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tv   NEWS 30min  ALJAZ  March 17, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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this is diminishing with every passing day, frank assessments, while additions and may be open in the highest level, have been using games for this policy could be cut out of the service to implement dave and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, the facing stanon, and garza desperate palestinian scramble for limited a trickling into the notes of the color that run. this tells us, hey, this is out of here. life from don't also can the new lease on the 5th coming. so we'll say to these really probably minister double down on a ground operation in southern gall. so saying no international pressure and that's
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despite the comments from john and johnson i've, i've solved pointing the is really prime minister against the next opposed, posing russian president government fusion on cost, a landslide victory with over 87 percent of the artist in the hopefully begin in gaza or at least $92.00 palestinians have been killed in the past 24 hours. 2.3000000 facing funding conditions. and more than half the population has been forced into rafa. stephanie back and begins on coverage. thousands lined up outside the u. n. distribution center in gaza. city aid is slowly trickling into northern garza where the u. n. is warning and starvation, 13 trucks in total managed to reach both japan. yeah. and goes to city after driving up from the south. no,
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we hope this will ends and that we enjoy security and that my husband returns to me in that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing and opened fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow aid in foster has prompted a rare c shipment in the us. the said it's planning to build a floating dog to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now, but they are dangerous and inaccurate methods other than land access, highlighting the abysmal failure to get enough 8 in really good. possibly, they must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause israel once tequila
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into spaces. we are a people who have lived on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people. that's the thing i would say. stayed out, they'd probably say on the line by stop shouldn't a gun debate? randy should be the primary focus, utilizing more of the economy, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up. um, i know it daily, they are right across from the knolls to face to face with the noise and the roof across the, from the south to feed the areas of the sales. so, i mean, it's very frustrating because we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to feed the people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen now to 5 months into this. more daily killing continues. diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the people of garza. but it seems, finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mouth is taking time time
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. the people of garza simply don't have any more. stephanie decor. i'll g 0 was how correspondent on the ground tara, symbolizing. he's in rafa and southern calls are for us type. i don't even know how to ask you any more. we've seen as strikes. we've seen ongoing for starvation took us through what you've been seeing and hearing over the last couple of days. yes, in fact there's no really tough been fighting. no one else strikes in the past couple of hours as they use very mail it to you have a fight to just had lost a series of a strikes of course, different areas in the territory they have earlier just a few moments ago had hit the devalue refute to cap and then also if the church meet alongside with ongoing bombardment of the middle areas they had hit again, i'm gonna say ross, refuge account um. it's also ongoing confrontations and foreign exchange could be
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clearly overhead from our location right now here regarding the situation, the in hot units is specifically in the southern part of the city. and here in a rougher we have been hearing loudly and clearly a very active movement of the is very fine to jets and surveillance of trend square . the majority of the thousands are just the driving the science towards this call . i wondering about the next bottom where show it for you say people are wondering what's to come as well as saying there will be a raffle ground defense of how the people that receiving that names swell up people up a completely are following what is happening on the political, irena, specifically the ongoing assets being made by regional and international acts is in order to reduce and to even to bridge the gap between mazda and israel to reach for seas for about 2. now it seems that it will take much time as palestinians are
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following the repeated statements by these very prime minister independence and yeah, and different military leaders. and they use what he meant to you regarding the potential military, encouraging for roof on district. and this is what, in fact the majority of humanitarian organizations have been bullying about which is the relative consequences that will completely be resulted from such attacks. we are talking about more than 85 percent of the causes population being told that the roof for his safe and right now they are encountering the fear of being displaced again with no what else to go. and also people are afraid to not also get a more aged specifically that's any potential a collection of minutes to attack see a roof or with a fixed. and they get simply on the ability of people to receive much humanitarian supplies, which absolutely would aggravate the already did you rating humanitarian crisis
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again on the g pools by international communities for isabel? and for also these what the prime minister benjamin netanyahu just got you back and also to know if they are roughly mentioned. yeah. who's getting to meet, assessed on and facing or off was a part of the ministry campaign being sent off to her last car is ready. boat is they also with the 7 or a couple of other than that on the ground for us. and rafa and southern gaza. thank you very much. time a speaking of the rough or offensive germantown sort of shots has worn. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu against his plans for the defense of the 2 liters? imagine wester's and schultz has its best and you know who to protect civilians and garza and highlights of the need for humanitarian aid. he said the world cannot stand by as palestinians risk salvation. the longer the war last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the people and guys have become the more this backs the question,
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no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe in level. the really totally logic is one consideration. but there is a few minutes tearing logic as well. house with more than 1500000 people be protected. where they go we've just had the i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for the 2 things, one protecting civilians and 2nd, provision of humanitarian aid. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals, hold on speaking, how does how hot she joins us live from occupied a story. so i'm the, any sign at all that there's no who is actually feeling this mounting pressure from
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the european and there's pressure from all sides coming on these really prime minister. but he's seemingly on phase saying that israel will do everything and it's power in order to accomplish its military objectives. you have is really allies like germany in the united states who are seemingly speaking out against the way. israel is prosecuting this war, saying that the amount of civilians that has been killed is far too many, whereas these really prime minister has been constantly deflecting that blame, saying that quote from us is using the civilians as human shields. and that these really army does what it can to protect civilians. but the reality on the ground of course, shows a much different story. we are nearly at 32000 palestinians who have been killed as a result of this war when it comes to the invasion in 2000 southern most city. there have been a lot of world leaders who have been speaking out like the us presidential by the
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german chancellor, all off sholtes who are saying perhaps there was another way to do this because there are so many palestinians. we're talking about around a 1000000 and a half who are seeking refuge there. and these really prime minister said that a ground invasion there is imminent. it is going to happen in order to achieve an absolute victory. so even though there was all this international pressure and criticism, these really prime minister says israel is going to do whatever it takes to accomplish its military goals. you were telling us earlier that the war cabinet has been meeting this evening. do we know what so much from that? if anything, the world, courtney to reports within his really media, the war cabinet has convened and not meeting has ended, but there will be a meeting with israel's security cabinet. and that will additionally discuss the mandate that will be given it to these really negotiating team before they had to go, how it some time this week. now there has been dissent within nets. and y'all,
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whose own government from members of the far right known alternation list, like the countries finance minister bets and it smelt rich who's been speaking to his really media tonight saying that there shouldn't be a deal. this team should not be going to doha. military pressure is the only way to achieve the release of the captive. now, nathaniel, who himself has been reiterating for the last 5 months, but military pressure is the only way to achieve the release of the captive. but perhaps that there could be a deal negotiated, but there are still a lot of sticking points and non negotiable from both sides. so as the war cabinet meeting has ended, it's going to be an interesting discussion in the security cabinet as there are a lot of varying opinions on just what kind of mandate the negotiating team is set to house, interesting dynamics inside as well as how many honda sounds like that with a license for us from occupied history. some facts and was honda was just talking about you need is and egypt have also been warning against israel as possible offensive and rough or egyptian present. the father of cc met european commission
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president of on the line, and kyra says she announced an age 1000000000 dollar aid package for a cash strapped agent. some of that money we understand will be used to secure board is unlimited. the flow of migrants when the . ready the hell with me now again, a sole time baraka, a professor of public policy, and i'm, i've been calling for university. so tanya were telling me earlier that the,
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the timing of these 8 packages that we're seeing for egypt is interesting. especially given that we're hearing that a lot of this is about 4 to 6 jersey that the money is going to be used to, to stop the front of my friends. does i'm sound almost t. uh, i think it does. and i think the what's has to be really surprising is egypt in that village to do anything. and the way they managed to control the pressure within that all within, within egypt to not months, the public. and i think the only way is by trying to suggest that we better protect our interest 1st out. and our interest of this particular moment is to accept those packages, particularly from the united to out of them, or it's and the, because these are not the usual a, that comes from the united states on annual basis. this is in addition to what the us. yes, to egypt. and if you look at to, it can be just a coincidence, but it could be applied on that. these are the same partners or trying to build
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a port in gaza, or also mobilize that against the houses in the, in the right. see. and i think that's most the big the question of what is going on and why in particular, you know, the houses of trucks still stuck on the border with the rougher and it's much easier to allow them in advance to try and go all the way around with ad drops and c 8 and so on. how evidence do you think a rasa offensive is you talking about the trucks sitting there? we know that egypt has said that that's not something that they want. and from kyra's perspective, how, how imminent today think this ref reference it is. i think i mean the lessons everyone learned over the last 163 days or so is does nothing. now it doesn't listen to any one is pursuing his objective. knowing 100 percent, that is not going to achieve them. it's quite that or negative. now we're $160.00 days plus and this didn't negotiating with how much. so how much has not ended.
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it's unlikely to and it is still sitting equally across the table from i'm trying to talk about a resolution at the same time is he's under increased pressure. his allies are turning one after the other, against the idea of the blank check. for continuation of this operation. at any cost, i think that $1000.00 plus people killed so far has started to move the conscious of the even the closest office allies. and the idea of a famine is a ticket for their opinions, i think, brings back the lady nightmares. an old memories that they do not want to see. so he, most likely i think what he's doing now is, is keeping through this line to increase the pressure on her mouse, in preparation for the 12, such as that's about start tomorrow. so you think this is all pestering ahead of of what's about to happen here either which is otherwise you would be real is is it'd be absolutely for different list. and particularly,
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i think the statement by blinking where he demanded that this right is approve their plans by the american before they go ahead. and it's only that many because we can interrupt the as radio operations by stopping the supplies by stopping the money that's coming to the, to his ro they would have direct effect if they wish to do so. and i think being committed public that he or the united states needs to see the plans that approve them before nothing else takes them any further. it does field or that basically whatever the us as off yes and yahoo is always dismissed out of hand and done so very publicly. what does that mean given if, if this is all pestering ahead of the tools, what prospect all there at the moment for the negotiations? if we're going to see as well and, and how most of them? well, i think the prospects of slightly better than they were a few days ago, particularly after from us have kind of climbed down on some of its original. the demands the they're not mentioning is that withdrawal for withdrawal from the gaza
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strip. as one condition, they're asking them to go back a certain distance to allow people to return to the north of casa, they have become much more, maybe realistic in terms of the numbers of prisoners they're, they're expecting and return for the captives. and they've made the goodwill to include the women soldiers amongst the caps of the waiting to give back as well as the, the sick captive that they're holding. so i think the conditions have softened a little bit on the how my side. it's now a down to as well to agree to it and, and move on with the, with the ceasefire. oh, certainly cheaper, very try style. nice to apparent or hot for now. so come back on. thank you for joining us again on edge of the 2 hostile ahead here. if you on out of here. so you and extends it's assistance mission drop kind of stand a welcome move. as millions of concepts every day
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the the weather brought to you by visit castle. a. hey, they're right off the bat tropical cycling, median making line fall in australia is northern territory states on monday this one's packing a punch, its the equivalent of a category 3. hurricane look for those winds potentially to got stuck to a 120 kilometers per hour. now. yeah, this is going to dump about $300.00 to maybe half a meter of rain in an area of it's already been inundated, so widespread flooding seems likely in time. this breeze is scooping up moisture off that has been sea pushing it up and down the coast of new south wales state. and so there will be some century down ports there. and then this tropical cycle and just spinning off the coast of western australia, it's pretty much going to park itself here. but i do think that it's going to bolster rain fall amounts across into an easy as main island of java through bali
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and loan buck islands is what meantime, north of this temperature is finally down into pets at 36 degrees and got rain working its way across central and southern china, but once this moves through, that sun will come through and temperatures. hope be on the right is blizzard conditions for japan. so kind of island support or could see rain turn to snow over the next little bit and will land in new zealand. there are some showers here, but nothing to prompt any weather alerts on monday. see you later. i of the weather brought to you by visit castle is the biggest global election yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark thieves focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the pricing majority in ism threatens to turn the clock back on at the country, founded on secular ideas. being the report box one on the
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the welcome back to watching alger 0. let's remind you about top stories. civilian death toll from israel's will on gaza, continues to mount at least 12 palestinians were killed in there on fox. and then, is there any strike on our residential injured, have been rushed to the perv about and all ox august 7 scenes of desperation in northern casa, posting and scrambling to get ahold of any aid they can. at least $27.00 palestinians already died of hung up as the japanese
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tonsils warned israel's prime minister against his plans for ground defensive, rough european commission president has posted on the same saying that civilians must be protected however, lot of infusion is projected to of one russia's presidential election, the polling stations now closed and one half of the ballots counted. uh the results show he's taken move in age of 7 percent of the version and election that was launched, the scene as a full guns confusion. the 3rd and final day of housing. so a silent protest staged across russia to meet you might be uncomfortable. the asylums q at noon on the final election day. this is one of the ways russians could demonstrate that this content and not get arrested for people came to cost the pallets at the same agreed time at tens of thousands of funding stations in $11.00 time zones. and the girl stole. okay. nobody jumped, have a good,
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it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like, i guess i would like to expect change? i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. of this action was endorsed by late opposition leader like satan of all the. shortly before he died in an optic colony, this protest campaign was going to change the outcome of the election. vladimir putin is overwhelmingly popular in russia, russia, and if i want to continue ation of the policy, as it is now in all the country, that's why i bought this while president, president putin was running against 3 other candidates who never spoke out against him or the war in ukraine. the 1st results already revealed his expected victory. fortune. let's see what it was. you reach vladimir putin,
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87.97 percent of the votes of russia also held a selection in the occupied territories of ukraine and in crime near. that's despite the fighting that and shelling of both the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that to did. you can make sales to vote. and i know there are controversies of these points and these would be sold to the sound system in the future. process economy has proven largely resilient despite the severe west and sanctions for the war in ukraine. and that's likely to help putin in the weeks and months ahead. with lot of my boots and securing another 6 years as president. that's little expectation that rushes domestic. all foreign policies will change. reaching that in co, out to 0 whole that's we're gonna use
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a couple of all of us. she's at the central election commission for us in the russian capital laska unit. so this is essentially a record when the prison and the permanent must be very pleased. this evening of the lots to lead me things like that. very pleased people have expressed the overwhelming support according to what we see here at the central election commission. so currently after pro, so say around 59.14 percent of the protocols like he made peace and when's the presidential election in the 1st round with that age of 7.27 percent of the vote. so he's going to address his supporters shortly from his election headquarters here in most cases, the boat to turn out has also so cost 72 percent during the selection mold, and they initially full cost. they expected to figure out was 70 percent. and so
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apparently it was the goal set by the kremlin, and acts of is say, be heightened as a is a manifestation of people's civic positions. so a be counting is underway right now, but it is important to notice that a pause have been close here in russia fonts. the russian people are still buzzing in europe and overseas, at the russian embassies. uh that so therefore it says us to be counted ok. you know, you talk about an expression of support for person, but multiple western nations of already dismissed as far as not free, not fat, which is the off position and this now. well, that's right. uh before the election that the or physician quote and the host of the countries not to recognize the results of the election be leaving. that said
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they would direct and of course of had for that from you, lynn of all name particular we do all position. i'm politician, explain of only who died in prison last month covered and said there is no position in russia as such because it's preceded, fragmented, and all those who criticized that new patients have been imprisoned, killed or send a push to build a so the, the figures we see will be, of course, most of disappointment for many who, who do not support legend present on the who, who has been voting against religion or patience because they won't change in this country. they want peace. and they think that much i appreciate is 24 years in power, is uh, is a very long period of time. you have to have a lot of a then keeping an eye on those results for us at the central election commission and most per thanks for your you. well, that's even hearing voting has also been taking place and ukrainian territory is
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that under russian control, ukraine has called those verbs, legal and void proprietors of what's not from cheese. this election is widely regarded here in ukraine is a facile be. it wants that according to ukraine, is accompanied by a threats, intimidation and bribery in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence and election officials in places like for these yet i'd kind of some have been going door to door with violet boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from russia's security service, the f s. b apparently to explain to voters who to vote for. and also apparently explaining that a boat not full vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians as also to. busy of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as
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teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and cooled upon the international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these controlled areas of ukraine. but any ukrainian citizens helping them do it may well be held accountable. legally for legal action, at some point in the future, run mcbride, i'll just say era keeps moving on and using is rooting. john to it says it has ended military co operation with united states with immediate effect as revoked in agreement, allowing american troops and civilian stuff to operate in the country. it's off to 3 days of talks between a senior us delegation. a new jazz military root is to try to renew the contract. a zillow that i saw on the latest be i'm on co operation between the 2 countries,
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in particular, military cooperation and the fight against terrorists. the us presence on the territory of the republic of nisha is legal and violates all the constitutional and democratic rules which would require the suffering people and particularly to its elected representatives, to be consulted on the installation of a foreign army on its territory. montalvan has welcome to the extension of the mandate of the un mission, and i got a stone that had been mass of 8 counts since they seized power back in 2021. since then, millions of backgrounds have been going hungry every day. the one says women and girls of the west effected sullivan debate has worn out from the outcome capital couple aiden violence of being perhaps the only consistent things in the fund. and the last 4 decades. remote andrew and communities have been cut off for years. as humanitarian agencies found too dangerous to venture into donavon control and to treat
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a lot has changed the fall of on is now the government. and this a drive is also different. using technology to minimize costs and corruption of gone, entrepreneurs are trying to reach people need disrupt, has return to going to stop. but many of those have left to so we provide identification using only the id cards. we have what we call a proof of delivery, which can be in the form of video and photos and documents. if there is potential fraud, you will catch that with every time you interact with the family efforts like this paid in comparison to the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis. the economy was essentially built on foreign aid, and much of it has dried up for lack of a fewer jobs and financial restrictions are full and taking a tool in the last year to noon. more than 2 dozen hospitals have lost their international funding. the.


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