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tv   Al Jazeera World Closed Cyberspace  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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while celebrating, joined us, and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the hot is already full say is a rest and be saw an algebra gentle as covering the siege of el cheapo hospitals in garza is where in the mid 3 storms our ship, a hospital in garza city of and 9 thousands of palestinians, all still trapped inside the compound the, my money fight, this is out, is there a lives from does not also coming off. famine is now imminent in the move in cost
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of guns and there was a risk of common across the entire street. findings for report, just really the you denounce is russia's presidential election saying the polls were based on repression, intimidation, the as rarely forces rating out chief of hospital have severely beaten out, is there a journalist is smell? i'll go. he was covering the military's attack with colleagues when he was dragged away, satellite trucks belonging to the press cruise that were also destroyed by is rarely forces this news coming in to us. just in the last few minutes we can go straight to our correspondent, honey, my mood, who is on the ground for us in rough and southern gauze of what can you tell us, honey about these latest developments regarding a alj,
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a 0 journalist at all she for hospital the honey honey, if you can hear me, honey, if you can hear me. oh, we are. yes, yes i do. yeah. so please wait. so we didn't need to know where we're getting these reports about is really forces writing l she for hospital and severely basing up one of algeria out there as own john, this is my uncle. what are you hearing of the yes, now the and the that's what happened within the past couple hours were emerging reports of from a ship. a hospice on land is really monetary has already did the tan over 80 people including women and young men of from a ship, a hospital and medical, a staff as well and injuries, who are supposed to be inside the hospital getting
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a treated, including also a our colleague as 9 the from 0 and here's a crew member on the ground has been covering the ongoing genocide. the war on the ongoing is right at 10 military attacks in a positive on the ground when we were told by an eye witness inside the hospital. that is maya and his a crew members were actually beaten on with verbally abuse and demonized, basically before the work and torture before do were laid into done and on the area it's in porno, has to point out that is really military. both those are did in fact destroyed the equipment of it's made in his equipment on the ground, including the us and g that said, held it transmitting signals uh, from the ground did a studio. that's what's going on right now. it's not super hosted, including the other 80 plus people who works there, detain to from the hospital. it's also a part of the ongoing military attacks on
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a ship hospital as people work are being told to leave and evacuated. the facility with the exception of the i c u team. but as people to try to leave the facility, they were shut out by the quad casters and surveillance to drone and the machine guns at the vicinity of the hospital which led to the death of many people on the ground. we don't know, we don't have a confirmation number of how many people were killed, but as an eye witness described, there are scattered at the courtyards of the of the hospital. and that's part of the evacuation order that has been largely misleading, confusing for people. they were told to leave, but at the same time where shots had been an earlier statement and the spokes person a visitor military described demo, the operation is limited on a precise and no evacuation required or not. we've seen these leaflets ordering people sharply to evacuate. the facility and honey,
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i believe this is the full time that is rarely forces have stormed el cheapo, just remind us why exactly? i'll just 0 john. this is not a goal. was there? what were the circumstances around the raid earlier this morning? of the well yes, let's be clear about what's going on and guys on the northern part, not all that there is a sprint of famine on catastrophic situation, but the vast majority of people there do not have their homes as standing where they can stay. and so the box where your people refer to as cheap a hospital as it turned into a large evacuation center for the 1000, then hundreds of displays families. and in fact, we've inside the hospital. so likely what it's been was doing is covering the uh, what's going on inside the hospital in terms of the catastrophic medical situations and the ability of the hospital to operate as well as the,
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the ongoing it's so now me of injuries being transferred and reported to us, you perhaps with an a from the ongoing attacks across the garza city and the northern parts which seem within the past few days where a approximate is submitted. either on the receipt road or on zillow had been rolled on, particularly on 8th seekers, where hundreds of injuries arrived to the hospital. but the fact that the husband is not operational is catastrophic. and part of it is covering what's going on. and the other party is sheltering inside the house for that, as there are no places to stay in across the northern parts. honey, can you tell us a little more about this, john? this is small, i'll go, he was an al jazeera arabic janice. so i believe and had been covering the war in gaza for the last few months. what more can you tell us about him? of the will
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11 a quite visible think about is very that he can junior cover in the tri cities and the genocidal war. and in practice was under ground within the past months. and then since the expansion of the ground invasion and often times varying the, the password of this for the famine, including a couple of reports that he did on, on the situations where he describes the difficult living conditions of people, including himself and the crew member on the ground as going with on going on would save without any food or a meal just to keep them sustainable and, and continuing the work part of it, the to documentation of the, the, the massacres. whether it's the flower massacre on the cold, the road or the destruction of entire residential building in the northern part of this trip. uh and garza city and the, the, the tax on as they to in the neighborhood within the past couple weeks. and he
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continued the work despite the challenges and the hard ship created by the ongoing intense bombing campaign, including the engineer firm. and that has pretty much affected the one negative the so far we're looking at least $27.00 people who died of this in for the hydration and as far vision a as in guys on the northern parts. honey for all view is that are just joining us . so i just want to remind them about this breaking news that we're reporting on is rarely forces who rated was she felt hospital in gaza have severely beat out. is there a journalist is now oh cool. that has been confirmed to us in the last few minutes so. so going back to what you know. oh, so he was with a colleague i believe, and he had a satellite truck with him. a, do we know what's happened to the truck to, to his colleague or was it was,
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it just is mall who was targeted. the know, not only it's our colleagues, mainland heddrick and the crew member and the grow, but also the equipment, the, the, the check that'd be at the they're using to move around and to carry out the equipment . the transmission equipment of from one place to another have been i, according to an eye witness inside the house that have been destroyed completely as it is in the military. both those are just rotted over and completed, destroyed all the equipment that they were using inside the courtyard of the hospital, which makes it very difficult right now for the, the sustainability of the, of the coverage. it has the it's may have been not detained, but so far what we're getting that's very was a dictated and here's a crew member. the were verbally abused, were human eyes. they were beaten severely before they were taken due on disclosed
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areas along with the other people who, where they tend to from the court yard of the hospital. right. i understand as he was saying, move in a t people have been detained as a result of that raid at el cheapo hospital including medical stuff as well as a many of the people that was sheltering the uh and uh, as we are reporting out to 0 out i'll just say we're a arabic college, it's not a bull and his crew will also sheltering inside that hospital with the chains he was also beaten before being taken to an on disclose location. honey, do we know any more about why this raid took place? have these rarely said anything? well i the, the operation as or that, uh there was a statement made by these random moment, sorry. and what date would the list of the allegations and the primary i mind
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though the last of via the find that based on intelligence, the information on the ground gathered by the internal security and the military intelligence. the presence of talking about the presence of, of how much members and an operative inside the hospital. and the statement went on that this operation was going to be precise and limited. and the, the army was advised. the uh, the army was advised to not to farm civilians and no evacuations. there was required. but so far since the beginning of the operation, what we're seeing as these really monitoring, moved into the hospital and the surrounding the entire facility and a storm it with its uh, armor vehicles on time from both those are one building. there was too much sat on the fire and you do the intense bombing. gov of the tank shoals as well as the use of the quiet cap. they're these are the kind of attracted drones that they can let
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me know over everywhere, including inside the facility itself. the, there's a great deal of the terror going on inside the house, but as the vast majority of people is talking about sounds that will impact we hundreds of the entire families counted uh, i've been sheltering inside the hospital including also the medical staff as well as the injuries who are inside the hospital and barely barely are making it to through the day, given the fact that there's no medical supplies or, or sufficient medical as staff to treat them or save their, their lives. so the sit there which are getting these to pretty much very difficult right now. but so far it is really military did not issue any statement to support the allegations that were made apparently are in the state then a whole lot were you know that this operation was meant for whatever it,
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it has catalogue so far, but no substantial evidence whatsoever to support these allegations and honey, uh, one of the reasons that al jazeera has continued to cover tirelessly through this entire war is because of the reporting of journalists. like is my, i'll go a who are kind of sitting in, of course. uh, we've also had to hire a couple of assume another one, a fall correspondence who's been targeted by the as rarely tell us a bit more. give us some, some why the context here about how journalists continue to be targeted in gaza. of the remoting, as we've seen since the beginning of the genocide, a war. and it's pretty clear to everyone that there are no terms and no limits to what b is really military. it can do across the gaza strip the from the intense bombing campaign into the mass going and the mass of slaughter of civilians, the bombing of entire families inside their residential buildings. and right now,
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what we're seeing is that systematic attacks on, on journalists and people who are reporting from the ground and the reported ongoing atrocities. the mass occurs this your level of disruption caused by. 7 by the, these really military it's, it's beyond imagination. we have entire residential lots and here that are beyond recognition right now, given the fact that it has been bombed in the, within it relentlessly and been destroyed severely and the vast majority buildings right now. and infrastructure public facilities, either the district completely or severely damaged. all of this i was just here, has been able to capture all the vast majority of these atrocities and destruction on the ground. and, and the fact that there are people who are continuing to do it, this is something that is causing a great deal of, of, of frustration that is really mandatory because it's all woods refutes all the
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allegations and the made up the claims of the existence of both people who are either wanted or these places have been housing tunnels or bunkers. and we've seen this example being refuted publicly as the early december when these really monetary storm is coupon hospital. and eventually, it was only a couple of videos that were released by the military, but shows no substantial evidence to support any of the allegations that was that were made and just defy the storming of a super husband sending happen or not. so it has put them on other health public facilities and a private next as well as well as educational facilities. all of this has been captured on the camera and being broadly refuted by the people who did the documentations and the reporting on these ongoing atrocity. and that's something that these really another story. one, some how to put a mazda alon and, and to stop it from continuing. and honey, uh, just to recap, uh,
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while this has happened that will shape a hospital. i mean it, it, it's an ongoing situation now still strikes, going on elsewhere in gaza. yes, there's track continues to pound across the gaza strip, but mainly right now concentrated in garza city where we're looking at that very they are by a neighborhood the mountain neighborhood. once a thriving, a bustling market, a neighborhood in the heart of god. and they've been destroyed and turned into a pine of ruins, remaining residential buildings and department stores. i've been destroyed with intense air bombardment within the past hours, including major roads leading or connecting garza city with the northern parts that includes the road. another road as well as home or in the. 1 streets connecting eastern parts of garza city with the western parts. it where there are reports of the entire residential building. been targeted within the past couple hours with
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this placed families inside and given how dangerous the situation right now with the presence of attack a drones. there is a clear inability of the civil defense group member on the ground, the the paramedics to get to these areas and help remove those who might have survived the attachment so far as the the hours since that the house were leveled to the ground. these houses leveled to the ground and it's likely that most people under the rebels will make it okay, honey, my food, we will leave at the i just wanna recap this breaking news to you. if you're just joining us, is there any forces that have re said i'll she for hospital we've been reporting on this old morning, have severely beat al jazeera journalist is mail, i'll go, he was working found is there a arabic, he and his colleagues were covering the attack of all she for when he was dragged away on the satellite truck, which, which belonged to the press crew that he was with was also destroyed by is ready
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forces. so we don't know where he is now. but as soon as we have any more information on this, we will of course, bring it to you know, just to just to reference the pictures you'll see on the screen that is indeed, is my local. we had him on our screens yesterday when he was reporting on the humanitarian aid, then made its way into north and gaza. a nother update a few years time and is imminent in northern gauze, as, as according to the global body monitoring firm. and under what's known as the integrates and food secure seat phase classification. moving $200000.00 palestinians will face salvation within the next few months. victoria gates v reports. in gauze, the weather is little food is available. you take what you can find boils up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long as well. but all our driver load, which was my mother,
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thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread a day or else wearing roof or a mother mixes crushed biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter. been to get them. and so it was done. so yeah, it was before the war, i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide d as well. i used to give her high energy biscuits, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the game, the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week, the baby with 10 bad conditions, many of them if died, global body monitoring salmon, the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine
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. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition, and 2 people in $10000.00 a dying each day due to starvation. the ip see, one famine is imminent in northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see the normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small still bought this most still born babies in mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the by again the most efficient, the hydration. and the complication the u. n says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived. well, let's do that. me it,
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because this trip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinians hope the ip sees warning will improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria gates and b l g as in golf as most vulnerable children, including those with existing illnesses, all at the greatest risk of starvation that runs and doing everything they can to save them. but it's still not enough. stephanie decker reports, the signs of starvation, a hard to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away, along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. 6
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mama cover my body, he cries, the more is health of the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed in the model of the small cystic phase suffering from cystic fibrosis which is take mucus. on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north and system of my child's health condition has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital, he has been living on solutions just to survive what his mother shows us by the before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child. just slightly reluctant, done, sir. not recognizable. now. the side is being treated injured by the in the north of the gaza strip. aid has recently started trickling in after months of nothing
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misstep about them to hurt. but the most part of guys, this trip has been denied the entity or any of the lease. am i the name lead medical supplies, coupled with the state of starvation from bob and has resolved these conditions uh, is as are based on like that the fact that more than 20 children died as documented because of man nutrition. with that, we want the situation when it gets worse, as a star basin is rabbit, doing the population in the law. is that some of the united nations in february warrens that one quarter of goes, this population was one step away from imminent simon agency say they have all the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings. and that needs to be done. now, this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker, which is 0 nor show off is the policy advise at ox fam,
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for the middle east and north africa, she says the people have gone so clearly already in crisis. and the situation is only going to get was already very big. and we cannot imagine how things turn gets worse than in north eliza, but across the strip entirety. what the i pc report shows is the, what is the, there's an immune interest assignment. and the internet internet time is north of the original summit across the strip. and this is on me, this is on. it is out of the continued bombardment displacement bombardment by is read on displacement, offered us the news across the ship. this is the result of using formation of a rough enough for as long as we do not see each prior in place, that would. and now the many cases of ration to scale up to deliver a into an influence level of pacific need with an explanation in case of this type
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of assistance. then we are going to be seeing a very stressful face scenario unfolding in front of our eyes of the web watches, the representatives from 8 organizations protesting in london. they quoting on the british government of prussia as well to allow more aid into gaza and, and it sees charlie angela has moved from london, were outside the far enough is behind me. you can hear the noise of finding pots and pans and steps to emulate the sound of what children, because i'm hungry is all i have a saving doing now, these protest isn't a doctor's wife is from the group, medical apricot of citizens, and other 8 organization. and that's trying to put pressure on the british government. the month is around that age and moved with me is the ceo of that melanie drawer. thank you for joining us. started by telling me, what is your saw of witnessing and how the situation is secure agents are here
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today because you do the common, you know, and then in the 1100000 people are in catastrophic levels. or we didn't security. i'm over the month to, for the last 5 months and more. we've consistently issued warnings that have to be assisting producing innovation to the younger situation. and nothing has been done inside the only one. it's very clear notice starvation is being used as the width of war. and just to give you an example, back in january or adults is medically prepared to send in don't. here's the thing . one of the hospitals in java issued a statement saying that they were seeing signs of tedious mail nutrition amongst the children. last month, we saw a data coming in between $1.00 and $6.00 children under the age of 2 in the north of mount. maurice and no one in the chosen under the age of the situation continues to get worse and nothing is unable to end. the terrible, it's really simple problem to solve it is we would only let the cds and then we
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compute to $119.00 truck carrying. i did make it into those and thousands of the 1st time in months is that gives me sometimes the situation is, is to change it to the is what's called a little bit. this is the 9 to the is really government. and then their plan for being close to $5.19 plus, right? as good as possible to do this right and say this is what the terrible by saying we as you mounted tv and moving to sweet malnutrition among children stopping starvation. wouldn't have been difficult to eventually get into this piece of wasting food in the good. and that's why we're here at the place before we're no place to the government isn't ally of the government and it's time for me worse because the key thing and guys of keeping up to a point where simon is no gentleman,
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chancellor has warned as well as prime minister against daunting a ground defensive and rough uh, all of schultz metz benjamin that tanya on sunday, the gym to protect civilians and allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. and german lita said the world cannot stand by as palestinians risk salvation. the longer the war last, the higher the number of civilian casualties rises. the more desperate the situation of the people and does have become. the more this backs the question, no matter how important the goals kind of justifies, that's totally be high costs. or are there other ways to achieve? you'll go take the, gone to assess him safe and level the very to we logic is one come situation. but there is a few minutes tearing logic as one house with more than one point. 5000000 people be protected with sheep, they go as we've just had the i think
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a very serious conversation, an important conversation among friends. you express your concern for your 2 things, one, protecting civilians and 2nd, provision of the humanitarian it. and i explained that these are concerns as well because we agree with both goals, older rec, broken as a professor of european studies at stanford university. he says, as well as the ministry strategy in gaza is short sighted. given the current situation in which the new time jo government is quite in close revival with the support of the divided. so citing as well he probably doesn't care about the trade relations or access to the european st. ready market, this used to be leverage and peace times, but at the moment i don't really see that there is much leverage. so all sorts can do is naming and shaming if things go in the wrong direction. and it clearly goes
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on the wrong direction. because a military solution, a military strategy that is so short sighted stuff and that it doesn't have a plan what to do afterwards. and what did you want to, terry, and costs. so this is, is simply a political loss that will last much longer than any potential victory. that one can claim, like mission accomplished. leverage from the europeans is very, very limited compared with what the united states theoretically can do. but by then is under pressure because his country is divided between strong supporters of the palestinian and point of view and a very strong to wish lobbying grow. and it's an election year. so theoretically you to quit too much more than anyone else. practically, it goes by a back and we both have a high cost. if you only takes one side, it is rarely soldiers of a rest as nice,
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$25.00 polished indians during the latest raids and towns and cities across the occupied westbank. the d. shay refugee camp, which is south of bethlehem was also stormed. one of the people detained that is water abo jim, as she was released during the seas. fine exchange deal between homeless and as well back in november. lucon has moved on. those raids from ramallah, it is all happening on a nightly basis. and we've seen a huge optic since october, the 7th. but really one of note last night happened in the haitian refuge account. that's near best buy. have a woman called about it, a g as a media. she was one of the 240 people who has been released as possible captive prisoner exchange deal with between, between our mazda and israel. in november. i know we spoke to the family and they said she has been, we arrested, she's one of 11 people who have been, we arrested now. the is ready, forces came to the home. they notes in the tool,
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which is quite unusual because sometimes they do just break in and run, suck the homes beforehand, and they told her that to be taken for field interrogation for 10 minutes. she could be new, she may well be taken away. she also gets dress to bring clothes with her. they allow that she's being taken away, but it is interesting to know that she was being held without any form of child and child. the full that of 3 course of the people who were released. well, also being held in this arbitrary detention, just want to show you where we are, we're outside of the prison. this is where it's always policy and prisoners were released in november. so there were many celebrations as this is happening. many doesn't work by that by to guess from this way, the army. but this is obviously a massive fear for policies and it strikes the heart of kind of thing and society. most people we've spoken to have either had a family member arrested. all that being arrested themselves, so they say,
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you know, many are just living and see it, especially those who are being released of again being taken away. so head on allergies 0. i've got a stones, as far as sony strikes near the border, i have killed at least 8 people. plus tony chung in northern thailand. charges are trying to crank down on thomas h o practice score the let's go on with your weather report. we'll kick this one off in asia pacific and we gotta talk about japan because snow storm warnings have been issued for northern hunt. you island is on tuesday. watch for the happens on wednesday, winds coming. not just the right direction here. highest level alerts issue for snow. storm conditions, i think we may then get into blizzard conditions and parts of honshu island or who
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title. let's go to china right now now that that weather has scooted out plenty of sun here. so that's allowing temperatures to climb. places like boiling up to $22.00 full on sunshine here with this breeze off the bay and then gall. it's going to power up some thunderstorms, as we look toward to dash chatted, scar a dish, and westbank. although some of these could be severe as well. and trump some hail. now we've got a lot going on in the middle east with a storm system across northern savvy arabia, a rock and wade. it's going to produce hail storm scare as well as it sweeps through kuwait and southern iraq. best road just a few days ago dealt with flooding, and i suspect you will see more with about a months worth of rain falling within the span of 24 hours. this moves into this address mountains in iran ahead of it. we're pumping in a lot of heats in afghanistan. so herat is up to $27.00 degrees on tuesday. the
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unique perspective that is done is one of the most egregious example of abuses of human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is it not so strange on algebra. his team in the gaza strip as is the last continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media. and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of weight. tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies
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everywhere. here at the listing past, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the watching out, is there a mind the top stories? this is riley forces writing all she for hospitals have severely beaten the out is there a journalist is small, i'll go. it was covering the ministry's a task with colleagues when he was dragged away is where the forces began the attack on alice chief, a hospital in dogs at city early on monday. busy sconces health ministry says soldiers open fire on the complex, and they have been multiple deaths and injuries. thousands of palestinians are
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still trapped in the complex or you inbox reports into cause a sphere across the system and is imminent in the move straight from the entire territory is at risk. farm and review committee says there will be a firm and fine may unless that is a ceasefire. a. let's go straight to home to sell it to joins us live from occupied east jerusalem. so home that we're covering this breaking news about is ready forces. basing up al jazeera journalist is my uncle who was covering that raid on i'll she for this morning. i know you have been talking to us about that raid throughout the course of this morning, but have you heard anything about what happened to john? this is about, i'll go have these rarely said anything to learn about this. the no reaction from me is really army on the attack on the journal is specifically these really military has said that they had precise intelligence and that they
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were carrying out this operation on the ship a hospital. we do want to remind our viewers, this is something we have heard previously from these rarely military, when they have attacks and medical facilities all over the gaza strip and here precisely at a shift. so we're looking at 4 different raids on the largest medical complex in gaza. that is under severe threat and they don't have the amounts of supplies they would need because is health ministry has said that there are around $30000.00 people seeking shelter there. and it's quite interesting that these really army spokes person, i put out a post on ex, formerly known as twitter that said that during this rate on the ship, or they would be quote, to many terry and the types of things going on like distributions of food and water, even though there were what these rarely army had called fierce firefights going on in and around the medical complex. and these rarely army had acknowledged that one
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of their soldiers was actually killed in those exceed exchanges of fire with him a spider. so this is nothing new from these really military claiming that they have had intelligence before reading a medical facility and then not presenting really an outcome to the public on the aftermath. and in this specific case, no comment from the army about the beating and attainment of journalists. but it's interesting because we don't normally get this level of detail on specific operations by the is rarely all me do we, yet in this case we got that statement from daniel hagar, a, a no mention though, that we what we're seeing now is that apparently is there any forces even destroyed bul, costing vehicles of press cruise at l shape a hospital during that raid. but they've, they've said nothing about this that's
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exactly right. they've shared nothing about this throwing equipment of these camera crews. this is not the 1st time these really army has attacked journalists in gaza . there are over a 100 journalists and other media workers who have been killed as a result of israel's war on gonzo often deflecting the blame the saying that this is an active warrant zone. and people are simply in the way these really army also says that whenever they have precise intelligence, they're going to carry out these operations trying to keep civilians out of harm's way. but as we have seen in the last 5 going on to 6 months, so that has simply not been the case on the ground. we've seen this in the tax on medical facilities in a tax on residential areas in the tax on schools. so while these really army was giving a lot of statements, they weren't necessarily providing any concrete information that would lead to any sort of conclusion as to why they attack journalists and their equipment. this is
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a war that has seen nearly 32000 palestinians killed and a large number of journalists, some of our own colleagues at a z dot has been killed as a result of this conflict. and these really aren't we time and time again, dislikes the blame on their deaths. okay, we'll leave that home to celebrate that for us an occupied a story slim joining me now in the studio is months or shavani is the palestinian canadian journalist who recently reported from gaza. and just to give of you some context months or you are a citizen, janice, you've already been in doha for about 2 weeks prior to that you were in con eunice . and prior to that you, you were not to fault from el cheapo hospital. that's where your family home is, your reaction to what we're hearing today the is there any forces have rated out she for in the course of that some severely beaten alger 0 journalist is smaller goals. the 1st thing that came to my mind is i'm feeling the worst the idea of has
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repeatedly shown that they don't have any motor on the ground. whether it's, it's the regular civilians, whether it's to do it. and it is. and i think international, a international agencies that can't afford human rights and during this needs to speak up from now that we don't see other people for what happened to him during this like shooting a barclay on test on the car for them. i just gotta and over 140 during that it's while i've been killed many with their families. yes, i live at the battery, man of the mind is around 300 meters beside the ship. all spits on a ship hospital was my family hospital home is what i took my 5 children and my wife on my list of stuff that people their products. i wish if it has been $3.00 to $4.00 times a shift has been exposed to forced for a tax shift has been continuously bombarded and the olds on pay their equipment removed. it is now almost a ghost hospital. but with even with that doctors and they're still,
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it's hard to do the work there. my thoughts are with the estimate as a whole, and i hope that a to 0 to get with other agencies come get him out of that as soon as possible. because it's gets really tough and i went through something the same when they did lots of hospital early a few months ago to. so you were living not too far away from all ship a hospital. uh, like you said 4 times its been invaded like best buy the is rarely on a a to remind us about the importance of i'll shift to the community and also, i mean, this is one of the biggest hospitals. not only has it been tracing people, it's been used as a shelter as well. a ship hospital medical complex is the biggest and most specialized medical center in all of us us the all the special cases and the cases that needs special treatments come to a ship, a hospital from the north, from the south. um
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a ship uh medical complex. uh has been also visited by doctors from international international doctors from all around the world for many decades now. and they've helped build the capabilities of the people there. a ship, a hospital um. right now during the war has been a home for over 40000 refugees at one point, and i was one of them for a few days. and so uh, it saddens me to see that this continues over and over a 160 days later that we have sent back to square one. if you remember that the beginning of the war is it in the army said that's a sure if i was this, the command or the comment, then control center for the how much group. and they really did a shift on that, on that to id and everyone. so you know that there was nothing there and under continuing to do that and the whole, well, that's the next thing that fen are. know, again, today that's the narrative. again, today for this latest invasion, they say about targets in the hospital. i mean, you were living in the hospital as
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a refugee. what do you say to that narrative from the israelis? where's the evidence? please provide the evidence. we haven't seen any evidence. they've also invaded many other hospitals and medical complexes with the same not active. and they haven't shown any kind of evidence that proves what they say. so and again i, i don't have to have a comment and i continue to urge the free people of this world, the organizations, the governments to continue putting pressure on these during the government and the americans to point an end to this madness. and we've talked about how 80 people were detained today from our chief, a hospital including medical stuff. and if i q res, you've spent a lot of time in the hospital during the course of this will. i think it paints a picture for us, give us some reality of what it's actually like to be in the hospital. people were not just patients who are taking shelter that trying to finding it difficult to get
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food. just just living that i mean it's, it's like, uh it's, it's, it's a town with no resources. you know, you have social relationships and people trying to care and share it as much as they can together, keeping each other as hopes up, despite the spirit around them. and trust me, even for us, it must see, it seems so difficult. but people in there on the ground feel that they're on the right side, the history and the tournament to continue to strive and 30 minutes. that's fast on the line, even if it's in the hospital, even if they're in the most critical critics in the medical conditions. so they must be going through an extremely extremely off time. and as they have got, they're not going so interrogations. they are being beaten up. some of them have already been taken to prisons inside the visit. i had an investigation centers. some have been taken to places that you know, and i hope that as soon as possible we get the names of everyone who have been
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taken into custody. and then immediate investigation happens and out, or at least at once on. so a briefly, if you could, we now hearing from honey my mood and other of our reports is that the is really ministry and out dropping leaflets inside out chief again, asking people to move to who knows where but to to leave the vicinity of the hospital you will, you are faced with that situation. you have to move from the north to the south. what. what do you think people there are feeling at this point? i mean being austin moved again when there really is absolutely nowhere else to go . the people there um i think the some of them are fed up. some of them won't move because they do not believe that is there any left of anymore that there is a safe place anymore, they will still remain where they are. others will listen. others will read the concept and try to go somewhere. we'll try to find the way out. but as we heard it
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with the story to offend the 6 year old, good on the have family they part to live with us is that when they were tools and they would've been bought it and killed. right. so i don't think people there know what to do, they're going to ask all of the final thought of god for the best to guide them. and then they will make a decision based on that. okay, that month. so i appreciate you speaking to us here on out, is there a months or show on a citizen journalist from casa, who's just been in doha here for the last 2 weeks. thank you so much. thank you. okay, we can go now to scott griffin. he's the deputy director of the international press institute. he joins us now live from vienna. thank you for joining us. so i wanted to get your reaction to this breaking news about this. i'll just share a journalist that has been beaten during this latest raid on l. she for hospital is my uncle. the for having the, you know, we,
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we don't know all the details of the days yet. we understand that this man was the, the change and obviously works through the alarms here. this information, i think of all the others here, the are calling for immediate release, precise information about these uh, well, the slowest. and i believe he and his crew were also sheltering inside the hospital when they were detained. witnesses inside hospital say that they were beaten before being taken to some on disclosed location. this is not the 1st time we've seen a journalist in gauze that would be targeted this way of the fortunately we are facing the video to start all of those a crisis since i yeah, i was found this of the 75 years ago. the b notice for the journalist in the columns for i've been killed. i really exercise your seat on this new accountability for these killings, no investigations. and this latest arrest,
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i paid a little late fare reset journalist in gaza face. but also what we see here is, uh is because of is preventing, well, my understanding what is happening right now. it is particularly this is what is happening in the hospital. as of these, the situation is not only the lice and the well being of journalists floor on the ground volumes of the stories, but it is also, as i say, preventing, uh, an audio still around the world of accessing issues about what is happening on the balance and gosh, right, and your point very much in this is illustrated by what we're hearing. i mean, so far as to hear that is ready forces. i have also destroyed broad costing vehicles of press crews, which were at our chief a hospital in gaza. i believe the hospital was a base for john is uh, 2 reports uh, throughout israel's war on the gaza strip. i mean, that's a very blatant move,
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isn't it? to destroy the, the pro costing vehicles of press cruise. and it's a, it's a completely outrageous rules and say, if used to be a serious task, i guess certainly the safety, but also on privacy given the ability of reporters to cover this, or as you know, as already mentioned, this is, these are easily, it is that it is a we have seen a huge number of times on trying to us over the course of this low, mainly because of it also of the wineries, including himself. this is the biggest turner was insane crisis, and we've seen you since i found the, i'm really, really need a more surprising national actors. israel eyes to say here is a, as a journalist to say he needs to be protected. they need to be investigations for all types of or, or for all the rest of generally the incidence. and that is that,
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so i'm gonna transfer you to stop and decided that the quality of the lease you smile and, and to sort of this as possible for his safety as well. be as low as griffin you so much for speaking to us, the about the circumstances around what's happened to all just their agendas is mount ogles. thank you. the, the, the european union says vladimir puritans re election for 5th time in russia has been based on repression and intimidation. the president hailed his election victory, which puts him on close to be the longest, subbing russian leda in moving 200 years is when was largely seen as a full go. on conclusion, with none of the other candidates opposing his policies,
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all the war in ukraine. those to jabari has moved from mosca, as the russian president is going to be officially having his inauguration ceremonies later in may. and we expect his new cabinets to be selected shortly thereafter. now the, there isn't much expectation that they will be major changes in that cabinets, but there could be some ministers that could be at change. now what we saw from that and we approved in last night, after the results were announced, was a very confident president, very secure in his political future in this country. and of course, having received an overwhelming majority in record, turn out numbers in the country. and that will give him the one day to carry on as, but it's important to point out that his victory comes with no opposition present in the valid boxes. and according to independent monitoring, human rights groups in the country,
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at least $88.00 protesters have been arrested across russia during the 3 days of voting. that took place. so certainly a victory for vladimir putin and not so for those who wanted to see something different on developed i've gotten a strong says bucket stones f o, as has conducted as strikes targeting to if it's for the provinces and killing at least 8 people. telephone officials say the victims were women and children like holding it. a violation is often sovereignty. often forces have now carried out retaliatory strikes to was punxsutawney territory. north korea has testified several short range ballistic missiles. as america's top diplomatic visits, south korea. missiles flew around 300 kilometers before crushing into the sea of japan. south korea and ministry condemned the latest little interest as a clear provocation. everybody has agreed to pay
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a $178000000.00 to settle a lawsuit. bruce bonner started in taxi or braces, and dr. as i say, they lost the income when the us base company moved into the country. the supplement is, australia is 5th largest north. it was filed in 2019 on behalf of moving 8000 taxi drivers. it accused of breaking laws, requiring taxis and high costs to be license told as prime minister as vowing to do whatever you can to tackle a pollution in the north of the country and join cloud of has it a smoke has been created by far as far as and farm is settling the line, the blaze for crop clearance. tourney chang reports. haley. cope to help us in the haze. over lake in northern thailand, filling its tanks. it takes off to fight the forest paws that have filled the with smoke. but the real problem is here, slash and burn farming across the low and become region. but the cool and harvested
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the dried stokes and stubble of such a light. the remains piled back into the carpets. i can save a lot of money by budding. what is left over? whatever is left, we make a good foot, eliza, for the land, and the land can be used right away. this the fuss spreads clouds of accurate smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m. 2.5, that's poisoning yet must been take what's happening in this field? a, multiply by 10000 in thailand, laos, cambodia. and then uh, it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy. been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines. jail time, hope both but enforcement is rare and offers no tentative solution for the farm is to handle the waste. and targeting farm is does little to discourage the huge
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agricultural businesses using the cone is livestock feed to fung. i'm, i agree the big companies have, she has some responsibility. but if things changed to suddenly, palm is, will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50 percent despite hazardous at quality rating and many points of the government's failure to posit clean air act accusing as a banking in collusion with ty companies as input cooling from around the region, opinion being the tip on it. so here we have to have most strict laws when it comes to implementation to place those big companies don't have to pay taxes. the shows that the governments on the same side as the big corporations and companies have. i mean to have the time the people of northern thailand now live in a place, an atmosphere that leads to multiple health problems. an early death, a constant blanket of gray white cloud,
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where even the sun struggles to break through tony chung owl to 0, checking my northern thailand. okay, that fit for me for this, for this and for now, i'll be back at the top, fill in just a few moments to stay with us. the of the it's feeling more like june in the us pacific northwest cobra one. so let's begin there with the good stuff. 24 degrees in portland, full on sunshine here looking good across western canada and the canadian prairies as well. temperatures are also shooting up across the state of california. same goes for colorado as well. just the other day. denver headed the biggest fit start of the seas and 60 centimeters in the city. and now the big melts, going on with temperatures at 13 degrees. different story in the east lake effects
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know for the great lakes here, including toronto. i'd be surprised if new york gets into double digits, and then i think blizzard conditions for that western side of canada's newfoundland, and labrador. providence. northerly wind, has certainly freshen things up through the us call states that cooler is poring over the us. call states through the gulf of mexico, running into ne mexico were once again. we could see some big hailstones here as a result, still this warm breeze blown across the caribbean. so for hunters is capital to goose a gal for $3435.00 degrees on monday. still thunder shower sparked into the northern part of brazil here, but i got to take this south. if this were a heat wave alerts have expanded into southern brazil, temperatures running a good 5 degrees above average and these storms around the river plate likely to be severe. dropping some hill i'm counting the costs come. the conservative supplements 2024 budget windows are
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purchased by egypt. i'm not finance of dollars in loans and investments will not fix the country's economy and but going is roughly taking descriptive currency. they can come by counting the cost on the houses era the the, the hello, i'm money inside. this is the new sound life coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any forces arrest um vsoft analogy is there a journalist covering the siege of al schafer? hospital in golfing, the thousands of palestinians, a trump inside the hospital compound,
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which was rated on monday. famine is imminent in the northern parts of gaza. um there is


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