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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 18, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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we go like h, how we go to pay our rent for, for a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a green stone you case because we all receive london grown witness on a jersey to the israeli forces arrest and beaten al jazeera journalists covering the siege of all ship a hospital and gaza. the don't want me to put on them, and this is allergens here, live from. don't ha, also coming up is one has lost a series of very strikes around all ship, a ha specials, thousands of 1000 in subtract inside the compound. are you in batch monitor says famine as imminent in northern gaza and there's a risk of it across the entire strip. the
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gas suffering showed when we thought of the apply for one boy who's illness is getting worse because of the max of the a 1600 g m t. and we continue our coverage of as well as warn gaza. folks on the way here in doha with the am, find a consensus on a possible seas file. and while that's happening here as well, has kept office attacks on this trip. it's full store and they all ship a hospitably compound, beating and detaining algio, a journalist as mine on google, who was reporting on the as ready rate on i'll ship it early on monday along side his colleagues when he was dragged away by soldiers is really false. is also destroyed, satellite trucks used by tv, news crews joining us, the men to be protected on the international humanitarian. your all the, all just the media network has released
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a statement saying we demand the immediate release of all costs onto this line. i'll go and the journalist with him and we hold the occupation responsible for their safety. we confirmed that this target to involve correspondent as an attempt by israel to intimidate, joining us to prevent reporting it's crimes against civilians and gaza. be condemned the ongoing crimes against journalists and gaza, and renew on demand for them to stop immediately. without a couple of them, has more details from the alpha and southern gaza. a smile has been arrested by the just wait a minute to troops off to being approved, sally beaten by these very soldiers as they were storming as if thought medical facility use my. it was one of the for a minute, a just arabic correspondence who was completely covering all the latest update stuff on the ground in other parts of the territory as he has been going through really serious and gets us dropping human to terry and conditions. he has been arrested and the other night right alongside with
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a number of don't of us also who have been teaching and arrested according to our witnesses, it till now. it's not yet clear where they have been a, where it's man has been taken to even he, we don't know if he has been taken to undisclosed location, insight calls or has been taken to israel. the full investigation bought a tax id door to list on violations continues, as, as who was doing. this must be protected by the principles of the international humanitarian, low and isabel till now is to go on and advise relating visa principles. as we have been seeing multiple attacks on journalists, we have a number of edges there, of course, just a recruit being killed in different attacks as since the beginning of this conflict, more than 100. 30 power steering and journalists have been killed as the, as a part of them were what killed us. he was doing his job. others has been killed alongside with the family members without any prior warnings. and this is the reality here on the ground as isabel is trying to do its best in order to silence
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the palestinian narrative and also to justify its actions went home to follow up as an occupied east. jerusalem was the latest one. is there any authorities, a response from these really military about beating and detaining as a z? the arabic reporter assign a who these rarely army did. however, release a number of statements once this military rate began on civil hospital and its surrounding area. initially, these really army spokes person daniel got, he had said that this was a small and targeted operation and that there was no need for evacuation of the medical facility. however, in the surrounding neighborhoods, there were evacuation flyers and we flips that were dropped on palestinians in that area. the is really army also said that one is really soldier was killed in what they called intensive fire fights with him as fighters on the hospital grounds. now
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these really army is alleging that they have precise intelligence and information about something, which is why they rated the medical facility. this is a story we've heard from these really armies several times before, claiming that the hospital is being used for something hum, us related, and then reading the medical facility and not giving us answers or evidence as to why they drew those conclusions. this happened initially back in november in the 1st rate on a civil hospital when these really army was claiming for months it's not yours that how much was using it as their headquarters and primary military facility. but still to this day, no proof of that either. and so has been the case for several other medical facilities across the goals. districts that have been rated by is really forces. this is before 3 on a ship, a hospital since the war began in october. solvents of displaced palestinians, patients and all the stuff are main trapped inside all ship
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a hospital. he has more from thought a couple of them on the siege. one smith is very forced to surround the she felt hospital in garza city trapping. so thousands inside the mask were now besieged inside. i'll chief a hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospital's courtyard. down as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting for ramadan is ready. palms fil, near the hospital. video shows those in a desperate state from the compound and the thought of these other people. these readings are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move. so we want
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to stay home. she thought is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's schultz or for thousands of displaced palestinians taking century from as well as for the hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which ladies that was being used . how must command center because the health ministry came down to these very assault, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospital stuff. patients, the displaced insight, the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and using fabricated narratives to just to find the actions, sorry, capacitive algebra roof. so regardless, meanwhile, the use foreign policy chief joseph bought out his condemned as well as military offensive and gaza, saying it's turning the territory into a graveyard gas. it was before the world, the greatest, open the page. today's the greatest openness, great,
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great job for tens of thousands of people and also a graveyard for many of the most important principles of humanitarian famine as imminent in northern gaza. that's according to the global body monitoring famine on what's known as the integrated food security phase. classification over $200000.00 palestinians will face starvation within the next few months. latoya gates and beaver pools. in garza, whether it's little food available, you take what you can find boils up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last, well, while i work over the world, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread. it they elsewhere a rough or a mother mix is crushed, biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter in to get them in. so it was done . so yeah, it wasn't before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i
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can't provide d as well. i used to give her high energy biscuit, but we can't afford them. does it? the neonatal intensive care unit to get morality, hospital st, increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most opposed with breathing problems. so we placed them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week that they be with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing and extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition, and 2 people in $10000.00 to dine each day due to starvation. the ip see once simon is imminent in northern gaza,
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including any time between now and may unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january, the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, tragically small, still bump this most still born babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the, by again the mount friction, the hydration, and the complication. the un says the catastrophic levels of tongue, the demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived about leslie, then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. if not from the missiles, then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinian type, the ip sees warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation
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. victoria gay to be out using clued in those with existing illnesses, are the greatest risk of starvation parents and doing everything they can to save them. but it's often enough enough. stephanie decor reports the signs of starvation . a hard to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. mama cover my body, he cries. the more is health of the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed and the model of the small cystic phase suffering from cystic fibrosis, which is stick mucus. on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and
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strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north in system of my child's health condition has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital, he has been living on solutions just to survive or his mother shows us by the before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child. just slightly reluctant, done, sir. not recognizable now. aside, these being treated injured by. yeah, in the north of the gaza strip ages recently started trickling in after months of nothing misstep about them to hold on to the most part of guys. this trip has been denied the entity or any of the lease. am i the name lead medical supplies, coupled with the state of starvation from bob and has resolved these conditions are exacerbating like that to affect more than 20 children died as documented because
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of many attrition. what we want the situation, what gets worse as our basin is rabbit, doing the population in the more it is some of the united nations in february warrants that one quarter of goes, this population was one step away from immune and simon agencies say they have all the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings and that needs to be done. now. this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker or g 0. early i spoke to christopher lawn care, who's the secretary general of the doctors without borders. he's in delphi and explained how the organization has been impacted by the is our ability to operate in the, in the gaza strip is really without president in terms of a complicated nature providing humanitarian assistance in a, in
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a situation of continual, bombardments. i know this with a population that is under siege. assess doctor's up order is way used to working in conflict. so it is, but really the risk that our teams are under uh, less than your colleagues and their families is really extraordinary. you have, you had to reduce either the size of your teams or what the able to do because of the risk of, of facing. and again, what does, what does that mean to and for the social services that they provide? what seems to be moving around the goal is a strip to be able to, if i may be able to provide even the most basic elements of medical outcome of the community from hospital to hospital. and we're very lucky to have a very, very committed group of palestinian staff who are wanting to ensure that we can continue the health services throughout all of these deplorable conditions. you say that you're terms of a moving from hospital to hospital. i know that they haven't looked at al shift by
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your teams, haven't worked at all chip, a hospital per se. but what is your reaction to the full attack on what is causes largest health care facilities since the world? again, all health facilities are protected on the international humanitarian law. health facilities are a place where people go for desperate assistance and the most critical moments of the, of a lies on all health facilities should pretty protective. reset this before and we're going to keep saying it's the still ahead on ours is there a day off to his election victory? let him if susan is set to mock 10 years since rushes annexation of crimea will be live and most of the route to you by visit capital. a. welcome to your world's weather update. lots of active other for india has to do with these breathes of the been goal here,
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a sparking showers mouth to protest chat, his car, jock con edition westbank, all state. that's really where the bulk of the action will be looking fine in the west of the country. and for buckets done, it's quiet for now. but how does stare so far this season? in same province, i wouldn't be surprised over the next day or so. sun spots in same province get up to 40 degrees. it's also been hot in southern thailand to continues to cut it 37 degrees, but the showers in storms across indo. china will help qual, the heat here. just not in southern thailand, just yet shows also work their way across central in southern china and they're now school new ways. so sunshine is coming through this, allowing temperatures to come up right from the yellow river valley down to the pearl river valley. different story though, for japan, we're talking about snow still for northern hunt. you island snow storm alerts and play the highest level alerts here. because by wednesday we're in that se sick of this is the winds are coming and just the right direction here. so expect to see some snow on the mountain tops of punch you and who kind of island. so let's go
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back to this part of southeast asia. we've still got our usual showers and storms across java island, but not looking as bad as it has over the last few days. see you later. the weather brought to you by visit castle, stripped from it switches and left with a toxic legacy. when you teach, they use a for get people from lake oswego, new things, and the people in power meet the inhabitants still fighting suggested wait. i took the lead and think and for the money it went home. i didn't think dave insensitive applicants like people, people the sacrifice them on a tuesday or the
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the challenges they are made as of a put on and or how reminder about top stories. the saw is really military has beaten and detained. algio, a journalist is fine on google inside all ship, especially in gaza. he was supposed him on the is there any rate with his colleagues when he was dragged away? is riley forces also destroyed satellite trucks used by to be used for this is randy military rate is also in the hospital in the early hours of monday, thousands of style patients and displaced alice demands inside the compound. thousands of people have been detained and then you went back to fulton to the food closets and also says, simon is in until the middle of and the entire territory is on the thread. the found review committee says they will be 7, 5 may unless there's a ceasefire. us present joy bite and has held
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a phone call with his very positive to benjamin netanyahu. is the 1st conversation between the 2 since the senate majority leader, democrat to talk sure the code for elections and as well and said nothing. yeah. who is an obstacle to piece that speak to our correspondence. patsy called her and she's joining us live from washington dc. and reports to, to discuss humanitarian assistance to gauze apache. and yes, obviously that is a huge concern for the, by the ministration they've been conducting. those air drops their plans to build appear so that they can get aiden by ship, but they will continuously say that's not going to be enough that they need to have the leverage, especially from israel into northern guys are reopened. so we do, we have been able to confirm that the phone call did take place. we're waiting for read out. those are usually pretty vague just talking about the areas like humanitarian aid. but then most of the time is the coming hours after that, the white house will start leak in the details of the call that they want the public to know about. now what we don't know is this,
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those was in the president's president joe biden's words a come to jesus, conversation your member of the state of the union. he was overheard. and mike, from talking to a democratic senator, and he said he told prime minister not benjamin netanyahu a go be that it was time for come to jesus conversation. so and then as you mentioned, chuck, she said they are chuck schumer, who's the highest ranking, jewish leader in the us government. he did make that statement, which president biden called a good speech. so obviously the very high tensions between president joe biden and prime minister netanyahu, they've made it very clear. he actually says the president called it a red line that israel's to not invade rafa unless it has a some sort of process for getting the people out of there. but uh you the white house, as they haven't actually seen any sort of plan as of yet the other. increasingly, the whitehouse is increasingly using stronger language to describe as well as conduct and gaza. but what can, or rather,
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what does the us willing to do to put pressure on israel, patchy, and so far? nothing. if you think about what the us has done, they've really protected israel to united nations on the world stage. they've been studied and bombs and missiles for the iron don't system that protects the is really a people. so they have a lot of leverage, but they haven't shown that they want to use it. so they haven't made moves at the u. n. that would have really put pressure on israel. they have it to our knowledge, stop sending them bombs and the president job. i did say that he would never take away the missile self defense, those sorts of things. but they didn't say that there wouldn't take away offensive weapons, and there really has been a move from some democratic senators to involve what's called the humanitarian law . any country that is blocking humanitarian aid, the us can legally stop sending them weapons. there's been calls from other
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democrats to stop funding. the is really military. don't forget, the israel gets a almost $4000000000.00 every year. and the president asked congress for 14000000000 more. so they have all of these lovers of power in israel, but so far they have not even hinted that they're ready to use that as you thank you very much for that. that is a patchy called haines. the bully knows so far about that conversation between president biden and fondest enough in yahoo. or the european union says that imitations re election for a system in russia has been based on the depression and intimidation. the president hailed his election victory, which puts him on cost to be the longest $7.00 russian. nita and more than 200 years has when was largely seen as a full going conclusion, with none of the other candidates opposing his policies or the warrant ukraine. the u. fall and policy chief says pollutants. victory is meaningless. what they want to dissipate, this has not been to the fat elections, no sea of service, you know,
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highly restricted and vitamin position and before them optical they what i can say . but more than that, these are the extra as being base and refreshing, an intimidation and being held onto your canyon. also by category violating ukrainian or russian president says he doesn't care about outside opinions. even though, because of that, you look at them, we can see, due to when they we've many tasks ahead of us. but when we're consolidated, i think it will become clear to everyone that no matter how much they want to intimidate us, the much a who or how much they want to suppress a will and consciousness. no one in history, as i've already said, as ever succeeded. anything of the sorts, presuming it's not with now and will not work in the future. i never knew thousands of people when most goes red square to mark the 10th anniversary of russia's amex
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ation of crimea from ukraine. well, president vladimir putin is now addressing the crowd. comment is recognized as part of your client by most countries. but it's a strategic prize that provides bush's navy wide access to the world chief has repeatedly attacked bases. this seems to solve for brushes, full scale invasion of ukraine 2 years ago in this car live to julia shop. a lot of what she is and most close, verizon would be looking at pictures of a big concert in red square, usually a mocking 10 years since the russian annexation of crimea. what's the mood in moscow today? that's right. well, the mood to it and not show people actually go buy that business. but as you say, this massive concept is taking place right now in red square where set thousands of students and states employees have been invited. and as you mentioned,
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the regiment patient is addressing the audience right now. and a saying that's crime is no totally strategically important to have a tree, but also also crime. it is, it's people, and those people have never divided themselves with russia. right now, luxury patient is addressing the audience and obviously the speech of co and sided with his overwhelming victory in the presidential election and the 10th anniversary of course of the re unification of crime. it and russia, that's how it's cold in russia. so in the meantime, the 2 chambers of the russian parliament display do my, on the federation council wont to invalidate the transfer of crimea to ukraine, which took place back in 1964 according to authorities based on an adult says in 1954 and do they will be then so that link that in to keep it crucial,
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had no legal rights and closed quote in numerous damage to the silver rights of russia and the interest of the russian people. okay, junia, and as you said, an overwhelming collection victory. so due to the election that ended on sunday overwhelming get completely expected. so how is the kremlin portraying this victory? well, the criminal is pull training. it is b as b p polls a big tree because b, b legible, pitching leisure, and patient support was absolutely overwhelming. because he has one with the 87.2 percent of the vote, and the crime name shows patients victory as a massive acts of support from the nation. and of course like jimmy page. and i had spoken a also about his victory and he's science,
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all of his support says, and right now when we see him speak at the a to read square because said, and that's the way he addresses the nation. that's the way he communicates with the nation. on at 10 years ago, he gained his unprecedented support as well and popularity when he announced that crimea became part of russia and the russian people was so proud of it and so is pied but, and the people imply me there also seem to share the same mood stuff now 1010 years life. so we can see that this movie is this smooth is changing because there's too many people who really like the idea to the part of russia. but how does that mean that they, that waiting for ukraine to return to the thank you very much for that you and your shop a lot of and live in moscow for the 1st time and more than 7 years as a chinese foreign minister as visiting new zealand seen as an important test of
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trade and diplomatic ties. as adrian brown report from wellington, the visit comes against a backdrop of concern about china is growing influence of the south pacific. a long use visit was idly confirmed 5 days ago. his welcome from new zealand is foreign minister. winston pizza is one of the few events open to the media building. no news conference. peter says, china is new zealand, most important and complex bilateral relationship in poland because china is new zealand because trading pop now complex because new zealand, a united states ally is concerned about china spreading influence across the pacific. the complexity is how do we manage relations with a very different political power in a way where our interest is still meant? another fiction point usually lives interest in joining a new security packed between the united states, australia and britain,
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bonus orcus, china as well. and using the joining would put their relations at risk. the most important part of one use trip will come later this week when he visits australia, where a political debate is deepening about how to respond to china is growing ministry power in the asia pacific region. so i think the priority for china is obviously stabilizing the relationship with a stray to which over the last sort of 56 years has really had a number of different issues to the point where, you know, high level communication between the strategy and, and chinese government's was, was blocked for, for a good number of time. it's 10 years since these eden signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership with china. since then it's exports to china have doubled. china is ambassador said recently, he hopes that trade continues to flourish. china spans ready to work with new zealand on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefit not interfered and seeming shop in each of those internal affairs.
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and constructive management of differences like is pete assess, is using as prime minister cuz just locks and most tried to strike a balance between his country's security alliance with the united states and its lucrative fate. partnership with china, adrian brown, al jazeera, willing to have got his thoughts as pockets phones air force is conducted as strikes targeting to events for the provinces and coming at least 8 people. it's all about officials say the victims of women and children. they cool and get in violation of background, sovereignty of going full, so, so now carried out retaliatory strikes towards pockets. donnie touch tree obeyed the behaviors of that chunk mixture. at the american university of gone gone, he says that the cycle of violence could spiral out of control. i think it's important to have a highlight that about finding a far keys clean that
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a specific ttp come under named up the deluxe. how was the target for the attacks? we've seen the positive on authorities a deny.


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