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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the consumer wants to leave freely connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves, to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on our, just the, or the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i missed of the attain. this is a news our life from the coming up in the next 16 in the new facility room in the fund battlefields, comma symbol st. correct. is there any prime minister doubles down on a ground operation in southern goal is that thing no international pressure will
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stop. that's defined comments from the drum and toner, the lower left shelves, warning the is really prime minister against them. we cannot stand by and watched for the students with salvation that some of us that is not what he's done for the holiday receipt in spain. protest as an vast country stage, a mass attribute to the people of palestine and coal for an end to genesis. and holding onto the pallet, russian president vladimir says is election when will make his country strong, unimportant fighter, 11 case an edge closer to their 1st ever and german vendors, league a title after 90 get 38 games on beach and manchester united has ended deliverables, quadruple drains to reach the f a family, find the
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while we begin this news, our and garza with desperation, is growing the trick of humanitarian. a dwindling and is really a tax. all continuing at least one point. 5000000 palestinians all squeezed into the southern, most town of rasa. where is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says he will launch a ground operation in a matter of weeks. people that have been standing and you don't choose hoping to get a bully food. and at least 23 children have died from now nutrition and dehydration and cause that in recent weeks, the stall to this war is rarely forces all the palestinians in the north to evacuate below the wadi costs. as you can see, that body of water essentially divides the strip into 2 hans. these really on either continue to carry us attacks south of what he calls us or palestinians. what next order to move again towards con eunice then is around move to a task called newness forcing people to then fleas of the southern most said he, rough or royce, up against the egyptian border. an estimated one and
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a half 1000000 people are now crammed in the, on the bun, baldwin to news, so for safe, so ins continues. well, that's pete talk correspondence on the ground topic of was a, he's in rafa in southern cause a topic we all are hearing that some aid trucks have managed to make it and what do we know about this? so yes, in fact, so just a few moments that go around 15 humanitarian trucks that are loaded with flour. royce sugar comes foods are right now, heating to another at part to gauze. a strip where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are eagerly waiting for such humanitarian supplies. in order to a feats on, as they had been completely cut off from, or humanitarian assistance off to the disability, military leadership decisions to cost of all kinds of humanitarian, a deliveries to another part of the,
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a reduction of this round of conflict. no boost. people have been cut off from such states for more than 5 months, and recently a very low relative amount of humanitarian supplies being dropped. and also being sent by the married time could result was that had been recently established and being set in the gulf coast of rhodes. and this is absolutely a part of the ongoing efforts maids in order to help palestinians to mitigate that verbatim humanitarian crisis that they have been going through since the beginning of the conflict. but yet, these amounts of humanitarian supplies is because it, it to be a truck and the ocean of leads of boost desperate people in order to recover from the different signs of famine that they have been going through within the past few weeks is specifically that some families recently started to flee from now the pontiff garza to the south because of hadn't got the interest of a right to feminine desperation. people have been living in the past few weeks.
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exactly. i'm sorry to say even more people are now heading south. you'll in rafa in the south known as and yahoo says they will be a ground defense of the in the coming weeks, how people receiving as well . people generally can evaluate the situation to sound extremely controversial as they've been, as they have been following the oldest by the has been the military to head to the south where areas have been told to be safe. but yet there is no, any place for them is safe and be ongoing. is there any statements by the use of any prime minister benjamin netanyahu regarding the potential military encouraging for roof? i know people here are really terrified from such a anticipated step because they believe that they have no what else to go, the happy mosley displaced from the houses, and even if they wanted to return back again, they were only leveled the russell and the deputies of their destroy buildings with
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no operational is a simple infrastructure. it means that there is gonna be a completely progressive environment with palestinians will be able to lift. um it's these condition at the same time the see that nothing. yeah. who's exacting no pressure by waving with that option in order to gain more political and interest and kind of fits in order to reach to a ceasefire agreements with homeless movement as well to a couple of them that on the ground for us in rafa and southern garza, with all the latest. thank you very much time as all the collapse of the waste disposal system and goals as also increasing the risk of a disease outbreak garbage. as you can see, as in piling up in the streets, the in raffle with hundreds of thousands of people have been living and i have a crowd of 10 people to saying that mosquito is also breeding open. so is garbage. collection services have come to a halt because of israel's attacks and why the how long the lot we suffer from
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styles, smells and illnesses among children, always suffering from codes. they need hospitals, but we don't have hospitals or doctors anymore. the ceo's here are infested with mosquitoes, which bike people and then transfer the infections to others mon at the bottom. well, i'm not the sort of in the plugins that we suffer from local food and drink. you see children carrying fresh and salt water to delivered to the tent and due to suffering day by day moment by moment, we hope to turn to our previous lives as soon as possible. uh well the gentleman jones that o s. sholtes has warned. is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu against his plans for ground defensive and rough on the do you need is met in restoration in salt just as me out here to protect civilians and garza and highlights of the need for humanitarian aid. he said, the world cannot stand by as palestinians risk salvation. the longer the war last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the
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situation of the paper and does have become. the more this backs the question, no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe and rough or very totally. logic is one consideration, but there is a few minutes having logic as well. house with more than 1500000 people be protected. where they go. we've just had the i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for the 2 things, one protecting civilians and 2nd, provision of the humanitarian it. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals as well. let's go to honda selfhood. she joins us now from occupied east through some i'm the didn't sound very not true. nothing yahoo,
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that like he's feeling much about pressure from the international community. all of the pressure that's been mounting on these really prime minister over the last 5 months entering it's 6 months in fact, to has seemingly been dismissed by him earlier this morning. he said that no matter what international pressure comes his way is there a will continue fighting this war until all of their military objectives are achieved. it's quite interesting now the changing dynamic between some of world leaders who are in fact, supporters of israel like the german chancellor and like the us president joe bided who have affirmed that israel quote, does have the right to defend itself. but they have been saying that the way israel is prosecuting this war is leading to high a higher than necessary death. so we're looking at nearly 32000 palestinians who have been killed as
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a result of this war. and the german chancellor also spoke about the invasion into the and where nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians are supposed to go with these really. prime ministers said that that operation, whenever it would commence, would take a few weeks and that it was imminent. but even in the face of all of this criticism, all of this widespread concern and condemnation, these really prime minister says that the attacks and assault on gaza will continue until there is what he calls an absolute victory. or speaking of attacks continue around the stand time that the war cabinet has met. the security cabinet is still meeting. do we know if anything is emerge from those meeting? this is urls were cabinet, according to reports within is really media has ended. but israel security cabinet has convenience. now the main topic of discussion for both of those meetings is going to be the mandate that will be issued to israel's negotiating team once they meet with mediators in doha sometime in the next few days. but there is descent
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within this and y'all who is own government members from the far right. no, no international is like the country's finance minister and the country's national security minister who have said that they don't want to see a deal that would secure a pause in the fighting. but military pressure is the only way to bring back the captive. so while there are these discussions for a deal and perhaps a ceasefire, that could be up to several weeks long. there are members of nothing. yeah. who's on government who say that they don't want that and these would be the people who vote on it ultimately. so while all of these discussions are going on, there's quite an interesting dynamic of descent within the is really government to the south. what's the, what's the latest for us from occupied is tourism. thank you very much from the well, let's not bring in fulton, barrow county is a professor of public policy. and i'm, i've been felicia university. so don't do you get the sense that they're all divisions? imagine in israel is public opinion actually changing is that then shifting
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political sponsors? well, public opinion has, has been divided, i think for a while within his ro, uh, but now what we see is maybe a division within the cabinets itself. i think the last visit a week ago, 10 days ago, by the minister of defense to the united states, probably haven't figured some suspicion mind between them particular between him and the 10 year old and a model more people i've just had enough. i think it's been going on for such a long time. it hasn't that cheap any of his main objective. he hasn't finished how much he has not produced the captives. and these rays, economy is on its knees, is suffering as a result of the continuation of this war. they have more than 150000 people displaced in the north of uh is ro, some of that number also from the area surrounding guys a. so i think people, right the so they would like to see an end to this given that context. then what do
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you expect from these tools that are to take place and how you were saying earlier that a mouse has made some concessions from the earlier to moms? has israel. so i think you'd be in a very difficult, more difficult visit physician than he was last time when the negotiated in november, particularly with the shifting public opinion, a outside is rather also in europe and united states. the statements that remain hearing from his very close allies, you can get any closer than germany under united states at this moment. and both of them are saying enough is enough. you need to find an alternative way to achieve those objectives. and if you don't, then let's stop for now and try and resolve it in a different way. oh, certainly be keeping an eye on, on those thoughts to stay with me at the original time. because i do want to ask you about some of the other developments we if anything, and we understand that 15, she mounted hearing aid trucks as we were hearing from of course on topic on now arriving, or was told to arrive in northern garza,
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the carrying agency needed flour, rice and all the food supplies. and this comes a day off. the handful of trucks arrived in garza city to distribute flowers. this is all still though, just a drop in the ocean of what's needed stuff. feedback reports thousands lined up outside the u. n. distribution center in kansas city aid is slowly trickling into northern garza where the u. n. is warning and starvation, 13 trucks in total managed to reach both job. i yeah. and goes a city up to driving up from the south. no, we'll just for ends. and that we enjoy security and that my husband returns to me and that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing and opened fire on hand out points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow 8 in foster has prompted a rare c shipment. and the us to said it's planning to build
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a floating dog to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now. but they are danger this and inaccurate the full methods other than lined access, highlighting the business failure to get enough 8 in really good. possibly the must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause israel once tequila into spaces. we are a people with that on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people being able to state out there's probably sites on the line by still option is going to be ready should be the primary focus utilizing more of the time, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up, um, i know it daily the airbags prospects and the noise to face to face with the noise
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and the rest across the, from the south to feed the areas of the sales. so, i mean, it's very for striking because we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to feed the people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen. now, 5 months into this more, the daily killing continues, diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the people of garza. but it seems, finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mouse is taking time. time to people of garza simply don't have any more stephanie decker or do 0. what with me again is salt and bar code full time. as we had the time is running out for thousands of people in garza, we know these a walk around, so to speak, the edge dropped the this maritime kartel. they not enough, but all they've buying time a while they're,
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they're not enough in terms of needs. but buying time for israel, i think in terms of continuing its operation. yes, i mean it's very clear that all of this has been designed to try and help those raise look better to try and have them look as if they're loving more a, it's not necessarily quantity, but there are many more ways to get to 8 into gaza. had also, i'm wondering, a provided is a better as well. well, some of the advisors or sponsors particular i think, united their limits uh these regular president, yesterday treated. thank you. united have evidence for providing a which was our need, maybe a 100 tons of something that came through the see. but that's a, that's usually, that's part of the game if you like, of dealing with international crisis. but the read on so remains in opening the ground crossings. and we all know the thousands of trucks are still stuck on the side. and i don't think the, you know, hundreds of trucks where have crossed over the last 2 days to build this port from
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israel coming, you know, concrete steps into guys this way. it's not, it's not about to just, it's not that there is no ability to drive across or to open the borders. it's the political will. and i think as long as it's rarely is able to get away with all these sorts of act, you know, pretends then they, they have no reason to, to really open the crossings, as we know is so costing is a large the tires. but we have just him, i believe we're getting just these, these lasers pictures now. of these 15 a truck that has made it and across the border. they're heading up to northern garza, these a, a truck sort of still essentially crossing the roof across thing. and you know, hundreds of dollars out of the, of the, across from the roof. i think those were probably the bits of, from the see. but that may be mistaken. well, if we are indeed getting any kind of trucks across the, across the line border, what would a rough sense of mean for that? we know so many of them are
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a lined up to if this roof or offensive dust does go ahead. as mentioned y'all, he says it will in the coming weeks that basically seals off that entire section of, of the gaza strip for any entry to aid, of course and starts with is going to be, gets us traffic for the people trapped in the area. there are more than a 1000000 and a half civilians who are displaced from out from the north and admitted of guys. and i would rough uh so its uh, the crossing would become even a minor issue compared to the catastrophe created by attacking use of it. so i am hearing um, so tom we, we all getting confirmation. i understand that these trucks, the ones that i'm making, the originals and goals and now did come from rafa as if you wanted to be cynical. we've been talking a little bit about this, almost for tentative age infrastructure that's been happening in the northeast and drops the, the maritime colorado. could you say then that as well as for an allies given that they have being told that this representative is going to happen, that they are to some extent complicit in and allowing that. i mean,
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they may be the bed, a little tentative stood off on the assumption that the, the attack will go ahead. but i think there is even more dangerous arguments. one of them is that it could be a signal to the rest of the well, the gas is going to continue to be occupied. the voters are going to continue to be sealed off. and this is going to be the only way in and out of gas us for this port, but the politic that i think the problem with that with investing so much into port in the air drops and not being able to pressure is that i have to open the crossing is it gives no confidence to the palestinians and others in the united states and then the allies of israel's ability to control as well. so when the us comes and say we're, we're focused on the long term, we're talking about 2 state solutions and so on. if you can get them to open the crossing, how can you get them directly at 2 state solution or at the end of refugees or this month to those settlements, g side or key issues for
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a long term set them into the palestinians. so somebody had a professor public policy at home and i'm not gonna collect from university, was great to speak to again, thank you for joining me on the news. or meanwhile, the head of the un agencies of palestinian refugees, felipe lozzo. ronnie has called israel's invasion of cause a war on children and their future move in. 17000 palestinian children have now been killed by israeli forces in gaza at least 23 children we understand and died from severe hunger and de hydration. because as well, isn't allowing enough age into gaza. many has in permanently disabled unicef estimates that some 1000 children have millions amputated. in the 1st 2 months of this war alone. they also carry extreme psychological trauma from this war. one which has more than a 1000000 children need, mental health support or steve. so to be is the president and founder of shield palestine. it's a she monetary, nonprofit organization which helps to bring hundreds of ill and injured children to
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the united states. from garza for free k. he spoke about the difficulties that organizations all facing and trying to get an agent to the stress. the operations and gaza are addressing the urgent needs on the ground. they're obviously we're in a acute phase of survival for the tell us that in people, particularly the children. so the basic necessities are absolutely required. at this time, we're talking about food for starving people. we're talking about shelter for those who've had their homes destroyed. we're talking about medical care and access to medical services which were at one time available, but no longer available on the ground. and gods are because of the collapse health system. so we're trying to address all of the urgent needs on the ground there. in addition to the long term rebuilding of the lives of these children and gods, which will take place after the dis, acute phase is over. but right now we're just trying to address the urgent needs, which so many 8 organizations are going through and on the difficulty of doing this work,
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it all of us face is having access. we have literally thousands of trucks that are waiting to get in from egypt, and we're also doing our work through services that are available are supplies that are available in the local marketing and gaza. and therefore, i think all of us in. ready organizations are very frustrated by having the resources available to do this work, but not having the access and the availability availability to the people who are in dire need of this. it's mandatory in a mean law for those children who are stolen, goss, i'm unable to leave for posting and music teacher is helping displays children. forget about to die circumstances, even if only for an hour or 2. michael apple reports from the sounds of it. it's just the music less of that could be taking place anywhere in the world. except it isn't. and it's not tell us the new music, teach them mohammed. oh, how bosh as an audience here in central gaza at a saint, a housing displaced,
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palestinians, even gifts and excited sums up and outcomes, the food among them many lumens per cent. it's one of our goals and the music centers to reach kids into display centers all over the gaza strip. we want to entertain them either through music or to teach them something that gets to them now sells out of this out must be of war. smiles already these days. that music can do that. sometimes positivity can be contagious. am live between india and the shop. when i have an activity i bring my 2 daughters with me to the display centers. we make activities to the children. the atmosphere is very nice and they count and wait for us to get here. whenever i come, they run towards me and asked me, why did i take so long for dina? the music lessons
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a suit. a welcome change from the sounds of alumnus i came to learn how to sing and play music. i love to sing. i used to you bombing sounds and become scared. but now that i've started the music class, i can feel more comfortable. and my heart is called mohammed says he'll continue going to display some incentives, giving cause his children an opportunity to escape the reality just for a while. and that's something like level which is or hundreds of people in spain have staged a demonstration to pay tribute to the victims of the war and garza, the gathering was placed on the box city of san sebastian and ra stage 5 groups of artists and activists to denounce the genocide and garza and called for an immediate cease. a great ok. i
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think the only thing that it really is a genocide, a genocide. however, the international priest televisions might talk of more. i know dictionary as well . and for me it's not more. it's genocide and the netherlands, 14000 pads of shoes were displayed and the cities attract a symbolized palestinian children have been killed in his randy attacks, a bell rang every 10 minutes to represent the one child killed every 10 minutes in garza. during the moving on to some other wild news now and the united nation says the conflict and through dawn has cooled. the world's largest displacement crisis. nearly a year of fighting now between the army and the permanency rapids support forces
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has killed thousands of people enforced millions more from their homes. every day, more than 1500 people fleeing that violence are arriving and neighboring south through. don't not web reports from bank accounts, you don't so long the board of them something around no, says the family was one of the last to leave a neighborhood near. so don's capital cost to because they couldn't to full to leave earlier when the window will reach stuff, the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. and so most people are back to me. she says the power military rocket support forces are ss, took over the area and the rested her son bushera from a playstation kiosk he runs the children. he says he was interrogated in cain, accused of supporting sea dogs on me, and told to join the rest that, that a lot of young people registered with my mom said she'd never forgive anyone. if you go and fight, that's why i refused to something, says she pleaded with the come on those until he was released then for
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a money to flee with having to i finally, your call says he was shot in the stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined, he's being agony. they will join more than half a 1000000 people who fled to south see don, since the conflict began nearly a year ago. most of them arriving here. it's a border in rank county from the capital g, but it's only accessible by an hour flight to 2 hours. it's drawing so much of the price of flooding when it rains. that's why new york spend most of his life working in factories and cost to support his family back home. now he hopes they'll help him if he can get back to the office with people with special needs, including those who are into practice of breast feeding. everyone else is providing instruct, people who have come from places for health services,
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the clothes that come from the nation, trends and come into town to bring some months. it's been receiving south sea, denise, which i need like new york, and our grubbing number of suit. and these people are seeing head to or the u. n. refugee agency built it for about 3000. now the remote and 5 times that this is one of the somehow forgot to the emergency. it was all what's happening around the globe nowadays. it's not a, you know what we are receiving. we have a massive number of you 350. you would need assistance, but our capacity and funds are very limited. no, it says he spent the last of his money off the he was shows. he says his friends took him to a hospital controlled by the recess. he demanded $1700.00 for surgery. and the chevy, i sold all of my furnitures and they did the operation and then they demanded more
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. i couldn't even afford food and i'm urinating blood. i left, i found everything in my home had been looted, so i came here. the shelter will be his home for the coming days, his life and livelihood in call to of gone. now he says he just wants to get home malcom web out. a 0 ring county south. see don stella head hill and i was just doing love a once again. this. okay, know, and i spend this now paying for the full time and it's for some odds and for a sensation on the safe thing. that's kind of well number one, contact another title and the california and doesn't are we'll have the details for you coming up the . it's feeling more like maybe maybe even june in southern spain,
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havior one. so we'll start there 1st with the good stuff. portugal in spain, full on sunshine. here look, it's the bill at $28.00 degrees. but i think by tuesday, somewhere in southern spring could see its 1st 30 degree day of the year. maybe even monday, actually in mercy a you don't do it monday. you get another ticket the can on to states for those wind shift and temperatures lower, warmer air, also being funneled into the islands of island in britain. but we've got some rain coming out, shift for the island of ireland, and cooler air from the baltic states as press down temperatures in berlin and warsaw. otherwise, i can assure you this rain in northern iraq also could get drench was about a month's worth over 24 hours. also for that southeast corner of turkey dropping down into the that there could be some flooding in that zone as well as some of that. what whether will strike egypt, places like as one, but then wins are going to shift around in places like cartoons so big dropping the temperature is there. and then we tap into a sea breeze for bon joel. so finally, some relief from the heat's coming. well,
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with the wind scooping up the moisture of the see here, that's going to produce some showers for central mozambique. some of the weather will spill over the other side of the border in some bob ways. so if you hit and miss showers for you on monday of the resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs spread from the community screen. some curious. so i fair, my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we go again, how we going to pay our rent before a smile on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the new case, biggest city we all receive london, gro, witness on a jersey to in a world full of darkness. hope was so scarce donated,
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we deliver it in remedies and breaks. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month, the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking the fox, and the footprint. we remember the blessings we all meant to share for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be of the the welcome back to watching out a 0. that's remind you about top stories this out. a 2nd to con, void of age trucks, and as many days we understand is entering knowles and garza 19 trucks occurring desperately needed food supplies. 6 trucks,
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caring flower arrived on the 1st day. $700000.00 civilians have been cut off for months in northern cost. chapman, john's level of salts has warned. is there any problem? innocent benjamin destiny argue against his plans for ground? defense has been wrong. but nothing. yahoo is an assistant for the invasion. well, go ahead in the coming well, the infusion has declared victory in russia's presidential election. the polling stations closed and now move in 2 thirds of violence counted are the results are showing. he's taken move and 87 percent of the voters and the election that was largely seen as a full on conclusion. the fed and finally advising those. so a silent protest staged across russia to meet dream evident, comfortable. it was a result that didn't surprise any one vladimir putin. we'll stay rushed as president for at least another 6 years he used to, i'd like to think all of russia citizens, we're all one team,
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all russian citizens who came to a vote. it's very important to say this is not a legal formality recently in the russian people are the source of power in the country. there were few ways russians could demonstrate that this contempt in this election and not to get arrested for it. but at noon on sunday, thousands did it silently. people came to cost the ballots at the same agreed time at tens of thousands of posting stations in $11.00 time zones and the broad. yep a so okay, well, but exempt them a good. it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like, i guess i would like to expect change? i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. as of this action was endorsed by late opposition lead to alex satan of all the. shortly before he died in an optic colony,
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this protest campaign was going to change the outcome of the election. vladimir putin is overwhelmingly popular in russia. and if i want to continue ation of the policy as it is now in our country, that's why i've, i've just pull out president present boots and was running against 3 other candidates who never spoke out against him all the way in ukraine voting and the selection was also held in the occupied territories of ukraine and in crimea. that's despite the fighting that and showing of for the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation with that has the majority is something that to did. you can make sales to vote. and i know there are controversies of these points and these would be sold to the sound system in the future process. the economy has proven largely resilient despite the severe west and sanctions for the war in
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ukraine. and that's likely to help putin in the weeks and months ahead. with lot of my boots and securing another 6 years as president, there's little expectation that russia's domestic or foreign policies will change, reaching that in co, out to 0. all the very thing that took place to under the shadow of wars, ukraine, at least one person has been killed and 11 injured and ukrainian showing on russia's belgrade region. and that's the 2nd set of attacks on the city. and as many days, russia also says it shut down a military helicopter headed towards belgrade, as well as a drone in the collusion region. well, let's now speak to you this off of all of us. she's at the central election commission keeping an eye on that vert count for us and laska. usually a lot of confusion is still addressing the country's part of his victory address. i think he's already mentioned alexi, yvonne, he's death. what have we heard from him about his vision for his next presidential time? oh yeah,
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absolutely. you're right. presentation who's present selection. now a speaking to the press at the moment, coming up with some amazing revelations. so he said that he agreed to exchange. i'll explain to validate rushes of position acts of his for prisoners in the west on condition that nevada nate would never return to russia, but never only died in prison all of a sudden. so the, the slope didn't happen. that's according to peyton. and talking about the future challenges for russia, he said that russia needs to fulfill the goals of its military operation, ukraine and strengthen rushes defense capability and armed forces. and of course, he has voted in this particular presidential election. people have expressed that overwhelming support for letting me pacing. and basically we've seen amazing turn
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out as well. this time around uh 72 percent of, of, of, of, of both he has received and that, that means according to and is that people support him and people wanted to show a monday says that well, and that civic activity and position if you will. and we will also spoken to many people, and people say that tab, they do tat about the future of the country and they cons, missed a chance to vote and express that position as well. you did this is obviously the 1st election since the invasion of ukraine. how has the war impacted disperse? well, the thing is, uh, the full the elections deal position code. 22 well closed in other countries, not to recognize the results of the elections that believing that stay with the rigs and of course at union evelyn,
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they're also expressed that position and addressed at various nations, not to do so. and currently there is no position in russia at the moment because it's free suit from mentors and old days he criticized such a piece and they have been pushed to to other countries as sent to exile and killed or imprisoned. so basically what we understand at peaches, victory will be massive amounts of disappointment for many who do not support him because obviously people want a change for this country. and of course, they won't piece with ukraine and they, they keep saying that the increase is 24 years in power. is way too long. you do some of out of a that for us with all the very latest from most good. thank you very much. really well,
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as we've been reporting voting has also been taking place in those ukrainian territories under russian control, ukraine, cold, so as far as illegal and void when prisons, victory was announced. new kinds present. the automated lensky vista se shield now to mcgill my, these days the russian dictators imitating another election, which is clear to everyone in the walls that this figure out how this happens. so often in history is simply sick from how long it will be and is doing everything, how comfortable forever. there is no evil, he will not commit to prolong his personal power or somebody's blog correspond to rug mcbride has more now from ukrainian capital cheese. this election is widely regarded here in ukraine is a fossil be it wants that according to ukraine, is accompanied by us, writes intimidation and bribery in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence and election officials in places like for these yeah,
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that kind of song have been going door to door with ballot boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from russia's security service the f s b apparently to explain to voters who to vote for. and also apparently explaining that a boat not full vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians as also to. busy of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and pulls upon the international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these controlled areas of ukraine. but any ukrainian citizens helping them do it may well be held accountable. legally for legal action, at some point in the future, run mcbride,
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i'll just say era. keith. well, russians abroad have also been focusing on a selection. and they've been able to express their opposition to present not in a person. harforth, it was at the russian embassy in london, where expense, most of them dissidence has endorsing. so, here in west london, outside the russian embassy, this has been the same throughout the day. people waiting patiently in this line, having to wait patiently this line, taking more than 3 hours sometimes before people get the chance to vote. some preaching voters to the overwhelming majority of people here. certainly those we've spoken to in turn to vote against the russian president. i don't support the war, i don't support the ark option and fix it to be changed. we were talking about this with my friends, and yet none of us have voted in the presidential election before. and i think it's because partly because we didn't trust it. and we still don't trust that. you know, nothing has changed sometimes, but we just decided it's time to come out as to a vote. do you feel to be counted in and sadly locked down? no, it won't be counted,
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but it will signal people inside the system. what do you see? what the numbers, what the numbers are. this has been happening for many years. and thanks to alixia, she put us together. russian embassies around the way for testers have organized process. midday against is automatic boots, and that was a saying invalid where we saw the widow of an ex invalid. you're not on to join the 2 votes as the invalid. i'm just going to simulate scene here in london just across the road from the embassy process that's been going on throughout the day. the organizers have, as far as i say, it's vital, it's even common vote, even if they are a dissolution by russian democracy in order to keep politically active and to make their voices heard. i suppose that i'll just say around london. well, that's bringing problem solving to how he's economist and a defense analyst who joins us now from oscar. pablo, paul,
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to the criminal and type old plan for this election, was to legitimize its choices. right. and how it's prosecuting the war and you can hasn't done the a oh yes, the, the election seems to be quite a success for president bush and she got the bolts possible. and the, yes it was going to, it's a victory for him. and for his course of action, that means the same course of action is going to continue. no question. well now that there is no paul on the horizon, do you expect that minute tree operations or choices around that might change too low? right now there's a spring in russia and ukraine is coming up, which means there's going to be around a lot of money. um, effective are mobile, our friends as options are more where it's impossible. they'll find, you know, of course continue. but in
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a couple months comes the summer funding season. i believe both sides will be or try to change the course or back. so to break through to end, the score would agree some kind of at least partial victory. and that means they're going to be for a very, they're going to, there's plans and ukraine advantage to co up up to half a 1000000 man more there to do more co ops in russia. everything is going to be gearing up to the summer. you talk about building up forces, did you get the sense that the blinds ation of more forces through conscription that that was being pops down, play the head of a selection so you expect to see more now as well. it's not construction, it's the construction happens. but the official transcripts, they're not sent to the front. fine though. they are persuaded to for signing contracts and then they're sent back where it cost years with like contract soldiers. but i believe this is going to your premiums will begin mobilizing
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additional hundreds of thousands of troops. it's almost inevitable that brush will do more with the same because i'm doing this. tell me is important is by too important for both moscow and key about in his victory speech person has just said that he's considering setting up what he's calling sama, tree zones and ukrainian territories. what more about look like? need some kind of a buffer zones. the ukraine could not of tag a russian, donald, that suicide russia. it's not really clear which would be how big these films would be mosque, or maybe you want to see most of your grade as are kind of zone i, russian excellence where ukrainian armaments would be limited. so i believe this is the work in progress. again at all,
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it depends on how the coming summer fighting season turns out for both sides. well as even reporting, ukrainian territory is that country under russian occupation, they were forced to avoid. what implications might this selection have for them going forward? the load doesn't get it doesn't change and that's why sure. especially these, the parts of ukraine have being annexed or re uniform unified with the rush of prompt. uh uh, so that does not change much. so i believe that the selection is kind of things to be as they were before, more or less, i mean the same administration the same week. they're the same course with that reader are in place that needs not much moved, but it's going to change problem solving, holiday economist and defense, unless speaking to us, the light from the russian capital moscow. thanks for joining us. pablo on the news
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. thank you. moving on now and columbia is government says it's suspending a cx 5 deal with the countries biggest group, a form of fall gravels. the defense ministry says that the military will restart operations. also, the group carried out the attacks on civilians and local officials in the south west. he says that the deal with this thought a mass central group will end on wednesday. president gustavo petra's administration has been holding peaceful with um, troops hoping to and the decades of violence as well. it is now time for sport and his bar miss w. thank you so much man. is receiving audit score deep into extra time to when they're fake. have quarter find a clash against liverpool and reach the semi finals. liverpool went into this with their site set on an unprecedented flood truthful this season, but it was united scott and the terminates for just 10 minutes and then came deliverables. 5 back is to put goals on the stroke of half time, put them in front,
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not as anthony then forced and matched extra time. we both and the extra 30 minutes . harvey, i will be struck 1st is here in class size. if i actually have done enough for goals for marcus, for ashford, on the yellow game united, the 4th stream victory, they're now on track. so when they're 1st, they come to go for 8 years to get so opposed to finish this be that moment where we add that to the team cuz we need to believe and edit cheat . add to that they can do amazing things. and i think when you can be difficult and the way we did that, you can beat any opponent. the team is outstanding situation in a moment while we go through all these different and difficult to do is after the exception of the day, the code up on the game. and what if these drafted i'd be lost it and menu i deserves. is about that situation. chelsea of also reese was somebody fondles us to
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like all sort of the less therefore to they look set for an easy afternoon after they went to know us bought this extraordinary moments, brought lester back into it and own goal for max asked. so the sassy visitors on the score sheets and 10 minutes later, the 2nd tier side drew level a special individual effort perceptions and have a d d. the fan less the went down to 10 man and chelsea took advantage with holes and the 92nd and $0.98 on ship maker. and no matter why k with the goal is to send them into the final for as were to put to chino ings for his 1st ever trophy as in manager in english to me, i know you may manage the 2 different competition. we've got one play on we need to ensure young. we need to dress more. i really believe i offer some very pushy, do personally, i really believe and over funds. i just really be leaving the club and really
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believe the most important stuff. the week of today because of the stuff he's, you know, he's fantastic. and of course you know what player gotcha. awesome. village are 11 with west hampton. we have 3 points there. all right, and race for 4th place and its hensley, like how it tony? i was struck 1st for west ham before nicole. danielle lo sporting equalizer for villa. west time i thought they got the winter. so thomas, just to check in the dining minutes of the game. but it was ruled out by da are handled. so security and important points and they're good for champion for publication session. no good by your liver cuz then have restore their 10 point need and the german bundling. after chubby alonzo side beat fryeburg 32, it means aside have continued a remarkable and from the season to 38 matches in all competitions. they took just 2 minutes to find the oak nursery floor and vert private bass on a couple of occasions before adam for a 2nd. and patrick shaking,
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insured all 3 points in their bid for 1st effort and place it into the tide. colleen and bobby squared ahead tractors, he help power sanctioned man with huge 6 to victory against smoke. kelly bobby has been left to advertise. the side for lead matches in recent weeks is head coach louis. enrique wants to adjust his departure at the end of the season. but he showed just how important he is, so i can straight to pick a bunch as they move 12 points clear at the top of the extraordinary and bar salon are on their way to 2nd spot in the league, or they're currently 3 know up against that let us on the threads, so make it 10 games and beaten with victory here throughout felix on loan from medical madrid square to get this parent club yet again. after doing it early on the season, robert lee went to ask you then support in the 2nd half, so get them on course or to go to points clear with you around now. when it's time as well, them one espn to compete marines the corey to an indian wells title for the 2nd time the polish star had little trouble against her greek opponents meetings, the car in straight,
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speculative. it's worth about just over an hour in california. this was a re match and the 2022 final in which the top seat also one fan checks truly on the 20th mountain, which when of the year to get to our on demand store carlos alvarez brought yeah. like centers 19 much and being run to an end. well, number 2 beach center to setup in indian wells funnel with daniel met the does. andy richardson reports. it's a royal retention spence hope has many more installments to come. call us now chris, this is janik center. it's a much triple ready selling out stadiums. senate took the early oppose in this indian wells semi final deal struggling open champion, leading the 1st 61 the attorney, and have the chance to replace l correct. number 2 in the world rankings with victory in this much there. if it's an indication that was at stake,
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the defending champion cruise came back to leveled a match. and he was the best of play in the deciding sense. the spelling you'd want it 6 to to return to the final the, the he's one went away from his this total list, use wimbledon truly. and the sooner it ended and knowing see much and beat to run well every time the face dining and when i get nervous that the for so because i know that they have to play, i'm a 100 percent advised if i want you to bid the game or when you see your bone and, you know, struggling a little bit, i tried to stay solid instead of, you know, trying to move around. so i was to predictable. at some point. it's not. and i think that's the lesson for today. the final will be repeats of last use title
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poseida daniel made for that will again be oaker of these opponents after his 3 set, when of american swimming pools on the richardson which is here. okay. and that is all used for connect with the spouse. yes, thank you so much for. well, finally, this bulletin, some spectacular images from iceland with of okay, now has malware update for the 4th time in as many months roxanne's have become more frequent on the backend? yes. peninsula and recent is concerned on a hand takes a look. sirens blaring items blue lagoon tourist bought warning of, of all kind of corruption. police declared a state of emergency. more than 500 people were forced to leave the area. i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest. i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay. but it really was the experience that i and i'm like at the same time. well, how could this happen?
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i couldn't wait to come here. it's the 4th ruptured in iceland since december. instance in january and february, damage, roads and destroyed homes. authorities couldn't tell exactly when the next one would strike reward people for weeks that it was coming. the exact time of it, uh, starting is not. uh, it's not possible to predict, but the 1st queues of this moving towards the surface actually happens only about 15 minutes in advance of the abrupt and breaking to the surface. but it was definitely expected. more than 4000 residents were forced to leave the area because of ruptures and tremors last year. they were clear to return in february, but most of state away, many bulk. and i'll just say seismic activity in the region is on the rise and more
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options are likely in the future. vince and monahan, alex's era, all that set for me and associates, hey, for this new zone for don't go away, i'll be back with another one in just a couple of minutes. say with on the stuff ation. it's being used as a what the only way to stop cutting costs ation is to allow you then people are surrounding it. sparks filled with the flour, just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blankets, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements. the
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this is the 1st one they saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. it is always an attempt to frame a true side of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. of bruce, coal occupation resulting in a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify israel. the soap on gaza. dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official supports person to the 7 on tuesday or
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the challenges the the hello, i'm still here. tell you this is a news our life from the home. coming up in the next 16 minute, humanitarian a trickles into northern garza, hundreds of thousands of palestinians of facing salvation. these randy prime minister, meanwhile vows to proceed with the ground assault on rasa. as john and john started off, salts warns against an attack on the city with


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