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tv   NEWS 30min  ALJAZ  March 18, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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language to things, how was his reappearance effect may bring your brain and the persecuted minorities within the slovak republics, borders? honestly, i have to say that i met for a robot. yeah. the return of itself on just the israel's raised on l shape a hospital and goes on hospital stuff. patients and the space palestinians, or sheltering inside the compound, the hello i'm associated, hey and this is out of their life from the also coming out. is there a journalist is my goal has just been released by is there any forces officer they beat and detained him? well, covering that range on i'll shoot for hospital the
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yes as, as well, which is a more air rates across the strip causing yet more depth. nearly does he choose 1000 palestinians have now been killed since sometimes. now you and back to melissa, it says common is imminent in northern garza and there was a risk of it across the entire garza. the oh is really for says remain inside. i'll schafer hospital after launching the 4th raid since the will and also began. also shelling and shooting inside the complex. we understand the troops and outgoing room to room, detaining people at sheltering inside. many who have been detained had been blindfolded, and their hands have been tied. is there any forces, say 20 people were killed in that stage, but have produced no evidence that none of her loss went inside the building.
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taurus i wasn't thinking coverage on the siege. one smith is very forced to surround the she felt hospital in garza city. dropping thousands inside the mask were now besieged inside. el cheapo hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now their intense clash is going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate there, shrapnel, falling all over. the hospitals courtyard down as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting for ramadan is very fond spell near the hospital. video shows those ends in a desperate state from the compound and the thought of either of these readings or shelling in an around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move,
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so we want to stay home. she thought is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's a show for thousands of displaced palestinians taking st trees from as well as for the hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which police that was being used. how must command center claim? isabel retreated during the slightest operation. tell us the officials deny the accusations. our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone specified training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a voice against some us, not against the people of gauze. we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind see garza health ministry can dump these video salt, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospitals, stuff patients,
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the displaced insight, the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and of using, fabricated narratives to justify the actions, sorry capacity, which is 0. rough off. so regardless, the whole this, as israel continues its relentless fund, baldwin's as the gauze of stripped in gauze. the city not far from i'll see if a hospital is rarely strikes tom, cuz his residential buildings, cutting several people on the social reef went to the scene of one of those late to strikes and a warning. his report does contain some disturbing images. lately i need to be sure to get out, come into another wave of straight cutting out, but really will please come across the city. this time on july, the short while ago artist additional building on the sword was dust and smoke is still rising. the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get the gross to
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document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and drums as being hovering above our heads up. i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these really will clean the scale of damage is mess it doesn't. so people walk you devin smallwood engine. we're trying to get closer to the target. the residential building, as you can see here is one of the victims case as a result of the s drive, a young golf residence and neighbors are using their bare hands to try and pull up the victims from under the rubble. they have managed to recover one victim. there is no medical assistance or civil defense in the area surrounding of chief. the hospital has been besieged by these really patient forces, no unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas. as we go up to me, another wave of instruct spotted sharpness is pointing on. no,
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i hit another residential building was targeted to there has been in the e d. s. straight since monday morning. lived with one wave of to another. then i'll get some more presidential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see, the victims, most of the women and children now, they have closed their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the destroyed period. for god's sake, i have no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you. know i'm them is there is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning. this is really we're playing something packet. the number of presidential building one. no medical help countries the same as the is really a patient for since i've been leading sick to the in the area surrounding the i'll
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she for medical complex. they have no stump the hospital and the thing the medical stuff in sight. i'm at the sherry deal. medina and women will be speaking to home to sell hood. she's standing by for us and occupies choice. and that 1st let's get more from tara otherwise there. and he's in rough on and southern garza heart, the, the destruction was saying that it also city is incredibly profound, but i want to start with what's happening with lc for right now. what do we know about that ongoing rate? the yes. so tell you the situation initially for hospital is getting more difficult as the is where the military forces that so the least on medical facility on the intense fire cover from the fight to just which it managed to carry out multiple strikes at the same time where the is where the maneuvering trips were raging different departments and having tasha's with a palestinians fighters according to is really media reports saying as a,
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the is very minute treat tony and how to put a cleat target from that precise military operation. has that been saying to eliminate each one of the top officials and how much administrative interior a run a government's here, which has been also responsible for coordinating and securing humanitarian supplies . deliveries in coordination with palestinian tribes. here is another part of the cars and the, the, the situation sounds really tight as i, this is the, on the ground. tough being describing it, being to your tech as the gates of the hospitals being destroyed, the yards had been also being critically damaged along side with different departments inside the hospital. where according to the is where the military spokes best and 200 pa, the city has happened. arrested by the is very forces the and well, let's not get the views from occupied east jerusalem and speak to him the saw hundreds. um, let's go to honda because i want to understand what these really is. the thing about that rage on our she for that we've been hearing about from tarik of
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the will. these really army has been releasing multiple statements throughout the day of 1st when the rates start in saying that they have precise intelligence about potentially somehow mass military activity in and around the hospital saying that they launched what they're calling of targeted and precise operation. this is the 4th raid on a ship, a hospital since the war began. then most notably back in november in the 1st is really a tax on the medical facility. the army had claimed, but how much was using the medical facility as a military headquarters and command center claims that still to this day have not been proven. the army is still operating in the ship, a hospital and the army has said that one is really sold or has been killed and exchanges a fire with palestinian fighters. we've seen these really army repeatedly rate medical facilities across the gaza strip alleging behind us is using them for
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military purposes. but again, these claims so far have not been proven. we were saying i have the, the feels like interesting timing. do we have a sense of how this might affect the tools that are meant to be happening here and all or will, according to anonymous sources speaking to is really media. they're saying that the talks are not exactly heading in the right direction, giving more of a pessimistic kind of you to them. the united states itself has said that the talks are quote, more elusive than they had hoped they would be. and these anonymous is really sources are saying that this is because of a lot of the international pressure that's been on israel. that's been mounting for months on end. because of the way israel has been prosecuting this war. you're looking at nearly 32000 palestinians who been killed with an impending ground invasion instead of law for more than a 1000000 and how, how stands are seeking refuge. so there's a lot of criticism from across the board,
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especially from allies like the united states and germany. so while these talks are still ongoing, is really sources say they're not yet close to a deal o continue watching those holes very closely. indeed for you. um that sounds like there with the latest from occupied east or some. thank you, honda. well, i'll just share a john, this is not i'll go or has just been released by his really forces off to being held for some 12 hours. he was beaten and detained earlier on monday by these really is really ministry. while he was covering that raid on i was chief a hospital i'll just hear it has spoken to is small since his release. and he told us that these really minute re stripped him and all the john, this blindfolding them with their hands tied. the whereabouts of his smiles team is still unknown as john list a meant to be protected on the international humanitarian angel of more on this. let's go back to talk about was in the for us and rough topic. what do we know about how is smart is right now, where is he?
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yes. in fact, a smile is this too. in garza city, as he had been released by these very forces of being detained for 12 hours in which he had been stripped down and had been also personally beaten by the as with the soldiers, he has been reporting about terrific testimonies that he had been on conditions he had been going through because of the value storming of, as you felt most of it. so he has been saying that a to the hospital has been widely ravens and inflicted with a key damage rate close by. these really build those, those um pallets returns which have stormed the facility and the out of the hospital alongside that they have destroyed victims that had been allocated for doing this in order to live and also to sleep. and additionally, as man has been doing that, he had been also had coughed and like folded a have a for loop hours as the majority of people inside the hospital had been
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investigated by these very so just all of this just happens in life of the is really on getting didn't solely the military campaign in which joined the list where we're completing that intake, written parts of that as more than $150.00 list have been killed since the beginning of the conflict i'm. it's also, i'm going to say collections on preaching of the human eye of international humanitarian. lo, by israel for doing this tool must be protected by such principles and mainly as well as in the same time continues to prevent. foreign don't understand correspondence from having access to the receipts in place to report about the latest developments on the ground and at the same time, continue to arrest, kill, and also go was an, a terrible sufferings, suffering for the majority of journalists who have been attacked and killed alongside with the family members, and some of them had completely become unable to return back to us because of the unrelenting, bombardments. well, thank you. topic of was a nephew or
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a forcing from the ground for us in rough and southern cause and thanks time the hall, simon is imminent in northern gaza. that's according to the guy with buddy and monitoring, fallen under what's known as the integration fruit security phase classification. some more than $200000.00 palestinians will face television within the next few months. think troy gave me takes him in garza whether it's little food available. you take what you can find boiled up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last, well, while i work over the world, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread they elsewhere a rough or a mother mix is crushed, biscuits with milk and water to feed her, do to get them in philadelphia it wouldn't before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide d as well. i used to give her high energy biscuit,
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but we can't afford them. does the neonatal intensive care unit to get morality? hospital st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most opposed with breathing problems. so we placed them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week that they be with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing and extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition, and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see one's famine is immune into northern garza and could occur any time between now and may
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unicef estimate 23 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january, the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small, still bunk beds most still born babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the by again the most recent, the hydration, an a complication, the u. n. says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived. leslie then me at the gauze. this trip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration, a palestinian type. the ip sees warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria day to be out using stella head here on to 0.
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31. the tops run dry engine. how does that set off against government claims? climate change locals have another culprits in mind? the . the weather brought to you by visit capital, tropical sites or mega is made alarm full in northern charge in the southern gulf of cafeteria. and it'll keep moving land, obviously producing something as it goes. the wind is not much of a bulk of the rain across. we'll hang around as thoughts for quite a while. this to rain in western australia, this persistent line up as heavy as it was. but still bringing rain but rather more active change i think is his cold front as currently. so he agrees in melbourne is a front of moves through that so that he will draw. you've got
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a team full cost on wednesday. it's about 21 on thursday. so it's fairly cold day, which means that the storm systems probably have storms, that's where it is on the wednesday, but behind to the, the cold was to maintain that and in the sunshine, but by night, no sunshine, we get quite cold camera down to about 5 degrees well below, right should be quite looking weather in new zealand for wednesdays, just sunshine with temperatures and the high teams could be better, could be worse enjoyable. i would think the se ation punitive cheryl's around some big ones returning to some i'm pretty big ones. returning to, for example, thailand, make it a little bit cooler than it was, but it's not affected. still how not reco, breaking the health, but still to the site and maybe surprising a return of significant winter weather for the crate in financing and japan. the weather brought to you by visit costume, unique perspective that is done is one of the most the 3 just example of abuses of
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human rights and environmental injustices on heard voices, luxury to young people. i know for russia, they're like any other people from any other country. we want to really connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere. we have to be able to educate ourselves to be able to identify what is freedom and what is enough to stream on algebra. the welcome back to watching out a 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl is really ministry rate is the chief of hospital in the early hours of monday. thousands of displays palestinian stuff and patients on inside that compound and thousands of people have been
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detained. i'll just, they were gentlest as while ago has just been released by is really forces after 12 hours in detention. he was beaten area on monday 5. these randy men treat as they rated to the hospital and also see chips also destroyed satellite trucks used by television, news to us presidents or by them has told, has rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the only thing around invasion in russell would be a mistake. not phone conversation comes amid increasing frustration from the white house on top democrats or the homeless know who is conducting the war. on garza, at least one and a half 1000000 palestinians sheltering a rough optimal in 5 months of fighting. even as fighting becomes increasingly critical of nesting, yahoo, it's still unclear what consequences as well as leaving white face. if you define is the warnings from the white house, patrick, how has moved from washington dc as he was pretty clear, the take any sort of major operation to ruffle, would be
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a red line. that would imply that there be some sort of consequences, even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor, jake sold it and he came out to brief reporters after the call between the president and these really prime minister. and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there are more than a 1000000 people who fled there, and they basically have nowhere else to go. is the most of the major cities are just destroyed. and israel's now presented the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do, which is if it tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're going to move them, how their way to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the gaza strip isn't rubble. so this, he says, sullivan said at the president's urging. these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it'll either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her mouth without
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a major ground operations. and that they expectation is that they are will not be a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know, we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister for getting more and more aggressive, even if his staff tries to walk it back in. we know that he was on mike what on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with bb. uh, that's what he calls present mister benjamin netanyahu and come to jesus. that usually means you to sit down and sort of lay down the law and it doesn't say what kind of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it, we don't know. oh, joining me again. it's time i come here to you as an assistant professor of public policy at the doe institution for graduate studies. come in, let me present,
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not question to you. and where is the red line for the us? is there any point at which they decide to stop? i'm sure. um, shipments a massage a i'm not sure exactly what is that i'd like to because uh on, on, on the phone conversation that took place between by the now. now i mean lift me to pick him up with the press statements and he said that we as us so there's a lot of some committed to the same goals that indication of him as missing the captives. and the guys that will never be a threat to get to disagree with the police should not pro piece or. ringback maybe she ations or creating up as soon as they develop the student's name. but to within this part of that, and now we have an input agency teamed up as being uh, sort of sending to washington to discuss the fact that kind of to, you know, punish and aspects of the pollution in the drop off. so i don't think that is that a line there is a warranty? open embarrassment. so the us ones this to be a,
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a quick and less embarrassing offensive and rough or a different world contact list and commit to the singles. well then let me ask you how much, far, and pressure, especially from the us, how much is that actually influenced the talks for instance of that happening here . and i don't see evidence of affording pressure, and these are a lot of so just disagreements on the house. how to conduct this minute to petition . we see motor pressure to not, but i should like, you know, we see motor volcom statements, event statements coming from data pinson joseph, but it has been very vocal lately, but again, it's tough being met. the last 3 of the shuttle actions or sensors, let's say, against the against these ladies would not do its own without on the states unless everyone have reached a point where they want to wireless wash that hands and say, well listen, what we're saying, everything that needs to be safe, but really not pressure to use it because it's not us, but it hasn't. i'll put a hand there just disagreeing on the tactics. because i think they have all these
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parties, especially the administration and disadvantages that committed themselves to these rules. and if that is correct, it would be as soon as the seats are subject to the for these ladies. and this is what nothing else comes with. it's not active to visit any public. when he says, i'm the only one who's capable of resisting any pressure coming from the us. i know how to handle the americans. definitely to with my job. so it seems he's not really under pressure. so embarrassments upon embarrassment to so the americans time i come rich, thanks for joining us again here, and i'll just share my pleasure. while moving on to some of the news now and thousands of people have gathered in moscow's red square to mazda 10 found a vast array of rushes annexation of columbia from ukraine. the new crowd sung the russian national anthem and nearly re elected president settlement fusion, held what he called the return of the territory to russian control. hi may i still
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recognize as part of ukraine? that's why most countries fonts, it's a strategic prize that provides the rest of navy wide access to the world. so to say it's, and the goal is to stick. i say it has renewable garcia. but as for don, box, people living there also declared their desire to return to their family. in the days of the russian spring, their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still we did it. and this is also a big event in the history of our state. one that expands however old, the death of 22 year old loss of meaning in the custody of around so called morales the police as unlawful and caused by violence. the fact finding mission says more than 550 people were killed as a result of the government's crack down on protests and responds to meetings, death that figured out in truth 68 children around the high council for human rights has dismissed the report. assigned and showed based on the
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examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that you know most of the news death was and i know for this and we believe that the state is responsible with our seasoned nigeria. i have confirmed that at least 87 more people, including women and children of dr. white and gun. it happened to the village and the northern kaduna state. local officials say 5 of the factories managed to escape from the captive. they have since returned to their homes. now this incident comes often with $1280.00 school children and stuff with kidnapped for run some earlier this month. so don't forget, hasn't post emergency measures including rationing to say water supplies, politicians, blame climate change and the heat waves from the shortage that some residents say it's poor management to blame. hardwood tests or reports from jobs back in the middle costs of up to hattiesburg,
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clean water is being lost to best pipe explicit say so that's what this commercial capital is losing 25 percent of clean drinking water through leaks. pots of the city can go for days and weeks without a drop to drink. we seeing the result of over 10 to 15 years of neglect and maintenance of our infrastructure. so from the pipes to waste water treatment works to pump stations. not enough money was being spent on the maintenance supplies, the old erotic, and poor and neighborhoods. and so it's a township one area kind of what talk while else way it's dry. the people with alcohol to us neighbors for help. we have to the bedrock to for tuesday was will i shouldn't go to school, have to call for them to do it after 5. so this is $545.00 and that will come to this. i believe nothing about is empty pockets. we have my laptop with
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a general election due in may frustration and anger. overstating public services is a big issue for voters, some and the say the governing african national congress could lead this parliamentary majority for the 1st time since a potted ended in 1994. business is also struggling with a water crisis. this is a restaurant in the community, and that's the only know over there. she says she con, operate to con was because there is no war to the taps in the area has been dry for about 2 weeks. and people in the area say they don't know when they'll get worse, or again, politicians say climate change and the recent, each wave ought to blank for the latest crisis. for many families struggling to get a live the central, that's not what they want to hear. how do we toss out of their janice? but thailand's prime minister is vowing to do whatever he can to tackle and pollution in the north of the country. forest fires and fama,
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assessing yolanda blaze for quote. karen's have created a habit of smoke and weaving problems. for many people has tony tangled thoughts. chung why has become one of the world's most polluted city? a highly cult to help us in the haze, overlay can know them time and feeling it's tang. it takes off to fight the forest pause the filled, the with smoke. but the real problem is here, slash and burn farming across the low me come region. but the cool and harvested the dried stokes and stubble of satellite. the remains piled back into the a carpet so i can save a lot of money by betting what is left over what it weighs left. we make a good foot, eliza, for the land and the land can be used right away. as the fire spreads, clouds of acrid smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m 2.5. that's poisoning the atmosphere to.


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