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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 17, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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the western media does have a western bias, understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the price on famine and gas on desperate palace demands, scramble from limits of a truck letting into the north of the street, the autumn. and this is all just the online from don't ha, also coming out we cannot spend my works. tennessee means we start basing gentleman child slow laugh shots wants to. is there any problem just against the ground? defensive and drop off, plus the
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russian hill to the shadow? the cleaning attacks can at least one person on the final days. the presidential alicia is coordinate as ditch and military agreement with the us to find tom cruise . as i see close to relations with russia. news will begin in gauze while we're at least 90. 2 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. 2.3000000 of facing famine conditions. well, the hosp, the population has been forced into the alpha. stephanie deca begins our coverage to thousands lined up outside the un distribution center. in garza city aid is slowly trickling into northern garza, where the u. n. is warning of starvation,
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13 trucks in total, managed to reach both japan. yeah. and goes to city up to driving up from the south . no, no, we'll just war ends. and that we enjoy security, and that my husband returns to me in that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing and opened fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow 8 in foster has prompted a rare c shipment in the us. the said it's planning to build a floating dog to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now, but they are dangerous and inaccurate methods. other than land access, highlighting the business failure to get enough 8 in really good. possibly, they must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for
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animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause israel once tequila into spaces. we are a people who have lived on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people. that's the thing i would say. stayed out. they'd probably say on the line by still option is going to be ready should be the primary focus utilizing more of the term, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up. um, i know it daily the airbags prospects and the knowles to face to face with the noise and the roof across the, from the south to feed the areas of the sales. so, i mean, it's very frustrating because we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to feed the people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen now or 5 months into this more daily killing continues diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the
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people of garza. but it seems finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mouth is taking time time. the people of garza simply don't have any more stephanie decor, i'll g 0. so that's bringing our correspondence. the topic of who is in his joining us live from the alpha and southern guys on topic. it's another day of and task families being killed. and is there any, as strikes on gaza? yes, elizabeth and sharks, as well as pressing on whether it's ministry offensive right now for more than $160.00 days of fighting where they are closing a complete collateral damage for residential houses. as the bombardments have been completely carried doubts in the past few hours when the middle areas of the church reward this october to dekalb had been. why did he hit by this very minute, 3 fight to jet square to palestinians have their revolt killed as on, getting bombardments also hold on. great richard to come in the middle area. now,
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people in the middle, the areas we have been contacting them, describing the situation, being completely dramatic as they are no longer able to keep with the situation to due to the unrelenting cycle of destruction on to now within the past 24 hours, isabel has killed more than 92 palestinians also have injured more than 130 others as the owner, while united nation released. and what you don't see has been said things. that's the ongoing bombardment task post done. $23000000.00 tons of deputies that will to kids in order to be removed. how does one of the conditions where you wind up with, with the most of causes population is now crammed into on the border with egypt is nothing you all who continues with a sweat for funding ground troops into the alpha? yes, elizabeth, inside the humanitarian situation in the south here in rough,
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i really don't as there are very limited amounts of a human to terry impacts just given to the southern parts of the 2 or 3 alongside with ongoing compartment of the area that the majority of displace palestinians have been told to be safe um, but the same time palestinians are closely following what is happening on the ground. and also what's happening in terms of the is very civil upfront, where the is where the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been repeatedly saying that they will, they have been issued move plans in terms of inviting rough or has the military has preparing operational scenarios for raising in discovery densely populated area the from the palestinian perspective on the such threat looming at the horizon. they are completely feeling. i'm so you wondering about the next destination of some families has started to practically trouble and leave the goals are subjects leading from this big hill on the ground? one other families have new, any options remain just to reach them to the middle areas,
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which had been under constant bombardment in the past few weeks. elizabeth static, thank you very much for that. that is todd of other than with the nation situation and gaza live in the gentleman chancellor. old f schultz has warned his way the prime minister benjamin netanyahu against his plans for a ground defensive in that offer. the 2 leaders mentioned west jerusalem shows a death in yahoo to protect civilians and gaza and highlights of the need for desperately needed humanitarian aid. he said the world cannot stand by his palestinians, risk salvation the longer the war. last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises, the more desperate the situation of the people and gas have become. the more this backs the question, no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe in level the really to we
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logic is one consideration. but there is a few minutes having logic as well. house with more than 1500000 people would be protected. where should they go? we've just had the i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for the 2 things, one protecting civilians and 2nd, provision of humanitarian aid. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals. meanwhile, the and you commission president a sort of on the law has echoed shows the sentiments during the visit to cairo the
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that spring and model on the shadow. i'll just be our senior political analyst. he's joining us live from paris. good to see. you might want strong comments on the face of it from shelves, from wonderland. but do you think they'll put any real pressure on nothing? yahoo will listen to it just then you have it just says, i'm sure dollar do is, i don't know the world of heard what i heard. nothing, you know, is of course, concerned for civilian lives in casa, of course, he is concerned for humanitarian aid to god. so, i mean, if that's not comfortable, i don't know what is of course it's also tragic that these ready prime minister
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could continue to lie, despise being told once and again. bite is western all lives from germany, brussels and washington. that is something that i do that, that the price too high that the seas are too disturbing for western public opinion that but a senior desk is no longer workable. i was a policy. but again, when you listen to vendor lines saying we cannot stand by as children die really, 5 and minus 20000 children and women killed. i'm finds a line sensing at 1st. we cannot stand by while children die while they were interested for 5 months in the queue. reading compulsion, which really sounded is shocking. it's destructive, it's a circus. what we see happening and kind of went to that would be, yeah,
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was worse than all just pretending to be humans with that and disregard. why do you think they make making these statements and how much do thing that math in yahoo is in bold and by the fact that, you know, schultz said israel has a full support. but then said the cost of the war has been too high on palestinians, which is, you know, sounds a lot like what us president joe biden said earlier this month pronounced about red lines. why the mixed messages? and that's exactly what, by the sides. you don't need those are simply our to what the american leaders are saying. they're not inventing the wheel. they're not expressing any independent policy of the united states. same pressure where somebody there is are facing, whether the sides of that plastic or the side of the floods. the add salt to most of the same is just looks too bad. now popular see is too great. so the standard is incredible. it's the same fencer lines that supported
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ukraine against russia, but supported is right general side in palestine, the center of the park procedures beyond that kind of thing, that amount of sun life because then like i told him to do so, washington is on a precious pretty they want nothing to go to waste the war the way the they want source, the war, not the way it is really a government of fanatics on precious wanted to restore, but it's on to the war. and on the last, whether it is which american style or it was right in the side, yes. hopefully there will be a pretty website hopefully. but yes, next, the brilliant casualties, but back to them, quicker the war winds down the better. the quick here we can get to a ceasefire, of course is better for everyone involved. but the anyhow government does not see any pressure on heating words and more words. but when it comes to deeds,
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the west is doing nothing, stop edge of the cycle and yet the various batteries. and yet they're saying that the situation is not acceptable. so if germany, if the european union doesn't want a ground defensive them it off, i like they keep saying that they don't want a ground defensive and also to go ahead. do you think we might see them use sanctions moving words against as well? no, no, no, no, no, no. sanctions, no sanctions. i mean we've heard the same again and again, you know the bit from that same post in spite already in the past 5 months. remember when they were talking to kids? lender conditions on the 3rd week of october, but the same happened, general salvage followed, then they said, is wrong with respect to human rights. and if it doesn't, then something's gotta give nothing. game is there and continues to get the support . but it gets criticism. sometimes it gets some kind of,
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you know what you need to do with this up and other things, but it's not followed with the just not the sanctions, not for the pressures is just worse than nothing. the hours only be made clear up to days after 24 hours that he's not going to submit to that kind of diplomatic pressure. why is there it is online? but he's going to continue with business as usual in the slaughter garza profile. and so how then model on does this complete lack of any real international pressure on board for those sees find negotiations that are going to continue in the hall on monday with the head of as well as intelligence agency traveling to door ha, what are the prospects then for peace, a good understanding why this is important. try is because these are the mines, big trends, transitional ceasefire cease fire for a number of weeks, whereby a lot of their captors are released and they try to figure out what to do about the child of the kind of be able to just to, to place the proceedings once again,
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because as things stand today, have a nice leadership is not contributing from us. fighters are not realizing that has a set of those. and the other thing is, some guys are not rising against the bucket against from us. and this is our wants to take its time. and so serious pressure is what next step like temp, services, firewood by it can reorganize and get a lot of these 2 stories. after that, according to these are the officials. they want to continue with the low level and thank you. as always, that as a senior political analyst, my one, the shot and paris a head on al jazeera russians in london, makes a boss to say that it is president reading, including a set to extend his 24 years in power. the critical debate. punish farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports
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a whole lot because we money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessment school, in addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy. let me cut out of the student's name and date. and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera, in the biggest global direction you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown. join me freely, was injured in this new ballpark thieves focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the eyes rising, the daughter's head and ism settings to turn the clock back on a country founded on secular ideas being report box one on the government challenges
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here with the the challenges here with me that's the put on and the mind to about top stories, the south, the most seems of desperation in the guise of allison in scrambling to get hold of any age they can. at least 27 pallets, demands have already died of hunger and dehydration assignment takes holes in germany's chancellor has warmed, as well as palm and the state against his plans for ground defensive and office you are paying commission president has done the same thing. 1000 faces assignments and
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a full scale attack in the south for devastation, disability and population is the final day of ocean in russia's presidential election with more than 114000000 people are eligible to take part. that even fusion is expected to win with an overwhelming majority, since all opposition in the country has been silenced, dosage a body has the latest from the capital of moscow. in the final hours of a 3 day voting period, russians have been coming out to have their voices heard. with little competition, the incumbent president is on track to secure his 5th term and office 51 to the continuation of the policy as it is now in our country. that's why i voted for our president. but not everyone shares dimitris opinion. yeah, as a diode. i've been expect you to see some changes in the public life of our country since today i was born at least some changes, but unfortunately,
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it's unlikely. so i'm not very positive. i think that there were calls for this happened across the country, spending 11 time zones as a form of protest opposition. cigarettes had asked people to show their discontents by flooding the paulding stations to either spoil their ballots or vote for any one . but president boots and this was a seat at a polling station in nova severe skin siberia, a boat or through a molotov cocktail, while pretending to vote and at the grace sights of alexei nev. i'll need one of the most prominent, well known opposition, figures in russia's recent history. flowers piles up with notes saying this is a candidate we wanted. the valley died in an arctic prison last month. his spokesman had said, a medical report shown to alexys wife stated he died of natural causes with increased security presence at all the voting stations across the country. it's been a very difficult to assess the level of discontents on
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a large scale. what is clear is that any and all opposition voices appear to have no place in russia, especially during the selection store, such as lori l. g 0. moscow as well as their lives is usually a shop. a lot of analogy is that the central election commission in moscow, so you, you in the election with a result as a full going conclusion. how has the to not be the latest information that way, i guessing right now? so the number of courses in between 222 presidential election has exceeded the previous 2018 elections because according to the central election commission, the total number of birds in the country who have photos is more than 73 percent. now in total, i was talking to many people in plumbing stations and seems like they've really had a, a know mazda and they supposed they say they, they were worried about that future, despite the toothpaste. and it said it's
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a win of those 4 against him. but they still say they don't want to give up, and they do 1st at travel, one of the central election commission. and philip sang the west for the high turn out in the next. she's and she has said to west as united russians and a show. so i mentioned that also the election. she will reveal the details of the question on the internal interference in the process of a mental process. the bog counting has already begun in the rushes forest, but the faster results are expected to be announced to when putting stations in brushes with tomorrow's cleaning. blad at region flows that's going to be off to $1800.00 gmc. and at the moment, the pony sections and most cuz i haven't read the class. okay. yet. and for those who don't support from 10 of the 3 others on the ballot, some they're not seen as posing any of your opposition will challenge to prove to
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have they being able to express themselves in the selection oh yes, of course they have faith change. say they will and as they say, that's imagine the page is $24.00. yes. and how is way to know that we've been as a single closing for the candidates whose names world homage or things pointing that miners. many of those again. ready meetings and i will gathering as for me today at the pony stations to participate in the so called noon against peace and campaigns throughout the country. and in cities all the, all over russia, including most current st. petersburg, we so launched use as many putting stations at noon, not just the concept of this, but also to see each other and show the world that lead team and patient doesn't have the overwhelming support. of course,
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the largest gathering some russians or improved and they came to the embassies around the world at noon level time to florida. ready page at the noon against pace and container, which the opposition also and according to the latest states and told us $249.00 psalms and russia have voted in this election. that's according to the russian form is usually essential for that. you need to shop a lot of the, with the nations joining us life of moscow. the luxury has also been taking place and ukrainian territory is on the russian control. your client has cool though as well. it's a legal and void. but mcbride is reports from case this election is widely regarded here in ukraine is a fast will be at once that according to ukraine, is accompanied by us, writes intimidation and bribery in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence and election
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officials in places like for louisiana and kind of some have been going door to door with ballot boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from russia's security service the f s. b, apparently to explain to voters who to vote for. and also apparently explaining that a boat not full. vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians, as also talk of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and cold upon the international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these controlled areas of ukraine. but any ukrainian citizens helping them do it may well be held accountable. legally for legal action, at some point in the future, run mcbride,
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i'll just say era keith. but russians abroad have also been version indian action and have been able to express their opposition to president putin. high forces to is that the russian embassy in london were ex pats, most of them dissidence being voicing. so here in west london, outside the russian embassy, this is being the same throughout the day. people waiting patiently in this line, having to wait patiently this line, taking more than 3 hours. sometimes this will people get the chance to vote some pro, fee to invo just to be overwhelming. majority of people here, certainly those we've spoken to in turn to vote against the russian president. i don't support the war. i don't support the ark option and fix it to be changed. we were talking about this with my friends, and yet none of us have voters, any presidential election before. and i think it's because partly because we didn't trust it and we still don't trust that. you know, nothing has changed, no sense. but we just decided it's time to come out as to
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a vote. do you feel to be counted in and sadly locked down? no, it won't be counted, but it will signal people inside the system to see what the 3 numbers uh what the numbers are. this has been happening for many years and thanks to alex said, she put us back together. russian embassies around the way for testers have organized process. midday against is automatic boots and that was a saying invalid where we saw the widow all the election of all the helium, not on the joined the 2 votes as the invalid. and there's been a stimulus seen here in london, just across the road from the embassy. i protest it's been going on throughout the day. the organizers have, as far as i say, it's vital, it's even common. but even if they are a dissolution by russian democracy in order to keep politically active and to make their voices heard, i suppose that i'll just say around london, nation is running hotels, has since the end of the military cooperation with the us with immediate effect.
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it's result in agreement allowing american troops and civilian stock to authorize in the country as officer 3 days of talks between a senior us delegation and the jazz military vullez to try and renew the contract. that i show on the latest b, a on cooperation between the 2 countries in particular, military cooperation and the fight against terrorists. the us presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is illegal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the suffering people. and particularly students elected representatives to be consulted on the installation of a foreign ami on its territory. a volcano in iceland has erupt it for the 4th time, and as many months, the officials had one that interruption was imminent. after they detected magma accumulating on the ground, the option that to the evacuation of the blue, lego and spa, that's one of iceland top tourist attractions. and
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that set for this half hour news, but you can always keep up to date with old stories on websites out as the com. weather was next. the inside story asks is hazy on the brink of collapse, the color, the cool wet scent that which you normally associate with the middle east. but that's exactly what we got over the next couple of days. a lot of cloud fat across central pile. so saudi arabia and to the north, is that cloud with the weather coming in across know the positive saudi iraq here on say some of that with the weather. some snow that just around the cool, cuz he's back that goes from 33 degrees celsius on monday. and around 22 degrees celsius on tooth by some heavy rain coming through here, snow over the high ground,
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and that will cause some disruption, some widespread flooding. whether that's a, into a good pa, 12 to wait until the northeast of saudi, at that stage. so it doesn't look to, bernie is across the eastern side of the mediterranean will show is coming for you . right the way down. it's a gauze, miserable conflict. i say it's a little better as we go wanting to choose day. eventually, tuesday starts off with no very heavy right? turning increase, we shall be through the day and then it does brighten up that same area of west. the weather will bring cloud and right into the northeast of africa. slipping further south was flashing up behind. plenty of showers, meanwhile, across coastal areas of west africa joining up with some really heavy rain that we have around the comb guy base and east of the rift valley. more shows slowly but surely moving most unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of
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human rights and environment to injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra. could have to be on the brink of collapse, guns control, most of the campus. so people are solving as humanitarian aid is blocked and the political vacuum is on the last name of the crisis. once schools this unprecedented chaos in height. and what's the way out this is inside, sorry the .


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