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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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for these demonstrators, it's presidents, lucky sauce, wrestling the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sense to the font at the store, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello on my, the inside. this is the news line from the coming up in the next 16 minutes. several generations wiped out in an asteroid late not attacked by his wiley forces, kills 36 members of one family and central. going to the doctor's reporting that they no longer see normal size baby realities facing causes children where
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a non made from and is taking homes plus they've become positive. what the un says is now well largest displacement crisis. we're on a refugee camp on the south to denise food, a warehouse, a 1000000 people have fled the conflict in sedona and capturing a war. we look at how ukranian photographers are helping to document flu crimes and recruit soldiers and support us open tennis champion cocoa golf, has miss styles on the 1st appears in the final at indian wells. the american looked to maria secaria in the 70s. us to call you will now face world number one is just fine. text for the title, the hello welcome to the program. it's 10 g m t. we begin in central gone. so we're in is really a talk on a family home near
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a refugee camp has killed at least 36 people. most of the victims were women and children. the dead and injured have been taken to act. so hospital is where the forces of now killed nearly 31500 polished indians in a 161 days a full destroying much of the gaza strip. meanwhile, in gauze, assessing his right strike destroyed a 7 story building in the our room. all neighborhood, thousands of people all believed to be trapped under the rubble to survive of say, at least 7 displaced families with sheltering in the building at the time. rescue workers in northern galls. i have little to no equipment to pull people from the ruins and hospitals have fused supplies to treat the injured because israel has restricted deliveries of aid on medicine. many countries have voiced the concern about the as rarely governments approval of plants, a ground invasion for rough uh, about one and a half 1000000 palestinians have sort shelter that the city has been struggling to
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cope with the influx of displaced families. it was home to an estimate of 275000 people before the war of the united nations has warned against any military offensive in russia. the spokesman for the un sexy general says he is hurtful at the recent negotiations will lead to a last thing cease fine. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough uh, in the current circumstances, will be catastrophic. uh for the people of garza, for the palestinians, it will be catastrophic for the humanitarian situation. um, it will be catastrophic all around. we very much hope uh that all of this can be avoided. uh, we understand there's negotiations or still going on. and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to
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a cease fire in to ensure the greatest humanitarian access to insure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. and frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine, the people of israel. you are a secretary of state onto the blinking says israel needs to present a clear and workable plan to relocate civilians before invading process. the present in 5 minutes. been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm ministers that have been displaced from other parts of gaza. we have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get the civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, they are appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan. i can speak now to all just there as tara couple assume he joins us on the
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phone from southern golfer tarik. tell us about the latest attacks that have hit various ponts and guns of noise. is there any forces some targeted areas near the news arid camp? i believe. yes, that's definitely why it's uh, the, the main concentration of the latest is where the military attack square directed towards defense. so areas of guns that we have been seeing that can in the past few days, the latest strikes of a night have killed at least $36000.00 and also our residential house being completely destroyed. we had been seeing for twos and also medias from the location of the targeting sharing the she destruction being closed because of the strike as the boss, dirty of the victims. what children the pregnant women and also. busy the lead people and this is absolutely terrifying. get that tax also today has been renewed earlier in the morning from u. s. troy. i've talked to that residential house to southern palestinians, also a number say right to a few d cabin. it's worth mentioning that the tax has been,
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have been carried out in a very small space of land that is very densely populated with seated. what is an issue with evacuees who have been mosley displaced from the houses? this is also what had been happening just completely controversial to the east where they own during claims taking the ultimate procedures of precautions that might help to reduce casualties amongst civilians that the missouri to boost being killed or completely children the one until now. okay, now does, there is target about doing that for us on the site and from southern goals? so thank you. thank and is ready, delegation is due to visit capital to continue negotiations for the release of captives held in gaza. that is the spine prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissing the latest find a plan for players by homeless. now the group wants the following, a 3 stage c spot, each stage would last $42.00 days. in the 1st is rarely troops with would withdrawal be on slide dean road,
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which is the main route linking the north and south of the trip a strip. how much as that would allow displace people to return home then? how much wants to permanence phase 5 to be announced before it releases any caption soldiers? off to that it says it will release. female is ready. reserve is held captive and gaza in exchange for palestinian prisoners 50 inmates for each captive. in the final stage, almost proposes the end of israel seized on the beginning of reconstruction efforts in concept. as to announce a what a knox he is unoccupied is to risk them for us with them. so israel now sending this delegation to go ha, that is despite dismissing how much is proposal? how, what are we reading into that? is that a positive sign language is by the prime minister's office of the last few days in response to this new proposal from us is
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intended words like delusional. and yet they all sending this delegation. we thought back confirmed by that office. it's important to places in context of course, because we've had these topics going on for many months now, but the last 1012 days does not seem and maybe in a huge amount of present progress, don't forget the is res, refuse to send a delegation to the last round of tools inquiry, so that clearly is a winning that's on that part to re engage with conversations through the mediators with some us what we've done yet. no, that was who's going to be part of that delegation, how senior they will be and whether they'll have that kind of flexibility to make decisions on the fly without repeatedly referring back to the cabinets here in israel to try and get the permission in terms of the mandate, so that's going to be something to watch over the next couple days as those folks continue, as we hopefully get information through some of our sources on both sides of these negotiations. whether that mind they have expanded, whether they're able to deal with, with a mistake or to detail, some of the numbers in
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a way that in the past has been difficult or is really mediated with them. we've also had from these really will cabinet approving plans again for those ground assault and rasa where as we know, as we've been reporting over a 1000000 and a half of godson's all sheltering a, what do we to make of that as well? this gets to the heart of the major sticking points between these 2 side during these negotiations. and that's why the, any kind of deal with that looking to conclude now will lead to a permanency spots for the end of the war. this is something i'm us would like to see, but it's something that these railings in particular, nothing else has made clear again. and again, they're not willing to confidence, they won't be option to be able to continue that military a. so in rough or where they say there's still significant military capabilities belonging to have mass nets and yahoo with this statement from his office talking about the approval plan seems to be taking that might some of us negotiating tactic
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. he wants to make sure i'm ass, thinks this as something's on the table, despite huge amounts of international pressure, not to launch that kind of ministry. so in such a heavily populated parts of a strip. okay. so no, thank you for the marks that for us. and okay, part of issue or some of the, you know, it's a nation says that the humanitarian situation in gaza is be on catastrophic. paula steins, representative for the new and population fund has ended a week long visit to the strip any highlights of the impacts of the conflict on pregnant women and babies. gabrielle as also reports now from un headquarters in new york. the u. n. team that recently visited guys was focused on the effects of israel's bombardment of gaza on hospitals. but for dominic alan from the human population fund, he was particularly focused on maternity wards. and he told us what he saw at the m
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a rock. the hospital was deeply disturbing. the doctor's reporting that they no longer see normal size, baby noble. they've not seen a normal size video. stephen. what they do see though, the subject li, small still bought this most still born babies. and mon, neo natal, that's alan said there is clear evidence of babies being born malnourished, emergency cases that they're dealing with over. ready and they, there are 5 delivery rooms in the amount of the hospital and the mid one of the midwife that we might use to grab 2 minutes of a time because the staff is still overwhelmed with these maybe $70.00 a somebody, somebody regular bonus and $10.00 to $12.00 c sections, they are so overburdened by the, the delivery rooms and the rotations that they have with the, with the women's who are in the women who are in the last stages of a book. and then when midwife will probably want me to get them both on the floor
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gabriel's onto, i'll just see it at the united nations in new york. well, israel's, we're letting us bombardments has devastated concepts, health care system. i have a 77000 people have been injured since the beginning of the ministry campaign in october. only 6 of the strips $36.00 hospitals, a functioning um a paucity. the health industry has recorded over a 1000000 cases of infectious diseases. i'm more than a quartet of kansas 2300000 residents are on the brink assignment. unit stuff estimates in moving dogs, that one and 3 children younger than 2 is malnourished number that has doubled since january. earlier we had from james smith, he's a british top guy who traveled to gauze and between december and january, he told us what he sold. the health system collapsed in gaza back in late october of 2023. and it hasn't recovered since then. and that's because the
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supplies, the resources and the specialist and staffing. and so when required, have i have an incident to garza or west or west. so instead of commodities and resources to be made available, and it's impossible for people to work in a context of such extreme violence and in security, i'm the hospital is barely able to coat i heard from a call yesterday who wrote a very short message to me and he simply says, the situation is catastrophic. they have very, very limits. it means to provide care to patients. and patients are presenting with some of the most horrific trauma related injuries and also non trauma related health care problems that i have ever seen. we would see the children and adults on a, on a daily basis, often multiple times a day with a severe multi trauma related injuries. often children with traumatic computations of,
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of more than one lame and children and adults with terrific full sickness bands. and all of these former related injuries require prolonged specialist k, which simply isn't available at the current time. at the same time, we were seeing hundreds of children presenting to the pediatric department every day. this was back in early january. children with diary illnesses complex for surgery problems, and all sorts of conditions that again require immediate medical intervention to speak now to new habits. here she's had a partnership for golf at the aide agency global empowerment mission. she joins us now from kara, thank you so much for joining the program. new way you worked inside concept before the war and left. i believe when it began. tell us a bit about your personal story. what it's been like to watch the crisis and gaza unfold of the last 5 months. so thank you so much for having me today. i actually yes,
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i was in gaza and i was most like one month old door. it was terrible. the situation there is kept us to fake even working there is really challenging for the human target back towards. it's not easy it's, it's a challenging in time of moving a, in time of movement and terminals access of the, of old sites it's, it's not easy. it's challenging. yeah. tell us a little bit about your organization because that's, that's your job, isn't it a getting, getting a to gaza through that process crossing how, how many trucks are you sending, for example, how often and how many are managing to get through? i actually do is committed to support the supply chain capacity for movement of, of a to, to gaza. and we've been supporting of different, different national actors here in titled to april pile. they've been successful to
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try and say i'm many trucks more than subbing 2 trucks. to does that include even got defense categories of a like food medicine, medical supplies, wheat flour, um medicines, as i said, um, blankets, mattresses should separate items except type system and, and how successful have these trucks been in, in getting through because we often hear about trucks just lining up at the boat and not being allowed through a just not passing inspection. it is it challenging, but we were successful in moving all those bucks into gaza and a team on the ground there. they are facilitating and supporting the distribution, safety to civilians. um, as doing the like the door to door truck, this distribution to defense typically distributions. so we are successful in doing
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the movement of aids and through the border into gaza, with the support of our team as did on the grounds. you've been delivering 8 or my since the beginning of the conflict. tell us how the needs of people in gauze have changed and grown. we had earlier from that the a from adult to talking about increasing leads that doctors are dealing with non tumor related conditions like disease and respiratory illnesses, suggesting that people are now not just being killed from injuries. they're dying from other means. yeah. in fact, the needs are massive, the needs are massive and no one can deny that it's, it's difficult. and we are trying old ways to keep like continuous assessments of the needs on the ground to support those be people in need. and it's like, um, i mean, the human tell you the situation is catastrophe. the number of injured is increasing
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a day by day of the number of people killed in the day by day. and we are trying to support as much as we can in terms of meeting the needs of the people there. okay, new have a share, appreciate your time. head of partnership for goals at the agency. global empowerment mission. thank you. thank you so much. i on the spot as well as attacks palestinian families observing ramadan have managed to find some random and so peace and have a feeling of community. despite the hardships michael apple has the story. it's difficult to find anything growing here. and basically here, the neighborhood in northern garza has been slapped by months of his riley bowman. it's mosque has gone to too, but they all green shoots. something for people here to look for and feel positive about these vegetables grow on the doorstep of the smart family home,
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where they're determined to observe the rituals of ramadan. like most lens around the world, must mode stone, manages a smile as a joke, smell soon. good enough vegetables to be self sufficient and to look for sure for the following the destruction of the mosque, we find solace in distributing food and dates just before breaking or fast. however, the absence of the usual ramadan celebrations and spiritual gatherings leaves us feeling empty. the call to prayer by the mom, which ones echoed beautifully now seems distant drowned out by the noise around us and everything jack had given the little plus mood has to use what's at his disposal. the prices of goods across the strip have skyrocketed while the challenge lies in the scarcity of ingredients to prepare a meal crate, tiffany is essential, as we attempt to make the most of what we have often resorting to using the basic ingredients like salter and flour for baking further to the south in rough members
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of the us food family, or decorating the 10 together. there is no electricity for the lights, but there is a way to hang the lanterns that are a symbol of ramadan. couldn't understand what the normal done was once a time of celebration, joy and unity, lanterns and decorations used to bring rooms cha, homes, creating a face to breakfast for you. we used to wait for the arrival from a dawn each year, but the story of absorbing drama dining tents under charging conditions is heartbreaking. or the tops young adult time has one request this ramadan. let if you send the band hall, we will. it's easy ability to observe ramadan, like everyone else, we will to cease fire to bring it in to the and going war back and basically. yeah, yeah. months have food hearts out of the oven. as they prepare the star meal that breaks, they fall as to the day. the war has stolen much from the people of gaza. but during the special time,
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spiritual growth and renewal remain something that can't be taken. mike level, how does era the every day, hundreds of people from see don are making their way to neighboring south to dawn in search of safety. you an estimate, smooth and half a 1000000 suit denise have arrived since the conflict between the army and the power military rapids support forces began last year. when he come to the board, a town of rank where un run transit comes all struggling to accommodate new arrivals. the conflict has killed thousands of displaced millions. no. and as malcolm web reports from rank of many of the people arriving, that happened despite multiple times with no where left to go. many as a faithful here, that's a run for their lives. several times. they see it on civil row count, whom i see
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a year ago. some of them originate from c don's capital cost to other cities where the fighting begun. they thought simply, time and time again. any of the people arriving here before that in many pause to see don conditions that become on livable either that running from violence found themselves trying to survive in places which have been cut off from food supplies and medical supplies. so they made the difficult decision to head south the rank in south sea don arriving at this transit center, which the moment has 5 times the number of people staying as its capacity and the people here were joining more than half a 1000000 of arrived in south see don in the last 11 months, some of them to see the needs of the south sea. denise who fled complex. p as in previous yes, they've become positive. what the un says is now the welds largest displacement
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crisis. and malcolm lab out as the rest rank south seat on pricing and russians presidential election has and to the it's 2nd day, a 114000000 people are eligible to vote across 11 time zones from friday to sunday loud, my patient is running for a 5th time on his own, but guaranteed to win. what was the 1st presidential election since russia invaded ukraine? paulding is also taking place in russian occupied areas of the country as well as in crimea, which was onyx back in 2014 christian says that a string of ukrainian attacks on friday we aimed to disrupt voting to one of those attacks was on the russian for the city of belgrade and killed at least 2 people in india and of the 3 defense ministry, set it down 11 ukrainian drones over belgrade, as well as a rocket propelled grenades. and a russian missile strike on the ukrainian port says here for desa has killed at least 20 people and wounded move in 79,
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just the workers are reported to be among the dead president. below them is the 9th gate has promised what he called a fat response. moscow has intensified its attacks on odessa often targeting points for disease in the southern now during the 2 years, a full interest in ukraine's cultural identity has grown internationally. many with creative media backgrounds have been offering the scales in the west. it is an act of cultural resistance from broad has the story at home in cave, pablo and the read sort through images from us. second life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east, africa to both photographers and still retailers with successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion. they joined the same brigade to use their skills in will that us most of the for the now we are feeling the crimes
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that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father. i'm a divorce and purchase of our beautiful fight them themselves. and like many other ukrainian artists, incense, did russia's apparent intention to destroy the culture. and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity, of course. and i'm cool on the d. p. you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes. and the more you want to delve into it, but it with, with, with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation and our cultural projects have become more meaningful. it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the ami struggles to find enough soldiers to count a recent russian success is like have div beyond the town that's now in russian hands. you trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses, depending on the was progress. so this could become
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a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. but in spite of such a setback, irina and pub law would be at the side, documenting the struggles. and knowing that some of the pull traits of fellow soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult in the graves of those killed. this the, there's a testicle color. it is very difficult when someone to rise to you and say they're that. and therefore, this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the oldest unbearable burden of rule. one couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other public broad. i'll just say a ref keith. so it has on the out, is there a nation in samuel on scans running the streets of his capital with a government unable to control much of the country and find out why 12 people have been sent to prison in hong kong. and what it means for the cities pro democracy
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movements in support. christiana, rinaldo is hit yet another goal scoring landmark. and that will be here with that story. the hello, it's been a really cold and frosty stotts to the day across north west and past of here, the ridge of high pressure hit, keeping the skies clear of the clear skies and the light waves that slide to the quiet, but co stopped to that to the weather, then we have to wait where the weather coming in the cost of the opposite cuz we go on for the next couple of days. but the system is just the tagging up to move through so that when introduce something of a change, still go somewhere when the added times when she weather that just looking around, scan to mega system. so that's the full cost here. what's the weather there across east and pa, so if you're driving further east was,
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here's us lots of dry weather across germany, much of frogs down to we'll spend a portion of what temperature is uh, didn't quite nicely. now. 1920 celsius here. i will see that west of web at mazda web, pushing him on that team southwest, when this we go on into sunday. so temperatures getting up and just double figures, 30 celsius of edinburgh, the team that falls here, it went to the twenty's for spain and portugal. is that what's the weather making his wife or the race since east and pos, if you cooler at coming back, can be high volts or 6 celsius single figures, the full pallet, but it should be nice. you try, at least long as you drive to request a good pots of north africa, a few shells clearing east of libya, making the way into northern egypt. the. the, the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fire around 2000 show today with details
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coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version inside of the sun. from around the world of forty's, in the dominican republic refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic needs. the end of time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about to happen is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is evangelical christie and exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try that. you have just really stuck in the process praying for all my goodness, episode 11 that just the
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the the welcome back. you're watching out, is there a mind at the top story? is this our attorney on a has carried out a tax across garza and these $36.00 people were killed off the family home near alden is there it's refuge account with the offices being wall and goes to the city on his writing. strongly destroyed a 7 story building. thousands of people are believed to be trapped on the revel. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has dismissed thomas's proposed cease by jail and is ready delegation is expected to visit council to continue to work on the release captives. as and you know, also improve plans for ground defense have been rough, but in southern costs. the conflict in sedona is forcing nearly 1500 people to cross the border into south sea dawn every day. you and run transit comes from the boat of town,
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and frank are struggling to accommodate the number of life goals. took the top exchanges of 5 between these ran a ami and the lebanese armed group has ball the increasing intensity. the 2 sides have carried out strikes across the border nearly every day since as well as one goes up again. and as they now hold a reports from kit about so sub 11 on what began as low key conflict is fairly escalating. isabel and hezbollah are at war villages, and southern lebanon. within 4 kilometers of the border, have become closed. military zones, neighborhoods have been destroyed. the conflict began when the lebanese armed group opened the front to help garza but his moves beyond the border region. we are in forbid slim around 12 kilometers north of the battlefield. people still live here,
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even though the area has been hit by is really fire, as well, has intensified. it strikes against what it says are, has the assets. quite often they are homes. the numbers one community above 150 families displaced from the border areas move to our village. now they're all 120 because some are worried and move further north. and while attacks by both sides have largely been confined to military targets, civilians have also been killed as well. strategy here is similar to its military campaign against the van in neighboring syria. it involves targeted strikes to we can in this case has the law and d grades its capabilities. isabelle strikes have reached as far as baltic in eastern europe and on 100 kilometers from the border. fighters and commanders have also been killed in pinpoint operations. most of the fighting as
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a set 70 percent is along the line. but recently we have seen the development of this uh of this uh, still it is that that'd be moving further and more targeted, more 80. so moving to level 3. 6 6 yeah, we have to go to the bunker stating this the 1st time in, in a couple of months of the the un peacekeeping force in southern lebanon doesn't have the power to stop this conflict has bella has said, it won't stop firing until the war on casa ends okay, so this is a short video of what happened to just a few minutes ago. is really war planes just hit, not far from the un base. it is trying to push the arms group away from the border . the conflict has so far spared population centers, but mediation efforts are at
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a standstill, and the trajectory is on an unpredictable task center for the odyssey to southern lebanon or protests. as in canada, i have called for an immediate cease fire and gaza. they were demonstrating outside a hotel in toronto with prime minister and justin fredo was attending a fundraising event. they accused of supporting the genocide of palestinians. the. those are things that it is appropriate for her to
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learn justin, ongoing genocide use of god. okay, with joining this to get by mid james larry, he is the director of the gulf study center cuts out university. thank you for joining the program. the americans have made clear to these ladies publicly a number of times that rasa is that red line, at least as long as there are a 1000000 plus refugees. in rough uh, do you think is ro will cross america on this? is will this just pull steering from them to put pressure on how my us and the framework of negotiation looking at 6 months of this was uh, we have not. i have enough evidence that is really government lead business anyhow is listening to the americans that there was a motor in. so i would say determination to do what he believes that for the interest of us. right. so there's no evidence makes me believe that
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this time would be different. i don't see that this pressure will lead to stop this operation. what makes me, you know, think that maybe the notion or the pressure or maybe the division with the politics may be the uh, the dock of, uh, you know, a dimension and support as it was. those issues can help. not only if a medi can push out a particular, i mean today we, we here that as well as sending this to negation, to catch all the cx, 5 talks. i mean, this comes right on the heels of prime minister netanyahu describing how much since latest these 5 proposals delusional. how serious do you think they are about negotiating the is released at the end of the day here to direct you to send to the negation to keitel previously. so i'm not sure what he can assist on disposition. he has to change course even for a short time. now, the proposal, so just did buy from us. but what no one expects, nothing. yeah,
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jose is perfect. of course he wouldn't. he wouldn't eject the dies in prison. but the issue is, at least he's something that's the big issue. the issue is how much you would give them monday. and the 2nd issue. but the secret of this proposal is changing the status, quoting because i think that's what makes that then you know, how would it because we're drawing any kind of the troops and because that is changing the start the school and training the start, the school does not cope the, is there a department is that under put ation? i'm going to open it. so but although this, this is, you know, seems and you know and accept the worries. but this isn't the only opportunity on the tape, but by many comes and says that the negotiations continue, the national community or parents, they wanted this location to continue because they cannot handle the motor. pushed out internally because it was yeah, picking up on that and i said internally, domestically within israel, i mean we see massive protests. we can we count that then will protest this evening cooling for nursing. you all to go for that to be fresh elections. how long can nothing, you know,
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which done that sort of pressure he's benefiting from the division with the politics it seems to allow their voices to today is on favor of the war. and that is what helps time so far. but then in reality is the other front also is a strong because they have the support of international community. so it seems to me that this an y'all is a trying to find the formula find, you know, an, an in the results which can make him at least present some sort of victory to the popular so far. he does not have this and had, and that's the reason why he promoted this division. tried to say that, you know, the only way is to go ahead is the water and the war and the war. and i to me, it doesn't seem that there's something in hand in his on now. so he can present and needs to sort any kind of a cease fire sooner than later. okay. okay. my dreams wary the director of golf
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study sunset campaign. thank you. 5 members of pockets, don, security forces have been killed during an attack on a ministry post near the ask on buddha, the pockets donnie ami said 6 attack is dr. vehicle packed with explosives into the ministry based on the northwest. moving a 1000 soldiers was also injured, has been more sporadic street fighting in haiti's capital, puerto prince, as the outgoing prime minister ariel henry's office, extended an overnight coffee to sunday negotiations for transitional governing body . also on the way, which would allow for the deployment of kenyan police and one person who has not been allowed to take part in those talks. is jimmy sherry's? yeah. he's one of haiti's most powerful gang need is. he's called out, is there, he's ready to escalate his bias against the countries. institutions course follows weeks of silence, which have triggered ation monitoring crisis. john holman reports from the sounds
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of domingo in neighboring dominican republic. i hate see of the use of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to it's not the police in control but hates his own troop violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy. ca, nick named bobby cute, a former police officer whose coalition bruce boss, why you support the prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister audio on right. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, kelly comb, trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up of the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister and the roadmap for elections. but should easy a token $12.00 to 0, rejected that council will clear it up because of we're not going to recognize the
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decisions that carol contacts going to say to the traditional politicians that are sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hate to have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country, but politicians too. well some political groups of putting names fluid for the account. so seeing is a way outs hates his current power. vacuum should easy, i says he wants revolution love, you've also now find will into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the country's wealth us is not snow idle threat gains control more than 80 percent pull to print right now. once the transitional government is in place that could paved the way for a multinational police force on the ground in haiti, funded by the us in canada, can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead to easy on surprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of kenyans. and
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heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pull neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government, the loss control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to save things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction to the games and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually come together in an alliance school vba on some late to try and prevent this for him. police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. hines for the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. and what is a largely lula state joan home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, human rights groups have criticize the democratic republic of comb,
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guys reinstating the death penalty. the government says it wants to detach people for from working with the m 23, which is the group operating in the east. victoria gate and they have support. i think it's just the people taking the news that the government is lifting a 21 year moratorium on death penalty executions hoping to do to come the lease from working with m. 23 flights as long as on the left hand side. so it's a good decision to bring back to the death penalty because it means they'll be no more treason in our country. the conflict in the d o. c has been going on for years, but in 2022 to rebel groups, joint forces to launch in new offensive. the rapid advance in north tv provence has led to accusations the soldiers are collaborating with m. 23 flights as members of the army as well as politicians and business leaders have been arrested the most and no money to death penalty is acceptable because we have to stop people between
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our country. they do it for money and it's not good. the u. n. says almost 8000000 people have been displaced and one of the world's largest humanitarian crises, human rights group, say reinstating capital punishment will not stabilize the country. i'm in to your move out of the model of the government of the democratic republic of congo has just violated its international commitments to protect human rights. but at the same time, it's also violating the constitution. article. $61.00 prohibits the application of the death penalty since 2003 death sentences in the d. o. c has been committed to life imprisonment. now report suggests the government is planning public executions . the soldiers convicted of treason, victoria gates, and b. l. g 0. gracious president has announced a surprise runs a prime minister only hours, often announcing a poem entry elections. april around milano,
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which is decision has attracted criticism from constitutional experts who say he con, gone for prime minister before was on the as president. a lot of age says he will resign as president of to the election to a quote in hong kong, a sentence. 12 people to prison for that role in the 2019 i'm think government process hundreds of protest. this went into the legislative council building, not yet the facing pictures in smashing furniture. the quote 100000 jail terms ranging from 4 and a half to nearly 7 years. and the outcomes have set up charitable donations to help those who cannot afford proper meals because of a lack of sufficient levels of age. b, u, and estimates. 2 thirds of the population require humanitarian assistance out from those discounts every day. life is still a struggle, as osama been debated reports from couple people in now marketing ramadan, the 3rd time said yeah,
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under the tell about the final preparations before serving hundreds of if thought meals at doubles of the rough on. most more people gotten there every day. to break their costs, it's because of improve security that people have been fairly got to uprising poverty means more people need handouts this ramadan is that the top out? um, that would be nice. since this is the month of compression, muslims should lend a hand. poverty exists in the nation with a daily efforts were unable to the to 1000 individuals. yet every day, the number of visitors increases. after the collapse of the republic, much of the for the assistance is going to local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole of the month plan the i got sort of the problems that something i put out there also. and we provide these meals for more than a 1000 jobless and poor people every day. we want everyone who can afford to, to give charity. it's like to take part and to prepare if to our meals. and because it has great virtue, a shopkeeper, say,
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despite the hardships that are more people to see it, the found a bond which calls itself the is nomic. emerett has one business owners to refrain from price, sikes and hoarding. is it the done of these? i'm a limited of abundance done to go over to drop list and pull it to your effective life here. but after decades of war and conflict of guns have learned how to persevere, a lot of fun is a lot of contrasts, whining that is found in poverty. there are also those who live comforted lives, and every passing drama done many are increasing. they're trying to look locally, she's moving into, i'm somewhat by my mother, most of our friends and our countryman, our need. we send money to those will far away and provide food packages to people who are close by. the number of people in need has increased by 30 to 40 percent compared to previous e. s. and lots of fund can testify to that poverty. he drives the really bad around town, which have the purchase,
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any money on the phone to break our fast. we only had war 2 dodger day. we have some bread now. after 8 years without assistance, i want the government to step in and help. no one can imagine how we are living our lives. also cannot afford to buy wood or purchase a he to. he doesn't understand that the current government isn't recognized by the world. aid is no longer arriving and that our banking restrictions on. i've got a son. like thousands of off guns. all he cares about is to put food on the table for his company. doing the for the month of ramadan. so i'm going to drive it down to 0. so head on out, is there a resisting as well as occupation with us? we meet the fear so also smell followed westbank, who are inspiring people to raise their voices. and in sports of pain in the next the goal swell. number one, gives his wife was a challenge of play as the
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when the alarms go off at the new terms of the neighborhood. on the outskirts of 3 young men, women and children, rushes with sticks and stones. the 5 year old jenny, this is there living in fear flow. mika ford is the only way we can defend ourselves from thieves, because we can't carry guns. we have whistles in alarms to scare them away in this already violated city. an unprecedented new crime wave has residents and the forward is alarmed and police is because of this. illegal miners and peruvian gangs have allied with wonderful up in america's most powerful criminal organizations. and then this will and bring that out what they're trying to control. the country's largest go deposits in the last week. the battle the book, dust s built into to see you, homicides, kidnappings. extortion. any one is the target, the state governor. since the government, the name has not given him details of the security plan for this region, and the residents are angry. they have not yet seen the army or police securing the city,
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or the the type of default here center. thank you very much. meanwhile, us open champion cocoa golf has missed out on the 1st appears in the final at indian wells. the american was beaten by muddy secaria and 3 sets. golf save 3 match points and the 2nd set against her greek opponent and the match went to a subset. but after almost 3 hours of play, secaria took, we've decided $6.00 to $2.00. now just one went away from her 1st tournament, fixed rate of the season. this is one of the biggest titles to when the outside of
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the major championships, waiting for the car and the final is walled number one, a guest by tech a. she overpowered ukraine's marked of course, to get in there semi final. before time class, i'm champion is yet to drop, assess and determine the publish it play. it beats a car in the 2022 in june. well, fine. just as detailed, prepared to continue the defense of their english as a comp title, with the quotes of final tie against new causal cities still have a chance of winning 3 trophies last season. city secure the premier league f a cup and champions each and once again, the well placed an o 3 competitions on friday, city were thrown against rail madrid and the last 8 of the champions league phase, or how much he does always has a different ton. so nobody can deny it. so is that an exceptional club in this competition control many things for the experience that they've got in
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the past. so we, we make the use of steps, steps, and then this is it. so it's pretty so difficult and like will happen in the last season. libby, moment for them will be moment for us all before the team could become the 1st side in f, a cup history to reach 6 consecutive semi finals on sunday. manchester united take on live a pool off the 2 months of injury programs that live a full mandatory organ crop, says egyptian. forward mohammed fella is back to full fitness. exceptional guide, the cost player and as how we how we dealt with altitude is unbelievable. unbelievable. the device did really well, but it's better to have him around and on the pitch then just in dressing room from games. i'll pick it an artist, there's definitely hand. i think my sister not that live a pool. that's always a big game,
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but especially you months in school at the final effective. and we're really looking forward especially. okay. absolutely. for manchester, united leg castiano, and although it has hits yet, another goal scoring lemma is penalty was he's 50 is a goal for on the fence if you see a one when over 80. but on the so still trail side of the pro need leaders and one by 9 point the us open title hold a windham clock, a has taken a full shortly. the ad the house was stage of the plays championship. they to so some big names of struggling in florida. well, number one, scottish, if there was a contending with a neck injury, while moments like this were all to f o roy mcelroy as he slipped 8 shots of the pay off his out in front on 14, on the part of the 2nd consecutive round of 65 and the condone captioning
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made history and mccaul, isaac became the 1st player to shoot the 59 on the asian tool in ego, on the final hole. cisco is his place in the record books. he's leaving the tournament to after 3 rounds on 18 on the effects of player the years. and one of the nfl phrases as a defensive plays the donald has announced his retirement. it's too old. they'll send you. these rams star was named unique, defensive, say of the year on 3 occasions. told was part of the runs team that, that one, the super bowl in 2022. and that's what it's built for me, a 100 bucks, a 1000000 to think center. now palestinians living in the janine refugee camp often described that as little gaza for decades as well, has carried out strikes, targeted killings and demolitions in the area. some people find box,
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but there is that the freedom to say there are other ways to resist and to present policy invoices save the same as one of the reports from the janine refugee camp and occupied with janine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions. taking up weapons against israel, the scene of uprisings, error strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war. at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee. actor say they are trying to find, you know, challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of this really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time,
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from the day one was an international not place everybody from everywhere. all that religions exist in general. is that even palestine today we're not saying that we want to live alone as a, but a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity and that is coming. so not all of that to a message of unity from a refugee camp. israel is trying to tear apart. this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that you need, has you usually think armed posting and fighters? you think of violent is really military, or you never think comedy club. he's really army his rated and detained, even killed. several theater members ransacked the place meant for expression, creativity,
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healing and how those here say the best way to fight back is through their art after one of the largest is really rates in years. last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped out to see see it that as we started, people coming out of the balconies and they set the throwing candy. they started to store rice on us as a celebration of us in the middle of the morning. they were crazy, something to celebrate their big city. after 4 days of complete federal an example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show a side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route. the
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o g 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied west back. okay, that's it for me my, the insights of this new file. it's irene will be here in just a moment. the pod came in to be used as the i of the suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to you. the story on talk to how does era african narrative from african perspective to base on the window from us to short
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documentary spine for teen filmmakers. and that's going to be the pressure full for the taste of the sun from not a gas car and foot phone from new series of africa direct on out, just seeing how believe that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be and behaviorally sophisticated, they are how complex they are and you have to put them into a gauge doctor. we should like to and keep them all their life. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking that if i have a degree, if i look into a research institution or
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a university and best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. let us don't claim that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do. we exploit the israel, kills more palestinian women and children. and yet another assault on the civilian homes at a refugee camp in central gods on several generations wiped out in the late night, attacked by is really forces. 36 members of one family were killed. the, you're watching all to 0 life from the headquarters in delphi and getting, you know, bouquets also
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a heads. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size, big. the reality facing dogs as children where


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