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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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in march 1st, to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the a promise latest proposal for cease fire and gaza is rejected by israel as fine. mr. benjamin this in yahoo approves funds to attract rough on the tomorrow about this. and this is audra 0 live from doha. also coming up the consequences of a ground operation in rough. uh, and the current circumstances would catastrophic. the u. n. one is against and there's really a solid on the far right. over 1500000 palestinians are sheltering. the
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more chaos and haiti is most powerful. gang leader tells audra 0. he wants a revolution. the set of goal opposition liter austin, sancho says he circles this party will win the upcoming election as he celebrates his release from jail. the . is there any problem on this or benjamin netanyahu has dismissed the latest ceasefire proposal by homeless, but his office says a delegation will visit cotton to continue negotiations for the release of as many captives that hang out who's also approve the armies planned for an operation in rafa where 1500000 palestinians are sheltering. the many of them fled to the southern city to escape fighting for the north. having been told by israel, the drop off was
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a safe soon. not. here's what thomas is proposing. that would be 3 stages each stage would last $42.00 days. in the 1st stage, hama says, is ready. troops should withdraw be on solid dean road, which runs down the middle of the strip. it says that what a lot of people to return home on my says it wants a permanent 65 to be an hour before 8 release is any captured soldiers. after that, as soon as it's ready to release a female is very, very service held captive in gaza and exchange for palestinian prisoners 50 inmates for each captive. and in the final stage, the group proposes the end of israel siege on the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gas. honda. so who has more from occupied east jerusalem? israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu announcing that israel will, in fact, send a delegation to the party capital in order to meet with mediators to try and finalize deal for the release of is really captive. now the negotiations have been sold
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until this point a couple of weeks ago in cairo. these really did not even send a delegation, so those talks were not fruitful whatsoever. now these really prime minister has also said that how massive demands are, quote absurd, thomas releasing a framework for what they would like as a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning a complete and to the war. but these really say that that is simply not going to happen. now at the same time, friday morning, both israel's war and security cabinet have approved plans for the invasion. ended up off as well as the evacuation of nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians. it comes at mid wide spread criticism from across the globe, including israel's biggest ally, the united states who says that an invasion instead of off would be a red line given how many civilians are there. additionally, these really is have not presented those plans to the americans. you a secretary of state anthony blinking and saying that he hasn't heard anything from
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these really about these plans. and these really is have not made anything public just yet to send who it's a jersey to occupied east jerusalem. she a 100 times. he's got more than the us response from washington dc, a white house national security advisor drum cubby said the us would not be sending any delegation to console for this latest round of talks. but he said that shouldn't be assigned, but the us isn't involved in the negotiations. he also said how mazda is proposal was a step forward. the proposal that was put forward is certainly within the bounds of the, in broad brush drugs within the bounds of the deal that we've been working on. now for several months. i don't want to go into more detail than that, nancy, because i don't want to negotiate here in public. the fact that there is another delegation now heading to the fact that this proposals out there that there are
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conversations about it, that's all good. that's all to the good was for chuck. sure. the democrats, senate majority leader as comments on thursday criticizing benjamin netanyahu. i'm cooling for new is really elections. kirby said that the president recognized those comments or did resonate with many americans, but at the white house would continue supporting israel. and it's fight against how much sir. recognition of the discontent in the base of the democratic party. but once again, a statement of full support for his route and whatever it is doing she ever time see out is here at washington. united nations is warning against any is really military offensive. and ralph on staffing to job, which is the spokesman for the un secretary general. and he says he's hopeful that ongoing negotiations will result in a ceasefire. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances will be catastrophic for
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the people of gaza, for the palestinians. it will be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. it would be catastrophic all around. we very much hope that all of this can be avoided. we understand there's negotiations are still going on. and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire into ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. and frankly, to open up a way forward uh for the people of, of palestine. the people of israel honeywell who is in rafael. he explains with the moods like they are in light of these really government funds to conduct operations inside the city. and this is exactly what's going on right now and, and we'll find next not the been going on for quite some time,
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the parks and the ongoing, the threat talk about expanding the ground invasion into the ongoing talks in cairo for a potential speed fire and right now we've seen, i've respond to direct responses from the very the prime minister office to come up at the corner of that for a lot of people here. and that i thought it was, it was pretty concrete. and i'm pretty good as far as for it, put him in. he's fired. be along the 5 did. but how many such very interesting as one person describe it a just a way to do the menu, the my the how my position and it pulled up for the fire and the same time pending a delegation to parts for 8 to continue the parts of it but if i get up with a lot of question mark about the, the timing of this statement as the absence of detail within the statement. nixon, very suspicious right now. as it only be viewed as the tool pressure pressure tool
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to dictate the course of the talk back to for the ordinary palestinian display pallets the end of the suffering is turning and then barely big enough to the b one to get to the point where there is a solid estate been about is the fire deal that we. busy really happy days and how many of the 10 vide, is really military, as well as an in after the work. so the can be gradually getting back to what is left of of their life. i've been away, and that wouldn't be been dominating. feeling right now. a spanish aid, same times, arrived off the coast of garza is the 1st to sail along was being called a maritime cut it off from cypress sewing a barge county. desperately needed aid and supplies to people on the guise of coast . the crew on board. the vessel of offloading 200 tons of food and other essential as a, represents only a fraction of what's needed in guys that every day i'll just say there's and coddling is, or the intersection of god's us coastal ar. she rode the way that separates the
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north and south of the strip. she said as this report, i'm sending on as a sheet street, a couple of meters away from the ship. this came all the way from lower neck, a port in cyprus, to the gauze of the sure. what we know so far is this ship carrying a tub, 200 tons of food, and a to the number in gaza strip. it's organized by the world's central kitchen, and we still don't know how this aid is going to be distributed on at least $600000.00 palestinians, stuck in the north under severe, located without any food for months. now, we can also see on the side that there's a new ports being built and all of this has been organized and prepared by the world's central kitchen. they're saying this, this is the 1st attempt of distributing
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a through the c. and if this works successfully more sales and more ships, our goal is to enter the causal strip at the nurturing cause of truth in the same exact way. we know that at least 2 dozens of palestinians have been killed in the gaza strip due to malnutrition and the hydration among them is children every day by day, especially during ramadan. the situation is getting harder and the blockades is getting more miserable on the people in the cause of stripping, especially the people in the north. the main question is, will this a be in the for 600000 palestinians, risking starvation and simon, this is in the city. august eda, i received street cause of united nation service. your monitoring situation in gaza is beyond catastrophic. the representative for the human population fund has just
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ended a week long visit the guys up and says the impact of the conflict on pregnant women and babies in particular is stock. what we see in ga, the reason that it's, it's a nightmare which is much more than a humanitarian crisis. it is a crisis of humanity and the situation is beyond catastrophic. was driving up through gaza into gather city. i think what, what i, what i took away from that was the looks in the eyes of the people which the emotion is truly indescribable. every one we passed, everyone we spoke to, was gold rail, initiated hungry, that everybody was doing base of food. and that is why every day, especially in the know, every day is a bottle for survival. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby normal. they have not seen a normal size video. see them. what they do see though, tragically small,
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still bunk beds most build them babies. and mon, neo natal, that's brought up on the account as a consultant obstetrician at oxford university hospitals, which is also part of a guys, a medical team of ox, for doctors who teach in hospitals and medical schools in gaza. she says pneumonia attrition to pregnant women are facing what different generations to come. the level of nutrition is trivial, her mistake up to rack racking about 90 percent of pregnant women do not have anything close to adequate nutrition. and in a, this is up sleep a critical time and, and it's in a person's life, you know, being to try to grow a baby. it's huge resource from the mother. and we know that many of the women, even prior to this conflict coming into pregnancy, had things like anemia. but you never think stream mom nutrition. it is absolutely true. there are many more babies being born that are very much smaller than what
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they expected. the colleagues and the grinder reporting, they know huge increase and pre term birth as well as breath restriction. and also very sadly advised number discouraged and still birth certificate nutrition was to repeat the unusual me notice from the great phone underneath the opiate. for example, in the mid eighties. we've seen a time, you can see what other areas of the world with an effect back home safe where nutrition has become an issue for pregnant women. that those young babies go into children where there is an impairment of the commonest development because of the lack nutrition. westover growing and yet true, but also emitter adult. there's much higher rates of things like cardiovascular disease. so the impact at the moment on these critical shortage of food, water and aids coming into casa, to help you as a population, but particularly the pregnant women has an impact not just for 9, but the next generation of posting in children that will go into adults to turn it
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on, leaders of autumn and most of the american community groups have rejected a meeting with white house officials. very sorry. they're taking a stand over us policies on guys and they've criticized president by them. support of israel meeting was due to happen in chicago on thursday. my colleague nick clark spoke to todd a colleague who's a member of the chicago chapter of american muslims for palestine. he accuses the by the ministration of complicity and israel's war on gossip. the demands that had been, had been made time and time again is essentially it's essentially what have been seen that mass. now, what does it mean at that meeting? so why do we keep repeating the same topic? one is the same time as one, the administration is obviously not responding to it. now any type of method that the most patient takes to quote unquote, try to be be able to see the situation increase. you might have a virus or something. this right now, one phone call, that's all it takes one phone call. we provide israel with us,
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meaning what we provide you with financial aid. we're the ones that protect israel at the united nations. we provide the diplomatic cover. so by that you can get in all of this in one hour if you truly want it to. so you want to schedule another meeting with local leaders in the chicago area to discuss what is at the very thing that we've been demanding all along to the permanent and immediate cease fire. so you want to meet fine, we will condition a meeting on the call for a cease fire. not have another meeting to demand it again, if you don't meet president biden and white house officials won't wait. kind of these american muslim groups bring to bear on the administration in that position on garza, which does seem to be shifting a bit, doesn't it diplomatically, i mean, because of because of the dimension pressure that has been put on the ministration . but that doesn't mean that there's a moral calkins here. the political calculus says ok, maybe we need to start. maybe we need to provide some kind of a trickling of a, which is what this with this temporary mechanism is this temporary pour is
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essentially a for, is, is to, is to showcase to the role you have to be made to people. and hey, you know we're doing something about it, but you can do something much greater than that in a quicker time frame. this part will take about $60.00, to $90.00 days, to, to put together to facilitate the while you're providing that scene at the same entity. committing a genocide unless it was more what this so you want to play the role of firefighter as well as arson, is at the same time that contradictory policy will not like with the leadership can you call is still a head, and i'll just say the russians go to the polls, but few does. the result. vladimir putin is set for re election in the 1st polar sense. russia's invasion of ukraine, new testimony for military chiefs, lynx, brazil was far more white when president allegations of a who attacked the
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the latest news as it breaks. that is really our talary shows this area last night as to new families was remo, done with their tears, and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. he's far whole has been diminished. their prayers continue with the situations to get it to the of the fortune. i'll just need a reminder of, i told stories. this is really time. those have benjamin netanyahu dismissed the
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latest these 5 proposal by homeless, but his office as a delegation, will visit contacts to continue to hold for the release of his when he captives. alma says, calling for the withdrawal of israeli troops and a complete ceasefire that the yahoo is also approved. the armies planned for an operation. a rough i in southern garza were 1500000 palestinians of sheltering. united nations is warning against any. is there any military offensive? they're saying the consequences would be catastrophic voters across russia have been costing balance in the 1st presidential election since the invasion of ukraine 2 years ago is being held over 3 days from friday until sunday. president vladimir putin voted online from his office is all of us are going to win another time and that would last until 2013, giving yourself a lot of reports from moscow. on the 1st day of ice hanging, the presidential election has ended. it went relatively smoothly surround the country,
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but it was moms by number of incidents like of types on so i'm service disruptions and online closing systems and several attempts to support bulletins by dumping green, totally on to bonded books is by trying to set some bonded boxes on funds and events where we most of cocktails at a couple of putting stations on let's say divide to 10 out for the size of the day of buzzing was very high like invitations. i was it online and funny the evening promising that particular type of housing and assessing, and example for the rest of the country to florida. and with many say that online voting is not true as far as, as can be used to read the election results. and they have lots of repeating accuse key of, of trying to disrupt the presidential election in russia and intimidate people can made that statement. it's amazing with members of the security council. also the election is continuing in full so called russia's new territories, next from ukraine. despite all the security concerns, there were pools of shunning near punting stations in daycare sown region 2 people
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were injured. so we have 2 more days of those in your head is finishing on sunday evening. students should talk all about old jersey, right? mistakes of one of his most powerful gang leaders has told da da 0. he's ready to escalate his fight against the country's institutions. and follows weeks of violence, which i'm checking to humanitarian crisis. john home and reports from neighboring dominican republic and hate see of the use of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it. most of the kept to it's not the police in control, but hate sees ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy. ca make named bobby cute, a former police officer who's coalition rules boss. why you support the prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister audio only. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, kelly comb,
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trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up with the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister and the roadmap for elections. but should easy a token $12.00 to 0, rejected that council will clear it up because of we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to say to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed in hygiene, you have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups of putting names fluid for the council seeing is a way outs hates his current power that q should easy. a says he wants revolution, love you by some now find full into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is 5 percent of people who control 95 percent of the country's wealth. us a simple and that's no idle threat. gains control more than 80 percent pull to
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print right now. once the transitional government is in place that could paved the way for a multinational police force on the ground and hate to funded by the us and canada . can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead to easy, unsurprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of kenyans. and heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pull neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government, the loss control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to save things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction to the games and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually comes together in an alliance school vba on some late to try and prevent this forum. police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. hines for the power that
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they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, set of goals opposition later. also with the sancho mind his parties, presidential candidate boss, it'll do my faith. i've kicked off the 1st election campaign after being released from prison. hundreds of people to take and pause because hawk reports from dot com . after months in jail opposition leader, we spend sancho finally free and down the campaign trail. the moment his supporters were waiting for we have lost too much time. we have an election to win. after sancho was disqualified from running in the race, his deputy bus, you, jim, i fi was chosen as a stand in candidate. the former tax inspector is relatively unknown to the public . he has been in jail for over a year. i would like to spare thoughts of the brothers that were locked up in jail
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some for months, others for years and of weathered with dignity. this challenge lead into the night crowds gathered outside, so it goes home, hoping to catch a glimpse of the opposition figure sancho and his deputy were released from jail as part of an amnesty law suggested by president, make yourself the easy political pension and pre m street protest once the stage a violent clash is now the scene of jubilation. fear over the delayed election is making way to hope. we feel like the election has begun and mont and now that the opposition is out of prison. the campaign will change in dimension just the domain, but absent in the race is opposition leader kareem wad his supporters fault with security forces outside the supreme court. after he alone, other displaced candidates had there appealed to cancel. the election rejected the
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following week 7 certainty. the elections will take place on march 24th after a lack luster star to the presidential campaign. the presence of messing with them i find and the opposition leader we spend sancho has brought new energy to this presidential election. the focus is no longer on the electoral process, but on the candidates manifesto. and what most people here want to know is who will bring jobs to young senegalese, the opposition argues sending goals. booming economy has failed to bring employment to many young people. how young people need to stop thinking of crossing the ocean for work, and they need to see that there are opportunities here in san a go. we need profound change and they've got a solver and just and prosperous sending going more than a campaign slogan bus you jimmy's by. and so google now have to convince that they can deliver where others have failed. nicholas hawk alger 0. the car was it was for
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my president, jeff both or not? well, he's been accused by military chiefs of talking to overturn the 2020 to re election results and the farm hands of the army and air force. a boston auto presented them with a plan to reverse the outcome of the vote, which was won by his rival lewis and not feel a little at the silver. the military leaders say they refused warning boston otto to be arrested. the testimony is part of an investigation. both nato says it's politically motivated, monica, you're not here and has more familial diginero. this is the 1st time the brazilians are hearing directly from such high ranking military officers. that really there was a discussion about trying to reverse the electro results of 2022. when bull sonata lost in a very, by a very narrow margin to current president would be nice to rule about silva. this is the 1st time that we hear that they say that there was a document that there were discussions that this was discussed. and what was the
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way that they were thinking that both. so nato was thinking of stopping his successor from taking off his 1st by discrediting the electrical system which he did during the campaign. but also by using a constitutional loophole that allows the president to call for military intervention in case of very serious turmoil and event. democratic institutions can't keep the country in order. so they were discussing using this mechanism and the army commander at the time as well as the air force commander. they said that they would not support such such a strategy or such a plot. whereas the name, the commander, he kept quiet. and everybody knows here that he did say that he was in favor of this. now this investigation should end towards the end of june or july of this
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year. and this puts both sonata in serious risk of being in prison, monica, not your volunteer, 0 rio de janeiro. the start of the cost is up next to enroll madison stay with us and obviously the brought to you by visit capital cut out. well, let's start with the look at those severe storms that we had across that east. the side of the us up to was the, the lakes. here we go, just around the midwest, the this line of the cloud here, cold front, cold away i to the north of that very womack to the south. was that and whether to have met. that's what we've seen. the violent storms i severe storms, richard racquel the way across the high o. across. illinois, pushing further east woods. this will make his wife of the race,
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which as we go one through the next couple of days, quickly clearing away from the east disabled process. guys come back and behind temperatures will gravity, florida by little bit of smarter that unites us into a central, posit, canada, ontario quebec. seeing some snow notice uh, west of weather, from that same training system just looking its way across the deep south. still some snow just around the rockies, some heavy snow full. that's cool. some disruption here as well for go to states do still see a little bit about when she makes as we go through sunday and that really heavy, right? again, the child, so one to 2 tonight us into the southern states of the us as we go on through the course of the weekend. meanwhile, across the caribbean, it is a case of sunshine and showers. a few showers particular go see eastern side of the region, but just about any way i could catch a shower too. i think we more like to see one or 2 showers. oh, suspecting parts of central america the west brought to you by visit castle. why have american evangelicals become his real strong?
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this background is us president. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. the bottom line, the the laura kyle. this is counting the cost on out since ariel. we can look up the wealth of business and economics. this week. button is again costing tax as to what does a has of elections. but tell me the conservative governments punch it for 2024.
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when that if i'm facing.


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