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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the full floods in windows of participates as egypt, i'm no experience of dollars and loans and investments will not fix the country's economy. in fact, going as well if it's a descriptive currency, they can't come by counting the cost on the houses era. the shannon is eminence in the northern part of gauze us and there is a risk of famine across the entire strip. the findings of a report just released the alarm 0 venue a. this is the news. our life from bill coming up in the program today is really military storms. i'll ship a hospital in gaza. city, thousands of palestinians are trapped inside the compound.
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the guys is suffering children. we followed the flight of one boy whose existing illness is getting worse because of a lack of sleep. and you, denounce is russia's presidential election, saying the polls were based on repression and intimidation. the 5 months of blood should 5 months of destruction. 5 months of all out war on a besieged population. now hunger and starvation in gaza is israel's latest weapon of war. report just released says famine is eminence in the northern part of gaza and there is a risk of famine across the entire strip. that's the main finding of the family and review committee which has been monitoring for security and gaza for several months . $1.00 and $3.00 children under 2 years as old as suffering from acute mel
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nutrition entire households have gone without food for days. health officials say around 60000 pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and dehydration that causes low birth weight and increases the risk of still birds. the report also describes the situation as quotes catastrophic with people resorting to eating animal feet and boiling grass. the reports as a ceasefire is needed immediately to stave off the threat of all out famine opening land borders. this the only way to ensure that enough people, enough food reaches people to prevent them from starving to death. victoria getting the reports in gaza, whether it's little food available, you take what you can find boils up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. butterflies well, but our driver load, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread. it they elsewhere a rough or
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a mother mix is crushed. biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter. been to get them. and so with that, so yeah, it was before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide this well. i used to give her high energy biscuit and swift, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged, unfortunately after 5 days or a week. but they be with 10 bad conditions. many of them have died. global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so the percent of children are
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suffering from acute malnutrition. and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see once famine is immune into northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, tragically small, still bought this most still born babies and more neo natal. that's called in pop by the by again the mount friction to hydrogen and a complication. the un says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people starving has arrived about leslie, then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinians hope the ip sees warning will improve conditions
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on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria gates in b l g as in guns as most vulnerable children, including those with existing illnesses, are at the greatest risk of starvation. parents are doing everything they can to save them, but it's still not enough. stephanie decker reports, the signs of starvation, a hard to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away, along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. 6 mamma cover my body, he cries, the more is health of the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed and the model of the small cystic phase suffering
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from cystic fibrosis, which is take mucus. on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north in system of my child's health condition has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital, he has been living on solutions just to survive or his mother shows us by the before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child. just slightly reluctant, done, sir. not recognizable now. aside, these being treated injured by. yeah, in the north of the gaza strip ages recently started trickling in after months of nothing misstep about them to hold on to the most part of guys. this trip has been denied the entity or any of the lease a must, namely medical supplies,
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coupled with the state of salvation from bob and has resolved these conditions are exacerbating like that to affect it. more than 20 children died as documented because of my new address and what we want the situation when it gets worse. as our basin is rabbit, doing the population in the more that some of the united nations in february warrants that one quarter of goes. this population was one step away from immune and simon agencies say they have all the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings and that needs to be done. now, this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker, which is 00 else 0 is honeymoon, who joins us from rossa honey. i'd like you to help our viewers understand what it means for people to be on the verge of famine. for the last 5 months,
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like so many palestinians, you've had to relocate several times throughout the gaza strip through all of that . we're in how have you been finding food for your family? yes sir. well, the fact that this war is started with the very public at china and on a corporate goal, a statement by these really defense secretary who stated that is relevant is going to impose a total seas on the entire gaza strip. which led into the spread of what we are dealing right now with, with the, the actual spam and that is spreading too quickly and, and has a claim so far the lives of some 20, a 7 it children of the hydration and a star vision. but this is what's going on since the statement was made public. it's very suffocating with it. we're looking at 7 across things surrounding the guthrie would have been blocked completely with 0 entry of any of the food supplies,
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the medical supplies, or any survival items of the initial weeds of the war to the point where experience higher goals is true, then it's whatever people have this for our kids food on the show. the started to run out there was not until a month into this genocide, awards were started to see it. trucks sold with a coming into the gaza strip, but the number of of the trucks is nowhere near enough to help people face the challenges are created by the ongoing intense bombing campaign. and by the depletion of resources and us car city of goods across the gaza. strip, we're looking at a very small number and dropping the ocean of, of the greater needs of the northern part garza city and the over at crowd at southern parts of this trip. right now, a there alternative that have been proposed for people, whether it's air dropping fluid or relying on the construction of a night time for it or that will take at least 2 months. it's, it's, it's not
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a sufficient, it's not a practical alternative for people's a of however, if we look at the crossings and allow smooth flow of a human, it's very and it is much more efficient, much more practical for people on a personal level. and that's a note that probably viewers would like to understand the difficulties here in between reports on ongoing constant phone calls to secure water supplies to the house, as well as trying to find basic supplies. i happen to have the children just to meet the needs of the children, a daily basis of whether it's a formula. now it's for the little ones or for the things that will keep us alive and able to get through our data. the, the market is terribly deflated. the number of a truck limited, the kind of food supplies that comes with the food trucks and a to trucks are not necessarily the ones that are needed the most right now. but the, it helps to get people to, through out the day and, and the,
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to survive the day was real scenes of people to queue in 4 hours. and i'm one of those people who acute for hours in front of a bakery or, or in front of a water destination. it station is the usual ones in the daily routine of our life and honey for the palestinians who stayed in the northern part of the strip. they've been completely cut off from the rest of the territory. and so things are even worse there. where do they find food as well? you know, sir, it wasn't until the past couple days where we see in the 1st con volume of a truck, so 30 united trucks that made their way to the northern part and gaza city without any instead of, without they have the, the, the, the systematic, deliberate attack, so we've seen within the past months work hundreds of people to close to 500 people lost their life as they were waiting for aid and food. attracts at
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a check at the traffic circles and the dogs, a city, and the northern part people resorted to eating animal feeds and whatever they weren't able to get their hands on in order to stay alive that the force did not help the hungry children that the carved population was in it because of the enforces termination on the hydration by this engineered fat man. as a you, an official quoted, that is really military have engineered this famine. and eventually i force people out of their land out of the snow. the part in gauze has to be, has already killed a $27.00 is children. it mainly the most vulnerable of this is children with health complications that are in need of, of basic food supplies and other for defied formula of food. a nutrients to help them survive are the one who are actually dying right now. and also healthy ones who are ok in the period before the work right now,
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find it very difficult. so we're looking at pregnant women as well as part of the vulnerable who are unable to breast feed, are able to continue with their pregnancy because of the lack of basic and new trends to support them going on. all right, honey, who would thank you for that reporting and thank you for sharing also your experience of the last 5 months and what that's been like for you and your family. that's honey. i'm a who'd reporting from alpha 0. we'll talk to you a little later in the hour as well. so i want to bring in your show off your policy advisor at aux fan for the middle east and north africa. you are joining us from bay route and let me know and thank you for your time today. look 23 palestinians of already starve to death in northern gaza in the last 2 weeks or so. and now the ip c, the report we've been citing, says that famine will happen between now and april, that's in the next 6 weeks. what is that going to look like that for the shopping. and we cannot imagine how things turn gets worse than in north of
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the but across the strip entirety. what the i pc report shows is the, what is the, there's an image and just go from and, and, and internet internet some of the north of the original assignment from the ship. and this is on the, this is on. it is the of the continued bombardment displacement bombardment by its red. i'm the section of the products then use the process to. this is the result of using formation of a rough enough for as long as we do not see the fire in place that would allow many candle ration to escape not to deliver a into an end to 11 pacific me. with an explanation, a piece of the side of the assistance, then we are going to be seeing a very universal fix scenario on for the in front of my i for when watch it. by the way, i said i, i believe i said that the, the, the report said,
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famine was imminent. and what happened between now and april, it's between now and may so could be tomorrow, could be next week. could be a next 6 weeks. it very soon, can this still be averted to me? how to ensure the safe spot that is provided for many carrying alterations as the fires in play openings or crossing these into the future. north, south mid area are in place with safe passages for you any during organization, with an exponential increase of a for assignment not to on for otherwise more people are going to die that are worth 31000 pieces will have been can by is really bombardment now we're seeing more people are going to die because of farming because of starvation because of there's the hydration because of not being allowed to reach or the, the 8 that is
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a lot saving, get a and we ask you many very organizations how many giant agencies are also then we saw from reaching did the process to be within the weren't even guessing a as lost. uh, yeah. so this is something because expand, published its own report today, which is very much in line with the i p c report. it says a couple of things that says quote, oxfam believes that people living in gaza will suffer mass death from disease. and starvation far beyond the current 31000 palestinian war casualties. unless israel takes immediate action. so that speaks to one of the points you just made. the report also says and you were making this point is real, has made the humanitarian response. impossible. can you explain that for 2 years of the key into 7 constraints, many times in access to is there and has deliberate keep within play to ensure that their human is very incorporations are blocked. so basically this is starts before
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getting into the, where there's a see the community that organizations to get into that stuff. the a that we have or the job, the have the, the have, the 1st thing is the, or no, it's only a step is a big event. and to a lot at the board, there's a way from 20000000 published thing is wide desperate. those trucks that actually are either going through an inspection protocol and that is, i'm just defy of the dog and, and efficient as red hot within the day are made. items are being rejected and we do not understand or receive justification of why our a items are being rejected. and this could be anything from the, the kids to assignment. they should material that is considered nice. they, they give them the situation in the day. yeah. even if our big items are now
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into and this is what we need to take care of the a, we had a sense of basically news rejections through human incurring chromeboys. that wouldn't be able to get to the north. but even in the salma on many during one voice, or the a, know that to the finish for a r d as in the data in order to get to the people who are in need office assistance. if the money they're going or allow, they are targeted and if they're not target, send them to people who are running to receive the a r 30 the that. so this is how is that is creating the perfect storm to ensure that our human experience of creation, i completely lost. all right, nor show of policy advisor in the box, them to the middle east and north africa. thank you very much for joining us. this our so representatives from 8 organizations are protesting in london. they're calling on the british government to pressure israel to allow more aid into gaza and ended siege. charlie angela is in london. charlie,
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what are you learning for outside the far enough isn't behind me. you can hear the noise in finding pots and the steps to emulate the sound of what children for the $100.00 i have a saving during. now, these protest is a made us, it was from the group, medical apricot, a city, and all the 8 organization. and that's trying to put pressure on the stuff with them on that as well. next, a move with me is the ceo of my not any of your time disability has started by telling me what it is. your saw a witness against how the situation has a secure agent here today because you know, and then in the 1100000 people are in catastrophic levels of security. and over the month to for the last 5 months more, we've consistently issued warnings about his previous it's been presenting innovation to the congress situation. nothing has been done. in fact,
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only fort worth is heavy, kia, know that starving is being used as a waste any more. and just to give you an example, back in january or results of medically for publish, indians don't turn smoking. one of the hospitals in java issued a statement saying that they receive signs of previous malnutrition amongst the children. last month we saw these are coming and showing the one in 6 chosen under the age of 2 in the north of guys that were acutely mountain already know it's wanting to be chosen under the age of 2. so the situation continues to get work and nothing is done. the way to unlock. terrible is it was a really simple problem to solve because we would only let cities and then we could do with it. so you could sort of start this immediately. for $119.00 trucks carrying a didn't make it in $2000.00 in the 1st time in months, is that given sometimes the situation as soon as possible because was full full of it. this is, this is also not on the 9th of october. the is really government, it said that no food would do an under appointment. the alarm for things for me in
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close to the 19th, arrived as good as possible to do this. right? and as i said, this is what is terrible, but you see monetary and no having to treat melanie session among children, suffering, starvation wouldn't having difficult of events or death into this for years, just in case of wasting food in the political world to do it. and that's why we're here on site the for an office to the civic, to supplement as an ally of the is really government and is trying to make it. we use them just for more because the that is a key thing and god, well is keeping us to a point we're finding is not immune and i'm not. so i'm going to vote for another i really i'm driving to slow laptop from sunday. did put some pressure on this and yahoo saying it is time to let a tenant stand by what saying wall dollars is saw specifically are you how you free to from the is not the situation to never have come about it in the 1st place. so that will actually is not seeing that, but where was the for the last 5 months bills who saw few temporarily use foreign
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policy chief last week he said that savvy, significant uses of which kind of war. and my question is going to do it by wants, are they going to do to of hard to simon to save all this from and then new reports i also, she was today, but if there isn't a telephone, roswell common will certainly happen. so that has got to be solved, and specifically they have got to open all the lines cool things, including everett softens on the other coffins into the north of god so, so that we as a markers who immediately deliver needs. and so that we can safely access people and benefits and people there that includes my own, saw a more of his in failed. so be me thing animal feet, have anything fired? see, we have enormous movies this morning because one of my staff move on is to get ahold of you what that means, a flavor. and every time we see photographs of them suggesting center incentive and some other high issue is that people are becoming so desperate. but it's so easy to solve for the british government and others. i'm going to go to open the lawn
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crossings and lay a didn't know who are here today and taking the toner of solving at the foss. this phrase, the well, have you ever seen in 5 dining you started? the process is a whole other for example, like that reality. you've got somebody who's truly angela. they're reporting from london. thank you very much, charlie. i want to bring in no more on the shar houses. you're a senior political analyst or one. you're joining us from paris. what bigger is belief? you're in all of this. more one is the agencies and the un have been warning about precisely this, not for days, not for weeks, but from my absolutely. and it's not going to that. so, i mean, they're not exactly uh, you know, inspired by divine intervention that we've been seeing after or by the strategies. here's an intent to start on the people in gaza. i think it's uh,
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a cheap way for these re they used to be kidding and harming make a single supplement as much as possible. that cheap, it's going to be cheaper than buying them. for example, is just to make them start to this pc june of cost savings, and making sure that school does not get to people. so this has been a state turner on the part of it's right. it's trying to do for the time being, technically speaking with as much personal or have mouse as possible in order to extract as much concessions as possible by making the people in guys us as much as the bus you've chronicled for us more. why not just this guy is a war, but the previous ones as well. and i wonder, since you're usually the one you know, who tells us to see the what the tree see the forest for the trees and end to end to watch the deeds rather than the public statements coming out of israel. did you
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5 months ago? see something like this coming in fact, uh, when the truck, i remember correctly of october i rhodes, under the title, manufacturing the case for the general sign. it was 3 or 5 days after the top of october, so that that is your of the united states. i'm so i'm your family, there's where i've been in the ground for the general sides of by for example, i want others computer from us to isis on comparing october 7th to 911 and so on, so forth. making it clear that but as far as going to be indiscriminate, it's going to be thoughtful. it's going to get to more band is going to involve the population of guys. as soon as the is there a, the president and the official in the sense that there are things since you guys are because clear, there was an attempt to make people gather so far,
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perhaps gets out of them as possible. now if you just didn't find that a, you know, the, to the european officials where i am, is the, the, you foreign policy chief. think clear today. today, it does not is not on the brink of family. it is in a state funding. so the appeals are coming to their senses and they're seeing what we saw 5 months ago physical, this entire interchange side. what was big is ready, foreign ministers response to the chief claim that this trial is worth an icing hunger assignment. this already states when i say that because all you said listen to this food for thoughts. these really for minnesota caught said one or while, oh no, it's close by. are going to be stall with deliveries in. gosh,
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it's doing everything possible to get home and, and human nature goes out. but oh no. is this something for you guys? i mean, disruption, lying, and such and such about gaiety, why these rate is why they are denying that kind of thing is why they are back started. who has reached a new level of funding, georgia to we don't know whether to, you know, hurt for the 1st initial dislikes with these ratings. but these is really claims that this is all in was fault. i think it's fair to say they're not working. nobody is buying this, i'm yet to hear of anybody, any expert, any guest has spoken to anyone for the last 5 months, at least outside of israel, who doesn't blame israel for this? so we've already seen 23 palestinians die of mount nutrition, and dehydration more will continue to die, as is likely. and as was so starkly laid out in the report. israel will get blamed
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for this. so the question is, do they care? i and you'd be surprised by the way, because these are the 4 steps that well, no, i was fighting with her boss. right. because part of the 13000 stuff that work for why be abundantly shaking a handful of stuff to say that the product reported by these ladies the worth. nothing was not the defendant of verification that 614000 apparently cooperate with some answers. so these are, these have been defeated the public for 5 months. i know, despite the german chancellor yesterday and did he you president spencer landfill. so yesterday and today just brad bradley and martin of some sort of somebody i've been talking about. thank you. with that? no one city, no one is doing this on the words on what deeds they are talking to talk,
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but it's certainly not walk in their talk that not usually the case is right, but i use not putting enough pressure to an issue, but is there any does to the, for the fact that they start to dropping food from the, bringing it by sea, because each to pick would not force these drugs has to allow for been enough to feed the people. the guys are cause alone with to show you how bankrupt is rise online in the west has been 5 months to to and rather than just side intake side on the screen in pass along the washington of the lower in ms. charles, as you're a senior political analyst, thank you very much. i the mustang and gaza, where these really army has launched an attack on the strips. the largest medical complex out reports of deaths and injuries inside. i'll shift the hospital
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because his health ministry says is really troops launch missiles and open fire on one of the buildings. it says thousands of displaced palestinians, patients and medical staff are trapped inside the mask. that is less than ok. we're now besieged inside. i'll she for hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospitals. courtyard. a statement from guys as health ministry says it holds these really occupation responsible for the lives of medical staff patients and displaced people inside the medical complex. and that the is really operation is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. the health ministry also accused is israel of using, fabricated narratives to deceive the world and justify the storming of al shift. now in a few moments we will be speaking to villain marks, unoccupied,
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east jerusalem 1st. so let's go back to honey. my mood and rafa. honey, we wanted to come back to you for your latest reporting on what's going on. right.


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