well. so based on your new people's party and on the air, or though he is not free and opposition party, he has made a deal that he wants to what i meant to the war and engaging my roshay. sions. so many are thinking that by voting for him, they can show their displeasure with every army. unimportant point that we need to high large is that the amc in russia when we look at those changes. they also might represent quite a significant number of people. if we talk about a 5 percent or an 8 percent, that might be maybe i don't know, maybe that would be maybe around 5000000 or 8000000 people know 10000000 people.
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that's quite a significant number in absolute terms. but of course we know, i mean it's probably most certainly that important is going to get over the 75, maybe a bit more. last time you called 77 percent. she might want to show that he's maybe a bob sex bigger. yeah. show that the rates are full for war, which is really what he's now he's great discharge. okay. well let's see how it all unfolds in the coming days. a think we know, but to me, taylor sacrifice. i do appreciate your analysis. excellent, thank you very much. so you can, a government has unveiled a new definition of extremism with under which certain groups will be blocked from government funding. the change comes just a week off the prime minister risky. so not wound up what he called a shocking increase in extreme is disruption. the rest of the country to begin to mum roll has really challenged reports. the government says the problem has intensified since israel's war and goes to the gap. cool,
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the sector states marketing go to many always india is the u. k. government's new definition of extremism. this is little from the old one published definition the whole video stream is the promotional advancement of an audiology based on violence . hey, treat oriental elements that things gonna gauge to destroy the from them are fundamental rights and freedoms of others, or undermine over time to replace the u. k. system of liberal, complimentary democracy and democratic rights. what's changed is administers and civil 7. so now banned from talking to or funding organizations on a pending list of groups, meeting this definition of the government in a position where unwittingly will not respond. so subsidize with support in any way, organizations of individuals opposing feelings we hold since october 7th is not gonna probably be and anti semitism have searched in the u. k. the governments take is the pro palestinian marches, have been hijacked by islamic extremist,
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trying to tell the u. k pox. so when it comes to using language that runs against propose a brush liberal bodies, there's no shortage of people pointing out the routing, conservative policies on numerous recent scandals involving a slam before the racism and bigotry. former deputy chairman lee anderson left the conservatives off to say islam is controlled london's mostly man. the policy is biggest darn or frank. hester allegedly said that black female m p made him want to hateful black women and that she should be shot. like many critics, and he is not my phobia campaign. and he said my foot fee is the governments will misuse this new powers. go focused a lot on is list groups and also new nazi and use right to identify that there has been a dramatic spike in far price activity, which i think deserves a lot more attention. and there is fee that there's going to be a disproportionate impact on british listen communities least experiences with you . the 1st groups facing governments, greece may include white supremacists,
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the partition national socialist movement, and the patry, optical tentative full. so the bridge affiliates of the muslim brotherhood and a group called to move them engagements and developments for each happens pouches, era london position with hundreds of flights have been cancelled at 5 appleton germany off the security stuff went on strike. at least 90000 pests disappeared. impact his self wants his salary increase hot bonuses. impressive rates for overtime pay 5 rounds and negotiations. a safe. i failed to achieve the breakthrough protest by farmers in india or intensifying thousands of gathered in the capital, demanding more states important, guaranteed corrupt prices. they can use prime minister to ranger moody's government of feigning to want to commitments to bringing reforms bad that night g as more. 6 farmers from northern india gather in the capital, new delhi, they're angry, they're months long,
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protest calling for government intervention to improve their livelihoods hasn't led to results. but they're not backing down. they want, what they say was promised to them 2 years ago. but i, i do that for the, during the previous process, the government made 7 promises, including the introduction of minimum club support, prices, hope with electricity, those alone neighbors. but they have done nothing. and the farmers say, rising input costs are eating into what little profits they're able to make and they're crippled by debt. the, the multi government has increased the price of electricity. they are looting after including smart meters. they should provide electricity to farmers and stuff in keys inc. electricity charges. heavy police presence monitors the 5000 protesters given permission together in the capital. the driving force behind the mass action, the all india farmers union is unequivocal and its demands. we are also given
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a close to the with the food a worker to read via the valley, unite to do free this week on it. and coming to the government. one said farmers or hoping their actions will have greater effect in the run up to a general election scheduled to take place within weeks. the number that we boy causing version poetry is to gain some. moti we will vote for those who support farmers and farmers should probably taste against the prime minister all across the country. if the politicians escaped of anything, it is the budget, the people was in february, the union leaders and the government held 4 rounds of talks of. but after failing to reach it breaks to further mass demonstrations are scheduled for the end of march. big admin, heat, u, l, g 0. so the head are not 0 as in both ways try an unusual solution to prevent attacks,
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but i live in children complex. the, [000:00:00;00] the know children living the natures of northwest and bob, we are frequently us from unable to tax the new initiative of the times to keep the school children one step ahead of danger. put them on a explain there aren't many kids who'd say no to a brand new fight. but here and while i'm getting northwest and bob way, it's about more than cutting down the school commute. last time of the road can
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mean the difference between life and death. yeah, my son is yep. we must animals always stray out of the park innocence, lions. we have to walk out children to school because it's a journey of more than 5 kilometers. that's a long way for them, especially when the animals are about. these children live near in nature, reserve encountering animals on the road is a common occurrence. wild animals killed 50 people last year. elephants are the most dangerous. i know with the understanding that offensive killed people and destroyed the fields, even if you're hurting cattle, if you and can't have you ever since you will be attacked. all these are problem animals we have in the area, but we try to live with them in harmony and we are co existing with a numerous conservation efforts of increase in pop with ellison population to around a 100000. the reserve and hong k is now 4 times capacity roaming and those of spark tension with nearby communities. the authorities say handing out bikes will help
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keep children safe to help maintain public support for conservation. it's important that what the moment they don't seem to be, especially like the a, b, b, b, y, that dissipated it's hope. the bikes will prevent dangerous encounters between children and their animal neighbors. they'll still live side by side. so this way they can keep a safe distance offense and monahan, how does 0 sign? it says it opposes us plan to force the sale of tech, taught by its chinese parent company by guns. it comes off to the us house of representatives past the bill that could lead to a nationwide bend on the social media. katrina, you reports now from page you of the millions of people who used to talk at the united states of the only ones angered by us congress voting to force chinese on a bike guns to sell the yet they doing has accused of washington of using national security as an excuse to bully chinese companies may volunteer to golf for gender
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toward how do you have time those the take talk incident enables the world to see clearly whether the us or cold rose grace folder such as the road or itself. will you meet? what's the ship? tick? tock says a full sale. what amount to banning the app nationwide endangering $300000.00 american jobs and the income of many small businesses. we will continue to do all we can, including exercising our legal rights to protect this amazing platform that we have built with you. we believe we can overcome this together in china, internet uses cannot access tick tock, but that hasn't stopped them from weighing in. the issue some of the say took talk is being targeted because us companies haven't been able to compete with its explosive popularity. she don't see the show much except it's of you reflected by chinese state media. at some common cases, we could see this as a form of a fact stealing valuable commercial value from the
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legitimate business enterprise by the us government. tick tock says all american use the data is stored in the us, but a sale would be extremely difficult due to regulations. badging is put in place since 2020 take talk. so cold secret, so flies and it's a high driven algorithms which we can use as q rated content, then noticed a lot these algorithms were developed and out like psych done and trying to consider as this technology sensitive and critical to its national interest. any sales would require a license and approval from aging. analysts say tick tock has been caught in the crust has of a tech wall between washington and beijing. and you can still see clip a pocket clip policies against wylie and the china thomas tech sector. so this whole and it's very likely that keep talk is another hallway in this game, a game that could threaten the long term survival of, of
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a chinese absence subs operating in the us, katrina, you, i'll to 0 be the most excess space x has successfully carried out the longest as flights, if it's massive. starship block it today. but the module was destroyed well approach his landing point in the nation color baker as well. it's a long way from texas to the indian ocean space ex just made the trip in about an hour. it did. it was the largest, most powerful rocket ever to successfully leave the earth star ship is a 2 part rock. it's built at a private base in texas by a private company space x. it's twice as tall as nasa's next largest spaceship. but it's what it might one day carry that's sets it apart and sets the stage for a radically different era of space exploration to come. or that's because it can lift 5 times as much material to space as the next largest available craft, or,
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according to the company's other plan star ship could carry 100 people to orbit at once. well, the largest crew on any previous launch was 8. and the most people ever to have been in space at the same moment was nearly 20 for a brief instant about a few years ago. but having hundreds of people working in space is still far in the future. and this was an expensive test. an hour after take off both parts the rocket and the ship failed before landing. these are the final images it took, but the ship made it to orbit, and that is a big leap in a short time space. ext is 22 years old. today the company announced its plans for starship in 2015. this is the 3rd in flight test for this rocket system in less than a year, so they are definitely making very big strides towards that goal. it means that the us now has a new vehicle to live up to
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a promise it has made which is to get to the moon and then to mars soon. and china and russia have both said, they intend to be there soon as well. and that's it from a robust to be writing the unsettled tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says it's cool. thanks. 3 questions. first of all, 5 unflinching questions. rigorous. the bank that he added to today is that another if mcclin's ink is taking place, augusta. nothing goes into garza without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without result. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without 0. this is the 1st to me so that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves. there's
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a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to reframe at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias who understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. examining the impact of today's headlines is objectivity is still possible for you. we're not only approaching the most is what we are moving out. is there a sense the stage ai is a powerful tool and enables bad people to be by giving voice to the voice? i really hope that what i'm doing improves it's possible to protect and save different programs, such as when you rise to an alternative view of the world today on. ouch is here. now let me tell you about safari decor result. the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered
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a coupon. occupied right now, able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here, like coming here. so with a large stairs placed with a look in my privacy, let me know thanks if i can also off my lunch break. if somebody valley equal, resorted in, gone to the us and get us mediators negotiating. a guys are ceasefire. a new proposal aimed at ending the war. the time robots of sending this is audra 0 life and to have also coming up 20 palestinians waiting for rays are killed and it is rarely attacked. more than 80


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