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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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on the go and meet tonight, i'll just there is only mobile app is that the, this is where we dissect allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and typed on a new app from out to 0 new at you think is it the to on the growing us pressure to reform the policy you know, authority leader mahmoud abbas is a point to the new prime minister. although fractions have criticized the move israel's war on cause we're still raging. so what purpose will he said and is the p a still relevant? this is inside story, the hello that jane space have been bouncing pressure from the united states. the
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policy you know forward, he's shaking off his leadership. present mahmoud abbas is named his financial advisor as the new prime minister. mohammed mustafah has ample experience in economics, but little in politics. the move has surprised many volumes is escalating in the occupied westbank and israel's war on garza shows no sign of ending. so could this appointment shape the future of the policy? you know, authority doesn't have enough backing from palestinians to move forward. we'll explore these and other issues with people of guessing abutment. but 1st, this report from culture lopez hold a young he's a trusted financial advisor of palestinian president must moodle boss. i think the need to now mohammed mustafah has been appointed as the new prime minister. this term begins at a crucial time and will include forming a new cabinet and performing the palestinian authority. but as you know, if it's can do better in terms of the building,
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but our institutions are providing but the governments so that we can unite our people in the next phase so that we can very unite together under westbank and also prepared for the construction of guys with israel's war on garza washington has intensified as pressure on a boss urging him to restructure the post and in authority so that it can effectively take responsibility regardless that the so that the gaza and the west bank can be reunited under a palestinian leadership for years the p a has phase. thank is asians of corruption, mismanagement and incompetence. and its role within a 2 state solution framework has gradually seated with the look of hyper, the former palestinian prime minister resigned last month, citing escalating violence in the occupied wanna spend and a genocide in garza. but his replacement is all very fielding criticism. in
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a statement amongst us engaging and superficial subs such as forming a new government without a national consensus, only reinforces unilateralism and deepens division. and there are many divisions among palestinian leaders. many of them only amplified by the war of the palestinian authority, govern some areas of the occupied westbank. but coordinates with the is really military, in accordance with the us, the records, the ph relationship with homeless has been frost, since it was pushed out of casa in 2007. there are differences between, you know, the c of functions that's very normal. and you can also really expect that all these different and since you know what is the result in one single meeting is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has, on numerous occasions, rejected or limit is the rule of a post, anita 40. what i think some analysts say and was stuff is appointment,
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could be the 1st of the money in that restructuring. it's governance from top to bottom. the other thing caught see a little bit what again i'll do 0 for insights story. and now let's discuss all of this without guess today, in a mom to honey, most of the senior pablo, sun analyst at the international crisis group. she specializes in conflict resolution here with me in the doha studio man. so schumann, canadian palestinian citizen journalist, who reported from casa between october last year in february this year, and from ramallah in the occupied westbank withdrawing by mustafah. i'll go to the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. good to see you, old. before we get onto the brand new, probably minister of the policy. no, sorry. i see. i'd like to speak about the old one and the old government to honey explain to me. why did i well, how much that why did he and his government resign on february? the 26th was that choice?
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well, i think it was uh, something certainly, uh not quite the choice but uh, a necessity of trust on a given the fact that not only do you have, will this be the on song folding in gaza, but also the ph legitimacy. i've been absent all time low, so it really, you know, in terms of the options available there was very so the p, i have never been as long as they happen. and this isn't just something that's been out since the something to go through. but this is something at the p a has been working with for the last couple of years now. even onto how much data given the, the efficiency of governance, the increase in violence, the disconnect between palestinians on that. so if it's been effective and there needs you, they do not feel actually advocate to them on any political, meaningful level stuff. if i can ask you, perhaps just now i'm going to ask you with your political, how does the head of a party that in a moment. but 1st, if you could just help bob hughes,
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who is mohammed most of just give us a background on him. if you could well, i missed the stuff i is the police to man who used to work for the band quarter of a period of time. and then he came to palestine and he was appointed as you call number, customize the president. and later he became the need that or the president of the palestinian investment fund, which he has to be in the inclusive attributes and last decade. so it's fair to say he has good experience on the economic file. yeah, it is not political. i don't, i mean he presents himself as a techno craft as a, as a technical economist, a motor than anything good. and, and he, i, according to my knowledge is not affiliated with the bus to come up. what does it come to poverty. but he works for the president who is the lead that will fight to
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have of course. um, did he the be okay, well i want to get your political views on, on him in just a moment. but i also want to make clear what the of panel thinks palestinians will make of him, generally up to you mountains. so you came back, i think from gaza. you would the for 2 years, you know, originally from garza, you find this originally from jerusalem. but stream 3 weeks ago, is that right? you came back from gallagher. i'm sure you're still in touch with people in gaza. what is the view that you're getting of this appointment? thank you for holding the enrollment. i'm about up to you and your guests. so even before, even i think it's just an appeal response on behalf of the americans requesting president our bus to put a new face in order as they move forward and trying to change their strategy towards trying to get to the back under the understanding authority and and the
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piano um i think that the people and the ones that i now i do not think that this appointment would have any kind of positive impact on that. he monitored and situation or the political situation on the ground. you have to understand that even start the inside, that stuff is divided. 5050 between uh uh home. but between the, from, with our bus and, and how about the headline who called at the resides in the we and i think that the one reason why he was appointed this because he holds the keys to like come up there. but always he said, you know, he folds the investment funds and he understands the economics. and if that is going to be id, but with them, because they think that they can utilize him as a techno cloth in the process of the building as a, as a new face level designer, steel. and i think again, this is part of the gender of americans throughout the jew, towards of us, whether it's through mandatory economics, politics, or even the social norms to honey. i would like to know what you as an analyst to
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try is to take the temperature of people across the palestinian territories in gaza and the west bank. what do you think the feeling is on the streets? in response to this? i think the 16 is very much in keeping with us support for the flip side solution one, the office palestinians account increase or israel has been peddling for the last few years now as economic piece. so just let me do this. so did you think he's the he is the chosen us candidates, or is it just the us one to change and he is the change the president of boss has decided to put in place or do you think they actually specified him as the prime minister? what's your thoughts on that kind of thing? and leadership is not something that's entirely determined by the palestinians themselves. unfortunately, and often it will be israel and the us that will determine who those particular chosen candidates will be. and so, i mean, he sucks any someone that does kind of say clearly the us have consented to his
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appointment and he's certainly someone here as mr. lucy and you know, there's a pointed out that he or somebody will centuries favor way between us. now i think the issue is not necessarily having listed that's i say it's what this appointment ultimately represents, which is uh, as i said, this is, you know, printer is seen as us support ridiculous. i solution one that says economic release of any substantial, effective political rights to palestinians under and, and political technocratic, securitized government. now, in terms of any drastic change that this has been actually produced, posting as an awful by directory can disclose. coming on this, they know that ultimately, as i've asked remains for the state, how it will be concentrated within the hands of the us to a sofa. so it's about say, so israel and his allies as the united states, as towns don't tell us the football gucci. thank you for taking off your political house at the beginning of the program. you can put it back on again. now you are
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the secretary general of the product and your national initiative. and there was a statement from other t groups and factions, including your own. it's a statement from almost as long as you had the popular front from the brakes to palestine. i'm the palestine national initiative. i read it, it says for me, a new government without the national consensus is a reinforcement of a policy of exclusion and deepening of the patient explained to me why you are so opposed to this appointment when there is nothing to about the time of the stuff up there, so maybe it's not that good some additional, the issue is about something larger than that. the question here is these changes out and responds to the phone. what kind of the phone? there are totally forms that, that on the table here. one day for them is the american is the only one, and that one doesn't care about anything except to make into the policy number. so to, to remote acceptable to is that it. and that means securitized independence to me. and also to to you've been fab though, and that means sustaining
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a deposition on status of the city and also the destruction within or slow process that was kind of the buyers that are in the ready. so it's a process on one side, but they want to keep the balance to me and establishment in that place. that's not the kind of thing for them. that's what you want. and it's not up to, is that a lot of united states to decide the least with the government assembly shall do with us. and in which way that the phone that we are demanding has 2 sides festival . at this very crucial moment when we are encountered, it goes through and when we faced the general side, didn't garza. and when we faced 10 of us, that evasion of the people and the destruction of infrastructure and even be able to push and not the on the of the guys but west bank as well. we need the strong unified much in the leadership. the 1st step would be the establishment that if i only 5, but this thing i knew the trip is the truth to include on board at the conference is also out in the b. i know, and those a lot of still outside the piano and that was the essence of what we agreed about
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as 14 different political groups in moscow and the most recent meeting, which is that everybody should get into the piano and this will create, i own a 5 national leadership that sits stuck on the phone, but the people want is a democratic reform, not that security for them. as i medical ones, we are very surprised that the united states become of democracy ever do it accept and punished by and what people want is the collections that i those the people that need that it's really, i'm the practically something that we've been deprived to them since 2502006, and the biggest problem we face to get it was the continuation of the student elections which should have taken place in 2021. because of this, we have no separation of boards. we have the, the executive structured, small executive structured input the, the study system of new just looked at the system as well as executive system that has to change that for me want is democratic fee elections and separation of powers
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that's on democracy means everywhere else in the world accepted by this time. what does that americans want? the strands of good, it's included, ties structure, that serves the interest of the palestinians, and that this will be the and in my opinion, this, but i shudder from the united states has gone up productive. and that does not the leading to a proper form. on the other hand, the public wants to see are unified processing the ship. they don't want to see this division continue between different forces between how much sense i think they want to see the unified structure. they want to see a democratic structure. stuff showed up is capable of, i think any form of corruption or nipple doesn't go to clear on the list. this is what people want. and i think i want to position. yeah, there's nothing about this but so no, that is the position is about the need for a different system and a different approach. but i thought of them stand within that. i'm so what has been
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during the last 31 years. okay, let's examine why perhaps the us don't want elections that i'm going to ask you what is rather ridiculous? hypothetical question right now, because clearly, garza is under a desperate situation on the palm. bob mint, the, the, the, the forms continue to full and the westbank is on the, is really locked down. but i want to ask you one by one very quickly what your view would be if it was possible to have elections right now. what would be the role result to honey? or it would be an absolutely meaningless exercise if, if the functions like how much they don't allow to partake. yeah, yeah, but so honey. so honey, i'm asking the question, who is the most popular right now? what would be if they, what conditions, what you could have, get the views of, of all of the palestinian people. how do you think the product and then you and people at this moment in time would devote. and i think it's still very from insure
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to tell right now, you know it's happening because i still work from a short to gauge what the actual physical examinations are. people on the ground, i think regardless of when the concept of free and fair elections at this moment in time, is something that is completely off the table if it what took place, especially with the absence of console, which isn't no condition to be hosting elections, but it would be a competing, meaningless exercise. and the way things done and be in touch with me and you already made it very clear that they would not accept any sort of trusting interactions right now. and he selections that they cannot create a time the results. oh, okay, so you didn't want to answer the question man, so i'm going to ask, put the question to you. you just come out of jobs that 3 weeks ago. okay, i'll put the question a little bit different late. right? that's like taking it up to honeys to on is to not to on. so who is the most put the political force among palestinians right now. the definitely so um i'm originally from the west bank and i have family living and doris and the right. now,
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in addition to having family from my wife's side living in garza, i can tell you for a fact that others, teens will vote for the party that's willing to present them in the best way possible. palestinians are proud to people, palestinians of people who want a policy, that's what a government got to give them security and actually give them a photo to definitely be able to give them economic structure. uh that's with unified them. so in my opinion, one of the reasons why elections, i'm not being held this because right now the p a in the way that the, what are the best and his people are willing. i'm not providing any of that either to the west bank or of course the guys are so definitely won't be there and it's called in for me right now. so it will be one of the other parties for sure. would that be? how much or else weiss talked about gucci or you would be a candidates if there were these hypothetical elections. but where do you think the support lives right now are within?
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we don't need to invent that. that's the clear to somebody didn't go with the buttons that have been done since 2020, and up to now. and if you take them all together, you will see that there is a clear attend tendency here. need that opened up by listing and thought this would be able to get the absolute majority. you know, we have a fully proportion of system which means to have that majority, you need 51 percent, i think. and i need to go to the elections that will take place. uh, not, not saying good bye pick. i'm good. how much would it? it would be florida, this stick democratic system. but what, what the, what would happen? we could see an increase in the support of her mass for sure. and because of the room numbers assistance, but we wouldn't see upload on a stick democratic system. and clearly there is a substantial amount of people who want to vote for a tab that said buffy sat in democratic align non fat. how much and that is very
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encouraging. in my opinion, a totally pluralistic democratic system where most in good party has absolute majority will lead to the formation of questions we need to democratic or for them will lead to up our phone. but listed in your logistic of guns in way out of the government. has to be accountable to and i, i think that that is the expected results. and that is know that and those who don't belong to see but this thing is have it through democracy. those who want to impose the agreements on by this thing as like also the, the mentors, impulses and police stadiums. in my opinion. don't want to see democracy because democracy means that anybody who negotiates on the, on behalf of other students have to listen to what the majority of but the students want. and that is sustaining. and the product. think about us to be on national rights to honie. the new prime minister, when he chooses cabinets and when he is fully in office, he has
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a background. as an economist, the economy is in a desperate state. tell us how bad things are. well, the economy has been in a desperate state since the last couple of years now. so it's called the carpet. and so, yeah, it is, it is going to be quite a few, especially given now that you've since isn't about 2 or 3, you've had the institution of an ex, what hasn't mounted to your effective economic siege on the west bank. and now the in terms of economic damage that has been selected, is it again, it's still been very difficult to assess the full scale given restrictions on has meant that includes the various organizations. and i was like myself to actually go in and seriously assess the damage. but it, i mean, he's going to have quite a talk on his hand in trying to read you many of the palestinian economy, especially in the west bank given to a given the also says look to buy either prior to that we, we saw, you know, significant amounts of don't as a t done to funding being pulled that off few years from 2017, off until 2023,
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the palestinians who lost the 2 major down in the us and saw the radio. and, you know, we've, we've seen that even though they have tried to search for alternatives avenue that still hasn't been able to make concepts or the losses of, of leasing us to huge, substantial donations. now, in terms of what she start, she is again, we still don't know how he's going to be able to get things back on track. but you know, it is, it is going to be quite a task, especially while we continue to see the ongoing economics, the restrictions are freedom of movement and such. and on the west bank, which is what has given no indication that it is looking to really have any time soon talk to most stuff or you oppose appointment, but do you think perhaps given what you've just heard and you know it so well of the don't to fatigue that perhaps some of the donors might give some more money now because there's a new prime minister. so one to sort of re a lot as well. uh,
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they might talk about that, but we don't see any actual input. and actually the national community at large is responsible for the continuation of the state of the district, but it must have cut against but the students, especially the night that students concert is not great. and i took the students so which 10 does not vote for a complete on to don't cease fire. so they are responsible not only is there and they have the level under complicit with visitor and, but they have to actually participate in some of this crime that is happening now about the future. look of the damage is so huge. we are talking here about the destruction of all universe. it is, is it a destroyed set at the hospital? i'll just go to the 6 that destroyed more than 100 health facilities. they destroyed more than 75 percent of people's homes. this the method the, the loss damage is bid under the bed would require no less than $50.00 to
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$90000000000.00 would out of the countries are going to provide that. and that's why i see the use challenge. we face the fact that without having to know $110000.00 palestinians couldn't do it, and that's 5 percent of the population. we have 20000 or from children because of this war. we have a total destruction of infrastructure. we have 1000000 people suffering from diseases which we are trying to have now to deal with that no single palestinian political thoughts government installation. it requires the unity of everybody. it's required that we own together in the one you and if i need to ship. so that we can fit these, he was trying to mobilize also what they but as possible to help our people afterwards. but the most engine, please, is 2 forces that are allowed to garza. we cannot do anything go to be better, i mean the thing,
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go ahead and find anybody as long as it is the continued still good bye guys. or do you think that that technocratic government will be able to bush is that a lot of guys are all the kind of work and does that without the cooperation of the conferences there? of course it's impossible. that's why the 1st steps would be the stablish event. of identified, but it's taking a leadership and then the formation of the government has to be an option of consensus process. nobody wants to be in the government. it's not that the issue is about the government has to be accepted by all the others, so that they've done what a good was the power of the signal society, which has to practice a lot of sense for these items. a lot of sense organization and a lot of democratic participation in the life of the fact that so many of those have disappointed us. so many countries in the region on the outside, within the back to our suffering at this very moment. okay, you've talked about the importance of
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a tech mcgrath across the government in terms of what happens in gaza months. so you've just come back from gaza. you are obviously watching things very, very closely. and it looks like that could be important developments that all cease far towards resuming yet. on the other side, you have a prime minister netanyahu sitting is finalize, the, the battle path plans for a, for a rafa offensive. we don't know if this is a negotiate employee. what are people telling you in garza that you've been speaking to about how worried they are at this moment in the the month of ramadan? if you look at the recent history of the over the last few months, uh, very similar events happened before. the invasion of different cities across was us to the people in the plaza are extremely worried that off wouldn't be invaded, and that they would be forced to leave it as a step by force into the egyptian border. and to enter the egyptian out of the area, hence another repeat of 19481967. and this situation that
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is critical from, from hold perspective. um, i think the doc sort of stuff and, and mr. honey gave a lot of numbers about how bad things are there and you'll continue to to 4th on this 247. and if i was a member of the european union or someone in the americas, i would have seen that i have put billions of dollars off investments into infrastructure, into trying to build the values of democracy and human rights into the population. and the over the last decade fall now gone into the wins and robins because of the way that the american sundays really is have acted in was. i don't think there is a trust anymore with the people as a given. any new government that has come up in west bank, we need to like the guest said elections. we need 3 unity for. we need people that's accurate to present that. but a scene in people and the free people, freedom loving people at large in the world. everyone is watching and what is
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happening now and the is going to change history. the question is, what is going to happen over the next couple of weeks when an immediate run and see is why it happened with throwing day? was there any forces or was that off invasion happen? let's see. thank you very much to all 3 of you for joining us for today's conversation on inside story to honey, most of the month. so schumann, most stuff i think about gucci, which is 0, has teams reporting from gauze of the occupied westbank. and inside israel will have the latest news and developments 24 hours a day for analysis and detail. and go to our website, which is 0 dot com. we want your views to find us on facebook. facebook dot com forward slash ha inside story, or use x, the former twitter, where we're at a inside story from the team here. and so how please stay safe on jaden space. i'll see you soon. bye bye for now. the
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a unique perspectives that is done is one of the most, the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other countries really want to really connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra. there is no channel that cover in the world news like we do, the scale of this camp is like nothing ever what we want to know how these things affect people. we revisit please stay, even when there are no international houses. there are really invest in that, and that's a privilege. as a journalist, a boost whole occupation resulting in
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a her risk take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify israel. the soap on gaza, dozens of children bounds him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th. on tuesday or what constitutes exempt. so we can talk to a see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be in my wants to freedom. we don't have to leave them in different countries policy. i'm going to get 50 percent representation and even accountability benefits know 1000 service at this point and you're saying you don't have any reports for that. i should just trust the community off to the side. the
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cool that used to produce outstanding dennis them out as the integrity in the proceeds of the the color. this is the news. our i'm so venue lived from doha. it's good to have you with us coming up in the program this hour another day. another result is really forces strike a home and central guys are killing 12 palestinians. children are among the injured . the 1380 trucks rolled into northern gauze or without incidents where children are dying of 100,
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a growing refugee crisis for sedans, neighbors, new.


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