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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 1:00am-2:00am AST

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else, the last remaining option is to appeal to the european court of human rights. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello again, i'm just calling to obtain. this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 60 minute. allison in communities torn apart in gauze, is all new sarah refuge account, as is really strikes killed thousands of members of the same family. a trucks arrive in northern dogs or for the 1st time in months. israel's war has forced hundreds of thousands of palestinians said to the brink of starvation the is really is
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returned to the streets to protest. benjamin as a young who's humbling of the war and goals. and he defends even further into civilian struggles to find food as gun violence intensifies in the it is now 2200 gmc, that's midnight. and garza health officials and say, is there any strikes have killed $63.00 palestinians since friday to is really strikes just hours apart? target to the i'll just say what refugee camp in central garza, the t 6 members of the same single family were killed in the fast and at least 7 people were killed in the 2nd victoria getting beat because of coverage. generations of the same family wiped out and then is really strong needed
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over victims where women and children outside the move got i'll access was so a truck arrives to collect the bodies for the funeral. at least 36 members. if the to back the family will kills these radio strike targeted this home near the l. a 0 refugee camp. witnesses say it happened late at night. i remember, yeah, this is now the, we was sleeping peacefully. then all of a sudden we saw a concrete blocks and bricks flying over our heads. we rushed to the building to see dead bodies all over the place torn to pieces. it is not a war on how mouse it is. it is really war on women and children. the guy is that exactly 11 41 pm. we heard what felt like and it was quite, it was not regular shelling. we ran here to see what happened. we sold this full story building level till the ground collapsed on the heads of those who were inside. they were all to neighbors say they live in constant fear of mood is really
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a tax for the the whole world is watching. those be slaughtered by these release. all they can do was drop some food. we don't want your food. we want the water to stop. so the innocent children can have a life hours after the attack, the island is there, a refugee camp was targeted again with the injured being brought here to l. x a hospital and an asteroid has a house in the shape, right? one neighborhood with children had to be pulled from the rubble. these women and children are among tens of thousands of innocent skills by the overwhelming military power of israel. many here are asking how many more families will be devastated before this ends. victoria gates and b l g 0 as well. meanwhile, the 1st maritime ate shipment to gauze. a has been offloaded, but there are still few details on how that aid will actually be distributed. and
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as the you and ones of leaving simon goals a residence desperate for food, say these shipments will not be the solution. michael, apple reports 200 tons of aid is brought to show this represent certainly a fraction of what's needed to stop people solving in gaza. the situation is sorry about that. no one can imagine it on the ship, even if it helps, will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of aid. and people competing to take aid from the shore. and drops of caused chaos with several people killed by falling pallets when power shoots failed to open the number and then send none of them. we keep waiting for aid. this is not a solution with a by ship all by playing by. yeah, we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children who drowned in the c 488 agencies are wanting nearly 600000
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people are on the brink of 10. well, the nice, the living situation is very bad. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us there is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce. so either the ship open arms arrived from cyprus on friday. the us charity behind the delivery, acknowledges that the best way to get desperately need an aide in is for israel to open the land car. it will our 1st boat that right there. i read. ready to go into the skate up. these are what we see. i really appreciate how you have high way of a going to augusta. of course, we need to keep updating the log across the highway more axes, because no in north a. there is not a no a like a ride into garza, with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu approving plans for an insult on the southern city of rough uh, which is sheltering more than a 1000000 display people. any a deliveries may be too late. mike level,
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which is 0 c o c side talks all set to resume in the hall as early as sunday council has been acting as mediation and is really delegation led by the head of most side is expected to be taken. pont. you'll recall this week. so that is well rejected. i propose deal outlined by her loss of the senior mazda official jews, miss now, who is not being interested in reaching an agreement and ahead of those negotiations here in capsule. many countries, a voice that concerns about these where to governments approval of plans for ground invasion of rafa, region is struggling to cope with the influx of just based families have been pushed out of the other parts of the strip. so at the status of the will is really forces ordered palestinians in the northeast and back to 8 below the why the causes . as you see that the body of water essentially divides the strip into 2 halls. these really ami then continued to carry out attacks south of what he garza so palestinians were next order to move again. this time towards con eunice then is
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wrong. we have to attack con eunice, forcing people then to face of the southern merced as the rough right that up against the egyptian border. an estimated one and a half 1000000 people are now crammed in there and from bonham. and in these so called safe zones continues. what are the i spoke to tom, a company would use an assistant professor of public policy. and the, the institute for graduate studies explains that the response from west impalas and to plans for this invasion of rafa. i want to hear the objections we, we have concern this and, and this is very vivid in the medic and position like yes, you have agreed like to, to conduct. i'm going to to petition dropped off, but there are some conditions or deadlines pertaining to the civilian. so what the cause is what it's called, but it has been very vicious. i mean, obviously in other parts of the guns, a slip. so i think the u. s. as in that us or would be about us from a similar contract in the south. you know, that would lead to thousands of, of, of, of,
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of this i'm because of these. so i think we're good. we're not seeing any of the red line for nothing. yeah. who to stop or not to go to it off. and that's the problem is a concern from the u. s. objections from some west and 1000 in europe. but, but i'm curious about what the options are now for the us in terms of, of leverage on his right. we've talked often about about the weapons that the us is providing to israel, the button administration very clear that they're going to continue doing that. is that something else that the by the administration could be doing? i see this idea of finding potentially addressing the capacity, for instance, has been doing the rounds and washington i don't think so. i mean, i mean the, i guess, i mean, is there is a democracy by law. does i mean the, the kind of the structure of the government is seeing is that the condition is, is the choice of the people, the bylaws who are a lot of goals and take that off this for 70 percent, according to many surveys, latest surveys. so i think the us would, i mean yeah,
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i mean strengthening isn't. busy or trying to change the discussion of is that can only happen through sanctions and he started to the use of use the sanctions against isn't it? i mean, i mean that the incidence or the historically, i mean when we have, i mean the egypt is a and b stokes, you know, in 1982. i mean, that is what levels of code for, for the american citizens by coughing, economic aid, and same also with also the, the codes in the early ninety's. also the show me at that the, the, from such, i mean the government, most of what put them by the americans by there's always most of the father. so the medic, this was the only times when we see a she essentially and these are his behavior. but to will not change anything addressing or giving a speech would not change anything because we know the identity and, and the and, and, and a lot of these people, i mean the coalition, it's a. busy national on this site, we can government, nothing will change them. so only for that's, i mean so that's it cannot make leverage. comes to what funds. i think this will
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assume that the message visit 8 is that enough is enough. the even the says by and by the conduct of what you're saying, it doesn't sound like very optimistic about any of these talks. and uh, i, i, a lot of the missed of, to be honest. i mean, i think all the parties are spend most of us moving into an empty so it can it because how much to dispose of the propose that it does not, and navigate that we from that initial response sort of, i think we're getting to a good look in just buying more time for these latest to do whatever they want them to goes to, to hold trucks and caring desperately needed aid have arrived safely in those and also for the 1st time and 4 months, 7 of those vehicles are delivering a did you volume 6 will distribute supplies and calls us $38.00 organizations treating this latest delivery as a kind of test to see if they can continue. with more on sunday, the trucks have made their way from the roof of crossing all the way through. central garza to those areas that and the know thousands of demonstrators and tell
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a view to protest against is the, is there any government's handling of the war on garza have taken to the streets? they've been demanding, and the government do more to secure the release of his way to capt is being held inside garza. they're also protesting against prime minister benjamin netanyahu sounds, which was out that body for us interview. the demonstrators here say they've come out in full force in order to demonstrate against these rules. governments specifically when it comes to policies in this war that have not seen the captive fraud nearly a 160 year or more. in fact, the anti government. but they said that they were going to come here and demonstrate outside of the streets in order to send a message to the board cabinet. so that simply not being done to bring back these really prime minister in fact,
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did not have any meetings tonight. that would be about the negotiators. really government. you are doing volter national expansion is that bills within the country is worth having it for a deal to release is really top is fighting way and he's now falling on been spinning that delegation time next week. so these really prime ministers, sunday that's tomorrow, there will be meetings to discuss exactly what kind of mandate as they have to do the moving on to some other walls. news now in hazy, where the united nations is wanting more than a 1000000 people on the verge. of famine gang widens, has paralyzed the capital for her friends,
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and to propose political solution being pushed by the united states and could be a nation's remains a distant prospect, as don't hold that report from neighboring dominican republic. another descent into k o i hate to looting in the pool, the same the carriages and that's gone. 5 criminal games are on the street. fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of the sundays of relative called meanwhile, schools and businesses a shop trade is from big to smooth a suffering. a we will arouse on the straits people have turned against us. they don't feel comfortable, they don't live in peace. they can't even sleep at home. they can't see me children to school because they have no money to feed in with mentions, go out into the streets, looking for money to feed my children and wives. we find nothing in the country and tell them we will. free program says
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a 1000000 people are on the brink of funding the us and european union, the promise state. the question is, how will it get in this is the airport close stuff to close to getting a tax? it's been nearly 2 weeks since planes came down this from way even the vehicles in the presidential palace and circle by shipping containers apparently by police to stop criminals from taking them. the choking of oil in 2 ways in and around the country. they want to stop the transitional count so that the us in some caribbean countries are pushing for it would be made up of representative from some of heights. these political blocks of the use of unsuccessful outside interference. some haitians reject it too, because this is a country for and this has no right to metal, no offense, this is our country and it's up to us to unite and put to an order with the account
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. some in theory would at least fill a political vacuum name and intern prime minister and pay for the wife of both elections and a multinational police force to enter hate. see, under the leadership of kenya, the dot force would inevitably limit the gains power, the fight, and that with the strength. meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir john, home and data center domingo, the dominican republic. while we can now speak to harold isaac, he's an independent journalist based in hayes, and he joins us now from the ground in the capital to friends. how, what is the actual hold up here? what's the biggest obstacle? it's actually forming this council as well as we have found out on monday during the emergency talks in uh, jamaica. uh, the various parties that have delegate, i had uh, 2 delegates,
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one member each uh to this council at about 48 hours initially to to do it. but what happened is, uh now that deadline is extended and from sources pre be to the ongoing discussions . uh, it's something that can be coming in the coming hours or as perhaps early as monday . okay, so if you expect some kind of a breakthrough, let's say a counselor is formed and then a political transition begins. what is the capacity to actually hold elections that well, that's a, that's a very relevant question, especially in the current security context that is a very tens. um, it's on clear how much time it will need to restore security and would somewhere in somewhat of an ambiance that would allow for electrons or, or election seemed indemnity, serene kind of context. but it is in there, mandates. but in terms of timeline, it's unclear how,
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how long you're going to need this. there is a process that's being led by washington, the regional body. kyra khan, we know that have been mixed views about for an intervention and hazy. what did people there? unfortunate friends. think of this plan as well. you know, um the farmer drive in manhattan requested back in october of 2022 uh for an assistance uh for a police or military some, some sort of assistance to help deal with the current ongoing gang crisis. but what, what ended up happening in the last couple weeks is that with uh, essentially the fall of the airport in port infrastructures and facilities. folks here are asking whether or not a foreign force could come at least for these key infrastructures. and at least allow for the airport to, to re reopen all this far and for us. so just coming back to the force on the ground. and i want to get back to the political situation in a moment. but this foreign force is supposed to be like by kenya, right. but i see that my roby is saying that they aren't going to the point anyone
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until the transition has taken place. are all we now in a bit of a chicken and egg scenario, presuming the apps they need for us to ensure the transition actually happens, right? well, this is, this is it and, and, and that, that's going to be the corporate for the coming weeks. you know, whether or not this council that will be installed will behave and react quickly enough to allow for kenya to deploy its troops and even kenya set conditions. they said that even if they have a constitutional body that wouldn't be there to uh, to have an interface. they still need to send, right, kind of sense uh, unit to come in and assess the situation. so let me ask you then how, how do you deal with the gangs? and they say that they've united the, to defend the people. how did the people feel about the gangs? i know that there was obviously lots of defense against. are you only remaining and
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power? do they feel that the, the guns have come to the defense? as far as it stands right now? i'm sorry. as it stands right now, the gang side himself, i've not had direct access to the, to the, to the counsel and, and for say they, it's likely whether they will. and at the same time, the essentially, the security situation remains fragile because the gains are also in an observational mode. so this is where we stand right now with regards to their position with regards to the ongoing process. how your on the ground, then you've been reporting from 4 to friends. what is it like living there at the moment we've been hearing about the losing that's taking place. people unable to leave their homes, people unable to access food and water. what is the situation and presumably it's going to deteriorate unless something actually changes for all this that it's not easy for anybody. i think what's on everybody's mind right now. it's
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a cut off of supplies as, as a reporter was saying earlier, you know, there's been a tax on the ports facilities, again today, where there were looting in place of their car dealership that'd be looted. you know, folks today, especially in a city like the total bill which has been relatively spare and they were very tens today trying to resupply any way. they could, you feel that people are not relaxed. they are really under tension as the coming days are remaining on clear how that is that they're an independent on the space and he thank you for your time with us on i was there and we hope that you stay safe yourself. thanks. how thank you. are moving on to and new jazz june to it says it has ended minute g co operation with united states with immediate effect. a spokesman says that it has revoked in agreement that allows american military personnel and civilian staff to and to operate on the ground that now the us does have an ad based in the northwest,
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the ministry has been fighting alms groups linked to iso fonts. the withdrew its troops last year off to the drug test, or eventually, let's get more from she hubbard tons. he's across this for us from washington dc. she, how do we know what the reasons why behind this decision from asia it was quite a detailed statement from the, the, the government and the general dislikes passing in these that's pretty astonishing stuff. we knew that that had been a us delegation in media for 3 days over the last week. there was someone in the state to pop under was the, had the, i forget them all of that for come at other other officials. i mean, it'd be something should have been for us as desperately trying to keep its presence in, in these. but what the spokes person says, 1st of all, the us delegation did not respect the rules of diplomatic engagement from the very beginning. i don't informing the new jerry and government about the goal of the visit. i'm them when they didn't begin the proceedings. according to the success of
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the us, started lecturing, then these area and accusing them of having made secret deals with the russians, and the iranians and demanding that they hadn't. there's, there's deals which clearly was entirely well received by that. and these area of the gums is we've had diplomatic relations with these countries. for decades, we reject the pressure by the american delegation to buy the silver and right to choose the type of partnerships it once. and we can then become defending nature of, of threats, or the heads of the us delegation country to the, to do what happened to trust and so on. and in addition, the point about the video suspended ministry relations with new jack. it is continuing its operations that some of the tree bases but its own flowing and is here in government. lots, it's actually doing. it says this kind of lack of transparency is on democratic. it's unconstitutional. it's a legal
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a now the us must go. certainly sounds like that visit didn't go very well. i told she had, i want to ask you about the consequences of this as to our one i understand is primarily a launch pad for drones. the right i'm so just that it's actually the, the sun. nope. just any launch pads, the drains it for central plank in the u. s. is presence in west africa and because of the geographical significance of news that gives them complete access to north africa as well up. it's the most expensive engineering project ever undertaken by the us. air force costing over a $100000000.00 to build it for years to build it cost about $13000000.00 a year to maintain it, as we're told about a 1000 people that we also know that the us has all sorts of other bases secretive bases around these i have a c, i as a drug and base somewhere in these as well. this is cool ostensibly for the us is operations of the war on tower. i remember remember that, but as we know,
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it's also completely key to jerry political, strategic projection and africa against us is perceived address rings, rusher, china, iran, and others. and you know, these uh, hazard mobile significance if it's filled with results is audio gold, uranium renewable energy minerals. hydro electric is here, it has a lot of potential to be, it has what we'll have. and yet it's one of the poorest countries of the world as things work. another reason why there's so much discontent with the with, you know, just off the board, we don't do the funding looters of the country. but this is a complaint is also, they didn't know the us. this is possibly on the cards, not a tool that, that they were looking towards with the need gone, could, did well for, for all the possible bases. but this is a huge, but she average hands are you with the latest for us on that decision binary just announced. thanks so much you. meanwhile, the united nations is wanting that $5000000.00 people ensued on all at risk of
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starvation almost a year of fighting. now, between the army and the permanent through rapid support, forces has left 1000 instead, and millions war displaced. many of them have been escaping to neighboring south through dawn and such of safety. and hundreds of those displays have been arriving in rank a town just over the border and south street on you in transit times have been struggling to accommodate this huge surge of new arrivals. not from lab reports now from link where in the transit gum, which was built nearly a year ago, it has a capacity for just over 3000 people. but we're more than 15000 people staying here at the moment. about 1500 more people arriving here in rank everyday. now with me is silva. i cafe from the u. n's refugee agency is coordinating all of the humanitarian agencies working here. just how serious is this displacement crisis? it is quite a serious starting from the 1st day of the world. and so don and operate 2023. we
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have more than 600000 new. i live every 30, every few z. mostly they are the tell me who are so that, so somebody's coming back home, we have a daily drive, but of 1500 and the starting from the sun. but we start to see a change in the trends where we start to see more of the fuse you come in to seek safety in house to down. what kinds of conditions are people playing from? uh, of course it starts with the water because of the conflict is too done, but also after that we notice when we talk to the people that they are the weeds, like they are going through more than one displacement. so they say they go from cartoon to my do i need to more than one places. so this lead 1st is to seek safety in another place. so that's also the difficulty they all face to the, for the security and other charges which make them also for the out of so of to down is the well paying enough attention and providing enough help. unfortunately, we can say this is one of the somehow forgot to the emergency. it was all what's
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happening around the globe nowadays. it's not uh, you know what we are receiving. we know that the don't that are doing their best, the human setting and thought about doing their best. the governments, ourselves, for them, they were so supportive. they opened the door for all of us that needs to seek asylum here and be at a pc. but still, the needs are massive, as you see that we have and must have number of t 30100 because you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited to what's gonna happen to the people who arrived here. they've fled from what was a relatively stable and relatively, also a neva to one of the poorest countries on us was the future. yeah, unfortunately, even the who is the institution himself, so that is not strong. the capacity is limited and for that he so need for this house to them these because rank is transit center, so they need to go through that or else or isn't. and this is what the human 2nd partner are trying to assist for that if you see, if they don't need them to the system, they are free to go wherever they want. but they won't, they haven't said a system,
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they need to go to the physical or set 2 months where they will receive an typical split the system. because in the transit sense of the system is very limited. a hostile ahead here on out to 0 for sale as a former president valuables and already makes them define to parents. and they often new stations that he was pulsing a true and capturing a conflict. we look at how ukranian photographers helping to document will crimes and recruit sold the the australia is dealing with 2 tropical cycle and cyber one. let's go over those details right now. so the 1st meagan, making line, fall within rain around all sides of the gulf of carpenter area here. and this area has been inundated with rain, so certainly flooding will be
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a concern. and then we've got this tropical cycle and just off the coast of western australia, this is going to bolster rainfall right across indonesia is main island of java. there had been some flooding and central java or recently. now i suspect east chapel, we'll see some flooding or certainly the southern size of sumatra island. okay. also wanted to get you the forecasts for news, the really not much to report southerly winds here. so that's a cool breeze. that means the temperatures are on the low side for this time of the year. complete opposite story though, for southern thailand the other day to catch. so it's hot, it's march day on record and you're getting pretty close again. on sunday, it looks like a damn day across central and southern china, some showers that's going to knock back temperatures and places like woo hahn inquiry, lynn over the next little bit, and cool air rushing out of ne china over the sea surface here. that's going to produce some c effects. now the winds coming at just the right direction. so a layer of fresh snow for the mountains of northern hunt, you and tokyo islands. bye for now.
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the, the latest news as a phrase, the several philistines were killed as they were trying to get much need of food to survive with detailed coverage. families of captive for joined by thousands of israeli as they marched from the gauze. the border to west jerusalem from the heart of the story on my left, mazda has been completely lost in the news release. they have no place just where everywhere is nowhere is safe. now, let me tell you almost suffice. valley decor result. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only elected very close here. like coming here,
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sits on within large 3rd space. people look in my private for me now. thanks. royal . i can also somebody probably equal resorted in gun the the the welcome back to watching out a 0. that's mind you about top stories for fallon. health officials and goal is to say these $63.00 palestinians have been killed and is really strive since private to attacks just hours upon target to the only say, what's the future. in central 1000. 36 members the same time they were killed in the us. at least 7 people accounts. on the 2nd we lost trucks carrying desperately need
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a days have arrived safely in northern garza for the 1st time 7 of those vehicles on delivering aids to giovanni. it was 6 full distribute supplies and thousands of demonstrations have gathered incentives to protest against these randy companies handling for hong kong and demanding the government do more to secure the release of his randy. german townsend schultz is heading to jordan and israel for a 2 day visit this adults as the 2nd trip to the region since the world also began . he says that he'll discuss the possibility of getting more a into the strip with israel's leaders earlier on saturday at germany and dropped its own 1st supplies into garza, along with some other countries. but berlin has maintained that allowing more trucks kind of supplies, remains the best option. 50 spirit associates confidence. it would be important for an arrangement to be reached very quickly now on a cease fire that would allow the hostages to be released. and at the same time,
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allow humanitarian a to reach casa, and it's also important that a large scale offensive and rough uh, where many people who no longer had a safe place in other parts of garza, have fled to does not result in a major human tragedy. this is something i think everyone knows, and yet everyone needs to know as well. he is really only has carried out more strikes and southern 11 on huge streams of smoke was seen in the town of milwaukee and that's close to the board with his room for 11. he's on group has belie, i'm me, is really military has been watching now. me a daily cross border attack since october around 60 families displaced by that violence of and sheltering and, and abandoned hotel in r y. and that they've been receiving food and water from local charities during this ramadan view and says the continue in cost for the file has forced to move the 90000 lebanese from their homes. and more than half of them all women the time just left us alone. i came to this hotel as a displaced person i. 3 months ago,
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we fled out really because of the bombing. my house was damaged food for my children. i'm for myself. we are not distressed about the accommodation. now, i'm fancy, we are happy that everything that's provided for us. we are not in our own home to us. we please review last night and they were defeated group forced out of our village against their will. but if a cease fire is declared, now will immediately return to our homes and land will resume our work. children will go back to their schools and life will continue normally. palestinians living in virginia and refugee can often describe it as industrial garza, for decades. israel has carried out the tax, targeted killings and demolitions in that area that some people slight box but those at the freedom theatre say there are other ways to resist saying does robbie reports now from geneva? the janine in the occupied westbank home to armed factions, taking up weapons against israel, the scene of uprisings, error strikes, assassinations,
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and battles that have gone on for days. but there is more to it than the image of war. at the community based freedom theatre a cultural center. in the heart of the janine refugee actor say they are trying to find, you know, that is challenging stereotypes about this place. and the people who live here has been creating a sanctuary in the midst of this really poems and thoughts to preserve and tell their story. by this time from the day one was an international. not it blaze. everybody from everywhere, all that religions exist in georgia, is that even palestine today, we're not saying that we want to live alone as about a seniors by the sun is small, but big country enough for everyone. this was to come to the via but with freedom
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and dignity, and that is coming. so not all of that. the a message of unity from a refugee camp is real is trying to tear apart to. this place stands in stark contrast to the reputation that jeanine has. you usually think armed posting and fighters, you think of violent is really military. you never think comedy club. he's really army has rated and detained even killed. several theater members ransacked a placement for expression, creativity, healing, and hope. those here say the best way to fight back is through their art. after one of the largest is really rates in years last july, artist from the theater held a parade to lift the spirits the minutes we stepped up to the c. a said as we start to get this set coming out of the balconies. and this set to throwing up, can they start to still rise on us as
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a celebration of us in the middle of morning. the recruit. something to celebrate their big city. after 4 days of complete that are an example. she says of how they can help in times of tragedy. to show us side of palestine, the world rarely sees to remind them of their humanity, actors taking the stage even as rates carry on outside. because no matter what, here the show must go off the same bus route of the old 0 janine refugee camp in the occupied westbank. the results on the president valuable scenario has made a defiant appearance at a rally. and we're just generic and comes a day after the release of testimony from for them and it features accusing him of
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crossing to overtime. the 2022 election results before the heads of the army and the air force of the boston already presented them with a plan to reverse the outcome of the vote, which was won by his rivalry. it is a silver they will always be people chasing you, trying to defeat you or accusing you of the most absurd things i could be doing very well in another country, but i prefer to come back here with all the risks i still run. i'm not afraid of any trial. oh correspondence, monica, you're not, you have was at that rowdy and mean was the rally, which is for the october municipal elections and both. so nato is trying to campaign for conservative candidates from his party. he did not mention specifically the accusations which i would say that he basically plaudits to,
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to stay in power even after losing the election. he just said that he was not afraid of any trial as long as the trial is there. but his uh, all of his supporters and he has already told them several times. they don't believe that the supreme court is fair. they say that he is uh, being politically persecuted. so he didn't mention it directly. and he is trying to show that business is going on as usual, but he's still a popular figure and that these people will stand by him no matter what us then as well as president nicholas ventura will seek a son 60 a time and an election that's scheduled for july and his socialist policy declared him it's candidate as an event in the capital caracas, opposition leader maria covina was shot. it has been disqualified by the quotes of a corruption charges. well, there are many believe the allegations of truth, as well as in the grid for the major economic crisis portion about my fully well
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prizes and western sanctions. and is it actually the commission has announced the dates for this is biggest general election. nearly 1000000 people registered diverse and not parliamentary poll, which will take place and 7 phases from april to june. they have already been control. this is about the funding of political parties and the pointing of electro commissions. prime minister under, under bodies positive b, j be seeking that tom well induced chief election commissioner has warned against any violations of elect for rules and run up to and during those elections, so many charges and why they posit food and the election commission faces for me and challenges the full ends off muscle, money misinformation, ad m c. c. evaluations become a table essentially focus on these 4 key areas between now and the end of the elections. the election commission is focusing on how to control must have bob up,
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how to control money, thought, how to control the menace of misinformation, and how to control any violations against the model code of conduct rules. and at least 2 people have been killed and ukrainian strikes on russia's belgrade region. the kremlin says that keith is trying to disrupt russia's presidential election belgrade. as you see, that is on the border with ukraine. you'd yourself, a lot of our referrals ukrainian missile strikes as a russian station. it goes to the pools in belgrade, the boys real. the governor has an hour and schools and shopping centers will be closed for at least 2 days. before the situation is quite complex, both in the city and in the bell. good region, of course, safety is the primary concern for all of us. the russian defense ministry released this video showing pro ukrainian troops trying to penetrate its territory. these troops had been telling residents to leave i think move in hall for town to go,
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and everyone who has children, all of them going on, the old people are left to so ok, which and i don't really like the situation here. but we're already used to it and try to stay at home as much as possible. the crammed in headset tanks are aimed at the railing, the elections, but the people here say they will still vote for present floods. you repeat in almost the much you were there are no other options at the moment. there's no person who could be opposed to our president. i believe that the work that he's now started in terms of a special military operation. he must completed despite the showings about the role headsets are reported, a larger than every election 10 outs. and that has imposed and sort of like even repeating, seem to show your support for him. undergoing ukraine is nationwide. you national problem all the way to 0 squared of all the 2nd day of losing and russia's presidential election has now ended. polls will open again on sunday for
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a final day of versioning that in the russian controls regions of ukraine. versioning actually starts with the last month, most cases, the townhouse and this regions have, has been very high to you. there has labeled the vote illegal and void and calls on ukrainians not to take part. or i search pieces only as a political scientist and the executive director of the razor democracy initiative . he spoke to us from keith. he says the rational authorities have pushed for a high ton out in those russian control regions. if you can. the other things are going the way they've been going since 2014 is when russia started instigating unrest in the don't boss. and you know that 1st a referendum, so called referendum on the future. but don't boss with 2 according to which you know, but uh, well over 70 percent of the residents voted uh uh to be a separate from ukraine. uh, it was a shim process, obviously every year seeing,
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you know, uh, but the addition of that, you know, both of these oldest voting. the 1st of all is taking place under the barrel of the gun. um, and obviously the already been reported instances of the balance of stuff in the mind. you this is uh, you know what, in the context of this relentless, 24 hour on the 7 days a week, promptly get and that is happening board promptly again. this happened, he would like to put he has no serious competitors, no serious rivals. there's 3 token opposition members who have not even spoken out against vitamin, put in so even in front of the circumstances, but it still showing in security about the election outcome key. the bible accounts once i figure from pages 5 to about 90 percent, which would mean that the door slid off is what policies? that'd be great. and you say essentially that painful in these regions are being
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forced to virt. i say i'm less the same. they may be even more of a 3 to 9 slide in these occupied regions and potentially in the rest of russia. so let me ask you about another crucial indicator. then what, what do you expect in terms of turn out and in some of these regions, the turn out is what live it put in is really concerned about. they can really, really wind up for drawing and you figure they like, but they want to see crowds, they want visible sort of displays of enthusiasm. and i've heard some expert opinions as do the turn out the problem, most 20 percent of the folders throughout prussia, which for us is actually pretty normal. i add this, why the, the, you know, the, all the efforts are being made to actually provide this sort of turn out. so in occupied territories where the oversight is simply non existent, this is much easier to hide instances like i said, of babylon stuffing, etc. and to actually force people to come to these uh uh,
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to the voting booth and catching up, for example, where the strong wind runs on cars here. i've has traditionally provided let me put in with this figure as high as 99.9 percent of a yes vote. this is similar to what happens in north korea. so that's precisely we have loaded up with these bases. you know, um the support is uh, you know, the s and this is supposed to make up for the deficiencies throughout pressure. like, for example, moscow in st. petersburg, we're probably, i expect the turn out will be the lowest involved, russia and ukraine in president. following me is lensky has a valid response off the russian attack on odessa that he labeled vile. at least 21 people were killed and 70 others injured on friday. saturday was, have had a day of local morning and your grands interior minister visited the wounded, seeking treatment to the hospital. the strikes destroyed at least 10 homes and damaged somebody in infrastructure. during these 2, yes,
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of all interest and ukraine's cultural identity has grown internationally. many with creative media backgrounds have been offering their own skills in the war effort as an act of cultural resistance. on the pride explains from the capital chief at home in cave pablo, and do read sort through images from a 2nd life they have made for themselves on the front lines in the east to both photographers and still retailers with successful commercial and freshman careers before the full scale invasion, they joined the same brigade to use the skills in will that as well for the, for the now we are feeling the crimes that have been committed in ukraine and to work with father arm of the 1st year and purchase of our beautiful fight there's themselves and like many other ukrainian artists, incense that rushes apparent intention to destroy the culture,
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and the spare time is devoted to projects, the promot cultural identity, of course. and i'm cool on the d. p, you go into ukrainian culture, the more interesting it becomes and the more you want to delve into it. but with, with, with, if it makes you received everything and realize your value as a nation and our cultural projects have become more, me not home. it helps keep you saying that work is also being used to help recruitment as the army struggles to find enough soldiers to count a recent russian success is like half div beyond the town that's now in russian hands. you trenches up being rapidly created to hold back for the responses, depending on the was progress. so this could become a new defensive line for ukrainian soldiers. but in spite of such a setback, irina and pub law would be at the side, documenting the struggles. and knowing that some of the port rates of fellow soldiers could become the images that traditionally adult in the graves of those
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killed. this the, there's a testicle color. it is very difficult when someone to rise to you and say they're that. and therefore, this has been used on their grace, very difficult against the old, most unbearable burden of rule. one couple seemingly finding strength in the love of a culture and of each other public broad. i'll just say a ref, keith. so many afghans have set up charitable donations to help those who cannot afford proper meals because of a lack of sufficient levels, aid view, and estimates some 2 sides of the population requires humanitarian assistance. but most of the guns everyday life is still a struggle. as some of the individual thoughts now from campbell people unlocking rounded on for a study under the telephone findings preparations before serving hundreds of if thought meals at the doubles of the rough mind was more people gotten there every
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day to break their costs. it's because of computer security that people can freely gather advising. poverty means more people need handouts. this problem is that the, my wife's top out, i'm the american. since this is the month of compassion, muslims should lend a hand. poverty exists in the nation with a daily efforts were unable to v to 1000 individuals. yet every day, the number of visitors increases coming. after the collapse of the republic, much of the foreign assistance is gone to local businesses and donors put together to provide these meals through the whole of the month. and the address of the funds, the rules when we provide these meals for more than a 1000 jobless and poor people every day. we want everyone who can afford to, to give charity. it's like to take part and to prepare if to our meals and because it has great virtue in mind. shopkeepers say, despite the hardships that are more people to see it, the thought a month, which calls itself the is not me. camera, it has one business owners to refrain from price,
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sikes and $40.00. is it the done of these? i'm a limited of of guns done to go over drop list and pull it to your effective life here. but after decades of war and the conflict of guns have learned how to persevere, a lot of fun is a lot of contrasts. winded, as prompt and poverty. there are also those who live comforted lives, and every passing drama done many are increasing. they're trying to look locally, she's moving into, i'm somewhat by my mother, most of our friends and our countryman, our need. we send money to those will far away and provide food packages to people who are close by. the number of people in need has increased by 30 to 40 percent compared to previous e. s. and lots of fund can testify to that poverty. he drives the really bad around town, which have the purchase. any money that i bought from rick, our fast, we only had war 2 the other day. we have some bread now export after 8 years without assistance. i want the government to step in and help. no one can imagine
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how we are living our lives also can not afford to buy wood or purchase a he to. he doesn't understand that the current government isn't recognized by the world. aid is no longer arriving and that our banking restrictions and i've got a son, like thousands of off guns. all he cares about is to put food on the table for this company, doing the for the month of ramadan. so i'm going to drive it down to 0. the most of the head here on out as they are flying through turbulence of the series of incidents involving voting planes. we hear from a former safety official about what's causing the problem. the why have american evangelicals become israel strongest backer is u. s. presidential find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely
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a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. these are the deputies wild flyers in the history of chile. it began with what people describe as a sudden downpour to cinders getting 5 peers wins this way, look like a very small flyer right now with this at this time tree or what's left of it. and the real significant thing is what's underneath, and that is the roots of the tree there, very deep. so when you seem to put out the fire, it can ignite at any moment unless the firefighters keeps coming back and back again. they started simultaneously and exactly the same hour and 6 different places . this was no accident. the government appears to agree and vows to find and punish the culprits of the
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the welcome back. well, major american aircraft manufacturer, boeing is on the screws, you need again, if the one of his pains last and external panels during a flight on friday. this is the latest in a string of incidents for the company. on monday, a 787 dream line at finding flying from sydney to oakland, went into a southern dive and removing 50 passengers. industry officials told the wall street journal, the plunge was likely caused by a switch on the pilot's chair, being activated by accident and pushing him into the controls. just last week, a week from a landing gear for buying. triple 7 fell off during take off from the san francisco airport, damaging parked cause beneath it. and then back in january, boeing, 737 knox 9 claims around. at often, that door panel blew off on an alaska airlines flight. it was forced to make an
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emergency landing from to the federal government investigation safety inspect just so that bolts were missing. while the company has been on the intense scrutiny since crashes and 20182019 killed who missed 350 people. those incidents which involved 737, next 8th, and both indonesia and 8 to europe yet was claimed on faulty software. and census like calling your call, spoke to island deal. he's a full met, national transportation safety board on federal aviation administration investigation. he says he has a needs to hire more inspectors to install quality control. boeing. there are 3 basic problems. one, you have a used to have a dual mandate. promot, as well as regulate the industry. then they pass the airline deregulation that in 1978, and now they're allowing a lot of what they called the look delegation so that the basically boeing is
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performing the epa is job. and what i think is the f a needs to hire a bunch of temporary inspectors not permit, but they need to go into the boeing plants and assure over the next few years, that quality control is paramount. and there they are doing the right job. and these people should be paid for by boeing, but be a government employees. do you feel that that's going to happen to me is, is boeing in a state where it is advocating. so this, i mean, you would think that his lunch is less than from 2017, and 18 when 350 people were killed. luckily, that's been no fatalities with these incidents, but they all alarming. are we seeing boeing willing to change? well that they're talking about that and the new ceo. busy of mr. calhoun says they're going to do it, but it's going to take him some one out, some time, probably months or years. but i still think the government needs
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a presence in these factories to ensure that that's happening. and i, i don't think they need necessarily of permanent presence. but for the next few years, i would advocate that the f a hire temporarily employees and get them into the boeing factories. and i would make boeing pay the salaries of these people. they'd work for the f a, but i think we need other people looking over boeing shoulder for the next months and years. anyway. a lot, steve, you now with some extraordinary images from i send these all life pictures of oh ok no, that's the right thing for the 4th time since december officials have been wanting for weeks that it was imminent and they declared the stage of emergency the surrounding area there in the south, the nearby do the good and one of islands most famous attractions, remains temporarily closed. well that's it for me and associates, a colleague, rog matheson will be here in just a moment with much more of today's news to stay with us here announces here
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the this is the 1st genocide that we see in real time is the victims themselves. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame at the 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise the listening post covers how the news is covered. resilience can sprout from people in the house, just urban environments. a soaring costs spread from the community screen, so i'm curious. so in fair, my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them, have to think about how we're going to. it's probably going to pay our rent before a smile on the people's faces and encourage them to grow foods taking
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a green stone in the new case. biggest city. we all refused london grown witness on a jersey to people who has lived here for generations, still use the natural terrain for shelter since israel's war on god. so begin, post indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank say. similar attacks have double coordinated campaign bias, really, sensors and soldiers. one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves. subterranean life is changing. living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing, modern appliances, tiles, palestinians living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortably. but the threat of displacements violence is never far away in palestine. it is another from blowing
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another struck of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land the, the city and communities, toner, parts, and gods. as all the settings work, your g count as is really strikes kill dozens of members of the same family. the about this, and this is all just a live from doha. i'm also coming up a trucks arriving northern, gaza for the 1st time in months. israel's war has forced hundreds of thousands of


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