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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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i post all, please plague the judge. all of us goes back. we will all of these get some of the countries talk latest, openly, stand by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison, 101 east investigate east t most priest candles on and i'll just say around the his rouse won't cabinet with jack. so how must proposal for a cease fire and guns, a boss approves a military operation in rafa for an estimated 1500000 people at sheltering the our kyle, this is allen's. is there a life from doe ha, also coming up? a ship carrying tons of humanitarian aid is unloading off the coast of the gaza strip, but it's unclear how the supplies will be distributed, as, as well continues as
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a tax. the celebrations incentive goal was supreme court green lights a month 24 election hours on to permanent office. additionally, just released from prison and rush of rights and put in a set for re election. and the fast polls sort of the invasion of the frame will be live in most cases. the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu have dismissed the latest east farm proposal by hum us bots. his office says delegation will visit castle ought to continue negotiations for the release of his riley captives. that's now who also approves the armies time for an operation in buffer. nothing. garza around $1500000.00 palestinians of show sort shelton as a closer look at what, how most has proposed a plan would be implemented in 3 stages each would last $42.00 days. in the 1st
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days the, the group, the moms, the withdrawal of israeli forces beyond the cell i'll dean road to enable people to return home from us says it's ready to release. female is, randy was the best held captive and gaza in exchange for pa to sit in prison is 50 inmates for each captive. and the 2nd stage, how much once a permanency spawn to be announced before it releases any caption soldiers. and then the final stage, the group proposes the end of israel cj, and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in golf. so i'm just tell who it is in occupied east joyce. let me, she says, with israel still sending it delegations throw off the tools it gives to discussions of chance progress further. and they did inquiry. well, these really prime ministers saying that how much is demands are still absurd. and remember, there are non negotiable from both sides. how much says that. it wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. and these really say, but that's simply not going to happen. but these really is announcing that they are
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going to be sending a delegation to meet with mediators means that the talks are no longer out of scale made. remember a couple of weeks ago, those talks wrapped up in cairo with these really is not even sending a delegation. so there wasn't anything fruitful that came of those talks. but these really say that they do want to bring back all of the remaining captives who are still held in jobs though, and perhaps sending a delegation is a step in the right direction there. but there are non negotiable and sticking points for both sides. again, a mess says they want to enter the war and the is rarely say that it's not going to happen. i came up with a, as in ralph, i explained the moods that are in life of his writing the plans to conduct operations inside the area. this is exactly what's going on right now and the next not to just the been going on for quite some time, the parks and the ongoing, the threat of expanding the ground invasion into upon the ongoing talk the entire
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for potential speeds fire. and right now we've seen i've respond to direct responses from the very the prime minister office. do i'm not that the quarterback for a lot of people here. never thought it was, it was a pretty concrete and i pretty good as part of for the person and he's fired b and the 5 did the time. any such very interesting as one person describe that a good way to do the negative my the how my position as it pulled up for the buyer. and the same time pending a delegation to the parts to it to continue the parts of it. but if i get up with a lot of question mark about the, the timing of this statement, as the absence of detailed into a statement nixon, very suspicious right now. as it only be viewed as the tool pressure pressure tool to dictate the course of the talk, but for, for the ordinary palestinians display pallets the end of the suffering,
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it suddenly and then barely big enough activity. do you want to get to the point where there is a solid if statement about a feed fire deal that we. busy really happy days and how many of the 10 by these really military as well as an end to the work. so the can gradually get back to what is left of their life. i'd be knowing that wouldn't be been dominating feeling right now. a sinusoid ship has arrived off the coast of gauze of the 1st to sail a maritime cargile from cypress crew on board. the open arms where i'm loading 200 tons of desperate need of food and all the essentials. the aid represents any, a fraction of what's needed and gone. so every day a newly released images. so the construction of the jetty up was pushed into the ocean to create what appeared to be a kind of platform. and it's still unclear how the open arms age ship will distribute the supplies once that on the ground. and to cut out
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a reports from what he got some i'm standing on other sheets, trees a couple of meters away from the ship. this came all the way from lower neck, a port in cyprus to the cause of the sure. what we know so far is this ship carrying a tub, 200 tons of food, and a to the number in gaza strip. it's organized by the world, central kitchen and we still don't know how this aid is going to be distributed on at least $600000.00 palestinians, stuck in the north under severe, located without any food for months. now, we can also see on the side that there's a new ports being built and all of this has been organized and prepared by the world's central kitchen. they're saying this, this is the 1st attempt of distributing a through the c. and if this works successfully more sales and more ships,
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our goal is to enter the causal strip at the nurturing cause of truth in the same exact way. we know that's at least 2 dozens of palestinians have been killed in the gaza strip. due to mal nutrition and the hydration among them is children every day by day, especially during ramadan. the situation is getting harder and the blockades is getting more miserable on the people in the cause of stripping, especially the people in the north. the main question is, will this aids be enough for 600000 palestinians, risking starvation and thomas? this is in the city. i just need a. i received street cause of positive ends and goals. i have marks the 1st friday of the month and how the month of ramadan and russel worship has held pres nice, the rubble of a most destroyed in israel's bombardment,
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and it will occupied east jerusalem thousands of worship as have attended the fest ramadan friday. pres, at the al accent, most compound assizes, the 3rd, how did this, and as long, at least 80000 people took pos, is where the police, at least 3000 and security personnel have been deployed across the city. the help call is needed. it is the absolute right to fall and muslims to and dollar a month. it shouldn't be any problem. it's the quadrant of the month. and this is something population needs to understand. it looks almost as a piece of bush shipping piece, but it has become like a logic isn't due to excess of, of fiction. some check points been imposed even to symbols submitted to can vc a significant number of soldiers, police and other law enforcement personnel circulating joselyn. and alex, almost 17 brothers from the west bank from entering the holy places. oh, so i'm kind of sitting and say they've been denied entry across the country at checkpoints in the occupied west bank. they say despite them from feeling only
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imposed conditions, is ready, security officials refused to let them through. to the i want to enter the most by being sent. wait because i don't have a pen. i'm 50 years old and i need to put them to mentor. we try to and to from you the gate, but they sent us a way as well. we will see if we can get to permit i came to a lot so much because our profit ordered us to pay them this month. i came to fulfill the duty that all law has ordained us. i was surprised by the number of soldiers i thought for a 2nd that i was in an army can. i'm 62 years old and i present my id, but my access was denied. and i have been asked to check with intelligence. i'm on the job. i've been sent away several times and how each time they check cover documents as this is where tatters all we want is to pray in our summers. only to abraham has more from colored columbia attack point. the,
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the numbers of palestinians were trying to get inside the lots of malls, compounds through these check points. so this is one entrance that palestinians often use is just a trickle of what we used to see in the previous years viewed and going to move on as and specifically during the 1st friday. these restrictions include raising the age limits of palestinian men. what allows to go inside to 55, meaning those men who are hoping to go inside and pray and waiting to become older has now been pushed further away to become 55 for women. it's a different story of 84 the previous years they did not have to have an age limit to be able to answer. but now that age restriction has been put, it's 50. remember, we're talking about the palestinian society, which is a young society in many tell us the news. we're hoping to get insights and create a follow up from us compound of the sometimes the section is related to having
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a valid entry permits, which has been really difficult to get since the war started. we met here with i've been reduced. i've been medina, was a 62 year old man. we never used to need a valid entry permits to cross and to jerusalem. he only needed this cards. unable to fund, i used to have a permit before the war. it seems to have been cancelled every year. i go to the mosque during ramadan and spend at least 10 days there. now i thought my age would allow me in, but i was turned back twice. so pausing is what not, and sort of lots of walls compound are praying here just outside of the 3 check point after the door has been closed, no one is allowed to enter any more, you know, for many palestinians who cannot get permits throughout the year. this was the only opportunity they would have to be able to access jerusalem only during fridays in the on. but even that opportunity has been taken away from them. people are saying
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that they're frustrated and they said this is one another form of punishment. is that, but he just the to the okay, if i just think the set of goals supreme court has rejected a bid to delay presidential elections. so the schedule for march 20 full, saying it locked merits decision came out as of the opposition lead to us main song . and his physical allied bessy will say, were released from prison. celebrations were held outside the prison and across the deck. com set a goal was plunged into crisis off to present himself postponing the presidential vote in february. the constitutional council then rescheduled at that story, nicholas hawk live now in that car. so make a big day there. instead of go with the release of these key opposition, lee just as the election now set to go ahead in 9 days time.
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that's right after a lackluster campaign. finally, it feels like the election is under way. the supreme court having rules out that a delay in the election were cancelling the election was possible. so the debate is no longer by the likes of process, but about who is going to be able to deliver as being the best president. and we're just outside the 1st campaign rally of bus 2, jim i 5, he's expected to come in hours time. you can see a crowd coming to try to walk him in to have a glimpse of the candidate. many of them don't really know him because he's the default candidate of the party offices leader respond sancho was not allowed to run in this presidential election. so instead it's a deputy right here. did some people were in the t shirts. i thought this going to that sancho, that's the best of your wi fi and a lot of people sitting here. so go is by and by and phone go. there's a feeling that it's not about the people here and they say, but it's about the project. and what's the project about breaking away from present
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like yourself and bringing jobs. look at the people that are here. and many of the young men that have suffered from unemployment, despite being economy, there's a sense of a lot of people here in the world that their goals has been accumulating over the years. and a lot of people here are counting. the candidate they say is coming, you can see people. 0 move towards the beginning of this place. much awaited candidates presidential election is expected to come the chair of the presidential candidate, the election demand, a few people know, but there are so much hope too much hope that he will bring some sort of change to this. i redeem
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a crowd like this here inside the vicinity produced along the road here as we were coming in. lots of young people here. nora. okay nick, we won't leave it at the moment. right. energy that from duck help with the waiting for the off is this need to fight to start his campaign. in this officer, he's released from prison. right self. thanks very much. brings the same that from the center. go ahead. head on out as a leader of religious sect, and zimbabwe is accused of abusing hundreds of children the brought to you by visit castle. hello is there, it's a pretty serene and settled story so much of south asia at the moment. we will see
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however, some west, so whether developing across central and eastern parts of india is east thunderstorms expected for places like coal cut to the sundry showers, bringing some heavy rain this we go. in fact, today into sunday it will be central areas that see the west of those thunderstorm spaces like monday, a per dish have got some watches out for those. but for the south of that, a large, the sex of the story, temperatures the lingering around the mid thirty's. if you show is creeping into carola, but last the dry skies for, for lanka, and drive to the skies, all the stories of pockets done. and i've got a son, we could however, see some rain creeping across on sunday, but a logic picture on monday that went to weather developing across more eastern areas of india. what weather has picked up across the south of china? as we look to east asia, you can see a large area of rain pushing its way further east. but hong kong starts to stay dry from saturday, temperatures picking up here, it'll be coming down. however, across the north of china, some cold air blowing down,
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kicking the temperature down in beijing. we've got those windy conditions that to come on saturday, but pleasant and clear picture into the new week. the weather brought to you by visit castle generation who meets premier league legend vincent company to discuss the importance of leadership and representation. most of it starts in appear and it is the representation is rides for the rest will follow and travels to add tyria to discover how fluid will pay the key role in shaping the country from its struggles to liberation, to the 2019, to test the political reform generation system episode to phone which is 0. the .
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the dragon you're watching out is there as reminder about top stories this, our israel has rejected a new proposal from how much same that ending israel's will on gone. so that was a problem that sees fine for full ebony, says any caption, so which is an end to israel siege to enable we construction to begin in concept. spanish, ancient as arrived off the coast of garza with $200.00 tons of desperately needed food and other essentials, supplies being offloaded, but it's not clear how about age will be distributed to people across the cause of stress. and is there any appointments? so benjamin netanyahu has approve the armies time for ground, defensive and boffa in southern garza only is $1500000.00 impala citizens, a sheltering death, and the un, and several countries informed of high civilian casualties. i feel probably some guys, a heads us extra estate as the blinking has been outlining washington is position
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on as well as plans to launch operation. and rafa during a press conference with austria is foreign minister. president bible has been very clear that given the large number of civilians and in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm industry set have been displaced from other parts of gaza . we have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get the siblings out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of harm's way, there appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan. the security forces in somalia say they've regained control of a popular hotel in the capsule. mogadishu of to it was attacked by the group. i'll show bob gunman storms, the s y l hotel late on 1st day h. people were killed and creating 5 a silence during a sees that last and more than 15 hours. 27 people were injured. the government is
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conducting a major offensive against i'll show up much controls, large areas of central and southern somalia. the leader of a sections in bob blay has appeared in quotesoft of 16 grays, which discovered on his farm north west of the capital expelled shockley. rango was arrested along with 7 members of his church. please waited his property and rescued . 250 children who were reportedly kept out of school and forced to work, then tomorrow, how's this report? this self styled profit and 7 members of his sex are accused of abusing exploiting hundreds of children. ishmael took a wrong go and his followers denied the charge is the police say there's evidence of child labor and sexual abuse. ok now couldn't see that close to trying to see if it is been found to if the needs say color, abuse, some of them the good to children. you to be know 16.
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indicating that to be the case or for any charge me to just. the police raided the sex compound earlier this week and found more than 250 children. they've been kept out of school and forced to work. most of them don't have birth certificates. the remains of 7 children and 9 adults were found in on registered graves. the police took the children, they found shelters along with some of the sex members. many of took a wrong, it was ball were say, he did nothing wrong and it was a quarter, but decided l children did not attend formal education because what they teach is country to golds orders. if we send out children to school, it will not rain. that's why you see the rest of the country has had no rings, but here we have plenty portable others in the local community are welcoming the involvement of the please. let me talk about the total t. okay. this is a straightforward case of a kid, nothing children. we used to hear about such cases on tv. but today it's happening
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right here. it's. so i'd say to my, then bob, where has many reclusive sects, some keep children away from school practice, polygamy, and sanction child marriages. police say their investigation is ongoing, and there may be more charges to come. bends. monona analogies, era. 21 migrants including of 5 children, have drowned off to a boat capsized off the coast of tech here attack his case called rescue 2 people from the gnc 2 of those weeks, the show hundreds of migrants have been intercepted by tucker. so far to use this week was trying to cross to greece. they to is across the roster rest of the pop out the polls and the 1st presidential election since the invasion of ukraine 2 years ago facing, is being held from friday to sunday. has invited me to put in is old. so i asked him to another tub. i should last until 25. see the several russians have been arrested off of sabotaging violet boxes by pouring an ankle,
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assessing them on fire. this woman used have fight into films of pulling green dye into the books and some, some for poll as a police officer watched on in some beaches bag and women through a petro, them. at a polling station. that's got a live now to use up of all the she's a must go for us. so i have several incidents that on this 1st election day. but overall, how is the turnouts and the best phone? see the yes, that's right. so well, we understand that about 2 points of 3000000 people have a review for us and in most skirt and as it turned out in the country has reached 25 percent. according to the central election commission. actually many called the selection referendum on glad to meet patients legitimacy rather uh, not just the presidential election because he's widely expected to win. and it was spoken with a number of 4. and i've said this and that they have been monitoring the elections
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and they've been putting stations, and they actually say that it hadn't found any irregularities during the vice voting process. since the early morning today, we've seen a loan key is not only most crow st. petersburg, but also in siberia and the far east and teachers talk to students and employees of state companies and other people that actually was seen because of variety because they were required to vote before that was a today because death is us and they have so which is kept a record of these who have a budget and also their reports of some incidents as you mentioned at putting stations. and i like this pause bulletins and the incidents to with the that's a green pain towards have an even one woman trying to set a pony station on fire. but they had to the central election commission. she said that those people have been detained. and um, according to her,
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they have been paid by the ukrainian side. that's what we hear from the central election commission had. this is the 1st election since ross's war on ukraine. so how is not being playing into vices, expectations? yeah. well 1st i have to mention that according to the russian side, you create new soldiers have filed, have 5, it's a pony stations and several supplements. oh, big postpone region and 2 people into that as well before the king, of course, is taking place in the so called russia's mutated trees. and those are the regions of dot net loo gone. scott, her son ends up her osha and there was lots of concern about say see that as russia, leslie know, controlling the territories 100 percent and we hear about some shunting in close proximity to the polls. the and the thing is that,
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so the situation is very upsetting today. well, is the 1st day here in the russia, but i, well, the, the entire team has started a several at a while ago in full those 2 trees because of the safety reasons, because it's not safe for people to avoid that. and the legitimacy of those is of that, but the thing is also quite questionable because people vote on benches and the back yards of the houses. so there are lots of questions. and of course, all of all of those questions are going to be addressed by, by the society. ok. your list type of on of a joining is that from most great, thanks very much you them a, while at least one person has been killed in 2 injured in the russian city of belgrade, near the border with ukraine itself to keep north another wave of attacks on the city crept inside ukraine's attacks the aimed at disrupting the presidential elections in russia. that's my opinion, so they will not go on punished. a russian missile strike only ukrainian posts as
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you have a desta has killed at least 20 people that's according to the regions governor. he says another 75 were injured. emergency work is a report it to be amongst the dead. the attacks damaged 10 homes. russia has intensified its attacks on the desk, so often talks in port infrastructure in the southern city. but mcbride has moved from cave this attack happen mid morning, local time on the port city of a desk. just after an ad ray, the alarm had been issued, as is often the case and the desk had given its close proximity to the black sea and crime if there is very little voting often of an incoming strike, as well as the case with wednesday's attack. just a few minutes after the raid was sounded, that was a loud explosion. later wednesday, it was then revealed the president, beloved them in the landscape, had been in the city at the time, given security concerns. his itinerary is never issued beforehand,
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but it was revealed that he was that in the city, playing host to the greek prime minister, kitty acco submits attack is, who was there with a delegation. seeing odessa and the importance it plays in re establishing ukraine's grain exports to the rest of the world in a joint appearance between the 2 man. president zalinski then said that they had had a 1st hand experience of just what ukraine is dealing with and facing off against russia. prime minister mits attack is accompanied by presidents the landscape also visited the apartment block, which was devastated a few days ago. in a drone strike with the death of 12 civilians, 5 of them being children. its attack is also confirmed that in his view, this a strike on wednesday happened quite close to where they were with president zalinski confirming the thing of this strike that have been a number of casualties,
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both dead and injured. rob mcbride, i'll just say era keith, the leaders of fonts, germany on poland, have agreed to never prompt escalation in ukraine during a museum balance. but the need is also set the supports, the keys will not diminish the summit of the so called vine. the triangle came off to a series of public disagreements between the countries france present to manual micron has said he would not rolled out sending west some troops to fight in ukraine, but jem newtown, so all of schultz has little stuff out. gemini is being criticized for refusing to send keys advance towards cruise missiles. a judge in the us state of georgia has ruled the truck, the top prosecutor in the election interference case against whom i present donald trump can stay in her job. boss is only if a deputy who with whom she had romantic my relationship, steps down comfortable, is trying to get funny when it's a move. then the relationship was a conflict of interest when it's broke. the charges against trump accusing him of
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a legally pressuring officials to over time job items victory and georgette and the 2020 presidential election. trump has paid of not guilty and full criminal cases against him. okay, full cost is in indonesia. same more extreme with it is expected in the coming days . several parts of the country experience natural disasters this week. jessica washington reports from to contact the estimates of days of to intervene in with just a mattress flash floods, implants lives damaged, thousands of houses. only of this week. dozens of people died. i have to the media that the worst that came. so to me at 4 am, it came off to know where all my belongings were swept away. we've had floats before, but not like this. extreme weather event. so taking hold of many parts of indonesia as a transitions from the months into the dry season. and probably go in east java heavy
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rains cause a reset to overflow flooding. hundreds of houses authorities moved affected families to temporary shelters at a government.


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