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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 2:00am-2:30am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the a warning that mass test is imminent in ga, service pots. so the strip face 6th street food shortages, the carriage, austin, this is all just here a lot from time. i also coming up as well, which is a major sold. what was one sconces biggest hospital saying it killed several members of from us in their track houses 0. during this, this male algo has been released by is very forces they beat and detained him. while he was covering the rate on the i was chief a hospital i thought of the sessions in gambia and zip to overturn the denmark
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found on the female genital mutilation. that protects millions of goes in the 5 months of bloodshed, 5 months of destruction in 5 months of all that was the besieged population, now hung install evasion. in gauze there's israel's latest weapon in its world report just released says, funding is imminent in the northern parts of garza and there's a risk of funding across the gauze, the strip. well, that's the main finding, or the funding review committee, which has been monitoring at food security in casa for several months. $1.00 and $3.00 children on the 2 is suffering from acute mountain nutrition, entire households. so going without food for days. a health officials say around $60000.00, pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition and the hydration causing low bus weights and increasing risk of still that's the report describes the situation as
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a catastrophic, but people are resorting to eating animal feed and gross report says a cease fire is needed immediately to stave off the threats of o outs. finding an opening line. borders is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people to prevent them from stopping to death. victoria gate can be ripples in garza weathers little food available. you take what you can find boiled up these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last was bought all our driver load, which was my mother thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each have a piece of bread a day or else wearing roof or a mother mixes crushed biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter. been to get them. and so it was done. so yeah, it was before the war, i used to feed her fruits and vegetables last but now i can't provide the i used to
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give her high energy biscuits, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators into the game, the proper weight, then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week, the baby with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died the global body monitoring salmon, the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine . it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children is suffering from acute malnutrition and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see one's famine is imminent in northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. unicef estimates
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one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, the subject li, small, still bunk beds most still blown babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the, by again the mount friction, the hydrogen. and the complication the un says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people starving has arrived about leslie, then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinians hope the ip stays warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria gates and b l g as in, are you in seconds?
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a general i'm turning gutierrez has commented on the reports by the type of body monitoring simon. he says the hunger cross is in ga. so it was in putney man made this is the highest number of people facing, catastrophic and got every corner of it by the integrateds for security quest of vacation system. anywhere. anytime this is an entirely manmade, this austin and the product makes clear that he can be halted. today's report is exhibit a for the needs for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire. i call on these valuable thought it is to ensure to complete and fair to the excess 40 mediterranean boots throughout the gas and for the international community to city supports already many teddy and efforts. but we spoke to best best all the deputy
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director general, all for you and food and agriculture organization. she says the food security situation in gaza has deteriorated to that rate. never seen before. a clearly being at an i p. c. level 5 definition. catastrophic is something that is unprecedented in the 20 years that we have been working on this. a pc reporting the ip pc report began in 2004 with its 1st look at somalia. and here we are 20 years later with an incredible deepening and rapid deterioration of a food security situation and gaza in particular, that has deteriorated at a pace and a frequency that we've never seen before. so the ip c report really has 3 categories that we define around acute food in security. level 3 is considered crisis. level 4 is considered emergency and level 5 is catastrophe,
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possibly leading to famine. so what does it mean to be in phase 5, which is where 1100000 gallons are actually categorized right now. half of the population of gaza. that means that household to are, in this particular level, have an extreme lack of food and are unable to meet most of their basic needs. people are starving, and they face a significantly increased risk of acute malnutrition and ultimately dest. so this now is the, the place where with the release of the report, the report indicates that i think when we released the report in december, we indicated that sam and was likely this now puts us into a position where as the report indicates, famine is imminent. this causes most fundable children, including those with existing illnesses face, the greatest risk consolidation. parents are doing everything they can to save them, but it's still not enough. stephanie decor reports. the signs of starvation. a hard
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to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. 6 mamma cover my body, he cries, the more is health of the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed and the model of the small cystic phase suffering from cystic fibrosis, which is take mucus. on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north and system of my child's health condition has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital, he has been living on solutions just to survive what his mother shows us by the
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before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child. just slightly reluctant, done, sir. not recognizable now. by these being treated injured by you in the north of the gaza strip aide has recently started trickling in after months of nothing misstep about them to hold on to the most part of guys. this trip has been denied the entity or any of the least a must, namely medical supplies, coupled with the state of starvation from bob and has resolved these conditions are exacerbating like that to affect more than 20 children died as documented because of many attrition. what we want the situation, what gets worse, as the salvation is rabbit, doing the population in the more that some of the united nations in february warrants that one quarter of goes, this population was one step away from immune and simon agencies say they have all
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the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings and that needs to be done. now, this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker, or g 0, is where the forces remain inside. i'll see for hospital off the launching a 4th rage since the worn gauze began of the setting and shooting inside the complex troops and outgoing room to room, detaining people sheltering in sight. many of those detained, having blind folded in the hands, tied, is ready for us to say 20 people were killed in the siege. but it produced no evidence that members of mass were inside the building. power, as reports from rough and southern gauze on the sage, once may, is where the forces surround the sea felt. hospitalized garza city trapping
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thousands insights. the mass were now besieged inside. el cheapo hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces, suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on . we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over. the hospitals courtyard down as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting for ramadan is very fond spell near the hospital. video shows those things in a desperate state from the compound. and the thought of these are, these rand needs are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move. so we want to stay home. she said, is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's shows up for thousands of displaced palestinians seeking st trees from isabel's will. the hospital was previously
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invaded by his very forces which police that was being used. how must komatt center claim? isabel retreated during the slightest operation. jonesal officials deny the accusations . our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. the all forces have 100 gone, specified training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a voice against come us, not against the people of cause we seek no harm to the civilians that some of these hiding behind the guards. the health ministry came down to these very assault, holding it accountable for the wellbeing of hospital stuff. patients, the displaced insight, the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and using fabricated narratives to just to find the actions, sorry,
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capacity. and i would do 0. rough off. so regardless of the so who has more than i from occupied the service of that well, that rate seemingly ongoing, that a ship a hospital, these really are mean releasing multiple statements throughout the day. the 1st one, the rate actually began in the early morning hours saying that they had direct and specific intelligence about what exactly they were targeting in the medical complex . additionally, saying that this was a top targeted and precise operation. the is really army has said that one of their folders has been killed in exchanges of fire with housing and fighters in the area . this is not the 1st time these really military has rated medical facilities across the gaza strip, incense and ship, a hospital, most notably was rated for the 1st time back in november when the is really army had a ledge. the chemist was using it both as a command center for their military headquarters and for other military activities,
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claims that have still not been confirmed. so these really army says that they do have some sort of intelligence in our targeting something specific and a rate that is still ongoing of this. our all this as israel continues with interest from bob and 12, the gaza strip and cause a city not far from the isle. chief. a hospital is rarely strikes targeted residential buildings killing several people. but as l, sorry, f went to the scene of one of those strikes is report contains some disturbing images. and so i, yeah, i mean probably a good out. come on, another wave of a straight. got it out, but really will because the city this time on july the a lot of well, i mean a short while ago out of this additional building on this road was hit, desk of smoke is still rising. the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get close to document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and
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drums as being hovering above a head. i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these really war cleans the scale of damage is messy. dozens of people walk in depth and smallwood engines. we're trying to get closer to the target. the residential building, as you can see here is one of the victims, kids as a result of the s drive, a young goal. residents a needs are using the bed to try and pull up the victims from under the rubble. they have managed to recover one victim. there is no medical assistance or civil defense in the area surrounding of people. hospital has been besieged by these radio condition forces. no unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas as we were filming another wave of it strikes the sharpening exponent. oh no, i hit another residential building was targeted to there has been no in the
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e d. s straight since monday morning. them to the one wave of to another that i get some more residential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see, the victims, most the women and children. they have closed their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the destroyed period. for god's sake, i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake. where to go, where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you. no, i'm them. is it or is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning? this is really we're playing phone tag at the a number of residential building. wonderful. but no medical help countries the same as the is for a new patient for since i've been leading sick to the in the area surrounding the i'll she for medical complex. they have no stump the hospital and the thing, the medical stuff inside of the sherry deal. but the
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i'll just say a journalist as male algo has been released byes really forces also being held for 12 hours. he was beaten and detained early on monday by these very minute treat while he was covering the raid on, i'll see for hospital i'll just there has spoken to espouse since his release. he told us these really minutes re stripped him and all the gymnast blind folding them and tying the hands, the whereabouts of his team are still unknown. john, this so meant to be protected on the international humanitarian? no. well, so to come here and i'll just share with donald trump's cache crosses, the former us presence noise. so he doesn't have the money to pay for a button in a civil pro trial the
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brought to you by visit capital. the winds has returned a bit of a shock for the eastern side of town to the northeastern states and all this, given the great lakes on frozen, would also produce lake effects. now on the lease side of all the dry legs toronto, then a drop of about 20 degrees of the last couple of these days will feel that way different 3 day full costs will suggest it stays either at or below freezing for til friday with no returns. ones will, at most, the state's looking generally find the name of the quarter, and it's just been blown out of it. that's actually no than sidebar has built. the stove will generate these big showers over the bahamas, possibly fall different time, then also a potential flash starting from these would be going through last won't breeze the trade winds and all that stronger, but they are generating another cloud and rain as a potential for costa rica and panama,
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that's booms and home juris. but in contrast, big cheryl is supposed to be higher shots on the eastern side of mexico in south america. and the seasonal ryans are showing themselves up in a long, long way and also renewals and brazil and increasingly fresh connor gardner. but the size where it's still hot since you and for example, the warnings of high temperatures, the generating dry and showers once more. the weather brought to you by visit cuts on resilience can sprout from leaving the house just urban environments . a soaring costs spread from the community screen. some curious, so i fair, my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we going, it's probably going to pay our rent before a smile on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a green stone in the new case. biggest city. we all refuse to london grown witness on a jersey to the
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the value of watching out. as a reminder about top stories, this, are you in the back reports into the food processing does. it says the timing is immune into the north time search on the threats. if i'm in the review committee says that will be coming by may. this is a ceasefire. is ready for us is hosted inside the house chief a hospital in kansas city. this is eaton's very armies for, for grades only medical surgery since it's $1.00 cost begun last 2, but very close to the sale gen this is mailed out to has been released buys very forced itself to 12 hours in detention. speaking early on monday,
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bobby's for any minute trip, i think they did the house chief a hospital in carson city. troops also destroyed satellite trucks and used by t v. loose crews. or the old trump's lawyer says he doesn't have the cash suppose to buttons. and the full amount until the $464000000.00 in his civil fluid case from wants to appeal of judgment that found him guilty of on northly and slating his wealth. but in order to launch that appeal, he needs to post the full on. now new york state could begin seizing trump's property unless the court agrees to a delay. she advertise, she has more for washington, dc. the prospect of the new york stage authorities seizing crumbs assets as go to step place or the some of the process of these executives. but he does have options. he's asking the quote, either to accept or what a 100000000 dollar bond or to delay collection of the bond them to alter his appeal
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is hurt or trump may appeal of this to the new york court of appeals. so he can do all of that. however, he already has a week and there is that possibility of a view to the general may say, look, that we've got to come back. but when we look, we've got a great deal about how to obtain a bond in new york is often such a big judgment. i had actually 2 options. you either put start $400.00 and as about $355000000.00 with interest is $464000000.00. you have to put haven't moved back to almost some into a bank account in cash. what he does doesn't want to do, or you're going to, but, and basically an insurance policy, a company which will say is good for that money. but then the bank company needs collateral. and what we've left is that these voted companies. they don't accept a real estate as collateral, and most of the problems money is bound up in real estate and you how does the sort of up $350000000.00 to $400000000.00 worth of cash and securities. but that's already been depleted by another bond that you have to take. the key is repeating another case of sexual assault. i needed to raise
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a $110000000.00 for that. he has to raise then $557000000.00. now it's going up again with fees from a bomb company, and he said because of that because he doesn't have cash on hand. so he said that he's in a bit of trouble, but we have to see what the judge decides and whether he can still manage to pay this out of it for a bit longer split systems and gambia are looking to overturn a land ball band on a female genital mutilation. imposing 2015, if would remove legal protections from millions of girls and women, for hundreds of people who support repeating the ban, marched in the capital venture. parliament debated the issue. $42.00 of the $47.00 members of the national assembly voted to send the bill for further committee discussions. they could with 10 to 15 weeks. lots of nations estimates that nearly 3 quarters of women that goes between the ages of $15.49 of under the gun. the procedure in guns, which all ready to carry is an active business, found to
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a safe hens for goes. she says the people behind the campaign to have a ton to ben, are seeking more control of the women in gambia, of the people that up for f t m. in this country. a lot of them i'm and these are men that don't have the same live experiences that we do. and women who have been through this practice continue to tell them every single day. what they're suffering is, what day of pain is. and every time somebody comes out and she has the story, these men always go out and see that they are lying and they're worse than age and they're being paid by the rest to say that f t m is bad, but they haven't issues. i think recently what happened is not only was it didn't pause because of the religious need is coming out and not only pays the bill, but also inside to survive was an invalid beach, in our stories. and seeing that f t m doesn't happen and they can be available in the past the 2nd session. so i think that's what's driving the rhetoric that we're
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seeing, what this is about child abuse, and this is wrong. we know that gm is harmful. we've seen women die from best practice. we've seen gulf suffer from distractive, and there's no way that we can twist it to make it right. wrong is wrong. they succeed with that appealing, the law against f t. m. they'll come after the child matters. loved one knows they might even come out the domestic violence law, and the next thing we know the sexual balance i. so i think this is bigger than f e, and this is about the control of women and their bodies. you in back textbooks. so through the death of the 22 year old must have a meaning in the custody of around so called morality police was on norful and caused by vonage. the fact finding mission says more than 550 people were killed. as a result of the government's cracked down on protests in response to i mean is death in 2022. that's figure includes 68 children rounds high council for human rights
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has dismissed the report all signed and showed, based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that you know most. i mean these death was and i know for this and we believe that the state is responsible. i've got a stone sized pocket stones. the air force has conducted as strikes targeting to of its board of provinces. kidding. at least 8 people will tell me about an official say the victims for women and children, according it a violation of, of guns sovereignty. i've gotten forces of now car without wood cabinetry strikes towards august on the territory. so the africa was imposed emergency measures including rationing to save water supplies, politicians, blame climate change on the heat, white for the shortage summer residence. a cool management is also to bring home a task that reports now from to how does, but in the middle costs of, of, of,
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to hadn't spent clean water is being lost to best type explicit say. so that's what this commercial capital is losing 25 percent of clean drinking water through leaks . pots of the city can go for days and weeks without a drop to drink. we seeing the result of over 10 to 15 years of neglect and maintenance of our infrastructure. so from the pipes to waste water treatment works to pump stations. not enough money was being spent on the maintenance supplies are also erratic in poor and neighborhoods. and so it's a township one area kind of what talk while else way it's dry. the people without was a us neighbors for help. we have to the best route to for tuesday was why should we have to put in it after 5? so this is plus $45.00 and that will cost with this. i believe nothing about this
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and the pockets we have to with a general election due in may frustration and anger. overstating public services is a big issue for voters, some and the say the governing applicant, national congress, could lead this parliamentary majority for the 1st time since a potted ended in 1994. business is also struggling with a water crisis. this is a restaurant in the community, and that's the only know over there. she says she con, operate to con was because there is no war to the taps in the area has been dry for about 2 weeks. and people in the area say they don't know when they'll get worse, or again, politicians say climate change and the recent detroit autoplay for the latest crisis. for many families struggling to get a live essential. that's not what they want to hear. harden with us, i'll just say john has been tied on a prime minister as a band to do whatever he can to tackle air pollution in moving products designs
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crowd of has the smoke has been created by forest fires, and farmers assessing the land a blaze for quote clearance, tony chang reports the highly coped to help us in the haze overlay can know them thailand, filling its tanks. it takes off to fight the forest paws that have filled the with smoke. but the real problem is here, slash and burn foaming across the low. me come region with the cool and harvested the dried stokes and stubble of satellites. the remains piled back into the carpet . i can save a lot of money by budding, what is left over, whatever is left with make a good foot eliza for the land and the land can be used right away to this the fuss spreads clouds of accurate smoke below up into the ash breaks up into fine particle dust known as p. m. 2.5. that's poisoning yet must been take what's happening in this field? a, multiply by 10000 in thailand, loss, cambodia. and then uh,
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it gives you a sense of why this is becoming one of the most polluted parts of the world. pharmacy been the field in the north of thailand and now subject to heavy fines, jail time, hope both but enforcement is rare and off as no alternative solution for the farm is to handle that waste. and targeting farm is does little to discourage the huge agricultural businesses. using the cone is live stock feed fung. i'm, i agree, the big companies have to share some responsibility. but if things changed to suddenly, palm is will be affected. the most times prime minister sets out how we send a visit to ching my over the weekend claim that the pollution level had dropped by 50.


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