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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the these really military storms, l shift, the hospital in augusta city. thousands of palestinians are trapped inside the compound, the several of any age groups have you with us. this is alice has your life from the also coming up a 2nd coming boy of a to enter is north and gus and where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are facing starvation. rich fortune vladimir putin
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says russia will not be held back or intimidated as the president gets ready for another 6 years, you know, and north korea test fire is short range ballistic missiles. as the us secretary of state visits south korea for democracy. the beginning garza where the is really army has launched a new attack on the strips largest medical complex. there are reports of deaths and injuries inside. i'll shift the hospital gases. health ministry says there's really troops launched missiles and opened fire on one of the buildings. it says thousands of displaced palestinians, patients and medical staff are trapped inside the mask. that is less than ok. we're now besieged inside. i'll she for hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are
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intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospitals. courtyard. a statement from god's as health industry says it holds the is really occupation responsible for the lives of medical staff patients and displaced people inside the medical complex. and that is really operation is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. the health ministry also accused is israel of using, fabricated narratives to deceive the world and justify the storming of. i'll shift that when a few moments will be speaking to villain, march, unoccupied, east jerusalem, to find out what israel has been saying about the attack. first though, let's go to honey my who does live for us and rasa and southern gaza. honey, what's the very latest that you've been able to find out about what's going on inside the hospital? oh, yes sir. well, one more time there are more leaflets and drops within the vicinity of a ship, a hospital including a renown neighborhood that what used to be
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a thriving neighborhood, just turn into a pile of ruins, where people are still inside. and some of the remaining residential buildings in that particular neighborhood are ordered sharply, including people who are at the vicinity, and all the remaining residential building at the residence of a hospital. his back await immediately as the area been described by his room military as a combat zone. directing people sharply to do are a huge road that's the close the road at west and park got city all the way to las evacuation. so on here in western hon units and must run rough or city what we know so far, there are 1000 calls evacuees inside a super hospital have been shouldering since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the round invasion across the god. god stand the northern part of hundreds of entire families who had nowhere to go and were forced to leave a neighborhood mainly for within the past 2 weeks of from july, a neighborhood then as a to neighborhood has no other place to go. other than a ship, a hospital in addition to the 1000 of injuries inside the hospital and the medical
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staff will p of under heavy bombardment. the reports of at least 4 seats airstrikes on a ship, a hospital complex, and its vicinity, causing a great deal of damage and destruction. and some of the building caught on fire, including a building inside the courtyard of the hospital. and it's, they've been supported to point out this is not the 1st time is the hospital a under to come under heavy bombardment. it was a storm in nearly december when there's really another terry made a list of allegations including the hospital serve as a headquarters for how much official the militant as well as the it houses the bunker and tunnels. and of course, all of these allegations there is really monetary could not approve or provide any substantial evidence, something that cause the hospitality goes out of service and causing great deal of . 6 most of the services are provided one more time was seeing the same exact
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allegations of private among them is the presence of, of operatives and militants inside the hospital based on intelligence, information on the ground. and, and so far, what we're seeing is an operation that is large. describe as for size limited operation. it looks like good to be more than it's the $24.00, the company's 24 hour honey, who is inside the hospital when the operation began. well in the medical is tom, the remaining medical staff who are still in the hospital the 1000 of injuries including the past few weeks when the constant attacks on 8 seekers. all of these injuries were reported to us, your boss, but i've been there and then the getting gets treated that from the the various injures that the hot as they were waiting for aid in clinic days back ways and the entire families, the, the numbers submitted by the 1000 inside the, the,
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the hospital and, and the so far the people take us to the hosp to the complex as a shelter as no other place across the gauze. and the, and the northern part is safe for them to, to stay in there. the ongoing weights on the densely populated area of the eastern part of the city is they doing and this is yeah, yeah. and also the eastern part of and the northern part of the district of all people are seeking the hospital as a shelter for it, for them know, and according to our mission statement by the administer of healthy is really in addition, on acquisitions are not true. and how much also denied in a statement, the presence of any of its officials or operatives inside the house. but the other thing that is really monetary, i was just doing this, do it continue crippling the health care system across the gall, this trip? okay, honey, thank you very much for that reporting and for the very latest on what's going on inside shift. uh,
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i like to check in with villain no billing marks is joining us for longer parties. ruth and billy, what's the, is really military on their end saying about this ongoing operation in that late to statement sarah, they've told us about the fact that the forces are quite continuing to conduct precise operational activities in the area of the chief a hospital over the past few hours, they say that the troops have encountered fire from several hospital buildings. they've returned fire and shot several people labels. so separately, a slight specimen confirmed to me that they have made some arrests. but what on? so any questions about the number of those arrest all the identity of those arrested. they also in a separate statement wanting that those president and displaced in and around the all she falls to the neighborhood nearby as well, should immediately evacuate head west, across the main coastal road to the beach. and then several, columbia, south milwaukee, an area that they have repeatedly said is safe for those who are displaced in terms
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of the response from that main spokes person. this is re add real daniel has already here's how he thought to explain. the reasoning behind this operation, our target admission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone specified training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a wars against some us, not against the people of god. we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind a villain. how unusual is this? these really is to be discussing an ongoing operation in such detail. they've been very proactive in the communication over the last few hours around this operation. no doubt in lights of the fact. but during previous raids on medical facilities in gaza, they've received a huge amount of international criticism as well as criticism from those involved
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in carrying full patients in those facilities. what striking to me though is the fact that they're also releasing recordings allegedly held between is randy officials and those involved in medical cat inside garza, one of these recordings has adult to from this same hospital taken before this raid agreeing with the idea that how much should not be using these facilities for its minute. 3 activities. don't forget, this is the full thoughts rate on this hospital since october 7. this was a place where these writers say how mass was using for inside activities. clearly they felt they had cleared it, but need to one small go back in the marks reporting from occupied east jerusalem there. thank you very much. bill in another coming boy of trucks is arriving in northern gaza, loaded with desperately needed aid. 19 vehicles are carrying essentials, including rice, sugar and flour. they have made their way from the rasa crossing and the south to northern guys are using the central cell out dean road. 13 trucks carrying flower
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had arrived in the north on saturday. it was the 1st time in months that an a delivery was made there without an incident. at a german chancellor has warned israel's prime minister against starting a ground offensive, and rough old off sholtes met benjamin netanyahu. on sunday, he urged him to protect civilians and allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. the german leader said the world cannot stand by as palestinians risk starvation. this is virginia bringing her son barrario, a professor of international affairs at guitar university. since we just mentioned the visit by the german chancellor there your, your views on the number of western leaders who are either going to israel or calling that and you know who to say don't invade rafa because there's germany. but there's also the us, quite the cit, vociferously saying, we need a plan. we're not seeing a plan. we do not want them to go into rafa. and yet, benjamin netanyahu keeps saying, we're going to do this. and that is important to know if you remember the 1st phase of the war when the most indeed the coming to atlanta support is right. and now
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they're coming to tell us really the to behave. because simply, uh, the what happened to the civilian is an unprecedented in the contemporary history of the opposite of the conflict. and so they're actually expressing their concerns and lack of trust in nothing. yahoo. and because he kept dodging, everything coming from the west, he kept to kind of deceiving and folding everyone by saying that he is targeting how much when he's not targeting, how much he's targeting the penis team and people are, this is identified that or i'm and it's actually a fixed the normally i prefer average you have kind of thing is not there. how much people. so the, the explanation that your life targeting, how much is actually a debt collector you know, given at what has happened over the last 6 months. i mean, get them to kind of disobedient cutting this. so i think the, what's the new, there's actually warning and that's in the all of that. you know, it probably is a limit to the support. but he continues to project as he has done since the
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beginning of the war, that essentially he doesn't care. and he said it in so many words in the last few days. you said there is no amount of international pressure is going to make a stop. this war until we have achieved our aims. and when you listen to that from from that now who it's, it's hard to tell how much of it is just politics of domestic consumption. he has to say that to the israelis or feels like he does and how much of it is actually sincere, and he has no intention to stopping the wor, no my, i think that i understand one thing to the cost benefit to formula. so if there was 2 leaders kept saying that you know who nothing else should do this or that, and there is no price tag, he wouldn't have to listen to them. and if they didn't condition his behavior on the ground with, with their age, i think this is the only way when they can really impact that, to be honest. and you understand this very well. and he wasn't clearly uh mind that they took whatever they want it to, but they don't 12 their thoughts. meaning that they don't put the conditions in him that would hurt his efforts to a continue to or the 2nd, the to
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a fee of to these really public, especially the right to him. that he's the right man. and that he's the one with the, with the bill of leadership that he can take them to victory. i mean the tradeoff is here like bethany o, b, e investment for them. oh, that's fine. they can do whatever they want to talk. but unless they, there's no price tag. yeah, exactly. yeah, no one change. so he's going to ride their support on an until the moment they say no, these are the, these are the real world consequences, for instance, you know, i think 1st and foremost on everyone's minds is certainly for the us to stop a deliveries if they did, i say it delivers i meant when i had been given yeah, managed to start to stop providing weapons and ammunition to israel. yeah. and also political support in most c, like in the security council, and more than one occasion, the american step up to defend his lead and prevent the us a on security council of taking any measures against isn't. uh, so one more time of the prospect is very important. if the listing is serious, no,
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they need to place a price to it until there's a price tag, a real one benjamin netanyahu will continue to do. essentially what he wants is what you're telling me. there's some very thank you very much. still ahead on alpha 0 will have the details on a massive, pale golf trillion taxi drivers from the ride hailing firm over the of the active weather in eastern circ, a end of the vance and beyond. let's hop into those details right here, right now and beyond. i think actually northern iraq, most so could see a month's worth of rain over the next 24 hours. we see that weather drop down to live and they roots also in line to pick up about months worth of rain over the span of 24 hours. now this rain is also kicking back into egypt. this is quite unusual for parts of egypt specifically as one. it's very rare to see rain at all
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during the year. and we could get striped by some showers on monday. let's go back to europe. we've got the very damn day right across switzerland. it's going to produce some snow over the else and to the northwest. we go south, west certainly breeze here is pumping in quite a bit of warm through the highlands of island in britain. but you're going to get struck by sun showers for the island of ireland. feeling more like summer across southern spring could see our 1st 30 degree day of the year in spain, including for mercy. and let's go back to africa right now. southern africa. we've got a heat wave conditions blanketing a huge watts of south africa. and as a result, that fire danger is also going way up. and with this breeze off the see here, it's going to produce some showers in southern those in big but nothing major here as the of brutal occupation resulting in
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a her wrist take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage presented to the world to justify israel was sold on gaza. dozens of children bound them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official supports person october 7th, on tuesday or the the the, the watching else 0 reminder of our headlines. the cell is really forces are launching a new attack on i'll shift a hospital in regards to the city because as health ministries as soldiers open
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fire on the complex and there have been multiple deaths and injuries. and other convoy of trucks is arriving in northern gauze. and loaded with desperately needed food. it follows the delivery by 13 trucks on saturday. that was the 1st to arrive in the north and months without incident is really soldiers have arrested at least 10 palestinians during their latest raids in towns and cities in the occupied west bank. the day shea refugee camp south of bethlehem was also stormed. one of the people detained there is real water bush on a. she was released during the ceasefire and exchange deal between our mazda in israel. in november the russian president, vladimir putin says he's country will not be intimidated as he welcomed an election victory. the puts him on course to be the longest serving russian leader in more than 200 years. you will get shuffled out of the reports from last. it was the result that didn't surprise anyone. the patient will stay rushes presidents for at least another 6 is actually pretty used to. i'd like to thank all of russian
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citizens. we are old 110 year old russian citizens who came to voters. it's very important to say this is not the legal formality, just the, the russian people have a source of power in this country. they were few ways russians could demonstrate that discontent and this election and not guess arrested for it. but at noon on sunday sizes, did it silently. people came to cause the balance of the same every time. at times a thousands of putting stations and 11 time zones and abroad at the store. okay. nobody jumped, have a good. it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like, i guess i would like to expect change? i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. this action was endorsed by late opposition. these at explain the phone, the shortly before he died and optic penal colony. what else about his desperation
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replied, but it was sad and claims novel and he was close to being released except to go. it was not a few days before and found he passed away. i was told that there was an idea to exchange him for out people in prisons in western countries. you may believe me or not. the person who was speaking to me hadn't even finished his sentence when i already said, yes, i agree. but unfortunately, what's happened has happened. there was only one condition that he would not come back to russia. he's we do you there was chad on as x on both his keaton violin. this broke his companion wasn't going to change the outcome of the election. like even the patient is overwhelmingly populated russia. i want a continuation of the policy as it is now in our country. that's why i just pull out president, president page and was running against 3 of the candidates who never spoke out against him. what he called the special ministry operation in ukraine version of the selection was also held in the next territories of ukraine and even the crimea
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. that's just by defining that and shredding of both the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that makes itself to vote. and i know there are controversies of these points and these would be sold to the sound system in the future, especially as economy has proven, launched a resilient display either severe western sanctions imposed of the ukraine. and that's likely to help present in the weeks and months ahead, which led to reprise and securing another 6 years as president. there's little expectations that russia's domestic or foreign policies will change your national pop out of the ultra 0 most for more on the election officers here was dorsey jabar joyce's from moscow door. so what stood out to you from vladimir, put in his victory speech?
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well uh sir, uh, one of the main things that he uh, highlight charge and that was the strongest point he made, was that his victory will make the country stronger, rallying behind the idea that she is really the best person to leave this country for the next 6 years at the other, a points that he made during his speech was a family veiled threats to the nato countries. he warned that if nato troops enter ukraine, world war 3 would break out, which he said, that's something that no one wants. and also the russian presidents used the opposition figure, or like say novalis name for the 1st time when answering the question posed to him by a journalist. and she said that and of all of these that was sad. and so with the found the dead and put in, now were you lifted for 6 more years? is there any form of organized opposition in russia at the moment?
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snow and in a word there isn't many leading, all physicians figures are behind bars or an exile and any opposition. even in the past 3 days, people tried to voice their discontent. they were silence very quickly, according to a human rights group in russia, an independent one, at least 88 people were arrested across the country, trying to voice their discontent, an opposition to the elections. and we saw a number of people trying to spoil solid, said various locations in russia. so there really is no rule in russia under provider we are putting in for our physician. we saw that with a lack of candidates present on the ballots. and also the figures that were disqualified or not allowed to run. so there really isn't any room under variety, we're putting in for any all physician and that is what she wants as well. this is
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a country that he wants united behind him. and with the numbers of figures that we've seen, it appears that that's what the majority of the russian population wants as well. dorothy jabar reporting from las go, thank you very much store. so again, a stan says pakistan's air force is conducted the air strikes targeting to have its border provinces and killing at least 8 people. taliban officials say most of the victims were women and children there, calling it a violation of ask and sovereignty. have gained forces carried out retaliatory strikes towards pakistani territory. so when we were telling you just a moment ago that there had been continued and multiple is really raised in the occupied westbank. while we're joined now by alger 0 is lower hon, who's in ramallah in the occupied west. thanks. laura. thank you for the scramble. we're trying to bring you up earlier. what can you tell us about those rates?
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to. yeah, absolutely. i mean, these are happening on a nightly basis, and we've seen a huge optic since october, the 7th. but really, one of note last night happened inpatient versus the account that's near bessler. had a woman called about a g as a me. yes, she was one of the 240 people who has been released has positive captive prisoner exchange deal with between, between our mazda and israel. in november. i know we spoke to the family and they said she has been, we arrested, she's one of 11 people who have been we rested now and see is ready for us. has came to the home they know to the door, which is quite unusual because sometimes they do just break in and run, sucked the homes beforehand and they told her that to be taken for field interrogation for 10 minutes. she couldn't knew she may well be taken away. she also gets dress um, to bring clothes with her. they allow that she's being taken away, but it is interesting to know that she was being held without any form of child and child. the full that of 3 course of the people who were released were also being
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held in this arbitrary detention. so want to show you where we are, we're outside of the prison. this is where all of those policy and prisoners were released in november. so there were many celebrations as this is happening. many of them were fired up by 2 got from this way, the army. but this is obviously a massive fear for policies that it strikes the heart of policy and society. most people we've spoken to have either had a family member arrested. all that being arrested themselves, so they say, you know, many are just living and fit, especially those who are being released of again being taken away. and laura, i understand that you have information on the release of the body of the 13 year old, his name rami literally, who was killed by the is really military recently, a rami, how many, 13 years old he was playing with fi was in shock thoughts,
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refugee camp which is joyce on the, on this side of the is ready will at now we've seen videos and we've had eye witness accounts that he was shooting fine. but since the app is ready, ami said that that, i mean the, i would say he wasn't even in that facility, but they said they were immediate endangered by him. so they face me shocked him in the chest. they then took away his body and kept him since last tuesday they. they were going to release him on friday. but it came with at some that what they, they said they would only do that. if the palestinians would only have 50 people added single, and he wasn't buried in the family site, which is the other side of these really well in jerusalem. so he was in the end that buried in a place called an asset outside the family funeral. full names the time you were able to collect them and very few people with that, but at least the time you say they get to bury their loved ones. right. laura? 100 reporting from ramallah in the occupied west bank. thank you. north korea has
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pest fired several short range ballistic missiles. as america's top diplomat visits south korea, the messiah flew around 300 kilometers before crashing into the sea of japan. the south korean ministry condemned the latest launches. as a clear propagation units came, has more from the south korean capital. so and now this is the 1st round of missile fire we're seeing out of north korea's since february 14th on monday morning. south korea's joint chief of staff saying it detectives several flying objects. presume to be a short range ballistic missiles, travel some 300 kilometers from the capitol, come down into waters east of the korean peninsula. now that's leaving open the possibility that these objects could be long range artillery, which would allow come young, or it's highest bidder. to strike at a much cheaper cost. then say ballistic missiles. this as several high level officials are in sold for the kick off of the summit for democracy,
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a brain child of us presidential biden in 2021 and it concerns democracy was at an inflection point. and perhaps now on about what's being hosted outside of the us for the 1st time this year. it's main themes, our technology and the youth as well. so we're trying to repressive regimes to flight technologies to undermine democracy in human rights. we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values. north other speakers, such as a u. k, is deputy prime minister oliver doubt and criticized autocrats for holding, quote sham elections and the parent and job that newly re elected president vladimir putin of russia. the summit runs through wednesday when world leaders will join in a virtual meeting. you just skim, alda zara. so for the 1st time in more than 70 years, a chinese foreign minister is visiting new zealand. this is seen as an important
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test of trade and diplomatic ties between the nations. as adrian brown reports from wellington, the visit comes against the backdrop of concerned about china is growing influence in the south pacific. a long use visit was idly confirmed 5 days ago. his welcome from new zealand is foreign minister. winston pizza is one of the few events open to the media. they'll be no news conference. peter says, china is new zealand, most important and complex bilateral relationship in poland because china is new zealand because trading pop now complex because new zealand, the united states satellite is concerned about china spreading influence across the pacific. the complexity is how do we manage relations with a very different political power in a way where our interest is still meant? another fiction point usually lives interest in joining a new security pack between the united states australia in britain, bonus, orcus,
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china as well, new zealand, the joining would put their relations at risk. the most important part of one use trip will come later this week when he visits australia, where a political debate is deepening about how to respond to china is growing ministry power in the asia pacific region. so i think the priority for china is obviously stabilizing the relationship with the straight to which over the last sort of 56 years has really had a number of different issues to the point where, you know, high level communication between the strategy and, and chinese government's what's, what's blocked for, for a good number of time. it's 10 years since news even signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership with china. since then it's exports to china have doubled. china is ambassador said recently, he hopes that trade continues to flourish. china spans ready to work with new zealand on the basis of mutual.


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