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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the israel's military says it's killed at least 50 people in gauze as i'll seek the hospital. dozens more happened to take the by my name's by you, this is all just there in life and the whole. so coming up the man, hopefully the fact that that does have very started to the good thing, the guitar, a media to say that cautiously optimistic on. so the latest round of gauze to cease
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5 talks involving the head of israel's intelligence agency. i'm robot pride in the hockey region of ukraine, just a few kilometers from the border with russia, with a team getting people out of harm's way. on the long journey to safety, tens of thousands of people were to south dawn to escape the fighting. that the, as we begin in gauze i was really strikes, have hit several homes in the southern most city of rafa killing at least 15 people, the 1500000 palestinians who fled financing elsewhere. and so refuge and ralph, i have not been sped from the violence. all those injured in those overnight attacks were taken. so nearby hospitals, many of them children were off his face consistent night sleep bombardment,
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giving displaced palestinians no way left to go. meanwhile, in the north, the strip is rarely strikes have hit the young, moving neighborhood of gauze, the city. this area is crowded with residential homes and buildings. staying in the north is rarely on the remains inside. i'll ship a hospital off to launching it's full array that on monday morning, concerns growing for the patients to stop and civilians in the area off to the military announce that it had killed 50 people detained. all those acts, those same of which begins are coverage as well. my son is really soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex searching of room by room. the government for the same as the commander say, the operation is targeting how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. that's almost kind of several people were reported killed in the operation, including fike, build it out of my poll says he was a key figuring causes police force responsible for facilitating the save.
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distribution of 8, the number of civilians were killed the the aftermath of these really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital. because the health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god's sake, i have no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you now. and then the siege of all she for hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is time for me to rescue operations with many teams unable to get there. thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalists are being retained and their equipment destroyed, leading to reporting blackout. access i much out is there, then? well,
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doctors without borders have reacted to these riley raid on gauze as largest hospitals saying we are deeply concerned for the safety of patients and medical stuff trapped in the all she for medical complex. one of all stuff witnessed mass arrests by these really all me in the area around chief uh we have lost contact with one of our stuff. we call on everyone to ensure the safety of medical stuff and civilians . all correspondents are a couple. zoom is in rough or with more on that raid a false chief, a hospital is this really depressing? go on with it, smell it tree offensive in kansas city, and this specifically on the neighborhood of she felt hospital as bombardment continue to destroy residential house. as we are talking about those of residential buildings where it completely flattened as families were forced to flee from the entire area because of the bombardment that had caused unintentional displacements . also, for people who had been multiple lead, evacuated from their houses,
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that they have been living and bought the fighting on the foreign exchange, winter months, appliances and the easy way to, to just continue on. so it continues inside the facility if you felt hospitable as the military rank of how must have been announced that they had managed to destroy . and i'm part. busy is very minute treat tanks while these very sides has been stating that these very military troops managed to queue and to eliminate 50 palestinians alongside with the resting 200 others and their own during operation stuff on the ground. but the situation is getting much more dahlia and drastic. an hourly basis as the compartment did not stop till now and has been expanded to reach different areas across the territory. despite one saying rough i was a safe area as role is regularly bullying the southern city in gaza. that sheltering over a 1000000 displaced people, the united states, say that and is ready ground defensive on rock,
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but will the deep and i key and gaza image and kimber reports. israel sweeping bombardment, garza with strikes in the north and strikes and the size in russell and southern garza, the 1000000 palestinians shelter having fled to devastating strikes in the newest on the center. many have been displaced multiple times, but they're still not sped monthly. there is no safe area, but they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas. i know they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they displaced us from here to there and we don't know where to go. several people were killed and thousands injured and strikes over night into tuesday. the hit several houses and apartments, according to medical officials and garza the come on top of the we are in from a lot of people have to hold. yeah, having some of the domains black done this. this has all of the us president has
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spoken to these ready prime minister urging him to send a team to washington for tools. israel maintains that it needs to end to rough up to destroy him. us despite grabbing pressure from the board and administration and other world leaders. nope, to do so. that means the we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population in gaza central because it was also targeted to the hit on the sarah during the noise. and i got the name is emily at midnight we woke up to the sound of a blas rushed theory. he and from this house completely destroyed hoford's, residents were killed and some still under the rubble. the death told him goza is not more than 31 size, and with the people sheltering in rough, effective coolness, this death toll will dry these ready offensive ground continue using the image in cuba,
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which is 0. the u. n. warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid and northern gauze that has been shelled over night body is already on the at least 2 people working in the monroe facility in giovanni or were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks cowering aid and flower men to be distributed to people in northern garza where the un says farming is imminent. it's the us extra of states as the entire population of gauze i is in dire need of humanitarian aid. and to me thinking says food deliveries must be a priority. is comments came off to the us human minds chief blamed as well for blocking a trucks from entering the district, forwarding to the most respected measure of these things. a 100 percent of the population in gaza. is that severe levels of acute food insecurity? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see
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again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population, there is indeed even amount of changes have data stand about 70 percent. so again, solving under scores both the the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority. honda said it is in all to part interest and it explains how the u. s. is shifting it's policy to was israel, the pull the americans have been commenting quite a bit on is really options in this war most recently on israel's rate, on the ship, a hospital saying that perhaps israel does not have the strategy that would help them sustain this war additionally, we've been hearing comments from the united states about this pending ground
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invasion instead of law for some time. and just this afternoon, these really prime minister has said that there is a disagreement with the americans about in reading it off off, but not the reason why these really prime minister went on to say that it was necessary in order to achieve an absolute victory. meanwhile, the americans had been saying that it would be a mistake just given how many civilians are seeking refuge. they're saying that there is nowhere for these palestinians to go given the fact that much of the gaza strip. if not, all of it really has been destroyed by is really a tax in the last 5 months. so this back and forth between the united states and israel continues as this pending ground invasion. these really say is a minute. was holmes. i mentioned that in direct talks between as well and how much on the way here in doha, they have been discussing how much this latest proposal for prisoner captive exchange and,
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and the will to tar immediate to say they remain hopeful. and val has more of the time used by the spokesman of the for the ministry here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that the talks off taking place in doha, that to me is cut off, can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technical team from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks, we have to notify and the is really is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogatives for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most are they have been a, it has already left with for consultations with is that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think that at the moment now where we can say that you are close to where to a deal. we are, as i said, we are cautiously optimistic because adults have it as you want them. that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue and help to build upon that and
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becoming a dave, but it's still too early to, to, to announce any any successes. so we mean, as i said, we made hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear that top a condenser. these are the actions during the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those attacks have to step on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those violations against medical facilities and goals. and also against civility. as he said, the cup of has already sent $86.00 cargo planes with the humanitarian a to goes entities goes to contribute, logistically, and financially to any efforts to bring more $8.00 to cost. how much fun i just gotta do
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the the u. s. is wanting that ukraine survival is at risk secretary of defense lloyd austin made the remark, side of me saying of the ukraine defense contact scraping gemini members on discussing more support for keys today. ukraine, some survival is endangered in america. security is at risk and they don't have a, they don't have a data waste and we don't have a data spare either. so i leave here today fully determined to keep us security assistance and have munitions flowing. and that's a matter of survival and sovereignty for ukraine. and as a matter of honor and security for america, russia claims its troops are still advancing an eastern ukraine building on recent gains. whitening forces on critically short as ministry aid from the west and have responded with an increasing number of incursions and attacks on russian territory
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. in response authorities say 9000 children will be moved from the west in belgrade region. the governor that says this because of the frequent ukrainian shelling of the city. the announcement comes a day off to russian president vladimir putin said he wants to create a buffet thing to protect border regions from ukrainian attacks. meanwhile and eastern ukraine, evacuation orders are being issued to families living in areas on the increasing attack by russian forces. rob mcbride join the ukrainian red cross on an evacuation mission in the khaki region, a full exam the and then to be prepared for another trip. close to the boulder with russia to bring out people who have had enough of the will. oh, so wasn't it today we're going to the town of of chance. we have 2 addresses with families and there are children to the east of how to keep the town was occupied at the start of the war. and then we taken by ukrainian forces. but that's when the
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russians began bombarding it with shells and rockets. now landing on a daily basis. first stop is this family who decided to leave with a few possessions and the pet cat. at the 2nd address, they pick ups with linda and the 2 children leaving the husband behind. that's only time for hiring good byes. before a quick exit with, i have a mo drone circling overhead and the constant threat of showing this evacuation as being taking place while russian fights as opposed to moscow. and based in this positive ukraine had been staging good tax, just across the board, underlining the dangerous volatility of this whole frontier area as the fighting intensifies in the east, more involved mandatory evacuation notice have been issued for families with children, to affiliate so that i think there's artillery your rocket, spank some more tears, everything. of course,
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people are worried about their safety and their children. this evacuation ends at the resettlement center in have keep some points that we sometimes they can spend the night hit their trains and we help them get tickets so that we say good bye. and that's it. to other schools as pacific atlanta, it's time to say good bye to a home town was in the sand. so we lived in the town centre in the 5th floor apartment, but it was a bump. so we moved to a relative's house, but you could see for yourself how the place was on there at that close bluetooth, but she and her children don't know when or if they will be able to attend. rob mcbride, i'll just say or how to keep you. great. so i had to own the 0 politicians in the gum, the look to overturn alignment. find on female genital mutilation. protection. millions of women on the go, the
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the, brought to you by visit capital. hey, welcome to your world's weather update beginning this one in india is still a stormy picture here in the east, around taylor, and gonna odessa and be heart states. that's where we're gonna see some summary downpours and wouldn't be surprised if we see some hailstones mixed in here as well . energy hops out of iran pushes into afghanistan. this is going to lower temperatures in herat to where it has been quite hot for this time of year, down to 20 degrees. that energy then pulls into northern pockets, done, but it remains hot in sin, providence would be surprised if some spots hit 40 degrees. i mean, look at new options, getting pretty close there on thursday. now for indo china, the storms in thailand, hopefully bringing in some relief freshening up the atmosphere there. we've had some of the worst air quality in the world registered in northern thailand. there are plenty of sun to go around in china looking good temperatures in the 20s,
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but unfortunately, it is a different story in japan. we're dealing with style once again over the mountains of honshu, and could see snow for a time and support those, those temperatures turn sub 0 by nighttime land off this weather report back in this part of southeast asia. still this breeze of the see here, it's pumping in the humidity for both k l and singapore. feeling closer to 40 the, brought to you by visit cuts on export. 2023. the world . the best to make sure. make sure you join us and let's discover
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a better world. expo 2023. the news the you're watching out. is there a mind at the top stories? this outlet is there. any forces were made inside al chief of hospital officer, launching a full of raids since the one gone. so began is really military says 50 people were killed in the seams. says how much suffices were hiding in the building. funerals that being held for some of the 14 people killed in as really strong san homes in southern delta. many others were injured in the attacks on dropbox, a one and a half 1000000 palestinians have been taking refuge. the council says it's cautiously optimistic about the possibility of
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a ceasefire. gaza that's been mediation the latest round of talks in doha, involving the head of as well as intelligence agency. most that the conflict in through dawn has 4 small than 8000000 people from their homes. the student needs all the has been fighting the power military rock that support forces for nearly a year. the united nations is cooling at the world's largest displacement crisis. civilian seek shelter and neighboring child and south food on various countries facing that and challenges. malcolm webb met some of those forced to leave who were now in the board, a town of rank in south to don a 2nd. so many people who had friends killed an hourly escape getting caught in the violence themselves. people hear reporting widespread sexual violence and other kinds of rights abuse these many others can in recent weeks,
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fleeing here because they say the conditions are simply becoming livable. where they were coming from in costume or other open areas in saddam because it'd be cut off from food and other essential supplies. now, what are the people who been slipping to here originate from south to dawn and they left because of conflicts here, flooding or seeking economic opportunities into one's wealthy, a neighbor to the north. but since i sit on erupt into civil war, they've had to flight. how many of them are continuing that? japanese from head back to the towns and villages of origin, various seasons. jesus starts in the coming weeks and humanitarian agencies a concert limited. sanitation, it's because we're going to become very strange indeed. had the she says, every mother should keep her blanket with having not put it in the big trucks with the baggage. people here have a long journey ahead. they're trying to get to safety and south suit on. the pizza
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said she was in a factory in suzanne's capital, cost to into fighting erupted between the army and the power ministry rapid support forces cleaning a year ago. many people died. some were killed by the bombs from plains, even my best friend died. she told us a friend left behind the young child. she says when food and water supplies run out, she left with her children, have to leave a mother behind because she has a disability. he doesn't know if she'll see her again. she's have to walk long parts of the journey to reach here. the board, a town of rang. she's trying to connect with the relatives in south sit down is capital g, about 800 kilometers from here. many of the people here happening so we can still check point west, so it isn't taking them money or they may have all sides. it's makes it even more
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difficult to find missing. so many members, capital don't keys and cars and trucks because these thoughts of south state on no well connected to the rest of the country by right next to that getting, we'll say that says you have to sell many of the possessions to be able to afford the 1st part of the journey from here you ends migration organization is operating phone just to carry people up the river nile to the city of mount account and by road and api on more than a 100000 people have taken this route in the last yeah, and hundreds more, keep coming every day. this has been one of the city of displacement that i've seen for my lifestyle as i'm a so, so that means i've been at if it's easy enough for in the country, but to disagree. so i'm seeing now with help with and it's coming back to the countries we have received this coming in. and we have had that type,
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nothing was confusing. so coming in. so it comes. so they spend most of the, i don't life in cost 2. she's one of the millions of south city denise. he's gone that it decades to escape conflicts here will seeking jobs. it will take nearly 3 days for the budge to reach monaco, it's going to be a tough journey and temperatures over 40 degrees. lately is up to mistake. i'm happy to be making this trip, not only for myself, but for everyone here. i hope will all reach home safely. to have to start so that when she gets back to cuba, she says she hopes to find work and send her children back to school. there are a few jobs will public services wouldn't be easy for any of these people to rebuild that lives. malcolm went out to 0 rank south through don. c the gambia has moved a step closer to west,
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reversing about on female genital mutilation. it's national assembly very to, to send a bill on ending the bomb to upon them entry committee for further discussions. removing the band would and legal protections for millions of goals. and when stephanie dec reports verbal $1442.00 does not in verbal fall, an overwhelming majority in the game because national assembly for female genital mutilation to be brought back to the bill still needs more discussion to pos. but the sentiment, at least in here, is clear on public, but under law is in consistent with desperation of the majority of the people. it should be conceded outside a show of support for both sides. these women are for the cutting and removal of 4 parts of the external female genitalia often done as girls are still very young. but many protested against the repeating of the news activists say,
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reverses years of progress for women's rights. most permanent on board suspect we're here amend and we need to listen to women and young girls to been through penny until june and some insulation and have discussed to show for it. and i don't mean just physical scars. i mean mental scars, we need to listen to the activities stuff been through the gym and that i'm now advocating against f. jim. i think if this bill is fast, it gives them a chance to go after the child matters law. it gives them a chance to go after the domestic violence little this is not only a bi female genital mutilation, which is about women in the control of women's body. according to the un, around 213000000 girls worldwide have been caught. countries with the highest rates include egypt to don, somalia, molly guinea, sierra leone and era trail. the 91 go babies are caught as also older
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adolescent girls. we need to take these f gm consists of removing a part of the female genitalia that provides sexual pleasure for women. and can also include the stitching of the body parts to practically close at the one says the general practice has seen a downward trend, but it is slow paced, in 2015 world leaders voted to then f gm by 2030 saying it was rooted in gender inequality and power in balances, but active a submit, there is no way the practice shows any signs of being eradicated. and now the gambia is on the verge of bringing it back. stephanie decker, which is 0, the former brazilian president, julia boston, r. a has been informed me accused of falsifying his own coven 19 vaccination data. that's the fast indictment for the invest old politician who's facing several criminal investigations. he's accused of putting false information into the public health data base to make it appear as if he's received the current of ours vaccine, along with several people in his in
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a circle to hazy. now with 14 bodies have been found in a suburb of porto prince parts of the capitol. what happened left without power is gangs continues to baffle control on your potters. a bloody scene in the outskirts of haiti's capital porter prints, in the early hours of monday dang, reportedly attacked to upscale neighborhoods, leaving nearly a dozen dead. it's the latest in a spiraling wave of gang related violence gripping the country. but he woke up this morning with bodies and our community of federal, federal deal is not that kind of community where people are killed and we are here to remove the bodies before the children started walking to school. and the vendor starts to wear rock. my mom, these yeah. caving to demands by haitian games. prime minister arial henri announced last week he would resign following the creation of a transitional presidential council. despite the announcement dang, violence has not abated,
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sparking new concerns from international observers over crisis that's already grown out of control. it is not a high privilege to say that this is one of the most dire humanitarian situations in the world. in neighboring dominican republic, security forces were deployed on monday to the haitian border locals. they are say, the humanitarian crisis is also having a dramatic impact on commerce. when we're lucky plus, you're lucky. here the situation is difficult. not many haitians come due to the problem and haiti, they come twice for week and 5 days if they don't come because of the situation. he is not easy enough. leaders from other caribbean nations or holding talks to resolve the crisis, including aiding with the establishment of a transitional presidential council. a multinational police force to restore order and haiti, backed by the united nations and led by kenya, has reportedly been delayed canyon officials saying the deployment of such a force will happen only once. the transitional counsel has been created,
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messed up a little algebra 0. australia is great, barrier reef is suffering from another mass carl bleaching event. scientists extremely concerned, as the car is vital to maureen's ecosystems. sarah clark reports these are some of the 1st images in the aerial assessment of coal bleaching in the great barrier reef. bleaching occurs when will my ocean temperatures and pollution 1st cold to expel the algae that lead the mid to sheets. y'all to give the color range of color. scientists have declared 2020 full a mess, bleaching event. we call a mess carl bleaching when we see the majority of carls on many of the race that we survey across large areas of the marine park our bleaching. and that's the situation where and at the moment carl bleaching is just a stress reaction from karl. so you could compare it, for example,


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