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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 16, 2024 9:00pm-10:00pm AST

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in palestine together, we are changing the well. one halts that's the time the, [000:00:00;00] the hello them or kyle, this is the news, our life from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes is where the strikes destroy more lives and gone. so at least 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours, 36 of them from one family and on the sarah refuge account. the x rays return to the streets to protest benjamin netanyahu, his handling of the will in gaza. they become positive,
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what the un says is now well largest displacement crisis who are in refugee comp themselves. so it needs both a warehouse, a 1000000 people have slept the conflict in suits on prussia. as former, i pressed them to be to meditate that cause protests of sabotaging pallet boxes. traces as the secondary presidential elections, coal tools to a close, and sport english captain harry cain makes history. in germany's top deficient strike your claims has 31st legal for byron munich, setting a new record for most schools in a day do bundle. you see the, it's 18 g m t, that's 8 pm and gone. so what health officials say is really strikes of killed 63 palestinians in the past 24 hours to his rightly strikes hours upon talk to the owners,
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the refugee comes in central garza so he's 6 members of the same family killed in the 1st strike. and at least 7 people were killed in the 2nd. victoria gave them the reports. generations of the same family wiped out in his really strength man needed over victims with women and children. outside the moon got o x, a hospital, a truck arrives to collect deputies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the to back be family will kills these. ready to strike targeted this home near the island? is there a refugee camp? witnesses say it happened late at night? i remember, yeah, this is now that we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and breaks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is. it is really war on women and children in this sort of
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the sub diet that exactly 1141 p. m. we heard what felt like in north quite. it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those who were inside wall to neighbors say they live in constant fear of move is really a tax for the photos. all in the, in the whole world is watching those be slaughtered by these release. all they can do was drop some food. you don't want your food, you want the water to stop so that innocent children can have a life a how is after the attack the on the 0 it refugee camp was talking to the game with the injured being brought here to l. x a hospital. and an asteroid has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble.
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these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocents can, is by the overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l. g. there were many countries, a voice that concerned about these rarely governments approval of plans for a ground invasion of rafa around $1500000.00 policy in some sort shelter that the city is struggling to cope with the influx of displaced families. it was home to an estimate of 275000 people before the war. or what do i as now head in this to you as telecom. it is the assistant professor of public policy at the institute for graduate studies. good to speak to you once again. time a. why do you think we're hearing so much about a ground invasion of rough up by the israelis at the moment? laura. and i think because without this, the invasion, these ladies would not have a complete, let's say,
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a probation of the minutes evicted. they have been committed to a, have a have announced on a couple of occasions that they wouldn't have that offer. and that's one 4th of how messes minutes. it could be beneficial, i've sent a dropbox and so they have to complete this. i mean, it would be so hard for them to send me out to back down and this. and it would be different as the actual victory for, for him. but the reality, i think of off the big question would have previous changed the stuff to school for him. mean, because we'll see how most minutes it forces us to, to put anything in occupied. the sort of thing. got us up now even in the north, even in the middle govern today. so that's the big thing. so it's, it's, i think it's about is equal now because it's, it's the goal. he declared he committed himself to this big goal. and now it's unfinished world for him. and the problem is that the americans also, i think most of us, they are in agreement with them that something has to pick this up a whether it's a pop should or the complete minute to a patient. we don't know if this one involve controlling the boat does with egypt for that it's
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a quarter old ad. but the americans are really worried about the human casualties of the humanitarian pulse of this operation. and they don't want to see the same conduct happening in what seemed like what's happening. know what's on the soft. i mean stuff to thousands. now we have half of the population that goes to the corner, then the cells, if, if the same context happens the same. but if the minutes a conduct, this would be maybe hundreds and tens of thousands more or more people get. cuz it does feel like the pressure from the us is ramping up on ness and yahoo from various causes. but do you think it's affecting any of the decisions that he's making? it's a, that's the big question though. i'm with not sure so far because over the last 6 months nothing has stopped nothing. you know, i mean the us have explicit expressed as concerns as what is many times, but because they have never threatened to use it. so the other way to leverage nothing. you always as is his way, you know, in doing,
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in this world context. so we don't know if to what extent the american off see us or if that of some of the red lines put in for him by the americans. this is you have to be seen down to say what the, someone's take come and what questions on the 8th situation in gone. so we've got the charter seat behind the 1st aid ship to which causes shoals saying it's finished unloading almost $200.00 tons of food. the ship arrived from the site for us on friday and what's the 1st test of a new maritime car? adult full aid deliveries to gaza delivery. it's just the fraction of the day the needs and goals are. that's according to humanitarian groups. it's still not clear how the supplies will be distributed across the strip you and says, see, and add drops and also a viable replacement to non deliveries which is mount as well. is restricting, i understand you and was of a moving farm and palestinians with desperate for aid say, trying to provide relief pro a maritime car doors knows enough of the number and then to send none of the we
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keep waiting for the aid. this is not a solution with a by shipple, by playing by yeah, we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children who drowned in the c 48 in meaning age of 8. and then in the see the, the situation is sorry about that. no one can imagine it. and the ship, even if it helps, will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of 8. and people are competing to take 8 from the shore, and each individual is trying to take as much as they can reach and throw us at drops of 8. and we run like dogs behind at drops throughout the nice, the living situation is very about. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us that is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce allowed us to have their type of what do you think of this maritime car adult? the lot of countries ends now. 8 organization seem to be getting behind, but doesn't most of the allow israel to continue its land siege and indeed the
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bombardment of the gaza strip. yes, of course. and again, it's as opposed to say, it's a fraction of what use to get them to have before i mean on daily basis. in a normal situation goes, i would say 500 trucks on databases to serve the 2300000 population. i mean with this, no, it's coming to the sea. i mean, the barely towards the trucks. so it's nothing, it's a drop of water in the ocean. and again, the question is why, i mean, when you have all these then crossings, the cheaper echo slides, you know, and the much faster and you know, and they can handle all these loads. so why to resort to these ineffective mixing isms on the longer on her and displacement to the next question. what is this for? is this preparing the space with something as the comm, like you know, so an adult to the new administrative governance arrangements to add to enter a date to bring it to us. or is this part of something the cook now, which we don't know about me? because visibility wise, this will not be that,
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but as the human it that it needs. but if it's part of something bigger, orchestra to buy, is it a in and some other countries to relieve his own from it, some responsibilities it's, it's economic responsiveness doesn't expire. and give it an offhand only in terms of security terms and conditions, because this is what this lady wants. they want someone to be able to have them from this button. but at the same time, to have an up at hand phone, the interpretation security wise and so on. this is on ethic when it comes to this because this will not address the thing, it's occupation. i mean, so where is where all of these companies going? this with this ben. yes, but a scene is that invited me for everything now. but if this comes up the cost again, of keeping them under the commission, i mean no to them. i mean, so this will not be feasible for, for a lot of questions surrounding it. so it's kind of comments. many thanks for joining us. let us now demonstrates as intel of these are holding a rally to protest is really government's handling of the will. on garza, they've been demanding the government do more to secure the release of is really
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captive held inside the strip. and previous demonstrations, police deployed was a cannon and horses against crowds. let's go back down to our correspondent homes of south, but she's in televi the home to describe the scene that for us the see the scene behind me a lot of angry demonstrators, 6 words. government is really captive to our house. now this is why the middle intersection inside of the it is the inference in exit for israel defense ministry known as the city. um, as well as an area that has become known as democracy square where there were a lot of protests against the really government told previously before the war. there have been several officials that employees from the defense industry trying to exit it because this crap has completely blocked off this road. they have to
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centrally made it impossible for any sort of vehicle to come through this way. under these, these rallies are a weekly event on a weekly occurrence, and he's fine that the government is listening to them. well at this demonstration in particular, they're saying that is roles. prime minister has declined to hold. the meeting of israel is worth having it to night to just about us being in the said will be given to negotiators when they head to the capital later or next. however, these really, really the statement that is simply not true, that meeting to discuss what peters and mediators will be able to discuss how much leverage howard they will have, will already be something discussed tomorrow, as he has already stated. but these demonstrators are saying that they're simply
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fed up with the government and its policies. okay, how does this all hit? joining us live that from those demonstrations that are happening at the moment in tel aviv, thanks very much. i'm the publish. the name is really mine has been founded in israel's show prism 26 year old jew, my bu good name and was previously affiliated with him us but faced arrest by the group. but this a bang owed, as he's running on me, arrested him for trying to enter the town of cub and something is wrong is the 13th passed. and then the 1st part of the doing is ready to die and is really custody. palestinians living in the janine refugee come often describe it as little dogs. so for decades as well has carried out the tax, targeted killings and demolitions in the area. some people fight back, but those of the freedom fair to say there are other ways to resist. then best profit reports from jenny, the janine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions,
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taking up weapons against israel. the scene of uprisings, error strikes, assassinations, and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war. at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee actor say they are trying to find, you know, that is challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of this really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time from the day one was on the national, not it blaze. everybody from everywhere, all that religions exist, enjoy rosetta and palestine. today, we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom
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and dignity, and that is coming. so not all of that. the a message of unity from a refugee camp is real is trying to tear apart to. this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. you usually think armed posting and fighters, you think of violent is really military. you never think comedy club. he's really army has rated and detained even killed. several theater members ransacked a placement for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. those here say the best way to fight back is through their art. after one of the largest is really rates in years last july, artist from the theater held the parade to lift the spirits. the minutes we stepped up to the c, a said as a start to people said, coming out of the balconies,
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and this set the throwing candy. they start to distill rice on us as a celebration of us. in the middle of morning, they recruit something to celebrate their big city. after 4 days of compete that are an example, she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show us side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go on the same bus route. the o g 0 jeanine refugee camp in the occupied westbank is righty. army has carried out more strikes in southern 11, a huge plains of smoke was seen and the town of noble. i'm close to the border with israel. 11 is on group has ball. i mean, is ready middle trip in launching the daily cross border attack since the war on
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guns up began. it's around 60 families displaced by that father. as a sheltering in the bonds and hotel, even though i have been receiving food and water from local charities during ramadan view, and so as the continuing cross pulled, a fire has full smell, the 90000 lebanese from the homes. the fishing home, i came to this hotel as a displaced person i. 3 months ago we fled obviously because of the bombing. my house was damaged. i food for my children and myself. we are not distressed about the accommodation. now. i'm fancy, we are happy that everything that's provided for us. we are not in our own home to us. we please review the july. i mean we're a defeated group forced out of our village against our will. but if a ceasefire is declared now will immediately return to our homes and land will resume our work. children will go back to their schools and life will continue. normally,
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the gc and new satellite images taken over the capital se shipping contain is being used as blockades. the number of vehicles of passed we built inside the national palace and for the prince of the cities, port shipping containers a blocking access to the lodge, cranes on the wolf images also show how violence is continuing on the streets with wave blocks and bindings every across the capital displaying john home and his life was from sunset domingo a neighboring dominican republic. and john, what are you hiring about these shipping containers being used as barricades of the? it's a pretty impactful image. know they've been dragged, obviously all the way from the move to the way from the pull to the presidential palace. what i colleagues in hate to telling us is that i think that that's actually been done by the police to protect the vehicles, but
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a less in the presidential palace. because it's one of the few areas in the capital that they still control. the united nations estimates that 80 percent of the rest of the cap to pull to print is under the is under the influence of the games. and now even move side, because the 2 games that with 5 or blocks of games that were fighting each of a bit to leave before have actually formed an alliance beaver on solely to try and protect themselves from any sort of outside interference. now we're also seeing satellite images of the apple an empty room way and that's because no planes have been able to get into hight feet for about 2 weeks now. and also the pool that's as well being closed off. so a put side from small space of influence of the haitian police. really the games have got this on the control and a chunking all the supplies getting to the people input the prince. i mean volunteer. and we've got these efforts to form a transitional council which and to oversee a political transition inside hate. see,
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how are they going as well that a power is inching close? so it's a full main. it's being full, really, the instigation of the united states and the block of caribbean countries. cool. kind of cool. and so they've instigated based but it will be made up of a different haitian policies and hyphen 13 blocks. they'll be 7 seats on it. and what it's hope is that the 7 people on it can then annoying a points, an interim prime minister. they can provide a roadmap for elections. and also they can start to auction in an multinational police force is going to have tenure at the head of it that it's meant to try and provide some of the law and order that's obviously completely missing at the moment in the country. the problem with the base is that the gains, the current in control completely reject, especially obviously the police force,
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which would really limit that own power. so they are currently doing all they can to prevent isn't the coolest disruption. so they weren't happened. it has to be said that they, some ordinary haitians as well federal. so it gains this hastens heights. you've seen a lot of outside interference, not just in the past decade, but either use and use a lot of the outside in spirit to me and hasn't been successful. so there were a lot of worries within the country also about this. but the question is, if it doesn't happen, there's transitional count. so what else can be done? it's a country that hasn't had the elections that i use now. on home in france, the lakes has the on hasty thanks. very much john of every day. hundreds of people funds through don and making the way to neighboring south suits on in search of safety. united nations estimates more than half a 1000000 sydney survive best since the conflict between the army and the permit to rapid support forces began last year. many comes to board,
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a town of rank where you and one transit kinds of struggling to accommodate new arrivals. the conflicts of killed thousands and displaced millions more. malcolm lab reports were here in the transit gum, which was built nearly a year ago. it has a capacity for just over 3000 people, but we're more than 15000 people staying here at the moment. about 1500 more people arriving here in rank everyday. now with me is silver cafe from the you ends. refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the war, is to don in opera 2023. we have more than 600000. you are drive every 30, i'd refuse you. mostly they are the tell me who are so that so somebody's coming back home, we have a daily drive, but a 1500 and the starting from december. we start to see
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a change in the trends where we start to see more if you're coming to seek safety in house to down. what kinds of conditions are people playing from? of of course they've stopped with the water because of the conflict is to them. but also after that we notice when we talk to the people that they are the weeds, like they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from cartoon to my daddy to more than one places. so this lead 1st is to seek safety in another place. that's also the difficulty they all face to the, for the security and other charges which make them also 3 out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough help. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow forgot to the emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not uh, you know what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best, the human setting and thought about doing their best. the governments, ourselves for them, they were still supportive. they opened the door for all of us that needs to seek
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asylum here and be easy. but still, the needs are massive, as you see that we have and must have number of t 30100 because you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. and what is going to happen to the people who arrived here, they fled from what was a relatively stable and relatively off to a neighbor to one of the poorest countries on us was the future. yeah, unfortunately, even that he was the institutional himself. so don is not strong, the capacity is limited and for that it's only for the self. so then these because rank is transit center, so they need to go through that or edit oh, it isn't. and this is what the human 2nd partner are trying to assist. for that, if you see, if they don't need them to the system, they are free to go wherever they want. but they won't. they haven't said a system. they need to go to the physical or set 2 months where they will receive energy because the system because in the transit sense of the system is very limited. now jerry is ami, says 16 of its soldiers have been killed, was trying to break up communal fighting in the southern delta state. and actually
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spokesman says the troops was surrounded by crowds and the tax on 1st day. the states are seeing frequent disputes over land and compensation for oil spells, illinois groups of crystallized democratic republic of congo for reinstating the death penalty. the government says it wants to tough people from working with the m 23. that's an onto a pricing in the east to meet you meant for then cut reports of the team. can shasta people taking the news that the government is lifting at $21.00? get more authorial on the death penalty executions. hoping to the to conquer lease from working with m. 23 fights, as long as on the left hand side say to good decision to bring back the death penalty because it means they'll be no more treason in our country. the conflict in the d. c has been going on for years, but in 2022 to rebel groups,
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joint forces to launch a new offensive. the rapid advance in north keep a province has led to accusations that soldiers are collaborating with m 23 fighters, members of the army as well as politicians and business leaders have been arrested . i pay the most and no money to death penalty is acceptable because we have to stop people be treating our country. they do it for money, and it's not good. the un says almost 8000000 people have been displaced in one of the world's largest, who monetary and crises, human rights groups say reinstating capital punishments will not stabilize the country and install your move out on the mount deluxe. if you take the government of the democratic republic of congo has just violated its international commitments to protect human rights. but at the same time, it's also violating the constitution. article $61.00 prohibits the application of the death penalty. since 2003 death sentences in the d. c have been
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commuted to life imprisonment. now report suggest the government is planning public executions for soldiers convicted of treason to meet you man, and then go out to 0. so it has had on out us era, capturing a conflict, we looked at how you, cranium, photographers helping to document war crimes and recruit sanchez and then support us open tennis champion cocoa golf, has missed out on a foster parents a in the indian wells final, the color, we'll see some rather large the weather moving across the middle east, over the next couple weeks with our cloud sweeping across saudi arabia. further north is looking a little unsettled as well south is that band of plan. it is going to be tri woman's sunny here. in doha, be getting up to 30,
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so to one celsius over the next dial to so that way as to whether, by pushing across central parts of saudi arabia, it becomes more expensive as we go through monday, some heavier, right? we'll call some localized flooding. little positive saudi with the weather to into iraq and some snow just around the cold. because of course it does me some right to just around that is to side off the met. it's right in the occupied palestinian territory. could say some rather miserable weather as we go through the next couple of the showers. the never too far away, i think monday perhaps a little more widespread. rather the east side of the region, pushing a little further north chucky. i generally try try to close a good positive north africa, but that area of where to whether will of course, affect the north of egypt. pushy, spell the north with at east was for squint coming in as well. united as it does freshen up car, right? 23 degrees celsius. part of the showers. now just around the southern parts of west africa, extending into the congo basis and big it down pools here, and also raw the wet for the refund. me
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the hod hitch, i mean to be used as the oil see suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say. no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular i said to facing we, the government seems here to have whittled down democracy. it is troubling for you . it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the latest news as it breaks? the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fire around 2000 show a day with detailed coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a version inside of run it's done from around the world. so forty's in the
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dominican republic refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic mean the, [000:00:00;00] the, the new what challenges era has reminder about top stories this our to, is there any error rates of tons of the on this or at refugee comes in central gauze of ours a pause, 36 members of the same family were killed in the 1st strike hospital soft a. most of them were women, and children and 77 were kills. in the 2nd attack, the passage ship to reach kansas shows has finished unloading 200 tons of food. but
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it's still unclear how that will be distributed. does any, a fraction of kansas daily needs. you and it says the amount of time car doors notes in viable replacement the land deliveries which as well as restricting you in estimates, but hundreds of people from suits on entering neighboring sounds to john every day to don's army and the main promot. you guys have been fighting for control since april last year. thousands have been killed and millions displaced. the process as move and 50 percent of the country's votes as of cost the pallets and the presidential election so far as the 2nd day of voting and a $3.00 day poll present. vladimir putin is widely expected to secure another 6 years impala. he's running against 3 candidates. none of them have been openly critical of food to know of the will in ukraine. the fast result should be announced on sunday evening. that's a lot of 12 correspondents and most of the unit i shop of oliver and the either the
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number of disruptions to the vote and that's from did reaction estimate from a former present to meet you met fidel? what's he been saying? well that's right, said dimitry major. that is the household. people who damaged bonded books is a set them on the spot well committed any of the acts evangelism uh traces. so i think that was a punishment for treason, and it's a very, very serious criminal case for which people can get up to 25 years in prison. and of course they have been several cases. one women have spelled green dia on to bonnet books is pulling pallets, and it's public stations, and all of them have been detained. so of course, many people have condemned that activity and that kind of activity saying that's actually i know both to come to deprive people of the voices because spoiling the
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pilots. basically those voices won't be counted. so that for the widespread condemnation has been had here in russia. ok, you just take a look at in belgrade now because schools and shopping centers in that region of being placed for at least 2 days in response to shutting by ukraine's military. 2 people were killed and 3 injured in the town on the status of a truck collides with the boss is drive. this was during an attack, ukraine has intensified strikes on bold road and other regions. and the kremlin says it's aimed at disrupting rushes elections. so you to test a little bit more about what's been happening that in belgrade, the holders of tongues had been intensified. uh le place a devoted city of val, good old actually has been under ukrainian fine since march the 12th. and on saturday, it would just at least say most about times have been reported to the russian ministry of defense announced at least 15 missiles have been destroyed,
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states to talk about b r. m. 70 von pine. miss. busy the temperature of the bell google region. also it will have some of the criminal parks person and he said that's a lot to me. pizza is receiving reports from the ministry about the attacks on the, about the road and who screeches up, both of those regions and pull the regions with ukraine. and basically, all those attacks have been repaired that also have had from the russian foreign ministry. they have a keys do crane a stepping up terrorist activities during the russian elections just to attract new age and to move west is from the west. and also yesterday, the day before were had from present like even page. and they're saying that he was going to disrupt the election process in russia and intimate today's,
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the russian people thought that was no going to happen. okay, you nation. i provided that brings the latest mindset for most go find syria and ukrainian present for them is and let sky has vowed a response after a russian attack on a desa. but she labeled as vile. at least 21 people were killed and 70 others injured on friday. saturday was declared a day of local morning and ukraine's interior minutes to visited the wounded seeking treatment and hospital. the strength destroyed at least 10 homes and damage civilian and destruction. to join 2 years of low interest in ukraine's cultural identity has grown internationally. many with creative will media backgrounds have been offering the skills and the will efforts as an acts of cultural resistance. but mcbride explains from the capital cage at home in cave pablo, and do read sort through images from us. second life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east. just both photographers and still retailers with
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successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion. they joined the same brigade to use the skills ingle that as well for the, for the now we are feeling the crimes that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father arm of the 1st year and purchase of our beautiful fight. there's themselves. and like many other ukrainian artists, incense that rushes apparent intention to destroy the culture, and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity, of course. and i'm cool on the d. p, you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes. and the more you want to delve into it, but it was with, with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation and our cultural projects have become more me not. so it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the army struggles to
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find enough soldiers to counter recent rush and success is like half div beyond the town that's now in russian hands. you trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses. depending on the was progress of this could become a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. but in spite of such a setback, irina and pub law would be at the side, documenting the struggles. and knowing that some of the port rates of fellow soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult in the graves of those killed. this the, there's a testicle color. it is very difficult when someone to rise to you and say they're that. and therefore, this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the oldest unbearable burden of rule. one, couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other from mcbride, i'll just say a ref keith. a laser american croft manufacturer, boeing is again on the screen a off to one of its plans,
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lost an external panel during a flight on friday. is the latest in a string of incidents for the company on monday, 7817 line flying from sydney to oakland. went into something's dive, enjoying moving 50 passages, industry officials told the wall street journal. the plunge was likely caused by a switch. on the pilot strapping activated by accident, pushing him into the controls. last week a will from the landing gear of appearing triple 7 fell off during takeoff from a san francisco apple damaging pump cause the need fits in january, boeing, 737 max 9 plains of grounded off to a duel panel blew out on the laska airlines flight it was full to make an emergency landing. i'm prompted a federal government investigation safety inspect to say bolts missing. what company's been under intense scrutiny since classes in 2018 um 2019 killed almost
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350 people. those incidents involving 737 mex 8 in indonesia. and if you had a few opinions on faulty software and sent says deal is a full, the national transportation safety board and federal aviation administration investigator. and doing this now from albuquerque in new mexico. good to have you with us. it's not a good look. is it for boeing? what's going on? and so obviously they've got a problem with quality control. now some of those incidents you mentioned like the door coming off and the and the wheel coming out. that may be an airline maintenance problem. as opposed to a boeing quality control problem. certainly the door blowing off at alaska airlines the passenger door, not the turbo compartment over. busy over the other door was that is definitely a sign of lack of quality control and the us f a needs to get inspectors more inspectors into the boeing plants to ensure quality. is that part of the problem? i mean, your former government safety,
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inspect so many suggest that boeing just simply have to cruise the relationship with the government that has been left to regulate itself. absolutely. that's happened over the years. so there are 3 basic problems. one, the f a used to have a dual mandate to promote as well as regulate the industry. then they pass the airline deregulation that in 1978. and now they're allowing a lot of what they called b look delegation so that the basically boeing is performing the epa is job. and what i think is the f a needs to hire a bunch of temporary inspectors not permit, but they need to go into the bowling plans and sure over the next few years, that quality control is paramount and there they are doing the right job. and so these people should be paid for by boeing, but be a government employees. do you feel that that's going to happen to me is,
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is boeing in a state where it is advocating for this? i mean, you would think that his lunch is less than from 2017, and 18 when 350 people were killed. luckily, that's been no fatalities with these incidents, but they all alarming. we sing boeing willing to change as well that they're talking about that and the new ceo up, mr. calhoun says they're going to do it, but it's going to take him some want some time, probably months or years. but i still think the government needs a presence in these factories to ensure that that's happening. and i don't think they need necessarily of permanent presence. but for the next few years, i would advocate that the f a hire temporarily employees and get them into the boeing factories. and i would make boeing pay the salaries of these people. they work for the f a, but i think we need other people looking over boeing shoulder for the next months
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and years anyway. i mean, how much time it says this due to boeing. it's a major us expos and that obviously get support so many small and medium sized businesses within the us. some say it's too big to fail, but it's got to sit badly when it's put up against it's main compasses who have ad boss, which somebody doesn't seem to be best set with these problems. well i, i is the basic problem. in the 1996, boeing merged with mcdonald douglas, another giant aircraft manufacturer and put down all of us have gone bankrupt and boarding a basically took a page from the mcdonald, logos play, but then tried to do things cheaper, faster, and quicker and less sophisticated. so i think that's where their quality started to supper in the ninety's and now we're paying a price for the match, i believe could have been made safer. i've made some suggestions on how it's still needed some safeguards installed, but so far they haven't done that. so we do not suggest flying on any of these max
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planes in the meantime a. 2 i wouldn't go that far up. we know that dying out of aircraft accident in the states. oh, there's like one chance and a 1010000000 that you're going to die. you don't get those kind of bots from your, your, your medical doctor. when you go in for surgery. it's still very save as a pay to get on a max. i just like urge them to put on a couple of more safety devices. the problem with them to match crashes is a pilots tried to troubleshoot what was causing it to the system. the automatic system shut those down, the pilots couldn't figure out what's going on. simple solution, you or a warning system that says m cache is the name of the system active. and so the pilots immediately know they've got to shut off what they call the, the stable later trim. and they don't have that now i'd like to see that installed . there's another safety feature. it's depending on i think, all the angle of attack they need to know when that failed. so the pilots couldn't
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react quickly on the max. now that's strictly a match problem, but i'd sure like to see those of safety devices implemented on the match aircraft . okay, well that's, but that's how i bet boeing up pay some heat to that. i didn't do many things indeed. so joining us here, one ounces era, thanks for having me. a still a has hair on al jazeera, for those former present chapels and all right makes of defiance of parents. and they often knew accusations that he was pulsing to the dates of that for the wells, not just an action, but the run up to the announcement in india has been controversial. will explain why under this hold will have for one of the baseball biggest sizes, he gets ready to play his thoughts and making major league history the east timor uses to, to the catholic nation,
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but scandals involving high profile priests. plague the church, all of us goes back. we were all abused. it's almost the country's talk. the just openly stopped by the clerics, even after one was sent to prison, 101 east investigate east t most priest candles on out just sierra salvation is being used as a what the the only way to stop the homecoming station is to allow you then people are surrounding it, sparks go with the flow, are just hard to break it and shows the level of difficulty because of the shortage of human materials aid, we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death,
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star bases and displacements. the of the table just pulled out on his bar for a thank you so much england, captain hurricane has made history in germany's top division. the former tottenham players nodded his 31st legal for buying munich by doing so. he smashed a 60 year old records for most schools in a day. do we just leave the season change efforts helping barnes b darmstadt. a 55 suit to move them within 7 points of leaving his laboratories in . it wasn't all good news though because the pain crashed into the post and the 2nd half. how had to be taken off? well, well then as he is a junior start around with red and low leak out of resilience scored twice and
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a for to win over. also su now, well, currently sit the top of liza, they're also still in the champions league. friday we're drawing to claim man city, and the part of fine wolves can see the 2 goals, an injury time against coventry to crush out of their f, a caps in the quarter finals. premier elite team had been leading to one, but the late strikes saw them eliminated. the 2nd tier aside, winning a 3 to, to reach the last for having tree, also known as the size is one this competition 37 years. so after beating fine. so there was a dramatic and to a relegation battle, and the probably li live is stored in equalizer just before the end of regulation. time to the night fellow a struggle there is not even for us. the width, the result means it in our 3rd from the bottom 3 points behind for us to sit a place for master. so united player piano,
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rinaldo is yet another goal. scoring landmark plants plus penalty, which is $54.00 for sir dates. one know when over our alley, but now sir, so trail sadie. so lake leaders, how hello colors has been. all haters has called time on his international career. the 33 year old captains, 16 year career was highlighted by back to back asian cup titles. all he knows is the most cat player for cats are with a 182 appearances 41 goals will still play for his club. outside italy, beat wales, and curtis to complete their greatest ever. 6 nations appearance they clinched a comfortable 2421. when overwhelmed, italy have avoided the seas. it's free consecutive matches for the 1st time, picks up a record number of pointe wells received. the dreaded wooden spoon for the 1st time in 21 years of producing all 5 of the games and the championships. certainly a tiny size,
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he's hoping to create some great memories is majorly baseball, gets ready to make history. leak is starting its new season and sub career for the 1st time the japanese superstar is in. so with his new team the la dodgers will be taking on the san diego padres and a 2 game series. next week. in december of tony signed a record 700000000 dollar 10 year deal with the dodgers. oh, louis come off from the well, it's a little different circumstances. i'm on a new team and we're opening in south korea, which is a little something out of the ordinary. so in that sense, i'm very excited. i'm looking forward to it. i'm assuming not to us open champion cocoa golf has missed out on a 1st appearance in the funnel at indian wells. american was beaten by maurice. the car in 3 sets, golf save, 3 match points and the 2nd set against her greek opponent. and the match went through a 3rd set. but after almost 3 hours of play,
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safari to decide or 6 to. she's now just one went away from her 1st tournament. victory of the season. this is one of the biggest titles when outside of the major championships and men's world number one, chocolate just pulled out of my mind me open as the 360 is trying to limit the number of tournaments he placed, the serbian is coming off a loss to be a 100 and 23rd rank, luca narvie and the 3rd round of indian wells tournament jacket, which is a 6th time champion in miami. okay, that is all your score canal back to you. laura, thanks very much for sales. former president chapel scenario has made a defiant, the parents at a riley. and the additional room is, comes a day off the release of testimony from former minute to chief said accuse him of fussing to over time. the 2022 election results for my head, so the army and 4 samples slower presented them with
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a plan traverse the outcome of the boat, which was won by his wife. oh no, it's a silver one. are you gonna care of, was up that rally and re edition era? this was a political rally here. it's just and did it's, it was a rally, which is for the october municipal elections and both. so nato is trying to campaign for conservative candidates from his party. he did not mention specifically the accusations which i would say that he basically plotted to, to stay in power even after losing the election. he just said that he was not afraid of any trial as long as the trial is fair. but his uh, all of his supporters and he has already told them several times. they don't believe that the supreme court is fair. they say that he is being politically persecuted, so he didn't mention it directly. and he is trying to show that business is going
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on as usual, that he's still a popular figure. and that these people will stand by him no matter what. and his election commission has announced the dates for this, his biggest general election. nearly 1000000 people are registered to vote in the parliamentary pole, which will take place in 7 phases. from april to june. i've been controversies over the funding of political policies and the appointment of electro commission is prime minister under moody's policy. the b j. p is seeking a 3rd time i'm just chief election commission has wanted against any violations of elect, for rules in the run up to an during the vice, a mentally judge and injured somebody, positive for them. the election commission spaces for me and challenges. the fall ends off muscle, money, misinformation, ad m c. c. violations become a table essentially focus on these 4 key areas between now and the end of the
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elections. the election commission is focusing on how to control must have bob up, how to control money, thought, how to control the menace of misinformation, and how to control any violations against the model code of conduct rules and out. meanwhile, in just supreme court has binds anonymous donations to political policies, to increase transparency during the elections we've been speaking to. so i've asked the desktop to as a journalist from the opinion website, the why about what the by means. these electron bonds have been declared unconstitutional. by the supreme court of india, just to give us a sense to have us watch these really odds, anonymous donations that can be made by private companies to political parties. this was brought in by law, by the government, back in 2018. and now the supreme court in subject it has struck down the slope. but the fact of the matter is that in the past 5 years, it's already been a genuine ink. busy and that has already taken place in which the ruling, 5 to the 5 digit, the 5 york b g
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b. which is the movie the 500 says fucking that fi, do you have uh, the over 55 percent of the electrical ones that run into what 600 me see. and the fact is that there's a meaning opposition. 5, you have to get those boxes in meaning amount of extra one. now this has been strong doubts, but genuine action has already leased, along with been vector given to the successive collection with the past 5 years to this money has already been in the system and it has on verify 97 interactions with the routing 5. you already getting the most out of it. so that's, that's why questions of transparency are being raised at the moment because the b, g, b has already gained a lot out of it. a fire in egypt has destroyed one of the our wells oldest film production houses, the place the l. a. one studio, and kyra full c evacuation of nearby apartments in odessa. injuries were reported
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and the cause of the fire is unknown. to let me ask on this, have set up terrible donations to help those who can afford proper meals because of a lack of sufficient aid. un estimates. 2 thirds of the population requires humanitarian assistance. but for most f guns everyday life is a struggle. i just haven't been to i've had reports from cobble people, a mocking ramadan for 3rd. yeah. under the telephone, finding preparations before serving hundreds of if the meals at tablets of the refund was more people gather every day to break their costs. it's because of improve security that people have been freely got to uprising poverty means more people need handouts this from the is that the, my wife's top out, i'm the, the minutes since this is the month of compassion muslims should lend to hand poverty exists in the nation with daily efforts were unable to feed a 1000 individuals. yet every day the number of visitors increases. after the
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collapse of the republic, march of the forward, the assistance is going to local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole the month. the find the address of the problem is that something i thought i was going to be provide these meals for more than a 1000, jobless, and for people every day, we want everyone who can afford to, to give charity. it's like to take part and to prepare it to our meals and because it has great virtue of mind, shopkeepers say, despite the hardships that are more people the see it, the thought about which calls itself the is not a camera. it has one business owners to refrain from price, sikes and $40.00. is it the done of these? i'm a limited of, of guns done to go over to drop distance and pull it to your effective life here. but after decades of war and the conflict of guns have learned, talk to persevere, unassigned is alondo of contrasts. while there is found in poverty, there are also those who live comfort of lives. and every passing dramas on many are increasing. they're trying to look locally. she's moving into i'm so up on my
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mother, most of our friends and our countryman, our need, we send money to those will far away and provide food packages to people who are close by. the number of people in need has increased by 30 to 40 percent compared to previous e. s. and lots of fund can testify to that poverty. he drives the really barrow around town which have the purchase. any money? well now, but i phoned rick are fast. we only had war 2 dodger day. we have some bread now export after 8 years without assistance. i want the government to step in and help . no one can imagine how we are living our lives. also can not afford to buy wood or purchase a he to, he doesn't understand that the current government isn't recognized by the world. aid is no longer arriving and that our banking restrictions and i've got a son, like thousands of off guns. all he cares about is to put food on the table for his company. during the whole, the month of ramadan. some of them are driving down to 0. a lot say it from me nor a time i started this type massages, hey, it's here in
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a moment. the goal of today is these, the biggest global that actually out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me. 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the eyes rising the got it in ism seconds to turn the clock back on a country founded on secular ideas being report, fox, one on the josephine has spent most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like
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others and his family, but things are different now for when he was a boy in 2022 long days mc gats would declared and endangered species from the family at the school. today he's taking us to the band. so the only stop leak in central den bode. yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that that wants to be, i mean, i'm own are like via value of the power. while the off i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason, drastic to his doctor and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research,
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this black market creed, not only indeed just was probably me populations, but puts public health of risk. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of that engine free. the, is there any strikes destroy him more lives and awesome. that'd be 63 people have been killed in the past 24 hours and 36 of them from one family in the on this our future. hello there. i missed all the tell you this is al jazeera life and also coming


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