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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on gaza from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the . the come on several venue. it's good to have you with us. this is the news. our lives from the coming up in the program today. at the is really military storms. i'll shift the hospital in gaza. city thousands of palestinians are trapped inside the complex more trucks carrying food make their way to northern gossip. but hawk spam says, israel is continuing to blockade, despite of ruling by the international court of justice. legitimate of legitimate
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to reach for jim vladimir putin says russia will not be held back or intimidated as the president is set for another 6 years in office. and north korea testifier is short range ballistic missiles, as the us secretary of state visits south korea for democracy conference. the the beginning, garza where the is really army has launched a new attack on the strips largest medical complex dollar reports of deaths and injuries inside. i'll shift the hospital, the a dozens health ministry says it's really troops of launch missiles and open fire on one of the buildings. it says thousands of displaced palestinians, patients and medical staff are trapped inside the several people have been arrested . the mass for as long as we're now besieged inside,
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i'll shoot for hospital, were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate. there's shrapnel falling all over the hospitals. courtyard. a statement from guys as health ministry says it holds these really occupation responsible for the lives of medical staff patients and displaced people inside the medical complex . and that the is really operation is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. the health industry accuse is real of using fabricated narratives to deceive the world and justify the storming of al shift. so in a few moments will be speaking to villain marks, unoccupied, east jerusalem to find out what is real, has been saying about the attack 1st. still let's go to honey. my mood was line for us and roughly that's and southern gaza. honey, what's the very latest that you're learning on what's going on inside out schiffer right now in the
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yes, sir, i was just within the past 45 minutes, we looked at what looks like a leaflet, a drop by these really military sharply ordering people in a ship hospital, it's vicinity, and the entire residential, the block surrounding the ship that kills a complex order condemned sharply to evacuated, may immediately to my last c evacuations on that's the western part of han eunice city. that what's important to point out in an early or a statement. how gary does folks person have, is there a military? you said there's no evacuation needed for people, so people do not have to evacuate. and right now we see, and this is sharp, a statement ordering people to vac legit shows the contradiction. the, the vague news as well as the misleading narrative of evacuations on people are now in, caught in between this right now, whether to leave and to trust the statement or stay where the ad we're talking
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about. thousands of how us citizens who have been shouldering inside the complex a since the beginning of the war. and it's important to find out this is not the 1st time issue of a hospital is being, is formed into a late in early december. there's many military made a list of allegations that his former supervisor hospitals and destroyed the vast majority of it. the property and severely damaged the major buildings and medical equipments inside the house for the rest of the large number, fee of close to 150 people. but were arrested inside the hospital one more time. we're seeing the same patterns. but this time it happens under a group of a group. it started at about 2 30 in the morning with a group of a special forces in entered a ship, a hospital to disguise in civilian. busy garments then after that, a military vehicles and times under healey, coverage of talking drones and,
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and surveillance and drones. and then military shoppers surrounded the complex and start firing heavily at the uh, the complex and the surrounding area. we, there were fired the cod in some of the buildings called in the fire at the vicinity of us to the hospital. the reports of at least 18 people have been arrested. mostly women on the young men right now being arrested at, from a ship, a hospice of their reports, of more deaths and injuries inside the hospital. we don't have a confirmation number of how many people have been killed inside and the reports talk about. many of them are in the courtyard or inside the buildings of the hosp to the right. now, honey, give us a sense of who and maybe how many, if you can, who was in the hospital when this military operation began, as well, so far, what we know, the husband that has turned into an evacuation center where we are looking at the
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100, the displays families of from the northern part garza city a and the eastern part of the gauze and city the the, the mr. j neighborhoods they didn't put after they were written a storm repeatedly and invaded by these really forces on the ground. the old ran to a ship a hospital and took it as a shelter, not a statement made by the way, the military and made a list of allegations that he primary among them is based on intelligence of from the ground that at the high, the inside information of the operatives or militants inside. busy the hospital now this is a reminder of what happened in, in, in early december, the same exact list of allegations and eventually what happened. there were only 2, couple of videos that were released by the is really military about the ship a hospital. and none of the allegations was supported with any substantial evidence . we see this happening again in the old and over night at the early hours of this morning. there is no confirmation of who are the people who are arrested. they're
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talking about the people that based on eye witness inside the house. but at most the women on the young been who were arrested of from the the hospital was there is 100. no, thank you very much, that report on a, i'll go now it's a villain marx who is live in the occupied east. jerusalem village. what is the is really military saying about this operation. they all calling it a precise operation. one that's predicated on the presence of a mass flights as inside the hospital compound. they've confirmed within the last few minutes, they have made arrests. and in terms of the reasoning behind this operation, here's what these folks pass and phase, right? the minute, tre, rear admiral daniel has already said audio of our target admission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone, specify training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex
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scenarios. they may encounter a voice against come us, not against the people of cause. we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind the building. it is quite notable that the the is released don't always choose to comment in a detailed way on ongoing operations. how unusual is what we just heard for these release to discuss this ongoing operation in such detail. we've seen repeats available as 5 months, 0 when is ready, forces have operated in and around. hospital compounds is created a huge amount of blow back for them. but inside cause that, but also internationally, the fact that releasing statements in the middle of the night as these operations ongoing in the lights of the fact that there are social media videos being posted by those inside the hospital complex. an indication that they are aware of how
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contentious these kinds of activities are. don't forget the middle facilities hold a special state us onto the inside. so little is part of the statement 0 interesting that they talked about the fact that is ready. troops have been instructed on the importance of quotes, operating cautiously, as well as on the measures to be taken to avoid harm to the patients, civilians. medical saw medical equipment, another sign that they were aware that this will be a contemptuous raid. and that the international response may, once again, place them on the spotlight marks reporting from occupied east jerusalem there. thank you very much bye or another convoy of trucks is arriving in northern gauze. are loaded with desperately need of the aid. 19 vehicles of carrying essentials, including rice sugar flour. they've made their way from the roof of crossing and the south of the strip to northern gauze of view, the central solar dean road of 13 trucks carrying flour had arrived in the north on saturday. and that was the trial run. it was the 1st time in months that in a delivery and arrived there without incident atari couple of whom has the latest
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from rasa in southern governance. a humanitarian talks does off loaded with slo royce, she'll get, i'm come suit are right now. heating to the another at part to gauze. a strip where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are eagerly waiting for such humanitarian supplies in order to a feats on as they had been completely cut off from all humanitarian assistance after the disability, military leadership decisions to cost of all kinds of a humanitarian, a deliveries to another part of the a roxanne, of this round of the conflict, no boost. people have been cut off from start cheats for more than 5 months. and recently, a very, the relative amount of humanitarian supplies being dropped and also being sent by the mary time co. retail was that had been recently established and being set in the gulf coast of rhodes. and this is absolutely
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a part of the ongoing efforts maids in order to help palestinians to mitigate that verbatim humanitarian crisis that they have been going through since the beginning of the conflict. but yet, these amounts of humanitarian supplies is because it, it to be a truck in the ocean of leads of boost desperate people in order to recover from the different signs of famine that they have been going through within the past few weeks is specifically that some families recently started to flee from now the pontiff garza to the south because of hunger and the inputs of a rates of famine. in desperation, people have been living in the past few weeks exactly in the report, but the charity aux them says israel is blocking a to gaza in spite of a ruling by the international court of justice in january, the court told is real. it cannot continue to bombard, displace, installed the population under its obligations to the genocide convention. the expand reports as the international community has failed to challenge israel for
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systemically, undermining a deliveries and that israel has made bringing and aid so dangerous and dysfunctional that agencies cannot respond to the scale of suffering the spring and how sound very professor of international affairs at guitar university. that's on the 1st thing that jumps out to me when i read that report is once again, making crystal clear, the israel with the way it's behaving with humanitarian, a not allowing it in, at the pace in volume that it is needed is in flagrant violation of international law is not just the ruling of the international court of justice as oxfam points out. it's also un security council resolution back in december. so, well, this is an indication that these are ready to give them in the doesn't give any attention to these issues. yeah, all the security accounts and all, even the international law, as long as they can continue the one they want to pay, they want them and they don't count. i mean, this is obvious. it has been full time and again, and that they really have one strategy is to undermine the, the, a to they put
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a scene in order to bring them to the bank of simon so that they will probably leave the guys and the scenario put 5 days where it is of the, from the get go, is to take, we've had a students out of guys. i think this is part of this study. of course they deny that that where they don't go away will not come like in public say yes, we want to exclude the kind of thing. and so some have some, some fall right. members of these really cabinet have uh, i believe it was smart trach who has, who has invited, i believe was towards using invited guidance to use opportunities to leave gaza, not on this month. and i'm even getting to the minnesota defense at the very beginning. he said, you know, you, you guys can leave see no electricity in the water and nothing can mean he was like, threatening them that you know, guys, it would not be a place for you to have tell. and this of this strategy of the, of these ways that people have to look at the broader image here. a, the demographic balance. i mean, probably one of the, they had an agenda, holidays. why it is, is to make the put a scene into this. and this and this area that's tricky between the ministry and,
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and the river because as you know now would be better seen it more. so the majority of the city and so there wants to be these raiders wants to make them to the minority. maybe this is also a part of the broader strategy. and so i'm denying them food and water sugar in fellers is also, you know, as to kick them out of guys. i think this is, this is for the, i wonder what you think of the, the, the convoy of trucks that we just showed. so it's the 2nd day that we see a convoy of trucks. not that many were talking about 19, yesterday 18. i'm sorry, 12 the day before. the trucks carrying flower other essential um, essential items from southern gaza to the north is the 1st time in months that there haven't been any incidents. because previously we've seen them be attacked pretty systematically. what do you make of this? is this a band aid? just good for optics. it's is maybe in israel's interest to allow this or is this a blueprint perhaps for increasing a to the north?
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i wouldn't see it as a blueprint. i would say that if it's, it shows one thing that is doable. if it is what it does allow this. so this stuff in kind of impeded other, then there's a leave amendment. this one thing, 2nd 0. this is just a jump into boxes. so is speed enough much, it will make a huge difference. the only way is to have, why is it happening? why did these ways, you know, i think they are responding to a little bit to the american pressure because the americans have been saying, you know, these really should allow and even at the senate majority leaders, chuck show me how he was saying, you know, and i think that we need to step down. so i think that a lot of pressure is coming from the american and i this, this is a way of mitigating the pressure, its feeling as if, as well as doing its best in order to make their lives easier. but i think there's a drop in the bucket and it will not once make a huge difference. so mostly for the optics. and in your view, all 8 agencies say that in order to search a to the palestinian search aid into gaza, there needs to be a ceasefire. it so happens that cease fire negotiations will resume today in the
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hall. do you see that? do you see a ceasefire? as a possibility, as a result of these negotiations, hopefully it is of course, i mean that depends on these, right, is what you say, of course, but we've seen them break down. so what i'm saying is it's a possibility, but i'm not saying that's going to happen simply because of these players have their own conditions. and they want only the 1st stage of the deal where whereas how much wants to stages. yeah, so i think the a lot of disagreement among them. i think if the mediators can our these differences and come up with a common ground, probably we going to see if he's fair im sorry when at least a temporary one. but my question is more, do you, do you believe in a ceasefire at any time soon? because we've seen these negotiations, we've seen optimizon express sometimes by the us sometimes bank atari mediators, although not in a long time. and then they've all broken down. i can see a temporary one. yes. okay. yeah. temporary. yeah, of course temporary because these ladies need to continue the war because this is also a domestic need for that. anyhow, it's not the only he wanted the 5th time. i say it's about his own political
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survival. so putting an end to the concert price now and have you come in and see us that would probably be the final nail in his political girlfriend. sound laurie, thank you very much for joining us in the studio. this hour, thank you. and at least 10 palestinians, including 3 mosque leaders, were arrested during and it's really incursion in the occupied. westbank is really military rated the dish. they share refugee camp, which is south of bethlehem. they also rated several other towns and cities including to car him and calculator is really military incursions in the occupied west bank of in a near nightly occurrence since israel's one gossip began last october. the, the russian president vladimir putin says he's country will not be intimidated as he welcomed an election victory. that puts him on course to be the longest serving russian leader in more than 200 years. the election was largely seen as
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a foregone conclusion. but some opponent stage, the silent protest outside polling stations on sunday. so here are some of our reports from moscow. it was the result that didn't surprise anyone. the patient will stay rushes presidents for at least another 6 years, which is due to i'd like to thank all of russian citizens. we are old 110 year old russian citizens who came to voters. it's very important to say this is not a legal formality. just the russian people have a source of power in this country. they were few ways russians could demonstrate that discontent and this selection and not guess arrested for it. but at noon on sunday, thousands did it silently. people came to cause the balance of the same every time at the 10s of thousands of putting stations, and 11 time zones and abroad at the store. okay. nobody jumped, have a good. it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like,
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i guess i would like to expect change? i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. this action was endorsed by later opposition leader unexplained the phone a. shortly before he died and optic penal colony, what else could about his desperation, replied, what it was sad and claims, never only it was close to being released except to go. it was not a few days before an invalid. he passed away. i was told that there was an idea to exchange him for out people in prisons in western countries. you may believe me or not. the person who was speaking to me hadn't even finished his sentence when i already said yes. so i agree. but unfortunately, what's happened has happened, there was only one condition that he would not come back to russia on his way to you. there was chad on as a spot. but hes keyed in violin. this process component was going to change the outcome of the election. like even a patient is overwhelmingly populated russia posh. i want to continue ation of the
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policy as it is now in our country. that's why i've, i've just pull out president, president page and was running against 3 of the candidates who never spoke counts against him. what he called the special ministry operation. and ukraine version of the selection was also held in the next territories of ukraine and even crimea. that's just by defining that and shredding of both the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that makes itself to vote. and i, i know that are going to overseas of these points and these will be sold to the sound system in the future, especially as economy has proven, launched a resilient despite the severe west and sanctions imposed of ukraine. and that's likely to help present in the weeks and months ahead, which led to reprise and securing another 6 years as president. there's little expectations that russia's domestic or foreign policies will change unit 5 out of
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the ultra 0 most for join. now from most go by door, sit jabari. so doorstep putting his claim to an overwhelming victory. surprising no one. uh, as julia just reminded us, there isn't a ton that's expect to change on the domestic or even international. see, what's the next step then i assume his inauguration that's right trail, according to the laws in the country, the presidents will have is in operation ceremony in the month of may. and we expect the russian presidents to pick his new cabinets in the coming weeks. we don't expect any major changes in that cabinets that is currently in place, but there might be some ministers that will be shifted around. now the most important statements made by russian president vladimir putin late on sunday
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evening, was that his victory is going to strengthen the country. that is the kind of messaging that we've been seeing since early this morning. been broadcast across state tv channels here at reiterating the sense of unity that is gra, coming with this victory. of course, not everyone shares that opinion. according to an independent russian activist group, at least 80 people. protestors were detained across the country with a number of offences in attempts to try and disrupt the voting process. in dorset today marks if i can get you to pivot to this marks the 10 year anniversary of russia's annexation of crimea. what are you expecting on that as well, this is a big day for vladimir put in every year. he holds a huge raleigh to commemorate the occasion, and this here will be no different. and it's going to be held at one of the most iconic locations in the capital in the red square or near the kremlin,
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the presidents is expected to deliver a speech. huge crowds are expected to gather the area, has been preparing and cordoned off for the past 48 hours in preparation for this event. this is an opportunity for flatter. we're putting not only to speak to the russian nation, but also to deliver his message to the international community that what he did in crimea in 2014 was something that was wanted by the local population. there. of course, the ukrainian government at that time called it's a violation of international law. the united nations general assembly condemned the move saying it was a legal and that's it was a temper occupation at the government in moscow said that they held a referendum and 90 over 90 percent of the local population loaded in favor of joining russia. and they don't use the term annexation that the russian president had said that this was the will of the people,
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and that is what they want. and of course, that is a rhetoric that we've heard now over the past 2 years as well, with russia annex being a further for regions of ukraine in september of 2022. so overall, we expect this to be a big day for the new, a re elected russian president to really show his was supporters and the country and the international community. how much unified his country is and what kind of support is behind him. dorset jabard reporting from las go, thank you very much door. so pulling also to place and ukrainian territories under russian control ukraine's president followed america. lensky says that those votes are illegal. shields now to the government. these days, the russian dictators imitating another election, which is clear to everyone in the walls that this figure out how this happens so often in history is simply sick from how long it will be and is doing everything. how comfortable forever. there is no evil he will not commit to prolonged his
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personal power was a robin bryan reports on the ukrainian view of this election from keith. this election is widely regarded here in ukraine as a fast will be one that according to ukraine, is accompanied by us, writes intimidation and bribery in the russian control, territories of ukraine, where this pilot is being held according to ukrainian intelligence. the election officials in places like for louisiana and kind of some have been going door to door with ballot boxes accompanied by on soldiers and also agents from russia's security service the f s b apparently to explain to voters who to vote for and also apparently explaining that a boat, not full vladimir putin might be considered to be anti russians, as also talk of pressure being placed on business owners and public employees such as teachers to turn out and vote. meanwhile,
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ukraine's parliament has condemned this whole exercise and called upon the international community to do the same. and there's also be in a timely reminder, as has been issued previously when russian occupies, is a on known here of how these type of ballots in the elections in these controlled areas of ukraine that any ukrainian citizens helping them do. it may well be held accountable, legally for legal action at some point in the future. run mcbride, i'll just say era. keith, let's bring in tina bar. it's in tokyo, she's a russian specialist professor of political science. it's sophia university, author of television and presidential power in foot in russia. so you heard obviously what the ukrainians think of the selection western powers also see this entire russian presidential election is a parody of democracy. now that the election is over and the result is known, i wanted your view on that on the legitimacy of the selection. i don't think anybody believes the high bet hold both development boots and accept the hot spot,
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the man who to himself. so i think in terms of the stage knowledge amount, this is exactly what mostly does in other countries expected that we would see there's actually been a trend every election that let them and pollution has stood in his chair of the boat has gone out. town has gone off, so this is nothing unexpected, i think, and i don't think it really changes people's perspective on the regime in the country. okay. what can we actually know about the popularity of vladimir put in among russians today in 2024? yeah, it's very difficult to actually get an accurate picture of what many buttons think of the administration. i think there are, there are various different sentiments within the country. obviously we saw a number of people protesting the election polling stations. um, over the course of this weekend, there's also quite a sizable protest in january. the one candidate who was on people was kept off the balance. so lots of people. so turning up for lexi, nevada needs funeral law small. so there's clearly opposition to the will and to
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the government within the country. i think what would be the sort of charity is keeping that headstone. i'm trying to focus on the family and getting by. and then we have the core people who the house all in favor of the war and support the administration, but how many people actually are in each place? it's very difficult to actually validate. okay, so i wanted to pro with you then what we might expect from the next 6 years of latin air pollutant, both domestically and internationally. let's start with domestically. do you see anything changing over the next 6 years? i think success is probably a bit too far out for us to make judgments about, but i think in this actual probably be the tool will actually change. i think, you know, in terms of the war itself and you praying that she has made some relatively small gains recently before be enough to show that the war is turning slightly more towards the russians favor, which i think will probably become some of the fees within the administration itself, i think probably if we were to see a big change in russian politics, but the whole sort of pulled a lot of inputs about have to come from within his own, in a circle,
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within the crime in itself. and i didn't really see that being very many divisions within the administration at the moment. so i think probably his political position is quite secure in the show to give them the same reasons the well as the old correspondent alluded to the economy, it's actually been growing for reason of being will production. lots of people are actually seeing the salaries going not put over time. so i think the probably the domestic situation, we can expect to see the status quotes. the only thing i think a lot of russians all worried about is up as soon as taking the election as of monday for the whole, which he claims he is. and his victory speech that makes options of worried about mobilization. another mobilization of young russian manage at the front line and ukraine. and i think that would obviously be the culture, especially with people who do have young man in the family. the friends a lot could be a dangerous moment, full of them at pitching. moment he's saying they wouldn't be in you mobilize ation . but given the huge losses,
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the pressure is suffering in ukraine. i think that some point mobilization may become a necessity or not could be a danger plants administration. yeah, i was gonna ask you internationally, what else you might expect you've addressed ukraine is there, is there another major chapter major topic that you think you know you should know about for the next term if let them know if we can or yeah, i think internationally and the bus has ministration is clearly watching very closely what's going on in us politics right now. and one of the other big elections that she and will be in united states. and i think her tons of how president trump would obviously mean that quite like a lot of support for you printing the dry out. i think brochures waiting to see that is in fact the case. i think also within europe. unfortunately, that's quite a lot of reluctance to give you credit and what they actually need to when the customer thinks me thing to do when i think the european security, as well as the print security ukraine hospitably and what we're seeing the job, for example, being reluctant to give tours myself to the craniums,
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despite the fact that the british have given a storm shot is which to turn the tide in the black sea area. so i think it really the boys in the hands of the west to lead us to decide how much support they want to give to ukraine. about the upcoming election in the united states could potentially be a game changer. 19 to birth. joining us from tokyo, russia specialist and professor of political science at sophia university. thank you so much. i. it's still a head on alpha 0. struggling away the horrors of war. one music lesson at a time. how would teacher in guns is playing his part to help children trapped in the devastation? and were in afghanistan to find out what the extension of the un mission mandate means for people living in poverty. the
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. it's feeling more like maybe maybe even june and southern spain havior one. so we'll start there 1st with the good stuff, portugal in spain, full on sunshine here looking at seville at 28 degrees. but i think by tuesday, somewhere in southern spring could see its 1st 30 degree day of the year. maybe even monday, actually in mercy, or you don't do it monday, you get another kick up the can on tuesday for those wind shift and temperatures lower, warmer air, also being funneled into the islands of island in britain. but we've got some rain coming out, shift for the island of ireland, and cooler air from the baltic states as press down temperatures in berlin and warsaw. otherwise, i gotta show you this rain in northern iraq also could get drench was about a month's worth over 24 hours. also for that southeast corner of turkey dropping down into the lift that there could be some flooding in that zone as well as some of that. what weather will strike egypt, places like as one. but then winds are going to shift around in places like cartoons a big drop in the temperature is there. and then we'd tap into
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a sea breeze for bonds. also, finally, some relief from the heat's coming well with the wind, scooping up the moisture of the see here, that's going to produce some showers for central mozambique. some of the weather will spill over the other side of the border in some bob ways. so if you had him a showers for you on monday of the, the latest news as it breaks, the shortage means along the whole of the 1500 columbus a front line. ukraine is only able to fight around 2000 show. today we detail coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of virgin inside of the sun from around the world. so for it is in the dominican republic refer to places such as this one. i thought survive of market because it's meant to cover people's most basic needs. strips from it
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switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach, they usually forget, keep from lake point when you think that the people in power meet, the inhabitants still fighting suggested just wait and took their lead and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think they even consider us again. the black people, the people, the sacrifice them on, which is the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else, a 0. a reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces are launching
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a new attack on al schiffer hospital in gaza. city because his health ministry says soldiers open fire on the complex and there have been multiple deaths and injuries . and other con, boy of trucks is arriving in northern gauze, are loaded with desperately needed aid. it follows the delivery by more than a dozen trucks on saturday, the 1st to arrive in the north and months without incident. russian president vladimir putin says his country will not be intimidated as he welcomed an election victory. that puts him on course to be the longest serving russian leader in more than 200 years. russians abroad had been voting in the election and they've been able to express their opposition to president vladimir putin. harry fawcett has been at the russian embassy in london, were ex pats, most of them dissidence costs their balance. so here in west london, outside the russian embassy, this is being the same throughout the day. people waiting patiently in this line, having to wait patiently this line, taking more than 3 hours. sometimes before people get the chance to vote,
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some pro fee to invo, just to be overwhelming. majority of people here, certainly those we've spoken to in turn to vote against the russian president don't support the war. i don't support the ark option and fix it to be changed. we were talking about this with my friends, and yet none of us have voted in presidential elections before. and i think it's because partly because we didn't trust it and we still don't trust that. you know, nothing has changed, no sense. but we just decided it's time to come out as to a very difficult to become citizens and sadly marked down. no, it won't be counted, but it will signal people inside the system to see what the 3 numbers, what the numbers are. this has been happening for many years and thanks to alex, she put us together. russian embassies around the way for testers have organized process. midday against is automatic boots and that was a saying invalid where we saw the widow all the election of all the helium,
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not on the joined the 2 votes as the invalid. and there's been a stimulus seen here in london just across the road from the embassy. i protest it's been going on throughout the day. the organizers have, as far as i say, it's vital, it's even common vote, even if they are a dissolution by russian democracy in order to keep politically active and to make their voices heard. i suppose that i'll just say around london to the german chancellor has warned israel's prime minister against starting a ground offensive and rough or all that showed submit benjamin netanyahu. on sunday, he urged him to protect civilians and allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. the german leader said the world cannot stand by as palestinians continue to starve. the longer the war lost, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the paper and does have become. the more this backs the question, no matter how important the goal kind of justifies,
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that's totally be high costs or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the ground to assess them safe and level. very totally. logic is one consideration, but there is a few minutes having logic as well. house with more than 1500000 people would be protected. where they go. we've just had a i think, a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for the 2 things, one protecting civilians and 2nd provision of humanitarian aid. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals. else 0 is home. that sounds good reports from occupied east jerusalem. this is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu says that in the face of all of this international pressure and concerned that he remains on phased and that israel will continue on
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with it's more ongoing. so until all of its military objectives are achieved. there's been concern from some of israel's biggest allies like the united states and germany in fact nothing yahoo on sunday meeting with the german chancellor all off. schultz who voiced his concerns about to the number of casualties within gauze, reaching nearly 32000 palestinians who have been killed as well as the ground invasion instead of off. but nothing yahoo says is imminent. but these really prime minister remains adamant that this ground invasion will be the only way that israel can achieve total victory over how that snow. all of this comes on the heels of potential negotiations that are set to take place in doha, in the coming days. israel's war and security cabinets convening this evening to discuss the mandate that will be given to these negotiators, even though there is descent within nothing. y'all whose own governments and disagreements on what exactly that mandate should be from the substitute
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a jersey to occupied east jerusalem. you'll rick bruckner, is a professor of european studies at stanford university and he says, israel's military strategy and gaza is short sighted a given the current situation in which the new time jo government is quite in plus a viable with the support of the divided. so citing as well he probably doesn't care about the trade relations or access to the european sing. ready market, this used to be leverage and peas times, but at the moment i don't really see that there is much leverage. so all sorts can do is naming and shaming if things go in the wrong direction. and it clearly goes from the wrong direction. because a military solution, a military strategy that is so short sighted stuff that it doesn't have a plan. what to do afterwards, i bought the humanitarian costs. so this is, is simply
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a political loss that will last much longer than any potential victory. that one can claim like mission accomplished, leverage from the europeans is very, very limited compared with what the united states theoretically can do. but by den is under pressure because his country is divided between strong supporters of palestinian and point of view and a very strong jewish lobbying group. and it's an election year. so theoretically you to quit too much more than anyone else. practically, it goes by a back end, we both have a high cost. if you only takes one side, hundreds of people in spain have rallied to pay tribute to victims of the war and gaza. the so this was organized by a group of artists and activists. indeed, mask city of san sebastian, they denounced what they called israel's genocidal acts on the palestinian peoples
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was the head of the un agencies for palestinian refugees. philip plaza really has described israel's invasion as a war on children and their future more than 13000. the palestinian children have been killed by is really forces in gaza. at least 23 have died from severe hunger and the high duration because israel isn't allowing enough 8 into the strip. many has been permanently disabled. unicef estimates that $1000.00 children lost limbs in the 1st 2 months of the war alone. and they're suffering extreme psychological trauma on the wall says more than 1000000 donors mine or is i beg your pardon, 1000000 mine or is need mental health support. steve's also be, is the president and founder of agency here palestine. it helps take hundreds of injured children from garza to the united states for free treatment. he says 8 organizations are frustrated because they're not able to provide enough help. the operations and gaza are addressing the urgent needs on the ground. they're
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obviously we're in a acute phase of survival for the tell us that in people, particularly the children. so the basic necessities are absolutely required. at this time, we're talking about food for starving people. we're talking about shelter for those who've had their homes destroyed. we're talking about medical care and access to medical services which were at one time available, but no longer available on the ground. and gods are because of the collapse health system. so that we're trying to address all of the urgent needs on the ground there . in addition to the long term rebuilding of the lives of these children in gaza, which will take place after the dis, acute phases over. but right now we're just trying to address the urgent needs, which so many aid organizations are going through and on. the difficulty of doing this work to all of us face is having access. we're have literally the trucks that are waiting to get in from egypt, and we're also doing our work through services that are available are supplies that are available in the local marketing and gaza. and therefore, i think all of us in. ready organizations are very frustrated by having the resources available to do this work,
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but not having the access and the availability availability to the people who are in dire need of this. mandatory in a, a palestinian music teacher is helping children in gaza to forget about the war, even if it's just for an hour to cycle. apple has more from the sounds of it. it's just the music less of that could be taking place anywhere in the world. except it isn't. and it's not. tell us the new music, teach them mohammed. oh, how bosh has an ego audience here in central gaza at a saint, a housing displaced, palestinians, even gifts and excited sums up and outcomes. they moved by and then many lumens per cent. it's one of our goals and the music centers to reach kids in the display centers all over the gaza strip. we want to entertain them either through music or to teach them something that gets to them. now selves out of this
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out must be of war. smiles already these days, but music can do that. sometimes positivity can be contagious. being am made between india and the shop. when i have an activity i bring my 2 daughters with me to the display centers. we make activities to the children. the atmosphere is very nice and they count and wait for us to get here. whenever i come, they run towards me and asked me, why did i take so long for dina. the music lessons will suit a welcome change from the sounds of alumnus i came to learn how to sing and play music. i love to sing. i used to your bombing sounds and become scared. but now that i've started the music class, i can feel more comfortable,
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and my heart is called mohammed says he'll continue going to display some incentives, giving cause his children an opportunity to escape the reality just for a while. and that's something like level, which is are the still ahead on alpha 0 will tell you why new zealand is showing up . ties with china and why allies of the south pacific nation for worried
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the the north korea has test fired several, a short range ballistic missiles as america's top diplomat visit south korea. the
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messiahs flew around 300 kilometers before crashing into the sea of japan. the south korean military condemned the latest launches as a clear provocation. it's kim has more from so and now this is the 1st round of missile fire we're seeing out of north korea's since february 14th on monday morning. south korea's joint chief of staff saying it detected several flying objects presumed to be a short range ballistic missiles, travel some 300 kilometers from the capital upon. yeah, into water is east of the korean peninsula. now that's leaving open the possibility that these objects could be long range artillery, which would allow come young or its highest bidder. to strike at a much cheaper cost. then say ballistic missiles. this as several high level officials are in sold for the kick off of the summit for democracy,
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a brainchild of us presidential biden in 2021 and the concerns democracy was at an inflection point and perhaps now on about what's being hosted outside of the us for the 1st time this year it's main themes, our technology and the use as well. so we're trying to repressive regimes to flight technologies to undermine democracy in human rights. we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values. north other speakers such as a u. k deputy prime minister oliver doubt and criticized autocrats for holding quote sham elections and the parent and job that newly re elected president vladimir putin of russia. the summit runs through wednesday when world leaders will join in a virtual meeting. you just skim, alda zara. so a i've gotta stand says pakistan's air force has conducted airstrikes targeting to of it's border prominence, isn't killing at least 8 people. taliban officials say most of the victims for women and children,
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they're calling it the violation of f can sovereignty on sat today on groups near the afghan and border attacked a pack of study, military posts, killing 7 security personnel. and staying in the region. taliban officials have welcome the extension of the un mission in afghanistan. there has been widespread aid cuts since the group ceased power in 2021. millions of atkins have been struggling to find food and other essentials, but solid bins of aid. as this report from the capital, a couple aden vitamins being perhaps the only consistent things and have a lot of fun in the last 4 decades. remote and ruined communities have been cut off for years, as humanitarian agencies, thunder, too dangerous to venture into donavon control intended treat a lot has changed and follow up on is now the government. and this a drive is also different using technology to minimize costs and corruption of gone, entrepreneurs are trying to reach people need. this truck has returned to gone to
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stop. but many of those have left to that we provide identification using only the id cards. we have what we call a proof of delivery, which can be in the form of video and photos and documents. if there is potential fraud, you will catch that with every time you interact with the family efforts like this paid in comparison to the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis. the economy was essentially built on foreign aid, and much of it has dried up for lack of a fewer jobs and financial restrictions are full and taking a tool in the last year to noon. more than 2 dozen hospitals have lost their international funding. the board approved program has stopped providing health to more than $10000000.00 of times and the us $3200000000.00 p, as only is the less that a 3rd of its funding will. that means increased suffering for the port of i've got to fight. so unfortunately,
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we've had to make sweeping cuts across the country and there is not one district that hasn't been affected. and of course, the most impacted are women and children. people with disabilities and the elderly because they're a catch have been so drastic. but some of guns believe it cuts might force positive change. they will only affect the largest. and the biggest humanitarian agencies, which we know for the last 20 years have not had the kind of results with the bigger amount of funding that they did receive. so i looked at it as an opportunity to bring in the efficiencies that are overdue for a long time. something corruption in the last 2 decades means basic facilities for health and education are lacking to after the bonds. bannon demons go in society. although women are not allowed back in education and health, depends on the profession and go to secondary education,
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remain kind of unofficial to say. they inherited a broken system dislike, trillions of dollars spent and upfront of found by donors insisting they won't let a to be used as a pressure tool. they call the latest cuts and financial restrictions collective punishment of the outcome people. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. couple for the 1st time in more than 70 years, a chinese foreign minister is visiting new zealand. it's seen as an important test of trade and diplomatic ties between the nations. as adrian brown reports from wellington, the visit comes against the backdrop of concerned about china is growing influence in the south pacific. a long use visit was idly confirmed 5 days ago. his welcome from new zealand is foreign minister. winston pizza is one of the few events open to the media. they'll be no news conference. peter says china is new zealand, most important and complex bi lateral relationship in poland because china is new
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zealand because trading pop now. complex because new zealand or united states ally is concerned about china spreading influence across the pacific. the complexity is how do we manage relations with a very different political power in a way where our interest is still meant? another fiction point usually lives interest in joining a new security packed between the united states australia in britain, bonus, orcus, china, as well, using the joining would put their relations at risk. the most important part of one use trip will come later this week when he visits australia, where a political debate is deepening about how to respond to china is growing ministry power in the asia pacific region. so i think the priority for china is obviously stabilizing the relationship with the straight to which over the last sort of 56 years has really had a number of different issues to the point where, you know,
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high level communication between the strategy and, and chinese government's was, was blocked for, for a good number of time. it's 10 years since news eden signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership with china. since then it's exports to china have doubled. china is ambassador said recently, he hopes that trade continues to flourish. china spans ready to work with new zealand on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefits, non interfere and see mean shop in each of those internal affairs. and constructive management of differences like is pete assess, is using as prime minister cuz just luck since most tried to strike a balance between his country's security alliance with the united states and its lucrative partnership. with china, adrian brown, al jazeera weddington over has agreed to pay $178000000.00 to settle a lawsuit brought by australian taxi operators and drivers. they say they lost
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income when the us based company moved into the country. the settlement is, australia is 5th largest, the lawsuit was filed in 2019 on behalf of more than 8000 taxi drivers. it accused over of breaking laws, requiring taxis and higher cars to be licensed. evacuations have been ordered in iceland, where a volcano has erupt in for the 4th time since december officials had worn that interruption was imminent. eruptions have become more frequent on the rig, count as peninsula in recent years, sent him on a hand reports the sirens blaring. iceland blue lagoon tourist bought warning of all kinda corruption. police declared a state of emergency more than 500 people were forced to leave the area. i've never experienced anything like that before. i'll be honest, i wasn't scared or anything. i hope everybody got out. okay. but it really was the experience that i and i'm like at the same time. well, how could this happen?
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i couldn't wait to come here. it's the 4th ruptured in iceland since december. instance in january and february, damage, roads and destroyed homes. authorities couldn't tell exactly when the next one would strike bored people for weeks that it was coming. the exact time of it uh, starting is not. it's not possible to predict or that the 1st twos of this moving towards the surface actually happens only about 15 minutes in advance of the ropes and breaking to the surface. but it was definitely expected. more than 4000 residents were forced to leave the area because of ruptures and tremors last year. they were clear to return in february, but most of the state away, many bulk. and i'll just say seismic activity in the region is on the rise and more
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options are likely in the future. vince and monahan, alex's era, and that does it for this news hour. however, i will be back at the top of the hour. that's in just 2 minutes with a full slate of we'll just stay with the the latest news as it breaks the is really our calories show this area. last night . honest and infirmities was remo, done with their tears. and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story before whole has been diminished. their prayers continue with a situation to get it to the a booth cold occupation resulting in a hurry stick a time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and
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reveals voltage. present it to the world to justify israel, the soap on garza, dozens of children bound him up during them and executed them. this information has been used by all fish and spokes person. october 7th, on tuesday or resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs, threatening the communities green, some curious affair. my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we go and how we're going to pay our rent for, for a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a green stone in the new case. biggest city we over london grown witness on a jersey to in the land of palestine. hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation. you donated with kindness. you showed
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you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so dominates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the these really military storms, l schiffer hospital in augusta city. thousands of palestinians are trapped inside the compound, the several venue prevent if you with us. this is elsa 0 line from the ha. also coming up a 2nd coming for you of a to enter is north and gus where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing
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starvation. to reach vladimir putin says russia will not be held back or intimidated as the president gets ready for another


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