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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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i think that's about half. what is the return of the lord? jesus christ, the apocalypse. witness those into the us is event jellicoe, christie, and exploring its influence of democracy and foreign policy on this and try that. you have just read a book in the process, praying for armageddon. episode one news has got submitted to ties with the united states, a setback from what was once a crucial online in west africa. it follows lead us in the highlands. 14 close ties with russia. also taking power admitted to cruise. so what the impacts with this have on the region. this is insights. sorry, the
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hello welcome to the program on how sion have bought a just a year ago and tended blaine can was india the 1st of a visit by us secretary of state, he hailed the west african country as quote model the present is and the democracy and a model of cool pricing and 5 months later, the ministry ceased bhalla and a crew. now nisha is got to help me to, to ties with washington. and once it's full says, to leave that follow full colonial power of friends whose troops was shown the door locked this in the meanwhile, i have relations with russia. i have been deepening with moscow's influence increasing in the region. so what's gone wrong so quickly from washington's point of view, and what does miss as well, is that for us troops to leave being for the flight guys of drugs in the saddle, with basketball, gas. these questions in a few moments with us this report from almost as soon sharif a new jazz military government says the presence of us forces in the country is no
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longer justified. it's all to them out with immediate effect denouncing what it's called, a condescending attitude of an american delegation in the captain, u. m. a foot talks, feel assured that popped in a diploma each year regrets the desire of the american delegation to deny the saw for new jerry and people the right to choose their partners and the types of partnership capable of helping them to truly fight against terrorism. even though the united states of america has decided utilized truly to suspend all cooperation between now 2 countries, a member of the us state department said the decision to end the ministry agreement bond to share came off to frank discussions about the chin task trajectory ties between the 2 nations have strained since finishes men. she took power in a cool last year. washington suspended some entry agent responds, but in december offer to restore ties on some conditions. since the cool nation has
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done to rochelle for help, often kicked out french troops in december, maybe monday and booking of fossil, which have had to military coups since 2020 have also tons to must go for security support. got the restaurant duties. as for the russian federation, it's upon us with which need you to deals on a state to state basis in accordance with military cooperation agreement, signed with the previous government to acquire military equipment necessary and its fine against the terrorists who claim thousands of innocence. new gerry and victims under the indifferent i of much of the international community nation has been the center of u. s. military operations in the cell hill with the large drum base and hundreds of soldiers stationed there to the saw his region funds across best off with the just below the so holler desk, the groups linked to iso. i'm ok the have been operating for years. this year was
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seen as the last less than ally in the region. the state department's website described it as a critical act to and regional efforts to come to texas and, and promote stability for now new chas. efforts to come back on groups in the region with nothing full of the united states and the consumption we've all just 0 for inside study is the best thing in august in boucher a diet hudson senior associate non resident vis center for strategic and international studies. yolanda and alexis, legit, i'm madison, director of sigma for africa also in the nigerian capital could be a demo secuity and intelligence specialist focus in west africa and they have regions, way too heavy old in the program. the diet, how to relations, southerly decline between nisha and the united states of america. it's quite an
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interesting development on cedar in the us as been the one um government engage and with nation actually own government to government basically the same. so i kind of buy representation from the atkins deputy secretary of state uh to the assets and secure to your page to service the new page to have jamie have the best of to present our credentials. so i think that it's, there has been some form of openness on the part of the us in terms of working with nation. but i think for me, share the problem is that's the same so much fixated for the leasing. and we do hope that this book leaves in june of eventually need drives initially same environment john, really as personally considering the security thing, the location of the size of thoughtful nigeria just as good for the 1st step academy need thinking alexis,
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well i yet to understand exactly what happened during that meeting between the us assistant secretary of state monthly fee on the michael langley, the command of us africa command with the top new, shabby and officials bombing from the what the news areas are saying that the basically they didn't like the what the describe as a condescending attitude of american officials should we should waste time it up as exactly that point or there's more to this new route between the americans on the news areas. i think that's part of it, but i think there is definitely more to this dentist to come to said the doctor to i think ultimately, the crux of the matter is just choice of really true partners. and specifically, the choice of russia for us clearly seems to be for straight to that is a, is moving closer and closer in terms of managing corporation and partnerships with
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the russians. and we saw that in the statement from is uh what they were saying was that the us were trying to the noise and drop it should it to, to choose the ministry potters they wanted and the partnerships that started a partnership. and they wanted to pursue it. so i think that's ultimately what the problem is. now parts it may well be called a sending out to g, because that is a continuation of the type of language that we heard and image of the month of the crew. last july, where is the gym to was consistently say, look, the french have essentially a near claim is at the church and we've had enough for being dictated to and similarly we're seeing the type of language. imagine you're getting way they prefer . i just called us and they got to change, but specifically i believe the attitude is when relation to then say, look for who don't be dictated to me because have relationships with russia. could be if this is about rushes, growing footprint in africa's high region. is this still an opportunity for the
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americans to build bridges with video qualities in asia about the need to maintain that part of the ship? one, understanding that political reality is changing and that the africans have the right to have different spots. it is russia in particular. yeah, i mean, the sounds, the policy of it well with the big enough ministration with the african countries that's been one of the technician, believes that is what has been stated in practical them. so we have, uh, we all know that the focus of on the america and the northwest and countries have been on you agree. and that, that has allowed a lot of development and not very good, perhaps not, but somebody was to go without the us. sometimes they went down to taking notes or they're forced to play cultural. and i think this to an extent is what happened in new york. but they took us almost 3 or 4 months to declare what happened in new
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jerry cool. and just like um, previously because mentioned, even after declaring the geri pool, they remained open to discussing with the community, treat into which was a contradiction to what, what was presence as expected. but i think beyond that the fact that the lives of an electron yeah, in the us, the 5 of them for president beat in particular, he would want definitely to make actual case of the outcome of a dyslexia class. i would say unfortunately, development, it seemed, it seems to me that the diminution of b u. s. influence in new jar. and in spite of the fact, like you mentioned, they maintained an open relationship where they don't time kind of expect to be fixed by several and talk to all of us government officials if announcement is coming from the fee and it's b, it indicates that on the other point that i think it goes to crucial to how do we play out if the relationship that has been be reinforced,
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that between the city and the talk to my country, so looking at 5, so money, find me job or on the is that rushed into 3 countries, so all of these i think, and then i'm going to play a role in the outcome of how this car in bluff jim played out it. they did the americans, you know, in a way or another up on the estimate. what happened in molly, which is interconnected with what happened in book in the past. so it should inter, connected with what happened in a, in these uh, the same problem of the same mistake made by the french. you know, i think that americans actually did lots of days to make that. so if you look at the, with the english language previous, it shows that the last week i mentioned, you took months before they put even things like b. c. cool. that has been lots of, bye daughter conversations. there's been lots of open conversation desk and lots of
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v 6. actually most of the states are trying to learn from their mistakes in the side, in the book. and i am in, in book in there. and of course, in my loot that also you will find that's what i read to you as kids to actually be back in there plus times. they will continue to engage on your country to country basis on this time during the importance of the should to be a boy against ad. so the way you can tell what reason. so there is actually no on the commission. i think there is all just a differential way of doing things by the minutes reach into particularly the last o um it'd be here. yes. a lot of my me book, you know, i'm from the shit which is a band on see what some fathers to and how about all the sanction foods, by the us actually did not prevent them from getting the french treatments this to go to print richmond's now the question is that we've been coming in no rush. yeah
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. which of course we continue to say that countries should be allowed to page, which would be one to say should not be we should not. that's a point to our free test. i'll be happy to choose between the west to the u. s. for instance, all of us, we should actually have the opportunity to, to, to engage at whatever level and on whatever bases we want with these country. well, the realities also quite talk. you have talked in depth now let's see if we model in terms of 5. i'm great. so so just will be pull house eventually from the shit. when that happens, easy to stay long. great. that the asked me to call this. yeah, he's able to provide that we do request change what not. that would be not to do with all the internet security could challenge rich. charles bought their implication for this i have, i think this is actually because what we actually see. okay,
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so as we speak to you to close the west africa allow access to a 1012 was a turning point in the sense that groups affiliated with al qaeda. and i still decided to shift the prizes from the middle east to the so have region. the french decided to set up a process in molly and they were followed by many other countries that changed when the money and said we don't want it for the troops. the so everybody that indicates that tunisia now they've been kicked off from the what does that mean for the future? flight, guys, these drugs. so i think it's the 1st part before heading out on the head. i think this does leave is a and also because if i, so i'm all extremely exposed ultimately because i don't think that they have the capabilities to make up those numbers. when you push out one of those western troops. um, you can see the intent to try and make up the numbers by forming
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a security pop between themselves and turning to russia. but i don't think that's going to make the short for as much as not in terms of numbers. it's such a, you know, in terms of capabilities because, you know, if you look at this new, a space, for example, variability to maintain surveillance across the hill, across a number of different competing situations in different folders across different groups. that's assurance capability that's being removed and is not being replaced . so i think duplication is that we've taught and the security situation is going to the to right. i'm in the shape, but then also it may seem to happen already indicated by so i didn't molly, and i think that it's a ration will continue, can be it was don, made a trip back signed between the americans and these and 2014 that paved the way for the americans to vote for more infrastructure, particularly in goodies and in the capital. and you want me to try to contain the going binds over the groups in the head of
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a beach and the american likely to further lose the fight against these armed groups as they are denied permanent presence in a cushion place such as need. yeah, i think that's really important that we appreciate the fact that before the american some the african countries that are affected by this, the dividends of this groups more or less mor bang, you know, invited to one to you to address them, contain them all in the best seconds, don't forget to read both of them. and so there are 2 major issues that i would say my progress because did not mention and is it the, the what we have seen in real terms. and i said if it also has a responsibility of failure, all of the problem issues like she in measurable terms, the interests of,
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of the country. and then of course, we depart mentioned that i've been, are, i've done this, it's not, i would, i would say i'm not the region. if i be at the moment this i have, the region remains in spite of despite them they shipped me to send the sport for to order them into walk with several groups of academics in spite of digital version. so this question led to populating that of godaddy beaman for which they do not have about that. right? it's also a little bit difficult to conclude, in spite of the fact that we all agree that what they are showing me in the goal of stick with what to do, given the circumstances i do. but i reason to say that there has been a determination and defect every 2 seconds of us incident, the car in which if you get them to the time when partnerships were active, i wouldn't use the one to, to a region. so what point i'm trying to make is it is a good time for a reality check for the types of mission,
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the types of agreements. and then of course, the objectives of the agreements, the public. i'm going to be the same that we're not getting the best out of those agreements. i need to have the reason why it was the end of that by since then. perhaps it's officially and i want to emphasize this point, the 6 you read the 2nd quarter reform. um, you know, a training support that has been coming on the different phones from western countries in africa. in reality, it's very effective and i think this is the result of what we have seen in several countries, including the job. okay. a diet in news. yeah. a molly, i didn't book enough fossil the june to lead us. i've been saying that the reason why this set to the foreign troops to leave is basically because the fight against i says i'd add all the audit groups was not efficient to the contrary. they sold the pretense of full anti western sentiment,
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spreading across the beach and which could have a huge impact on their own personal survival. does that make sense to you in a way or now that was just part of the populace trend, which has been prevailing that i think we know parts of the police trend. when you look at the test site from the gaze that was made with the with keep that in mind. and there's nothing to have me substantial opinions that we have actually seen. what do you look at the book and at 1st, so the numbers of people being cube odessa actually increased less than 2 weeks. they both are way more than 150 people cube. the conflict itself is actually moving . that's one thing that we should actually take called miss as old dyslexia technician of actors, the proliferation of the actors in 2012 who were basically just dealing with a miller. and then the other groups came in. now we're dealing with multiple books, see him or i so as g s. b, i chose to like multiple groups. we actually dealing with ben dislikes,
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keep moving stories there from the most of the country in places like looking at what it does actually move into the be spend book, you know, as well. so in real time, when we look at seats, it's not as seen, there is actually substantial progress. we have slow, get me, i mean, and we're making a lot of results to know vigilance. the groups themselves, me so much huge human rights violations begin. cvb. s me huh. okay alexis, this is an area that has had a long history of bad governors with body ins, long cycles of drought. and now the presence of i'm groups which have further expand that influence from the tiny groups operating in an rules. and molly, all the way to posing serious less to countries like go do floss, indigo, and dna. could it be the moment of reckoning for the americans,
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all the need to reinvent the way they've been dealing with these groups? i mean, i would go so far as say, some moments of record for the americans because i think it's a huge country that's very incident in the way in which means to wells. and i think maybe they might reassess to some extent. but i don't think i'd go so far as to say if somebody went to reckoning and just to expand to the previous point that i made, would say something else that we haven't touched on in depth has been for the fact that there's not just the partnership with western countries for them by the wayside, this countries are looking to lease a cost as well. so they're not looking to what we are for compartments. i don't look at the chevy information, which is crucial to bear in mind the relationship between these countries with the pores, both as a for example, the situation in june in terms of security is difficult to say the least, the security forces arrive as stretched. and so we're seeing popular in the
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northeast, which has been the case for more than a decade in terms of islamic states. and then also lastly, bulk of around whether that's a diminished route. and then in the north west, we seem so coupons that so these criminal guns are roving and uncovering spaces. and when you see the groups, let's say i'm excited about the electronic region. and then the so called bonded to bow freely. now without for pro communication between african countries, so then that we're going to remove all of these problems and that will come if molly between if i so, and as i say the, let's say for top of oakland to west west in the spring to nigeria and then the can speak to us to partners as well. okay, could be a. so we've reached this point, this critical junction where you have the knowledge, molly, news, your book enough also putting out the from the g 5, which was instrumental in the fight against the insurgency. threatening to pull out from the co us. what does it leave all the countries like movie tadja and chad wish
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austin insisting we would like to be still part of the g 5. what does it leave the entire fight against these groups without further expanding that influence? a look frankly, in a very precarious circumstance. the g. by does that go to that? the, the major concrete, i mean the head. what does, what then money uh there was planning to move it to new jersey and then of course the who happened in, in, in july. so that's good. other than that, um to our next dentist brought to him. what we've done deal with the regional corporation. of course you have the multinational join tax spots that is in chat info. we share your thoughts. so we have member and then of course them try to as well. but in the fact that you have that wide, i'm giving a little that if it's a helps vulnerable and so we travel really difficult to do. lots of believe video affect the multitude of groups that are operational. that like i said earlier on,
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this is more or less than send us, but for them to read the tentative and was at the moment and then you have their regional incorporation. that meant to address that would call ups. and so that's a huge i need to think of the by the a core. and although i've like the you, as i'm the you need to come together. i'm the 11 flexible option. of course, it's just turned into much electronic during tax was and then of course an increase the share in of intelligence. that's all i think about the deal. i have the different on goes to, to discuss with these procedures can give you some short answers. it does a russia have all it takes now to take over and replace america and friends in the south region. no. you know, i think that's where shed does not have even big geographical knowledge. the wrong knowledge of being in west africa on the side, like the french or the us. i'm the conflict. the security is actually too
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much for just one country with very small numbers to manage and by dads this event, essentially i pick out the kind of places will give you a fridge that you see snobs. if you choose not going to be who for those countries on for the rest of west africa, this is not the west african problem. then the united states of america will spread this problem. alexis, they may not have their how though they have more incentives, more casual weapons to deliver to those countries. and also the success that obama, which is they offer a couple of days of pricing in many parts of the region. i know i'm not going to have to sign the theory incentive. i think the incentive for the west is that there was a concern, but um the hell region will become a hot bed for instruction and things that might come and help them harden. so instead, it's mike coming to georgia tech's somewhere in your report in the west. i don't
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think bush has concerns about that. what the russians were looking to get out of these relationships and they all catching is access to minimal resources that will access to gold. for example, they want access to diamonds. if a get hold of fat just, that's what they want and they can visually get access to the things that they want and make some money out of his endeavors. but isn't it the same incentive about princess group? i don't believe they say ready for this type of attack then over in russia. mm hm. do you see the potential for this region, west african countries to break away from traditional allies, full colonial powers, the american and americans and embrace more pots, associates with the russians and the chinese in particular, in the future? a yes, so unfortunately, and i'm being realistic, the current arrangement is not meeting the needs of some of these countries, and that is what the alliance of them once create that and even more countries of
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the we, we don't yet know what the outcome of the options by the would, would be if they see it as being successful then of course small countries would, to atlanta let. let's not forget that the economies of these countries where by 10, by included 19 and then the current site consensus of the world at the moment. and so the, i need of update, and if the west is not providing that data and are a china russia trying to do that, then of course they're likely to do it in that direction. mm hm. a diet. any concerns here that group such as that model is not what it was the mean lead by uh yeah, uh huh. they could take advantage of this situation along with the country, but my seen on the move south, east north. yeah. i think that's just the reality big trips of america is that we just based on like, well pick system measured in terms of the above and not enough. so folks, you expect to see these groups from um,
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from san my oldest groups to actually view your reserves with actually more small group people name table and do some of the next couple of what the effects of imagining access. we've been asking questions about what politicians think about this. go to situations and ask you this question, give me a very short on. so if you don't mind, what are people in africa thinking about all these latest developments? i think because a lot in support of the idea that we will not be dictated to. i mean, i think there is something that has been tapped into a popular sentiment about enough is enough, particularly the funds of freaked project and we'd have to leave it that i really appreciate you inside the diet has that excess awkward durham could be a demo. thank you. thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website. does he about com for further discussion goes to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com forward slash
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a j concise. sorry. you can also do i have a conversation on x, a 100 is at a size slowly for me. how should my law and the entire team here, and they'll have bye for now. the the latest news as it breaks the is really our talary shows this area last night. understanding families was remo, done with their tears, and heartbreaks this year with detailed coverage. the gaza strip has 1100 patients with chronic kidney disease. we need 3 treatments a week from the heart of the story. he's far, whole has been diminished. their prayers continue with the situation to get into the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. walter sheds moments international law is being beat
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this model on. so to discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute impunity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? it sends that message that antibiotic bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. what i'll do here in just this for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in. the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland,
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best produced is the best fixes and those other people, the i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the weld on the um for the batch boy. and they'll have with the headlines on, i'll just sierra, it's been another day of relentless, is really bombardment in gaza. at least 14 people have been killed in multiple strikes on homes in a roster in the south. many others were injured in the overnight attacks, including children who would take him to the co ed hospital for treatments. one and a half 1000000, just based policy means i've crammed into the southern city to take refuge from the 5 month is really offensive in the nose of the gaza strip is really as strikes hey be i'm look neighborhood of guys a city the.


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