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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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to what we do and all just sarah is trying to balance the stories, the good, the bad, the id tell. it says it was. and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minus. he asked me to tell this story. the, the another day, another a salt is really forces strike a home in central gaza, killing 12 palestinians. children are among the, into the, i'm sort of any a, it's good to have you with us. this is elsa 0 light from the also coming up, the 13, a drugs rolling to northern guns or without incident where children are dying of hunger, a growing refugee crisis for sedans, neighbors, nearly
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a year of fighting has killed 1000 united, displaced millions, and these years coo, leaders and a military agreement with the us effective immediately at a time in the nation is growing closer to russia. the beginning central garza where it is really attack has killed at least 12 palestinians house. and the city of darrow, the butler was targeted. several people were injured including children. they have been taken deluxe to a hospital which is facing a shortage of medical supplies for the 1st time in months. a trick, live aid has arrived in northern garza without incident. 13 trucks delivered supplies including flour to jamalia and gaza. city volunteers and community leaders coordinated with the un to secure the entry of the convoy. 8 organizations say this delivery is a test to see if they can conduct more on sunday. a growing number of palestinians are dying of hunger in the north where the un says famine is taking hold. in
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northern guns at $1.00 and $3.00 children under the age of 2 is acutely malnourished. that's according to the united nations. some food parcels have been air dropped or delivered by sea, but it's nowhere near enough to meet the needs of millions of palestinians. michael, apple reports, $200.00 tons of aid is brought to show. this represent certainly a fraction of what's needed to stop people solving in gaza. the situation is sorry about that. no one can imagine it on the ship, even if it helps, will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of 8 and people competing to take 8 from the show. and drops of caused chaos with several people killed by falling pallets. when parachutes failed to open up the number and then to send the we keep waiting for the aid. this is not a solution with a by ship all by playing by. yeah. we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children who drowned in the c 488 agencies are
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wanting nearly 600000 people are on the brink of the world. the nice, the living situation is very about. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us there is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce. so either the ship open arms arrived from cyprus on friday. the us charity behind the delivery, acknowledges that the best way to get desperately need an aide in is for israel to open the land car at all. our 1st boat that right there, i read. ready to going to escape it up. these are what do we see? i will you be sure he's how you the of high way of a going to augusta? of course, we need to keep updating the lot across the higher more taxes because no in north a city is not a no a play miles arriving to augusta with israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu approving plans for an insult on the southern city of rough. uh, which is sheltering more than a 1000000 displaced people. any
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a deliveries may be too late. mike level, which is 0. federico definitely is the middle east director for the a group, humanity, and inclusion. he explains how a delivery could and should be increased. and these are just putting out a lot of the on the subsidy hartzell's uncle strings. and these, my aunt you, whether you have started because of a problem or there's been an order by intention on top of injustice. the requires is ready to ensure adding p to a 8 to, to go straight. and i think these as not be knows what respect to do in the past months in the house. so we, we really need to see the entire community more pressure. when you do that, all by itself, we get from open all the boilers open on the crossing vines and allow and much larger, small access to wait. as i said,
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we could be truly honeywell trucks going from south. got it for more than that so we could have 100 will trucks going from your list. okay. and from there, he's ready to cost into an awesome guys. directly. he, sol, in easiest power to, to do that. we also need the following to stop when you have a medium sized car because part of things accusing part of the reason i'm calling was have no be able to uh, well, great safety and promote safe. and it is also inside the office is continuing to our sites happening everywhere and no worries saves in gaza. and this is also how to bring everything of international translations to a to deliver a to it's forcing to counsel us. i'm calling with a push pull and she managed to withdraw stuff from some sports areas. so anyway, as far it looks like she probably condition to make sure that we can scale up, but he does have a volunteer doctors and ross. i say that they are struggling to provide medical care with the people in the overcrowded city in southern gaza. the un says 1500000
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palestinians have sought shelter there after israel's intense attacks and northern and central does a profit lacks the health care facilities to treat this many people and a shortage of medicines and supplies is worsening. the suffering news, it's impossible for medical facilities to accommodate this number of patients. they're operating in a camp housing, around 1500000 people. the medications were received very quickly. we receive medications to cover a week, but they ran out in just one day. we were visiting shortages of medicine, especially pediatric medicines. they're a lot of patients in the camp with all children suffering from malnutrition and a wide spread presence of hepatitis a children require food, high and sugars like dates which are currently unavailable. if thousands of protesters in israel are demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, they are angry about the government's handling of the one, gaza,
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and its failure to bring home the captives. netanyahu is sending a delegation to guitar soon to respond to homeless his latest ceasefire proposal, but as homeless, so who reports from to leave me, his release appear to be running out of patience, discontent outside these rarely defense ministry for over a month. protest against israel government have taken over to leave on saturday, evenings, calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. and for immediate elections . we want it this government eh, to take us seriously to quits. and we want that. and i was, a country will be a for the people at north for smoke detector it a good hearing blocking main highways in order to send a message to the dogs and they want the brought
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back. now, these latest protests come made talk of negotiations to secure a pause in the fighting, which would mean the release of some is really captive. my whole life goal for to behind every of the team members that are still suffering and how most of the tv is it all 0 loved ones who don't sleep or they don't eat and cannot breeze play testers accuse the prime minister of cancelling award cabinet meeting aimed at establishing, demanding for israel's negotiating team. but nothing y'all, whose office denies this saying the country's war cabinet would meet on sunday. demonstrators say they're fed up with their government's policies, policies that have failed to secure the release of the remaining captives, hondas and who just either tell these as the
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as good some of the world news, the un says the conflict in sedan has caused the world's largest displacement crisis, nearly a year of fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces has killed thousands of people and force millions from their homes. every day, more than 1500 people seeing the violence arrive in neighboring south sedan houses . here, as malcolm lab reports from rank county along the border, gotten around no, says her family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood near c times capital cost 2, because they couldn't afford to leave earlier. when the window will reach stuff, the web um shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. so most people are back to him and she says, the power millet, she brackets the pool forces, all reassess, took over the area and the rested. her son bushera from a playstation kiosk, he runs the children. he says he was interrogated and came accused of supporting,
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see dons all me, and told to join the rest that, that a lot of young people registered with my mom said she never forgive anyone. if you go and fight, that's why i refused to something, says she pleaded with the come on, doesn't since he was released then for a money to flee with having to i finally your call says he was shot in the stomach more than 2 months ago. his genies being agony, they will join more than half a 1000000 people have slept to south seed on since the conflict began nearly a year ago. most of them arriving here. it's a border in rank county from the capital g, but it's only accessible by an hour flight to 2 hours. it's drawing so much of the price of flooding when it rains. that's why new york spend most of his life working in factories and cost to support his family back home. now he hopes they'll help
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him if he can get back to the office with people with special needs, including those who are into practice of breast feeding. everyone else is providing instruct, people who have come from. who knows the full health services are closed that come from the nation trends and come into town to bring some months. it's been receiving south sudanese, which are nice like new york, and our growing number of suit and these people of thing had to of the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now the remote and 5 times that this is one of the somehow forgot to the emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of you 350. you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. you know,
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it says he spent the last of his money off the he was shots. he says his friends took him to a hospital controlled by the recess. he demanded $1700.00 for surgery. chevy, i sold all of my furnitures and they did the operation and then they demanded more . i couldn't even afford food and i'm urinating blood. i left, i found everything in my home had been looted. so i came here the shelter, who is home for the coming days, his life and livelihood in call to of gone. now he says he just wants to get home. malcom web out a 0 ring county south seat on it is the 3rd and final day of voting and the russians presidential election, which has been taking place across 11 time zones. more than a 114000000 people are eligible to cast ballots. president vladimir lieutenant seeking a 5th term and office, and he's widely expected to win since many of his opponents have been silenced, to jail or forced into exile in russian control regions of ukraine. voting started
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already. last months. moscow says the turn out in these areas has been high. key says the election is illegal and has urged ukrainians not to take part. let's go to moscow where dorothy jabar is standing by for us at a holding station in the russian capital's door. so tell us about about turn out so far, this being de 3 of the vote and also what you're seeing on this final day as well, according to the central election commission as of 5 gmc, the last time we got figures from them, there's been a voter turnout of 60 percent so far. that means of the nearly 114000000 russians who are eligible to vote. 60 percent have already done so. and we still have a full day but we're taking took over the pulse here. we close at about 17 gmc and then the accounting will begin. of that aside, we have seen this is
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a polling station we were at on friday the 1st day of voting today though, there is a, a obvious increased security. we were as thoroughly checked, our equipment was checked as well as everything that belongs to for us on us. because there is some calls for protest at noon at 9 gmc across the country by opposition figures outside russia as well as those behind bars. it's called a voltage gauge, pretend as a protest, but it's going to be very difficult to see how to manage for russians because there is such a heavy security presence. and also, the prosecutor general has said that any disruption caused by people at the polling stations is going to carry 5 your prison term. so it's going to be difficult for many people to voice, the opposition around what is happening here. okay, and i wanna dig into that little bit if we can, are you able to gauge more broadly how russians deal about the selection?
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i mean, not just the, this call for protest given that the outcome is really not in doubt. yes, i think there is a sense, at least from the people that we've spoken to in the capital that coaches rain will continue. and that is something that is inevitable. now, one is because many people don't see any other option. there hasn't been much choice given to them. there's only 4 candidates on the ballots. and all of them are very much similar in terms of policy to vladimir putin and also they are going to a very difficult time in this country in their history. and they have unprecedented international sections. this is russia's now, the world's most section country, after it invaded ukraine in february of 2022. also, they've been cut off on the international community in every way imaginable. there
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is a sense that this liter latterbush is their only choice to lead them through this difficult time. and if this is not a time to change, to another reader to see how they can improve the country, they want someone they know and trust. and that is why most of what we've spoken to say they voted for black dorsey jabari. thank you very much for all that context and you're reporting there from inside a polling station in moscow. thank you door. so this is still a head on elsie or a more chaos in haiti looting on the streets while gang violence gets worse, have cost much of the capital portal prints. and doing lot of a once again, this volcano in iceland is a rough thing for the 4th time in 3 months. the fellow has been a very different start to the day for positive west. and you have lots of plowed
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now. rolling in there looking at around the dial, whether pushing for read some heavy, a bus of rain as well as these weather systems just coming from the atlantic coast southerly winds. that will south wesley windsor temperatures on the, on the mile side. that would be the case as we go on through the next couple of these particular close at western side of here, heavier rain and moving across. so whilst pushing across that eastern side of england and scott, with a bunch of skies for the end of sundays, as you can see what a 2 showers just creeping into northern honest as long as spousal right. coming to the west. what it does come down across the low countries, it's a central positive front span to pull school looking warm, dry and sunny temperatures into the low twenty's and a rising. meanwhile, we got a single fitness that cooler, the bottling line for wall, so temperatures. let me know for a talk to snow that went to weather will make his way down towards the italy and the balkans as we go into monday. let me know whether to just effect in the final phase to africa, easing off of a switch, just running across the car, right?
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the easy type of just pulling away good part of the egypt thing somewhere. whether i over the next couple of days when i mean whether to just around the us postal fringes of west africa right into the gulf, please give me of the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back? or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the us is always of in 554, right? the world people pay attention to this one here. and i'll just do this very good. they're bringing the news to the world from here. the
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you're watching else, a 0 reminder of our headline. this hour and is really attack on a residential building and they're on the ballot. and central gaza has killed at least 12 palestinian. several people are injured including children. they've been taken. deluxe, the hospital, which is facing a shortage of medical supplies. the 3rd and final day of voting and russians presidential election is under way across the country. it's taking place in 11 time zones with more than a 114000000 people eligible roughly 1500 people seeing the conflict and sedan of crossing into south savannah. every day, 11 months of fighting between the army and a tyrant, realty group has displaced millions. the u. n. says refugee camps on the border are overcrowded, and the under resourced is really forces have ended an hours long raid and novelist
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and the occupied westbank. there were reports of confrontations between these really troops and palestinian fighters. the army rated several neighborhoods looking for people. it says it wants it is really forces have arrested with a 9000 palestinians in the occupied westbank. most of them, since the war on gods have began for many families, this is going to be the 1st remedy, and this is the 1st round of down without their loved ones as nit. abraham reports, however, for others. they've enjoyed many rema dams with a missing seat at the table. as the sunsets and the village of boot in the occupied westbank. but as long as the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their daily fast. is this the holy month of the month on a time for family gatherings, but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together ended but who's the other 5 was the rest of the week before on started is really officials have not given
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a reason yet for detaining her during 8 of their home 18 year old so. so it'd be says her mother spoiled her. she doesn't know how to cook or do the house tours, but that has southern new changed. now all the house responsibilities fell in my life. i clean and tidy up and help my little sister study. she tries to stay positive with behind her anxious smile. there is pain. i ask her, what worries hurry the most difficult? i don't know how my mom is doing now in prison. the night before she was arrested, she was preparing the dawn drinks and sweets. look at us now trying to keep life going without her. you know, the family relies on relatives for help. and those youngest girls are 8 and 9 years old. she bought them new pay a cruise to go to the mosque together. i'm going to get the log they often tell me grandma, don't leave us alone at night. don't go now i get them ready to take them to the
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mosque to pray, even though i am tired. but i will take them a few kilometers away in trouble. now the husband is not missing 12, or even 3 members of head farm. indeed the sort of hold on. but 5, her husband, 3 sons, and her daughters fiancee, one detained before the little girl is on the other is often. so what i'm up on the more trial in, in record, it's not the faster i'm it done that we have the with the family member missing. but this time there's more people in prison than here at home. this, it's sad. yes, you see me cooking, but it's not easy. since the war these radio forties have prevented palestinian families from visiting prisoners. the little they know about them is from very nice prisoners, leaving now the unable to answer the questions of her grandchildren. have the few thought he had come home that i can all the children are feeling the pain on their way to the kindergarten. they pass the military prison and coal that on closing grandfather,
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they asked me if the prisoners can hear them last in less than an hour, this families past will come to an end. but the way to re unite with a relative seems never ending as a detention might be extended in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one. at the spot, people knew that, but he just needed the occupied westbank and to share his ruling, june to it says it has ended military cooperation with the us with immediate effect . it has revoked in agreement allowing american troops and civilian staff to operate in the country. the us state department says the announcement followed what it caused. frank discussions about our concerns about the agenda is trajectory. you're luck with that i sure onto. they do be on co operation between the 2 countries, in particular, military cooperation and the fight against terrorists. the us presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the sofa and people, in particular,
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students elected representatives to be consulted on the installation of a foreign army on its territory. here's a reminder of wind these year is important to the united states. the west african nation hosts the u. s. military base, which is home to around $1100.00 soldiers. it's the hubs military operations in this hell region fighting groups linked to al qaeda at iso. after last year is cool, the us suspended most military aid now and each year has closer ties with russia, which has sought to expand its influence in the region through security partnerships hubbard, tons of reports from washington for 3 days. last week, a high level us delegation was in these ad was stored to talk about washington's desire to keep its military presence in the country. however, on south of the government spokesperson said that they weren't even informed of what the goal of the us delegation was. and when the us did speak to them,
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it was to accuse them of having a secret deal with birth, russia and iran, and demanding that they stopped that deal with the new air and government to all of this. that would be housing taking that terribly well. they denied the secret deals, they say they all the deals are fully transpired. they've had diplomatic relations with those 2 countries for decades. and they don't appreciate the threats apparently that issued to them this year and government to cease its relations with russia and the wrong. and that noting that the us is continuing its military operations in the country with low transparency of what exactly the doing and this year and government spokesperson said that the us presence in the country was no longer welcome. this is a huge. busy to the us media is the center of us operations in west and north africa, notably at its air base,
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21 the the most expensive construction project. the largest construction project ever undertaken by the us air force over a $100000000.00 to build 3 years to build $30000000.00 a year to maine che offensively, it's bad for war on terror operations. but it's really there also for break power projection. the games countries like russia and china and these s g are strategic, be very poor with access, you know, around the continents and very rich in results. so a big, blurred to the us. in addition, we know that there are other bases in, in new jersey, secret basis, odyssey i drain based a big blow. but the us seemingly did have an inkling that this might happen. they've been in tubes of other countries, but it'd be cooked deval and gone or about possibly relocating that she ever fancy alger 0. washington eunice, this is one of its 8 containers that he's main port has been looted. gang violence
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has gripped much of the capital puerto prince caribbean nations in the us are trying to form a transitional council to restore law and order. but as john home and reports from santo domingo, a neighboring dominican republic, gang leaders are fighting to maintain their control. another descend into k o. i hate to looting in the pool, the same it carriages that's gone. fine. criminal games were on the street fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of to some days of relative call. meanwhile, schools and businesses, the shop trade is from big to smooth a suffering. a we will arouse on the straits people have turned against us. they don't feel comfortable, they don't live in peace. they can't even sleep at home. they can't see me children to school because they have no money to feed bin with mentions, go out into the straits, looking for money to feed out children wives. we find nothing in the country and
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tell them we will pre programmed, says a 1000000 people are on the brink of funding the us and european union, the promise state. the question is, how will it get in this is the apple closed off the coast and getting a tax? it's been nearly 2 weeks since planes came down this from way even the vehicles in the presidential palace and circled by shipping containers, apparently by police to stop criminals from taking them. the choking of will in 2 ways in and around the country. they want to stop the transitional count so that the us in some caribbean countries are pushing for it would be made up of representatives from some of heights these political blocks of the use of on successful outside interference. some haitians reject it too, because this is a country for and this has no right to metal, no offense,
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this is our country and it's up to us to unite and put to an order with the account . some in theory would at least philip political vacuum naming inter and prime minister and pay for the way to both to elections. and a multinational police force to enter hate to. under the leadership of kenya, the that force would inevitably limit the gains power, the fight, and that will restaurant. meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir. john hohmann out to zeta sent to domingo the dominican republic. that as well as president nicholas maturer is to seek a 3rd term and an election scheduled for july. the socialist party declared him its candidate that an event in caracas, opposition leader, maria covina machado has been disqualified on charges of corruption, which many believe or trump top, and brazil's former presidential. you are both scenario has made a defiance appearance at a rally in rio de janeiro. it comes a day after the release of testimony from former military chiefs,
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accusing him of plotting to overturn the 2022 election results. boston r. o told his supporters, he is ready to face trial on a piano cap reports from rio de janeiro, the business as usual for brazil, spam, or president j. well, so not participating in political rallies. i had of october's municipal elections telling this proud of supporters that he's ready different surprises. i am most afraid of being judged as long as the judges are impartial. also, and that is being investigated for allegedly plotting a code to keep himself in power. after losing the 2022 elections, the rally took place one day after brazil supreme court released incriminating statements made by top military officers. also not as former army and air force commanders, toll federal police that he had planned to over.


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