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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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the business latest is free to you believe, i guess is i like my on one of your just makes modern plates the the you're watching. that is our life or my headquarters is all fine. daddy navigates i . here's what's coming up in the next 60 minutes. dust and devastation in northern gaza is really a tax kill at least 15 people sheltering in a house on 1st responder struggle to reach those, the needs of the fact that the ducks have that he's talked to to the good thing. how, sorry, mediator say, very cautiously optimistic officer,
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the latest round of gauze i see as far as hawks involving the head of israel's intelligence agency. the u. s. supreme court allows texas law enforcement to arrest people suspect sort of entering legally from mexico. the white house has criticized the decision a long distance, whole dirty to safety, out to 0, joins some of the people forced to return to cell. sit on because of the conflict in some john don, pizza simmons with you a sports olympic cheat. school countries not take part in rushes, friendship games later this year. cooling at a cynical attempt to politicize schools, the hello, we begin in gaza city where is really are strikes of targeted an area, crowded with residential homes and buildings. one attack stroke, a family home, killing 15 people inside and 1st responders are struggling to retrieve more bodies,
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stuck under the rubble of zeros and a city for reports from the scene. some pictures in his report are disturbing. the slightly of them to follow up item is really rates have not stopped attacking cause a city since the morning was on. have war jets have targeted a family home at the center of cause of the city killing 15 people. these dead bodies were retreat just moments ago from under the rubble of this house. that is just what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting. but it's really, we're just off on a house of several stories. i just as we can see these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble can a number of people remain missing under the rubble. as medical staff and civil defense crews could not reach this place that ok, this house, emboldened by the mic bill family, it has been completely destroyed, but it's really excited to as an adult. oh no. you said, well, i'll try to do that. and yeah, i mean, yeah, and that's, i mean, i know you,
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ma'am. it's a business. my brother's house i met, unfortunately, women, children, and the neighbors was struck out. uh, that was a peaceful people that have sleeping often having the last meal for full, fostering. suddenly we were taken away by what happened and it, despite all those, we say praise be to god cause them due to the lack of resources. well, you know, there remains a number of killed people under the rubble. and when we are unable to bring out to . 2 the relentless bombardment on cause a city by is really wor, jets has now targeted this family home is killing most of its residents as you walk, trapping others under the rubble and unnecessary if i don't, josie, a my do you have to was of all the is really military has targeted the know, so you get a refugee camp killing at least 5 palestinians, a vehicle outside the headquarters of warner was that's the un agency for palestine . refugees was hits, children are among the dead. and another is really attacked on the site as refugee camp has killed 15 members of the same family. other members of the head and have
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bashed finally are still under the rubble. after is really showing on the home. the injured have been transported to the overburdened an oc sallow hospital and at least 23 palestinians responsible for helping distribute aids have been killed by targeted as really bombardment in northern gaza. were playing struck their position near kuwait rounds about. that's where a to the north is distributed. there been several attacks of the same exact location on palestinians were seeking aids. last month is really forces open fire on a crowd, killing a 118 people who are seeking food. thought of as soon as joining us from what i find southern gauze i thought at what can you tell us about the strike near the kuwait round about and it's off from us. yes. in fact, the read or the is really a minute to you had talked to
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a group of palestinians near the quite drowned about as an offset, verifying. it has been discovered that those who have been targeting are members of low popular committees who are responsible for securing the deliveries of humanitarian supplies safely to the number of positive cars and also to the under what a distribution centers that the people they're happy multiple. he attacked while at least in the late set tact, 23 palestinians have to revolt at killed. um, it was absolutely right. now the house is domestically. isabel is attacking everyone was both supposed to take part in securing deliveries to the north it through the a couple of days in terms of the ongoing military operations to eliminate top a police officials who are also contributing to a i to securing such a deliveries to the north till now as well, did not commence on the attack that had been carried out for these valley military operations continued to uh,
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to be carried out by deals by the troops on the ground specifically on the vicinity of which she felt hospital. yeah, and i thought at speaking of and she felt hoffman, so we understand that her been more bloss and gunfire around it and goes a city and at least 50 palestinians have been killed and many more detains displaced, palestinians. patients as well as medical staff are main trunk, as that rate goes on. the hospice hole had only recently resumed partial operations after suffering large scale destruction during and is really raised in november. so thought it, this is, i believe, the 4th time that this hospital has been attacked by israel and rated. and this latest attack is the, is really the army still inside the facility. what's going on there right now us? yes, it's a noble attack that had been carries out to our own side. that's different hospital where the is, where the military troops are still stationed. inside the hospital indicates an old, an older roads that are leading to the medical compound. as these very minute,
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3 tanks are flashing with palestinian fighters on the vicinity of the area of the hospital. as a bombardment also continues to unfolding the entire area of the is value, a media has been stating that the is where the troops are having close contact. fighting with how much flight is under the same time, they continue to carry out their military operations inside the hospital on the intense front cover by it's very flight to jet spots. the situation on the ground, the sounds really critical is patients had been forced by the is what it forces to get out from the hospital to go to our receipt. coasted roads without any help and some of the patients have been throwing and out of the hospital. some people manage to transfer them to a li are up hospital to continue receiving medical treatment the but with the ongoing bombardment, the desktop is still continue as continuing to climb. but miles, um its a the, a very unprecedented military campaign that if it did not stop,
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would it be coming days. the situation will get too much more value as long as the dust will, will definitely increase as we are showing in our next report. the as well as was unrelenting, yet more palestinians buried who was who carried them short to suit and facing simon before the whole month. and now the we are in from a lot of people have to hold. yeah. having to who of what it means black than this . this is our feet. more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show think i was a self forced here, often onto the devastation in areas for the north east. very all me to drop off would be saved by the messiah, which has continued. destroyed, is densely populated area, monthly. there is no safe area, but they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas while they're hitting from every direction. and they
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don't care about people, they displaced us from here to there. and we don't know where to go is we'll say is mission is eliminated. most fights is it's food and re people who are being killed . we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population. garza know when this trip is being spent. this is amber. se ross in central garza and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a bloss rushed the area he and found that this house completely destroyed hoford's residence with killed and some still under the rubble. the death building gauze when i was more than 31000 with the people sheltering key rough i think typically cool and at the desk to we're wise is very offensive. grounds continues direct about as boone, how just a rough, rough or southern guns of israel is sending a delegation to washington to discuss its plan,
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the ground defensive on rough hondas on who it is it occupied east jerusalem with more details on what's expected. it is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who says that he will send a delegation to washington to discuss with american officials on how exactly this ground invasion instead of far is going to work. this came at the request of us president joe biden. now these really prime minister has said that it is critical and necessary to enter alpha in order to achieve a total victory in the war with the americans have had criticism about this plan for months. now since these rallies announced that they're saying that it would be a mistake to enter it up off, the american president has also said that it would be a red line. the americans are especially concerned about the number of palestinians who are seeking refuge in drop off the us national security advisor jake sullivan has said that there are nearly a 1000000 and a half palestinians seeking shelter there. and there simply is nowhere else for
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them to go with the is really prime minister says that these disagreements are about how to go about this military ground invasion, not about the reasons as to why he says it's necessary. so sometime in the coming weeks, this is really delegation with the national security advisor from israel sampling. had neg, we will go to washington to brief american officials on how exactly it's going to work to set foot. i just, you know, occupied east jerusalem. well, in direct talks between israel and from us are underway here in del hall, and they were discussing how mazda is latest proposal for presenter, captive exchange. and to end the war category, mediators say they remain hopeful. mohammed valve has the latest of the time used by the spokesman of the foreign ministry. here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that
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the talks of taking place in doha, that to me, is cutoff, can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about technical teams from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks. we have to notify and the is really is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogatives for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most, are they. but they, it has already left with for consultations with easy to shape. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think we are at the moment now where we can say that you are close to where to where the we are. as i said, we are cautiously optimistic because the adults have it as you want them. that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue, then they help to build upon that and becoming at days. but it's still too early to, to, to announce any, any successes. so we remain, as i said, we made hopefully the for the ministry spokes mount or so made it clear the top to
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condense. these are the actions during the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those talks have to stuff on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those violations against medical facilities. and goals and also against civilians. he said the cup out has already sent $86.00 cargo planes with the humidity in a to cause entities goes to contribute logistically and financially to any efforts to bring more $8.00 to cost. how much fine. i'm just gonna go. i was running a 0 set as mohammed and most of the he's a political analyst and also a professor of media studies at the don't have institutions for graduate studies. i again, how much up when you look at the is really delegation doesn't cause har. attending the see as far as hawks do, think that they have enough of a mandate to be able to move in negotiations forward. i don't think the issue is, is the mandate at all?
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i think the issue is, what does is real want out of this negotiation versus what, how mass wants out of this negotiation. as we've been discussing how mass once a permanent ceasefire, they want an end to the violence in gaza. and israel wants some assurance that it's going to be allowed to to continue that. so the question is, and has been for many weeks, how do we reconcile those to diverging positions? is it possible to say who is, who is negotiating from a sort of a stronger position, a position of strength? why would say that israel's negotiating from position with strength based on, based on the fact that they are supported by the united states? i mean, united states holds all the leverage. they are the one entity that could end all this tomorrow with a, with a phone call, but which has been unwilling to do so. so if they have support from the united states and there isn't, you know, any sort of consequence for what, for what they're doing and garza, then they're free to either negotiate
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a deal that works for them, right? that meets their conditions or continue continue fighting. much as being said about these divisions between 5, unless any yahoo that are there enough to make a difference to to what's happening on the grounds and garza, well, i think we have to keep a close eye on it. i don't want to belittle some of the differences that we've seen emerge in recent weeks and, and how the us so sort of ramped up. some of it's a rhetoric on is real against is real critical of israel. but i'm much more interested in what the united states is doing than what the united states is saying . they are issuing these sort of verbal slaps on the risk from time to time to time . we've seen that from a biden, from lincoln, and from others in the us administration. but until the us actually shows that it's willing to change course, until they're actually willing to demonstrate that they're going to implement this kind of red line policy that they're going to, for instance, stop supplying israel for weapons. then i think it's just more of the same. okay,
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and in speaking of the weapons sales we, we now hear from canada, but it's saying that it will hold future arms sales to israel. there was a non binding vote that was held in the house of commons house. how significant of the development is this? i think it's important. i think what we have to remember is that while this isn't, is rarely genocide, plausible genocide on gaza and on the policy and people. it is one that is, has been supported by western governments like canada. and increasingly, western governments are becoming uncomfortable, having their reputations smeared by what is probably going to be ruled the genocide here in the next few years at the, at the, at the highest court in the world. and so you're seeing countries now like canada trying to distance themselves, they want to be able to say, well, look, we, we took a stand at a, at a particular point in time. and so from that standpoint, i think it's significant. it also signals to israel that their time could be
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running out. they don't have an unlimited supply of time to carry out this war. okay, mohammed and most of the thank you so much were earlier my colleague, money in size, spoke to dr. nick maynard, he is a consultant surgeon who volunteered for an emergency medical mission in gaza and he described this situation with patients on his most recent trip. there i've been going to garza for nearly 15 years and i thought i would be use, but i'd be prepared for what's all i was going to see when i went into garza on boxing day. but what i sort of like the hospital was the single was a series of cases i've ever seen in my career was adult to i'm a polling technical situations. we found ourselves in a great lock. a result is. but most of all the most deporting injuries predominate on children and women. and i spent most the 2 weeks operating on severe
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explosive interest to the chest and abdomen. and the majority of the patients all place on women and also some severely injured children as well. can you expand on that? what was the hall? this policy will experience when you look back, i think seeing some of the, a pulling lee in just children in particular. i spent some time in the emergency room, but i likes all spell as well and saw some very small children was terrible buttons, multiple traumatic amputations, and no real room to deal with these tragic cases. the result is we're very limited on some days. we had no multi, no strong painkillers give these patients. and i remember things as one small child who had terrible burns to her face so bad that you could see the buttons of her face. and she clearly had no chance of survival and was going to die. but we had no pain relief to give her. so no, certainly. well, she certainly going to die,
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but she couldn't die peacefully. she died in agony. there was no way peaceful for her to go. she was ended up lying on the floor of the mozy department and this was one case, but we still multiple cases like that and they were deeply deep be tragic. i believe it also started seeing some non nutrition cases fact then or yeah, so this was back in sit around the new. yeah. and we, the pediatricians, that i like the hospital, was saying 2 or 3 cases of crunchy, a coal, which is the most severe form of protein malnutrition. you see it and it said it comes off images of the simons. we sometimes saw an africa years ago where, where these pump village children with, with severe malnutrition and but that they will repairing that. i likes the hospital back over the new. yeah. and on the search results we saw patients who amount not right. and there are so many problems with infections in the hospitals.
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the verge, every patient who ends up having an injury and having surgery gets a bad infection of calls. when you've got severe infections, it accelerates the process of malnutrition. so we ended up seeing some patients severely mile, not reason to cause we've heard in the last few days about the the, the, the, the, the, the, the mind made from into a cold that's now existing and goals and the mount nutrition problems that getting out of it was, and you have this terrible cycle of, of, of set success infection malnutrition, and they exacerbate each other. so this is a, a profoundly severe health care problem. and i think the numbers of patients we're going to see from these excess deaths due to now latricia and we'll do all of the fig is currently being quoted for deaths from the trauma of about 30000. i think we, we great the fact that if it goes, we're going to be what an excess of a 100000 a palestinian mine has been shot and killed in his car by is really settlers and
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the occupied westbank that happens in the village of a kaba close to knob bless you and has described the recent escalation of similar violence and the occupied westbank is alarming and urgent. there is also been a shooting near an illegal is really settlements and they occupied westbank. it happened south of the city of bethlehem, close to the gush of c on settlement is really military. it says to if its soldiers were injured in not shooting, and that the perpetrator was killed. the. the other news and the us supreme court has given a controversial texas migration law, the green lights. so the law allows state law enforcement all forward is to arrest anyone suspected of crossing the us mexico border illegally. previously, that power was only held by federal officers. president,
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jo biden's government had requested the law to be frozen while a challenge to it worked its way through the lower courts. well, this comes as the american southern border is facing unprecedented numbers of people who were attempting to cross back in 2013 customs and border protection. recorded an average of 39000 encounters every month until 2021. when the numbers started to skyrocket in december of last year, nearly $302000.00 and counter is where reporters. that's an old time records. now in terms of who's making the crossing their significantly fewer mexican nationals, they've gone from over 60 percent of encounters to less than 30 percent. and the biggest increase has been invent as well. and nationals from nearly 0 to more than 10 percent. for all this is putting pressure on american immigration systems. the number of pending immigration cases has jumped dramatically from about 344000 cases
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in 2013 to 2100000 last year. let's speak to kate malloy, goto, who is the senior legal director of litigation at the american immigration council . joining us from washington, d. c. thanks for your time with us and i'll to 0. so look and forcing immigration laws, including arrests, has typically been handled by the federal government. and now this law gives that power to techs, and officials, allowing them to prosecute migrants or having them return to mexico. how unprecedented is those from a legal point of view? this is quite unprecedented, like you said, this is typically the job at the federal government and now taxes. the officials will be in charge of arresting and detaining immigrants. and texas state judges will be charged with determining whether they should be deported on the united states. there's 2 problems with this 1st, as he said, this is unprecedented. typically this is the job of the federal government. but
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secondly, this also is a strain on our foreign relations. so texas, state officials are going to be allowed to take immigrants who have been charged and convicted of this crime back to the mexican border to repatriate them there. we already know the government of mexico is against this law. and so what the supreme court's decision did today is to allow a lot to go into effect that in 2 different ways goes against the authority given to the federal government in the us constitution. so these texas attorney general has held that decision as a huge when against the by the administration and the american civil liberties union, which challenge that law and courts. but the a, c, l, u was saying that it won't back down until this law struck down for goods. what are their options going forward? yeah, so it's important to know that, well, this is a very disappointing decision. it is a temporary one. so the cases going back to the 5th circuit court of appeals in
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texas, where that court will decide the legality of this lot. this is couple of weeks ago, courts in san antonio determined that the law is unconstitutional. and the state of texas appealed that the appellate courts. and so the next steps are for the public court to determine whether the laws, constitutional and it is that to be heard. and to be argued in a couple of weeks on april. 3rd, what are their chances to your think of the lot as it stands is very clear that immigration is the job of the federal government and it is not the job of space and, and that makes practical sense as well as legal spence. we don't want 50 individual states coming up with individual immigration laws, especially considering the impact that these laws have on our foreign relations. right. and as an organization, uh, what other concerns do you have going forward?
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well, one of the concern is we have going forward is showing you the fact that this is going to have a non citizen communities in texas. we're also concerned that when we leave a rest and deportation decisions to texas officials, this could lead to racial profiling. racial profiling is not a new thing. there has been lots of studies showing that police disproportionately target black and brown people for stats and the rat given how broad in texas as before is we have concerns, but local law enforcement will arrest those people they believe are in the country illegally. okay, we thank you so much for joining us from washington, dc. get to get your thoughts. thank you. thank you. the still ahead on the i was, is there a news our i'm robot pride in the hockey region of ukraine. just a few kilometers from the border with russia, with a team getting people out of harm's way. and brazil,
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striker rosario wilson says, fair if he saved his life after badly mental health issues. we'll hear from him in school. the have a line to feed of whether systems is coming in a bit. we can actually go to the rugged remains of what came in from the west. still sitting of a many of the countries of central and eastern europe. further west, i think single stops of slow down in the progress so often has cold weather in spain. but it would be necessarily an increase in the amount of rain coming in for the atlantic. but i think cheryl is a. ready bind a so nimble 1st degree say, but it's nice and bone 3 most places you'll notice is sydney wise in england and there certainly were patches in ukraine. facts cold enough able to smoke, to have that to show itself in romania. but the real action is taking face just on
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the edges. now, this cold wind gives a stumble, only 9 degrees, quite a bit in through the g and the eastern met. and then talk in fairmount drive and open leveling this part of syria and southern turkey with snow on the tops of the hills. meanwhile, in the sahara of north africa, in june, 44 degrees is full customers the fast we could see 45 inside. so done as a result, all the schools have been charged disease held this out to be done at this time of the year and also a fair breeze burning down the the seas know how much it is quite strong. so again, throughout, so how as a warning, typically nursing the share of dusty wind of the african narrative from africans perspective for symptom of forces. and
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to show documentary spine african filmmakers coordinated to like, he has said to simply me chocolate revolution from booking of 5. and i see beauty from synagogue, africa, direct on, i'll just be around export 2023. the world, the fascination of joining us. and let's discover a better world expo 2023. the news
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the the tell them again, you're watching a news, our own algae 0. here are the top stories, at least 23 palestinians. responsible for helping the distribute aids had been killed by target. it is really bombardment in northern garza or plain struck their position near the kuwait. grounds about that's where age to the north is. distributed cats are saying that it's cautiously optimistic about the possibility of a ceasefire and goes on. it's been mediating the latest rounds of 12 in doha, involving the head of israel's intelligence agencies and most sides. the us house of representatives is reviewing a bill that questions the countries relationship with south africa and the ability to use the south africa of building ties with countries and actors,
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but undermine america's national security. south africa's for a minister now lazy pandora is in washington, dc. to discuss the 10s ties and spoke to alta zeros, my condo, and there's almost an implication of that. so when america holds a particular position, south africa must follow. and it's very interesting, but other countries that share the perspectives that south africa hold. i'm not being uh, you know, a dealt with in the way that we all, so i don't know if it's because we are african. so some other reason is might be also the fact of the stones we've taken with response to the current, a war of israel, which is being visited upon the people of palestine. most cautiously and painfully . and the facts that we've approached the international court of justice may be causing some discomfort and the disquiet. we are an important
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partner for the united states of america as they are uh for us. and so i do hope that we will be able to repair the relationship and continue on the established basis that was built up over many years. so he believes south africa's decision to take israel to the international court of justice is a primary reason for the tenseness of the relationship. also, to me, this is mentioned in the number of resolutions. you may be aware that was a laptop type of petition letter by over 200 a legislate toes across the party lines of bipartisan atlanta, which alleged disquiet at the fact that to south africa doesn't support a israel and supports palestine. and then the going beyond that
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to, even as the book does claim that the african national congress has some formal partnership with a month, this is entirely improved. it's also related to the number line stones we've taken, with respect to russia and ukraine with south africa continues to talk to both countries to the lead. as opposed to attempt to persuade that they should agree to arrive at a point where they sit around the cooling table and begin to discuss what's negotiated. a sacrament may look like with full respect for or the provisions of the united nations. a child to south africa has strong relationships with russia, with china, and the speed of advantage to the united states in terms of forcing links with
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these countries. our on the line fund, a mental philosophy and foreign policy is we only seek peace. we only seek negotiation. we are mandated by the freedom shots of south africa, always pursued international peace and friendship. and that is all. we've come back to them ourselves. of course, having be a people who suffered under the impression of a pod, tate, we reject oppression wherever we find it and seek to reduce home for people who are striving for freedom and us. uh, it is. i think natural uh that sort of africa would support the just quotes of the people of palestine, as well as of course, support the people of israel in having their own state. but we can never agree that
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it is correct to kill thousands of innocent civilians in palestine. and for us to then attempt to pretend that there's some just cause behind this murderous onslaught the, the conflict. and so dawn has forced more than 8000000 people from their homes. the one says it's the world's largest displacements crisis. hundreds of thousands of people who earlier flood cells. so don, are now trying to get back malcolm lab reports from a transit comp in the border town of rank was taken so many people who had friends killed an hourly escape getting caught in the violence themselves. people here reporting widespread sexual violence and other kinds of rights abuse these many others. the key in recent weeks,
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fleeing here because they say the conditions are simply becoming livable. where they were coming from in cost to or other open areas in c dom because they've been cut off from food and other essential supplies. now what are the people who been seeing to hear originate from south to dawn and they left because of conflicts here . flooding or seeking economic opportunities and the ones wealthy, a neighbor. so the newest, but since i sit on erupt into civil war, there's lots of sleep. how many of them are continuing that genies from here back to the towns and villages of origin. we spoke to some of them. let's take a look at the story. the way as well. she says, every mothers should keep her blanket with having not put it in the big truck through the baggage. people here have a long journey ahead. they're trying to get to safety and south suit on. today, the pizza says she was in a factory in suzanne's capital, cost to into fighting erupted between the army and the power ministry rapid support
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forces cleaning a year ago. many people died. some were killed by the bombs from plains, even my best friend died. she told us a friend left behind a young child. she says, when food and water supplies run out, she left with children that have to leave a mother behind because she has a disability. she doesn't know if she'll see her again. she's had to walk long parts of the journey to reach here. the board of town rang, she's trying to connect with the relatives in south sedans, capital g, about 800 kilometers from here. many of the people he said everything was happening . so when the settlements still said check point west, so it isn't taking them money or they may have all sides. it's makes it even more difficult to find missing. so many members capital don't keys and cars and trucks.
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there's these thoughts of south state on no well connected to the rest of the country by right next to that day, we'll say that says you have to so many of the possessions to be able to afford the 1st part of the journey from here you ends migration organization is operating phone just to carry people up the river nile to the city of mount account and by road and api on more than a 100000. people have taken this route in the last. yeah. and hundreds more. keep coming every day. this has been one of the city of this list, one that i've seen from my lifetime of i'm a so, so that is i've been a busy enough for and country about to disagree. so i'm seeing now what have we done is coming back to the countries. we have received this coming in. and we have had that type, nothing was confusing, so coming in. so it comes. so they spend most of the,
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i don't life in cost 2. she's one of the millions of south sea denise. he's gone that it decades to escape conflicts here will seeking jobs. it will take nearly 3 days for the budge to reach mount account. it's going to be a tough journey and temperatures over 40 degrees. name is up to mistake. i'm happy to be making this trip, not only for myself, but for everyone here. i hope will all reach home safely. to have to start so that when she gets back to cuba, she says she hopes to find work and send her children back to school. there are a few jobs will public services wouldn't be easy for any of these people to rebuild that lives. as well as the south se denise have been saying is also a growing number a suit. and these people think from seed on to here. it doesn't have any private size or communities to go back to that say so is the option of going through a long term refugee settlement is about a day's drive from here. and that's one of the reasons many people are choosing to
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stay here in the transit come, the numbers are going up right. the seasons due to starts in the coming weeks. and humanitarian agencies are concerned that the limited sanitation is because we're going to become very strange indeed to so don know, are people been displaced from the capital are now returning to some areas of how to tune. that's despite ongoing battles between the army and parent, military rapids, support forces and most are returning to the city of mine. during the fasting, month of ramadan, him oregon reports it's been a difficult time for the last comment and his family. they had to flee from their home and the man incidents capital to win the conflicts began last year. he says the battle between the 2 wearing sites and artillery shells falling around his home, made it hard to see. after nearly a year of displacement,
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they've now returned in time for the fasting month of ramadan. i know we suffered a lot when we were displaced, then we heard the door part of the money stable. there is water and electricity on the shelving had less and a lot, not like when it was at the start of the world. so we came back here to observe ramadan and to stay home with nothing. the on demand is the 2nd largest city in the capital region, but the warehouse pushed out to most of its residents while both sides used artillery 2 targets each other. st. battle have all from left to best cars on the walls of the city. the rapids support forces to over large parts of the man during the 1st few months of the conflict. this with denise army has been slowly recapturing ground from the parent military coup. in the past few months. the u. n . has called for the wearing parties to observe a ceasefire during ramadan for civilians to be able to attend to their needs. but the fighting continues. while some families have returned to parts of the mind,
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life is still not back to what it was before fighting began. basic services, such as running water and electricity are still cut off. some parts of the city and the sounds of heavy artillery are constant around the capital. despite that, families are gradually returning as the army continues to regain more territory from the recess. and some have not been able to leave since the conflicts began. this coming, no kitchen in what's known as the old undermanned area, has been serving food for those who put into the wind ramos on sausage. it began serving as our meals to break the fast. yeah, even i see, i mean we used to really struggle to get festivals to feed people. the piece was under our self control, so it took those hours to get to the market. now it's more stable since the army took over. so it takes less time. the people can't afford food or drink a bullet as his glad to be able to return to his home. he says he hopes of the
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parts of the man also ceased ability so that other families can return not just float around with them, but to rebuild their lives once again. keep them oregon ultra 01 through man. the . well, the us is warning that ukraine survival is at risk. the secretary of defense, lloyd austin, made the remarks at a meeting of the ukraine defense contact group in germany, where members are discussing more military supports for keys. today. ukraine's survival is endangered. in america, security is at risk and they don't have a, they don't have a data waste and we don't have a data spared either. so i leave here today fully determined to keep us security assistance and have munitions flowing. and that's
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a matter of survival and sovereignty for ukraine. and it's a matter of honor and security for america. an eastern ukraine evacuation orders are being issued to families living in areas under increasing attack by russian forces from mcbride, joined the ukrainian red cross on an evacuation mission in the harkey for region. a full exam, the and then to be prepared for another trip close to the boulder with russia to bring out people who have had enough of the will. oh, so wasn't it today we're going to the town of of chance. we have 2 addresses with families and there are children to the east of how to keep the town was occupied at the start of the war. and then we taken by ukrainian forces. but that's when the russians began bombarding it with shells and rockets. now landing on a daily basis. first stop is this family who decided to leave with a few possessions and the pet cat. at the 2nd address,
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they pick ups with linda and the 2 children leaving the husband behind. that is only time for hi read. good byes. before a quick exit with, i have a more drone circling overhead. and the constant threat of showing this evacuation has been taking place while russian fights as opposed to moscow. and based in this positive ukraine had been staging good tax, just across the board, underlining the dangerous volatility of this whole frontier area as the fighting intensifies in the east, more involved, mandatory evacuation. notice have been issued for families with children to fill it out so that i think there's artillery your rocket, spank some more tears, everything. of course, people are worried about their safety and their children will for you. this evacuation ends at the resettlement center in have keep some points that we sometimes they can spend the night hit their trains and we help them get tickets so
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that we say good bye and that's what it is. so for spit liner, it's time to say good bye to a hometown, mostly sensitive. we lived in the town center in the 5th floor apartment, but it was a bump. so we moved to a relative's house, but you could see for yourself how the place was under at that close to 2. she and her children don't know when or if they will be able to attend. rumbling dodges era how to key if you crate legislators in hong kong past the new national security law, the tougher penalties for treason, espionage, and disclosing state secrets. critics say there are 2 vague and will be used to further silence the sense. jessica washington reports is in hong kong legislatures me to discuss, propose national security legislation known as article 23. while you talk on launch, it is home combs, constitutional responsibility to enact the article 23 legislation under the basic law to safeguard national security. i believe everyone here the legislative council
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bill on the be able to take part in this historical mission. we go and talk at some deep it covers acts of treason, sedition, and more includes provisions which allow for us to detain suspects for up to 2 weeks. we don't charge compared to 2 days now. it would also give police the power to deny some suspects, access to lawyer, and create mechanisms to cancel the passports, a so called eps going to is it makes the national security research a much more comprehensive. so it includes a whole raft of things that we're not crime is before, or that we're colonial crimes, but they've updated the crime is the increased the amount of penalty some human rights organizations and foreign governments have criticized the vagueness of article 23 and said it may be used to silence critics. a previous
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attempt to post the bill in 2003. so more than half a 1000000 people protest before it was withdrawn. now there are no indications of to sent the same punk with demonstrations assembled more than 20 years ago. is no hosting a flo exhibition. this situation has changed a lot. you also people here actually it will ask them they did not tell you because they would not obviously you. but as i said, there are no demonstrations, no protests, no public assembly. it's very quiet here, really quiet, 2020 paging and post and national security. you know, in home. com for months of pro democracy protests. since then opposition politicians have been jailed and many news outlets and civil society organizations shut down south china as president. she just being has repeatedly stated his commitment to the one country to assistance policy,
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which is intended to allow home calm to be governed with a high degree of autonomy. in the legislative council. building legislative say the change is necessary to protect hong kong status. as an international hub, one politician like into the low to a front gauge guarding hong kong is people from danger. jessica washington to 0. a still has on the i was, is earnings our chelsea's women and one foot in the champions league semi final. not a morse coming up with peter is for the this business uptake this voltage by the state bank growth partner of on the dash before he is the
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this business uptake these me? why this exact roads thought no bundle a dash football. he is the
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fellow in town for the sportsman's. here's peter during thank you very much. and then big chief, so warning, countries not to take part in rushes friendship games. later this year, quoting an assembly co attempt to politicize sport brushes. president vladimir putin has a color allocated $50000000.00 in prize money for of the summer and winter friendship games that seem as arrival to the olympic games. the country has been excluded from taking part in team sports. a few lympics since the military invasion of ukraine. in february 2022, an individual athletes can only compete as neutrals. the international olympic committee held a licensed executive board meeting on tuesday and released a statement to the media. the i a c said the russian government has launched a very intensive diplomatic offensive and is the liberty so convincing the sports organization and they target countries adding, but it sees the risk of athletes being forced by the government and so participating in such
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a fully politicized sports event they by being exploited as part of a political propaganda campaign. the i c has also announced that russian and billy russian athletes wouldn't be allowed to take part in the traditional parade at the opening ceremony of the parents, the lympics in july. they were going to be able to watch the parade, which this year takes after eating boats down the river. the same australian open champion. the rena sutherland k is report at least 2 planning on competing at the miami open this week. that's the spot her boyfriend, sudden death, at the age of 42 police in miami se form and h l. play konstantin cold. so died of an apparent suicide. coats of foot career. spend 18 years which included 3 seasons with the pittsburgh penguins and 2 winter olympics, prepare the roost. he went on to become the head coach of belarus, the result and saw some striker which oddison says therapy saved his life, offering, baffled with these mental health. the 26 year old is back with brazil as
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a prepay to play england in spain in front of these next week. he's been speaking about how it's crucial for players to have access to a psychologist when they need it. at book k, as in cyber, people say good thing, we know the prejudice that arises when people say they are looking for how much i myself had this president. but then god, i no longer have it. and as a national team player who has such an active voice, i want to tell people to seek help icon, particularly say that because he'd saved my life. i talked to joe out they, he came to the house and he saved my life because i was already at the rock bottom that so it's very important for the national team to have a psychologist only for actually as being players of the dresser. we saw for not only on the field, but off the field. i myself suffered more of the field then on the field. so it's very important to have psychologist close to us out of business. meanwhile,
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jim and will couple in a tony crows has returned, so he's national team of 2 a 3 year absence. cross was previously retired buddies back hoping to help too many at us 2024 and how for later this year the 34 year old has 106 caps and good features of the a sense of a, in a frame, the against process globally does is i don't think i have to prove anything to anyone, but when the national coach contacted me to see if i wants to play in this tournament, my main concern was of course, is to be able to help team. yeah. awesome. the south christian and i think the honestly is yes and the national coach believes that the answer is yes, suggested spanish club also seem to have denied that they fans racially abused rail madrid forward ven easiest junior during the match on sent today around the filed a complaint against the referee, who was in charge of a game for not including legit racist insults and he's match report. the club accused him of being negligent and deliberately ignoring the abuse. chelsea's women
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seem to have one foot in the champions league semi final after convincing victory of the i x england international. lauren james gave chelsea the lead with a goal that was originally rudolfo side. but also could va all check the go was given sick, a new skin mean screwed. another to go. so the police 13 mill, the 2nd leg off the side takes face back in london next week. the former will then be one, venus williams has been knocked out of miami opening the 1st round by diana schneider williams who is a 7 time grand slam singles champion, was eliminated in straight fits here, schneider getting the job done $63.63 to knock out the 43 year old will them to $74.00 from russia. it takes on 17. see to madison is lexi for the major the baseball season will start and south korea for the 1st time. tickets supposedly sold out in less than an hour. so that it lifted off an hour for wednesdays,
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couldn't raise if it's in the los angeles dodgers in the san diego padres. the judges aren't due to on file they $700000000.00, stupid stuff show. hey tony unit scheme as well from so major league baseball has landed in south korea for the 1st time. the los angeles dodgers received a hearty welcome over the weekend, a team with familiarity and a country full of baseball fence, topping the roster is its newest superstar show hey, or tiny. 6 function of i'm looking into that, i don't know, come over there. i'm on a new team and we had an opening in korea, which is old. something out of the ordinary. in that sense, i'm very excited. i'm looking forward to the 29 year old to time american week, most valuable player will debut with the boys in blue and the 2 game season opener on wednesday and thursday, the newly was signed a record 10 years, $700000000.00 contract. part of the dodgers $1000000000.00 off season spending spree. so face off against california arrivals,
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the san diego padres and south korean shortstop kim has hung up a little you don't take up on your limited small games like this. a health many asian plans will have a bigger dream and take on the challenge and the m o. b. i really hope many will take up this challenge. a full circle moment is anticipated as a host countries 1st, and that'll be all star takes amount for the ceremonial 1st pitch puck to and who kicked off his illustrious career with the dodgers in $94.00 and serve as an inspiration for many south korean, struggling through the rough years of the asian financial crisis. now the m o b has come to south korea and just as japan hosted 5 overseas season opener's with a week's 1st 24 years ago. south korea's are hoping that this is just the start of money. so serious to come as the organization looks to expand it, global footprint unit skim all to 0. so and that's what was full. it's nice. so tonight 30. all right, thank you so much,
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peter. thanks for watching the news. our own i was a 0 back in just a moment with much more of the face. the . and despite being housed in 2018, sort of just prime minister is back in power along with his hotline politics. he needs someone to hate. that's help up in his own words, along with food, in how with his reappearance effect neighboring you pray, and the persecuted minorities within the slovak republics, borders. honestly, i have to say that i met free low vacuum. the return of itself on a jersey to more than half of the population of the cause of the trend is risk at the beginning of the words. they only have one meal per day. a that is coming in of the cause us or is not preaching. all of the people and people are starving. we are
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in as indicated by that where they're making their house as it keeps shape. they start very early in the morning. they're using wood fire because there is no cooking discuss this dentist do is cooked without any festivals. they are using on your house or an alternative to the onions except the woods and the smoke of the fire. it makes your eyes cry and fits suffocating, but a search somebody do this every single day to give a hand to the palestinians. this place starving. and they say that this is the least of which they can give to their people in the line to palestine, who hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you,
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we'll deliver it. so done nights with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packed on 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share the, [000:00:00;00] the near watching the news, our life from a headquarters in del 5 getting navigate down. here is what's coming up in the next 60 minutes is really striking. garza showed no signs of light off. as warnings throw up an impending salmon in the strip, the man hopeful uh, the fact that that does have that he started to the good thing. how sorry,


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