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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the time to make the . ready ready ready that is really a tax on essential guys that have killed at least 12 people and wounded many more including children. the i'm sort of any age group to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from the full. so coming up, the 13 a trucks rolling to northern guns are without incidents where children are dying of hunger, a growing refugee crisis for sedans, neighbors, nearly a year,
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a fighting has killed thousands and displaced millions and more chaos in haiti looting on the streets while gang violence gets worse across much of the capital. puerto prints the, we're beginning gaza where is really forces have killed at least 92 palestinians in the past 24 hours in one attack and central gas, at least 12 people were killed. the house and the city of darrow violet was targeted. several people were injured, including children. they have been taken to allots the hospital, which is facing a severe shortage of medical supplies. also for the 1st time in months, the trickle of aid has arrived in northern garza without incident. 13 trucks delivered supplies including flour to boast, jamalia, and gaza. city volunteers and community leaders coordinated with the un security entry of this convoy 8 organization. to say that this delivery is
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a test to see if they can conduct more on sunday, a growing number of palestinians, a dying of hunger in the north, where the un says fan and is taking hold. $1.00 and $3.00 children under the age of 2 in northern gaza is acutely malnourished. again, that's according to the un. some food parcels have been the air dropped or delivered by sea, but it's nowhere near enough to meet the needs of millions of palestinians as michael apple reports or 200 tons of aid is broad to show. this represents only a fraction of what's needed to stop people solving in gaza. the situation is sorry about that. no one can imagine it on the ship, even if it helps will be a drop in the ocean. because the entire region is in need of 8, and people are competing to take 8 from the show. and drops of caused chaos with several people killed by falling pallets. when parachutes failed to open up the number and then to send the we keep waiting for the aid. this is not
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a solution with a by shipple by playing it, but yeah, we saw plains dropping 8 and people fighting over it to get the bill. some children who drowned in the c 488 agencies are wanting nearly 600000 people are on the brink of the world. the nice, the living situation is very about. we cannot eat or drink and it is very scarce. they told us that is 8 in the south, but it is very scarce. so either the ship open arms arrived from cyprus on friday. the us charity behind the delivery, acknowledges that the best way to get desperately need an aide in is for israel to open the land card or our vice vote that right there. i read ready to going to escape out of these i what was the i will you be sure he's how you the of high way of a going to augusta? of course we need to keep opening the lot across the higher more taxes because no in north bay city is not a no 8 miles a ride into garza,
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with israel as prime minister benjamin netanyahu approving plans for an assault on the southern city of rough uh which is sheltering more than a 1000000 displaced people. any a deliveries may be too late. mike, level l g 0. federico, destiny is the middle east, director for the aide group, humanity and inclusion. and he explained to me earlier how a delivery to gauze if could be increased, that is putting out a lot of the assessor, the harvest uncle strings, and these my come onto whether you will start because of a problem. or there's been an order by impact on top of injustice that requires he's ready to ensure unimpeded to a 8 to hold a gun street and a sink. these as not be nets with respect to in the past months in the house we, we really need to see the township community putting more pressure when you're gonna tell by itself the gate open on the board is open on crossing pines and allow
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and much larger small access to a state recruit each really honeywell trucks going from south. got it for more than that, so we could have 100 will trucks going from joules. okay. and from there, he's ready to cost into an organ. does uh, directly uh he sold in easily power to choose not to do this. we also need the following to stop. we need to be just as far because possible things accusing part of the reason i'm calling was of no be able to uh, well, great safety and to most safe meetings on the side of the office is continuing to our sites happening everywhere. no worries saves in gaza and this is also a timeframe. usually it's, you'll be international organizations to a to deliver a to it's forcing to come. so as i'm calling with the push pull and she means to withdraw stuff from some sports areas. so anyway, as far as well,
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so it keep recommendation to make sure that we can scale up, but he'd love it as a, as a volunteer doctors and ross. i say that they're struggling to provide medical care with the people in the overcrowded city in southern gaza. the u. n says 1500000 palestinians have sort shelter thereafter. israel's intense attacks and northern and central gaza. rafa lacks the health care facilities to treat as many people and a shortage of medicines and supplies is worsening. the suffering news, it's impossible for medical facilities to accommodate this number of patients recreating in a camp housing around 1500000 people. the medications received very quickly. we receive medications to cover the week, but they ran out in just one day. we were visiting shortages of medicine, especially pediatric medicines. they're a lot of patients in the camp with all children suffering from malnutrition and a wide spread presence of hepatitis a children require food, high and sugars like dates which are currently unavailable. thousands of protesters
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and israel are demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin that you know, they're angry about the government's handling of the wall and gaza end its failure to bring home the captives. netanyahu is sending a delegation tickets are soon to respond to him, also as late as proposed ceasefire deal, but as hemmed us out. hoot reports from tel aviv many as relieves appear to be running out of patience, discontent outside these rarely defense ministry. for over a month, protests against israel's government have taken over to leave on saturday, evenings, calling on prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. and for immediate elections . we want it this government eh, to take us seriously to quits and we want it does a, i was a country will be a for the people at north for smoke detector is
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a good hearing blocking main highways in order to send a message to the gunner gonzales and they want the brought back. now, these latest protests come made talk of negotiations to secure a pause in the fighting, which would mean the release of some is really captive. my whole they call for to behind every of the key members that are still suffering and homeless, couple tbd 00 loved ones who don't sleep on the don't eat and cannot breeze play testers accused the prime minister of cancelling award cabinet meeting aimed at establishing, demanding for israel's negotiating team, but nothing y'all whose office denies this saying the country's war cabinet would meet on sunday. demonstrators say they're fed up with their government's policies, policies that have failed to secure the release of the remaining captives,
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hondas and who just need to lease st. boxes where he joins us in our studio window . he's a director of the golf study center at guitar university. i'm not sure, but i wanted to talk to you about where we are in the ceasefire negotiations. i'm us has proposed a ceasefire plan that yeah, with the is really prime minister, has called it ludicrous and unrealistic. do you think there is still a real window to get a deal done here? i think considering the current status quote of the world and also come on the status quo when it comes to the pressure on the, is there a government especially on nothing, you know from that many cents on the other pins. and the push out from within is what i think there is a window for the whole the negotiation could at least last more time. so they would be more discussion on details. of course they say those on details, but sometimes you know, details kind of bring some hope as well. so i think that the, you know,
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what we are seeing now is there is a failure on the ground about any success. there is a criticism failure, so that is why it is one of those where a uh army. uh, there is much event. there is no serious still in the notes and because that is a place a place for water attended last night. i said her license is active there and they said since november that uh north of us is actually the, is it free and clear of from us? and when it comes to the cop, cuz no one has been very so far and also a modem for them to push out on the government for them within those right. it is a society itself that they need the solution they need. and for the, for this, what as, as early as possible, there's a key step before that it goes, she ation is really resume and for that delegation to go to doha. that's expected to happen tomorrow. before that happens, there's a key step which are the meetings this evening, these really war cabinet meeting and then the wider cabinet meeting. what do you
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expect from those? what are those for those meetings to the, to the, the regression team. who would come to the huh? and inform them about their mandate, to what extent they can go on the discussion. previously, there was a discussion about very limited men date given to the location. um, uh and, and the previous uh the uh, negotiation and products. there was a crisis after that between the starter from inside and been a minute then. yeah. so now they're out there talking about more mandate to the the negation, to talk more, to, to go deep in details, trying to come up with a, a, i would say alternative a proposal of that is coming back to like the government. that is what this is important to the uh, the negation, and to that, the government, to set out the broad terms under which the delegation, if it does indeed come to do how it will be able to negotiate and directly from us
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. there are so many voices. if you look at the work cabinet meeting and the lighter cabinets, there's so many different voices here. you've got benny gas on the one hand who's arrival to let you know who you've got. obviously. net. yeah. himself, his defense minister, they don't always the i to i then you've got the far right ministers and the wider are having that meeting how. i mean it's, it's hard to see what they can land on when we know that they have completely different opinions. what it's cool when it comes to the wood cabinets. this is a very interesting cabinet because of, uh, without adding guns. uh, there is no, uh, minutes at expertise on that covenant us. and we have come to the why, the cabinet with our eyes income. we're always adding guns as well, that is normally take uh, expertise with the exception of meditative defense. so basically you talk about lack of expertise with comes to the, to the, to the military side of it. and so that's the reason why there's a debate about you need to listen to the security to the military more because they are the people who know more details about what's happening. the big route. it's
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not totally about politics, it's about, you know, uh, army is about to view about what's happening and doesn't on. i think this discussion with the tool cabinet is about listening to all the voices trying to come up to the voice to the, to the uh theres uh, which can basically help within the hour to uh decide where, where it goes, not lives where he thank you very much for joining us in the studio. this out. thanks or is really forces have ended now and hours long rayed and novelist in the occupied westbank. there were reports of confrontations between these really troops and palestinian fighters. the army rated several neighborhoods looking for people that it says it wanted the on to other world news. now it's the 3rd and final day of voting and rushes presidential election, which has been taking place across 11 time zones. more than a 140000000 people are eligible to cast ballots. president vladimir putin is
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seeking a 5th term in office. he is widely expected to win, as many of his opponents have been either silenced, jailed or forced into exile and in russian control regions of ukraine voting started. last month. moscow says the turn out in these areas has been high keys, on the other hand says the election is illegal and has urged ukrainians not to take part in it as go to moscow. dorsey jabari is standing by for us in a pulling station in the russian capital doors. the tell us about a turn out so far on day 3, and what you're seeing on this final day of voting well . so it was a slow start this morning here at this particular police station, but that was to be expected, given that it's the weekends and posts opened and 5 gmc, but over the past half an hour, been seeing a larger number of people coming through here. and testing their votes, according to the central election commission,
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is 62 percent of eligible voters have already cast morales. now, this is going to be certainly important before vladimir put in who is expected to win with an overwhelming majority. given that there is no real opposition to his presidential run of what is different today is the security around holding stations across the country. we ourselves have witness a drastic change since we were also here on friday reporting. today. we were search thoroughly once we uh entered and we know liquids were allowed to come into this holding station. that was as a result of a number of incidents that took place over the past 2 days of people trying to support you spoiled the valid boxes and protests of the election. western powers for looking at this vote and describing it as a parody of democracy or their election observers. teams who guarantee that the vote is fair. well,
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there are election observers international once from a 106 different countries. and i met some of them this morning and spoke to them briefly as a team, i matched wire from the democratic republic of congo at the observers that are here are certainly from what the russian refers to as friendly countries. the main independence international observer, a organization known as the organization for security and cooperation in europe was banned from coming to monitor the selection. that's the 1st time pressure has done . so they said that this group is not going to be fair to russia, so they were not allowed to a monitors for the elections. and the russian government has said that the west is trying to undermine drug shop by casting doubts on the to them to see of the election. so there's certainly a sense that the picture being painted outside of russia is one that is not
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favorable to this election process. and many a are saying that this is something that is to be expected given the current climate. the country finds itself in russia since invading ukraine in 2022 is the world's most sanctioned country now. and letting me put in is using this election as more of a referendum on his basically as popularity with the russian people endorsed jibari reporting the from moscow. thank you very much door so to the still ahead on alpha 0. find out why an easier as qu, leaders have ended a loan military agreement with the united states and spewing lava. once again. this volcano in iceland is a rough thing for the 4th time since december. to stay with the
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the hello. we may well say temperatures just taking a little bit of a tip across pots within the 200 over the next couple. so i just a little cloud just coming in here and it will be some showers, some of them very much on the south side. the west of whether it's part of the south bony sinatra job. i still sing live the down pools one or 2 shelves into the philippines, but not too bad. hate and see long as you try fine and sunny for the most part. that's that where to where that coming back in across the good parts of indonesia bank cold temperatures near 34 degrees celsius. but so many law i'd be shy was coming for you. hey, henri. down post certainly very much in the offing. i over the next couple of days that we have seen some live to shop as long as spousal freight affecting northern positive australia. i took a look at these numbers 350 millimeters, the frame just around that. the western side of the gulf of comp and terrier i was in 24 as the last couple of days, a staggering 800 millimeters if i was pipe flooding and the flooding range will
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continue it. so thanks to typical cycling a megan, which continues to strengthen when it's picked up. this highest may be 200 kilometers per hours. the system to start his ex wife or the south was monday, making proper land full, drifting a little further west, which as we go through the next couple of days with more flooding, rain. notice cooling off for the se of the, in an increasingly complex world. it's paramount to be direct. there should moment international law is vehicle, be this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate. upfront one out to 0. who
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the, you're watching else is here on several. then a reminder of our headlines this hour and is really a tax on a residential building and darrow ballot and central guns that has killed at least 12 palestinians. several people are injured including children. they have been taken to unlock the hospital, which is facing a shortage of medical supplies. for the 1st time in months of trick, levine has arrived in northern garza without incidents. 13 trucks delivered supplies including flour to both jamalia and gaza. city volunteers and community leaders coordinated with the un, secure the entry of the con. the 3rd and final day of voting and russia's presidential election is under way across the country. it is taking place in 11
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time zones with more than a 114000000 people eligible to folks. initial results are expected at 1800 gmc the u. n says the conflict in sedan has caused the world's largest displacement crisis. nearly a year of fighting between the army and the parent military rapids support forces is killed. thousands of people enforce millions from their homes every day, more than store 1500 people seeing the violence arrive in neighboring south sedan. now can web reports from rank county along the board, a something around no size. her family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood near. so don's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the window will reach stuff. the web um shows everywhere getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. so most people are back to him and she says the power millet, she brackets the pool forces will recess, took over the area and the rested sun bushera from the playstation kiosk he runs
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the children. he says he was interrogated and kind accused of supporting, see dons on me and told to join the rest that, that a lot of young people registered with my mom said she'd never forgive anyone. if you go and fight, that's why i refused to do something to says she pleaded with the come on those until he was released then for a money to flee with having to i finally your call says he was shot in the stomach more than 2 months ago he's joined, he's being agony. they will join more than half a 1000000 people have slept to south seed on since the conflict began nearly a year ago. most of them arriving here. it's a border in rank county from the capital g, but it's only accessible by an hour flight to 2 hours. it's drawing so much of the imprint of flooding when it rains. that's why next spend most of his life working
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in factories and cost to support his family back home. now he hopes they'll help him if he can get back to the office with people with special needs, including those who are into practice of breast feeding. everyone else is providing instruct. people have come from places whether full health services are closed that come from food nation transit can in the town of for some months it's been receiving south sudanese which are nice like new york and our growing number of suit. and these people are seeing head to the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now the room more than 5 times that this is one of the somehow forgot to an emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not a, you know, what we are receiving, we have must have number of you 350. you would need assistance,
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but our capacity and funds are very limited. no, it says he spent the last of his money off that he would show us. he says his friends took him to a hospital, controlled by the are ss, he demanded $1700.00 for surgery, and the chevy. i sold all of my furnitures and they did the operation and then they demanded more. i couldn't even afford food and i'm urinating blood. i left, i found everything in my home had been looted, so i came here. the shelter will be his home to the coming days, his life and livelihood in call to of gone. now he says he just wants to get home malcom web out to 0 ring county south. see don is here as ruling june to it says it has ended military cooperation with the us with immediate effect it revoked in agreement, allowing american troops and civilian staff to operate in the country. the us state department says the announcement followed what it calls frank discussions about our
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concerns about the dentist trajectory. good luck that i show on to let it be on co operation between the 2 countries. in particular, military cooperation and the fight against terrorists. the us presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is legal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the sofa and people. and particularly students elected representatives to be consulted on the installation of a fire, an army on its territory. as she hubbard tennessee reports on this from washington for 3 days last week, a high level us delegation was in these ad was stored to talk about washington's desire to keep its military presence in the country. however, on south of the government spokesperson said that they weren't even informed of what the goal of the us delegation was. and when the us did speak to them, it was to accuse them of having
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a secret deal with birth. russia and iran and demanding that they stopped that deal the new year and government on, on this that would be housing taking that terribly well. they denied any secret deals. they say they all the deals are fully transpired. they've had diplomatic relations with those 2 countries for decades, and they don't appreciate the threats apparently that issued to them this year and government to cease its relations with russia and the wrong. and that noting that the us is continuing its military operations in the country with low transparency of what exactly the doing and this year and government spokesperson said that the us presence in the country was no longer welcome. this is a huge. busy to the us media is the center of us operations in west and north africa, notably at its air base to one the the most expensive construction project. the
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largest construction project ever undertaken by the us air force over a $100000000.00 to build 3 years to build $30000000.00 a year to main. hey, offensively, it's bad for war on terror operations, but it's really there also for break power projection. the games countries like russia and china and these s g are strategic, be very poor with access, you know, around, but comes in and i'm very rich in results. so a big blurred to the us. in addition, we know that there are other bases in, in new jersey, secret basis. obviously i drain based a big blow. but the us seemingly did have an inkling that this might happen. they've been in tulips of other countries, but it'd be co deval and gone or about possibly relocating that she ever fancy alger 0 washington eunice that says one of it's a container or is it hades? main port has been looted. gang violence has groups much of the capital of port or prince caribbean nations, and the us are trying to form
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a transitional council to restore law and order. but as john home and reports from santa domingo and neighboring dominican republic, gang leaders are fighting to maintain their control. another descent into k o. c, i hate the looting in the pool, the same, the carriages that's gone for criminal games are on the street. fighting with the hopelessly outmatched police force of the sundays of relative call. meanwhile, schools and businesses a shop trade is from big to smooth, a suffering. we will arouse on the streets, people have turned against us. they don't feel comfortable, they don't live in peace. they can't even sleep at home. they can't see me children to school because they have no money to feed in with mentions, go out into the streets, looking for money to feed my children and wives. we find nothing in the country and tell them we will free program says
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a 1000000 people are on the brink of funding the us and european union, the permit state. the question is, how will it get in this is the airport close stuff to close to getting a tax? it's been nearly 2 weeks since planes came down this from way. even the vehicles in the presidential palace encircled by shipping containers, apparently by police to stop criminals from taking them. the choking of will in 2 ways in and around the country. they want to stop the transitional count so that the us in some caribbean countries are pushing for it would be made up of representative from some of these heights. these political blocks of the use of unsuccessful outside interference. some haitians reject it too, because this is a country for and this has no right to med room, no offense. this is our country and it's up to us to unite and put to an order
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with the counts. and in theory would at least philip political, but q name and intern prime minister and pipe the way to both the elections. and the multinational police force to enter hate to. under the leadership of kenya, the that force would inevitably limit the gains power the fight, and that we will wish trent. meanwhile, the situation in haiti is on sir john home. and i would just say to send to domingo, the dominican republic and then as well as president nicholas madura waste to seek a 3rd term and an election scheduled for july. his socialist party declaring him its candidate that an event in caracas, opposition leader, maria covina machado has been disqualified on charges of corruption, which many believe are trumped up. then as well as in the grip of an economic crisis caused by folding oil prices in western sections. they've been in power for what is it more than 10 years and they've done nothing. they remain the
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same. so we need a change for the better now, but he has a time he has already ruled. he has to give someone else a chance.


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