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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm AST

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i'm best place to understand the macbooks and so if we do continue with animal experimentation, let's be aware of the impacts of 5 actions. that desktop theme that we don't harm. we don't tucked, we do, we exploit the israel, kills more palestinian women and children. and yet another assault on the civilian homes at a refugee camp in central gas on several generations wiped out in the late night, attacked by is really forces. 36 members of one family were killed. the, you're watching all to 0 life from the headquarters in delphi and getting, you know, bouquets also a heads. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size,
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big the reality facing dogs as children where a man made from him is taken homework. plus they become positive what the, when he says, well largest displacement crisis. we're in a refugee camp on the south. so these border warehouse and 1000000 people have flooded the conflict in so don, also be the son of god. just spending this 3rd dramas on, under the, is really are strikes of killed $63.00 palestinians and wounded another, a $112.00, and the past 24 hours and gaza. the site at the refugee camp in central garza has been targeted again. at least 7 people were killed. one is really showing had a house and become several others were injured and not strike. and in another
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attack, at least 36 people were killed. most of the victims were women and children. the dad's an injured had been taken to an upstart hospital is really forces have now killed more than 31500 palestinians and a 161 days of war destroying much of the gaza strip. well, in northern garza and is really yours, dr. destroyed a 7 story building in the neighborhood. and garza city. dozens of people are believed to be trapped under the rubble. survivors say at least 7 displaced. families were sheltering in the building at the time. we have others heroes thought adviser, who's joining us on the phone from southern gaza. so thought it tell us about the aftermath of these is, are in the air strikes as well, reporting the entire families are being killed in life towns, i guess there. and in fact, day by day, day and night is pretty unrelenting some button and continued to claim the lives of civilians, of course,
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the territory. and we have been also seeing how much the cost of creation is what is really trying to do to put on the middle areas of the construct bar. and as i rock refugee camp had been widely type is what you're trying to just cost to you have a destroy the residential house, clean, 36 palestinians from the same family in today. earlier, it had renewed military attack on the same refugee camp, which is very densely populated, at least have been posted. he has hyper reported kills whilst, and others being voided and the majority of those injuries have been transported to the hospital. that is fairly functional right now, but also we have been seeing key access moving forward. it gets really ministry survey of this. it turns on fine to jump from this kind of golf. i can use i c t word the button continue on the according to the palestinian minister. go through. i'm by how much government here they had been stating that 6 to 3 times 10 years have been killed in the past. the 24 hours when 102 others have been injured and
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this is these numbers continue to rise. specifically, despite the it's very ongoing claims that they are taking the ultimate rico sions in order to avoid casualties amongst the don't use the home will have been killed in the past 24 hours. the majority of them were children, pregnant women, and also as the people were these houses being completely targeted without any pre a warning 3 and thought it to you update us on the situation in the north of the gaza strip and what's happening there as well. the situation is really just push the button and confrontations between cos militants and also these really a so just continued and at the same time, the human target after the house b, calling in light of the ongoing restrictions being imposed and placed by the as well. many people yesterday or the one of the ships that had been loaded with the humanitarian aid, had gone to one of the areas on the coast to line of the turret tree. and it packed
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offloaded majority of the loads it's had contained. the date has been also deliver it to the world. sion of food uh generally have warehouses in these areas to now these h to not do that, i have not been yet disputed, as i understand, are still waiting for further slow the humanitarian access to instruct you to wp aggravating being upsetting prices. but at the same time pump put in the air coping and mary todd cory. those cannot be proficient alternatives to a to, to be a good ratings. humanitarian crisis, but they are calling for more of the human to terry intrigues outlaw. i'm calling source to reach to the district. there is but with on the bottom and there's a full collapse in security in fact. okay, thank you. thought it was on reporting for us from the south of the gaza strip. thought it. thank you. so many countries, a voice they're concerned about that is really government's approval of plants for a ground invasion of stuff. about one and
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a half 1000000 palestinians are seeking shelter there and the city is struggling to cope with the influx of displaced families. it was home to an estimate of 275000 people before the war. the us sector of state and city blinking. so as israel needs to present a clear and workable plan to relocate civilians before and very think it off, off the present in 5 minutes. been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm ministers that have been displaced from other parts of gaza. we have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get the civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, there appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan a menu and says that the humanitarian situation in gaza is beyond the catastrophic palestine is representative for the us population fund has just ended
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a week long visit to the strip. and he highlighted the impact of the conflict on pregnant women and babies. gabriel is also reports from the un headquarters in new york. the u. n. team that recently visited guys a was focused on the effects of israel's bombardment of gaza on hospitals. but for dominic alan from the human population fund, he was particularly focused on maternity wards. and he told us what he saw at the m a rock. the hospital was deeply disturbing. the doctor's reporting that they no longer see normal size baby noble this they have not seen a normal size video. stephen. what they do see though, a subject a small still bump this most still born babies in mon, neo natal that's. alan said there is. ready clear evidence of babies being born malnourished, emergency cases that they're dealing with over. ready and they, there are 5 delivery rooms in the amount, the hospital and the mid,
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one of the midwife that we might use to drop 2 minutes of a time because the stuff is still overwhelmed with these many $70.00 a 70 something regular. this and 10 to 12 c sections, they are so overburdened by the, the delivery rooms and the rotations that they have with the, with the women's who are in the women who are in the last stages of a book. and then when midwife, we probably won't be giving birth on the floor gabriel's onto. i'll just see it at united nations in new york. israel is relentless. bombardment has devastated does as health care system more than 77800 people have been injured since the onset of the military campaign in october. only 6 of the strips $36.00 hospitals are functioning and only partially. the health ministry is recorded and 1000000 cases of infectious diseases. i'm more than a quarter of guys us 2300000 residents are on the brink of famine. unicef estimates
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that in northern gaza, $1.00 and $3.00 children younger than 2, is malnourished. that's a number that's doubled since january jane smith is a british doctor who travel to gauze out between december and january. he told us what he saw. the health system collapsed in gaza back in late october of 2023. and it hasn't recovered since then. and that's because the supplies, the resources and the, the specialist staffing and so when required, have either not entered into gaza or west or west such sort of commodities and resources have been made available. and it's impossible for people to work in a context of such extreme violence and even security. but the hospital is barely able to cope. i heard from mccully yesterday, who wrote a very short message to me, and he simply said, the situation is catastrophic. um they have very,
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very limited means to provide cad to patients and patients are presenting with some of the most horrific trauma related injuries and also non trauma related health care problems that i have ever seen. we would see the children and adults on a, on a daily basis, often multiple times a day with a severe multi trauma related injuries. often children with traumatic computations of, of more than one lame children and adults with terrific full sickness bands. and all of these trauma related injuries require prolonged specialist k, which simply isn't available at the current time. at the same time, we were seeing hundreds of children presenting to the pediatric department every day. this was back in early january children with diarrhea, illnesses complex for surgery problems,
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and all sorts of conditions that again require immediate medical intervention. the well, every day, hundreds of people from some don are making their way to neighboring cells to dawn in search of safety. they went estimates that more than half a 1000000, so then the use of arrived since the conflict between the army and the parent military rock and support forces began last year. many come to the board, a ton of rank where the un run friends at counts are struggling to accommodate new arrivals. conflicts is also killed. thousands on displaced millions more. and there's not them lab reports from rank. many of the people arriving there. i've been displaced multiple times, with nowhere less to run many as a faithful here. that's a run for their lives several times since the dawn civil broke out to most a year ago. some of them originate from c don's capital cost to other cities where
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the fighting begun. they thought simply, time and time again. any of the people arriving here before that in many pause to see don conditions that become on livable either that running from violence found themselves trying to survive in places which have been cut off from food supplies and medical supplies. so they made the difficult decision to head south the rank in south sea don arriving at this transit center, which the moment has 5 times the number of people staying as its capacity and the people here were joining more than half a 1000000 of arrived in south sea dawn in the last 11 months, some of them to see the needs of those, the south sea denise who slept complex. p as in previous yes, they've become positive. what the un says is now the welds largest displacement crisis. and malcolm lab out as the rest rank south seat on human rights groups have
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criticized the democratic republic of congo for reinstating the death penalty. the government says at once to detract people from working with m. $23.00, an armed group operating in the east victoria gate and the reports congestive people taking the news that the government is lifting a 21 year moratorium on death penalty executions. hoping to to come the lease from working with m. 23 flights as long as on the pendulum, almost, i'd say it's a good decision to bring back the death penalty because it means they'll be no more treason in our country. the conflict in the d o. c has been going on for years, but in 2022 to revel groups joint forces to launch in new offensive to the rapid advance in north tv, provence has led to accusations. the soldiers are collaborating with m. 23 flights as members of the army. as well as politicians and business leaders have been
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arrested that the most and no model the death penalty is acceptable because we have to stop people between our country. they do it for money and it's not good. the u. n says almost 8000000 people have been displaced in one of the world's largest humanitarian crises. human rights groups say reinstating capital punishment will not stabilize the country and then thought your move out of the month deluxe. if you take the government of the democratic republic of congo has just violated its international commitments to protect human rights. but at the same time, it's also violating the constitution. article $61.00 prohibits the application of the death penalty. since 2003 death sentences in the d o. c has been committed to life imprisonment. now report suggest the government is planning public executions . the soldiers convicted of treason, victoria gates and b l g 0. still ahead on alpha 0. find out why 12 people have
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been sent to prison in hong kong, and what it means for the cities pro democracy movement and resisting israel's occupation with parts. we meet the theater artist and the occupied westbank for a fire and people to raise their voices the . the end of time when is that? that's right. now the next thing that's about what is the return of the lord jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those to the us is event jellicoe christie and exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try to if you have just read the book in the process, praying for armageddon, episode one, the just injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't
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something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand in a simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days at the will. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man, best produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the the
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here's a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera, this, our, the is where the army has carried out. attacks across gaza, at least 36 people were killed. officer found the home there on the site as refugee camp was targeted. the conflict and so don is forcing nearly 1500 people to cross the border into south. so dawn, every day, un run transit camps and the board in china rank are struggling to accommodate the number of arrivals. there has been more sporadic street fighting and haiti's capital. porto prince of the outgoing prime minister are jo on res office, extended an overnight curfew to sunday. negotiations for a transitional and governing body are still under way, which would allow for the deployment of kennedy and police and hate see the many or expressing frustration about the slow pace of negotiations. but one person who has not been allowed to take part in those talks and jimmy cherry, c a, one of haiti's most powerful gang leaders. he's told alger 0,
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he's ready to escalate this fight against the countries. institutions, john, home and reports on santo domingo in the neighboring dominican republic. and the hate seat of to day use of relative calm looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to it's not the police in control, but hates these ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy ca, nickname barbecue, a former police officer whose coalition bruce boss, why you support the prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister audio on right. now the united states and countries in the caribbean, covey comb trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up with the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister and the roadmap for elections. the easy a token, 12 to 0,
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rejected that count. so we'll clear it up because we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to cite to the traditional politicians that is sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hate to have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups are putting names fluids for the count. so seeing is a way out of hate these current power q should easy. i says he wants revolution. let me know if you've also now find people into another phase to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the country's wealth is and that's no idle threat. gains control more than 80 percent pull to print right now. once a transitional government is in place that could paved the way for multinational police force on the ground in haiti, funded by the us in canada,
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can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead to easy a unsurprisingly project start to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of kenyans. and heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pull neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government, the loss control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to save things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction to the games and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually comes together in an alliance school vba on some like to try and prevent this forum, police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the games. hines for the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account. and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic,
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5 members of pockets on security forces have been killed during an attack on a military post near the off gun border park standing army said 6 attackers drove a vehicle packed with explosives into the military base. and the northwest, more than a dozen soldiers were also injured. no group has officially claimed responsibility to india's election committee has announced the dates for this year is general election. nearly a 1000000000 people are registered to vote in the poll, which will take place in 7 phases. from april to june, the controversies about the funding of political parties under pointing look for commissioners prime minister in the river moody a seeking a 3rd term. according to hong kong has sentenced 12 people to prison in their role and the 2019 anti government protests. hundreds are protest, her swarmed into the legislative council building that year. the facing pictures
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and smashing furniture and the court hands of down jail terms ranging from 4 and a half to nearly 7 years. many of guns have setup charitable donations to help those who cannot afford proper meals because of a lot of sufficient levels of aid that you estimates. 2 thirds of the population require humanitarian assistance, or some have been job age reports from couple final preparations before serving hundreds of if thought meals at doubles of the rough on most more people gather every day to break their costs. it's because of improve security that people can freely gather advising poverty means more people need handouts. this from the top out. um that would be nice. since this is the month of compression, muslims should lend a hand. poverty exists in the nation with a daily efforts were unable to the to 1000 individuals. yet every day, the number of visitors increases. after the collapse of the republic,
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much of the for the assistance is gone. so local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole of the month. find the, i guess what are the problems that something to put out. and also when we provide these meals for more than a 1000, jobless, and for people every day, we want everyone who can afford to, to give charity. it's like to take part and to prepare it to our meals. and because it has great virtue of mind, the shopkeeper said, despite the hardships that are more people to see it, the fall upon which calls itself is not me. cameras has one business owners to refrain from price, sikes and hoarding. is it the done of these? i'm a limited of abundance done, to go over to drop list and pull it to your effective life here. but after decades of war and conflict of guns have learned how to persevere, a lot of fun is a lot of contrasts. why there is comp and poverty. there are also those who live comforted lives in every pos and drama done. many are increasing. they're trying to look locally. she's moving into, i'm somewhat by my mother,
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most of our friends and our countryman, our need. we send money to those will far away and provide food packages to people who are close by. the number of people in need has increased by 30 to 40 percent compared to previous e. s. and lots of fund can testify to that poverty. he drives a really bad around town which have the factors, any money, without i phone to break our fast. we only had what, $2.00 a day. we have some bread now export after 8 years without assistance. i want the government to step in and help. no one can imagine how we are living our lives also can not afford to buy wood or purchase a he to. he doesn't understand that the current government isn't recognized by the world. aid is no longer arriving and that our banking restrictions on. i've got a son, like thousands of off guns. all he cares about is to put food on the table for his comedy. during the whole, the month of ramadan. some of them driving down to 0 cop palestinians,
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living in the g need refugee camp often describe it as little, gaza for decades. israel is carried out era strikes, targeted killings and demolitions in the area. and some people fight back. but those at the freedom theatre say there are other ways to resist and to preserve policy and invoices. same as for avi, met them at the janine refugee account. the janine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions, taking up weapons against israel. the scene of uprising air strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee, actor say they are trying to find, you know, about challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating
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a sanctuary in the midst of this really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time from the day one was an international not a place. everybody from everywhere, all the religions exist in general, is that even palestine? today we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a senior, but his son is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity, and that is coming. so not all of that to a message of unity from a refugee camp. israel is trying to tear apart to this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that you need, has you usually think armed, posting in fighters, you think of violent is really military. you never think comedy club. he's really army has rated and detained, even killed. several theater members ransacked the place meant for expression,
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creativity, healing and how those here say the best way to fight back is through their art after one of the largest is really rates in years. last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped up to the c. a said as you start to people coming out of the balconies. and this set the throwing candy. they start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us in the mid morning. the recruit. something to celebrate their big city. after for these companies that are an example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show a side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity,
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actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route. the o g 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank as the weather is next, then it's inside story. thanks for watching the hello. we're making the most of somewhat dry weather for the time for the time being. it's not going to last. we do have another weather system pushing its way for you, so this is going to bring yet more rain, sleet and snow into the fall. north of japan is just easing out to the northeast of china. it'll trundle its way. what's the far east? the frustrating to say that we guy that smoke coming back into her card. i was a web of that once again across the good parts of the home. she sheltered by the mountains, i suspect took this thing dry. i'm fine for the most part,
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the type of just getting up to 21 celsius. cold winds talking as we go through monday, little more snow there. across the west and paso ponds. you. 15 celsius, the full tucker. it'll be 152 full paging lousy, fine hands right here, but southern china tend to increase the west as we go through the next couple of days. it does increase. we went to across the northeast of india, anywhere from around a 100 profession. pushing across towards the west, bengal could catch a shower, would say something i wanted to run by some orange warnings in force. here. the north and west of these 10 retry, and that is the case to into good part of focused on southern parts of the ripened financial state. fine and dry. just like just some shells cropping up across saudi arabia's. it go through sunday, but take a look at monday. rain slate. i'm smo terminal. ask like a narrative from african perspective to base on the window for
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a much too short documentary spot for teen filmmakers. and that's going to be the one question full for the taste of the sun from madagascar and foot phone from the new series of africa direct on our poaching is running for fits to them and rushes presidential election. the war and ukraine is entering. it stood, yeah, not home, he's accused of cracking down on political opponents. so what, what another 6, he is a puts in mean for russia. this is inside story. the .


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