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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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on the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to shed for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the the hello don or kyle: this is the news our life from the hall coming up in the next 60 minutes, as well as will cabinet rejects how mazda of proposal for a safe spot in gauze fox approves a minute tree operation. in rafa, i'm moving a 1000000 people, a sheltering a ship carrying tons of humanitarian aid sits off the coast of the gulf of strep, but it's unclear how it will unload as israel continues its attacks.
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the celebrations in senegal, supreme court, we'd like to march 20 pools election hours off the keel position, need his own release from prison, and russia boat settlement, pitching is set for re election. the in the 1st poll since the invasion of ukraine, we live in moscow and sport title holders. manchester city have been drawn space round madrid in the quarter finals of the european champions of what he always teams to be 14 times winters and last seasons. as one societies without another interesting drawing. of course, the says ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the latest, the sly proposal by hum us not to his office as a delegation will visit counsel the continued negotiations for the release of his wally captives smell,
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who also approves the armies plan for an operation and rougher and stuff and goes to where around $1500000.00 palestinians. i've sold shelter. let's take a closer look at what time us has proposed. the plan would be implemented in 3 stages, which would last each $42.00 days. in the 1st stage, the group to month. so withdrawal of israeli forces beyond stella, i'll dean road to enable people to attend high. and i says it's ready to release. female is really was of it's held captive in golf, in exchange palestinian prisoners 50 inmates for each captive. in the 2nd stage, how much one is dependencies find to be announced before it releases any caption, soldiers? and then the final stage, the group proposes the end of israel seed on the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gaza that speak now to him to fill his. she joins us live from occupied east to west lynn. so how do we go as well, sending
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a delegation to though having this suggest doesn't that but tools ongoing, despite its rejection of how massive latest proposal of the will these really find ministers saying that how much as demands are still absurd. and remember, there are non negotiable from both sides. how much says that. it wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. and these really say, but that's simply not going to happen. but these really is announcing that they are going to be sending a delegation to meet with mediators means that the talks are no longer out of scale made. remember a couple of weeks ago, those talks wrapped up in cairo with these really is not even sending a delegation. so there wasn't anything fruitful that came of those talks. but these really say that they do want to bring back all of the remaining captives who are still held in jobs though, and perhaps sending a delegation is a step in the right direction there. but there are non negotiable things sticking
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points for both sides of getting a mess as they want and enter the war. and me is rarely say that it's not going to happen. so we're now hearing the whole cabinet is ready, move cabinets has approved a ground invasion of rock, but we've seen here we go lots about this potential invasion of rough a. how significant does this particular move. ready or it's quite significant that these rallies are now announcing plans that they have finalized for both evacuation of nearly one and a half 1000000 pounds city and seeking refuge in gonzo southern most city. and also that they do have the plans for the invasion of that fox saying that the military is ready, but they have been saying this for weeks and months. in fact, since they have announced that that was their intention and their plans, and it comes a mid wide spread criticism from across the aisle, especially among israel's allies like the united states who have said that in beating that off off would be a red line just given how many palestinians are seeking shelter there,
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but nothing yahoo himself has said that it is critical to go into the applause in order to defeat the remaining mass military capabilities that are there in order to achieve one of his war goals. so despite all of the criticism and condemnation about invading drop off, these rarely say that they are prepared to do so. okay, how does, how, who do i need some of the latest lines that someone can? 5 is choose. and thanks very much time, the gushing baskin is the founder of the israel palestine center for research and information. he says the appears to be some flexibility from those as well. um from us on a potential says fine agreement. and i think it's important to note that despite what the young said about the demands of, from us being unrealistic, they were company trusted, decided to send a team to doctor to continue the negotiations. they're supposed to be taking in the context of the negotiations and understanding or israel is trying to make a stronger position going into those negotiations. it seems clear that from us has
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demonstrated some flexibility in their answers that they gave to the categories and the objections. both in terms of the staging of the ceasefire without demanding an immediate, it's really declaration to end the war with regard to the withdrawal from casa, which they are not demanding take place immediately, but couldn't be done in stages. and there's also been some indication of a flex, a willingness for flexibility on the shore. prisoners, i think the probably for these really is the most difficult point in the home us. it answers, as far as we know, is that the 702-1000 prison needs to be least included least $100.00 prisoners were serving like sentences meeting that they have murdered is one of the and that's going to be difficult for the cabinet to accept this is where any forces have again fired on palestinians waiting for humanitarian a in a q 8 round about him, gauze us as a killing at least 20 people. thousands of people had gathered to wait the trucks
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carrying aid at the intersection, linking the north and south of the strip. when is a is where the forces use helicopters tanks. i'm drones to fire on crowds. the case has been repeated. they attacked by, as well as military exiles on the bench reports the these police students were waiting at night for 8 supplies to arrive when he's really forces buyers on them. thousands of people who were at the queue, we'd round about in kansas city collection. while we're in, audrey necessities, rockets hit, the intersection, leaking north and south casa scores were rushed to all the shape of hospital. why are we to good flour, southern and intense shooting? started were forced to go and get some flower given the scar city of provisions. here, as people approached a truck while they came under a massive amount of come,
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fire massage strikes. other with this is that the round about said is really forces attack them. civilians was deliberate. so when that score on the 4th floor, they wait until all people gather in a confined area before launching missiles at them and everyone died. not one survived. they all agree on this patients and justice. this bag of flour belong to a martyr. you can see his blood on it, schumann life is the worth as little as a bag of flour. the assault in the queue way to round about is the 2nd in 2 days. such attacks have been testified since the beginning of the muslim holy month of ramadan, israel has denied deliberately targeting civilians, including those waiting for 8. the human rights organizations have repeatedly said he's really forces are using starvation is a weapon of war and gaza. and are deliberately destroying its food system access
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and i'm of which l g 0 that sound speak to across content inside gaza. honey, my, when he joins on the phone from rafa in the south and honey, they hear it once again about israel's plans to launch a ground evasion into vasa. honda says this is a significant move that they will cabinet, has approved for those plans. so is what the situation that is now yes. floor. and then this is exactly what's going on right now. and the roof next, not to get the been going on for quite some time. the parks and the ongoing, the threat of expanding the ground invasion into upon the ongoing talk the entire port, potential speed fire. and right now we've seen, i've responded to direct responses from the very the prime minister office do how not that the quarterback for a lot of people here in that i thought it was, it was a pretty concrete and i was pretty good as part of for the printer and he's fired
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b and the 5 did the time. any such very interesting as one person described that as a way to do the menu to my how my position and it pulled up for the fire and the same time sending out a delegation to parts for it to continue the parts of it. but if i get up with a lot of question, mark might be the timing of this the statement as the absence of detailed into a statement. nixon, very suspicious right now. as it only be used as the tool pressure pressure tool to dictate the course of the talk back to for the ordinary palestinians display pallets the end of the suffering from the very beginning of activity. do you want to get to the point where there is a solid if statement about the fire deal that we. busy busy hosted isn't how many of the 10 by these really military i was in,
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in to the work. so the can be gradually getting back to what is left of their life as the noise that wouldn't be been dominating hearing right now. okay. honey. in the meantime, with all of us to go in the background, we've got no less often as strikes. pacing the ground was being the latest targets . a neutral party is like constant ongoing, the tax on young people seeking aid and it's been within the past. 48 hours and the delayed at the pressure attack on people keeping 8 on a great round about an area that becomes during the 20th of the constant attack. so many people gathering in larger groups waiting for food supplies to feed their children, have been dying of the ink for it. hydration is part of ation and the fact that it is happening in a pot. and i think the magic potter is, this is an indication for a lot of visual, describe it,
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a big attachment. that'd be an engineer that not even the people are allowed to do what they think of the supplies to feed their children and families and family members. and in addition to the on the ongoing dot taylor is showing that it has almost been not as god for the past week all the way through here. now this morning, i did a point where people didn't talk the eastern time of the job is to describe what's going on, have the and the ongoing, the plan of establishing the buffer zone as new over the venture. buildings are a bill of progress right now in the 8 to 5 months to farmland, have been both doing the point that it's not believable anymore. okay, how do you stay with us? because we want to also ask you about a spanish age ship that's arrived off the coast of gauze. and now this is the 1st to sail a so called maritime colorado from cypress. the open arms is as cold as fitting of
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the coast of the strip with 200 tons of food and all the essential items. is it a function of what is needed in golf every day? and it's still unclear how it will unload and distribute those supplies as listing is where the attacks continue on the show. so how many, how practical is the construction of a new pair full. this aid, when gauze already has 7 cost savings, but a controlled by as well. and people inside the goal is to strip a solving i'm fuel is show well, this is not only what people have expressed as such, stationed over the united nations of an organization that has been leading the efforts on providing humanitarian aid to palestinians with our here in overcrowded drop a whole boom there, back to the number 8 the northern part and got the city with pam and has a break. the 5, this is not a practical solution. right now we've been a proposal by the united states and other countries and we're intervening. we
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wanted from inability to open the crossings into air dropping food that has been proven as very, very and proficient as and led to the death of people as the weights for food to come down. and if i could land it on a crowd of people that go, that needs 5 people, an injury, many people, not the construction of the peer, not only it's taken time and, and, and load the money to put that out and get it ready. it might not be available for the coming at 2 months is that the construction will take some time. one of the same time here at 7 o'clock saying that it be are open. and if there is an insurance, do a good news and more efficient ways of letting a truck and it's, it's much better and much more practical. as we look at a map we see in the front of the clock thing each across the literally lead into one to burn the rate and the guys and fix to avoid and having a very crowded area,
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avoid the people a getting a larger and larger crowd be right, a getting for the have with many p arctic situation and from the northern part, all the way to walk across the e as, as they could each across a lead, the ones over and the rates are from the border line all the way through the corporate world, it's much more concern much more easier for people kind of way to compare the non cause of a that me made or allow by trucks is there's no comparisons much more are much more than what a bit of because either by they are drop. busy by the, the construction of the p a. okay, honey must live joining us that from rafa. and southern guns are, thanks very much, honey. will some aid agencies say that the proposed c car doors fall left effective? then simply increasing the number of trucks allowed into inside. galls with honey was just saying, as of a pause is the 1st ship itself from cyprus to gauze at the open arms has around
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$200.00 tons of age on board. unrest says an average of $97.00 trucks were entering gauze and daily in february at least roughly 20 tons of pet truck. that's a little over 1900 tons. daily. of agency says that's just to meet people's most basic needs. that needs to be $500.00 trucks daily, and that's $10000.00 tons of age every single day. that's bringing java canals. he's chief of operations for open arms. the chassis vessel is carrying food to gauze. we joins us now from boss and a great to have you with us. so job, we've got the ship, best fitting of the coast of gauze and what's happening to that age right now? well, at this moment to the gypsies look good enough. so we could approach the barge on that right now. they are detecting the foot, and they're all going to be sort of the they are thinking the thoughts migraine and they will distribute it, hopefully using the the afternoon. okay,
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let's discuss the whole take a look at this, jesse that's been constructed because we just talked at length with our correspondence honey, the he was essentially saying it's still quite look, is it to see these construction vehicles focused on building this peer when you've got hospitals in the gaza strip, but don't have any fuel to operate on people. you've got people taking out their relatives with bad hands. on the other side, you've got these heavy vehicles bills like a pair of can you see how that is not great optics, i guess i can understand the view of those different things happening at the same time. but the, i mean i, i can say nothing because i'm on the, on the, i don't know what is happening there. and so i just come talk about the issue and, and all of the i thing how we both of these to the people there. so i'm not the one using the the grains or what they, what is needed to do, i mean,
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is not the position to that. we just try to print and this is just the physical but as shown on where you would try to escape and building as much for this weekend. it's just a lot of questions surrounding why this operation has gone ahead. when there was so many trucks fitting out the bulls are not allowed to enter garza and that is as well as decision to block those trucks. whereas here we have as well, allowing a boat to enter and in and working with as well on message allows as well to essentially say windows 8 is arriving. well, if it's continuing to block the trucks and phone ball garza again, i mean i, i can see much at all i need i'm, we are not the one looking. the drugs are they are needed both by land, but yeah. and by sea and that's is what we are doing here we. i'm trying to find out what is our health, our assets in order to provide the support. okay, well let's look at the logistics of this operation because getting the,
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the aide onto the show needed, the jesse needs to pay you save that has now complete. how do you plan to distribute that? a once it arrives on the show. so this is on the hands of who was into the kitchen and the other one. so we're like the 4th, we just test for the food from see for us and to rest and we use our sheep and now we're rapes. that in order to do that, closing off to attach divides to the chevy and then from there on pace, i'm the hands on most into the kitchen. produce to be able to come to food for the people they need. okay, so have they explained how they're going to do that because it keeps saying people being talking to advise, really forces people who are trying to get the list late that is arriving. that's one thing, these trucks at all guessing through understand to be because the solving and these really forces have been targeting them and people are getting killed. so do you as the food kitchen told you how it plans to go about this?
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i am very sorry about that, but the i can don't keep the name of course interrogation and i can just talk about the open items and not all of these mission, which is of the just to commission from one to point to another. okay, so let's look at the uh for this on board is $200.00 tons we've, we've already established that it's a tiny amount of the daily needs of the people in the gaza strip. are you planning to launch mole boots of how much food is actually going to get to golf via this rate as well? we just testing one way of corporate a sheep in another to this thing. but the last my is the most difficult one because you know, but in general what there's under the snowboards, the for the good ships. so we have playing with these but share later on if this is working well, if you know, then we waited skate of. we can use because ships that, that's for the transport more for them. then we would be adjusting the last part of
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this. but it shows that putting into fort from the bigger ships to the land. but this is not up to us. does this the addition of what's in the kitchen, join population with us, obviously, and a we die and without assets to use in these means. okay, and do you think that this has a mission that has gone and successfully while we are now leasing backing the fluids? it will take maybe 4 to 5 hours. so yes, if we can do each during the day of today, i think this mission would come broad successfully and then we would see if there is a way forward. okay, sure, of cutoffs, way i look forward to speaking to again, about support. looks like it's going to be an ongoing operation. is maritime cordele, getting food supplies to cause. i thanks very much. all positive ends and go also have mocks. the 1st friday optimism how the month of ramadan and rough of worship is held. press next to the rubble of musk destroyed and as well as on boston,
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and it all supplied east jerusalem. thousands of worship as have attended the fest, rounded on friday. presently, all acts of most compound. besides is the 3rd highest and islam, at least $80000.00 people took part, is rarely police. at least 3000 and security personnel have been deployed across the city. and the help call is mean it is the absolute right default muslims to and dollars a month. it shouldn't be any problem, it's the quadrant of the most. and this is something population needs to understand a lot so much because a piece of worship and peace market has become like a logic isn't due to excessive of fiction. some check points been imposed even to them, both admitted, he can vc as significant number of soldiers, police and other law enforcement personnel circulating joselyn. and alex, almost preventing our brothers from the west bank from entering the holy places as on products. and in say they've been denied entry across the column, the check point in the occupied west bank. they say despite them fulfilling only imposed conditions is ready,
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security officials refused to let them through the i want to enter the most by being sent. wait, because i don't have a pen. i'm 50 years old and i need a permit to mentor. we try to and to from you the gate for they sent us a way as well. we will see if we can get to permit. i came to alexa mas because our profit, or just to pay them this month. i came to fulfill the duty that all law has ordained us. i was surprised by number 4 just, i thought for a 2nd that i was in an army can. i'm 62 years old and i present my id, but my access was denied, and i've been asked to check with intelligence. i'm on the job. i've been sent away several times and how each time they check our documents as to where tatters. all we want is to pray in our summer. only the abraham travel to the columbia tech point and spoke to people trying to get through of the numbers of palestinians were
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trying to get inside deluxe a most compound through these check points. this is one enters that palestinians often use is just the trickle of what we used to see in the previous years viewed and cut them up on this. and specifically, during the 1st friday, these restrictions include raising the age limits of palestinian men were allowed to go inside to $55.00 meeting. those men who were hoping to go inside and pray and waiting to become older has now been pushed further away to become 55 for women. it's a different story very for the previous years, they did not have to have an age limit to be able to answer. but now is that age restriction has been put. it's 50. remember, we're talking about the palestinian society, which is a young society in many palestinians, were hoping to get insights and create a follow up from us compound or the southern restriction is related to having
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a valid entry permits, which has been really difficult to get since the war started, we met here with i've been reduced. i've been medina, was a 62 year old man. we never used to need a valid entry permits to cross into jerusalem. he only needed this cards. unable to find, i used to have a permit before the war. it seems to have been cancelled every year. i go to the mosque during ramadan and spend at least 10 days there. now i thought my age would allow me in, but i was turned back twice. so policy is, would not enter lots of walls. compound are praying here just outside of the 3 check point. after the door has been closed, no one is allowed to enter any more, you know, for many palestinians who cannot get permits throughout the year, this was the only opportunity they would have to be able to access jerusalem only during fridays in the month on. but even that opportunity has been taken away from them. people are saying that they're frustrated and they said this is one another
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form of punishment. is that, but he just need a joke. you're probably just think the sound of goal supreme court has rejected a bid to delay presidential election scheduled for march 24 saying it lacks merit. decisions came out is oft office, just need to spend sancho and his political allied boss to a faith were released from prison. celebrations were held outside the present and across dot com. and the goal was plunged into crisis off the present. mackie cell phones the presidential election in february, the constitutional counsel then we scheduled the fights that speak to our correspondent nicholas hotmail. his life was in dhaka. so nic and big day, the incentive goal, the release of key opposition leaders on the election. i'm going ahead and 9 days time. that's. that's right, lord, the selection that was delayed,
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then there were efforts to try to cancel, is finally going ahead in the beginning of a campaign that started 2 days ago, lackluster really any energy, but the release of opposition leader. we spend sancho and most importantly, his candidate bust through jim, i find you can see crowds of coming out crowds of young people that are coming out in support of this candidate. this candidate has not been able to campaign. he's been in prison for almost a year now, and now these people are waiting to go inside the thompson's hall where he'll make his 1st address. really took starting his campaign. no. but to do, to my bye is the deputy. he's a default candidate for the band political party post step response on co was not allowed to take part in this election. people here say that's not a problem. it's not about personality or the people. it's about the project. it projects to break away from present lucky solves leadership and to bring back bring,
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bring a new form of leadership that represents these young people menu, the unemployed whole thing that's so cool can do what microsoft has a ring jobs to young people. so they want to go abroad even to europe, to find work that they can't find at home. laura nick and just give us an idea of how this election shapes out. now, who's in the running as what we have the ruling party candidates. i'm i do by who's currently in the countryside, trying to appeal to voters outside of the core. and of course, what is happening with the capital doesn't necessarily represent what is happening across the country. so, so attracts young men who feel this in front of all this empowered in this system, use the ot establishment of candidates. i'm a do boss. seems to be appealing to a lot of really women who wants to see access to health care access to electricity, access to education as a key issue. so what i'm gonna do about is selling is not
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a break from mikey solid, but more of this same, this year is really important because a set of goal will start extracting exporting liquefied natural gas. this is the biggest oil and gas discovery in the last 2 decade for b, p will be extracted that and most of it will go to europe. but that, well, we'll bring unprecedented wealth to the government and whoever wins this presidential election will be at the helm. of unprecedented wealth and perhaps change the circumstances of this country. and that's why this election is so important. but with the supreme court ruling absent is only we spend sancho, but also kareem wad he has the biggest political, one of the biggest political party in the country. what this party will decide will be key. the old becomes a king. make your of this selection, whether they'll ask their followers to boycott the election or to follow one or the
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other candidate. well, we'll find out in the days to come have a very interesting week. has nick hock, thanks very much for joining us. that from that. com, a security forces in somalia say they've regained control of a popular hotel in the capital of mogadishu officer. it was attacked by the arms group officer above gunman storms. the s y l hotel lates on 1st day 8 people were killed, including 5 assailants joined, sees that loss involving 13 now is 27 people were injured. the government is conducting a major offensive against voucher above which controls large areas of central and southern somalia. the leader of the site to ends in bob way has appeared in close up to 16 graves. we discovered on his farm north west of the capital, a smell telco runcle. i was arrested along with 7 members of his church. please raise his property and rescue 250 children who were reportedly kept out of school. i'm forced to work then tomorrow to assess report. this self styled
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prophet and 7 members of his sex are accused of abusing exploiting hundreds of children. ishmael took a wrong go and his followers deny the charges. the police say there's evidence of child labor and sexual abuse. now couldn't see that close to tennessee. they've been found too if the sick color use some of them. the good to children you today is below 16, indicating that there is a case or 4 in the charge me to use. the police raided the sex compound earlier this week and found more than 250 children. they've been kept out of school and forced to work. most of them don't have birth certificates. the remains of 7 children and 9 adults were found in on registered graves. the police took the children, they found shelters along with some of the sex members. many of took her own,
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gave his ball were say, he did nothing wrong and it was a quarter of like his id, l children do not attend formal education because what they teach is country to golds orders. if we send out children to school, it will not rain. that's why you see the rest of the country has had no rains. but here we have plenty of others in the local community, are welcoming the involvement of the please let me talk about. so the total of this is a straightforward case of a kid, nothing children. we used to hear about such cases on tv. but today it's happening right here. it's so upset from my zimbabwe has many reclusive sects. some keep children away from school practice, polygamy, and sanction child marriages. police say their investigation is ongoing and there may be more charges to come. benjamin analogies, era. $21.00, my friends including 5 children, have drowned after a boat capsized off the coast of tech here. and now he's gone, rescue 2 people from the gmc, 2 of us were able to reach the show. hundreds of migrants have been intercepted by
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tucker, schultz ortiz this week was trying to cross to greece. so hes hell on al jazeera, one election interference case against donald trump now hinges on the ex boyfriends of this georgia plus the case up and his fault. vomit celebrates another goal, scoring records for level the it had a lot of that was not in south america where it's still a story, all of that significant heat. but especially down in the south, we've got red warnings out. the power of wind, northern parts of argentina and the south of brazil, was seen temperatures about 10 degrees above the average in places. as soon sean seen the temperature switching around 40 degrees celsius the over the weekend. but
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we still see some wet weather developing rashel thunderstorms once again from the north east of origin tina we could see more heavy rain. and when us, there is where we just had flooding days ago, heavy rain as well to the north east of brazil, amber watches issued for that. and that rain extends across the amazon bases basin towards ecuador. what's the warning is out for swimming conditions to come for the galapagos islands over the next few days? now the heat continues as well for central america and the caribbean, lots of heat from mexico and mexico city. the heat wave conditions, but temperature will be coming down in monterey friday into saturday instead, they'll be building up in places like nicaragua, as well as panama city, as we go through the weekend. but as long as you settled story with sunshine, some showers coming in the worst of the weather, continuing it to affect the southeast of the us in the days ahead. the,
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the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fight around 2000 show. today we detail coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of virgin inside of the sun from around the world of, for it is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic needs. this is the 1st one they saw that we see in the real time it's the victims themselves. and i saw there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to stay out and raise. the
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listening post covers how the news is covered. the the, [000:00:00;00] the annual watching out of sarah has remind you of our top story is this, our israel has rejected a new proposal from how much science at ending israel's will on the golf. h 100 and sees 5, a full ebony, any caption, soldiers, odds and ends is of seeds to enable reconstructions that begin in gone. so it's very apartments have benjamin netanyahu has approved the armies plan for ground, defensive and rafa and stuff. and garza from 1500000 policy in the sheltering that i'm you and in several countries,
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i'm going to apply civilian casualties. if the operation, there's a head and it will supply these tourism thousands of worshippers of attempts to 1st run it on friday for us at the alaska, most of our, some of the compounds, the size is the 3rd highest. and as the least 80000 people took part by just across russia, the poles and the 1st presidential election since the invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. but she is being held from friday to sunday. preston vladimir putin as old as ask them to win another time. that would last until 2013. and several russians have been arrested off the sabotaging violet boxes by pouring in ankles. the. this women used to find a phone has sold for an greek di, into a box and some for a pole as a police officer watched on, and some pieces by one woman through a petro bum opposing station. or let's go live now to you yourself of all of us. she's thought of it pretends election headquarters in most cases,
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some upsets the on this 1st day of polling across russia. and what's the turn out being the well, right? uh, fast sofa about 2300000 people have already voted in moscow alone. and the russian presidential election and vote of turn out and the country has reached not 20 points, percents, best quoted to the central elections commission. and as you mentioned, i'm sending it to the patients headquarters where he's very permanent representative, was meeting a number of international upsets from a, from number of countries from india, phones to key. and they shut the feelings and that views about who they had seen and how they actually as seen about the whole thing. and they reported notes along i'm looks absolutely happy and later on the whole,
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hopefully i will bring more that was because i've spoken to some of them and they should have some interesting observations with us. so i also am in the morning today, some interruptions, the in the work of space says it's a site services web sites and the safe remote online. but i'm seeing system even if the phrase quite widely here. and it was explained by the p closing employees of state organizations which occurred on friday morning. and the to actually many say that's the online voting system is not quite transparent and i'd highly elections assistance. no commissions actually could say watch what happens and what kind of processes were taking place and as many times. so as you mentioned, the protein will last until sunday evening. i is that since early morning today, we've seen teachers, doctors,
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students employees. so the last stage companies and other states organizations, advocates, all those people for requested to vote before uh, staffing work today, because obviously the influence of the forces on the state basically was squad don't state. okay. oh, yeah, this is the 1st election since ross's invasion of ukraine. how is that playing in some places expectations? well, the thing is that of course, the elections that taking place in the 2 so cold, freshest needs have a trees of bass. her sown is the 3 she has a donuts and the john list. and jeff many actually question the uh, the, the, the safety of us outside the votes. and because uh, as when the sand russia is 100 percent controlling those territories. and ad varies, of course we've seen many pictures from that that said people,
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but benches and well, some of them did a in, in, in them. he owns of the apartment blocks and so on and so forth. so it is, that's the whole prices. it's not looking for quite some, quite low. let me say that. and you know, obviously we've had today he's at the shredding of shunning, has occurred in the his own region. and the passages were reported by 3 people were injured. so it means that the situation is not stable that so of course, it's a place to be monitored by, by school the, all the stuff is and old, all of us as well. absolutely. it will be keeping close on it across the election period over the next few days. you funny, thanks for joining us. that for most good, at least one person has been killed and too injured, and the russian says, you have belle grove near the bowed up with ukraine. that's off the key of north. another wave of attacks on the city crept in said ukraine's attacks with aimed of disrupting the presidential elections in russia. as you know,
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was just saying that my boots and said they will not go unpunished or wash themselves. try calling you claim in support. since you have a desa has killed at least 16 people, another 55 were injured. emergency workers reported to be amongst the dead. it's hacked them is 10 homes. russia has intensified as attacks on odessa, often talk to port infrastructure in the something. see that is a from germany component have agreed to nef upfront escalation in ukraine during a meeting in berlin. the lead is also set, the support for key will not diminish the summit of a circled volume. a triangle comes came off to a series of public disagreements between the countries french present, divined new macro has said he would not rule without sending weston troops to fight in ukraine. but you have any chance that olaf schultz has ruled that house. germany has also been criticized for refusing to send advance towards cruise,
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my files to cave. that's good life now to correspond to them that came in late and don't make disagreements between these allies clearly on display have we now seen signs that they've found common ground. the excessively, the emphasis from the 3 heads of government wide of states in the case of under and my call was on. well, they agreed about the solidarity they wanted to show for ukraine to ukraine and to the why the world and clearly to vladimir putin. but in so far as real progression, while they talked about the establishment of a new group to coordinate the further deliveries of ox hillary and that sort of munitions to ukraine. but they did not talk precisely about that taurus missile system, which is being the source of some real controversy for mr. shots, amongst may so allies and indeed amongst his own government, there was no real mention of that. they talked about the fact that there will be
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a missing in the coming week in rush time of defense. witnesses may so defense ministers. and from this task invited the 2 leaders to join him in the summer in poland. for another such meeting of this volume, a triangle is its referred to, but no real progressive development as such that this may say, okay, i just took it as i have what the state care. because any yesterday that they told chief the insult him bug was saying that your cleanings are running out. so for us, a really interesting thing. not just him, mr. task prime minister task, on the former, on twitter of the former platform, known as twitter, x was quite crit, saying, less woods, more ammunition in so far as ukraine is concerned. so there's a, a chorus of voices of impulse and voices for all coming up with the same refrain. ukraine needs much more assistance,
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it needs it as soon as possible that clearly they would like to see that taurus missile system being given to the ukrainians. but the german government, in the shape of mister shots, while he is adamant about it that will not happen. and the point to make here also is that there is a degree of frustration, perhaps amongst the german government circles. but that country has given, according to some estimates, at least more than 16 times as much military assistance to ukraine in terms of a financial factor via and the french government has. and yet as soon as mister mccall, who talks about troops on the ground, whereas it's the german government in that view, which is actually opening the crating on me as well right now. so those are the factors, happy not play in this missing and bullet. okay, don't that came bring installation stuff from that and thanks very much. i, a judge in the us state of georgia has ruled the top prosecute to in the election
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into fair one's case against former president donald trump can stay in her job, but that's only if her deputy, with whom she's had a romantic, very romantic relationship steps down trunks last tried to get funny when it's been move saying the racist it was a conflict of interest. willis bolt. the charges against the trump, accusing him of a legally pressuring officials to overturn joe by this victory in georgia. in the 2020 presidential election. trump is pete is not guilty in full criminal cases against him, a sort of hydro castro, she's like for us in washington dc. hi to explain to us the significance of this decision. a yeah, laura, that means this case may continue if finding willis, the fulton county district attorney, decides to fire essentially her ex boyfriend from the case or takes the unlikely avenue of stepping down from the case itself. but the reason we're all watching this case is because out of those 4 criminal prosecutions you just mentioned,
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this was the case to watch all the way until late last year. because it is a state case. the racketeering charges that trumpet his co defendants face are sweeping and it doesn't fall under the some of the justice department that's come that's controlled by washington. so when the surprise allegations of a romantic relationship between the attorney that the district attorney and her lead prosecutor came to light in january, that was a sweeping surprise. the accusations of trumps team and his co defendants is that this created a conflict of interest. they said that willis worked with her ex boyfriend nathan wade at that they were dating at the time as they were working on these cases against trump. and that wade was taking her on these lavish vacations, which he was paying for from the paycheck that he was receiving from her office. well, she pushed back in some really sensational and televised public hearings on this matter in february,
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saying that she reimbursed weighed for half of those vacations and accusing trumps attorneys of trying to distract from the bigger case that was accusing trump in his co defendants, of subverting and election, well, today's ruling from the judge goes right down the middle of that road saying that while he did not find the conflict of interest, he did find the appearance of impropriety. and thus, either willis or her or her ex boyfriend has to step down from this case. ok, now this is just one of very many legal cases against donald trump business. where does that leave him with the others? right, so we still have 3 other criminal prosecutions against trump, and at this point it is unclear whether any of these will reach a conclusion prior to the november presidential elections. we have the case in new york state hash money that the ex president is accused of paying to an adult film star. well, that was supposed to start this month that trial, but now it's likely to be pushed back at least 30 days. then we have 2 federal
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cases against trump, one for putting for, for taking classified documents into his private residents. there's no trial date set for that one yet. and then the other greater election subversion case here in washington, dc that is on, on paws as well, pending a supreme court review of trump's claim that presidential and unity protects him from those charges. but long story short, we don't know how any of these will conclude or whether the, whether they'll conclude prior to the election. and the trump were to win those elections. that puts us and completely on tested territory to see what would happen next. it doesn't data highs your cost money. thanks for that. from washington dc. are still a head hair on alex's era. all the sports and a short to remember from this news even go for the players championship in florida . the
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business latest to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the basement installation has to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the scales for now on his far laura, thank you so much. title holders and manchester city will face round madrid in the quarter finals of the european champions league city beach route 51 on advocate and last season's semi finals. the winners of that tie will face either barn nichol arsenal in the labs for this time out. the german champions will be heading to london for the 1st, like they are for the final again, an arsenal. i'm going to leave here is the draw in full, athletic on madrid will take on gross dorman power. seizure man will continue their effort to win the trophy for the 1st time with a tie against 5 time champions. barcelona. it's all building up to the final that
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was we played in london on june. the 1st of the quarter funnel matches have created a lot of excitement among the fans in particular for man cities. ty, with ram is written out as they were so whole. malik has been speaking to former man city player and nikki summer. be about that game. and some of the other big story line heading into that route and what an exciting day we have asked it. very interesting, obviously we have to talk about we haven't did a bunch of to say they stopped and pulled between the fat of them. is you wonder who was playing, who fast? well, much is if you get to come back in a 2nd while i get the see out, when you play games, real madrid or you come up, it goes round madrid. it's not. it's not entitlement. a something belief that they want it 14 times, this is our trophy and you have to be special. we get a chance to see building them as well. a wonderful the is before we go into the old old. but this is julia on it so much issued much, much is the city of the pressure is the off the pressure they've on it. so now all of a sudden they've got to go on try and resign if they can do that. and as you can see
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over there, often they'll pad with fine music. obviously we have high retain, coming up against as old arrivals from north london. how do you see that one going? we have to say at the moment with we will ask when we're doing this going goals from now, the little mini break a couple of moments back when they've come back. they've not looked back. they've just read seems a thought about they come up against how he came out. he came to me, what he's actually doing over there. and the one does like is, is phenomenal. he's prove water will clasp center for what he is. he's got a great record against optional and he would love to know counsel allow of the of the champions like we have of hip st pad up against buffalo and looks like it's going to be cleaned by pace. last these in the club. do you think that piece you can do it? do you know the crazy thing with this is it probably sounds you amount of a roll of mega styles in. and i haven't got that now except for them, but i think they got some wonderful young players. and all the money, what, what was spent? i mean, i know they made the final and got beat well, no,
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against the by munich. they didn't get it with they didn't get what the, the money been put out for the they didn't, they just didn't. when everything for maybe it's going to change, maybe these young players with them, but they maybe there's a story, the boss alone as well. but some wonderful young kids coming through. i thought that maybe would have got buffalo and i just thought there was a little bit of a story that but you know, you're looking at, if you look at those 2 teams a and they have amazing young talent. we just said once i did a, do keep talking about the order was because it's so close when i see a lot of that's all in, in, in the although. so that's an interesting game as well. the cars are well house, the next 5 additions, the men's under 17 football world cub. the event is being expanded from $24.00 to $48.00 teams. the tournament is becoming an annual event with katara starting its hosting role next year. the sports governing body feedback also announced that morocco would become the home for the women's under 17. woke up over the same period,
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they would use existing infrastructure they will contribute with of course, as well to the operational costs, which means that the entire world, the $48.00 boys, themes and $24.00 women's team can focus on going to cost are in going to morrow cool and play football at their best. now no opponent seems to be able to stop a carlos alcaraz at the indian wells. tennis tournaments bought a swarm of bees did manage to delay his progress. nathan had been rios or how many would be here. they paused a quarter final against alexander's of rab was late for one hour and 40 minutes and these briefly occupied over the california court. but if any champion did get stopped on the forehead that went on to secure his spots and the last 4 with a straight fence victory, most uh no sort of mots that i've ever played my career. i've never experience
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something like that. i've never seen something like that, so it's been, uh, i will remember that the mazda, because of the scene that every body will remember this situation. and we finally found it as a finding thing that's for sure to outdoor as well. phase australian open champion janik center in the semi final, the well, number 3, the jerry who hedge cut in straight sets to extend his winning streak this year to nice and mattress sooner. well replaced alvarez at number 2 in the world ranking. he went there in the women's draught, you gosh, one tech has advanced this, any finals at her opponent, caroline doesn't yankee retired with an injury? well, number one will face ukrainian martha constitute in the last 4 cost to to reach the quarter final from the australian open earlier this year, be rushes anesthesia, popa, to advance and 3rd seed, cocoa golf has reached the semifinals for the 1st time the americans served up 17
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double faults don't manage to beat china's again, you in straight sets. the 20 year old has become the youngest american woman since serena williams in 20013 tournaments last for golf. well, next play braces. a maria is the curry and new zealand. ryan fox produced a shot to remember adults players championship in florida, fox fire to hole in one app you'd 17 toll that helped into a 3 under par opening round santa shuffler, roy mcelroy, and when of clark are in a share of the lead on 7 hunter, and that is all used works now back to you, laura. all right, thanks very much indeed. i'll take his famous cherry as well as a blooming earlier than usual. the display in the japanese capital is expected to stop on the 24th of march thousands of visitors to the city, to witness its unique boston switch state laws for more than 3 weeks. control. just say climate change is responsible for the blame,
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but that's like those intake here at the moment. i'm not complaining. what's it from me, laura kyle: for this news out. it was back in just a moment with more today's the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the freedom of speech on the internet, a right for some, but not for others. how is seen or airbus content has been removed or restricted, when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates whether it's social media platforms, moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. there's a good understanding of the matter as the press. there are the standards between israel security services and other parties like my to close cyber space on just
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east timor uses to, to the catholic nation, but scandals involving high profile priests. plague the church, all of us goes back. we were all abused. it's almost the country's talk, latest, openly stopped by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison. 101 east investigate east t most priest candles on out just a around the . his rouse won't cabinet with jack. so how much proposal for a cease fire and guns, a boss approves a military operation in rafa for an estimated 1500000 people, a sheltering the child is out. is there a life from dough? ha, also coming up


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