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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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in the humanitarian a to trickles into northern gaza where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing starvation the about us. and this is all just a live from doha. also coming up the is really prime minister of bose to go ahead with a grind assault on dry fi and gaza as german chancellor. all of souls ones against the attack on the southern city. but over a 1000000 civilians are sheltering. we cannot stand by and watched philistines wisc starvation that some of us that is not what we stand for.
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solidarity in spain, protesters in boss country stage of mass tribute to the people of palestine and called for an end to genocide and blood g made of blood. you may reach poor jim process. presidents claims another 6 years in office on the election results. i'm not the man approaching winning more than 87 percent of the vote. the . we're going to begin this bulletin in northern gas or what another con boy of trucks is arriving loaded with desperately needed age. 19 trucks are carrying essentials, including rice, sugar, and flour. they made the way from the roof of crossing and the size of the strip to northern garza, by the central solid dean road 6 trucks. coming flower arrives in the north and saturday is the 1st time in months and a deliveries arrived there without incident. at least 92 palestinians have been
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killed in the past. $24.00 is where the forces continue targeting residential areas across gaza. 2.3000000 people are facing, finding a more than half of populations being forced to shelter in his off stuff. exactly. reports thousands lined up outside the u. n. distribution center in kansas city aid is slowly trickling into northern garza, where the u. n. is warning and starvation, 13 trucks in total managed to reach both job. i yeah. and goes a city up to driving up from the south. no, we'll just for ends. and that we enjoy security, and that my husband returns to me in that they provide food for the people to eat. a distribution has been incredibly dangerous and difficult in the north with incidents if it's ready, forces bombing and opened fire on hand up points. accusations, israel denies the lack of cooperation to allow 8 in foster
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has prompted a rare c shipment. and the us to said it's planning to build a floating dog to increase the deliveries to the air drops are also being used now. but they are dangerous and inaccurate methods other than land access, highlighting the business failure to get enough aid in really good. possibly, they must be a process of organization and improvement in sending aid. this method is for animals and cows. they'll crossings through which items pause israel once to kill into space as we are a people with that on the staff of thousands of years. they must take into account the dignity of the people being able to state out there's probably sites on the line by still option is going to be ready should be the primary focus utilizing more of the time, the existing southern crossings, as opposed to just ready to wrap up, um, i know it daily airbags prospects and the knowles to face to face with the last i
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lost the crossing from the south to feed the areas of the south. so tell me is very for striking because we have, we're going to just go capabilities and the structure in place to be able to face of people and get them what they need. we just need to get the item quicker and this needs to happen. now. 5 months into this more, the daily killing continues. diplomatic folks continue to be excruciating, seemingly slow motion back and forth. that could result in some respite for the people of garza. but it seems, finding some form of an agreement between israel and how mass is taking time. time the people of garza simply don't have any more. stephanie decker or 20 topic, elbows homes being following the latest developments form of alpha in southern gaza, a human to terry and trucks. that's off loaded with flour royce. she'll get, i'm come suit are right now heading to the another at pot until goes
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a strip where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are eagerly waiting for such humanitarian supplies in order to a feats on, as they had been completely cut off from or humanitarian assistance off to the isabel military leadership decisions to cost of all kinds of a humanitarian, a deliveries to the another, caught off to the rocks in of this round of conflict. now those people have been cut off from start chase for more than 5 months. and recently, a very low relative amount of humanitarian supplies being dropped and also being sent by the mary time co rebuild that had been recently established and being set in the gulf coast of rhodes. and this is absolutely a part of the ongoing efforts maids in order to help palestinians to mitigate that verbatim humanitarian crisis that they have been going through since the beginning of the conflict. yes, these amounts of humanitarian supplies is considered to be
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a truck in the ocean of leads of desperate people in order to recover from the different signs of famine that they have been going through within the past few weeks is specifically that some families recently started to flee from now the pontiff garza to the south because of hunger and the incredible rates of feminine desperation. people have been living in, in the past few weeks. exactly. jam and john. so the or shaw says one is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu against whose pines what a grand defensive andrew offer. the 2 latest we'll be meeting in west jerusalem's shoals as ours and this and yahoo to protect civilians in garza. and these highlights of the need for humanitarian aid. you said the world cannot stand by as palestinians wisc starvation to the longer the war last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the people that does have become. the more this backs the question,
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no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe and rough infinity. we logic is one consideration, but there is a few minutes telling logic as one house with more than one point. 5000000 people be protected. where should they go? we've just had the i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for the 2 things, one protecting civilians and 2nd, provision of the humanitarian it. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals. tonda as a whole, it has more from occupied east to be some that is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that in the face of all of this international pressure and concerned
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that he remains on phased and that israel will continue on with it's more ongoing. so until all of its military objectives are achieved, there's been concern from some of israel's biggest allies like the united states and germany. in fact, nathan yahoo! on sunday meeting with the german chancellor, olaf schultz who voice his concerns about to the number of casualties within gauze, reaching nearly 32000 palestinians who have been killed as well as the ground invasion instead of off. but nothing yahoo says is imminent. but these really prime minister remains adamant that this ground invasion will be the only way that israel can achieve total victory over how mass. now all of this comes on the heels of potential negotiations that are set to take place in del, how in the coming days, israel's war and security cabinets convening this evening and to discuss the mandate that will be given to these negotiator is even though there is descent within netanyahu's own governments and disagreements on what exactly that mandate
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should be from the substitute a jersey to occupied east jerusalem was letting me put in his declared victory in russia's presidential election with folding stations. now close on more than 2 thirds of bonnets counted as a result show, he's taken at least 87 percent of the vote. in that election that's been seen as a foregone conclusion. the 3rd and final day, a voting seen asylum protest staged across russia. to meet we met vanco reports. it was the results that didn't surprise anyone. vladimir putin will stay rush as president for at least another 6 years, which is due to, i'd like to thank all of russia citizens, we're all one team, all russian citizens who came to vote. it's very important to say this is not a legal formality police. the in the russian, people are the source of power in the country. there were a few ways of russians could demonstrate that this contempt in the selection and not get arrested for it. but at noon on sunday,
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thousands did it. silently. people came to cost the ballots at the same agreed time, at tens of thousands of folding stations, and $11.00 time zones, and the broad stall. okay, what was the jump? have a good, it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like, i guess i would like to expect change? i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. of this action was endorsed by late opposition, lead to alex saying, evolving shortly before he died in an optic colony, this protest campaign was going to change the outcome of the election. vladimir putin is overwhelmingly popular in russia. and if i want to continue ation of the policy as it is now in all the country, that's why i've, i just pull out president presence boots and was running against 3 other candidates
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who never spoke out against him all the way in ukraine voting. and the selection was also held in the occupied territories of ukraine and in crimea. that's despite the fighting that and showing afforded territories in russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that to did. you can make the sales to vote. and i know there are controversies of these points and these would be sold to the sound system in the future process. the economy has proven largely resilience despite the severe west and sanctions for the war in ukraine. and that's likely to help putin in the weeks and months ahead with lot of my boots and securing another 6 years as president. that's little expectation that rushes domestic. all foreign policies will change. reaching that in co, out to 0. you know, there's a couple of all of his more from last the reco,
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breaking voter turnout of 74 percent also plays the kremlin very much. it has exceeded the initially full cost to figure out 70 percent. and let's say the unprecedented turn out indicates people's well to actively participate in the life of the country and determine that futures and seems many have expressed the a wellbeing support. and what can say for sure that tonight is a big night for patients supposes. and here's disappointment for his opponents. oh sure. it's regarding mr. malone. me. yes, he passed away. this is always side. but we had other cases when people died in prison when those cousins that happened in the united states, which would cover it has multiple times usually by the way, a few days before and i've only passed away. i was told that there was an idea to exchange him, follow people in prison in western countries. you may believe me or not. the person
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who was speaking to me hadn't even finished his sentence when i already said, yes, i agree. also, unfortunately, what's happened happened? there was only one condition that he would not come back to russia. well, the position in russia does not exist as such because of this. it's freestate from fermented at the moment, but of course we hit the opposition voices were absolutely outraged with this particular rhetoric, because indeed seems like legend. page me from the 1st time pronounced. i'll explain the felonies name out loud and but by the way, the question about will street journal reporter, evan gosh, could, which remains a nonsense, but that he commented on on to will presidential normally neighbor recent edition that was bought from running a patient said that in the depths and didn't food enough efforts into his contain and talking about future challenges for russia, according to periods in the country,
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needs to fulfill the goals of salvage submitted, show rationing ukraine and strengths and rushes, defense capabilities and full says a pretty familiar read trick for many so it means that we can say for show that things won't change for russia in the nearest future. and the, for the opposition members, so upset and losing hub, i can tell you what is also been taking place in ukrainian territories under russian control. ukraine is calling those votes, illegal, and void vladimir prudence. victoria was an ounce. you finds president means the landscape had this to say. shield now to mcgill, man, are these days. the russian dictators imitating another election, which is clear to everyone in the walls that this figure out how this happens so often in history is simply sick from how long it will be and is doing everything not comfortable for as long as there is no evil. he will not commit to prolonged his personal policy. also,
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rob mcbride reports from keith. this election is widely regarded here in ukraine is a facile b at once. that according to ukraine, is accompanied by a threats, intimidation in bribery, in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence and election officials in places like separate easier and kind of some have been going door to door with ballot boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from rushes security service, the f s. b apparently to explain to voters who to vote for. and also apparently explaining that a vote not full. vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians as also to . busy of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile, ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and called upon the
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international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these a controlled areas of ukraine that any ukrainian citizens helping them do. it may well be held accountable, legally for legal action at some point in the future. run mcbride, i'll just say, are a key. the russians abroad have also been voting in the election and they've been able to express that opposition to president vladimir putin already false, and has been to the russian embassy in london for ex pats. most of the decisions have been handling in their votes. so here in west london, outside the russian embassy, this has been the same throughout the day. people waiting patiently in this line, having to wait patiently this line, taking more than 3 hours. sometimes the whole people get the chance to vote. some pro peace in voters to be overwhelming. majority of people here, certainly those we've spoken to in time to vote against the russian president. i
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don't support the war. i don't support the ark option and fix it to be changed. we were talking about this with my friends, and yet none of us have voters in the presidential election record. and i think it's because partly because we didn't trust it. and we still don't trust that. you know, nothing has changed, no sense. but we just decided it's time to come out as you do to become citizens and sadly locked down. no, it won't be counted, but it will signal people inside the system. could you see the tree numbers? what the numbers are. this has been happening for many years and thanks to alex said, she put us back together. russian embassies around the way for testers have organized process. midday again, is that to me and puts in that was a saying invalid where we saw the widow all the election of all the helium, not on the joined the 2 votes as the invalid. i'm just being a stimulus scene here in london,
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just across the road from the embassy. i protest it's been going on throughout the day. the organizers of as far as i say, it's vital, it's even common, but even if they are a dissolution by russian democracy in order to keep politically active and to make their voices heard, i suppose that i'll just say around london. let's go ahead and i'll just sit up with enough. got us time to find out what the extension of are you emissions mondays means for people living in pop. it's the the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fire around 2000 show a day. we detailed coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the place is a virgin inside of the sun from around the world. so for it is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to
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cover people's most basic needs. real people, true stories close to home for so essential and around the world. groundbreaking sounds from award winning, so make his witness on how to say era. even a bigger global election yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india in this episode. and examine how in the pricing, the got it in ism veterans to the gun to clock back on at the country, found it on secular ideas being the board far one on the
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the what you go just need a reminder of. i told stories, this are another call volume trucks is arriving in northern garza, loaded with desperately need a date. 19 chunks, accounting essentials, including rice, sugar on flowers as follows. analia, delivery and size of a h was the 1st one in monks to arrive in the north without incident. is there any forces of killed more than 92 people in gaza in the past 24 hours? at least 12 palestinians were killed in denver of bollocks and it strikes on a residential building. takes the total number of people killed to more than $31600.00. but to me, i presume, has declared victory in russia's presidential election. voting station is now closed on more than 2 thirds of bonnets counted as a result, so he's taking the least 87 percent of the vote. more not on the war on guy,
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something that had to view an agency for postilion refuge refugees. phillips are assuming laws that really has been describing israel's attacks as a war on children and their future. more than 13000 palestinian children have been killed by as many forces in gaza. at least 23 children have died from severe hunger and the hydration. because israel isn't allowing enough of aid into a gas that many have been permanently disabled unicef estimates, but 1000 children have limbs amputated in the 1st 2 months of the war alone. under carrying extreme psychological trauma from the war on one says more than a 1000000 children in mental health support. steve sol, suite is president on funder of an agency called hill palestine. it helps to take hundreds of injured and sick children from gaza to the 19 states for free care. it says 8 organizations are frustrated because they're not able to provide enough help
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. the operations and gaza are addressing the urgent needs on the ground. they're obviously we're in a acute phase of survival for the palestinian people, particularly the children. so the basic necessities are absolutely required. at this time we're talking about food. for starving people were talking about shelter for those who had their homes destroyed, or talking about medical care and access to medical services, which were at one time available, but no longer available on the ground and goes to because of the collapse health system. so that we're trying to address all of the urgent needs on the ground there . in addition to the long term rebuilding of the lives of these children in gaza, which will take place after the dis, acute phase is over. but right now we're just trying to address the urgent needs, which so many 8 organizations are going through and on. the difficulty of doing this work to all of us face is having access. we have literally thousands of trucks that are waiting to get in from egypt, and we're also doing our work through services that are available are supplies that are available in the local marketing and gaza. and therefore,
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i think all of us in the 8 organizations are very frustrated by having the resources available to do this work, but not having the access and the availability availability to the people who are in dire need of this mandatory in a hundreds of people in spain of how the demonstration to pay tribute to the victims of war and gas on the district and nice in the bosque city of san sebastian. it's me staged by a group of offices. so knocked of us. they say they do not ins for they called israel's genocidal on it's on the palestinian people today. ok. i think that it really is a genocide, a genocide. however, the international priest televisions might talk of more. i know dictionary as well . and for me it's not more, it's genocide. they're not even the
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baton yvonne is welcoming the extension of the mandate of the un mission enough kind of stun. that'd be massive aid caught since vases, power in 2021. and since then, millions of of chance have been going hungry every day. or some of these have a, the has more phone, couple, aiden violence of being perhaps the only consistent things and have a lot of fun in the last 4 decades. remote and rude and communities have been cut off for years. as humanitarian agencies found it too dangerous to venture into donavon control and penetrate a lot has changed. the bond is now the government. and this a drive is also different. using technology to minimize costs and corruption of gone, entrepreneurs are trying to reach people need this truck has returned to gone to stop. when many of those have left to say we provide identification using only the id cards, we have what we call a proof of delivery,
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which can be in form of video and photos and documents. if there is potential fraud, you will catch that with every time you interact with the family efforts like this paid in comparison to the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis. the economy was essentially built on foreign aid, and much of it has dried up for lack of a fewer jobs and financial restrictions are full and taking a tool in the last year to no more than 2 dozen hospitals have lost their international funding. the board approved program has stopped providing health to more than $10000000.00 off guns and the us $3200000000.00 p, as only is the less that a 3rd of its funding will that means increased suffering for the port of, of not suffice. so unfortunately, we've had to make sweeping cuts across the country and there is not one district that hasn't been affected. and of course, the most impacted are women and children. people with disabilities and the elderly
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because they're a catch have been so drastic. but some of guns believe it cuts might force positive change. they will only affect the largest and the biggest to entity and agencies, which we know for the last 20 years have not had the kind of results with the bigger amount of funding that they did receive. so i looked at it as an opportunity to bring in the efficiencies that are overdue for a long time. something corruption in the last 2 decades means basic facilities for health and education are lacking to after the bones, band and demons go in society. although women are not allowed back in education and health, depends on the profession and go to the secondary education remains of unofficial to say. they inherited a broken system dislike pretty ends of dollars spent an upfront of found by donors insisting they won't let a to be used as
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a pressure tool. they call the latest cups and financial restrictions collective punishment of the outcome. people. so i'm going to drop it down to 0, couple temperatures and facilities solving, and our officials of issued health warnings for several regions. the heat is expected to be more intense across the southeast, and the central west, me turn all of this se, temperatures in rio de janeiro rose to 40 degrees, but it felt more like 60. that's what scientists call lot family sensation is the highest of the citizens records began in 2014 evacuations have been ordered in iceland football channels erupt, head for the 4th time since december. the latest interruption began on saturday evening functions of molten rock solid from along the fresh of and the ground lava reached the eastern edges of the small town of green dominic in southern iceland. most people in the town of left iceland is home to 33 active volcano systems as the highest number in europe by those next pen inside story is kind of lost as katie,
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on the brink of collapse and robust stick with the the hey, there are 2nd highest level alerts issue for thunderstorms in the india and states of not to per dash and shot is scar. so we get these thunderstorms in the mix on monday. part of that is we're seeing these winds off the baseband goal. so that's giving us a feed of moisture and humidity to sparks some of these storms. we're about a month ahead of schedule in terms of those temperatures into later on. and how it's feeling more like april for up to $24.00 degrees in your temperatures will actually continue to climb on tuesday, temperatures that finally come down in pool kits of $36.00 degrees. so not as hot as it has been. and we've got this weather from the gain, see down to the pearl river valley but watches it shift away. the sun comes through
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so many spots will be in the 20s, from blue on down to going to the province in greenland, looking good with the height of $21.00 degrees. then blizzard conditions for japan . so kind of island support. we could see a bit of snow here, and here's 5 temperatures are subzero at night. so with that precipitation following, yeah, it certainly could turn to snow last 3 winds as well. guessing 50 to 60 kilometers per hour. and with this breeze off the see here, it's pumping in a lot of humidity for call them pour in singapore with a human ex. it's feeling closer to 40 degrees on monday. bye for now. see the full right to use human appeal has been making the most of your messy. our team successfully deliver your charity to those who need it most. across the muslim world, we are feeding building, tearing julie, planting,
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fuel refined, teaching, and helping transform lives. this is messy inaction. this is human appeal. a good hey to be on the brink of collapse, guns control, most of the capital people solving as humanitarian aid is blocked and the political vacuum is full of lessening of the classes. once schools this unprecedented counts and hierarchy, and what's the way out? this is inside, sorry, the hello. welcome to the program and how show how about the people in haiti bracing for more violence, weeks off, the powerful guns launched an offensive to talk.


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