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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 15, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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the m, the of israel rejects, have masses proposal for permanency spar and goes up to the present military operation and rough for an estimated one and a half 1000000 people or shelter the other on the clock. this is out to 0. live it from the hot will, is that coming up? a ship filled with humanitarian aid unloads on to gauze is codes, but how will it be distributed to palestinians on sage that remains on clear? love you've awesome. now finds will lead to another face to of the sort of the whole system, a system that is find the seat of people who control 95 seems if the countries, well, i tease most mentors gayly to tell is on the 0. he's stuff, you know,
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the baffle against countries, institutions, the celebrations in senegal, the permanent opposition need, is released from prison in the supreme court, greenlight to march to 24 election. the so is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the latest east by proposal by him us. but his office as a delegation, will visit costa to continue negotiations for the release of his rarely captives who also approve the armies plan for an operation. in rockford and southern casa where around one and a half 1000000 pulsed in use of salt shelter. so let's take a closer look at what a mass has proposed. the plan would be implemented in 3 stages, which would last $42.00 days each. in the 1st stage, the grouped amongst the withdrawal of his ready forces beyond the seller of the
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road which runs down the middle of the street to enable people to return home. i must says it once a permanent seas for her to be announced before it releases any captured soldiers. after that, i, myself is ready to release the female is rarely reserve is held captive in garza and extra, thanks for putting in prisoners 50 inmates for each captive. and then the final stage, the group proposes the end of israel siege and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gaza. but anyway, we will get the view from washington dc. what she everytime see, but 1st let's speak with him to salute an occupied east jerusalem. and i'm to join slight from that. now israel, sending this delegation to go ha, as suggested. thoughts are ongoing despite the latest rejection of her master's proposal. is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling her message demands, quote, absurd, saying that she will in fact, be sending a delegation to meet with mediators in the study capital sometime in the next week
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. now these really have rejected how messes proposal and remember their position remains the same in that time. ass wants to see a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete end to the war. whereas these rallies are saying, even if there is a pause in the findings, the war will resume. so there are non negotiable and sticking points from both sides. but mediators are hoping to bridge gaps on. but again, those talks in cairo just a couple of weeks ago and did with no results, has these really didn't even send a delegation to them. so this time mediators are hoping for a different outcome. all right, and then we can come back to the member 2 professors. one of them is washington dc . speak to us, you have returns you on this. it so she had absurd, says netanyahu. how about the us administration? what drunk tabby was just speaking in the last half an hour at the white house with national security spikes past. and then the news that he made there was that the us
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isn't sending a delegation to these tours and go out. but he said that the but that washington was still deeply involved in the price as id with us. specifically. what clearly that in yahoo has cold, cold behind us proposal unrealistic nonetheless though cubby continue to say what he thinks it's a positive step forward. the proposal that was put forward is certainly within the bounds of the, in broad brush drugs within the bounds of the deal that we've been working on. now for several months. i don't want to go into more detail than that, nancy, because i don't want to negotiate here in public. the fact that there is another delegation now heading to the fact that this proposals out there that there are conversations about it, that's all good. that's all to the good to share what about the different magic positioning of the united states? shifting the optics are a shifting, is
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a clear sense of the actual reality is, is changing. clearly this administration has been spokes by the strong shrine for the uncommitted version of the democratic party primaries. those choosing to commit to instead of binding because of the approach has to gauze as green lights for the is really offensive. and even though we have bite and say, oh, the red lines, but then he's also about the red lines of what we're never going to actually abandon israel and then all even joint. even joan, kind of, we just that wasn't the drawers to is the red line. going into rough. uh he said, i'm not going to, you're not going to speak for the president. chuck schumer that was made about on thursday. didn't say, oh, you know, doesn't yahoo, you know, he should go. but you have to remember the day before he was an a puck, the very right wing is really low beach, getting a standing ovation from from them. and this idea this, this discount is rising of the comfort. there's a few bad apples. and that's when yahoo went that everything will be fine. i mean, to me, that isn't, isn't supported by the fact that many times sort of hardly is, is permissible, isn't the war cabinet. and it's just as, as valid, sir,
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you got the sense of this is about showing more concerned, but absolutely no indication as yet. but anything has significant be shifted. that this isn't anything more than just still continuing to give as well more time to do whatever they want to do. or actually have i thought she ever times in washington d. c. let's head back to or fight east jerusalem. i'm the salute is dining by for us that again. so how does all of this goes on? what was that as well? small cabinet has approve the ground invasion of rafa. what does that all about? and how significant is it really earlier on friday, both israel as war and security cabinet met in afterward these really prime minister had said that the plans for the invasion of what else i have been drawn up and approved. it's not just for the milling terry invasion, but it's also he says, for the back, you ation of the nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians who are seeking refuge in kansas southern most city comes,
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i mean, widespread criticism for all around the world, including israel, biggest now like the united states who said that an invasion instead of law would be a red line. and in fact, just earlier tonight, the us secretary of state anthony blinking had said that the americans have not seen any of these plans that these really is that have approved. and this invasion of with off, off these really say is necessary in order to achieve these goals of the war. but again, more than 31000 palestinians have been killed and you have more than half of the population seeking refuge in guns, the southernmost city. so how exactly those evacuations will work? these really have not yet let the public know all right, 100, thanks for the time to, to the end of the pipe east jerusalem. but let's get the picture and rock from the honey my mood is there, and he explains the mood in life is rarely planned to conduct operations inside ref . this is exactly what's going on right now in, in the next. not because the been going on for quite some time the talks and the
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ongoing, the threats of expanding the ground invasion into up by the ongoing talk the entire for potential speeds fire. and right now we've seen, i've responded to direct responses from the really the prime minister office do how not that the quarterback for a lot of people here in that i thought it was, it was a pretty concrete and i was pretty good. it started for a printer and he's wired b and the 5 did the time. and it's such a very interesting as one person describe it as a way to do the negative my the how my position and it pulled up for the fire. and the same time sending a delegation to parts for it to the, to the parts of it, but he's fired. get up with a lot of question mark. but the, the timing of this, the statement hasn't been, it'd be absent and detailed in the statement. nixon, very suspicious right now. as it only be viewed as the tool pressure pressure tool
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to dictate the course of the talk back to for the ordinary palestinians display pallets the end of the suffering and turning and then barely beginning of activity . do you want to get to the point where there is a solid if statement about is the fire deal that you. busy really populated in palestinian the 10 by these really military i was an in to the work so the can be gradually getting back to what is left of their life. i've been away. that wouldn't be been dominating feeling right now. all right, let's explore all these uh, developments with luciana here and the due date is, is that all right? who's from associates, professor of golf politics of the golf study center? i could see any, see, i'd say john cubby saying at how about the how much plan is within the realms the possibility of progress would you think? well, i mean that if they, even if it said that it means that the can see that this something simple should be
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the appropriate thing to distinguish jason, i know so it's a thing that they are given to that financing. ok. we your projected everything until now you didn't even go to the title and you are put in a lot of us like of, i'm in the correspondence. i mean they, they keep saying a little things at the front office or something that might be kind of them and even the scene of the time. yeah, always a problem. so this is, this could be a way to say or something and then your ok, this proposal is not, that's an impossible, as you said. so please sit down and do something. yeah. that netanyahu is saying that the base proposals have said a slightly, anthony, who keeps repeating the objective is to eliminate the how much, politically, immediately. and despite the fact that they send, i'm going to get you on to, to, to look at the peer to discuss something they already rejected the, the proposal. and they approve today. they will consider invite for showing. that's as we can see though, we can talk about something,
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but not about stopping the the offensive, which is the main condition that thomas is requesting from a friend to stop negotiating something. do you think that is all part of the negotiating process? it's just just try it out into the ring as well because they want to, you know, have leverage when it comes to action because it could be a way to price them or could be. and so i've left, i mean we keep hearing that this offensive and rough uh has been blinding since long time ago. and on one hand we see that it's possible that this is happening because it was approved. we don't know exactly what is going to happen. and we don't know how it's going to affect the people this, this place from the south to the north. but on the other hand, this can be used in this context within, within and what you can see here in the i said with this, okay, this is a pro. so if you don't do what, what we, we, we are asking you to do. we are going to move forward. all right, so i will leave that for the moment to back with you later in an hour or so. but thanks for the meantime. so that was fun as a ship has arrived off the coast,
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the gauze of the 1st to south america on cargo from cypress, the crew on board. the open arms are unloading 200 tons of desperately needing food and other centrals date of birth. brett, present certainly a fraction of what's needed in cost for every day near the released image it show at the beginning of the construction of a jetta. yes, it's been pushed into the ocean to create what appears to be some kind of platform . unclear how 8 will be distributed from the once it's on the ground. 0 is in korea, is the intersection of gases coastal out a sheet right in the volts way that separates the north in the south of the strip incentive this report. i'm standing on other sheets street a couple of meters away from the ship. this came all the way from lower neck, a port in cyprus to the gauze of the sure. what we know so far is this ship carrying 80200 tons of food. and
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a to the number in gaza strip. it's organized by the world central kitchen. and we still don't know how this aid is going to be distributed on at least $600000.00 palestinians, stuck in the north under severe, located without any food for months. now. we can also see on the side the stairs in ports being built. and all of this has been organized and prepared by the world central kitchen. they're saying this, this is the 1st attempt of distributing a through the c. and if this works successfully more sales and more ships, our goal is to ensure the gaza strip at the nurturing cause of truth in the same exact way. we know that's at least 2 dozens of palestinians have been killed in the gaza strip due to malnutrition. and the hydration among them is children every day
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by day, especially during ramadan, the situation is getting harder and the blockade is getting more miserable on the people in the causes tripping, especially the people in the north. the main question is, will this a be in the for 600000 palestinians, risking starvation and simon, this is in the city. i just need to. i received street cause as to the head here, it out 0. it will report from south to done where half a 1000000 student needs refugees of fled to find safety and rush of votes vladimir putin set for re election in the 1st pulse and its invasion. right. the the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff,
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to hello spoken to look at the international forecasts. we are still keeping an eye on a couple of typical systems. couple of typical lows off the coast of australia. this one here shouldn't cause any problems. and that's a lot easier just drift outs into the promoters of the southern indian ocean. but this one is already causing his problems just around the top hand just to the east of dobbin. we had $208.00 millimeters this spring in the space of $24.00 asked and that's going to be a typical kind of writing full value across the area. the system continues to just drift a little further east was moving over those waters of the gulf, a carpenter area, a mass guides to allow it to develop into a tropical side frame sometime on staff, a lot of heavy, right? 20300 millimeters of right. possible across a similar area. as we go through the next couple of days, it will gradually make us well a little further west was back across the top and that heavy shot was the cause. trouble house of queensland. hey beach, i was to just down towards the south east and see it does stay pretty warm study celsius the in melbourne. warming up to across northern part south china. we got
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a little bit of wet weather coming for you here. i will just not head on the temperature is fine and try. meanwhile, f assessed either i have full read japan, 21 celsius here in tokyo by that state part. this guys come back in behind, but heavy rank, but central china the weather brought to you by visit castle and on several times upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it to the question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous, the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze and without us of permission, nothing leads about that without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without the
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of the, again you're watching out to 0. her mind about top stories as a and israel has rejected the new proposal from, from us saying, defending israel's war on drugs. if it will send a delegation step further towards the us says, the proposal is within the bounds of the deal they've been trying to secure. a spanish aid ship has arrived off the coast of garza with 200 tons of desperately needed food and other essential supplies all being offloaded. but is not clear how the aid will be distributed to people across the task. it's really prime minister benjamin netanyahu disapprove beyond his plan for ground defensive in reference, southern cause of the best one and a half 1000000 palestinians, a sheltering man. and the united nations in several countries formed of high exhibiting casualties. if the operation gives 2 hates,
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you know where one of the most powerful gang leaders has told us here, he's ready to escalate the tax on the countries institutions to meet you. as you will soon as bumper, known as barbecue has rejected plans for a transitional council. to appoint an entry and prime minister for this weeks of violence which triggered a humanitarian crisis from home and reports from neighboring dominican republic. in the hate see of the use of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to it's not the police in control, but he's ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader. jimmy could easy. a nickname barbecue, a former police officer who's coalition bruce boss. why you support the prince? it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully al's prime minister audio on right. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, kelly comb,
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trading book, a pushing for transitional council made up of the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister and the roadmap for elections. but should easy a token, 12 to 0 rejected that council will clear enough because we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol com takes going to site to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hazy have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups are putting names forward for the count. so seeing is a way out, hates his current power. vacuum should easy, since he wants the revolution love, you've also now find will into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the country's wealth. and that's no idle threat. gains control more than 80 percent
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pull to print right now. once a transitional government is in place that could paved the way for a multi national police force on the ground in haiti, funded by the us in canada, can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead to easy on surprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can. the one i see the presence of kenyans and hygiene will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people in poor neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government. they lost control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to safe things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction with the gains and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually come together in an alliance could be the on some late to try and prevent this forum, police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients
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have suffered immensely at the games. hines to the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, a set of goals, opposition data. this man sancho has made his 1st public appearance in months, a day off to he and his deputy best suited him. 5 were released from prison. this hunter was greeted by juvenile purchasing the capital deco sometimes is not on the ballot, but he's endorsed by to run, present your support as a guard against corruption during the vate scheduled for march, the 24th. earlier on friday, the supreme court rejected the bits delayed the election saying that that elect merritt nicholas hank reports from the capital a selection that was delayed, then there were efforts to try to canceled is finally going ahead and the beginning of a campaign that started 2 days ago, lackluster really any energy, but the release of opposition leader. we spend sonco, and most importantly,
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his candidate bust through jim. i find you can see crowds of coming out crowds of young people that are coming out in support of this candidate. this candidate that has not been able to campaign, he's been in prison for almost a year now. and now these people are waiting to go inside this conference hall where he'll make his 1st address really took starting his campaign now. but to do to my by is the deputy, he's a default candidate for the band political party passed up. we spun sancho was not allowed to take part in this election. people here say that's not a problem. it's not about the personality or the people. it's about the project, the project, to break away from present lucky cells leadership and to bring back, bring a, bring a new form of leadership that represents these young people, many of them unemployed, hoping that social can do with microsoft hasn't ring jobs to young people. so
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they're going to go abroad even to europe, to find work that they can't find at home. more than half a 1000000 people across the border into cells to down to flee what ravaged to done . they've arrived in the boat a ton of rank a where you and run the trends it comes to struggling to accommodate your arrivals . the conflict between students on me and the permanent tree reference support forces began in april last year. thousands of died and millions have been displaced . malcolm webb sent us this report from rec, so many as if people have lots of run for their lives several times since the dawn civil broke out to most a year ago. some of them originate from c don's capital cost to more other cities where the fighting began. they've got to flee. time and time again. any of the people arriving here before that in many pause to see don conditions that become unlivable, either that running from violence found themselves trying to survive in places
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which would be also from food supplies and medical supplies. so they made the difficult decision to head south tier to rank in south sea don, arriving at this transit center, which the moment has 5 times the number of people staying as its capacity. and the people here were joining more than half a 1000000 of arrived in south see don in the last 11 months, some of them to see the needs of those. the south sea denise, he said come here in previous yes, they've become positive. what the un says is now the world's largest displacement crisis, and malcolm lab out as the rest rank south seat on well, purple storms have hit 3 central us dates, causing huge tornadoes. it killed at least 3 people that confirmed death row in the state of a hire, which when they destroyed it, houses and down trees. storms also produced twist is in the states of indiana and kentucky drink dozens of people. us to prosecute that nathan wade has
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withdrawn from the election indifference case against a former president. donald trump, that's after georgia judge rule that either he or the top prosecutor ever seen the case must step down because of that pos romantic relationship. trump's law is trying to get district attorney if any will, as removed as saying the relationship was a conflict of interest. have a witness will be staying on. she felt the charges against, from accusing him of a lead, can be pressuring officials to have a ton, jo biden's, 2020 victory in georgia. that's the of now it's a highly direct, castro, his life for us in washington dc. so hard to explain to us the significance if you were to visit this is sure, nick nathan wade explained his resignation, saying that it was in the interest of democracy and moving the case along. but really he did it because he had little other choice. the judges ultimatum that was delivered this morning said either way to have to resign for his boss. the fulton county district attorney bonnie wallace would have to leave this case and that was
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not going to happen. this is the case of her, her rear. of course, she is, the district attorney who was prosecuting former president donald trump for racketeering charges related to accusations we try to overturn the elections in george. c and so when this surprised bombshell dropped in january with allegations that these 2 prosecutors haven't engage and a romantic relationship that really had the potential of, of ending the case altogether. trumps attorneys. and his co defendants attorney said this was a conflict of interest that wade was taking well, willis, on these expensive vacations, which essentially they explained was a kick back to her because she was paid his paycheck out of the tax payer's dollars from the state of georgia. she denied all of this said that their relationship started after she was hired, had already concluded, and he can, and he, and she accused terms attorneys of try to distract from the bigger case. so now
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that the prosecutor wade has resigned from the case, which means it can go forward, but will asses a reputation has taken a hit because she was also sharply repute for a tremendous lapse in judgment. those are the words of the judge. right. and of course, this is one of very many legal cases against trump. where does this leave him with those other cases? right, so for this case, he's likely going to appeal which could push the trial that has the november election. that is the date to watch and it is also a way hanging over those 3 other criminal cases. right now the one in new york that was set to start with the end of this month may be pushed back at least another month. and the 2 remaining federal cases against trump, one does not yet have a trial date set, and the other is pending a hearing before the us supreme court on an appeal claim. all of this is to say long story short that the chances of any of these cases being concluded prior to
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the november election is getting slimmer and slimmer, which may play to former president trump benefits highly. thanks for that. how does your culture that reporting from washington dc? what's the result where the former president job of scenario has been accused by ministry chief of pricing to have a ton of 2022 election results. following the heads of the army and the air force told police that both in our present them with the plan to reverse the outcome of the vote, which was won by his rival loose enough to let the silver the ministry lead and say they refuse warning both scenarios that he would be arrested if tried. the testimony is part of an investigation. the pulse in ours says it's politically motivated. voltage across russia being costing pilots in the 1st presidential election since the invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. it's being held over 3 days from friday until sunday. a president vladimir putin fated online from his office
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is open set and when another time that would last until the 2030. now several russians. sabina rested off this hepatology ballad foxes by poolgan ingle in the even setting one file. this woman used her phone to filaments of pouring green dye into a box and it's incredible. as a police officer watched this in petersburg and women through the federal opposing station, you know, chef of, of a proposed now from the russian capital is the 1st day of vice hanging the presidential election has ended. it went relatively smoothly surround the country. but it was moms by number of incidents like a types on. so i'm service disruptions and online closing systems and several attempts to support bulletins by dumping green, totally on to bonded books is by trying to set some bonded books on funds and events where we most of cocktails at a couple of putting stations on let's say, devise to turn out for the 1st day of writing was very high,
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like inventories involves it online and find the evening promising that particular type of housing and assessing an example for the rest of the country to florida. and many say that online voting is not true, as far as, as can be used to rig the election results. and they have lots of repeating accuse key of, of trying to disrupt the presidential election in russia and intimidate people can made that statement. it's amazing with members of the security council. also the election is continue in full so called russia's new territories, next from ukraine. despite all the security concerns, there were pools of shunning the public stations in the here soon, region 2 people were injured. so we have 2 more days of those in your head is finishing on sunday evening students ship. that's all about oh just the right mistake.


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