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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 19, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens across the world . when you click sense to the parts of the store, the israel's military size, it's killed, at least 50 people in golf as i'll ship a hospital, 1000 small have been detained. the by money in site, this is down to 0 in life from the also coming up. they made hopefully the fact that this upset that he started to the good thing guitar immediate to say they all cautiously optimistic off the latest rounds of golf and the squad towards involving
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the head of israel's intelligence agency. told us generals who are the soul of b k. austic withdrawal from account as don in 2021 are being questioned by a us house committee. the full members any and president julia boston are, is indicted. he's accused of timeframe with data to falsely show. he's received the kinds of 90 bucks news . we begin in gaza, where is where the asteroids have hit several homes in the southern, most fishy of rafa kenning, at least 15 people. 1.5000000 palestinians who have fled, fights and elsewhere, have so refuge in russia and have not been sped from the bond is all those injured in those overnight attacks were taken to nearby hospitals. many of them were children, rough of his face, consistent nightly, bombardments giving displays palestinians nowhere left to go. the main wall in the
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north of this trip is where the strikes hit, the all move neighborhood of gauze, a city. the area is crowded with residential homes and buildings saying in the north is rarely ami remains inside l shape a hospital often launching. it's both right. but on monday morning, concerns of growing for the patients, the stuff i'm the civilians in the area off to the military announced it's killed 50 people and detained others axels of which begins our coverage. my people, my son is really soldiers moving through the besieged hospital, complex searching of room by room. the government for the same as the commander say, the operation is targeting how most fighters hiding inside the hospital. that's almost kind of several people were reported killed in the operation, including psych, i'll build it out of my pool. how my says he was a key figuring causes police force responsible for facilitating the save distribution of 8. the number of civilians were killed the the aftermath of these
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really airstrikes inside and outside the hospital. because the health ministry says many were suffocated while trying to escape a fire that broke out. for god's sake, i have no way to go for my family because i have no way to go for god's sake where to go where to go. thank god. thank you. god. thank you now. and then the siege of all she for hospital and surrounding area by is really forces is hampering to rescue operations with many teams unable to get there. thousands of philistines remain trapped inside the hospital. journalists are being retained and their equipment destroyed, leading to a reporting blackout. the excess i much out is there was doctors without borders has reacted to the is there any rate on cost as large as hospital saying we are
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deeply concerned for the safety and patients of medical stuff trumped in the all she for medical complex one of our stuff witnessed mass arrest by these really all me in the area around she for hospital. we have lost contact with one of our stuff and we cool on everyone to ensure the safety of medical stones and civilians. the smart ones saying that russell was a safe area. israel has regularly bone the southern city and gaza, that a sheltering of a 1000000 displaced people. i'm the united states says that and is ready ground defensive on rough. i will deepen on a key image and kimber reports. israel sweeping bombardment, garza with strikes in the north and strikes in the side in russell and southern goza. more than 1000000 kind of simians, the shelter having fled, devastating strikes in the news on the center. many have been displaced multiple
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times, but they're still not sped monthly. there is no safe area. they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas. they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they display stuff from here to there and we don't know where to go. several people were killed and thousands injured strikes. so even though i get to choose to hit several houses and apartments, according to medical officials and garza, none of the come on come on. we are in from a lot of people have to hold. yeah. having to who of what it means black than this . this is our faith. the us president has spoken to these ready point minister urging him to send a team to washington for tools. israel maintains, but it needs to enter rough up to destroy him. us despite grabbing pressure from the board and administration and other world leaders. nope. to do so. does that mean the we are innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of
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the palestinian population in gaza central because it was also targeted the hit on the sarah during the noise. and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a bloss rushed the area he and from this house completely destroyed hoford's, residents were killed and some still under the rubble or the desk told. and goza is not more than 31 size, and with the people sheltering in rough, effective coolness. this death toll dry if these ready offensive ground continue using the image in cuba, which is 0 you and warehouse meant to receive humanitarian aid and northern garza has been shelled overnight by this. rarely on the at least 2 people working in the owner of facility in giovanni or were killed. the facility was preparing to receive trucks carrying aid and flour meant to be distributed to people in northern gauze,
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or whether un says that fireman is imminent. the us actually have states as the entire population of gaza is in dire need of humanitarian aid. to me, lincoln says food deliveries must be a priority. his comments come off to the us, human rights chief blamed israel for booking a trucks from entering the strip. according to the most respected measure of these things, a 100 percent of the population in gaza is a severe levels of acute food and security. that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population,
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there is indeed even amount of transition f data stands about 70 percent. so again, solving underscores both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority. i'm hello cindy and mine has been shot and killed in his call by his rarely settlers in the occupied westbank. it happened in the village of a corolla, which is close to novelist view and has described the recent escalation of several of violets in the occupied westbank is alarming agent. let's go to the abraham. she's in bethlehem in the occupied westbank. what more do we know? and we know that for the 3 year old facts, it but new job, but it has been standing outside of a small area that he was using and saying, and to basically take his sheep, add to grades. basically he is. they are a top. com as a shop for taking care of his cheap. what happened is that these really stuff there
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is a for the to the how the, the local council have way that the area attacking palestinians, including facts, had it before they shot time. according to the local council, the president who has been speaking to us, he's been saying that these really army was just standing in a way, looking at the incident, basically doing nothing to protect us simians walk, been attacked by this rule of suck. there's now when we talk about secular attacks, this is important to say that this is not an isolated incidents just as the start of this war. 9 palestinians have been killed, us, least by is really subtler inspire. there are 2 that we're not sure if they've been killed by some of those or by these really aren't me because usually what happens is that they go in together in areas that we're kind of thing is our leaving kind of thing is wondering who are really shots, the palestinian. now when we've spoken about those such a there's, we're talking about increasing the presence of the occupied westbank. increasing
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the use of arms intimidating palestinians making their lives more and more difficult. which in turn, eventually lots to an increase in violence because what palestinians would tell you is the lack of accountability against those separators, which is allowing those incidents of this violence to continue. and mid i believe, as also i've been a novice shooting near bethlehem when. busy a close to where you are. can you tell us about that? yes, what we've been heating is mostly from these wally media. and they've been saying that there has been a meeting between the 2 members of the in tier know security agency known here as the sub box. when a palestinian has salt and injured the 2 members of the show. but now we've heard also from special bach agency saying that the 2 members, one of them has been wounded seriously. but he's now in a stable condition and the other has been likely wounded. the announcement has been
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really clear in the beginning which led palestinians to be suspicious of the conditions of that shooting. we've heard from one on a list of and is really media saying that the mind has been participating in a security meeting with those 2 members of the setback. now, according to the internal security agency statement, they said that the 2 members went in a meeting. they did not specify what that meeting was. basically this is raising suspicions among spouse and use that maybe the man has forced himself to be a double agent. when he attacks and shots, the 2 members of the security agency, we know that he has been declared dead by these really forces. they say he's a 13 year old man and he's from jeanine. this gives you an idea about the tension here in new york. you're probably the west bank. thank you for that update new to everyone that for us in bethlehem. meanwhile,
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and direct talks between as role and how most all underway here in doha, they've been discussing how much is latest proposal for a prison, a captive exchange on an end to the will guitar immediate to say they are hopeful mohammed vile has the term used by the spokesman of the for the ministry here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that the talks have taken place in doha, that to me is cut off. can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technical team from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks. we have to notify . and the is really, is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogatives for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most, are they but they, it has already left with for consultations with is that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think
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that at the moment now what we can say that you are close to the, to a deal we are. as i said, we are cautiously optimistic because adults have it as you want them. that is a good thing. and we hope that that, that continues. and they help to build upon that and becoming a dave. but it's still too early to, to, to announce any, any successes. so we mean, as i said, we made hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear that top a condenser you started, the actions didn't the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those attacks have to step on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those violations against medical facilities and goals. and also against civility. as he said, the cup of has already sent $86.00 cargo planes with the human retain a to goes on disease goes to contribute, logistically, and financially to any efforts to bring more $8.00 to cost. how much fun. i'm just
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gonna go ok. we're joined now by dr. nick may not. he's a consultant surgeon who recently volunteered for an emergency medical mission in garza with the british heresy, medical aid for palestinians. he joins main line from the united nations headquarters. thank you so much for your time. on al jazeera, you've described your trip to gauze, i back in january as a single worst experience in your 36 medical career. can you tell us what useful? yes, thank you for asking me. i've been going to cause it for nearly 15 years, and i thought i would be use bit or be prepared for what's all i was going to see when i went into garza on boxing day. but what i sort of like the hospital was the single was series of cases i've ever seen in my career was adult to i'm a polling technical situations. we found ourselves in a great locker, results has. but most of all the most of pulling injures predominate on children
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and women in an i spent most of the 2 weeks operating on severe explosive injures to the chest. and that the majority of the patients are place on women and also some severely injured children. as well. yeah. can you expand on that? what was the hall this policy you will experience when you look back? as i think saying some of the a polling li engine children in particular. i spent some time in the emergency room, but i likes all spelled as well. and so some very small children was terrible buttons, multiple traumatic amputations, and no real room to deal with these tragic cases. the result is we're very limited on some days. we had no multi, no strong painkillers, give these patients and remember things. there's one small child who had terrible
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buttons to her face so bad that you could see the bones of her face. and she clearly had no chance of survival. i'm was going to die, but we had no pain relief to give her. so no, certainly what she certainly going to die, but she couldn't die peacefully. she died. you're not gonna. there was no way peaceful for her to go. she was ended up lying on the floor of the mozy department and this was one case, but we still multiple cases like that and they were deeply to be tragic. i believe you also started seeing some non nutrition cases. facts then so yeah, so this was about kaden said around the new. yeah. and we, the pediatricians that, that likes the hospital was saying 2 or 3 cases of crunchy, a coal, which is the most severe form of protein mountain nutrition. you see it and it comes up. images of the famines we sometimes saw and africa years ago where, where these pump ballots children with,
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with severe malnutrition and that they will repairing that. i likes the hospital back over the new. yeah. and on the search results, we saw patients who a malnourished and there was so many problems with infections in the hospitals. the jet very patient who ends up having an injury and having surgery gets a bad infection of calls. when you've got severe infections, it accelerates the process of malnutrition. so we ended up seeing some patients severely mile. not ration to cause we've heard in the last few days about the the, the, the, the, the, the mind made from into a cold that's not existing. and goals and the mountain nutrition problems are getting out of it was and you have this terrible cycle of, of, of set success infection, mount nutrition, and they exacerbate each other. so this is a, a profoundly severe health care problem. and i think the numbers of patients we're going to see from these access tests due to non electrician will do all of the
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figures currently being quoted for deaths from the trauma of about 30000. i think we, we great the fear that if it goes, we're going to be what an excess of a $100000.00. and as he was saying, you have been visiting garza for many years to teach surgery since 2010. i believe . what did you make of the state of the medical facilities in this latest visit and that, that, that growth, i mean, credit would be challenging. i think even work in the health care section in garza and, and, and quads at times pre of type of this that was very challenging. so we always have to day with like a result is often electricity costs and having to make do with, with very limited equipment. but those challenges have been told by, well, we're saying now um i spent every day operating out that we often run out of surgical gloves. so you have to sometimes watch gloves between operations. i've
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mentioned already the lock of mole for you. we had many days when is the pain relief to get to patients? often no antibiotics to the surgical instruments we were using was very lacking. so we had to make do with, with not so much the wrong instruments, but very different in, in an instrument that was sometimes no blood products. on one day we had no running water in the operating, said to so we couldn't scrub up properly. we had to use out called dell to try and clean all hands. we sometimes had no sterile dressings. we had no sterile drapes for the patient than the uprising fit to so extremely challenging circumstances. and the calls for the post office of k, they went towards which were upholding the i, the crowd did all for them and the beds to put the patients in. so they were lying on the floor, the health care, the health information system had completely collapsed. so it was extremely difficult finding patients on the world to see how they were the next day. so many
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patients were not being followed up properly. so the challenges, what, what was that i could possibly have imagined and talk to the is riley narrative when it comes to targeting hospitals is that they are targeting? how must operatives who are hiding inside these hospitals given what you've seen, do you think the damage and the violence on the people of gauze in those hospitals is justified or not? and also told. and of course, this is a narrative being peddled by this rate as i have been going to god's for many years . as you mentioned, i have never seen any promise militants in any hospital i've worked and i know chief, a whole splitting stream the well, i've never seen any how much better since the more importantly during my 2 weeks that i likes all spittle, i have access to every single possible hospital i visited every part of the hosp the regularly and then see no harm as medicine until so i then of course he's ready
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defense schools have provided no credible evidence to support those claims. perhaps as a final thing to say about this, i have many friends and colleagues who are doctors and nurses in garza and i've met and then for many, many years i've worked with them. they've been in these hospital day and day out since october. the 7th. i've been talking to them regularly in quite a pop malia and experiences, and i likes that. they will report. never having seen any harm us militants in any of these hospitals. now calls icon comment about what might be happening in any time it was on denise. but certainly i have seen no evidence of any comments about a treat in the hospitals. and as i said, i think the evidence being put forward by the is right is to support those claims. it is not remotely credible adults, and it may not consultants such and who has recently volunteered in gone so many
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thanks for your time. thank you very much. indeed. the, the to the united states where the republican chad house foreign affairs committee is holding hearings over the k, all sick american exit from us kinda still on in august of 2021. hundreds of off guns died in the rush to escape cobble off to the full if the us but government and the advance of the taliban. now, among those testifying all the vin chapman of the joint chief of staff, general mock. molly, i'm the head of the us central command at the time as always about to go hain who is live for us in washington dc. what are we expecting to see on here today? patchy as well as so far we're hearing just from the lawmakers. we haven't heard from general milly or general mckenzie. just yet. just been underway for about 20
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minutes and you can already tell that it's going to be fiery. we saw the republicans come out and say, there are more than a 1000 american citizens that remain trapped in afghanistan and tens of thousands of the locals who helped us who can't get out as we're being targeted. this is really about placing blame. so what you're going to see, and they're going to try to get these retired generals to either pin the blame on the current presidential by nor former president donald trump. now they're both pretty savvy, they've spent years in congressional hearing. so we'll see if they take the bank. so basically the argument from democrats is, this isn't joe by default president trump, when he was at office, he made a deal with the calla band to withdraw us troops by a certain date there. and so they're going to try and say, look, it's trumps fault. he says the dates and the conditions are right. and, but the republicans are going to say, no, this is joe by default because nobody has any idea that the basically they tell that i would just take over the country and that he didn't have a plan to get people out. and that's the chaotic and embarrassing and really tragic
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evacuation. they're going to say that is the current president's fault. and this is why this matter is now republican, say the reason for the hearing, it's not tied to an anniversary or anything else, which usually is they say this is because the american people deserve to get to the bottom of what happened. but behind the scenes age only reporters. look, we know this, her job i. and if you look at the trajectory of his home phone number, she came into office and americans widely believed that he, he was going to go and actually make government work. that was his biggest selling point, and shortly after you was an office, we saw this chaos and just pulling numbers limited and they have not recovered since. so although we might get some more information out of this hearing is much, much, much likely, much more about political theater. thank you for that, patrick call. hey. and that for us in washington dc, a full members, any in president jerry or ball center has been charged with criminal association and falsifying his own type of 19 vaccination data. it is the 1st indictment for
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the industrial politician whose face and several criminal investigations. the keys are putting false information into the public health data base to make it appear as if he received the corona virus vaccine, along with several of the people in his circle. during the pandemic pulse and i was openly skeptical of vaccines and flouted health restrictions. that's good to monica . yeah. the key. she joins us now. live from re edition era. monica. so what happens now to boston are well, this is just one of many ongoing investigation. she's also be investigated for spreading false information on what he is questioning. whether disgusting doubts. i'm exempt. delightful. he's also being investigated for wife. just sneak in that he received from saudi arabia and that should have been declared by
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touchstones or put in the collection of the president said they were, they tried to sell them. so and the most serious of them is one is going investigate for masterminding the january 8th. right? it's not last year. 2023. right? except were similar to the story of the capital, the west bibles, and that was worse, believe what he said, the election that he was strong. and so he's facing a whole series of legal. yeah. as i say many legal issues is this, the most serious one the i know the most serious one is the one where he is being used to is just last. ready excused by his former army and air force commander presented a plan to stage a coup. basically, he had a meetings,
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he's being investigated, trying to reverse the 2020, to like, full assault, which the big street for leasing. and trying to see if there was a way that was the cost for the military intervention. stop lo, from teaching office, that is the most serious. oh ball, the investigation shift towards july. when we decided whether or not to go to jail and most i would say that it's more than that. okay, thank you for that, monica. yanna cave vipers live in rio de janeiro and hong kong legislature, as a holding a special session to debate proposed legislation that would follow the crackdown on political dissent. national security and who is widely expected to pause when it
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goes to a vote. the bell would impose life sentences for treason and insurrection. offences . okay, that's it. for me. my. the inside weather is next to the inside story off. what can bring cause of suffering to an end to stay with us? the, the hello from joe. how, let's go with your weather report for the middle east and africa. rain still coming in to the levant, and still we've got left over as of rain right across the rock, but certainly a much pressure fuel through the arabian peninsula. temperatures have come down re, uh that $24.00 degrees up. it still looks like we've got some cloud cover draped over us here in doha, on wednesday with a height of $28.00 degrees. now that energy has shifted across the ron, pushing into afghanistan and eventually into northern buckets. done. but then we've
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got this system swirling around to minutes done and was biggest on. so that's with the rain around. pretty much a huge swats of central asia on wednesday. unsettled both for the west and the east, the turkey all day and assemble at 9 degrees. and there was more of that rain around the live that they roots been hard hit as of late. we've got that sea breeze giving us relief for banjo and the gang via but no seabreeze for the walk shot in more attain you could hit 40 degrees on wednesday and we see that rain slide down right across the congo on wednesday. really that western side of the congo as well . and the heat wave conditions should start to let off a bit in south africa, especially in the northern cape prophet and up into we've got your pennsylvania for 34 degrees. the latest news as it breaks, types of on any social media platform could face court challenges over the issue of
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freedom of speech. but before that, this would have to pass the senate with detail coverage. people here come from places weathers, all nice, nice and full health services. a close that comes off from food from around the world. now migrants rights advocates are taking the federal government to court, saying it has failed in its duty to care for migrants, including children of the guys that facing fan and israel's genocidal assault continues up to 5 months of slaughter. mostly with weston supplied weapons. international pressure has amounted to little more than words. so what can bring causes suffering to an end? this is inside storage, the
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hello and welcome to the program and serve any a as israel's brutal war continues and checked guns. as 2400000 people now face the imminent risk of famine.


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