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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 11:00am-11:30am AST

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in bringing you husband loves to palestine for all to see said donated with confidence. next with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one halts, that's time the room by room suits you of l. a. she for hospital and gone. so it is rarely for us as a risk, civil palestinian sheltering inside at least 20 people have been killed the 0 life. and so coming up strip to this closed space. and in the times, the 12 hours buys riley forces, which is the origin list as well. i will go describe this is what a lot to being released america's i'm clad commitment to defend the philippines. we
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have alexis on the us secretary of sites visit to manila mess, leaching events. strategy is quite very reach stuff is another environmental cit, the is there. any forces remain inside el cheapo hospital, often launching a 4th ride since the war on gas that began. after shelling and shooting inside the complex is rarely for troops had been going room by room, detaining people sheltering inside these really miller trees. as 20 people were killed in the sage, it's a small spices hiding in the building. well, in a few moments we'll speak to the box who isn't occupied east jerusalem. the 1st let's go to honey much, but who is lot for us and rasa in solving gaza. honey, is there any forces still at el chico? what's the nicest you're hearing from the of the
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yes. well, more reports are emerging of from dogs about the situations inside a strip off the door. and what's the grid and military is still operating aggressively inside the complex and conducting aggressive 3rd shift from building to building room through similar to the situation that the scenario back in, in the early december of last year. and then doing so cause a great deal of damage to remaining of properties or medical supplies and equipment at the hospital and causing a great deal of panic. do a really a injuries and people evacuating inside the hospitals. so far, reports of a 22 people have been killed since yesterday given the intensity of the shooting by the talk of drones and been by the time chosen which one of the building caught on fire given the intensity of the body. not only the, the operations continue inside the complex, but also a dates vicinity where more of the residential buildings in which have been housing
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evacuated and displaced families of from parts of the gods. they have been targeted and destroyed with massive relentless areas tries to get, causing a more further internal displacement to people. and so far a since yesterday people were uh, hold on with loud speakers to evacuated, lee, the complex then where women were separated from the men and women were specifically told to go through there in the city as an evacuation zone. and everybody else was born and through a very it detailed security check and the bill was close to 200 people at work. it's a, it's dictated on and true gated by this really military. okay, thanks so much, honey honey. mike, mood for us. the in rasa. so let's bring into the box now who isn't occupied east jerusalem. and so what's the result of, uh the, this,
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is there any operation on l shape of, from the point of view, what someone they talked about in a statement. and the last one there were days to several hours ago, the night was they detained around $200.00 individuals in and around the complex they killed 20, according to the statement amongst those was an individual that they described as being a member of a masses, internal security 2 separate people in gauze and today is having the he was a senior police officer. obviously the piece falls falls on the home us. but they said, he said a key role in facilitating a convoys through the gaza strip. he was not himself how much minutes in cost when we started. he's ready minutes recent comments on that. we've not yet heard back from them, but this clearly was a mess of operation. as of late last night, they said it was still ongoing tom. and what does this ride alternately say about, as well as continued military activities within gaza?
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this is a full rate on this one complex. it's just to the west of gauze, the city in the center of the strip. this is an area where these ready minutes for you has practically taken control all the territory. but of course what it shows is that a massive veil indeed involved in this incident. and it also seemed like this very forces came under time based on this statement. it shows that a massive so afraid that in many parts of the strip, at least one is really soldier, was killed according to these ready ministry. talking to me yesterday, it does seem to be ongoing fighting across the strip is continuing. and that for a lot of the public clustering by prime minister benjamin netanyahu that they need to destroy him, us is seemingly no, not straightforward. leaving aside the battalions these right. it's always a matter of how much slices down and rough itself, which of course is subject to huge amounts of international screws it, including from president by them and day. thank you so much for the most,
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for us there and occupied east jerusalem. a little of this is israel continues its relentless bombardment of the gaza strip and gaza city. not far from l shape. a hospital is rarely strikes targeted residential buildings, killing several people on a cell. sharif went to the scene of one of those strikes and a warning. his report contains some disturbing images. and so i yeah, i mean probably the shuttle jeanette coming, another wave of a straight got it out, but really will because the city this time did you last here a lot of well, i mean a short while ago artist additional building on the sword was his desk of smoke is still rising, the building was reduced to rubble. we will try to get the grocer to document the scale of damage as we speak. these really will please and drums as being hovering above a head. i'm trying to reach the building that was targeted by these where you will clean the scale of the damage is messy. dozens of people walk in depth and
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smallwood engines. we're trying to get closer to the target. the residential building. as you can see here is one of the victims, kids as a result of the s drive, a young golf residence and neighbors are using the bed to try and pull up the victims. from under the rubble, they have minutes to recover one victim. there is no medical assistance or civil defense in the area surrounding of people. hospital has been besieged by these radio condition. forces no unblocked or whisky to able to reach these areas. as we go up to me, another wave of instruct spotted sharpness is phoning and know i hit another residential building was targeted so long. there has been no end user e d s straight since monday morning. lived with one wave of to another. then i get some more residential buildings across all of the cities. as you can see,
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the victims, most of the women and children, they have quoted their way out from underneath the rumble. bites of the only transport out of the district period. for got sick, i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you. know i'm them is there is it strikes have not stopped since monday morning. this is really we're playing something packet, the number presidential building. wonderful, but no medical help countries the same as the is really a patient for since i've been leading sick to the entire area surrounding the i'll she for medical complex. they have no stump the hospital and the thing the medical stuff in sight. i'm at the study of the deal, but the us president joe biden has almost as well as prime minister to send a team to washington to discuss avoiding a major assault on, proffer abide and told benjamin netanyahu that launching
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a ground invasion would be a mistake. the 2 leaders spoke on the phone as the us grows increasingly frustrated about as well as conducting the war around 1500000 palestinians, or sheltering and profit. national security advisor jack sullivan says they have run out of places to go more than a 1000000 people have taken refuge in rough. they went from guys, a city to con eunice and then to ralph. they have nowhere else to go because his other major cities have largely been destroyed. and israel has not presented us for the world with a plan for how we're where they would safely move those civilians let alone feed and house them and ensure access to basic things like sanitation. will petty calhoun has moved from washington, dc on the potential consequences? if president biden's warnings i renewed, it was pretty clear that the eddies sort of major operation into rafa would be a red line. that would imply that there be some sort of consequences,
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even if they did try to walk it back. but we heard from national security advisor, jake sold it and he came out to brief reporters after the call between the president and these really prime minister. and that was pretty strong language, that major ground operations in rough up would be a mistake. and he went on to say there are more than a 1000000 people who fled there, and they basically have nowhere else to go. is most of the major cities are just destroyed. and israel's now presented the by the ministration with the plan that it says it has to do which is fit, tell them how they're going to move that many people where they're going to move them, how their way to provide food and shelter. and the other basic necessities, again, especially since most of the guys the strip is in rubble. so this he says, sullivan said at the president's urging. these railways are going to be sending a team to washington. he believes it'll either be later this week or early next week to talk about ways they could go after her miles without a major ground operations. and that they expectation is that they are will not be
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a major ground offensive until that meeting has taken place. you know, we do know that the president was pretty fired up his comments about the israeli prime minister for getting more and more aggressive, even if his staff tries to walk it back. you know, we know that he was on mike on a microphone when he told us senator that he was going to have a come to jesus conversation with bb. uh, that's what he calls private mr. benjamin netanyahu and come to jesus. that usually means you're to sit down and sort of lay down the law and it didn't say what kind of consequences could follow if you are listen to. so whether or not that happened, we don't know, we know they talked, we know the us has potential consequences and leverage over israel, whether they'll use it, we don't know. oh jeez, here a june list as mile. i'm going has now been released to biased. ready forces out to being health of 12, dallas, he described his time held captive by these rarely military. it's like in a sense, well, let me hop on a, i'm gonna jump off actually today thing with a 5 e,
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and see my bad news that applause. you know, said look at them again, but lives are what i'll come. i'll follow him a bullet and a like a scream. and they said look at the whole from an airport and let him, i just thought, i'll wait and then i'll have to o'clock. i'm not, i'm a venture for you, but it might if it would shot on a heavy load for then have you noticed? like i've had to stop being put on my end. that has to be mindful. it's not what the court would just got. a jetta as a but i've not gotten it. could that allow the specific cameron and you just the well that i the phone call us like that? are the 3 been feeling as well that that it then what kind of trip i love that. com of courtney glen. if that could be an idea of what i thought seemed a thought for you, but i don't like being i'd have had a call, but it's not sort of the i'm i'm due and football. i don't check this out and make that in a handful too much, that it's not about the alaska yet, that it shouldn't then me, i'm a lot of sleep. i still have fee and we'll have to, i don't want to or you didn't, you had the ultimate then was it not and the photos name and
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a little for let be looking at be a and i did that you went very well and was that it would be under my that it's when will committee at a deal with my silvia i own all but that it's not showing that i have yet had to do an assignment for that because i know have to like go to the bottom of a heads up. i'm gonna have to look as about 9 to come down the street from above a block in a way and just i'm in middle block and picking. i know i need that and see, and i'm sad to have the same cause. when the, the, the send me the statewide kind of connect george eh, heavy. but i'm a fucking alignment at that level and a little for about, well, let's go to collect the committee. could you could, could be to be difficult. how much a month or not that's funny for that kind of me been answered. if you don't want these ready military has launched another series of rides across the occupied with bank for the of
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the buttons for account overnight is on the vehicles involved sizes review system of alonso richard g. type east of nicholas. they won't . and so, rights and have grown in java, we're is rarely troop search times in patrol straits. what coming up here on al jazeera, a long, difficult journey to safety and 0 to in some of the people to attend to south sudan because of pfizer and sudan. gang violence, prison, haiti's capital, at least 14 people account up to government attacks to i'm just kind of name of the the, it's feeling more like the middle of june in southern spain. havior one. but look, here's the situation. we'll squeeze at one more warm day. mercy coming in at 31,
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but watch what happens on wednesday. winds turn around and will introduce some showers across both spain and portugal. so that is going to press down. temperature is back to the here. now today on tuesday. warm air also coming in to the islands of island, britain, france through the low countries energy slams into that western side of norway. winds along that west coast will push past 80 kilometers per hour. this will be mountains snow, but to want to see any snow in oslo over the next little bit. sabrina long eastern shores of the age are addict. see. i think the heaviest pulses of rain will be across albania, and greece likely to power up some thunderstorms here with all this rain in northern iraq most. so looking to pick up about a months worth of rain over 24 hours and got to tell you all of these areas under a weather alert for sand and dust with that her not wind blowing quite strong on tuesday. how does spark state and up into in south africa is the northern cape. providence got to 42.3 degrees. we are in the thick of
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a heat wave for virtually right across the country. temperature is coming down in up in 10 today to 37, and then we'll continue to slide over the next little bit. so yeah, the resilience can sprout from people in the house, just urban environments. a soaring costs spread from the community screen. so i'm curious, so i fair, my life is finished. one city farmer bows to protect them. have to think about how we're going to, it's probably going to pay already before a small on the people spaces and encourage them to grow foods taking a greenstone in the new case. biggest city we over london grown witness on a jersey to the
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the reminder about top stores, the cell is ready, forces remain inside el cheapo hospital after launching a 4th ride since the war on gone. so began is rarely, military says 20 people were killed. some us sponsors hiding in the building of just their generalist as well go, has been released by is ready for us is up to 12 hours of detention. he was beaten and arrested on monday by authority trips writing el cheapo hospital in kansas city . and you as president, you a bonded has us as well as prime minister to send a team to washington to discuss avoiding a major assault on process funding. told benjamin netanyahu launching a ground invasion would be a mistake. the us secretary of state says american forces stand by the i am clad, come in and to defend the philippines. and then the blanket has been missing to
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fill the pain for in minnesota on we can model in manila, attention with china is high because of territorial disputes in the south trying to say in the philippines with security to us economy. but they're also critical to the interest of the region of the united states and the world. it's why we stand with the philippines and stand by our in flag defense commitments, including under the mutual defense treaty, part of the for extends to arm attacks on the filipino armed forces, public vessels, aircraft, including those of this coast guard, anywhere in the south china sea okay, well for more on this bond to be large joins us now from the lower and this we had blinking site it multiple times and clad. what else didn't blink and have decided that how exactly the united states will defend the philippines from china. when it comes to the south, china sea, a well us secretary of state antony blinking
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and philippine and foreign affairs secretary and became and now they were both very clear only on the tax against the philippines by any 3rd country in the south china sea or elsewhere would activate the mutual defense treaty between the philippines and the u. s. were in the us can come to the defense of the philippines and act militarily. now, what's happening in the south? china sea has not been there has not been any armed attack in the south china sea by china, against the philippines. analysts say that that what china has been employed are what's called grace on tactics. so for example, they've been using water cannon. they've been using military grade laser, so sort of an arm defense secretary blanket said that the u. s. has been helping the philippines shore up its defense capabilities. and in fact, the philippines is the largest recipient of military, aided by the united states in the, in the pacific region, from 2015 to 2020,
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to the philippines, received military aid worth 1140000000 dollars in the form of war, plains, and military equipments. small weapons and there's more to come in the form of drones and air and the coastal defense systems, for example. now secretary blinking also said that the u. s. has been consist consistent in condemning chinese action in the south china sea against the philippines in what they view as harassment by chinese coast guards against philippine coast guard vessels. now to that end, the us secretary, lincoln said, has also been building more alliances between like minded countries, including the philippines and members of these alliances have also condemned recent chinese action in the south china sea topic at the bound to be of the same time, the white house has just announced the summit the next month between the leaders of the us depend in the philippines. what more do we know about that upcoming basing
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in washington dc as well? both secretaries did not provide many details about that upcoming summit in washington dc. accept that they confirmed that it is happening and that we know that it is happening on april 11th. and this will be among the leaders of the us, japan and the philippines. but secretary, blinking did say that this was a long time coming. and that leaders of these 3 nations had been meeting each other in recent years. president marcos, philippine president marcos since he became president, has met with the us president joe biden, 3 times. um he's also been to japan to meet with a prime minister for me. okay. shita x a she that was here last year and he even addressed congress here in the philippines. and so separately they've been meeting with each other. and officials from all these 3 countries, top officials,
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they've also been meeting each other. and so both secretary said that behind the seats, officials are working to oper, rationalize whatever they will be agreeing to. and that's some it in april. okay, thanks so much fun be bound to below for us there. and manila on calling. legislative has a holding a special session to divide proposed legislation that would fill the crank down on political defense, the national security law as widely expected deposit when it goes to advise. the bill would impose live sentences, the treason and insurrection. offences facing introduced laws in 2020 to climb down on protest. a conflict and so down has forced more than 8000000 people from the homes. the you in say is the world's largest displacement crisis. hundreds of thousands of people who came from south to down and now trying to give back. and malcolm, we have joined some of those traveling from the transit campus and the board of town of rank had the she says every mothers should keep
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her blanket with the have a not put it in the big trumps with the baggage. people here have a long journey ahead. they're trying to get to safety and south suit on. today the pizza said she was in a factory in suzanne's capital, cost to into fighting erupted between the army and the power military rapid support forces panini a year ago. many people died. some were killed by the bombs from plains, even my best friend died. she told us a friend left behind the young child. she says, when food and water supplies run out, she left with children, have to leave a mother behind because she has a disability. she doesn't know if she'll see her again. she's have to walk long parts of the journey to reach here for, for the town of rang. she's trying to connect with the relatives in south sedans,
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capital g by 800 kilometers from here. many of the people here. so they've been happening so we can still check points, but so it isn't sciences of taking them money or they may have all sides. it's makes it even more difficult to find missing. so many members capital don't keys and cars and trucks. these thoughts of south state on no well connected to the rest of the country by right next to that day, we'll say that says you have to so many of the possessions to be able to afford the 1st part of the journey. from here you ends migration organization is all for 18 fontes to carry people up the river nile to the city of mount account. i'm by road an api on more than a 100000 people have taken this route in the last. yeah. and hundreds more. keep coming every day. this has been one of the city of displacement that i've seen from my lifetime of i'm a so, so that is, i've been a busy enough for in the country,
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but to disagree. so i'm seeing now what have we done is coming back to the countries. we have received this coming in. and we have had that type, nothing was confusing, so coming in. so it comes. so they spend most of the, i don't life in cost 2. she's one of the millions of south city denise. he's gone that a decades to escape conflicts here. we'll seeking jobs. it will take nearly 3 days for the barge to reach them on account. it's going to be a tough journey and temperatures over 40 degrees. lately is up to mistake. i'm happy to be making this trip, not only for myself, but for everyone here. i hope we'll all reach home safely. to have to start so that when she gets back to cuba, she says she hopes to find work and send her children back to school. there are a few jobs or public services. it wouldn't be easy for any of these people to
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rebuild that lives. malcolm went out to 0 reg south through dawn. in have 14 bodies have been found in the summit of, of puerto prince and ponts of the capital have been left without pallet, as gangs continue to battle to control the rubble of reports. a bloody scene in the outskirts of haiti's capital porter prints, in the early hours of monday, gangs reportedly attacked to upscale neighborhoods, leaving nearly a dozen dead. it's the latest in a spiraling wave of gang related violence gripping the country. but i'm sorry you broke up this morning with bodies in our community that don't feel it's touch on the deal is not that kind of community where people are killed and we are here to remove the bodies before the children started walking to school and the vendor starts with a rock, my mom, these yeah. caving to demands by haitian games. prime minister arial henri announced last week he would resign following the creation of a transitional presidential council. despite the announcement dang,
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violence has not abated, sparking new concerns from international observers over crisis. that's already grown out of control. it is not hyperbole to say that this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. in neighboring dominican republic, security forces were deployed on monday to the haitian border locals. they are saying that humanitarian crisis is also having a dramatic impact on commerce. when we're lucky plus, you're lucky. here the situation is difficult. not many haitians come due to the problem and haiti, they come twice per week and 5 days that they don't come because of the situation. he is not easy, nothing. leaders from other caribbean nations or holding talks to resolve the crisis, including aiding with the establishment of a transitional presidential council. a multinational police force to restore order and haiti, backed by the united nations and led by kenya, has reportedly been delayed canyon officials saying the deployment of such
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a force will happen only once. the transitional counsel has been created messed up a little alger 0. donald trump's lawyers, so he can find a company willing to offer a bond with $464000000.00 in his civil fraud, cause chapter tons he has more from washington dc. the prospect of the new york state authorities seizing crumbs assets is go to step place or this is the process of these exemptions. but he does have options. he's asking the quote, either to accept why 100000000 dollar bond or to delay collection of the bond them to authorize appeal is hurt or trump may appeal of this to the new york court of appeals. so you can do a little that, however you're in the as a week, and there is that possibility of, of each other general may say, look, that we've got to collect. but what we've, what we've got a great deal about how to obtain a bond in new york is often such a big judgment. i had actually 2 options. you either put step $400.00 and as about $355000000.00 with interest is $464000000.00. you have to put that in. moving back
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to normal, sum into a bank account in cash. what he does, he doesn't want to do, or you're going to ball and basically an insurance policy, a company which will say is good for that money. but then the bottom company needs collateral. and what we've left is that these bottom companies, they don't accept a real estate as collateral, and most of the problems of money is bound up in real estate. and you have is the sort of up for $150000000.00 to $400000000.00 worth of cash and securities. but that's already been depleted by another bond. but we have to take the keys repeating another case of sexual assault. i needed to raise a $110000000.00 for that. he has to raise then $557000000.00. now it's coming up again with fees from a bond company. and he said, because of that because he doesn't have cash on hand. so you said that he's a bit of trouble, but we have to see what the judge decides and whether he can still manage to type us out of it for a bit longer. scientists and australia are concerned by another mass bleaching of
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karl on the great barrier reef. is there a clock report? some towns will the carlos vice old tim of rain eco systems and provides a habitat so much moraine life. these are some of the 1st images in the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when will my ocean temperatures and pollution force cold to expel the algae that lead the mid to sheets. y'all to give the color range of color. scientists have declared 2020 full a mess, bleaching event. we call a mess carl bleaching when we see the majority of carls on many of the recent we survey across large areas of the marine park our bleaching. and that's the situation where and at the moment carl bleaching is just a stress reaction from karl. so you could compare it, for example, to heat stroke in a human until now calling the southern section of the 2000.


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