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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the flux as much what the now be used only elected very close here, like coming here, sits on to a large. there's phase of a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to me and gone to the us and get his mediators negotiating a guy's a ceasefire. a new proposal aimed at ending the war. the robot to send in this is audra 0 life. and to have also coming up 20 palestinians waiting for rays are killed and it is rarely attacked. more than 80 are injured from industry. netanyahu has lost his way the us senate,
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democrats says israel's leader is an obstacle to peace on calls for new elections. the struggle for survival and the streets of haiti and civilian scramble for food and bolts as gangs typing their grip on the capital. the . we're going to begin with a new proposal from palm us, which it says it's aimed at ending the war and gaza supporting relief efforts and returning refugees to their homes. the groups released a statement about the plan in the past or meanwhile on the ground. and guys are 20 people have been killed by is very far. and yet another attack on palestinians waiting for age. they've been up the co way to the round about. it's a key location linking north and south garza shots. so such are being fired from it is really helicopter. it's the 2nd attack on the roundabout in 2 days. more than a 150 people have been injured. and rescue teams have been trying to find survivors
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in the rubble of destroyed buildings in the southern city. of con eunice, that follows a day of his rarely strikes across garza, dozens of palestinians are being killed in the past 24 hours. now here's what thomas has been saying about his latest proposal that submitted what it describes as a comprehensive vision cars. any, any objection? mediators based upon what it says, the principles on fundamentals that how much believes essential for any agreements . and the statement goes on to say that the vision outlines harmless view and swap of prisoners and captives. and it also says the rights and concerns of higher people should remain our top priority. i'm going to get more not a lot of con is joining us from occupied eastern reasons to tell us more about this homeless proposal more well, it does indeed say a comprehensive vision. however, we don't have many details from that. it's a very short statement. they do mention
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a present account to exchange deal and also that they will focus on the rights of their people thoughts. and it comes as deadlocks come to a complete stance. so that was much just was the privacy great from parents. and most recently, the beginning of march in cairo, israel didn't send a delegation, there were many sticking points the time how my school. so i pulled out the major sticking points as it is dropped him on that. but how about him? the list of kept just being held and gone, so that was still a live her mouth at some point, refused to do that was the point. say it didn't have all the names and how much is called for complete withdrawal from the gulf, a strip of or is ready. so just so they still say that focusing on the rights that people, what does that be concessions in that they also want a full see. so i will have to say, as i've been any reaction from the is really government to this. how are a jump? so now go, we had a reaction directly from it as well. prime minister's office,
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thanks a message to monitor on reasonable. and we'll provide an update from this not to, to the will council. that's eclipse at now. lights on friday, that will be a war cabinet meeting with a great a security cabinet may see where this will indeed be discussed. but as all has continuously said, it have 3 reasons for being and gaza. the 1st is to completely read all come off politically and militarily, what is the captive uninsured concepts known to poses a threat? now, one is right, the media channel has released what it says is a statement from the family members of the captives being held. and they said that the judge and the government not to reject the proposal. this is just from one source. we haven't yet corroborated that. so we'll have to wait and see, but it seems that it's ready permits netanyahu. so now is holding some, whether he will bounce pressure again, we'll have to wait se rook model. thank you very much. indeed, laura con, talking to the smokey bodies to visit. i was wearing garza medical teams over the
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cupboard, more than a dozen bodies and the ruins of how much the town in con eunice and the size of guys are michael awful reports. it's the 1st time in weeks that medical teams have been able to reach from a town in a fun unit. it was designated as one of his rel, circle, safe zones. in the south palestine. red crescent teams were able to get into the area off. these riley troops pulled out recovering the bodies of 15 people. what now looks a pocket, elliptic used to be a series of high rise apartment blocks. so i needed to call you to i know where do i said you just been i have beautiful memories here with my children, my grandchildren and my son enrolled at the shop. he was taken by the east re lease at one of their tech points. i was told that you 3 of these had to go, so i came to inspect the area. the entire block has been leveled by the east or at least memories in our entire lives,
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helping reduced to dust. all your residents who pretend devastated homes. say there is more than just belongings lost beneath the roof. we got to be sure that it is definitely the most of all we are of the people under most of the buildings in this situation is dire. these are your lives destroyed in the world just watches the published and you know, people are falling apart in new york and people are trying to base the salvage what positions they can do in the month. so we came to the city to inspect the damage and found destruction that is not just massive, horrifying. entire towns had been reduced to dust, houses, and apartments had been burned and cons. that being destroyed the main water pump, stating the city would bulldozed and ripped down to the ground defiant residents say they will return and will rebuild mike level. how does their as well,
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how my darling motto is an emergency physician based in the us. and he's just returning from casa, after working at the european hospital there, besides, it was his duty as a medical professional to go and help. i knew i was going into, but i was going to get the see what's really going on. and this situation very dire . the boss things are that of course, i mean um there's 25000 people living. we're in the hospital and it sells people living in the hallways. some people have $1075.00 sheets on bonds all throughout the whole night and reset of the bonds every night and the purpose, the bottom and i, or psychological it started when the people that there is the judges. are there any you see a lot of pediatric patients to come in? um a lot of the children that were attracted by shot and it was the gunners. how many days? why don't want me to come in a lot of actually one of the 0 reports came into and i ran into the hours the one
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that took care in the are you guys actually have footage on that as well? but um and physicians were being targeted almost like hospital and um, it was very sad situation, but it also needs uh, what about medical treatment certain amounts of aid have been getting in. do you think nice is the ability in any way to treat the victims a tool is really difficult to see how much stuff is actually getting in. because when i was in the crossing egypt to palestine, um even that you just told me were not allowed themselves to go in. um, they were like, like miles and miles of the food trucks and the nature of static trying to get in with it with their full lease because that is released wouldn't allow them to get any. and it's one of the highest ranking politicians in the us. so it's called the is really prime minister, a major obstacle to peace democratic senator. chuck schumer has also criticized
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benjamin doesn't. yeah. who's tolerance of the civilian death told in gaza committee hawkins reports from washington dc. a scathing review cuz it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu on the floor of the us senate. and that's in yahoo coalition. no longer fits the needs of israel after october 7th. the world has changed radically since then. and these really people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past. the senate majority leader, chuck schumer says the is really prime minister, is an obstacle to piece schumer's, the highest ranking, jewish elected official in us history utility. wherever delight were such as needs are criticising and is really prime minister over his handling of the war on gaza. and his rejection of a 2 state solution more than $31000.00 palestinians have been killed and
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$73000.00 have been injured and is really a tax on god since october 7th. as a result, many americans are no questioning israel's nearly $4000000000.00. an annual military assistance or didn't take long for schumer's remarks to be condemned by republicans. it is grotesque and hypocritical for americans who hyperventilate about foreign interference in our own democracy. to call for the removal of the democratically elected leader of israel. this is unprecedented. on social media because really, ambassador is calling the comments unhelpful and counter productive to our common goals, demonstrate to the war and goes up. it has become such a nightmare both morally and in terms of us interest. that is creating a possible dramatic major rift between democratic leaders and mainstream american
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leaders and is around center, a humorist, criticisms come as us president joe biden's administration on thursday. section 3 is rarely settlers and to illegal outposts in the occupied west. beg for acts of violence committed against palestinians. it is yet another barrier. the binding administration says toward achieving peace. kimberly healthcare al jazeera, the white house is what was imposed you. restrictions on access to i like so most for this friday. is there any authorities of said the younger children and older adults will be occupied? westbank will be the only ones are allowed to enter the comp time they're required to hold a special time, which will only be valid from 4 am to 5 pm local time. in reason, days tensions have been high around all locks or come find where there's really forces detaining multiple palestinians to the study. and present mahmoud abbas has
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named mohammed lost a far as the new prime minister of the palestinian authority. most of it is 70 years old. he's a politician and economists from the city of to home in the occupied west bank and used to run the palestinian telecoms company on the pont assigned investment fund, which supports projects in the palestine. the entire truth is also a member of the pont assigned liberation organization. in 2014, he served as deputy prime minister. i'm led to committee tossed with rebuilding parts of gauze. i'm after israel's 7 week long bombardment launch. it was last name is director of golf study center contract university. he says the move will further disappoint palestinians. i was reading the statements coming from them a lot about someone on the x platform says the color settings by the who, that bus to the new prime minister talks about development to kind of development and projects to kind of make bodies. and the, the person says,
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we are an award and you spoke about this. so orderly, the, she's been and the mind, the selection itself because the content is very clear. we know that for the 2nd or 3rd it is very weak. and the autonomy is it has less support for them to participate in for this thing is believed that the context is basically a reforming published and, and also to teach. so they kind of include that as the and the wrong because uh, so the context does not have the prime minister or even it does not have the authority because the context is because the award and the focus would be on what's happening. and because it's, you know, seized by an artist of the, so i think this as a more i, i would say, um, it blew me to the situation with them. but as they are in context, to be for this thing and you talk to everyone, you hear that you know where it is, but it's now. so what is the president, what are they doing there? i'm not even putting any pressure and it's a national organization to do something to defy this thing is the questions about
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the effectiveness of that? but it's the sort of the in a, in a very critical situation. but the 1st thing that is, which is because the 2400000 in basically suffering a day by day for 6 months. now. the one security council met on thursday to discuss a yelman's piece talks about 2 or 3 levels, attacks on commercial ships. and that i'd say we're also discuss capital, alexander reports on screen bird, the un special envoy to yemen brief the security council about the stone piece cox . he also told the council that without a ceasefire in gaza, it would be difficult to restart the un broker truce from 2022. with the red sea, you know, part of the widest set of concentric circles of escalation. i also reiterate the secretary general's warning about the risk of further spillover of because a contract across the region. and his recent quotes for new means as for many times as far as up the heart,
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they say their attacks on commercial shipping and the red sea will continue until israel stops it's attacks on gaza. but in the council, they us dismisses this justification. who do propaganda now even suggest that they would continue these attacks even after a ceasefire and gaza? after the meeting, the russian said that their predictions that the u. s. and u. k. retaliatory strikes against the who these would hinder and not help the situation will have come true. we know from the outset, warrants that such an action and such a decision is a breach of international law. and we of course and not support such actions. we do not support the the gunboat diplomacy. as i said, the counsel is fairly unified when it comes to yemen, especially the u. n. lead mediation efforts, but the fisher's appear when it comes to the red sea, who to blame for the escalation, and how to respond gabriel's on don't,
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i'll just see it at united nations in new york. the still ahead and i'll just say the russians are voting. polls open in the far east of russia for the 1st presidential elections since the invasion of ukraine. as in bobby's trying and unusual submission to prevent attacks by elephant children on fights the brought to you by visit castle. hello, we have another really nice the spell of weather coming in across the central and southern plains of the us. you can see these large areas of cloud just busting. this is where we have seen some very lot of these storms just around the plains, pushing over towards the midwest. this area of low pressure producing some live the weather severe storms over the next 24 hours or so gradually moving for the race
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was let me see co fun here. that's been producing the amount of snow over the rockies, colorado pots, the seeing up to a meter of snow west of where the further south move to some windshield weather. just around the south west. there was there in new mexico because a little dusting of snow in places, but i live is whether i suspect the head of batch will be, is the system. the 1st area like pressure pushes its way further. east was wilma, rab bumping. it's a much cooler ras, severe storms, law child, frankly, it does move pretty quickly. saturday should be somewhat dry and bright that they are going through by the state without the will to south. still looking a little live on the weather. i noticed some a when few weather the affecting gas central ponce's kind of, they just run on terry and quick back. what's the weather to just running across the bahamas for the caravan is slow, the sunshine and showers. the heaviest shot was to the east. the weather brought to you by visit castle east timor, jesus towards the catholic nations,
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but scandals involving high profile priests. plague to charge, all of us goes bad. we will all of these ships, some of the countries talk to just openly stand by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison, 101 east investigate east t most priest candles on. and i'll just say around, there are some of the media stories, a critical look at the global news media. on our do 0, government shut off access to social media, the the, the watching. i'll just need a reminder of ourselves. so is this or how much i submitted a new proposal aimed at ending the war on gaza, facilitating relief efforts,
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and returning refugees to their homes. the group sent the funds of content in egypt, and mediators is really 5 minutes. have benjamin netanyahu, whose office that's called the proposal unrealistic. at least 20 people to being killed by is really fire and yet a number of attack them palestinians waiting for age. the way to run the bands and shots were fired from it is really helicopter. it's a 2nd to talk on the phone device in as many days. and you as democrats, senator chuck schumer has called the is really prime minister. a major obstacle piece is also criticized benjamin netanyahu. oliver and some of the civilian deaths told in gaza. both republicans and his federal democrats condemned sugar's remarks, senegalese opposition leader also with sancho has been released from jail along with the presidential candidate that he's backing in the upcoming election box. it will deal may face beverly is, comes just ahead of the vote, which is scheduled for march 24th. nicholas hock is in dot com. so net,
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there's been a lot of speculation about the release of sol. go on say what more do we know we can hear the noise behind you. the people have. 1 waiving presidents and unfortunately we've lost our connection to the nick there and duck as you can imagine, there's lots of uh, pressure on the internet um to the internet services that i just think we can go
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back to nick at the moment. i think maybe the signal is clear. net. can you hear me? it's all about us and in the area. that's great. thank you. you were telling us about the circumstances leading up to the release, the leading up to the release of horseman, sancho and uh, as a, as well, i know, obviously you were talking about the celebrations that are going on a delay . there was supposed to be every 4 as hard as the porters
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election or political prisoner or on the streets after. 7 they read the presidential election, his release seemed to have solely appease attentive, brought out a sense of celebration among many young people, the candidate a possibility to change the outlook or the presidential election that will take place in a resized. nick, do you know if there are any plans? no, uh for the opposition to try to bring together some sort of campaign ahead of the
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elections, which as you're talking about are only in a few days time. yes, there's so much uncertainty around the selection despite the celebrations that you see here, that the name that all these people are challenging is not through dem. i find the candidate the but. 6 we spend soso, he has his rights back, his civil rights, back to the candidate himself. tomorrow. a big day of the supreme court's members of the organization. rejection candidates have made an appeal to the supreme court to cancel the election to restart the electrical process altogether. and i suspect
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many of the people here with funds, so there are 10 such as the election that's about all we're going to get, i think from the cock in the car. as we're saying, obviously there's a lot of people, as you can see, using mobile phones, they are who are capturing the moment that's going to crime up a lot of space and the, and the wi fi and the internet services. so that's going to break up some of the communication that was made, caught bringing yourself today with the situation and the doc out there. okay, a powerful gang lead on hate is born politicians against participating in a propos transition council. as far as broke through the city escape. people have been stranded in their homes for days because of the violent and said because they're running out of basic needs. i'm is that i only stuck in puerto rico as promised to resign ones, so transitional counselors for them to select an interim government. you ends begun
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with joining it's non essential personnel or coordinating an arrow that have to hate. it is similar to reduction of the footprint, the more importantly it's a re jiggling of the configuration of people. so some people who don't need to be physically in haiti are being moved to the dominican republic to work remotely. others who have a specialized ations that are more needed, notably on uh, on the medicare and crisis and, and coordination are coming in. well, the state department says the us is only helping efforts to form a government and hating, not deciding on one how does it as rustling jordan or spokesman macmiller about the strong objections from some parties to the proposed transitional kind of. so it's a mistake to look at, this is what the united states will do, because ultimately this is a matter for the haitian people to decide and hate haitian people and haitian leaders need to be front and center and making decisions about their country. what
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we will do is work with haitian leaders and work with care comm leaders and worked with our other international partners to do everything we can to offer support for haitians and making those concessions and trying to get on the path to democracy. we're now 72 hours past. what happens if for whatever reason, the names that have been put forward or rejected? what is the plan b? this is always going to be a political process that required people to make compromises and people to make some concessions as you just heard me say. all right, just in the past 2 hours we've seen a number of names submitted for this presidential transitional council. we want to see get off the ground as soon as possible. we want to see internet interim prime minister appointed as soon as possible. well, my colleagues, so how ramos spoke to politician on former haitian level leader, the free b says haitians don't want the u. s. or other caribbean nations, to decide the makeup of the next government. what i want to say start of to united
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states or friends, not, nothing kept getting come to decide. what kind of way to we can go here and it's up to the nation. people to decide what kind of people they want to go over and that will give the right to carry them in. 3 of the countries i'm really just present, gathered up to the side industrial community. it's all on the united states, canada or twins in the, in the show community in other countries. why are those countries that are raised in bergen ages? quoted, always 2 plus really and why should they be the same one decided? and the 2nd one is again, to choose the simple to guys who do you want to help you then who should be coming forward to help you if you don't want the united states and you don't want cover. com. and you don't want your regional neighbors. who do you want? i think do you engineer in the united nations? should the invoice not only the same or guys the same people that besides the southern side and where we are, i'm not saying the trucks are, you know,
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my country, but my people starting dying thing should change. we need some children, and i would as the united, the issue is to decide if antonio guitar actually un secretary general is watching this broadcast. do you want him to speak to you or who else who can speak to? if you don't want to speak to the united states, if you don't want to speak to our com, do you want to speak to the un secretary general? united restaurants should see, they know, they have people who they can make bull is to see what channels, what was the shows, what was the thing wasn't the origin we're giving you the 80 age of i've been sitting in the front. so here i've had united nations haven't even begun, isn't to know, would it be for the needs you want to go running into change to things in h, the voters and authorities of russia and going to the balance in the countries presidential election pulling is going to be held over 3 days from friday until sundays, positive not to be a prudent as all but 2nd to win another term which would last until 2013. the only
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thing is talking, i'm also is a senior lecture and security and development of kings college london. she says, while there's no chance of proof and losing the vote, could reveal more about russian public opinion the way in the e mail, hurry, geron regime. it's very difficult to know what people are really saying. also, people are often i'm not given a free and sharing information, other candidates are not able to present their views openly and to criticize the government or these case of president. so i, you know, i know the information is very partial. so it's very hard to then be very independent and sort of mindset. but of course, we know that there is a position to legend their food and we seeing that very recently twice pro server and serve those who are standing and 9 uh trying to get the support for um, forty's, not usually, and whores. the and i won't candidate for i started was disqualified. there were
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many lines under those who was standing in line to get the signature with you and showing their support for these candidates cause against the war. so it was against the closing on, of course, in the last weeks after them, the day of the killing, off unexplained nevada ne, we had a memorial service on the stephen there where i noticed people went to show their respects to the cemetery and to our leg. from ours, that's a great number on me on these jews were very long. and this also shows that there were another people for a very dissatisfied and they also have people who are not maybe expressing themselves openly. so one interesting aspect here which are some of my car makes the most for telling me, is not very interesting to see how many votes the potential. the 2nd candidate is going to get. his name is alexander the long calls and he's become the only we in that term and to keep going be potentially the sort of the broad as well. so based
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on the new new people's.


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