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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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jury's inside, i'll shut the hospital because his health ministry says is really troops launch missiles and open fire on one of the buildings. it says thousands of displaced palestinians, patients and medical staff are trapped inside the mask. that is less than ok. we're now besieged inside. i'll she for hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospitals. courtyard. a statement from guys as health ministry says it holds these really occupation responsible for the lives of medical staff patients and displaced people inside the medical complex. and that the is really operation is a flagrant violation of international humanitarian law. the health ministry also accused is israel of using, fabricated narratives to deceive the world and justify the storming of al shift. now in a few moments we will be speaking to villain marks, unoccupied,
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east jerusalem 1st. so let's go back to honey. my mood and rafa. honey, we wanted to come back to you for your latest reporting on what's going on right now inside l shift bearing in mind, we just for just learned that our own correspondent in the complex was beaten, interested of the yes sir. oh, that's within the past 4 in 5 minutes we got the confirmed report. so about 0 correspondence, our colleague and here's the crew on the ground who are shouldering inside the ship . a complex have been detained and before the words, it led into the unknown error. they were beating according to, oh, i witness inside the hosp. it's all the as 9 the, the arabic correspondence on the ground from the northern part of city and his the crew include a camera man and the other people. 2 helping out with reporting were all detained,
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and were tortured and verbally abused by. it is really military before they are uh they were taken to a known and disclosed area. now these 80 plus people have been detained from a she fact a complex including medical, a staff and evacuation that includes the women and the young man inside a survey complex. this the, the, the operation this target at 2 30 in the morning under heavy coverage of attack of drones and surveillance. then heavy machine guns and around the surrounding super hospital. and right now we are getting confirmed reports from a doctor inside the house that that does really and is there is inside the courtyard of the hospital where there are a bodies are on the go. 5 around of the courtyard of the hospital in multiples injuries by the 10 they are accounted. and uh there is unable to uh, the medical, the staffing paramedics on able to get through them and remove them inside the
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building. that includes the many evacuation orders that are issued by it is really another area where it goes through loudspeakers ordering people to evacuate the facility. but at the same time as people to start to move away out of the building, they're being shut out at by these diapers. and by the attacker draws just some name, reminds us of the, the falls, evacuation orders, which includes that people should go to the mos evacuations on that has to be repeatedly targeted tax work. people to turn the side, the tents, the setup. they're trying to see the horror of the ongoing genocide of the war, the back of showed us so far have been very misleading, contradictory and vague for people who are able to make a reasonable decision right now, given that, how dangerous the situations right now inside the complex honeywell with reporting live from rasa in the southern part of the gaza strip. thank you very much,
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honey villain. marks joins us live now from occupied east jerusalem village. and what is the, is really military saying about this operation. well that describing it as a precise operational activity in the area around shape, a hospital 0. best thing over the last few as that the full says came on the file from several hospital buildings. they were to and fire and shot several individuals . they've confirmed separately, but they have carried out arrests, but they've not been willing to offer any details about the number of people arrested over the identity of those who have been arrested. they've been warning also that those who are present in and around chief a hospital on the area near to it should be a by increasing west, across the main coastal highway towards the beach. and then several of them in the south, down towards our my why see, clearly this is an intense, $55.00 over the last several hours. and it seems to be ongoing. really, what does this say about the israeli military operation in gaza?
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this one, a couple of things here. several from prime minister benjamin netanyahu just a couple of days ago, talked about the fact that is right, was fighting on 2 funds. one minute, 31 political. the approach is randy, ministry is taken over the course of the last few hours to essentially pre and the kind of criticism is previously face during rates on medical facilities is quite striking. but also it's worth pointing out. but a middle, the conversations around a possible ground, a soul in rough or here we have a huge operation in the center of gauze, a just to the west of the center of gauze, the city itself. and at the same morning, these rarely got a minute treat confirming that one of its soldiers has died in northern gauze. so clearly there is ongoing fighting across the street, the israeli government and ministry confirming that now. and it's not just about what they've described as
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a master's remaining military capabilities in rafa that they need to be concerned about. all right, thank you very much. and that villain that spill in mark's in occupied east jerusalem. still ahead on elsie's 0, north korea test fires, short range, ballistic missiles as the us secretary of state, visit south korea for democracy conference. the people who is lived here for generations still use the national terrain for shelter since israel's war on god. so begin host indians living and remote communities in the occupied westbank saying. similar attacks have double put a coordinated campaign by israeli settlers and soldiers. one of home demolitions forced evictions and settlement expansions is forcing people back into the caves. subterranean life is changing, living in a cave is not the same as it used to be. there's electricity, indoor plumbing,
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modern appliances, tiles. justin, he is living in this community may be forced to live under ground, but they say they can't be forced to live uncomfortable. but the threat of displacement to silence is never far away in palestine. it is another for blowing another stroke of indigenous people fighting to stay on their own land. i'm counting the costs, come the conservative governments 2024 budget and we know the purchase price of egypt. i'm no experience of dollars in loans and investments. will fix the country's economy and put going as reputation, descriptive time, say they can come by counting the cost on the houses era. this magical facility in on demand incidents capital, hard to them is a single room that provides health care for dozens of people every day. and it's run entirely by volunteers. for dance health sector is nearly destroyed after 9
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months of conflict between the army and the parent minutes for your rapids support forces. b u. n says 70 percent of hospitals around the country aren't functioning. i study business administration but came here because most medics have left the capital. i take care of distributing the medicines. we have 570 patients who come to get medication for chronic illnesses. minor emergency operations are sometimes performed here as well. and the center also receives patients with a gunshot wound, or shrapnel from an artillery strike, serving as a lifeline to many investigating volunteers say they'll continue to do what they can to help those left to believable by the conflict. examining the headlines, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's
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era, the the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching else is you're a reminder of our headlines, this, our, a you in back to report into gods as food crisis says fam, it is immune into, in the north of the strip. and the entire territory is at risk. the family to review committee says there will be a salmon by may unless there's a ceasefire. another convoy of trucks is arriving in northern gauze as loaded with desperately needed food. it follows the delivery by 13 trucks on saturday 1st to arrive in the north of months without incident is really forces or launching a new attack on our ship. a hospital in gaza. city the health industry there as, as soldiers opened fire on the complex. and there have been multiple deaths and
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injuries is really soldiers have arrested at least $25.00 palestinians during their latest raids and towns and cities across the occupied west bank. the bay shea refugee camp south of bethlehem was also stormed. one of the people detained there is lowana bush on me and that's notable because she was one of the palestinians released during the ceasefire and exchange deal between homeless and israel in november. and now she's back in custody. laura han has more on those rates from ramallah. it is all happening on a nightly basis. and we've seen a huge optic since october, the 7th. but really one of note last night happened in the haitian refuge account. that's near bessler. had a woman called about it, a g, a jamie, a. she was one of the 240 people who has been released as part of a captive prisoner exchange deal with between, between our mazda and israel. in november. i know we spoke to the family and they said she has been, we arrested, she's one of 11 people who have been,
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we arrested now and the is ready forces came to the home. they notes in the door, which is quite unusual cuz sometimes they do just break in and run, sucked the homes beforehand, and they told her that to be taken for field interrogation for 10 minutes. she couldn't knew she may well be taken away. she also gets dress to bring clothes with her. they allow that she's being taken away, but it is interesting to know that she was being held without any form of child and child. the full that of 3 course of the people who were released. well, also being held in this arbitrary detention, just want to show you where we are, we're outside of the prison. this is where it's always policy and prisoners were released in november. so there were many celebrations as this is happening. many doesn't work by that by to guess from this way, the army. but this is obviously a massive fear for policies that it strikes the heart of kind of thing and society . most people we've spoken to have either had
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a family member arrested. all that being arrested themselves, so they say, you know, many are just living and fear, especially those who are being released of again being taken away. of denison says pakistan's air force has conducted airstrikes targeting to, of its border provinces and killing at least 8 people. tell about officials say the victims were women and children. they're calling it a violation of f again. sovereignty again, forces of now carried out retaliatory strikes towards pakistani territory. or your opinion says letterman pretends re election for a 5th term in russia has been based on refreshing and intimidation. the president hailed his election victory, which puts him on course to be the longest serving russian leader in more than 200 years is when was largely seen as a foregone conclusion, with none of the other candidates opposing his policies or the war in ukraine. the u. foreign policy chief says, pretends victory is meaningless. what they want to dissipate, that this has not been a fair elections,
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no sea of service and highly restricted in vitamin position. it'd be problematically, what i can say, but more than that, these are the excess as being bays and regression and intimidation and being held on de ukrainian bulk of by category violating ukrainian southern. and you had a couple of other reports from moscow, and it was the result that didn't surprise any one relating to prison will stay rushes presidents for at least another 6 is actually pretty. is this doable? i'd like to thank all of russian citizens. we are old 110 year old russian citizens who came to voters. it's very important to say this is not a legal formality, just the russian people have a source of power in this country. they were few ways russians could demonstrate that discontent and this selection and not guess arrested for it. but at noon on sunday,
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thousands did it silently. people came to cause the balance of the same every time at tens of thousands of putting stations in 11 time zones and abroad. after so can represent them a good. it's clear that the president will be elected without us, but at least we will show ourselves. i came personally to show that i disagree and to show that there are many of them there. could you always be like, i guess i would like to expect change. i don't know if that will happen or not, but i believe my voice can make a difference. this action was endorsed by late opposition leader unexplained the phone the shortly before he died and optic penal colony. what else about his desperation replied. it was sad and claims novel and he was close to being released except to go. it was not a few days before the valley passed away. i was told that there was an idea to exchange him for out people in prisons in western countries. you may believe me or not. the person who was speaking to me hadn't even finished his sentence when i already said, yes,
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i agree. but unfortunately what's happened has happened. there was only one condition that he would not come back to russia. he's, we do usually it was chad on as x on both his keaton violin, this process campaign was going to change the outcome of the election. like even the patient is overwhelmingly populated russia. i want to continue ation of the policy as it is now in all countries. that's why i've just while president president page and was running again, 3 of candidates who never spoke out against him or what he called the special miniature operation in ukraine. version of the selection was also held in the next territories of ukraine and even cry. mia? that's despite the slicing that and shunning of both the territories and russia. anybody voting good participation that has the majority is something that to did. you can make sales to vote, and i know there are controversies of these points and these would be sold to
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the sound system in the future, especially the economy has proven launch the resilience despite the severe west and sanctions imposed over ukraine. and that's likely to help present in the weeks and months ahead, which led to reprise and securing another 6 years as president. there's little expectations that russia's domestic or foreign policies will change. unit should pop out of the, alters the right most. tina birth is a rush of specialist and the author of television and presidential power inputs in russia. she says the election is a contest, have no worth. i don't think anybody believes the high beckles both provide them inputs and accept the hot spot. the man who to himself, so i think in terms of the stage knowledge amount, this is exactly what mostly does in other countries expected that we would see there's actually been a trend every election that let them and pollution has stood in his chair of the boat has gone out, town has gone off, so this is nothing unexpected, i think. and i don't think it really changes people's perspective on the regime in
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the country. it's very difficult to actually get an accurate picture of what many options think of the administration. i think there are, there are various different sentiments within the country. obviously we saw a number of people protesting the election polling stations um, over the course of this weekend, it was also quite a sizable protest in january when one candidate who was on the table was kept talking about me. so lots of people. so turning up for lexi novalis funeral last month. so there's clearly opposition to the goal and to the government within the country. i think what would be the solidarity of just keeping that headstone and trying to focus on that family and getting buying. and then we have the poor people who the house all in favor of the war and support the administration, but how many people actually are in each group? it's very difficult to actually validate the ceremony is being held in the swedish capital, stockholm, to mark the country. joining nato, politicians and military personnel gathered for the occasion. sweden officially joining nato 11 days ago,
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becoming the 32nd member of the security alliance. the decision was set in motion by neighboring rushes, invasion of ukraine 2 years ago. still a head on alpha 0 will tell you why new zealand is showing up. ties with china, and wyatt's regional allies are worried. the unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on out to 0 in the gaza strip. as is the last continues, there's
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a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the let's think that the, [000:00:00;00] the north korea has test fired several short range ballistic missiles. as america's top diplomat visits south korea, messiahs flew around 300 kilometers before crashing into the sea of japan. the
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south korea and military condemned the latest launches as a clear provocation units came, has more from the south korean capital. so for now, this is the 1st round of missile fire we're seeing out of north korea's since february 14th on monday morning. south korea's joint chief of staff saying it detected several flying objects presumed to be a short range ballistic missiles, travel some 300 kilometers from the capital upon. yeah, into water is east of the korean peninsula. now that's leaving open the possibility that these objects could be long range artillery, which would allow come young or its highest bidder. to strike at a much cheaper cost. then say ballistic missiles. this as several high level officials are in soul for the kick off of the summit for democracy,
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a brainchild of us presidential biden in 2021 and it concerns democracy was at an inflection point and perhaps now on about what's being hosted outside of the us for the 1st time this year it's main themes, our technology and the youth as well. so we're trying to repressive regimes to flight technologies to undermine democracy in human rights. we need to ensure that technology sustains and supports democratic values. north, other speakers, such as a u. k, is deputy prime minister oliver doubt and criticized autocrats for holding quote sham elections and the parent and job that newly re elected president vladimir putin of russia. the summit run through wednesday when world leaders will join in a virtual meeting. you just skim, alda zara. so for the 1st time in more than 70 years, a chinese foreign minister is visiting new zealand. it's seen as an important test of trade and diplomatic ties. as adrian brown reports from wellington, the visit comes against the backdrop of concerned about china is growing influence
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in the south pacific. a long use visit was idly confirmed 5 days ago. his welcome from new zealand is foreign minister. winston pizza is one of the few events open to the media. they'll be no news conference. peter says china is new zealand, most important and complex bilateral relationship in poland because china is new zealand because trading pop now. complex because new zealand are united states ally is concerned about china spreading influence across the pacific. the complexity is how do we manage relations with a very different political power in a way where our interest is still meant? another fiction point usually lives interest in joining a new security pack between the united states australia in britain, bonus, orcus, china, as well, using the joining would put their relations at risk. the most important part of one
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use trip will come later this week when he visits australia, where a political debate is deepening about how to respond to china is growing ministry power in the asia pacific region. so i think the priority for china is obviously stabilizing the relationship with the straight to which over the last sort of 56 years has really had a number of different issues to the point where, you know, high level communication between the strategy and, and chinese government's was, was blocked for, for a good number of time. it's 10 years since news even signed a comprehensive strategic partnership with china. since then, it's 6 bullets to china have doubled. china is ambassador said recently, he hopes that trade continues to flourish. china spans ready to work with new zealand on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefits, non interfere in c mean shop in each of those internal affairs. and constructive management of differences like is pete assess,
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is using as prime minister cuz just luck since most tried to strike a balance between his country's security alliance with the united states and its lucrative partnership. with china, adrian brown, al jazeera weddington, thailand's prime minister, is vowing to do whatever he can to tackle air pollution in the north of the country . a giant cloud of has it. a smog has been created by forest fires and farmers setting their land a blaze for crumb clearance. trying my has become one of the world's most polluted cities because of high levels of fine particles. dustin air, tony chang reports a highly coped to help us in the haze. overlay can know them thailand, filling its tank. it takes off to fight the forest. pause the filled, the with smoke. but the real problem is here, slash and burn farming across the low and become region. with the cool and harvested the dried stokes and stubble of satellites. the remains piled back into
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the carpets. i can save a lot of money by budding, what is left over. whatever is left would make a good foot lie, so for the land and the land can be used right away. just the fire spreads clouds of acrid smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m. 2.5. that's poisoning the atmosphere. take what's happening in this field? a, multiply by 10000 in thailand, loss, cambodia. and then uh, it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy. been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines, jail time or both. but enforcement is rare and off as no alternative solution for the farm is to handle the waste. and targeting farm is does little to discourage the huge agricultural businesses using the cone as livestock feed fung. i'm, i agree the big companies have,
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she has some responsibility. but if things change to suddenly, the palm is, will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching, my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50 percent despite hazardous at quality rating. so many points of the government's failure to posit clean air act accusing as a banking in collusion with ty companies as input cooling from around the region, opinion being the tip on yet. so here we have to have more strict laws when it comes to importation to place those big companies don't have to pay taxes. the shows that the government's on the same side as the big corporations income, which have, i mean to have them on the people of northern thailand now live in a place, an atmosphere that leads to multiple health problems. an early death, a constant blanket of gray white cloud, where even the some struggles to break through tony cheng l $20.00 chung,
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my northern thailand over has agreed to pay 178000000 dollars to settle a lawsuit brought by australian taxi operators. and drivers, they say they lost income when the us based company moved into the country. the settlement is, australia is 5th largest. the lawsuit was filed in 2019 on behalf of more than $8000.00 taxi drivers in a cube or a breaking laws, requiring taxis in higher cars to be licensed. i feel great. so i've been a for the bedroom. and um, pretty much the tech industry was decimated, illegal proceedings. and today it can go down as a wind and as an example, to the rest of the world, what can be done? and one more thing in iceland, the defense is around the town of green. the vic are holding is a volcano there erupt for the 4th time since december scientists, a law that has been flowing towards the ocean at about a kilometer an hour,
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but appeared to be slowing hundreds of people at the blue lagoon, which is one of iceland top tourist attractions have had to be moved and that's it for me. so many a as always this more information on our website. my lead site is with you next the in the bigger section yet in history, the biggest democracy office on epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how india's pricing, the daughter said in ism settings to turn the clock back on at the country, founded on secular ideas. being the report box one on examining the headline is it is popularly today for the forms of life and god's
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unflinching journalism. awesome. just like the war sharing personal stories with a labor audience only create it welts for women, come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on which is era. a unique perspective that is done is one of the most, the 3 just example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury, to be honest, people, i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is
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enough to stream on algebra expo 2023. the world. the fascination of joint and let's discover a better world expo. 2023. the is really full say is a rest and be saw an algebra jealous covering the siege of el cheapo hospitals. in garza, the does really matter. 3 storms our ship, a hospital in garza city, or the 9th thousands of palestinians, all still trapped inside the compound


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