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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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is the only cemetery in the capital that has been destroyed by the conflict. it's left to many families wondering about the bodies of their loved ones, who they buried before the war. many others are also waiting for the fighting to and to give they loved one proper burial. the at least 50 people have now been killed and then is really rate on guys is i'll she for hospital combat the play. you're watching hodges 0 live from. don't have it means for the back to the also coming up. the man hopeful the fact that ducks have very started to the good thing has a remediation to save a cautiously optimistic app to the latest found. the gaza sees 5 talks involving
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head of these are as intelligence agencies. also in a use, a long difficult journey. just safety tens of thousands of people are forced to be turned to soft saddam because of fighting incident. and hong kong passes a new national security law that imposes tougher penalties of treason, espionage, and disclosing state secret. 14 g. m. t 4 pm in gaza on yet another day of relentless is really bombardment. at least 14 people have been killed in multiple strikes on homes in a rafa in the south. many others were injured in the attack, including children who were taken to the great hospital for treatment. one and a half 1000000 displaced, palestinians have climbed into the southern city to take refuge from the 5 month is really offensive in the north of the gaza strip is ready as strikes hit, the moved neighborhood of guys, a c seats. the area is crowded with residential homes and buildings. these really
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ami also is still inside. i'll she for hospital after launching a 4th rate on monday morning. the military operation of the military says its operation has scale, at least 50 people and detained minneapolis acts as i'm of age begins coverage. you know, my son is really soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex searching of room by room. the government for the service advisor, commander, say the operation is targeting how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. but some of them it's several people were reported killed in the operation, including psych, i'll build it out of my pool. how my says he was a key feeder. any guys as police force responsible for facilitating the save distribution of 8 the number of civilians were killed in the aftermath of these really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital. because of health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god's sake,
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i've no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake. where to go, where to go. thank god. thank you. god, thank you know i'm them the siege of all she the hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is hampering to rescue operations with many teams unable to get there. thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalist surveys obtained and their equipment destroyed, leading to reporting blackout. axels i much out just there in a few minutes will be speaking to all just there is some doubt come to sahu. dean occupies jerusalem, but 1st we go to tallie. cup was on for an update on the situation in gaza. topic is live in a rough or what is the latest you're hearing time like about the situation? i'd be all she for hospital complex. the desktop has been advised and consider of
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the yes fully. in fact, it's another plugged today where these really minute trees. i'm scaling it's military attacks on guns was city which had finished the fee itself. the old manager of operations in the past 24 hours back tubes and flashes. but when a must bite isn't the, is very minute treat continues in the vicinity. obviously if at hospitals as they use valuable apartments as well continued to destroy residential homes, we are talking about the series of houses in guns with city being completely leveled to the ground. 15 palestinians, half the reported killed from the same family in gauze a city. and um, it would do any kind of risk you at the ration is being made for the injured to are still stuck on the rep who has bought the situation also. sounds really critical as these very forces are still stations inside that you felt hospital. um, they are making different kinds of military operations were presented in raising a, the odds of the hospital. and also the are imposing full control over the entire
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neighborhoods as they are also a trying to eliminate all of palestinians who are trying to be inside this area. and according to the guns, those governments media office, they had been states exact as well, within its reparations. inside the ship, a hospital has killed 50 pounds city, and on top, detained 200 others, including journalist as well. um its on lindsay abutment unfolding the entire area of 20. thank you very much for that. that's tied to capitalize them. live in a rafa. southern guys are less crossover, talk the bodies through them. and i'm the saw who'd understand how that has been us reaction to these really operation in all she thought and also tell us more we americans have been speaking out for some time about the way israel has been prosecuting this war. especially given this immune and ground invasion into the outbox. but when it comes to the military attack on a ship, a hospital,
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us national security advisor jake sullivan, has said that this perhaps showcases israel does not have a specific strategy to target. how much if they are indeed still operating in northern gaza. and remember months ago these really military had said that they had obtained full operational control of the northern part of the palestinian territory without a seemingly untrue even months later in regard to the potential round invasion instead of the americans have said that it would be quote, a mistake just given how many civilians are seeking refuge and shelter there, the american said they still have not seen any is really plans for that imminent invasion and home the what are these really saying about their intelligence gees visit to the high spot of the ongoing efforts to reach a ceasefire, as well as the rules work cabinet will convene this evening and on the agenda will be these meetings that are still ongoing. and so how,
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even though the head of israel's most sod, he's also the head of israel's negotiating team is back in israel. now last night is really sources speaking anonymously to is really media gave more of a pessimistic outlook on these talks. saying that they weren't really going in the right direction and that's because there are sticking points and non negotiable from both sides. remember that how this has said their position remains the same about wanting a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war. a permanency fire, whereas these realities have been saying, but that's simply not going to happen, no matter how long there is a pause in the fighting for if obtained the war after that we'll continue. so mediators are still in doha needing. however, these really side is that, all right, thank you for that home to have the son who lived there in occupied east jerusalem . all those in direct talks between israel and how mos on ongoing in don't as time dimension. they are discussing him off his latest proposal for present cap to the
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exchange and, and the war cuts remediate a c. b remain hopeful moment. file has the latest slit term used by the spokes. amount of the foreign ministry here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that the talks of taking place in doha, that to me, is cutoff, can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technical team from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks. we have to notify . and the is really, is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogatives for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most are they could, but they, it has already left with for consultations with is that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think we're out at the moment now where we can say that you are close to where to where the we are. as i said,
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we are cautiously optimistic because adults have it at the end. and that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue, then you help to build upon that and becoming an days, but it's still too early to to announce any any successes. so we remain, as i said with them and hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear that top condemned. so these are the actions during the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those talks have to step on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those violations against medical facilities in causal and also against civility. as he said, the cup of has already sent 86 cargo planes. uh, with the humanitarian a to goes entities goes to contribute logistically and financially to any efforts to bring more $8.00 to cost. how much fine just go to the colleges.
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they are generally assist. my goal has been released by is really forces that to being held for 12 hours. he described his time, have kept if by these really military a like in a defense. so let me hop on a, i'm gonna jump off. actually today came with a 5 fie and fema bad news that applause, you know said look at them again. but let's not welcome my file. i'm a product and a like a theme and because of the whole thing, it'll get courtney glen. i'm. i just thought i'll wait and then i'll have to o'clock, not remove issue for you, but it might if it would, you would shot on a heavy load for that. and have you noticed like i've had this off the bottom right . and that this was not what the quote just got a jetta as about, i've not gotten it could allow the specific cameron and you just the well that i the phone call us because the 3 but i'm feeling better digit than what kind of slip i love that com of courtney glen. if that could be an idea of what i thought seemed a thought for you, but i don't like being i'd have had a call,
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but it's not shuttle to do football. i don't check this out. i'm not that you're not going to do much that it's about the alaska yet, that it shouldn't then lea, i'm a lot of the fee and we'll have to i don't want to and you didn't, you had the ultimate then was it not? and the photos name and a little from the be looking at be a and i did ask you what better, what was that, what would be anybody to have it? so i'm a company at a deal not fully at all, but that it's not showing that i have yet had to do an assignment for that because i know have to go to the bottom of a heads up. i'm gonna have to look as about 9 to come down the job to keep them above a block in a way and just i'm in middle block and fishing. i know i need that in a jack. see, and i'll say i'd have the horseman because i don't wanna get my head the send me the skis. what kind of commit georgia eh, heavy on it, but i'm a fucking alignment at that level and a little bit about, well, let's go to collect the connecticut to ship. it could be difficult. how much
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a month or not. so i need for that kind of me been answered if you don't want of these are in the military has launched another series of res, across the occupied westbank. the vine and smoke had overnighted homage vehicles and bulldozers. we're used to sort of the ballasa refugee time piece of novice. there were also rates in hebron, and yadda. where is really to have such homes and petrol the streets, palestinian jordan is what i have, i mean is among those the rest advise really forces nor a con has more on the raise from, from on a spring to live. what happens in the early hours of choose a morning, ruta house, and then she's a policy and jonas, very well known in the occupied westbank, writing about these right of your patients and human rights issues. so the is rated, sold is not to that to around 2 30 in the morning. she was with her 9 month old daughter. she's still nursing her. they then said the be taking her away to
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administrative detention. her husband took a daughter, they also confiscated her laptop and her phone. so husband says he doesn't know where she is or when she'll be back. but i just wanted to bring to light some the statistics. there are 35 posting and journalists behind phones at the moment. 22 have no criminal convictions. that being held in arbitrary detention but compared to last year between january the 1st on october, the 6th only 8 policy and during this one arrested. so that has been the big optic now. earlier i spoke to alma nestled, he's the deputy director of the policy and john was syndicate. here's what he had say, i took it and i believe that the main objective behind the tense. and then this intense campaign counted out by this very proficient process as of today, 62000 and this had been arrested. this is where many followed the number come
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before october 7. the main objective is to detect or done notice. and to steve them away from cutting the voices of the palestinians. eh, these ladies are adamant to continue to maintain the narrative and to muzzle any other voices. another objective is that did threatens this strategy. adopted by it is a commission process is until and timmy date that was done is not the only the done that is detained, but also to intimidate any other dentist by way of creating the image that any one who tries to speak will be then x was the targets of this is the strategy i'm policies adopted by this lady, a probation forces. all of this fold within the media, as in the side again is the palestinians. don't notice it's as omen. that's all explained. it's becoming increasingly more dangerous for the policy in tennessee,
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arrested and more find to use against them in the occupied westbank. and of course, so many more of being killed in gaza. north on al jazeera ramallah the occupied west frank. the still ahead on algebra will be taking a look at some of these avenues and politicians in the gambia look to return a landmark bond on female genital mutilation. that protects millions of dollars. and america is i'm glad commitment to defend the philippines. we have the latest on us secretary is to send to the blinking says it to me, the a welcome to your world, whether update beginning this one in india, is still a stormy picture here in the east. so round taylor gonna odessa and be heart states . that's where we're going to see some summary downpours and wouldn't be surprised
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if we see some hailstones mixed in here as well. energy hops out of iran pushes into afghanistan. this is going to lower temperatures in herat to where it has been quite hot for this time of year, down to 20 degrees. that energy then pulls into northern focused on but it remains hot in sin providence. when be surprised, have some spots hit 40 degrees. i mean, look at new options, getting pretty close there on thursday. now for indo china, these storms in thailand, hopefully bringing some relief, freshening up the atmosphere there. we've had some of the worst air quality in the world registered in northern thailand. there are plenty of sun to go around in china looking good temperatures in the 20s, but unfortunately, it is a different story in japan. we're dealing with style once again over the mountains of honshu, and could see snow for a time and support those, those temperatures turn sub 0 by nighttime blend off this weather report back in this part of southeast asia. still this breeze of the see here, it's pumping in the humidity for both k, l and singapore. feeling closer to 40,
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the unique perspective, a solid place in substance does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices through humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceed with the landscape. connect with our community and talking to conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out just the or the the,
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the watching, how much is 0 live from to have reminder of our top stories, funerals at the house. so some of the 14 people killed in is really swipes on homes in southern gaza. many of those were injured in the attacks on boffa, one and a half 1000000 palestinians have taken rescues from the military offensive and is rarely forces remain inside. i'll shoot for hospital after launching a 4th rate since the war on guys up again. these are the cases 60 people were killed in the c g says i'm off fighters for hiding in the bill. cutoff is, is cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a ceasefire in gaza. it's a media using the latest want of talk seem doha, involved in the head of these. raz intelligence agency must not be in out of world news. the gambia has moved one step closer to reversing a bond on female genital mutilation as national assembly voted to send the bill to upon entry committee for further discussions. removing the bandwidth and legal
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protections for millions of girls and women this stephanie deck every once. those interval 40 and 40 p, it was not in civil and overwhelming majority in the gallery as national assembly for female genital mutilation. to be brought back. the bill still needs more discussion to pause, but the sentiment, at least in here, is clear on public. but under law is inconsistent with desperation of the majority of the people. so be, are, you can see that outside of show of support for both sides. these women are for the cutting and removal of all or parts of the external female genitalia often done as girls are still very young. but many protested against the repeating of the news. active, a se, reverses years of progress for women's rights. the most prominent voices stuck. we're here
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a man and we need to listen to women and young girls to been through 10 intelligence organization and have discussed to show for it. and i don't mean just physical scars. i mean mental scars. we need to listen to up to this stuff, been through a f jim and that i'm now advocating against f t. m. i think if this bill is fast, it gives them a chance to go after the child matters law. it gives them a chance to go after the domestic violence, little this is not only a by female genital mutilation, which is about women in the control of women's body. according to the un, around 213000000 girls worldwide have been caught. countries with the highest rates include egypt to don, somalia, molly guinea, sierra leone and era trail. the 91 go babies are caught as also older adolescent girls. we need to take these f gm consists of removing a part of the female genitalia that provides sexual pleasure for women. and can
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also include the stitching of the body parts to practically close at the one says the general practice has seen a downward trend, but it is slow paced, in 2015 world leaders voted to then f gm by 2030 saying it was rooted in gender inequality and power and balances. but active a submit, there is no way the practice shows any signs of being eradicated. and now the gambia is on the verge of bringing it back. stephanie decker, which is 0. and the conflicting saddam has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes. the u. n says it's the world's largest displacement crisis. hundreds of thousands of people who came from south dawn and now trying to get back. malcolm web joins some of those traveling from a transit camp in the border town of frank as the way as the she says, every mother should keep her blanket with having not put it in the big trumps with the baggage. people here have a long journey ahead. they're trying to get to safety and south suit on. the pizza
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said she was in a factory and suzanne's capital cost to into fighting a rough tips between the army and the power of military rapid support forces cleaning a year ago. many people died. some were killed by the bonds from plains, even my best friend died. she told us a friend left behind the young child. she says when food and water supplies run out, she left with her children, have to leave her mother behind because she has a disability. he doesn't know if she'll see her again. she's had to walk long parts of the journey to reach here. the board of the town of rang, she's trying to connect with other relatives in south sit down capital g, about 800 kilometers from here. many of the people here savings happening so we can still check point west. so designed to is taking that money with
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a mobile phones. it's makes it even more difficult to find missing family members. some of them don't keys and cars and trucks. these thoughts of south sea dawn, no well connected to the rest of the country by right next to that say the search you have to so many of the possessions to be able to afford the 1st part of the journey. from here do you ends migration organization is operating phone just to carry people up the river nile to the city of mount account. i'm 5 road and api on more than a 100000. people have taken this route and the last yeah. and hundreds more. keep coming every day. this has been one of the city of this list, one that i'm and for my life signs of myself. so that means i've been out if it's eat enough within the country, but to disagree. so i'm seeing now with help with that is coming back to the countries we have received this coming in and we have had that type,
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nothing was confusing. so coming in. so it comes. so come to the spend most of the i don't life in cost 2. she's one of the millions of south. so you denise, he's gone that the decades to escape conflicts here will seeking jobs. it will take nearly 3 days for the barge to reach mount account. it's going to be a tough journey and temperatures over 40 degrees. name is optimistic. i'm happy to be making this trip, not only for myself, but for everyone here. i hope will all reach home safely to have to start so that when she gets back to cuba, she says she hopes to find work and send her children back to school. there are a few jobs for public services. wouldn't be easy for any of these people to rebuild that lives. malcolm went out to 0 rank south suit on legislatures in hong kong have fast and you national security now with top of
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penalties for treason, espionage and disclosing state secrets. chief executive, john lee says new powers on needed to protect hong kong status. critics say that to vague and will be used to for the defense for the sign in to defend jessica washington in hong kong legislators. me to discuss, propose national security legislation known as article 23. why you will call gone on to this home combs constitutional responsibility to an act the onto the 23 legislation under the basic law to safeguard national security. i believe everyone here the legislative council bill on the be able to take part in this historical mission. we're going talk at some it causes access treason solution and more includes provisions which allow for flux to detain suspects for up to 2 weeks without charge compared to 2 days. now, it would also give police the power to deny some suspects, access to lawyer,
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and create mechanisms to cancel the passports, a so called eps going to is it makes the national security risk a much more comprehensive. so it includes a whole raft of things that were not crimes before or that were colonial crimes, but they've updated the crime is the increased the amount of penalty some human rights organizations and foreign governments have criticized the vagueness of article 23 and said it may be used to silence critics. a previous attempt to post the bill in 2003. so more than half a 1000000 people protest before it was withdrawn. now there were no indications of to sent the same punk with demonstrations assembled more than 20 years ago. is no hosting a flo exhibition. this situation has changed a lot. you also people here actually it will ask them they did not tell you because
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they would not obviously you. but as i said, there are no demonstrations, no protests, no public assembly is very quiet here. really quiet, 2020 paging and post and national security, you know, in home comb, phone months of pro democracy protests. since then opposition politicians have been jailed. and many news outlets and civil society organizations shut down the china as president. she just being has repeatedly stated his commitment to the one country to assistance policy, which is intended to allow home calm to be governed with a high degree of autonomy in the legislative council. building legislative say the change is now to terry to protect hong kong status as an international hub. one politician like and below to a front gauge guarding hong kong people from danger. jessica washington to 0. china has one to the united states that he has no rights to interfere in
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territorial disputes in the south trying to see the commons follow the us secretary of state saying that american forces had an am tried commitment to defend the philippines on to the blinking has been meeting the philippines president and foreign minister in the capital, i'll just say respond to be know has more from money less for the 2nd time since the philippine president for the non marcus junior took office in 2020 to us secretary of state anthony, blinking is visiting manila, a reflection of the reversal of former philippine president will be good to start as paging friendly, foreign policy and strengthening alliance between the philippines and the united states. your visit to firms of the situation. countries now the visit, thomas, i mean, rising pensions in the south china sea were both the philippines and the united states. say china has been harassing philippine vessels the us as pledge to defend the philippines if the situation escalates further,
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that we stand with the philippines and stand by our in flag defense commitments, including under the mutual defense cri, particle for expense to arm attacks on the filipino armed forces, public vessels, aircraft, including those of his coast guard anywhere in the south trying to see had a blankets. meetings. in manila, the white house announced that us president joe biden will be hosting a summit with president marcos and japanese prime minister for me. you can see the in washington on april 11th. secretary lincoln said that the summit is not going to target china or any other 3rd country. none of these are directed against anyone or anything. they're in service of something they're, they're therefore trying to realize the positive vision that all of the countries involved share of the free and open in the pacific pulse. the philippines and japan are treated allies of the united states. but secretary blinking says, the summit isn't just about military cooperation,
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but economic cooperation as well funded below alger 0 degree. now way evacuation orders are being issued to families living in eastern areas on the increasing attack by russian forces. alger 0 is rob mcbride, joined the ukrainian red cross and i need accusation mission in the khaki. you've reached a full exam the and then to be prepared for another trip close to the boulder with russia to bring out people who have had enough of the will. oh, so wasn't it today we're going to the town of of chance. we have 2 addresses with families and there are children to the east of how to keep the town was occupied at the start of the war. and then we take and buy ukrainian forces. but that's when the russians began bombarding it with shells and rockets. no landing on the need daily basis. first stop is this family who decided to leave with a few possessions and the pet, the cat at the sick.


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