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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm AST

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whatever has been done before can be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the israel kills mole, palestinian women, and children. and yet another assaults on civilian homes that a refugee camp in central casa, the i, money inside. this is all just there in life from jo. how or so coming up? several generations wind down in a late night attack, spies, ready forces. 36 members of one family were killed. they become positive. you, when he says he's now as well as displacement prices are in
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a refugee camp on the south, evenings for the way. how many and people have left the conflict in some don plus some of the jobs that they've done on the new out of guns or spending this 3rd drama done under the we start with the latest devastation in central garza where and is there any attack on a family home has killed at least 36 people. the island is there is refugee camp has come on to an intense foaming campaign. and the last few hours, at least 7 people were killed and several others injured, the victoria gates and the reports. generations of the same family wiped out in and is really strong needed over victims with women and children outside the move got o acts of course was to
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a truck arrives to collect the bodies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the to back the family will kills these radio strike targeted this home near the island . is there a refugee camp? witnesses say it happened late at night? i remember. yeah, this is now that we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and breaks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is, is really war on women and children. the guy is that exactly 11 41 pm. we heard what felt like in north quite. it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those who were inside. old to neighbors say they live in constant fear of move is really a tax for the the whole world is watching. those be slaughtered by these release.
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all they can do was drop some food. you don't want your food, you want the water to stop. so the innocent children can have a life a how is after the attack, the on the 0 at refugee camp was talking to the game with the injured being brought here to l. x a hospital and an asteroid has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble. these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocent skills by the overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l g 0. okay, let's go down to there as part of the law. is there a mutual interest on the phone from southern gaza tarik? tell us about these latest attacks that have hit various spots of gaza of nights is where the forces apparently targeting areas near the news there and come yes um
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these very military in fact has been escaping up its military attacks against very densely populated areas that are full of the factories of such as well as i may have been feeling that you have been draining the styling on a set of rock refugee camp board yesterday of a noise at $36.00. but i was thinking and have been completely killed as 4 story building they were living in find out can be reduced to the russell. the s t y kept cost clean devastation of the site. the entire region, as there are also business and casualties have been reported. and also in the past a few hours the are more s choice or the to a few decals. one of the latest had targeted regulatory shrew land where the result in a casualties have been reported. and additionally, another strike that talking to the residential building, that full of people for southern palestinians have to reported killed welton. others are still really wounded and right not receiving the treatment and locks the
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hospital, the ongoing compartment to cause creed destruction in the entire region as the owner will have been stating that the destruction, of course, the gall just stripped because of the it's very ongoing bombardment has created nearly 20 feet 1000000 tons of good for you. it's 40 t as in order to be treated and mainly houses the schools clinics and civilian infrastructure have been well impacted due to the ongoing, inside the military campaign. to now have to kill them to c $1000.00 palestinians since october, the southern. as you say to eric as the months we've been talking about the hospitals and medical facilities and how that badly functioning in lights of that do, do we know how they're coping with this latest influx of engine people? yes, we are. we are working beyond the own capacities, the situation sounds really dollar for them as they are suffering from a very see the shortage of medical supplies for are talking about only a few hospitals are still remaining operational. so now specifically because more
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than 2 thirds of got hospitals and clinics have become out to service because of the is the ongoing bombardment on the side of the ongoing openings that have been carried out in the areas of operations. not for example, here in we are talking about only 3 hospitals that are providing medical treatment for more than 1900000 if activities and this is absolutely insane. the capacity in the majority of those hospitals are completely full. and also there is much pressure on medical workers to keep other rating in terms of the very, the close of salaries and the different types of medical supplies in light of the own giving scripts of diseases, especially especially among children, pregnant women and, and sadly, it's hard as we know, the situation and in the north is even worse than the situation in the south. have you received any updates on how to monetary and situation is there and how people
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are coping in ramadan? yes, people in fox, i say as we have be contacting them, but there's the key to people development in terms of the flow over here. many target aids for them as the humanitarian situation is, is going on die until now, because not much of the jobs was population of another part with the 2 or 3 are receiving much needed live savings the age till now because the majority is being transferred into from the laboratory doors are still restricted on other side that it's open and the recent mary tom, uh, can we do with aids that have been delivered to the goal is a strict could not be sufficient for people there were have been talking to a number of families and in the north describing that you have not eaten vigils or fruit since long months. somebody has absolutely terrifying they have been finding, finding nothing to eat or to break their forthwith into all the month of ramadan.
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which gives please find about how difficult is the situation is been facts in other parts of the territory. okay, thank you for that. sorry about doing that for us and southern gaza. so many countries have voice that concern about these rarely governments approval of plans for ground invasion on for offa, about $1500000.00 palestinians have sort shouts of the city struggling to cope with the influx of displaced families. it was home to an estimated 275000 people before the war. united nations has warned against any. is there any ministry offensive in rough or the spokesman for the un secretary general says he's hopeful that the reason negotiations will lead to a last thing ceasefire. i think the consequences of a ground operation in rough in the current circumstances would be catastrophic of for the people of gaza. for the palestinians. it would be catastrophic for the
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humanitarian situation. it would be catastrophic all around. we very much hope that all of this can be avoided. we understand there's negotiations or still going on. and we continue to hope that we will find that the parties will find a way to a cease fire in to ensure the greatest humanitarian access to ensure the release of all the hostages held by hamas and others in gaza. and frankly, to open up a way forward for the people of palestine, the people of israel. while the us actually have stay, anthony blinking says israel needs to be present with a clear and workable plan to relocate civilians before inviting rasa present in 5 minutes. been very clear that given the large number of civilians in, in rafa about 1400000, many of whom is the farm interests that have been displaced from other parts of
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gaza. we have to see a clear and implementable plan not only to get the civilians out of harm's way, but also to make sure that once out of his way, there appropriately cared for with shelter, with food, with medicine, with clothing. and we've not yet seen such a plan all, and is there any delegation is due to visit costs or to continue negotiations for the release of captives held in gaza? that is, despite prime minister benjamin netanyahu dismissing the latest cease fire plan proposed by homeless. the group says it once a 3 stage ceased by each stage for the last $42.00 days. in the 1st. is there any troops? would we to be on slide dean road? that's the main route linking the north and south. the strip law says that would allow displays people to return home, then how most once a permanency spied to be announced before it releases any caption soldiers off to that. it says when a female is ready, reserve is held captive and gaza in exchange for the palestinian prisoners,
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50 inmates for each captive. and then in the final stage, how much propose is the end of israel siege and the beginning of reconstruction efforts in gaza? that's getting more on this with more one discharge resolved. is there a senior political analyst, his life for us in paris, more on. so today we hit as well as sending a delegation to council for these more sees 5 talks, which are due to begin tomorrow. and this comes on the heels of prominence missing, you know, describing how much is latest sci fi proposal as the news? no. do you think as well as serious about negotiating? and i don't think it is. i think it's only trying to deflect pressure from the united states. i think the only dilution road uh party here is right. so i think it's gonna continue to use for some violence, massacre slaughters and people in order to achieve some, some form of domination in them. at least stop going to work. and i think the idea
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or the end game guys on the product to be impossible, please raise rarely. so each one that they do it or not, they're not destroying promises that when it can be more and more people under 1000 casualties. and mounting is right, it's become a general cybill states. it's dollar a month such inside of the government. astonishing doing. besides the war and the switching everyone started with this one to buy a back and forth negotiations, knowing going to well that it is at them. and to continue the war soon as the pauses depends. but i want, again, we've heard from the americans saying that russia is the red line. they, they won israel to attack, at least not while those 1000000 plus refugees and living the do using israel would cross america on this or is all of us just pull steering and i think it would cost to not to come in. it doesn't need to because is that is not
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going to be the plan with america especially for is nonsensical. it's home book, it's deflection. in the end of the day, every police adult person has a black and there will be a lot of times, missiles, remember that when the americans are complaining about these rounds land invasion back on the 2nd, 2nd week of october, i might as well do you mind me that sort of issue. and then that would very satisfied that, and they sat in on the one cabinet meetings in this right most vibrant i'm big. and what happened afterwards is i'd have to get to get just to be honest with people and gosh, sure, 2000 people the time to since then, check it. blinking has had a little bit of pressure, is that there's drugs going to be the shifting international humanitarian law. and what was the result? more of the same,
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still all sort of more cars. so this is really just which seemed everyone's sign with perfect and flexion. we direction, why is what continues to carry is for crimes and guess, i mean look at to do from some is be put every day. that's what people sometimes you don't have to sometimes to 100 people get. but is that why is was which takes time listening to the americans about this on that plan of delta plan and based on the some of the calls, none of it is really important in the face of the unraveling general decide every day in plain sight, on the tv screens in washington long and backs and my one, what about domestic pressure as against nursing? you know, to what extent is that a bothering him? because we see these massive protests, weekly, and as well by people quoting for new elections to get the captives out of comp
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tibbetts a how. how long can prime minister netanyahu put up with that indefinitely, as long as he has a strong 6564. the majority in parliament, his government, the question government was sent strong. it is a very strong spencer stood coordination of fanatics, infectious, who believes the only places empower, not in the off position. the last thing they're going to do is call another election regardless of goals for us in washington or london. i think it's starting to be there remains the case that they don't understand, such as personal political, the logical and criminal a future before handling the balance of maintaining this question is not that a supervisor is my dentist. joshua is not gonna listen to anyone but his going issue, and he will not listen to that segment of the population of the street that wants
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to change and go. okay, my one good to get your perspective again. mar, one, discharge. is there a senior political analyst for you? an agency for palestinian refugees has says, a headset, it will take years for garza to recover from the war on gaza. b is rarely bombardment of guns, has created nearly 23000000 tons of temporary civilian infrastructure, such as houses, schools, clinics, move in, totally destroyed. on russ says that the lives of, of a 2000000 people have been directly impacted as a public opinion. is there any non has been found dead in israel's actual prison? 26 year old. you might have moved your name and was previously affiliated with homeless but face still rest of the group for disobeying orders. is there any army arrested in so trying to enter the town of all the cab in southern israel. he's with the teams person. i'm 1st published and it is ready to die in is rainy custody?
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had on ours, is there a nation in time or on gangs room, the streets of ages, capital with the government, unable to control much of the country and find out why 12 people have been sent to prison in hong kong and what it means for the cities pro democracy the the hello, the weather is set fast for japan at the moment so it's just a brief low in some pretty poor conditions coming to know the positive the countries with going through the next comes as hard pressure that st. shots. but drawing in a southerly, waiting just around the eastern side of home, chase i to put in terms of the temperatures the next 24 hours. so cyber the system was going to make its way further. a system slowed coming into that eastern side of a russia dragging in more of
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a normally went into the west side of township. how does that this uh, sort of leeway in the hallways now slipping out into the mall just to $21.00 celsius. that tug, she was never really too far away to almost the race was fresh where it comes back in the wind swing round the mobile northwest lead direction 15 celsius in tokyo. and you see a fabulous note to know the pos of the country. but scholars across the cramp an inch, the northern china generally try uh, brightness and was especially right just coming back in for a time where whether they are across southern policy or trying to buy some heavy bus of ride on the cards. heavy wine continues across the good pots of innovation for the flooding concerns here in the coming days, further north and retry more of the west sunshine. and she was a bit corporate chavez too, until the east side of india over the next couple of days. but further north and west, it stays dry and settled the expo 2023 door
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a fascination or sign or join us and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the ha. watching out as a reminder about top stories, this, our health officials in gauze, i'd say is where he strikes to kill 63 palestinians in the past 24 hours on his
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errands. refugee camp has continued to be targeted in the last few hours. at least 7 people were killed and several inches. and now that is really a strike has destroyed a 7 story building in the out ramon neighborhood in gauze assessing july. the say at least 7 displaced families with sheltering in the building at the time every day, hundreds of people from dawn on making their way to neighboring south dawn in search of safety. the un estimates that move and half a 1000000 sudanese have arrived since the conflict between the army and the power ministry. rapid support forces began last year. when you come to the board, a town of rank with a you and run transit camp is struggling to accommodate new arrivals. now come with reports, a square in the transit gum, which was built nearly a year ago. it has a capacity for just over 3000 people, but there are more than 15000 people staying here at the moment. about 1500,
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more people arriving here in rank everyday. now with me is silva. i cafe from the you ends. refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the war is to dining opera. 2023. we have more than 600000. you arrive every 30, every few z, mostly they are the tell me who are so that, so somebody's coming back home, we have a daily drive, but 1500 and the starting from the sun. but we start to see a change in the trend where we start to see more of the fuse he's coming to seek safety in house to down. and what kinds of conditions that people playing from. of course it starts with the war because of the conflict is susanne. but also after that we notice when we talk to the people that they are doing like they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from her to me to my do i need to more than one places. so this plane 1st is to seek safety in another place
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. that's also the difficulty they are facing in the, for the security and other charges which make them also for the out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough help. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow forgotten the emergency was all what's happening around the globe nowadays, it's not uh, you know what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best, the human settings that are doing their best, the governments, ourselves to them. they were so supportive, they open the door for all of us that needs to seek asylum here and be in a few g. but still, the needs are massive. as you see that we have massive number of youth, any advocate, you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. and what's gonna happen to the people who arrive to they fled from what was a relatively stable and relatively ask the neighbors to one of the poorest countries on us. what's the future? yeah, unfortunately, even that he would say institutional himself. so don is not on the capacity is
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limited and for $3030.00 for the self. so then these because rank is drawn to the center. so they need to go to that or else origin. and this is what the human 2nd part of that are trying to assist for that if you g, if they don't need them to the system, they are free to go wherever they want. but if they want the system, they need to go to the pc camp or so 2 months where they were received. and it could be those bit of a system because in the sense of that sustains very limited. thank you. silver, a cafe, and the u. n. refugee agency is coordinating all of the planetary agents and you've got a terry and i just was working here in rank, facing in russia's presidential election has entered. it's 2nd, a lot of my patient is running for a face time and is guaranteed to win dosage by reports from us. again, this is where our russian president, vladimir put and is expected to spend the next 6 years while in office. his 5th presidential run is very much without any real competition. the political
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establishment here has made sure of that with opposition. figures either behind bars, living in exile or dead. you certain to be re elected for a 5th term will make him the longest serving russian leader, surpassing joseph stalin know, saturday is the 2nd day of voting and the 1st 24 hours when it pulls opens were very much without any major incidents. there was some reports of people dropping ink into the valid boxes to spoil those ballots. and also the countries ruling party, united, russia, or before to cyber attack, on their websites. but all in all, uh, there hasn't been any major disruptions according to the central election permissions. 38 percent of the russians that are eligible to vote have done so already. uh and uh, we expect that to continue throughout saturdays. now there are many photos polling stations here in the capital most go, we're going to go to want to see how people are voting. the women,
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there's nothing that it is, but in fact, i'm hoping for positive changes on the international field for the russian people. and to live in peace, diabetes, and as yeah, i'm hoping to disability a good future and your ability to that you were seeing. and if i just give the we are looking for good education in the future, economic prosperity and governmental support for larger families, which is the bar is set high for vladimir, put. this is a country up more isolated from the international community and facing unprecedented economic sanctions. but it's clear here that many russians believe the 71 year old ex k g b officer is still the best man to lead them through these to mount us times. door safari, alcera. moscow has been most sporadic street fighting and hazy scouts of porto friends as the outgoing prime minister ariel henry's office, extended an overnight coffee. in 2 sunday negotiations for transitional governing
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body is still on the way which would allow the deployment of canyon police to hasty . and one person who has not been allowed to take part in those talks is jimmy shows. yeah, he's one of he's, he's most powerful gang leaders. he's told al jazeera, he's ready to escalate his vice against the countries institutions. john holland reports from santo domingo in neighboring dominican republic. and the hate seat of the days of relative come looting. this is the guatemalan and so with building conflicts being run sacked, hospitals have been to it most of the kept to it's not the police in control, but hates these ultra violent games. this is the most visible leader, jimmy chevy ca, nickname barbecue, a former police officer whose coalition bruce boss, why you support the prince. it's a tech police stations and government buildings to successfully our prime minister audio on right. now the united states and countries in the caribbean,
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covey comb trading book, a pushing for a transitional council, made up with the country's political policies to appoint a new intern, prime minister, and the roadmap for elections to which it is a token $12.00 to 0. rejected that council will clear enough because we're not going to recognize the decisions that carol contacts going to site to the traditional politicians that is sitting down with carol. com. since they went with the families abroad. we who stayed and hazy have to take the decisions. it's not just people with guns who have damage to the country. the politicians too. well, some political groups are putting names fluids for the count. so seeing is a way out, hates his current power vacuum. today's he says he wants the revolution. love you, bye. so now finds will into another face to over throw the whole system, the system that is fine at the scene of people who control 95 percent of the country's wealth is not snow. idle threat gains control more than 80 percent pull
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to print right now. once a transitional government is in place that could paved the way for multinational police force from the ground, and haiti funded by the us in canada, can use president william brutal. i said that he's country will lead it to easy on surprisingly, projects that to it gives us the can the one i see the presence of kenyans. and heidi will be an irony because of the same people who gave weapons to people and pull neighborhoods to rise up against the form of government. then lost control of those groups and, and now appealing to a foreign force to save things. it does a mission that's filed in advance. it's a shame that william brutal has to go in that direction with the gains and never the less scared of it. the 2 main rival gang bolts in how you see the g 9 and the g pet of actually comes together in an alliance, could be the on some like to try and prevent this for him. police force coming into the country. they know it would challenge the patients of suffolk immensely at the
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games hines. but the power that they've accrued mean that they have to be taken into account and what is a largely low to stay on the home. and i would just say to the dominican republic, oh, would say in hong kong has sentence 12 people to prison for their role in the 2019 and seen government purchase or visit purchased the school and into the legislative council. building that yet facing pictures and smashing furniture, quote, towns of down jail terms, ranging from full and a hall to nearly 7 years. many ask gowns have sup, taxable donations, to help those who come to for proper meals, especially to break the dining room is on foss. you an estimates. 2 sides of the population requires humanitarian assistance for most outcomes every day. life is still a struggle. as osama bin jervey reports from the capital capital of the final
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preparations before serving hundreds of if thought meals at the doubles of the rough on most more people got there every day to break their costs. is because of improve security that people can freely gather uprising poverty means more people need handle this from a don is that the my was top out. i'm the american. since this is the month of compassion, muslims should lend a hand. poverty exists in the nation with a daily efforts were unable to beat a 1000 individuals. yet every day, the number of visitors increases. after the collapse of the republic, much of the for the assistance is gone for local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole of the month by the i guess the problem is that something i put out also and we provide these meals for more than a 1000 jobless and for people every day, we want everyone who can afford to, to give charities like to take part and to prepare if to our meals and because it has.


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