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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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the colleges here with the the hello. this is in use out on alger 0 for the bad people live in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 50 people have now been killed. the men is really raised on guy's eyes. i'll shoot for hospital combat, they made hopeful the fact that the ducks have that he started to the good thing. category mediators said they are cautiously optimistic after the latest round of goddesses, 5 talks involving the head of these ralph intelligence agents. also this,
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our hong kong passes, i knew national security law that imposes tougher penalties for trees in espionage and disclosing states, the rates and all the charts and global report on the time it shows that brackets were broken for temperatures, ocean heat and glacial retreat lost in full of excitement fields in south korea as the country gets ready to have major league baseball season. nice enough for the 1st time we'll have from the la dodgers $700000000.00 man show. hey, it's funny this out. the it is 13 g m t. that's 3 pm in guys on, on yet another day of relentless. he's really bombardments. at least 14 people have been killed in multiple swags on homes, in a rasa in the south. many others were injured in the overnight attacks including
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children who were taken to the coate hospital for treatment. one and a half 1000000 displaced. policy needs are crammed into the southern city. to take refuge from the 5 month is really offensive in the north of the gaza strip is really strikes hit the morgan neighborhood of guys, a city. the area is crowded with residential homes and buildings. and these really ami is still inside. i'll she for hospital after launching a forced rage on monday morning. the military says its operation has scale, at least 50 people and detains many of those accept assignment beach begins coverage. you know, my son is really soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex searching of room by room. the government for the same as the commander say, the operation is targeting how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. that's almost kind of several people were reported killed in the operation, including psych, i'll build it out of my pool. how my says he was a key figuring causes police force responsible for facilitating the save
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distribution of 8. the number of civilians were killed the the aftermath of these really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital because of health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god's sake, i have no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you now. and then the siege of all she for hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is hampering rescue operations with many teams unable to get there. thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalists are being retained and their equipment destroyed, leading to a reporting blackout. axles i much out just there in
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a few moments will be speaking to him. the sound of hotels unoccupied is joe's name . but 1st we go to gaza hunting my motives in vasa for as a honey give us an update on the situation at all. she finds the death toll is rising considerably the the yes, well within the past hour it is really military made a statement about that and eliminating 50 i how much operative inside a ship all hospital and that's of course i haven't been confirmed by local sources here very, but looking at the minister of health or a statement by how much so far not been issued. and it just put the statement by the is really military. and they requested it because it's not supported by any of this sub essential evidence to prove that in fact, the people who were killed inside a super hospital where in fact a how mazda and member, but they, so far, it's been more than 24 hours. so far is really military still like aggressively
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operating and. 5 to ship complex and destroying the vast majority of its remaining medical equipments and properties. and conducting a very aggressive search room, drew and building to building and doing so, causing a great deal of damage. in fact, one of the building cod inspire as of the intense bombing gun the, the, the intense missile shooting at the building, an under heavy coverage of a drone tax, a quite cap. they're now shooting at every moving object, as well as the vicinity of a super hospital that has been relentlessly bomb an attack. since early hours of this world morning, we're talking about the vast majority of the residential buildings or the surrounding area. i've been targeted and destroyed. thank you for that tiny, my mood life for us there in a rough or less cost over not to occupy these jews and come to some who does that
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for us. this being reaction under i understand us reaction to these really operation at all to find and in roughly tell us more as well. there's been a lot of us reaction in the last 12 hours, not only to israel's rate on as ship fund, but also about the potential round invasion into that fox. the us national security advisor jake sullivan, expressing a lot of concern is saying that it is really invasion instead of us would be quote, a mistake just because of how many civilians are thinking refuge bear. you're talking about more than a 1000000 and a half palestinians. and the americans say they haven't seen any is rarely plans for these military move that these really say is immune. and now when it comes to the attack on as ship while the americans are saying, but perhaps these really need to re strategize, need to re thread, rethink exactly how they are maneuvering and operating in this war. remember months
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ago, these rarely army had said that they had full operational control of the northern part of guns. but that is seemingly untrue, given just how much military activity has been going on there since they made that announcement. nearing the end of 2023. so the american say there is widespread concern across the board, especially when it comes to firefights and hospitals and this potential invasion into that. and what is the, is really a government saying about the intelligence chief visit to doha, as part of these ongoing efforts to reach a sci fi or what we do know that his roles were calvin. it will convene this evening to discuss the matter about the head of israel's negotiating team that david barney of the head of israel's most sub. that's the external security services is back in israel after meeting with negotiators in don't. huh. no,
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not him. is really sources meeting to is really media who are familiar with the matter. have said that the negotiations are not exactly heading in the right direction, giving more of a pessimistic outlook on the entire situation. meaning that they are not yet nearing the deal. but remember, there have been sticking points and non negotiable from both side with that. how about wanting to see a total end to the. busy and these rallies have been saying, even if there is a pause in the fighting that the war will continue. so negotiators are still meeting in doha, even though these really delegation is back in israel. thank you for that. have the son who's by for his day now q 5, east jerusalem. and as hum to mentioned in direct talks between each route and her mouth continuing here in doha, they're discussing him off his latest proposal for a present cap to exchange. and to end of the war guthrie media to say they remain hopeful and file has relate to some of the, a slit term used by the spokes mount of the foreign ministry. here was that they
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are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that the talk stopped taking place in doha. that to me is cutoff can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technical team from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks, we have to notify and the is really is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogative for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most, are they but they, it has already left with for consultations with is that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think we're out at the moment now where we can say that you are close to the, to a deal. we are, as i said, we are cautious. we have the mistake because the ducks have it at the end and that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue, then you help to build upon that and becoming an days, but it's still too early to to announce any any successes. so we remain,
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as i said, we made hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear the top to condense. these are the actions during the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those talks have to step on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit those violations against medical facilities in causal and also against civility. as he said, that's a cup of has already sent that 86 cargo planes. uh, with the humanitarian a to goes entities goes to contribute, logistically and financially to any efforts to bring more aid at 2005, i'm just gonna go and i'll just sarah journalist, it's my logo has now been released by is really forces off to being held for 12 hours he described his time held captive by the certainly media chair. like in
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a sense. so let me hop on. i'm gonna jump off actually today. same with a floppy and fema bad news that applause, you know said look at them again. but let's not welcome my file. i'm a bullet and a like a theme, and it's a whole for me to get courtney glen. i'm. i just thought i'll wait. then i'll have to pull up another move issue for you, but it might if it would shot on a heavy load for that and have you noticed like i've had this off the bottom right . and that was not what the quote just got a jetta as a brought up. know what the check you came in and you just the well that i the photos looked at are the 3 been feeling better digit than what kind of slip? i love that comic what and then if that could be an idea of what i thought seemed a thought for you, but i don't like being i'd have had a positive, it's not shuttle to do football. i don't check this out. i'm not that you're not going to do much that it's not about the alaska yet, that it shouldn't then lea, i'm a lot of the fee and we'll have to, i don't want to and you didn't,
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you had that it may then was it not? and the photos name and a little for let be looking at be a and i did ask you what better, what was that, what would be anybody to have it? so i'm a company at a deal not fully at all, but that it's not showing that i have yet had to do an assignment for that because i know have to go to the bottom of a heads up. i'm gonna have to look as about 9 o'clock job to keep them above a block in a way and just i'm in middle block and picking. i know i need that in. see an outside to have the horseman because i don't want them. they have the need, the scape, what kind of commit george eh, heavy on it, but i'm at bonham alignment at that level and a little for about, well let's go to collect the connecticut. should it could be difficult. how much a month or not it's funny for that kind of me been answered if you don't want. and now these really military has launched and not a series of res, across the occupied westbank,
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the wine and smoke out over nice eyes on as vehicles and photos as was used to storm the ballasa, the campus of novice. there were also raids in hebron and got always ready to have search homes and patrol streets. palestinian during this war last hunting is among those of rest, advise ready forces, nor a con has more on the race from us a spring to live. what happens in the early hours of choose a morning, ruta house, and then she's a policy and jonas, very well known in the occupied westbank, writing about these right of your patients and human rights issues. so the is rated, sold is not to that to around 2 30 in the morning. she was with her 9 month old daughter. she's still nursing her. they then said that to be taking her away to administrative detention. her husband took a daughter, they also confiscate his head laptop and her phone. so he says he doesn't know
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where she is or when she'll be back. but i just wanted to bring to light some the statistics. there are 35 posting and journalists behind phones at the moment. 22 have no criminal convictions. that being held in arbitrary detention as compared to last year between january the 1st on october, the 6th only 8 policy. and during this one arrested. so that has been the big optic . now. earlier i spoke to oma nestled, he's the deputy director of the policy, and john was sent because here's what he had say. i took it and i believe that the main objective behind the tense. and then this intense campaign counted out by this very proficient process as of today, 62000 and this had been arrested. this is where many polls the number come before october 7. the main objective is to detect or done notice. and to steve them away from cutting the voices of the palestinians. and these ladies are adamant to
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continue to maintain the narrative and to muzzle any other voices. another objective is that did threatens this strategy. adopted by it is a commission process is until and timmy date that was done is not only the done that is detained, but also to intimidate any other dentist by way of creating a, the image that any one who tries to speak will be then x was the targets of this is the strategy i'm policies adopted by this lady, a probation forces. all of this fold within the media, as in the side again, is dependent senior journalists as oma. and that's all explained is becoming increasingly more dangerous for the policy in tennessee. arrested and move on to the against them in the occupied west spine. and of course so many more of being killed in gaza. north on al jazeera ramallah, the occupied westbank,
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the concern to out of well use. now and legislators in hong kong have passed a new national security law with tougher penalties for treason, espionage, and disclosing state secrets. chief executive john lee says new powers a needed to protect hong kong status. critics say they're too vague and will be used to for the finance dissent. jessica washington bayport's in hong kong legislators meet to discuss propose national security legislation known as article 23. while you talk on launch, it is home combs, constitutional responsibility to enact the article 23 legislation under the basic law to safeguard national security. i believe everyone here the legislative council bill on the be able to take part in this historical mission. we go and talk at some deep, it covers acts of treason, sedition,
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and more includes provisions which allow for the last to detain suspects for up to 2 weeks. we don't charge compared to 2 days. now. it would also give police the power to deny some suspects access to lawyer and create making is ones to cancel the passports, a so called eps going to is it makes the national security risk a much more comprehensive. so it includes a whole raft of things that were not crimes before or that were colonial crimes, but they've updated the crime is the increased the amount of penalty some human rights organizations and foreign governments have criticized the vagueness of article 23 and said it may be used to silence critics. a previous attempt to post the bill in 2003. so more than half a 1000000 people protest before it was withdrawn. now there are no indications of
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descent. the same punk with demonstrations assembled more than 20 years ago is no hosting a flo exhibition. this situation has changed a lot. you also people here actually it will ask them they did not tell you because they would not obviously you. but as i said, there are no demonstrations, no protests, no public assembly. it's very quiet here, really quiet, 2020 paging and post and national security, you know, in home. com for months of pro democracy protests. since then opposition politicians have been jailed. and many news outlets and civil society organizations shut down. * china as president, she just being has repeatedly stated his commitment to the one country to assistance policy, which is intended to allow home calm to be governed with a high degree of autonomy in the legislative council. building legislative say the change is necessary to protect hong kong status as an international hub. one
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politician like into the low to a front case gutting hong kong as people from danger. jessica washington to 0. 1 is getting more from laura westbrook, who's in hong kong for his story to tell us more about what changes now for hong kong with this feels faster. yeah. how comes lead to john lee has a dress little makers and a rad visit to the legislative council. which is hong kong was many parliament when this law was law was passed and he called an historic moment. he said that he was proud that hong kong had finally for spelled it's constitutional g, c, 2 and not its own national security legislation. he says that this lo will sits alongside the aging, impose national security little in 2020. that came off to months of an anti government protests in 2019. and the government says that it is necessary to pass
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this law because of those protests in. but i think what has taken people by surprise here is the speed at which this law has passed. the government publish the law and much the 8th. it was debated by make is the 6 days they went through a 181 closes. how math and sessions they had special needs things, including on tuesday, when it was passed unanimously by old or may. cuz now let's co is dominated by the probate and comp. since the aging of a whole ton comes electrical system. the only patriots those deeds patriots could run for government. and this is all quite different to what happened in 2003 when this bill was last proposed the backs and about half a 1000000 people took to the streets to protest against this bill today. so there
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was a police presence outside the legislative council, but that was that with no protest. yeah. and so what you see today, what, what's been the reaction then to the legislation from, you know, the next 5 community and business leaders and local to well, the government set, the in its public consultation out of set seems 1000 submissions about 98 percent. was supportive of this legislation and we have had some reaction tonight. so a couple of a business tycoon, so will say, came out in support of this little but one, the human rights lawyer i spoke to said that's the haste he what he called the extreme haste, which this little was past caused him some concern. he said that that perhaps did not allow for proper scrutiny. and we've also had some the gentlest association in hong kong, the whole generalist association. they've raised concerns that this could impact
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journalists, why king here? hands on what they decide to report on, on some legal aspects of also called i have also said that it might have a chilling impact in hong kong. it might impact diplomatic meetings or even meetings between local journalists and foreign media organizations. and then the business community summit said some foreign business groups have expressed concern about some times they said were vague, such as state secrets and for an interference. they said that because of the quite heavy penalties that it could make businesses out on the side of caution and stats some business. so some investment that could have come to hong kong might go elsewhere. that could impact tompkins states as, as an international city government though, says it's necessary and it will bring stability. thank you very much for that. nora nora westbrook lived there in hong now the time it is something which affects the
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soul and the will meet you. it onto a organization is describing the state of the climate as off the charts following the odyssey on wreckage. its latest global report shows that breakers last year where again broken 4 temperatures, ocean heat and glacial retreat is i've seen you and it's urologist evident fox explained since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one. with the past 9 years being the warmest since records began. now 2023 has officially been confirmed as the hottest on the record by a huge margin as the average annual global temperature, a priced 1.5 degrees celsius above pre industrial levels. and i symbolic because it means the world is edging ever closer to the limits set in the powers agreement. the shift from the cooling, natalie, india, to the woman el nino 5 the middle of last year, feel the hate and 2024 is expected to be even hotter. and of course,
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that affects our oceans. sea surface temperatures were exceptionally high for much of 2023, and in particular in the north atlantic or august. so a new record for some time which is beating the previous high setting 2016. in addition, nearly a 3rd of a global ocean was gripped by marine, his wife every day last year. well, the 90 percent of our c's experience, he why conditions at some point in 2023 class, he has suffered. the logic smells on record since 1950, and the global sea level reached a 30 year record high until it takes the ice was by far the lowest on record with a loss the size of france and germany combined. the number of people across the world who are acutely food insecure, has more than doubled from a 149000000 before the type of 19 pandemic to 333000000. how the report
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size, although weather and climate x rays may not be the root cause, they are aggravating factors, and continued to force people from their homes. joining us now analogy 0 is chris q 8, who's director of the crime of climate as the world major logical organization. thank you very much for being with us on. i'll just there mr. hewett. so we heard the record heat record, sea levels and record ocean temperatures. the holy grail set of paris in 2015 was to ensure that temperatures do not rise more than 1.5 degrees celsius above the pre industrial levels. 2023. so i was pretty much at $1.00 degrees celsius. is it not time to have knowledge that we will not achieve the target and should be any for something more realistic? oh, yes i see. so we all know yes at that low of $1.00, the limits we oxide. so she's saying we're getting closer with each passing decade
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as will correspond to just set them to 60 the recent years and 2023 being a 1.45 degrees above pre industrial level. was the power supreme and refer to longer term than one year. so 20 will set to use the site. well, individual we is getting close to 1.5, we've not yet got to the, the long term. so for example, the most recent decade was about $1.00 degrees above pre industrial level. so we're not that $1.00 yet, so we come to probably come up that low power limits, but we are eager to get any filter getting close to the page. so what are the expectations and for 2024. and what does that mean in terms of extreme climate impacts? yes, so as your corresponding said, we, we've currently in the new states and so this is on the back of a rob alone the landing. yep. we have about 3 years of learning and you would finish this time last year. and typically that in your attempts to suppress the global average temperature slightly my brother to be true votes in the pacific. so
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let me move tony, or we start to see, boom level, it's us in the pacific. and typically that's for the last last year. typically we then see the main effects of that to year offices. so in this case would be 2024. so we're on to supply to 20. 24. would indeed be another relatively more immediate . whether or not could be reco breaking. we'll have to wait and see, but we do anticipate 2024. it's a continued to be will right? the ve, i mean the thing is that since the 1980s each decade has been warm and then the last with particular implications for the pull our i sheets, for example, how concerned should we be about their vulnerability and what are the implications for all of us and, you know, i think nothing. the sheets are a very good example side of the toner. i streets the glasses, see us as well. sort of frozen pots about a box on that system as we will in the atmosphere. you would expect on average, that you would be melting the frozen pots of the climate system. and if we look at
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the long periods of the decades, we all seeing a wiring decrease in the the see us in the polar regions, the ice sheets agreements announce hops, codes, glasses around the world. and i have several rather worried consequences as we melt slaves. our sheets, the water runs off and then she finds its way to the ocean. so it's the fuel was the sea level rise of those other communities, the depending on fresh which are funding the change, the pressure on which results is yeah, huge implications. perhaps a, a bit more of a political question. now, mr. here with the reality is that the response of world leadership has been inadequate dangerously inadequate. some would say, what do you think can be done to fire up legislation that will force actual change? yes, so it is a very difficult challenge to, besides trying to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gas is, is a major challenge. and so there are lots of activities type of price. and the report doesn't know, these ones booms, glimmer of hope is renewable energy. we are producing
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a lot more renewable energy now. so 2023. we saw about 50 percent more renewable energy production than $20.00 to $22.00. so we carry on with those things. we do have some hope, but you're right. we do need to do a lot more and so as we move towards comp $29.00 and as a bunch of what i need to follow on from success as a complement, jason, to bind, bring the political leaders together to take action as soon as possible. transaction is needed, right, and some scientists have advocated for g o. engineering, for example, injecting solve for particles into the stratosphere to reflect the sunlight or capturing carbon dioxide that at the source. are we now at a time when we need such desperate measures and all those, those measures unknown as to what exactly was happening in terms of changing rain for happens or storms and things. so those are unknown interventions and so a sick or unclear one is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and then ultimately reduce the concentrations of the greenhouse gases. and you have to stay with your
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fuel and the woman. thank you. thank you very much for talking to us about this chris here at director of climate at the world meter launch co organization joining us there on the news. okay, thank you. we're fine. just in australia, concerned by another mass, bleaching of coral on the great value of re 5 o'clock before some town sale. the coral is vital to marine ecosystems and provides a habitat for much of the marine life. these are some of the 1st images in the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when will my ocean temperatures and pollution force cold to expel the algae that lead the mid to sheets. y'all to give the color range of color. scientists have declared 2020 full a mess, bleaching event. we call a mess carl bleaching when we see the majority of carls on many of the race that we survey across large areas of the marine park are bleaching. and that's the
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situation where and at the moment carl bleaching is just a stress reaction from karl. so you could compare it, for example, to heat stroke in a human until now called in the southern section of the 2002, let me just stretch a brief head loudly escapes the most severe consequences of bleaching the heat. stress caused by an extreme marine hate live over an extended period of time means some structures, hundreds of years old, have been severely damaged. it's disturbing to say the least it's, it's sad it's um, it's infuriating really because we know the cause. marine biologist. jodi rama has witness 5 mess bleaching events on the great barrier reef in the past 8 years, she says ocean temperatures are increasing at a rate never seen before. and that's an oven assigned to the biggest coal system in the world. we're seeing this back to back year upon year. the reef means
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many years to recover from these heat waves and it's just not getting it. what's happening here on the great, by our roof is also happening on rapes around the world. or the last 12 months warming see surface temperatures have caused bleaching events in the northern hemisphere. and the only near conditions in the pacific have amplified the situation. so to save widespread bleaching in both northern and southern hemisphere puts the will on the cost of a global bleaching event. so we certainly saying a year on the increase in temperatures and, and in many wise for us that's meant that we've, we've actually starting to recognize that every, uh, there's going to be some explanation of, of thermal stress for space these lot, carl's, you, this guy's world heritage committee will decide if the great barry should be listed as in danger when it meets in new delhi in july. sarah clock out to 0. townsville
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central australia is on the alert for flooding as remnants of a tropical storm close in his jeff with the check on the latest full hey welcome to your world's weather update. so remnants from tropical storm new you can continue to cut across the northern territory. were now drawing up a cooler breeze from this house, so that's knocked back temperatures and alice and get ready for it. you've got several days of rounds of rain. ahead and look how much is dropped here. temperatures cold is stays coming your way in about 3 months or so. speaking of the cold, we've also seen storms roll across the se is dramatically dropped back temperatures . here are so what happens we can help thursday morning just a few degrees above freezing in camber. i did, that's well below where you should be for this time of the year. okay, back to the here, and now this band of rain stretching across that has been we'll pull it in to the south island over the southern alps, no weather alerts as of yet this is still about 24 to 48 hours away, powering up some showers and storms across thailand, hopefully that will help freshen up the air in northern type thailand where it has
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been quite poor as of late, plenty of sun to go around in china. so that's allowing those temperatures that come up in places like wait late and at $24.00 degrees, but we're talking snow storms over the mountains of honshu and hope title. and we may see some snow for a time in support or especially night time when those temperatures go below 0. the still ahead on this, i'll just there and use our i long, difficult journey is a safe seat. i'll just say, rejoined some of the people forced to return to soft saddam because of fighting pain. so don america's, i am proud commitment to defend the philippines. we have the latest on the us secretary states, visits in manila, and in sports world champions, argentina, i gearing up to pay to find the games in the us. but when explain one in a messy the
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a brutal occupation resulting in a her risk take your time. i'll just say it was investigated units interrogates the evidence and reveals voltage present it to the world to justify these rails, the cell phone gossip, dozens of children, bounce them up during them and executed them. this information has been used by official spokes person october 7th, on tuesday or now let me tell you about suffice. equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used only and look just very close here like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically, but look in my private for me now. thanks royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal, resorted in gun the the,
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[000:00:00;00] the plus and backend watching l g 0. live from doha. recap about top stories, funerals of being held to some of the 14 people killed. the news really strikes on homes in southern gaza. many of us were injured in the past on rafa where one and a half 1000000 policy means i've taken refuge from the military offensive. and these really forces remain inside a gas as i'll shoot the hospital off and launching a full spray since the war began. these really military says 50 people were killed in the seat. it says how mosque fighters were hiding in the town. and cutoff says
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it's cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a sci fi and gaza is immediate, and a swan dive, tungsten doha, involving the head of his raz intelligence agencies and other well, he is, china has warned the united states that it has no right to interfere in territorial disputes in the south china sea, the comments all of us secretary of state saying that american forces had an iron clad commitment to defend the philippines. as me blinking has a meeting the philippines president and for administer in the capital manila. i'll just respond to below reports for the 2nd time since the philippine president for the non marcus junior took office in 2020 to us secretary of state anthony blinking is visiting manila. a reflection of the reversal of former philippine president would be good to start as paging friendly, foreign policy and strengthening alliance between the philippines and the united
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states. your visit to firms of the situation. countries. now the visit, thomas, i mean, rising tensions in the south. china sea were both the philippines and the united states, say china has been harassing philippine vessels. the us us pledge to defend the philippines if the situation escalates further, that we stand with the philippines and stand by our are in flat defense commitments, including under the mutual defense pre article for extends to arm attacks on the filipino armed forces, public vessels, aircraft, including those of his coast guard anywhere in the south trying to see had a blankets. meetings. in manila, the white house announced that us president joe biden will be hosting a summit with president marcos and japanese prime minister when we okay. see the in washington on april 11th. secretary, lincoln said that the summit is not going to target china or any other 3rd country . none of these are directed against anyone or anything. they're in service of something they're,
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they're therefore trying to realize the positive vision that all of the countries involved share of the free and open in the pacific pulse. the philippines and japan are treated allies of the united states. but secretary blinking says, the summit isn't just about military cooperation, but the economic cooperation as well funded below alj, a 0 manila. meanwhile, australia has welcomed a chinese foreign minister for the 1st time in 7 years long as the official visit follow tungsten new zealand. he discussed trade and climate change with deputy prime minister and foreign minister when some peter sees visit follows increasing concern a chinese influence any thoughts pacific. want to discuss this, let's bring in don mclean, gail, who is a geo political listen lecture with the department of instructional study studies. rather, i did assign university joining us for monday night. thank you very much for being with us. let's start with the secretary said lincoln's visit to monday law. he described the us philippines alliance as i am glad. and we heard china responding
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with a warning. does the visit by blinking and these us efforts to, to reinforce relations with the philippines as it fortify the philippines, dance towards china. well, 1st of all, thank you so much for having no, of course, a visit by a secretary blinking should have been looked at based on 3 objectives. one is of course, to reassure key allies in southeast asia that the us remains committed despite the movie electron concerns at a force, the tension is taking place around the world. second, of course, is to of course, a highlight that the relationship between the us and the philippines is multi dimensional and can passing defense and economics as well as we have seen with the train secretary visits. and of course, the 3rd would be to institutionalize the alliance to new cooperative measures. and we're looking into the 1st try natural summit, which as far as manila is concerned,
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this is significant because our interest towards our security alliance with the us is one to improve our maritime security capability. submitted the chinese assertion and 2nd to keep the west philippine sea or the area within the south china sea and capacity already easy, free, open, and rules based. and in this regard, a no key allies such as the united states play a vital role in philippine foreign policy. right? so there, there are security, but also economic interest as far as the philippines is concerned. but what about when it comes to china? i mean, the former shouldn't been surprised and detached a one said that it was time to say good bye to washington and cold to be closer relations with badging. is there any interest from the current administration in the philippines to maintain somewhat of a close relationship? also, with badging or not at all. oh, absolutely, no, thank you for the question. we have to understand that at the beginning of the administration of president marcus junior,
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we have already passed the ball to chinese course. we have extra intent to forage. go to the annual relations of china because china is our neighborhood, but unfortunately, china refuses to tone down. it's not really driven interest of expense of acting like, you know, a good neighbor. so of course, if it has not been acting like a neighbor and of course being a strategically defeated country with our own interests, we would have to prioritize our own security baseline international law. however, we have because we have remained consistent in keeping all lines of communication with bathing open and our for the 1st secretary months. and we came in. the adjoining is meeting with the secretary blink, and today is explicitly highlighted the peaceful resolution to the south side is the issue is crucial based on for the pm of interest. and of course, based on the international law. so we're always keeping those channels open. but unfortunately, it's trying us doing one thing and saying the other, so of course we would have for you. all right,
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that is our interest as well. yeah. well that's trying to use would say that they're also prioritizing day interest, right. we've hired to and seen the chinese one ministry and australia for the 1st time in 7 years. i've also been tensions between those 2 countries, australia and china. do you think when it comes to australia that can be reset? well, you know, the thing with a trillion now is you know, the visit of foreign affairs minister wong, you know, 6 to continue existing efforts toward stabilizing relations. now, you know, china has also been a, him take towards easing sanctions on wind, for example, in australia and businessman are watching as well. but on the one hand, we have, despite the same, should suppose an australia, a few years back. you have china's exports raising the record levels 39 percent in the past 3 years, and there's been a growing interest within china towards the struggle and commodities. and on the other hand, do you have the current administration in australia that is willing to center on
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economics of foreign policy and thus trying to stabilize relations with china. but the problem here is there are 2 different perceptions towards stabilizing relationships with strategy up, for example, emphasizes that, you know, with the term stabilization means that we will cooperate where we can disagree, where we must engage in terms of the national interest. but the time it just seems to focus on cooperating and ignoring disagreements. thank you so much for talking to thank you for your inside. don mclean. gail from the left side university. joining us there for manila. thank you for your time. thank you very much. not on to africa and the conflict, and so don has force more than 8000000 people from their homes. the united nations is calling it the world's largest displacement crisis less speak to all just here is malcolm web was in the bought a ton of rank in south. so don your out of transit center and i'll come talk to us about the scene there. and what sort of condition people who arrived there is in
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or? well, the transit comes uh is either running is accommodating about 5 times as many people as it was designed for them. people have been seeing here for almost the since the conflict begun. some of them running from violence, they were cool to in fine thing or i've been attacked to threaten the reporting, sexual violence, and right from the fighters of the people. more recently, i've been saying because they found themselves a situation where the cuts off from food and other essential supplies because of the fighting. and how many of the people that have been playing here actually originate from south c dot and then in, in previous yeah, so even previous decades left south to dawn because of conflicts, floods are seeking economic opportunity. so they had it north to see dawn, which was one's relatively stable and more developed and a bigger economy, the civil war that has brought them back now from the transit come here. some of
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them are continuing with the johnny's old woods, back to the villages and towns of origin. we spoke to some of those people. let's take a look at that story. the way as well. she says, every mother should keep her blanket with the have and not put it in the big trumps with the baggage people here, i have a long journey ahead. they're trying to get to safety and south suit on. today the pizza said she was in a factory and suzanne's capital cost to into fighting a rough tips between the army and the power military rapid support forces cleaning a year ago. many people died. some were killed by the bonds from plains, even my best friend died. she told us a friend left behind a young child. she says, when food and water supplies run out, she left with children that have to leave a mother behind because she has
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a disability. he doesn't know if she'll see her again. she's had to walk long parts of the journey to reach here. the board, a town of rang, she's trying to connect with other relatives in south saddam's capital g by 800 kilometers from here. many of the people who say they've been travelling so we can still check points, but sold isn't sciences of taking them money or they may have all sides. it's makes it even more difficult to find missing. so many members, capital don't keys and cars and trucks because these thoughts himself stayed on no well connected to the rest of the country by right next to that day, we'll say that says you have to so many of the possessions to be able to afford the 1st part of the journey from here do you ends migration organization is operating phone just to carry people up the river nile to the city of my account. i'm 5 road and at the on more than
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a 100000 people have taken this route in the last. yeah. and hundreds more, keep coming every day. this has been one of the city of this list, one that i've seen to my lifestyle as i'm assess what i mean, i've been at if it's easy enough within the country, but to disagree. so i'm seeing now what have we done is coming back to the countries. we have really just coming in and we have a desktop and that's what was going to be. so, so coming in. so it comes so they spend most of the, i don't life in cost 2. she's one of the millions of south city denise, he's gone the decades to escape conflicts here. we'll seeking jobs. it will take nearly 3 days for the barge to reach them on account. it's going to be a tough jenny, and temperatures over 40 degrees. lately is up to mistake. i'm happy to be making this trip, not only for myself,
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but for everyone here. i hope we'll all reach home safely. she'll have to start so that when she gets back to cuba, she says she hopes to find work and send her children back to school. there are a few jobs for public services. wouldn't be easy for any of these people to rebuild that lives. malcolm went out to 0 rank south saddam as well as the people from south su dawn who are returning. those are now growing number of suited these people who are saying, hey, to refugees, you don't have any product connections to south sea dawn but because the conditions ensued on a so bad, they've got no choice. now, it was the options available to them at the united nations and his partners, offering the locations to long term refugee settlements to close. this one is about a day's drive from here in a remote location. we've spoken to several people here who don't want to go, that's one of the reasons why the population of the transit center is grabbing as
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you arrive. those keep coming. some of them choose to say, so south suited these people. some of them will say it doesn't have anything to go back to expect one woman here, right? yeah. he doesn't want to go back to and sounds, some parts of the country are affected by conflicts. others have been suffering because of consecutive years of flooding. does the climate change? so that's why the population and the transit cramp is steadily going up. and in the coming weeks, the rate of the season is expected to begin, and that will cut off road transport and make the already stretched sanitation situation here even more difficult on some lab reports in their life from rank sounds so done. thank you, malcolm. and still head on this and use our is one of the highlights we would find out the best and the option in sports which i'm
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the napa sports has gemma. thank you fully the major league baseball season, most off in the south korea for the 1st time. tickets reportedly sold out in less than half an hour. for wednesday's cousin rays at between the lo subsidies. daughters of the san diego padres, the doses of jews, one veil, the $700000000.00, c, pistachio hey, it's on a unit. kim has moved from so of the major league baseball has landed in south korea for the 1st time. the los angeles dodgers received a hearty welcome over the weekend, a team with familiarity and the country full of baseball fence, topping the roster is its newest superstar show, hey,
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a tiny function of i'm looking at all day. i don't know kind of over there. i'm on a new team and we had an opening inquiry. yeah. which is old. something out of the ordinary. in that sense, i'm very excited. i'm looking forward to the 29 year old to time american week, most valuable player will debut with the boys in blue and the 2 game season opener on wednesday and thursday, the newly was signed a record 10 years, $700000000.00 contract. part of the dodgers $1000000000.00 off season spending spree. so face off against california arrivals, the san diego padres and south korean shortstop kim has hung up a little you don't take up on your limit if small games like this a health many asian players will have a bigger dream and take on the challenge in the m o b, i really hope many will take up this challenge. a full circle moment is anticipated as a host countries 1st, and that'll be all star takes amount for the ceremonial for us pitch puck child who kicked off his illustrious career with the dodgers in $94.00 and serve as an
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inspiration for many south korean, struggling through the rough years of the asian financial crisis. now the m o b has come to south korea and just as japan hosted 5 overseas season opener is with the leagues 1st 24 years ago. south koreans are hoping that this is just the start of menu. so series to come as the organization looks to expand its global footprints unit skim all to 0. so form and a child play a constant in coats of has died at the age of $42.00 coats of correspond to 18 years, which included 3 seasons with the pittsburgh penguins and 2 winter olympics for batteries. he went on to become the head coach of the batteries at assistant coaches, boston caught the seller about, you'd have to confirm the news coats of was the boyfriend of australian open tennis champion arena sa blanca. and this comes just 5 years of to sutherland because father also a full on the i. so if you play have passed away suddenly age 43. it's fully
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presented. and ac milan strikeout robina, is due to a parents of course him present on wednesday. what will be decided if he will spend his 9 year jail time in his home country, off to being found guilty of raped for sale, does not expedited citizens when they will sentenced abroad, but its top quotes will decide for being there should surface sentence in brazil or in italy are being you and 5 others were found guilty of gang right fine to tell you in court in 2017. this was confirmed by an appeals court in 2020 and then upheld 2 years later. but they knew how it was denied the challenges in argentina full lives have been arrested after they were accused of sexual assault. the suspects who plays the top divisions side that a saw failed were accused by a 24 year old women, often incidents that occurred in that same hotel. one plant denies the accusations while the rest is not commented. the plants have since have that contracts suspended around, you would have filed a complaint against the referee who is in charge of that game. and also sooner on saturday it's been not including
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a legit racist insult. same to the fluid witnesses junior in his match report, the club of choose him as being negligent and deliberately ignoring the abuse. the present international has been subjected to racist, a piece on numerous occasions across the last 2 seasons in while ego being the last, the has been ruled out of origin. tina's friendly matches in the us this month, due to injury law champions, phase el salvador and philadelphia on friday, followed by costa rica and los angeles. 4 days later, mfc will misplaced games with a hamstring problem. especially 6 year old picks up the injury during into miami's comcast champions league when it gets nashville last thursday. you then south out miami's and the last game of the weekends are australia is cricket team has withdrawn from the men's t 20 series. they've got stuff down this down because they've continued restrictions on women and girls in the country onto the tile. about the 3 match series was due to be hosted by. i've got a sounds that take place in the united arab emirates in august. cricket australia says we'll stand in government, advise them the conditions. so women and goals a guessing was,
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is the set sign the country has declined to play the found team since the telecom or sense of power in 2021. i've got to start is the only international cricket counsel for the nation with out women's team in the audience by russell tie. the law sounds of these like is also, i'm a 3 point to record sci fi, the atlanta hawks. russell's $63.00 points as surfaces and sally to a $180.00 to $3.00 offering legend highly biased. a 100 lacy. i'm time nick front axels 29. your records. the run james out is $25.00 points in the victory. 6 has been going in his files and finally, how about the list from outside the edwards, the seas? i'm and they will. so i have enjoyed unimpressive season with administration. symbols not continued against how to gain high 32 points. this is 56 straight examples going phrases, best western sprint immediately look down at it. that is all you'll support for me for now. i will have another update that
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a little bit later. probably thank you very much jim. i for the best it for this news hour on, i'll just here but to stay with the spend tomorrow, today's top stories coming up after the show for the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. walter sheds moments. international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions that come through the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? it sends that message that antibiotic bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. one, out to 0. pod came in to be used as the aisle c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful to hear the story on talk to how does era well, it's hold on buildings in with new by we show signs of fighting with the marks of artillery shells that landed on them admits their rowing images of lives. this truly the army and the architects have been fighting since last april. the united nation says at least 13000 for denise have been killed. local responders statements hotel is likely to be 3 times higher because many bodies have not been able to reach hospitals to be counted. and many others are yet to be buried. for the 1st time since last august. yeah, yeah, of politics. it's returning to his home district of what's new by week and on through my. he's comfortable with the degree of his friend and neighbour mile young,
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who is buried in the street in front of his visit isn't the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of a loved ones who they buried before the world. many others are also waiting for the fighting to end to give they loved ones, proper burial. the, the at least 50 people have now been killed and then is really rate on guys is i'll she for hospital combat the play you're watching. hodges 0 live from to have with me for the back to the also coming up. the made hopeful at the fact that the ducks have very started to the good thing has to remediate. to save a cautious,


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