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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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in march 1st to may 31st nominations are made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the warning dot mass death is eminence in gaza as pops of this trip face extreme food shortages. the cherry johnston, this is alex, like from also kind of israel launch is a major a sold once was once causes biggest hospital. so he killed several members from us in tons of literature and this is mail out. google has been released by it's very forces they feet on the changing policy was covering the freight on the
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house. i thought of the sessions and gotten via and up to overturn a 9 month ban. female genital mutilation, protects millions of goats and women news, a sized months of blood say to 5 months of destruction or 5 months of oil, not one of the seats. the population now hung install evasion in garza is israel's a latest weapon? it's war report just released says fineman is immune into the northern parts of garza and there was a risk of funding across the gaza strip. that's the main finding of the funding review committee, which has been monitoring food security in gaza for several months now. $1.00 and $3.00 children on the 2 is suffering from acute malnutrition. entire households have gone without food for days. health officials say around $60000.00 pregnant
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women are suffering from malnutrition on the hydration, causing low bus weights and increasing the risk of still bus. report describes the situation as a catastrophic. the people are resorting to eating hannibal feet and gross report says a cease fire is needed immediately to stave off the threat of without finding an opening land board is the only way to ensure that enough food reaches people prevent them from starving to death. victoria gates and the ripples in gaza. whether it's little food available, you take what you can find boiled up. these plants fill a gap, but not for long. but last was bought. all our driver load, which was my mother, thought us the difference between each plant and we started to recognize them. each of us each half a piece of bread a day. else wearing rough for a month and mixes crushed biscuits with milk and water to feed her daughter. been
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to get them. and so it was done so yeah, it was before the war. i used to feed her fruit and vegetables last but now i can't provide this well, i used to give her high energy biscuit, but we can't afford them. don't visit the neonatal intensive care unit again. morality, hospital, st. increasing number of babies of dying because of a keep many attrition, but one of the one of the most important with breathing problems. so we place them in incubators until the gain the proper weight. then the discharged. unfortunately, after 5 days or a week that they be with 10 bad conditions, many of the most died global body monitoring salmon. the ip see says phase 5 on its scale is the most severe and is classified as famine. it occurs when at least 20 percent of the population is facing an extreme lack of food. so 2 percent of children, a suffering from acute malnutrition, and 2 people in $10000.00 to dying each day due to starvation. the ip see one's
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famine is imminent in northern garza and could occur any time between now and may. unicef estimates one and 3 children younger than 2 as malnourished the number this doubled since january. the doctors are reporting that they no longer see normal size baby. what they do see though, tragically small, still bunk beds most build them babies. and mon, neo natal, that's called in pop by the by again the mound friction, the hydration, and a complication. the un says the catastrophic levels of hunger demand, the immediate opening of more channels to deliver assistance, say, so any a fraction of what's needed to stop people stopping has arrived. leslie then me at the gaza strip is dying slowly. it's not from the missiles then from hunger, if not from hunger, then from dehydration palestinian type, the ip sees warning with improve conditions on the ground for the time being and
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until much more a derives hundreds of thousands of people are facing the possibility of starvation . victoria gates in b l g u n. secretary general, antonio gutierrez has commented on the report by the global body monitoring firm. and he says the hunger crisis and guns was entirely manmade. this is the highest number of people facing catastrophic and good every quarter of it. by the integrateds for security seaquest of vacation system, anywhere. anytime this is an entirely manmade, this austin and the product makes clear that he can be halted. today's report is exhibit a for the needs for the immediate humanitarian ceasefire. i call on these various sorry, d is to ensure to complete and fair to the excess 40 mediterranean boots throughout
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the gas a and for the international community to city supports already many teddy and efforts. but i always spoke to michael for free. you and a special wrapper to on the right to food. he says, united states is a consist, sits in this donation palestinians in garza, we're raising our concern about the simon in december. and here we are now where the rates of hunger mel nutrition and starvation continues to accelerate. so we've seen the number of people facing, of famine, almost double in the last few months. we're seeing the rate of malnutrition, a for children, almost double in the last month. the horror is just getting faster and faster people are suffering in ways we've never seen before. simon is something in which as the report said, before i proceed measures, it's something one measures right now. it's quite difficult to measure of time and because of the ongoing war. so this is why we're seeing there might already be
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a semen in north and gaza. what's more important is started ation is the act of denying people access to the necessities of life. and it's clear that is real is starving, the palestinian people in gaza. that's a political act and that requires a political response. it requires an immediate cease fire. we will confirm a, a famine in northern gaza and will be even closer to assignment across all of gaza . so building and maritime here is again, i think something, it's a political move if the united states was very serious about preventing from and it would pressure israel for a ceasefire and it would no longer supply weapons and financial support to israel. united states is complicit in the start of ation of the palestinian people in gaza regarded as the most valuable children, including those with existing illnesses face, the greatest risk of starvation, parents, so doing everything they can to save them,
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but it's still not enough. stephanie decor, ripple's the signs of starvation, a hard to miss friday is 6 years old. his cheeky smile has faded away, along with a light in his eyes, his shape his muscles. he's no nothing but bones with a head too big for his body. 6 mamma cover my body, he cries, war is health of the healthy, let alone the chronically ill fed the model of the small cystic phase suffering from cystic fibrosis which is stick mucus. on his long as this disease require specific nutrition and strict diet along with constant treatment, all of which is totally absent in the north in system of my child's health condition has deteriorated. for 2 months, he has been suffering dire complications, including severe dehydration. since we brought him to hospital,
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he has been living on solutions just to survive or his mother shows us by the before the war. despite his condition, he was a beaming, happy child, just slightly reluctant, don't, sir. not recognizable now. on fridays being treated in japan, yet in the north of the gaza strip ages recently started trickling in after months of nothing settled by them to hold the most part of guys. this trip has been denied the entity or any of the lease. am i the name lead medical supplies, coupled with the state of starvation from bob and has resolved these conditions exacerbating like that to affect more than 20 children died as documented because of my new address. and what's that we want the situation when it gets worse, as our basin is rabbit doing that population in the more that some of the united nations in february warrants that one quarter of goes,
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this population was one step away from immune and simon agencies say they have all the supplies ready to help, but they need to be given safe access by land for multiple crossings and that needs to be done. now, this is certainly not an effective, efficient, humane, nor dignified solution. stephanie decker, or g 0. is there any forces remain inside? i'll see for hospital often launching a 4th raid since the war on guns have begun up to shedding and shooting inside the complex troops. how many going room to room, detaining people sheltering in some light? many of those detains, having blindfolded in their hands, tied is rarely forced to say 20 people were killed in the siege. produced no evidence that members of a mass were inside the building. patrick, i would assume reports from rafa and southern garza on the siege. one smith is very forced to surround us. she felt hospital in garza city. dropping
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thousands inside the mass were now besieged inside. i'll chief a hospital were being heavily shot at the occupation forces. suddenly rated the hospital as you can hear. now there are intense clashes going on. we're hearing sounds coming from the gate through shrapnel falling all over the hospitals courtyard down as many palestinians prepared to begin the day of fasting for ramadan is ready. palms fil, near the hospital. video shows those in a desperate state from the compound and the thought of these other people. these readings are shelling in and around all she for hospital, the army circulated leaflets bordering all civilians sheltering in the hospital and other un schools to evacuate some headsets and we do not wish to move. so we want to stay home. she thought is the largest hospital in the gaza strip. it's schultz or for thousands of displaced palestinians taking century from as well as for the
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hospital was previously invaded by his very forces which ladies that was being used . how must command center claim is felt, retreated during the slightest operation. tell us officials deny the accusations. our targeted mission isn't justin operational necessity. it's a global imperative. all forces have 100 gone, specify training to prepare them for the sense that these environment and complex scenarios. they may encounter a wars against some us, not against the people of god. we seek no harm to the civilians that from us is hiding behind see garza health ministry can dump these video salt, holding it accountable for the will being of hospitals, stuff, patients. the displaced insight, the health ministry accused as well. again, the preaching international humanitarian low by targeting hospitals and using
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fabricated narratives to justify the actions tare capacity and i will do 0 roughly . so regardless of the so who it has more now for me. ok. parties choose will that rate seemingly on going on a ship, a hospital, these really army releasing multiple statements throughout the day. the 1st one, the rate actually began in the early morning hours saying that they had direct and specific intelligence about what exactly they were targeting in the medical complex . additionally, saying that this was a top targeted and precise operation. the is really the army has said that one of their folders has been killed in exchanges of fire with palestinian fighters in the area. this is not the 1st time these really military has rated medical facilities across the gaza strip, incense and ship, a hospital, most notably was rated for the 1st time back in november when the is really army had a ledge. the chemist was using it both as a command center for their military headquarters and for other military activities,
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claims that have still not been confirmed, but these really army says that they do have some sort of intelligence in our targeting something specific and a rate that is still ongoing at this hour, this was a 0 turn. this, this male algo has been released buys very false, is also being held for 12 hours. he was beaten and detained earlier on monday. are these ready ministry party was covering the rate on i'll she for hospital i'll just here has spoken to is now since his release he told us these rarely minutes, restricting and all the time this blindfolding them and tying their hands the whereabouts of his team are still a known journalists are supposed to be protected on the international humanitarian us president joe biden has told is ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu. launching a ground invasion on russ would be a mistake. the 2 latest spoke on the phone. conversation comes and maybe increasing
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frustration from the white house and top democrats at the highland that to know who's conducting the warrant, gaza, at least $1500000.00 palestinians, a sheltering laughter after more than 5 months of fighting. but even as at present bottom becomes increasingly critical of nothing. y'all is still unclear what consequences as well as lead to my face if he defines warnings from the white house, plastic oh, hang reports not from washington dc. it was pretty clear that the any sort of major operation to ruffle would be a red line. that would imply that there be some sort of consequences even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor jake sold and he came out to brief reporters after the call between the president and these really prime minister. and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there more than a 1000000 people who fled there, and they basically have nowhere else to go. is most of the major cities are just
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destroyed. and israel's now presented the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do which is fit, tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're going to move them, how they're where to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the gaza strip is in rubble. so this he says, sullivan said at the president's urging. these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it will either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her miles without a major ground operations. and that they expectation is that they are will not be a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know, we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister for getting more and more aggressive, even if his staff tries to walk it back. you know, we know that he was on mike was on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with bb. uh,
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that's what he calls private mr. benjamin netanyahu. an come to jesus, that usually means you to sit down sort of lay down the law and it didn't say what kind of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it. we don't know, still a head hair analysis era. donald trump test crisis, former us president some noise doesn't have the funding for a civil approach on the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people have starving, and we actually have to exports a whole lot because we've money to buy informed athenians, the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank
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assessment school, in addition to the highest level, they've been using games for this policy to let me cut on the student's name and date. and course the arrival inside story on al jazeera is freedom of speech on the internet. a right for something but not for others. palestinian or airbus content has been removed or restricted when he bu, content hasn't just 0 world investigates where the social media platforms moderate content equally, especially in times of complex. there's a good understanding of the matter as the press. there are the standards between israel security services and other parties like my to close cyber space on adjusting it off. the challenges here with the
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watching. i'll just have a reminder on main stores now. this out to you in the back to the full attention of food processing. gaza says funding is imminent in the north and a ton of territories on the threads. farming review committee. each time in mind that's there's a ceasefire. is rarely for suggested inside the lc for hospice in kansas city. it's very ami. 4th grade on the medic. since as warrant goes down to the many palestinians, i'll just here, adjourn this, the smell i'll go has been released buys very forced itself to 12 barrels in detention, beating anyone monday on this very minute. you see the hospital in guns troops also
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destroyed some flight instructions. might see these critics stuff and use donald trump's noise. so he doesn't have the cash to post a bone to the full amount of $464000000.00. his civil fluid case will trump once to appeal to judgments that found him guilty of unlawfully inflates in his wealth. but in order to launch dr. appeal, he needs to post the full bond. now new york state could begin seizing at trump's property unless the court agrees with the lady, she has her times, she has more from washington, dc, the prospect of the new york stage authorities seizing crumbs. assets is going to start place, or this is the process of seizing his assets, but he does have options. he's asking the quote, either to accept why 100000000 dollar bond or to delay collection of the bond them
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to authorize appeal is heard or trump may appeal of this to the new york court of appeals. so you can do a little that, however you're in the as a week, and there is that possibility of, of each other general may say, look, that we've got to connect. but when we look, we've got a great deal about how to obtain a bond in new york is often such a big judgment. i had actually 2 options. you either put stuff $400.00 and as about $355000000.00 with interest is $464000000.00. you have to put that in. moving back to normal, sum into a bank account in cash. what he does doesn't want to do, or you get a ball and basically an insurance policy, a company which will say is good for that money. but then the bank company needs collateral. and what we've left is that these bottom companies, they don't accept a real estate as collateral. and most of the problems money is bound up in real estate. and you how does the sort of about $350000000.00 to $400000000.00 worth of cash and securities. but that's already been depleted by another bond that he had to take it. but i'm, he's appealing another case of sexual assault. i need you to raise
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a $110000000.00 for that. he has to raise then $557000000.00. now it's going up again with fees from a bond company. and he said, because they are about because he doesn't have cash on hand. so he's a, he's a bit of trouble, but we have to see what the judge decides and whether he can still manage to type us out of it for a bit longer. it's not a politician and gumby are looking to overturn a landmark bond on the female genital mutilation. imposed in 2015. it would remove legal protections for millions of girls and women. hundreds of people who support repeating the bad and the march and the capital of angel as part of the debate to the issue. 42 of the 47 members of the national assembly, the 2 to send the bill for further committee discussions. they could return to the voting weeks, not to nations, estimates that nearly 3 quarters of women in goes between the ages of 15 and 49 and the gun. the procedure in gap. you with john murray to gray,
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is an activist and founder of a safe hens for goes. she says the people behind the campaign to overturn the band are seeking more control over women in gambia of the people that up for f t m. in this country, a lot of them i'm and these are men that don't have the same live experiences that we do. and women who have been through this practice continuing to tell them every single day. what they're suffering is what day of pain is. and every time a survivor comes out and she has the story, these men always go out and see that they are lying and they are less than age. and they're being paid by the west to say that f t m is bad, but they haven't issues. i think recently what happened is not only was it didn't pause because of the religious need is coming out and not only pays the bill, but also inside to survive was an invalid beach, in our stories. and seeing that f t m doesn't happen and they can be available in the past the 2nd session. so i think that's what's driving the rhetoric that we're
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seeing, what this is about child abuse, and this is wrong. we know that gm is harmful. we've seen women die from best practice. we've seen gulf suffer from distractive, and there's no way that we can twist it to make it right. wrong is wrong. they succeed with that appealing, the law against f t. m. they'll come after the child matters. loved one of those, they might even come out the domestic violence law, and the next thing we know the sexual balance i. so i think this is bigger than f t, and this is about the control of women and their bodies. un back textbooks, a rule, the death of 22 year old must have a meaning in the custody of iran circles. morality police was on norful and caused by violence. the fact finding mission says more than 550 people were killed. as a result of the government's cracked down on protests in response to i mean is death in 2022. that's figure includes $68.00 children. ron's high council of human
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rights has dismissed the report assigned and showed based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that you know most. i mean these death was and i know for this and we believe that the state is responsible. i've gotten a stone sized pockets. stones air force has conducted as strikes targeting tube. it's boarded provinces, killing at least 8 people. talking about officials say the victims with women and children. warning it's a violation of f guns solvency. gun forces of now comes out the touch, the strikes towards focused on a territory. thousands of people gather than most goes red square tomorrow. the 10th anniversary of russia's onyx station of crimea from ukraine, premier is still recognized as part of ukraine by most countries. but it's the strategic prize that provides rushes navy wide access to the world. you're talking
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about other. with a crime is ours based, popular russian slogan appeared 10 years ago when the legitimate patient announced the peninsula was returning to quote its native hall. the russians assess and the residents of crimean made that choice at the kremlin box referendum in 2014. it was ridiculous. edition was russia definitely, and the important point, some from historical perspective, williams, russia will love history, of course. so russian been fights and for come, you was dorky doing this historical times for 300 years. so it to me to so historical, right? the construction of the college bridge which connected the printer is, you know, with mainland russia, was a physical representation of the renewed toys on the 10th anniversary of the re unification. a huge cause that took place in bed square legend, the patient appeared that the bend accompanied by 3 rivals of the presidential elections, also the unleashing, unarmed conflicts in 2022 rushes, financing for more ukrainian territory, circumstance and the toys to start as a,
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as renewable garcia, as for don, box, people living there also declared their desire to return to their family. in the days of the russian spring. their journey home turned out to be much more difficult and tragic. but still we did it. and this is also a big event in the history of our state to 10 years on and crime, it hasn't fully integrated into russia. not least because of the western sanctions . independent sources report the salaries of crime in residents, a 20 to 30 percent less than the national average in russia, like even a piece. and initially problem is that 3 languages, russian, ukrainian, and crime in tata would have equal status. but in praxis, people are discouraged, to speak ukrainian, something that may lead to grow and discontent. and most sized voice is bio sorceries. you'd ask bob donovan ultra 0 last k as well. the weather is next. then
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on the inside story, the jazz cotton, literally times not in the states set fire washington's efforts to contain on the groups in west africa impact time in the region analysis the of the. and just when you thought when to had gone, no, it says cool down again happens any about plus 3 in that code as it comes across the airplane, water will produce significant snow for the current input in today and increasing the for all car though and home show, in fact, wednesday looks up particularly when tree day, not just on the high ground. like mostly so. let's bear in mind that we're in the middle of march. however, further west, generally fine looking weather's right, almost full of china with the sun getting to work and warming things up ever so
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slightly south of events. and it's the time to generate big charles in southeast asia, from north viet run back through thailand. that'll keep temperatures down a little bit. would it be asked me she would still halting pool kept having broken a record a few days ago for a much temperature. the shelves are attending to sue montrose of arian born here. but john forgets a bit of time off, and it's not particularly i as in the philippines baby surprisingly. but we off talking to generate inland. charles in india, save from natural east, was a building to schwab. so these are the census suggest really big violence on this to leave early in the season. you might think, but that, that all the same. i may be just as interesting as what's coming across iraq, another west to be disturb and significant. right. and maybe a brief despair on his way through. i've kind of time to knows and practiced on the latest news as it breaks. the shortage means along the whole of the 1500
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columbus upfront lines. ukraine is only able to fire around 2000 show. today we detail coverage. this is just the staging point from here. the journey continues to the places of virgin inside of the sun from around the world. so for it is in the dominican republic, refer to places such as this one as that survival market because it's meant to cover people's most basic needs. a new house got submitted through ties with the united states. a setback from what was was a crucial online in west africa. it photos of the lead us in the highlands for getting close ties with washer, also taking power immune it occurs. so what are the impacts with this have on the region? this is inside story. the .


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