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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like this, this world to you believe, i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the color that i'm the saw the time. this is a new, the life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel, the rate on l shape a hospital goes on hospital stuff, patients and displays palestinians or sheltering inside to come out of the or john, this is not al. gore has been released by his really forces said beaten and detained him while he was covering that phrase on el she found the
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o this as israel launches more error rates across the strip, causing yet more clearly. so c, 2000 palestinians have been killed since of the type of stuff. and he went back to want to says, has found that as imminent in northern gauze and there was a risk of it across the entire stress. the also ahead, donald trump, is a he called raise the cash to appeal against a $464000000.00 fine fit and placing his wife and on piece of statement with your school to 2nd premium. the club is dr. points for right of a spending and took his club friend a bunch, a consider leaving the country talk lead offers play as a targeted by position fan. the is there any forces remain inside? i'll shoot for hospital off the launching a 4th rate since the war on gospel began. after selling and shooting inside the
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complex troops, we understand and outgoing room to run detaining people who have been sheltering inside. many who have been detained have been blindfolded. the hands of an tide. is there any forces say some 20 people were killed in the siege, but have produced no evidence that members of homos went inside the building. target boys it begins our coverage on the siege. one smith is very forced to surround the she felt hospitalized garza city dropping thousands insights. the mass were now besieged inside. el cheapo hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospital's courtyard down. as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting
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for ramadan is very fond spell near the hospital. video shows those ends in a desperate state from the compound and the pump. these ran, these are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilian sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets. and we do not wish to move, so we want to stay home. she thought is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's shields of thousands of displaced palestinians seeking st trees from as well as will. the hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which blazed it was being used. how must komatt center claim is spelled retreated during the slightest ration. tell us officials deny the accusations. our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. the all forces have 100 gone, specify training to prepare them for the sense that the environment and complex
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scenarios they may encounter a voice against some us. not against the people of gauze. we seek no harm to the civilians, the commodities hiding behind the guards. the health ministry condemned these very assault, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospital stuff. patients and the displaced insight. the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and using, fabricated narratives to justify the actions, sorry capacity and i will do 0 roughly. so regardless of this, as israel continues, it's really just bombardments of the gaza strip in garza city. not far from all she for hospital is really strikes targeted residential buildings. again killing several people on a such relief went to the scene of one of those rates of strikes and a warning has report task contains some disturbing images. and so i yeah,
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i mean probably the shuttle jeanette coming to another wave. it strikes getting out, but it's really well, please come across the city this time on july. the 11th, well, i'm a short while ago artist. the additional building on the sword was his desk. smoked is still rising, the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get close to document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and drums as being hovering above a head. and then i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these really war cleans the scale of damage is mess it doesn't. so people walk in that one's more engine. we're trying to get closer to the target. the residential building, as you can see here is one of the victims killed as a result of the s drive, a young golf residence and neighbors are using the bed to try and pull up the victims from under the rubble. they have managed to recover one victim. there is no
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medical assistance or civil defense of the inside area surrounding of chief the hospital has been besieged, but it's really a condition for so you know, unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas. as we love to me, another wave of instruct spotted shopping exponent. oh no, i hit another residential building was started to tell me there has been in the e d. s straight since monday morning. lived with one wave of to another that i get some more residential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see, the victims, most of the women and children, they have closed their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the district video for god's sake, i have no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake. where to go,
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where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you. know i'm them is there is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning. this is really well playing something packet. the number of presidential building wonderful, but no medical health countries. the same as the is really a patient for since i've been leading sick to the entire area surrounding the i'll she for medical complex. they have no stump the hospital and the thing the medical stuff in sight. i'm at the study of deal medina as well in a moment, a little girl lived with him to sell her to you standing by for us and occupied history. some 1st, let's speak to tarik. otherwise him, he's in rough and southern, gaza on the ground that targets don't with what's happening right now at all she for what do we know about what's going on inside the hospital? yes. in fact, the is where the military forces at the storm the medical facility and they have conducted a series of military operations and sides off to having classes with palestinians as they are trying to eliminate one of the top officials in the palace. then he
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administered interior room by most governments here and they managed successfully to eliminate him according to it's very immediate reports. and as is typically a situation, sounds really tied to the ground as, according to our witnesses, that they have been reporting that these very forces have stormed the gate destroyed. and they have a raised to the majority of 10. that's where i located doing it as an order to sleep and alongside. they have also carried out a mass arrest campaign where hundreds of palestinians have been arrested and being also driven to investigation by these very troops by 2. now the abutment and the facility over civil hospital continued did not stop where isabel had leveled to the crowd, a dozens of residential houses, all the vicinity of which she felt hospitable, alongside, also with destroying the cause in vehicles. doing this for using for transportation during the coverage. sorry to stay with me because i do want to ask you about some of the tensions of the hospital,
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but 1st i want to get the view from occupied east through some that let's speak to honda sounds good. what are you hearing from these really is about that raid on now she for what just see me ongoing right now or will that rage seemingly on going the ship a hospital, these really army releasing multiple statements throughout the day. the 1st one, the rate actually began in the early morning hours saying that they had direct sense, specific intelligence about what exactly they were targeting in the medical complex . additionally, saying that this was a top targeted and precise operation. the is really the army has said that one of their soldiers has been killed in exchanges of fire with palestinian fighters in the area. this is not the 1st time these really military has rated medical facilities across the gaza strip, incense and ship, a hospital, most notably was rated for the 1st time back in november when the is really army. had a ledge that chemist was using it both as
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a command center for their military headquarters and for other military activities . planes that have still not been confirmed, but these really aren't. he says that they do have some sort of intelligence in our targeting something specific in a rate that is still ongoing of this, our honda that is meant to be in his really delegation here in the office talks with him us. do you have a sense of how this raise it? i'll see you from what's happening on the, on the ground sound goals and might affect those negotiations. the all of his sources speaking to his really media have said that, that pressure is mounting on all fronts against his ro, meaning that the way is roles prosecuting this war is losing, in the court of public opinion. now the same sources are giving more of a pessimistic outlook on these negotiations in the united states has said this evening that they are quote, more elusive then they had hoped within negotiating teams for the united states and
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the mediator have said that they're continuing it to try to bridge those gaps of sticking points that seemingly both sides still have with these really negotiating team has said that they are not get close to a deal. i will continue following those talks very closely. indeed, honda sounds good for now and occupied these trees from thanks for me. well, i'll just hear john, this is not, i'll go, it has been released by is really forces off to being held for 12 hours. he was beaten and detained earlier on monday by the as really men at trey on. he was covering that rate on l. c. for hospital, under there has spoken to a smile since his release, and he told us and he is ready, military stripped him and all the john this blind following them and tying the hands of the whereabouts of his smiles team. i'll spell and i'm doing this. i'm meant to be protected on the international humanitarian law. let's go back to the heart of was there and he's been across this for us from rossa and southern cause of tara, what do we know about is smile and what happened? how is he right now?
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as well right now was smiling faxed off so i can texting him. he's fine. a reporting on her rustic circumstances. they have been subjected to because of the is very military right of she about hospital. he has been telling us that the situation was really critical as to we are forced to so written to um, to not even move inside this. she felt hospitalized the is by the special forces where is highly raging old apartments on the odds of the hospital where the majority of journalists, where he has been also reporting that they have been like folded and hung, coughed for 12 hours. then they were also taken to investigation as the is where the forces had subjected and also force. hundreds of families weren't trapped inside the ship out hospital to flee through the gates. that would be to stop list um at the rate of the hospital not to be able again to remain inside. and he also said that the number of admitted co teams had been also subjected to investigation
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. this is in fact what happened before and previously in old on previous a still means of history for a hospital. but right now it has been repeated were journalist. this done had been again targeted on what we're again being at one of the main focus of the is very mandatory comes that, you know, somebody has been also reporting about all the lights of genocide to attacks since the day one of the fighting until now it has been able to continue reporting despite all the ongoing efforts by the is very minute treat to silence the narrative of palestinians regarding telling the world about the truth and what also going on inside the territory within the past 24 hours as well. who is suddenly relieved that he has been released, power come was in there with the latest force from robert and southern gaza. thank you. time a us president or invited has told these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu, that the only thing around invasion on russell would be a mistake. that phone conversation comes to me in increasing frustration from the
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white house and top democrats or events. just toners and you know, who is conducting wrong cause at least one and a half 1000000 palestinians of sheltering a rough, often more than 5 months. fighting, even as president by them becomes increasingly critical. if nothing, yahoo is still unclear what consequences israel's leader would face if you define his warnings from the white house project on hand has moved from washington dc. it was pretty clear that the eddies sort of major operation to ruffle, would be a red line. that would imply that there be some sort of consequences even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor jake sold and he came out to brief reporters after the call between the president and these really prime minister. and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there more than a 1000000 people who fled there, and they basically have nowhere else to go. is most of the major cities are just destroyed. and israel's now presented the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do which is fit,
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tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're going to move them, how their way to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the gaza strip is in rubble. so this he says, sullivan said at the president's urging. these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it will either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her miles without and major ground operations. and that they expectation is that they are will not be a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know, we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister if we're getting more and more aggressive, even if a staff tries to walk it back. you know, we know that he was on mike was on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with bb. uh, that's what he calls private mr. benjamin netanyahu. an come to jesus,
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that usually means you to sit down sort of lay down the law and it didn't say what kind of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it, we don't know as hello joining me now. again, this time i come over and he's an assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies. time of inter is what is the relationship like now between by the nurse and yahoo. it feels almost like this. now he's been very keen to public key dismiss everything by his off depend and the sizes are correct. uh, and it seems like those are all against that. it's a bit, it's installation. but it's not the leading to the in a change in is that as behavior a small model of like you know, the americans are disappoint, disappointed by these ladies, come back that embarrassed by it. but at the same time. busy not able to reach to
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a point where the see for these of a is enough, is enough. the is that a line? we haven't reach to this position yet, and that's the problem. is there a red line? where is a red line? i don't think that was that had line because you don't all these concerns about the safety of the civilians. we have been here in the same rock, take the same stiffness, assess the concept of this war from which one the americans would say, well, please mind the civilians do something about it. he went ahead and quoted though it is a circular. now with a think the 7th month of this eh, genocide, the morning when they got the slip and nothing is happening, we haven't seen any of the change and is conduct. so now we have the last stage of the minutes operation. that the, like when it comes to major to administer the word for, i think the disagreement on the how not on the the end because most americans insane is they know that's something i was talking about. but they are in disagreement on how would it happen?
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and what course, i think the americans motive this i'm getting displayed is a delightful some costs, but they don't want to see 50000. maybe that. ok, with 5000 civilians or 10 thousands. and that's really the something. well, the of the big task from the u. s. has been around thing up as united hearing aid, right. and they wanted the, the land ford is open to again. but how's that now? we'll fall in by the way side of the building this post. and that's the bizarre thing, i'm the more the americans are frustrating, at least when it comes to statements on, on allowing more aids. is there a boost that's on a different direction? i mean, now we have reached a situation where everyone's screaming. simon simon simon, do you on the pins. ringback but everyone is screaming, i said this has to stop leverage to describe the conflict with. we see half of the population out is suffering from funding. but again, it's, it's nothing is changing that the problem is really nothing is changing. the thousands of books messing on, the borders and the americans. but with this throughout fabric moves, establish a port that is that's the needs weeks,
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weeks operate on it for sure. everyone knows that would only serve a provide limited a i mean, nothing kind of place. the board, the crossings because we're talking about 2.5, millions and no port wouldn't give this capacity. well, you were just mentioning the, the increasing pressure we've been seeing from the europeans hasn't made any kind of a difference at all that they have any leverage. it accused the pins, find the lead, the really becoming vocal, and angry and seeing what's describing what things are, what is what it is doing. but when it comes to using the leather is that he was not the place. i mean, you need to do something and states and that you to act to take positions along with such as germany, number one, france and italy. these because isn't that you, if they fix all the positions and stop using such as the you would follow. and that's how the you will put a dozen or just put it as is the 2nd step is not the point addition, the petitions have to pick a decision. the heads of countries and the fundamental discomfort is that the big
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physicians and it seems that we're slowly releasing a shift in that direction, but we're not quite there yet. so i'm gonna come or thank you for joining us again . the news out, as well, meanwhile, is rarely soldiers have a rest of at least $25.00 pad afternoons during the latest range and towns and cities across the occupied west bank. the day a refugee come south of bethlehem was also stormed. and one of the people, the change that is ronda, of whose jamie she was released during the seas find the exchange deal between loss of israel in november. and we're con, has more on those rates now from ramallah as well. that has been a major uptick in arrest and violence across the occupied west point since october 7th, 7655 people. happy the rest of since then taken away by the is right. the middle tree. sunday night into monday morning. no difference around $25.00, a rest, but i just want to bring to light. one is on rhonda, i will do me a, she's going to have shut refuge account the it's really been
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a tree and took note to the hub in the house the morning and her family said they were going to take up a 10 minutes for field interrogation they said they didn't do that, they took her away and an arbitrary b, which is being of truly held in administrative detention. and i'll tell you why also military person, it's just behind me over that we've got palestinians being held in those white buildings. so this is also what 240, promising and present as has been released in november as part of a captive present an exchange deal a sheet with one of them. but since then, 11 people have been, we rested in this where it strikes the heart of posting society. most people we've met have either been arrested or a family member arrested. so the time you say they are now waiting to hear a why she's being held in how long she might be held back in also the rock on out to 0,
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occupied westbank. the 4th are she's in nigeria. i have confirmed that at least 87 more people, including women and children, were abducted by on known gunman and happened at a village and the northern kaduna state. local officials say 5, if you have to use managed to escape the captive and have since return to their homes. this incident comes off to more than 200 a sheet school children and stuff with kidnapped for runs in early march. and last week, another 61 people was east, so don't forget has imposed emergency measures including rationing to save water supplies, positions blamed climate change and a heat wave from the shortage. but some residents say pool management is also to bring hardwood tests. a report from john is back in the middle, costs of, of, of,
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to help us with clean water is being lost to best pipe explicit say. so that's what this commercial capital is losing 25 percent of clean drinking water through leaks . pots at the city can go for days and weeks without a drop to drink. we seeing the result of over 10 to 15 years of neglect and maintenance of our infrastructure. so from the pipes to waste water treatment works to pump stations. not enough money was being spent on the maintenance supplies are also erratic in poor and neighborhoods. and so it's a township one area kind of what talk while else we, it's dry people with all 4 to awesome neighbors for help. we have to the best route to put choose the solution. we have to put it in a laptop. so this is the last 4 or 5 and our customer just have to wait and nothing about us. and the packets we have to do with the general election due in may
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frustration and anger. overstating public services is a big issue for voters, some and the say the governing applicant, national congress, could lead this parliamentary majority for the 1st time since a potted ended in 1994. business is also struggling with a water crisis. and this is a restaurant in the community, and that's the own over there. she says she con, operates yukon, was because there is no war to the taps in the area has been dry for about 2 weeks . and people in the area say they don't know when they'll get worse, or again, politicians say climate change and the recent detroit autoplay for the latest crisis. for many families struggling to get a live essential. that's not what they want to hear. how do i toss out of their dentist positions? and gambia are looking to overtime, a landmark bad on female genital mutilation. that was imposed back in 2015 and to
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remove legal protections from millions of girls and women. hundreds in support of repeating the bad most in the capital banjo as parliament, the base of the issue. for the 2 of the $47.00 members of the national assembly version to send the bill for further committee discussion and could return to a vote in the united nations estimates of more than half of women and gulf between the age of 15 and 49. have undergone that procedure in gambia. thousands of people gathered in moscow as a red square knox, and the 10th anniversary of russia's annexation of crimea from ukraine. the crowd sung, the russian national anthem, and newly re elected president, bottom infusion held what he called the return of the territory to a russian control. premier still recognized as part of your brain by most countries, but it is a strategic prize that provides the rest as may be why the us festival was. steve
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has repeatedly attacked faces best and astonished of us as full scale invasion. 2 years ago. sort of varies and the toys to stick, i say as renewal garcia, as for drawn by people living there, also declared their desire to return to their family. in the days of the russian spring, their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still we did it, and this is also a big event in the history of our state. a u. n dot expense have rules, the death of 22 year old lost so many and the custody is around. so for morales, the police was unable for enforced by violence. the fact finding mission says more than 550 people were killed. as a result of the government's cracked down on protests. in response to me, these death, i figured introduced 68 children around high council for human rights has dismissed the reports of finding showed,
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based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that you know most of the news just wasn't on law for this, and we believe that the state is responsible. it's still a head here on out a 0. will tell you why new zealand is showing up, ties with china and why it's regional allies of white gloves on tony chain in northern china. sorry, it is a trying to track down on farm is a joke, practice score, and a big alignment from today i will show you the best option from the n b a coming up shortly. pizza the now the atlantic still feeding offensive weather into most of europe. but avoiding it, but it may not look like it is odd period, particularly in, in spain. there was
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a training in front of the prostate. but until that comes into action, it could be the 1st safety of the year in mostly that is on monday. now it'll cool down a little bit on tuesday and wednesday, as more showers build. this is where the western, when the weather comes through, it is still very mild. you'll notice other from the cold and snow no way. but a slow, lazy circulation here is still called bringing stairs, use the voc here and romania and then rather more active where the through grease means when the weather here and running through the eastern talk here with their height and pretty and pleasant rather than the fact that that has been flooding inland to you and across into the rock as well as not affecting north african. those africa's wind has been picked up particular down through egypt. button jewels 43, which was recorded on sunday. a promo record is going to be not back considerably as it should be back below to what near where it should be at 30. what was that? i'm sure breeze and there is a breathing fact that punctual result pop. the hallmark of the seasonal system
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which is picked up once again. it's for the sand and dust very, i'm cutting so how, but opposing is the incoming seasonal right. which to particularly heavy on tuesday in the ivory coast. the biggest, over the next 10 years in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me 3 new oxygen in this new ballpark cvs focusing on india. in this episode, i'll examine how in the pricing the got it in ism veterans to the gun to clock back . one of the country founded on secular ideas being report, box one on houses eat up. now let me tell you about the pool result, the past of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we enter the coupon. occupied right now able to
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practice the now be used only and lifted very close here like common here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space of a look in my private now. thanks, royal. i can also offer somebody probably equal resulted in gun the the the fuck. i'm actually watching out a 0. i'm this dante here and our home. that's remind you about top stories. these really minute treat, rated she for hospital in the early hours of monday, thousands of displaced palestinian stuff and patients of the inside the compound, thousands of people have been detained out of their journalist. it's not on board.
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it has been released by it is rarely forced as often from 12 hours of attention. he was facing the la on monday by these really minute treat as they rated the hospital in gauze and city troops also destroyed south light trucks being used by television news crews. a diamond is imminent in northern gaza. that's according to the global body. it monitoring father no on the what's known as the integrated fluids. the jersey phase classification, more than $200000.00 palestinians will face starvation within the next few months. victoria gayton, beautiful. because the weather is little food available. you take what you can find boiled up these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last, well, while i work over the world, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread it they elsewhere a rough or a mother mix is crushed, biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter,
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been to get them in philadelphia it before the war. i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last, but now i can't provide this well, i used to give her high energy biscuits, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit to get morality, hospital st, increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most opposed with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the gain the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week that they be with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died the global body monitoring them in the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing and extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition,
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and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see one's famine is immune into northern garza and could occur any time between now and may unicef estimate 23 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january, the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small, still bunk beds most still blown babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the, by again the mount friction, the hydrogen. and the complication the un says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people starving has arrived about leslie, then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinians hope the ip stays warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more
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a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria gates and b l just saying well we can now speak to michael factory, he's the un special raffle to on the right to food and he joins us from eugene in oregon in the united states. michael, i know you've previously said this is unprecedented. the, the, she has scale and the speed of this all the annual mind, any red lines left. i mean, i don't know what's left to say we were raising our concern about the family and in december. and here we are now where the rates of hunger malnutrition and starvation continues to accelerate. so we've seen the number of people facing, of famine, almost double in the last few months. we're seeing the rates of malnutrition, a for children, almost double in the last month. the horror is just getting faster and faster people are suffering in ways we've never seen before. but my understanding the
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declaration of famine, which in itself is a technical term, is a political decision, right? there are recommendations, but it usually has to be done either by you and body alongside the country that the family is occurring. and do you see that happening in to to, i mean the declaration might be too formal award and the assignment is something in which as the report said before i p c measures, it's something one measures. right now it's quite difficult to measure of time. and because of the ongoing war, so this is why we're seeing there might already be assignment in northern cancer. what's more important is started ation is the act of denying people access to the necessities of life. and it's clear that israel is start the palestinian people in gaza. that's a political act and thought requires a political response. it requires an immediate cease fire. what we know there already, for instance, child that's happening from the for instance, total is being fed animal feed,
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the sheer desperation of what's happening. these ad drops that we're seeing is not a time car. it will, it won't stop, simon, but will it buy some time? hardly these air drops, and this maritime here might alleviate hunger for a small number of people for a very short amount of time. but in the grand scheme of things, these are performances, i think, done for political purposes, to meet a domestic audience, mostly by the united states, was making of the united states and building this poor drive that's supposed to take about 2 months. does that suggest to you in vacations for how long washington expects this contract to continue? as well as implications for the future aid and and security infrastructure? and i don't know, it's hard to gauge what the washington is thinking in 2 months. we will confirm a, a famine in northern gaza and will be even closer to assignment across all of gaza . so building an maritime tier is again, i think something, it's
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a political move. if the united states was very serious about preventing simon, it would pressure israel for a ceasefire and it would no longer supply weapons and financial support. israel, united states is complicit in the start of ation of the palestinian people in garza . and you talk about a political decision. we have seen some countries make a different political decision to resume funding to unwrap the un agency for modest any refugees might not make any kind of a difference. or does this now predominately come down to access the funding under? well we'll, we'll get save off hunger and, and slow down mount nutrition. but what we're at the point where we're seeing the speed of, of, of push, getting us at the speed of getting to simon faster and faster. so supporting funding to enter what is necessary, but it's not going to be what prevents of funding that. what will prevent that is
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allowing more humanitarian aid to enter unfettered and safety for humanitarian workers. michael, we've talked a lot about food. what's the situation with water? because people are also dying of dehydration or indeed in fact, on october 8, israel denied water. the flow of water into the casa almost immediately, and they've been destroying wells, mostly destroying wells in north and gaza. so if people are dying from hunger, they're dying from dehydration, and they're not dying from dehydration. they're dying from disease. so the spread of disease is what we're seeing, and it's not just the denial of humanitarian aid that we're seeing. what we're seeing is the destruction of the food system and cause a writ large, so approximately 80 to 90 percent of the agricultural system and gaza has been destroyed by israel. so we're talking infrastructure of, of food and water michael, just talking to you now and, and having spoken to you about this multiple times before,
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i can hear the growing anger and frustration that you are experiencing. so let me ask you this as a senior, you unofficial watching this on a fold, watching the wild look on. how's that caused you perhaps to reflect on what supposed to be a rules based international order and whether or not that's working. and so just to clarify, i'm an independent expert with united nations and i did speak directly to the human rights counsel uh, just a few weeks ago on the situation and does, uh and what we have is interesting is that we have israel no longer even pretending to justify its actions to international law. it's fun bits knows that the international court of justice, it's funded, knows that human rights and it's funded snow's at all of international law at this stage. but more over, it's not just this rule, it's the arab countries. it's in the countries of europe, it's united states, the when system is broken to a degree that i don't know what else to do. i basically pleaded in my,
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in to the personal capacity of the diplomats and i told them, i think human rights council to go look at the children in their eyes if they have children. and just think about this genocide, this starvation is on their watch. and i have not seen any substantive action by any country. at this stage. michael sat create the un special russell to on the right to food. thank you so much for joining us again on alger 0. so thank you very much. the only thing on the former us president donald trump is facing fresh new was as new york state demands that he pay up to. he is a fraud. trump once to appeal to judgment and a civil case. i found him guilty of unlawfully inflicting his wealth. but in order to launch that appeal, he needs to post the buttons and the full amount of summit $464000000.00 and he doesn't have that cash. well,
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some more on this i'm joined by she have her times in washington dc. she, what does this all means? the trunk, the ad for his campaign. as it does think about prospects of new york stage authorities seizing crumbs, assets is going to start place at least the process of seizing his assets. but he does have options. he's asking the code either to accept law 100000000 dollar bond or to delay collection of the bond them to alter his appeal is hurt or trump may appeal all of this to the new york court of appeals. so you can do a little bit. however, gary has a week and there is that possibility of each other general may say look, that we've got to connect. but when we look, we've got a great deal about how to obtain a bond in new york was often such a big judgment. he had actually 2 options. you either put start $400.00 and as about $355000000.00 with interest is $464000000.00. you have to put haven't moved up in almost some into a bank account in cash. what he does,
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so he doesn't want to do, or you get a boat and basically an insurance policy, a company which will say he's good for that money, but then the bank company needs collateral. and what we've left is that these bottom companies, they don't accept a real estate as collateral, and most of the problems money is bound up in real estate to you. how does he sort of about $350000000.00 to $400000000.00 worth of cash and securities? but that's already been depleted by another bond that he had to take it. but i'm competing another case of sexual assault. i needed to raise a $110000000.00 for that. he has to raise the $557000000.00. now it's going up again with fees from a bottom company. and he said because of that, because he doesn't have about cash on hand, so he's the easily a bit of trouble. but we have to see what the judge decides and whether he can still manage to take this out of it for a bit longer. i'll continue following that story for you here on tuesday or she have her time see that with the latest from washington dc. thanks you. of all the
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us environmental protection agency has moved to band the last form of his best office. still in use in industrial processes, a version of the material had remain paused with the water purification and call brake manufacturing industry as best or was ones widely used as an insulator and, and to find closing homes until it was found to cause multiple kansas. 55 countries around for walls of bandits. here's thailand's prime ministers, vowing to do whatever he can to tackle and pollution in northern thailand joined a cloud of houses. the smoke has been created by forest fires and found those who are setting their line to blaze for crop. karen's. tony tangled a heavy coat to help us in the haze. over lake in northern thailand, filling its tanks. it takes off to fight the forest paws that have filled the with smoke. but the real problem is here,
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slash and burn foaming across the lo and become region. with the cool and harvested dried stokes and stubble of satellites, the remains piled back into the carpet. i can save a lot of money by budding, what is left over, whatever is left, we make a good foot, eliza, for the land, and the land can be used right away. this, the fuss spreads clouds of accurate smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m. 2.5. that's poisoning the atlas van. take what's happening in this field? a, multiply by 10000 in thailand, loss, cambodia. and then uh, it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy. been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines, jail time or both. but enforcement is rare and off as no alternative solution for the farm is to handle the waste. a targeting firm is does little to discourage the
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huge agricultural businesses using the cone as livestock feed fung. i'm, i agree the big companies have to share some responsibility. but if things changed to suddenly, the palm is, will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50 percent despite hazardous at quality rating and many points of the government's failure to posit clean air act accusing as a banking in collusion with ty companies as input cooling from around the region, the opinion being the tip on yet. so here we have to have most strict laws when it comes to implementation in place. those big companies don't have to pay taxes. the shows that the government's on the same side as the big corporations and companies have. i mean, to have the bond. the people of northern thailand now live in a place, an atmosphere that leads to multiple health problems and lead to
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a constant blanket of gray white cloud where even the sun struggles to break through tony cheng altura chung. my northern thailand oh, 1st time and move in the 7 years. a chinese foreign minister is visiting new zealand and seen as an important test of trade and different classic ties. adrian brown reports a long use visit was only confirm 5 days ago. his welcome from new zealand is foreign minister. winston pizza is one of the few events open to the media building. no news conference. peter says, china is new zealand, most important and complex bilateral relationship in poland because china is new zealand because trading pop now complex because new zealand or united states ally is concerned about china spreading influence across the pacific. the complexity is how do we manage relations with a very different political power in
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a way where our interest is still meant? another fiction point usually lives interest in joining a new security packed between the united states australia in britain, bonus, orcus, china as well, new zealand, the joining would put their relations at risk. the most important part of one use trip will come later this week when he visits australia, where a political debate is deepening about how to respond to china is growing ministry power in the asia pacific region. so i think the priority for china is obviously stabilizing the relationship with the straight to which over the last sort of 56 years has really had a number of different issues to the point where, you know, high level communication between the strategy and, and chinese government's was, was blocked for, for a good number of time. it's 10 years since news eden signed a comprehensive, strategic partnership with china. since then it's exports to china have doubled. china is ambassador said recently,
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he hopes that trade continues to flourish. china spans ready to work with new zealand on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefits, non interfere and c mean shop in each of those internal affairs. and constructive management of differences like is pete assess, is using as prime minister, cuz just luck since most try to strike a balance between his country's security alliance with the united states and its lucrative partnership with china. adrian brown, al jazeera, wellington, i've got this, dawn says pockets on the air force has conducted as strikes targeting to of its border provinces, killing it, facing 8 people, tell of unofficial, save the victims for women and children. i'm available here as an adjunct to that tragic american university of afghanistan. he says this cycle of violence could spiral out of control. i think it's important to have a highlight that is about finding a far teeth clean that
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a specific ttp come under uh, named up the deluxe. how was the target for the attacks? we've seen the toddler, bon authorities, a deny that came, but we also saw a video or surfacing from of the last. all the pgp come under speaking from practiced on and south wizard his tongue, claiming the type in the claims of him being targeted as boldness. so that's important to remember as well, but also with regards to ttp and the phone pilot plan, it's important to contextualize the ttp and how the emerged. the ttp is a chapter that gained to be in was founded inside i post on the 8th was a be used to shelter a lot of the fun part of on leadership for a certain time during the republic. uh, when the ttp did turn its guns on focused on, we had to change sides the yellows, backing these elements,
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and now suddenly we hear this narrative propagated by the artist on email that re establishment that the upon positive on our catering to the ttp, the font that one have denied those streams that they have labeled. these statements escaped, quoting and refusing to take responsibility for national security failures. this is not the 1st time these attacks have happened. this time it has escalated this time, but probably about have retaliated. and they've also warned that we could reach a point of no return is all still a head here and i was a 0. how goals play as championship was one and last piece of it has of these house for you in the these business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the dashboard to use
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the this business of say these me most talk know bundle dash football to use
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the the welcome back. it is time to support and his pizza is the thank you so much. phones, football style antwan greenman has been ruled out of these companies upcoming frankly use against germany. and surely because of an ankle injury, it means grossman's world wrinkled run of $84.00 consecutive matches. so he's country will also come to an end. the 32 year old has schooled 40 full goals full front. the also help them win the world cup in 2018. i mean, well coach the addition says he is very aware of the need to manage the workload of these plays, of the facing the germans who are rank 16 for these days. the french paycheck he just 3 days late to the show on says he was lucky to rotate 2 squad. me for say,
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mosque. he pushed back here of course what happens and the 2nd match may be different. i'm in the hall, stopping out with the idea of involving as many players as possible, and ensuring that it was possible to learn from the 2 matches with the french team in 3 days. they can view, i'm not saying that some players won't do it, but i'm trying to spread out the plane. so i'm also taking some land. defend that, francesco. i chatted, b has been sent home from the teddy, a national teams training camp off the allegations. you racially abuse novelties, john jesus during the city are dro on sunday at the fence, 0 european champions and some of your preparing to leave on a show tour of the u. s. bots i've chatted be well now most they to frame the matches against venezuela and equitable remedied midfield. abraham diaz has arrived in morocco, promising to do he's base toys, new national side in a to frame these later this month. the as well as a regular in spain's youth squads, but paid only once for the senior team in a friendly back in 2021. feet. prove these nationalities,
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switched to the team known as the epis lyons last week. and the last time i, i'm proud to be here, i'm proud to be in morocco's, to be able to receive this affection this love. it's something unique and i'll give it back on the field, which is the best place for me to do. thank you for the support for the affection i'm one more of you. i'm very committed to american people will do my best to make all of you and this great jersey, the funds of american national team and order for real quick proud all us for those new head. coach dougherty about junior, has ever seen his 1st training session since taking charge of the national team in january. the squad is in london and ready to take on england at wimby on saturday before facing spain in madrid. 3 days later, darville juliet was previously in charge of sell palo and flamingo leading the last to it. so the couple of bits of doors title in 2022. took your stuff in about che, say they considering withdrawing from the country's top legal to some of the plays were textbook opposition supports his fed about his players were celebrating the 3
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to victory at the end of the game when fans of home team traps on school stool, the page funding was spent a bunch of players and security 12 people were arrested about to say they'll hold a special board meeting on the matter in 2 weeks time or fetus presidency on the incense, you know, has the violence, unacceptable. nothing. employers have become the 2nd premium, the club to be deducted points for breaking financial rules. far as breach, believes profitability and sustainability regulations by of, of spending. they being docked full points, which has dropped them into the medications and but the 2 months. lifting the season in november, edison fell phone of the same rules skunky ship that has become the fis, golf or in history to defend the play is championship title, chip a start of the day on 12 under the hotel for ego. on the 4th, which sparked an incredible run, let's see. next, the biggest come back in the tournaments 50 year history. it wasn't until the final
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part of the tournament that the, when it was decided and how about this for a way to miss out on the joint lead. windham clock somehow, spirally out of because if he failed to take it to a playoff. shiffler then, winning by one short cutting the joint blow as bound able to win. it's the success to do comparisons with 15 time major. when a tiger woods you can be compared to tiger i think is really special, but i mean, the guy stands alone. i think in our games, i mean, he really does mean this is my 8th term. it went out here and i've tied them in players championships outside of that, you know, i got 14 more majors and you know, 70 some pga tour events to catch up. so i think put a stick to my routine and just continue to, you know, part a long time steve is even killed as i can each time and be old. so economy, everything is describe its performance with the dallas mavericks on sunday as nothing showed to the miracle, the point god had the play of the game against the denver nuggets. 2.8 seconds left
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from a toughie, deliberate and miss handed as a be to the left, the mad. so one under the same, and one of them 5 when and improve the man's hopes of reaching the place. and irving foot index stomach performance, world falls, things full ramadan, problem dollars, especially a month. so it's a special time and yeah, this is the trying not to think about the suffering too much and really focus on the journey with god and the path that you're on and, and just stay focused on that and stay discipline. it's just a difficult journey to be able to play 48 minutes and not do it. we had an a drink or fewer things the last time i know for sure vertical solar system versus got out there that's protected me and i got to get credit. so and that's what was supposed to be useful tonight. that sounds good. thanks so much visa. well, that's it for me in the stalls you pay for this new job. it doesn't go away. i'll be back in just a couple of minutes with another news out for you here on out of here.
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the salvation is being used as a what the the only way to stop the homecoming station is to allow you. 10 people are surrounding it, sparks cold with the flour, just hard to break it and show us the level of difficulty because of the shortage of humanitarian aid. we have no blanket, no food, and no rule to. i prefer the desk to this humiliation. moore is not killed us yet. it seems that we will die of hunger and can't find food. people say that they're stuck between death, star bases and displacements, the the resilience can sprout from even the harshest urban environments. a soaring costs, threatening the community's green son, curious so affair. my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have
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to think about how we go and how we going to pay our rent before a smile on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the case because we are richard london grown witness on a jersey to why have american evangelicals become israel, strongest backer is us president. you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line with every donation given with every hops that cancel, we are changing lives in palestine showing that love days. you donated we deliver to a partnership we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for to see, so donates, with confidence,
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donates with outcast foundation. we are in palestine together. we are changing the world one hawks, that's the time the . the hello again. i'm just telling you and tell you this is the news, our life from the coming up in the next 16. this is relo inches, another major thoughts on one of his one sconces biggest hospital saying it killed several members of the month in that a time out of their agendas. if not, i'll go it has been released by is really forces they beat and detained him. while he was covering that range on chief a hospital, a warning that mass death is immune and in golf as costs of the strip face extreme


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