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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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and that does not mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the multiple is riley strikes. it's southern guns that killing at least 14 people in producing homes to rumble the content mccrae, this is l g 0 life from da. how also coming up a room by room search of l shape, a hospital and gaza. israeli forces arrest several palestinian sheltering in size. at least 20 people had been killed. we made hope of the fact that the ducks have that he started the good thing guitar immediately side cautiously optimised accounts of the latest round of gauze as the spot totes involving the head of israel's intelligence agency and petitions. and again, be looked over 10,
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a landmark fan on female genital mutilation. it protects millions of women and girls, the it is a live in g m t, that is 1 pm in gaza on yet another day. overland list is rarely bombardments. at least 14 people have been killed in multiple strikes on homes and profit in the south. many others were injured in the sort of a night of tax, including children who would take into the quite hospitals. the treatment, one and a half 1000000 displays, palestinians of crammed into the southern city. to take refuge from the 5 months is rarely offensive. in the north of the strip is ready as strikes at the neighborhood of kansas city. the area is crowded with residential times and buildings. these ready is still inside el, she's the hospital after launching
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a 4th right on monday morning. the military operation has killed at least 20 palestinians and the time many others excels on that which has more people almost done, is rarely soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex searching of room by room. the government for the service advisor, commander, say the operation is targeting how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. but some of them it's several people were reported killed in the operation, including psych, i'll build it out of my pools. how my says he was a key figure, any causes police force responsible for facilitating the save distribution of 811 the number of civilians were killed in the aftermath of these really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital. because of health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god's sake, i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake.
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where to go, where to go. thank god. thank you. god, thank you now. and then the siege of all she saw hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is hampering rescue operations with many teams unable to get there . thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalists are being detained and their equipment destroyed. leading to a reporting blackout. axels i much out just there. on the mac mood has the largest room for offer in southern gaza. it is really military still operating inside as if the hospital complex in a statement made by this very military. it is, the operation is intended to eliminate what they described, the presence of how not to operate as a members inside the hospital would know a substantial evidence of provided or supporting this a claim so far we're looking at uh, based on the ministry of health,
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se statement 22 people have been killed inside of the hospital. that's on the yard of the hospital. as these really military continue. a d, a conducting aggressive surgeon from building to the building and from room to room and causing great deal of damage and destruction to the medical equipment and one building just caught on fire. given the intensity of the bombing, going on, also at the vicinity of the hospital, intense bombing campaign going on where more residential buildings have been just targeted and destroyed. and then when we're getting calls of, from the ministry of health, that the number of people have been killed at the vicinity of the hospital and elsewhere. and the surrounding area had a spring in for the box who isn't occupied east jerusalem and of what new information do we have about the is reading operation that is ongoing. it el cheapo hospital of the yeah, what we know is with uh at the moment as clear signs that the ongoing,
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those operations that talk in detailed and the statements release. and just the last few minutes about this, they've said that essentially they're all still sold as a working inside the facility. i'm just going to bring you some of the details from this. talking about the fact that they have 13 special forces involved in precise operations. they said that they killed fights in close quarters, combat located weapons in the area. we've seen some video that's not entirely convincing, frankly. and they said that they tried to avoid harm to the millions medical soft medical equipment thus far. they've said they killed the 50 individuals, and whereas last night they said they had arrested 20 and we're trying to clean intelligence from them. in the course of interrogations right now, they said they apprehended a total of $180.00 suspects. okay, so if they said that they've killed 50 in that right and a 100 and i see a rest of the discharge. the other major developments over the last few hours has
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also been the most at chase visit to to, to oh hi, they've been any developments within his royal following that visit? so on negotiations. so it seems clear that senior members of the government all going to be meeting tonight, i just got confirmation from benny guns as office that they are going to be holding a war cabinet this evening. following their time to don david, bunny of the director of most said to tell of in that meeting, we'll be looking at some of the proposals, the counts proposals that they could sorry for them and as dislikes person was talking about in the last hour. i'm trying to figure out whether the is ready, government will be comfortable and that will happen and don't forget it's a very small and mucous of man comfortable with some of the ideas being floated by, the mediators from amazon. okay, thanks so much for them. uh, this for the max for us the and occupied east jerusalem. i'll do there a june list as my little girl has now been released by is ready for us as of to
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being held for 12 hours. he describes his time held captive by these rarely, military like in a sense. so let me hop on a look. what could i general for today? same with a 5 feed, fema, bad news that applause, you know, said look at him again. but let's not welcome. i'll follow him a bullet and a like a scheme and because of the whole thing, i forget what to let him. i just thought i'll wait and then i'll have to o'clock. not a little bit sure for you, but it might if it would shot on a heavy load for that and have you noticed like i've had a stop being put on my end. if it was not what the quote just got a jetta as a bar up, know what, make it out loud and remember specific cameron and you just the well that i the phone call us like the cleveland field data digit. then what kind of slip i love that. com of courtney glen. if that could be an idea of what i thought seemed a thought for you, but i don't love being, i'd have had a positive, it's not shuttle. so i'm going to and from
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a highly on check this out and make that in a handful. don't forget that. it's about the last good at that. it shouldn't then the i'm a lot of the fee and we'll have to, i don't want to or you didn't, you had the may then was it not opposed them in a little sleepy, but the never. yeah. and i'd like to ask you, what better, what was that, what would be any might have if someone could be at a deal not fully at all, but that it's not showing that i have yet had to do an assignment for that. i get, i know, have to go to the bottom of a heads up. i'm gonna have to look as about 9 to come down the street from above a block and, and just, i'm in middle block and picking. i know you need that and see, and i'll say i've had the most in horseman, the they had the sydney, the gateway kind of went jawed eh, heavy, but i'm a fucking alignment at that level and a little bit about, well let's go to collect the committee could be, should it could be to feed into the gym or not. so i need for that kind of me been
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answered if you don't want split. and derrick toltz between israel and moss are underway here in the hot discussing hamas. his latest proposal for a prison, a captive exchange, and to end of the war. kind of ministry of foreign affairs spokesman, dr. measured. ellen, sorry, says he remains hurtful. i don't think we're out at the moment now. what do we can say that you are close to where to where the we are. as i said, we are cautiously optimistic because adults have it at the end. and that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue and help to build upon that and becoming a days whether it's still too early to, to announce any any successes. so we remain, as i said, we made hopefully so i'm, i'm involved with that then use conference in the higher and the amount of the technical teams are still missing. i mean, what does that indicate that the significant progress is still being made on any 65 deal of the well somebody else,
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the oh sorry about the significance of this and the media go. those technical teams meeting and continue to talk with a to me is a that is a progress and we are in the middle of, of, of, of, of peace talks. the situation. he said it doesn't mean that there is a progress and it's 2 areas. he's just mentioned to me to announce the progress, but it means that the talks are going on and we have to wait and give you time. there is no time to time limits on these talks. she made it clear that the, the most of the chief of david barnett who was here in the hot and who met during the last couple of days with the officials at he ordered the left. so that to me use a confirmation of what has to be said of lead thought the team, seeing how these a team in particular, that you don't have very many prerogatives to make any decisions. so somebody has to go and go back and talk to these that i needed to ship about what has to be discussed into hand. probably they would come back or so here we send you suggestions and probably with video decisions in regards to the talk's mom and we
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know that the 2 sides have been just vastly posed a pass over the recent weeks. can you just want us through what the main sticking points are at this point in time? the right for the is really, is tom, they want the policy is to, i mean the one time us to basically agree to a cease fire temporarily. these 5 of about 6 weeks will buy at most, or many of these are the prisoners, can do the lease. so for each of the types of all these negotiations is 6544 captives. that's what they want with it for. the policy is that you want a pen and it says fine. of course, we have been told by a doctor on the outside of the spokesman of the pharmacy that, that is not on the table right now that we are phase one of these phase one is about a temporary humanitarian sci fi. probably a permanent one will be discussed in the future. so everything about the policy and the month the for is i have to withdraw from some states, some highways in gaza to let more humanitarian aid into
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a garza and also to accept the release of hundreds of high profile of business. all of those points are sticking points for these ladies at so that gives you an indication of how difficult these negotiation is at it's expectation that he's going to take some time. okay, thanks so much for that moment. and file for us there and. and these rarely, military has launched another series of rides across the occupied west bank. the abundance broke out of the noises on the vehicles and bulldozers we used to stone the palazzo refugee camp, east of nablus. they will also rides and have found it, and yadda, which is rarely troop search times and controlled straits. but the more in this i didn't speak to laura kahn, who isn't from olive for us now. and laura, we have just had a june list was amongst those are risk. do you have any details about exactly what
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happened? well, to him. absolutely. a woman code ruler has a name. she's a mother, a 9 month old baby and she's well known in the occupied westbank for rising about the is ready. ok. patient and also some human rights issues. now these raise ended at home in bethlehem at around 2 30 am. they didn't realize she had a baby at the time, so she had to decide whether to take her baby with talk, considering she's nothing her was to leave her behind with a husband, which of course is a big shot. but i just wanted to give you some of the stats around policy and douglas being arrested since october the 7th, as being a huge up to around $45.00 housing. and john is behind, is randy balls at the moment, more than 60, arrested since october the 7th. if we compare that to last year from january, the 1st to type, the sick, the only age. so with me, i have the gypsy had all the posting and you're on a send a coach, his name is alma, that's a thank you so much for joining us. so i just want to know, 1st of all,
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why are they being put behind balls? why is it it's about taking them away and um, uh, she can let them. thank you for having the i believe that the main objective behind the tense and then there's a tense campaign in canada. i was by design a petition process. as of today, 62000 and this had been a red statement of issues with many polls. the baretski come to the for october 7th . the main objective is to detect or done it. and to see them away from cutting the voices of the palestinians. eh, these ladies are adamant to continue to maintain the narrative and to muzzle any other voices. another objective is that it threatens this strategy. adopted by these 80 occupation forces is still and timmy date that was done is not the only the done that is detained, but also to intimidate any other dentist by way of creating uh,
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the image that any one who tries to speak will be the next one. targets this is the strategy i'm policies adopted by this lady based on forces. all of this fold within the media as in the side, again as the palestinians. don't notice how dangerous visits have policy. and john, let's in the occupied westbank about assess, especially when it comes to financing arrests and also policy and journalist and gaza. yeah, i need to have the there is no doubt that joe noticed reading on that are mass save danes are. first of all, these ladies are trying to mazda and any palestinian voice, and they are also targeting the families of doing that isn't. what is most thought is the conditions in which and they've done this operating. many of them are now behind, is variety. but as we speaking wise, man, a journalist who was lost hayes high as the bullet,
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is still resting in his scott. and he is intentionally bad on his head despite the fact that he is detained. behind is a buzz. this is what we managed to hear about. many other done a this reading on the poster like uh, item up did what had done it, but no, he didn't have those, as he said, because it's not already increasing the more dangerous for them in the occupied westbank more that makes them in garza, but also incredibly worrying conditions inside is ready presence. okay, thanks so much for all that this laura con for us to and from iowa. a couple slides here. ronelle da 0. america's iron clad commitment to defend the philippines, who called the nicest on the visits to me in the us, secretary of state, the
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political debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving. and we actually have 2 experts at home, all good, because we have money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the policy for an economy service, the students name and date, and close the rivals inside story. on al jazeera palestine. this once of very different place for today, most of cities became connected to the interior in an award winning film, which is 0. well, here's historians and i'd witness accounts that portray early 20th century by this time as a thriving fibers. the reach of was open investments were excess, moving from one city to another, palestine 1920 on al jazeera or i'll
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just wait. the you're watching, you'll just hear a reminder about top stores. the ssl a funerals are being held for some of the 14 people killed in this really strikes sometimes in southern gaza. many others were injured in the attacks on profits for one and a half 1000000 palestinians have taken refuge from the military offense. this is rodney false has remained inside of chief a hospital after launching a full tried since the war on cause of again, these really me,
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latrice is 20 people were killed in this age. it's just the most fun since we're hiding in the building. because this is cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a cease fire and gaza media. i think the latest runs took some time. ha, involving the head of it as well as intelligence agency. most sense began b, a has moved a step closer towards reversing a band on female genital mutilation. it's a national assembly vice it to send a bill on ending the band to the parliamentary committee for further discussions. removing the band would, in legal protections for millions of girls and women as tiffany decor reports of those interval $1442.00 was not in verbal for an overwhelming majority in the gallery as national assembly for female genital mutilation. to be brought back. the bill still needs more discussion to pos, but the sentiment, at least in here, is clear on public,
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but it is inconsistent with desperation of the majority of the people. so be, are, you can see the outside show of support for both sides. these women are for the cutting and removal of 4 parts of the external female genitalia often done as girls are still very young. but many protested against the repeating of the little octave of say, reverses years of progress for women's rights. most permanent voices, stuff, we hear a man and we need to listen to women and young girls to been through penny until june and some insulation and have discussed to show for it. and i don't mean just physical scars. i mean mental scars. we need to listen to activities, stuff been through of gym and that i'm now advocating against f t. m. i think is this bill is fast. it gives them a chance to go after the child matters law. it gives them a chance to go after the domestic violence, little this is not only
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a by female genital mutilation, which is about women in the control of women's body. according to the un, around 213000000 girls worldwide have been caught. countries with the highest rates include egypt to don, somalia, molly guinea, sierra leone and era trail. the new one go babies are caught as also older adolescent girls. when you try to take these f gm consists of removing a part of the female genitalia that provides sexual pleasure for women. and can also include the stitching of the body parts to practically close at. the one says the general practice has seen a downward trend, but it is slow paste. in 2015 world leaders voted to ban f gm by 2030 saying it was rooted in gender and equality and power imbalances. but active a submit, there is no way the practice shows any signs of being eradicated. and now the gambia is on the verge of bringing it back. stephanie decor,
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well g 0. china has won the united states that it has no right to interfere in territorial disputes in the south china sea. the comments followed the us secretary of state saying that american forces had an iron clad commitment to defend the philippines. as any blinking has been meeting the philippine foreign minister on re k malo. and manila, these waterways are critical to the philippines with security to us economy, but they're also created to the interest of the region, the united states and the world. it's why we stand with the philippines and stand by our unclear of defense commitments, including under the mutual defense treaty article for extends to arm attacks on the filipino armed forces, public vessels aircraft, including those of his coast guard anywhere in the south trying to see the pulse of chinese profiting if a grant has been banned for life from trading on the stock market,
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trying to securities regulates, it will say, plans to find who called again for various financial offenses and find if a grand for in slicing is revenues by nearly $18000000000.00, and $1.00 of the johns of china is heavily indebted property sector was ordered to liquidate by a home concord earlier this year. and the hong kong column. it has pa, so new national security look at items to punish crimes such as treason, espionage, and disclosing state secrets with top of penalties. chief executive john lee says the legislation is needed to protect hong kong. critics say it's too vague and will be used to silence defense. jessica washington reports in hong kong legislators. me to discuss, propose national security legislation known as article 23. why you parked on launch? it is home combs, constitutional responsibility to and that they all go 23 legislation under the basic law to safeguard national security. i believe everyone here the legislative
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council bill on the be able to take part in this historical mission. we're going to, okay, it's covers axis treason, sedition and more. includes provisions which allow for police to detain suspects for up to 2 weeks without a charge compared to 2 days. now, it would also give police the power to deny some suspects, access to lawyer, and create mechanisms to cancel the passports of so called eps going to is it makes the national security risk a much more comprehensive. so it includes a whole raft of things that were not crimes before or that were colonial crimes, but they've updated the crime is the increased the amount of penalty some human rights organizations and foreign governments have criticize the vagueness of article 23 and said it may be used to silence critics. a previous
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attempt to post the bill in 2003. so more than half a 1000000 people protest before it was withdrawn. now there were no indications of descent. the same punk with demonstrations assembled more than 20 years ago is no hosting a flo exhibition. this situation has changed a lot. you also people here actually it will ask them they did not tell you because they will not obviously you. but as i said, there are no demonstrations, no protests, no public assembly. it's very quiet. a really quiet, 2020 paging and post and national security, you know, in home. com for months of pro democracy protests. since then opposition politicians has been jailed. and many news outlets and civil society organizations shut down the china as president. she just being has repeatedly stated his commitment to the one country to assistance policy which is intended to allow home comb to be governed with
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a high degree of autonomy in the legislative council. building legislative say the change is necessary to protect hong kong status as an international hub. one politician like into the low to a front gauge guarding hong kong is people from danger. jessica washington out to 0 or on has dismissed the findings of an international proportion to the depth of muscle, meaning you. in fact, experts who diff, 2 years ago was unlawful and caused by violence. and that's a rainy and women continue to suffer. step systematic discrimination and use of, i mean, is this and the custody of so called morality police cause month to protest. the report says at least $550.00 were killed in the government. the crack down of finding showed, based on the examination of medical documents and also affecting the evidence of the treatment of women and the situations that jena mazda. i mean these death wasn't on law for this. and we believe that the state is responsible. but us
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environmental protection agency has moved in the last form of spittle, still used in industrial processes. the vision of the material still remains pot of water purification and cub rank manufacturing. as best also is once widely used as an industrialized and n t 5, causing an homes until it was found to cause multiple kansas. it is band and $55.00 countries. as for the for sale, strike of virginia is due to appear in court on wednesday with will be decided if he will spend his 9 year child 10 in his home country after being found guilty of ripe because it will, does not extradited citizens when they are sentenced abroad, but its top code will decide if for been you it should surface sentence and brazil or italy for being your end. 5 others were found guilty of gang right. fine to tell you in court in 2017, he has always denied the charges. but so for me,
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tell him the credit with this next then inside story is off to that place to stay with us. the the, here's how it's working across asia pacific and the middle is good to have the along stove back in the forecast over the mountains of honshu. and for a time hope title as well. blustery wins here. now on the other side of the mountains, tokyo, sheltered by up to 15 degrees. the sun is allowing those temperatures to come up quite nicely, virtually across all of china and quite cheap, probably, and square linds at $24.00 degrees. and still this free is off the baseband golf, funnelling in some moisture and humidity for tailing, gone out of districts and be har states. that's where the biggest rounds of rain will be on wednesday. okay, let's go to the middle east. now we've had quite
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a soaking in quaid and iraq, that's now pushed into iran, but it has dramatically dropped temperatures here left a much pressure feel in many spots where the address is 22 degrees on tuesday. and with the tailing system, it's still going to give us cloud cover for us here in del high 28 degrees. but here's where the storm system is now rolling across the ron now pushing into afghanistan is dropped temperatures into ron, and it will drop those temperatures in here dropped to con. eventually this pulls into northern pockets, done, but in southern pockets. dunston providence, i think some spots across the province will hit 40 degrees over the next 24 hours bye for now. as the the end of time. when is that? that's right. the next thing that's about the template is the return of the lord jesus christ. the apocalypse, witness those into the us is event jellicoe, christie,
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and exploring its influence on democracy and foreign policy on this and try to you have just read, it's the fucking list process praying for armageddon. episode one, news has got submitted to ties with the united states. a setback from once was once a crucial online in west africa. it photos of the lead us in the highlands, 14 close ties with russia, also taking power immunization cruise. so what the impacts with this have on the region. this is insights story. the hello welcome to the program on how sion a bottle just a year ago, unintended blank and was india the.


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