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tv   Witness Tunisias Fields of Resilience  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm AST

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but there is more to it than the image of war at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee, actor say they are trying to find, you know, challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of his really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time from the day one was an international, not it blaze. everybody from everywhere, all that religions exist in georgia, is that even palestine today, we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom and dignity, and that is coming. so not all of that. a message of unity from a refugee camp. israel is trying to tear apart to this place stands in stark
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contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. you usually think armed posting and fighters, you think of violent is really military. you never think comedy club. he's really army has rated and detained, even killed. several theater members ransacked to place meant for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. those here say the best way to fight back is through their art after one of the largest is really rates in years last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped out to see see it that as we started people said coming out of the balconies and they set to throw him. can they start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us? in the middle of morning, they were crazy,
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something to celebrate their big city. after 4 days of complete federal and example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show a side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route, the old to 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. and that's it from me, laura. kylie can find much more on our website. the sounds. is there a don't come and i'll be back with more news hale now to sarah of to witness the what constitutes exempt. so we generally talk you were saying,
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i want you to start with just the fence rose to what happened as independent. we won't be. i want, we don't, we don't have lead them in the policy of it's going to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefit knowing that was and services as claimant. and you're saying you're reports for that. i should just trust that unity often as i find the cool that used to produce outstanding jen. this them out as the integrity in the pursuit of truth. ready the
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. ready good thing is to tell anybody studies and i always had flash the
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the i lose my feed when hunting is done, my name is image that you're telling me you were to load and see at the last the other side, the 1st time you want the this is all
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this is the money coming up in the shop right now and then is your husband is your name renewed the address? let me get back with tech. i'm not sure how many people go with the web page up.
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the original m have the mary mary zimmer. the document curious here to give her i think a admission by somebody at the model to load up and then if i'm not getting into my head that a lot of english. ok, i see that there's that list in case the thought is cut off with the
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names when she becomes a student. now you may have something that will show no energy item that i gave you. sounds like the issue for an issue and then suddenly having somebody i know being would need to talk to me. see, i'm going to have to be done with such as the steel said, full suspicion. you have to choose the best. and there's so much the less than most, and i'm in, i'm and yet have destroyed, destroyed the
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like, it was getting on shift as if the what the, what have been to method in connecting to the type of response or the the, you know where the in
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the day when you some
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of the my asked the with you want to them in the region ready very high here in the did you any the the the the the the, the, the some are the p starting numbers a little heavier with the got the what the, the,
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the, the, the, the the, the, the, the new, the to the school had to give me the run around with the, since you've been the, the head of the. ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback ringback
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ringback ringback last time. ringback want to ask you to the you'd see i mean another party into smashing ship the be able to send a focused on a dining room. solar jeopardy, the huge huge decision is tucked in with a testament this way. we get the measurement. good timing. i'm gonna need the guy
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to be able to brush and there's the best method him to wish the mess with some of 19 the selling on the menu. that's what i'm talking about. option click tab of the the
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ship ship just the
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the heaviest, like have the freight literally should be to pick you up within a minute. a good time, you know, i guess the the, the the the the
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christmas and haven't invested enough play name with america and send me the i'm the associate with the somebody. i'm the chief decision. i don't want to get some people to get through. i have your good opening when i'm going aging and ones that have done are going to the
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the way to say you say, ha ha, ha ha, there may do that. say good, sure to a slow fall into so on the portal. so jump some color just so back to the shop. the use case of funky, i'm jumping in your, my phone trying to touch on wanted to send the singles, and she says the heck one indicates that interest you sent me to show. so she was one of those she and her monitor child support. this one is for the professional and it's a pleasure my them for that. the styling or have someone look on this. some people
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that shift the 5th of a long time with those hold on to 100 and after the tone and it's on the phone with the human. i'm sure you should have a little more time in the for the moment you go to the room for them. the guy telling me it is the
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of the oh no, no no, no, no the oh no. oh yeah. use the to the you the that the yeah. so that will be i, when the highest them a choice. now the best way to do so,
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and so what, what was the one in chief of something else i heard, which is one listener, but some have been to let me help you out. but we are so called extra my my, that the kind of the, what's the zip at the map who stopped and he is in the of us, it has been kind of my, the showed him how much the child i'm coming at home and how, how does the look of those years over what do you find is what are the but she might have that she didn't know. and the from this merger merge the different yeah . or not. and what we're doing is it a radical less menu then outcomes are represented the
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the, the harder to rebuild the, the
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. ready the boxes you might have the the ok, the so i'm
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in a different missions because they don't want to not specialist and then they have
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because of the the problem the problem the hey why most of the what's. 6 the name sions i had the, the, the that
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the middle of the, the send me the best out of the government i how many is that that. 7 that there's me or the carpet have to do now that i've got the service to the job and that's what i'm saying. that the right the news about a minute the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the one that you can use just to get the sunday. so i'll go back into the check of nick. it was the way i'm not sure it took a little show for tablets, show them that that got all my shoulder and i should think of a mess. you get the stores, but i'm not sure of the the resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs spread from the community screen, some curious affair. my life is finished. one city farmer, spouse to protect them. have to think about how we're going to, it's probably going to pay already before
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a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the new case. biggest city we over london grown witness on a jersey to the government to focus on says it's expending everyone who does not have legal documents. that means thousands of off guns, many who were born in park, a son must sleep, focused on the police did not trace us rise as scans were detained and forced to pay bribes near the border of the park. as on this account is ready to deal with tens of thousands of new arrivals. it's a difficult transition to leave everything behind and come to this country. this is just a staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of virgin inside of and many of guns will leave the exposure and because of pressure tactics pushed upon the bond government to kind of get people pockets on cost. cutters that like signing the bond carries out the tax inside focus on leadership is based in nevada
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. stuff focus on says the measures about the curve, and these are the migrants, waterford and some are involved in criminal activities. competition say, regardless of the legal status, people should be treated with respect the a full palestinian live shot says to is there any strikes target owners or a refuge account? and the 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours. the of them are carl, this is alison sarah. life from day also coming up. they've become part of what the un says is now as well as largest displacement crisis. we're in the refugee camp on
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the south took needs border last off a mini and people have fled to conflicts, and su, don brazil's, for my present chapel,


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