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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the colleges here with the it is very striking gauze. i saw no signs of nothing else. as warnings grow about the da shortage of food across the street. the fund carry johnston. this is i'll just say of are well i from to host i want the program, the man hopeful and the fact that the ducks have very started to the good thing. guitar immediate to say that cautiously optimistic off the latest around of guns. a c spot tools involving the head of israel's intelligence agency. us supreme
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court rules to allow police and texas to arrest migrants to cross the border from mexico illegally on china is foreign minister when he is in australia for the 1st visit by amazing top tips. and that's in 7 years. we begin with new warnings about the di, shortage of food, and does have a suggestions that is very restrictions on aid couldn't amount to a war crime. it follows a reports by the international hung up monitor earlier this week, st gauze, and this was assumed the dying of hung up time in the scale rates with alex as the spot you in human rights chief walker tuck says, as well as restrictions couldn't amount to the use of starvation as a method, the rule which is a war crime. he's quoting on the international community to insist israel allows unimpeded entry of
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a into gaza for the risk of finding ways ready as strikes of talked in areas crowded with residential homes and buildings. one attack struck a family home kidding. 15 people inside 1st respond as a strong to retrieve move. body stuck onto the level of this arrows on us. al sharif reports from the scene. some of the pictures in his report of the study to the other slightly. i'm to follow up, i'm a just really, rates have not stopped attacking cause a city since the morning was on. have war jets have targeted a family home at the center of cause a city killing 15 people. these dead bodies were retrieved, moments ago from under the rubble of this house. what we're seeing is that the majority killed here are women and children. and this was a direct targeting bite is really war jets off on a house of several stories. and as we can see, these dead bodies on the ground have just been recovered from under the rubble can a number of people remain missing under the rubble. as our medical staff,
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he's and civil defense crew could not reach the place that ok, this house m o and by the mic bill family, it has been completely destroyed. but it's really excited to i just don't know me, so i'll try to do that and you know, i mean, yeah, and that's, i mean, i know you, ma'am. it's a business. my brother's house and fortune key woman children and the neighbors was struck you out of her. that was peaceful people that have sleeping, often having the last meal for full fostering. suddenly we were taken away by what happened and the despite all those, we say praise be to god caused them due to the lack of resources. well, you know, there remains a number of killed people under the rubble when we, when we are unable to bring out to the relentless bombardment on cause a city by is really wor, jetson has now targeted this family home is killing most of its residential walk traffic others under the revolution and the city is just the last monday and was there been more boston gunfire around l. c? for hospital in kansas city,
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at least 50 palestinians have been killed and many more detained, displaced protestant ends at patience on the medical stuff remain from the raid continues. the hospital had only recently resumed partial operations, also suffering large scale destruction. julian is ready rate in november just by its once saying ralph, it was a safe area of israel as regularly bombing the southern city in gaza that sheltering more than 1000000 displaced people power as reports from rough on the as well as was unrelenting, yet more palestinians berry who was, who carried him shorts a suit and facing simon before the whole month. and now the we, i am from a lot of people have to hold. yeah. having some of the means black than this. this is over more than 1000000 palestinians are seeking show think i was a self forced here of to on to devastation in areas for the north east. very all me
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to drop off would be say, the messiah would have continued destroyed, is densely populated area, monthly. there is no safe area, but they're saying this is a safe area, but there are no safe areas while they're hitting from every direction and they don't care about people. they display stuff from here to there. and we don't know where to go is we'll say is mission is eliminated. most fighters, it's food and re people who are being killed. we are unarmed innocent civilians. we never carry donald. this is the majority of the palestinian population and gaza. know when this trip is being spent, this is amber se ross in central time and i got the name is emily. at midnight we woke up to the sound of a blas rushed theory he and found that this house completely destroyed hoford's, residents were killed. and some is still under the rubble,
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the death building gauze and now is more than 31000 with the people sheltering key roughly, affectively coordinates the dust. so we're wise, if that is very offensive grounds, continues direct about as boone. how does the rough, rough southern guns as in direct talks between israel and thomas are on the way? and though helps the discussing. the latest proposal from him asked for a prison, a captive exchange and into the war guitar. immediate to say they remain hopeful. i'm involved reports as the term used by the spokes mount of the foreign ministry here was that they are cautiously optimistic about the results of the talks. but he said that it is very good that the talks are taking place in doha. that to me is cutoff can monitor these talks better, can facilitate them better. and he talked about the technique of teams from, from both sides working on the details. these are indicted talks. we have to notify
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and the is really, is don't tell these readers here. they don't have many prerogative for decision making and so on. so that's why the chief of the most are they could but they, it has already left with for consultations with these that i need to ship. and basically the categories are saying that this is going to take time. i don't think we're out at the moment now. what do we can say that you are close to where to where the we are. as i said, we are cautious. we have the mistake because the ducks have it at the end and that is a good thing. and we hope that that to continue, then you help to build upon that and becoming at days. but it's still too early to, to announce any any successes. so we remain, as i said with them and hopefully the for the ministry spokes man or so made it clear the top to condense. these are the actions during the last couple of days, particularly the, the attack on the chief a hospital. he said that those talks have to step on the international committee, has to do something to prevent these ladies from continuing to commit to those
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violations against medical facilities in causal and also against civility. as he said, the cup of has already sent $86.00 cargo planes uh, with the humanitarian a to cause entities goes to contribute logistically and financially to any efforts to bring more aid at 2005 i'm just the of the us secretary of state says the entire population of goals or is in dire need of humanitarian aid. as we bring can says food delivery is, must be a priority. is comments that come off for you as human rights, cheap planes as well for blocking a trucks from entering the strip. pointing to the most respected measure of these things, a 100 percent of the population in gaza is that severe levels of achieve food and security? that's the 1st time an entire population has been so classified. and we also see
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again, according to, in this case, the united nations, a 100 percent. the totality of the population is in need of humanitarian assistance . compare that to a sedan about 80 percent of the population, there is indeed even managers, afghanistan's about 70 percent. so again, this will be under scores both the, the urgency, the imperative of making this the priority or how much of the small amounts of food entering does it comes in 10 tons. one, palestinian has decided to send the world a message in an unconventional way. i'm a 100 and explains i'm missing from the field with the g. come the wi fi fi wants to be noticed around the was a mixture shelter, meat of pink guns that she hopes increase awareness about starvation and looming funding. oh, see a reset and what i love, i'll go behind his creative book,
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is to send a message to the whole world. and that's the only age delivered to goldens in the northeast kind food, ways of causing misery to children who are mainly mount nutrition and diseases. all i wanted to tell the world this is not our life. we have our traditional cuisine payments around the world. but for months we are stopping by a few feet, get into it alone. children will be one of the main victims of israel's. what on god's played a big part. and while i live at the the is the comes with divided by all the children. if enough, he and refuge account of the model, it is made up of 13000 kinds collected by volunteer children. together we opened cons. i'm gonna click on cement inside and they'll pretend in my district, you also saw of the reception for palestinians escaping is the rise destruction in the north. what if i did, and we're living in misery? this tend symbolizes us suffering. we're trapped between a rock and
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a hard surface. the relief a being delivered is not enough, or children not stopping and falling sick with suffering on many fronts, lack of shelter, lack of food, and above all, the lack of security. it's a small but defined piece of thought that a few wants to bring attention to the palestinians. blight, a donald trump has filed a bids with the us supreme court for criminal immunity, for trying to overturn his 2020 presidential election laws. trump's lawyers submitted the brief on choose day getting that president's be shielded from legal action for official act swan and office. the courts have already rejected the bits, but the countries highest costs will listen to full arguments of the case on april 25th trumps. legal bid has been criticized as
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a way to delay the trial until often november's election. us supreme court has given the green lights to a texas. no, but i'm the state to arrest and the port migrant to cross the border from mexico illegally deportations are traditionally the jew to the federal government. mexico says it rejects that or that it won't accept people deported by texas. i'll just say it was why the drug test driven dozens of men recently arrived to the united states from central and south america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work. their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs. for undocumented laborers, you know me like that and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. the new texas law, known as s before empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on
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suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border, illegally by name was on each of the v. i became to fight for our families not to harm anyone. i just want to work the s before law says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agree to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes smugglers $32000.00 and fuse for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state out of s before his reach migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that empowers states to defend themselves. after the supreme court announcement, donald trump said, is elected. he will enact a plan for mass deportations. what's happening to our country is a disgrace. we have to close the border. the white house says s before is
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unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court. and it's sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney in november. so that also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation and some people aren't driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler in charge them with a felony. and rip a family part immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear 18 year old ana is a us citizen, but her mother is undocumented to it shows me to work hard on my studies. so i can get out of here, obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life will now be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi joe castro, l g 0 or the chinese foreign minister is visiting australia for the 1st time in 7
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years, australia or in china rebuilding ties following a period of strange relations of the camera called for an independent investigation to the origins of cobit 19. in response spacing, imposed terrace on impulse of australian goods. the trade times cost australia is economy in an estimated $13000000000.00. don't you from ticket want to do is the past twists and turns over the decade leaves us with lessons to draw on as well as valuable experience. i think that fundamentally it's about staying committed to mutual respect. china never into fee as an australia is internal affairs. we respect the system and the path of stretching it has chosen and when it comes to china is offering to dignity and legitimate concerns. so we have to cause hopes that australia will continue to abide by the commitments made at the establishment of diplomatic ties. and since then, to provide your respect and proper hands, electrical. each other's foreign minister has emphasized that it is in all of our
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interests to commit to preventive architecture to reduce the risk of conflict. and that communication never be withheld as punishment or office reward. as you know, dialogue enables us to manage all differences. we both done, it does not eliminate them. this training will always be australia and china will always be china. now move the neighbor. it is important that we have channels to discuss, upholding a regional and global order, shaped by agreed rules and knows where we respect each other. sovereignty. or adrian brown is live in new students, capital, wellington, for us now, so asian. what more did they have to say in this the well, as they have been discussing, not just trade and the contentious security issues that have dealt this relationship for the past couple of years. i've also been discussing the situation, of course, in gaza, australia, one of those nations, which is called for an immediate humanitarian see spot. they've also been talking
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about ukraine and also what's happening in australia is back here on the south pacific with china. it has been very high profile in the past few years. it now has the largest diplomatic presence of any nation in the world in the south pacific. and also china has been, you know, signing security packs with some of the small nations as well as investing heavily in places like fiji. that, that's so worried for a straight because a lot of analysts say at the moment, we may be witnessing the run up to a 2nd cold war. and it's the same thing here in new zealand when long he was here. this was also one of the subjects which overshadowed his discussions with his new zealand counterparts. now the good news is that a tray fiction between australia and china appears to be easing at the height of a diplomatic folding out. china scrap tires of 218 percent on australian wind. that
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is that to a lot of of australia and wind in the country. but those restrictions, those tires have now been slowly removed. and that's one of the reasons why wong, he is in australia because this visit was already confirmed 7 days ago. and i said, what can we make of one each trip to australia or at the same time? is us extra state visit se to the stage, and that's right. well one, he has been talking of trade in australasia. his us counterpart anthony blinking has been deepening alliances in south korea and the philippines. i think that tells you what i've just said before that you know, there is this, this, this, this feeling amongst i'm the list that we all perhaps approaching the early stages of a 2nd. coldwell and a lot of these small donations don't want to find themselves in
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a position without having to choose between the united states and china. i'm not sitting at the difficulty also, of course, but big nations like australia, china is the most important trading partner. but at the same time, they need to maintain that security alliance with the united states, and it's a balancing act that australia has been performing now for decades. of course, agent brown live 1st and wedding to their thank you. a sort of head on now is, is there a former president press since i have both sonata or isn't cited in a reminder of his controversial handling of uncovered 19 crisis and of the shots. we take a look at the latest global reports on the climate. won't recommend having broken the
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some late winter snow. you think might prompt warnings. i've seen nothing of significance throughout japan, but you can see it is pretty widespread potential here. mostly i have to meet on the high ground of home show, but on the ground and how kind of that. so that will keep falling for a couple of days. now the sol suite, so it isn't particularly code, it's not sub 0 anymore and the sunshine is won't be a good profit. china, even of the size, but it's looking clarity that hasn't really imagined devalue much, right? and the sun is dominant. so the assessment still effectively rainy season, impulsive indonesia. the risk factor probably most important here, may be sort of way see, increasingly increase remedies, increasing, including sample and also in sumatra and the shout was here really quite poky. and so for me, in my, our west and thailand book gets cooled down as a result. but i've said not by much showers or rain with thunder. and it still seemed likely into wednesday in this part of india, eastern to poland, pots of bangladesh dry elsewhere. but there's more action coming in from the west.
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this has been a very, very active frontal system. it's still bringing rain or snow to afghanistan is causing the final 5 significance though to across into pakistan. other keep going, site says the and indeed friday has the sun booms things up for the sax of the families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella, your mercy, showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. it's the
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the without just here a mind to about top stores not. is there any warnings about the die shortage of food in gaza? you enter human rights, chief boca, to cities rouse restrictions to the amount the used to starvation is a method of least $23.00 protest indians tossed with helping to distribute a mean to find the study from palm and to move in. concepts for pain struck net position, adequate roundabouts and separate attacks and pasting and seeking a at the same location. former president present tribal center has been charged with criminal association and falsify his own code. 19 the vaccination data is the
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1st indictment for the impossible politician is facing several criminal investigations. he's accused of putting false information into the public health data base to make it appear that he received the corona virus vaccine, along with several people. his circle. during the pandemic, whole scenario was open a skeptical of vaccines and mounted health restrictions. monica is active has more for me addition there the most serious of all the inquiries going on right now are about his a legit role in master mining. the january 8th uprising uh in brazil you the capital uh was the matter supporters. strong congress, the supreme court, and also the presidential palace one week after the current president reads the nice too little about sue, but took office in january 2023. and the reason was that they
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believed a allegations made bible sonata wong with some campaign that the electoral system could have been read and that he, there could have been a fraud which was never proven. also, he both so narrow is also being investigated for his role in allegedly applauding a cool. and this is to have, the reason that he's being investigated is that his former military aides came forth and testified that he had planned to ask for military intervention in case he lost the election. so all these investigations should end in july. and that's when people excites that both. so natalie is likely to be in prison. monica, you're not, you're all just sierra rio de janeiro wondered if any of the preston's heavier mulay is mocking 100 days since taking office. the right wing self proclaimed an
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auction capitalist to power on december 10th for missing to turn the countries fortunes around. but it's time in office has been marked by a frequentist street protests against his cost cutting agenda to raise a bow has more from what cyrus of the country right now is highly polarized in argentina. right? now when you talk to those who voted for have you had, i mean they, they say that the president didn't know a lie to them when he took coffee. if he told the population that the situation was going to be come incredibly hard before starting to get better. and that's exactly what happened to me like continues to have around a 50 percent approval rating, especially among those who voted for him. and that's what they say, and that's why they continue to express their support for argentina's precedent. however, the situation is completely different on the streets in the center of when a site is worth, the pro test and the clashes between the police and protesters have become
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a norm. they're happening almost every week. violent caches between people trying to block roads to express their concerns about what is happening in argentina and the police that he's trying to prevent them from blocking those roles. so students taking off 50, they evaluated the currency, we do subsidies on transport and electricity, the prices of fuel has gone up. so the situation has become increasingly difficult for most people in this country. the government says it's boasting in a way that it has the support of the international monetary slumped fund. but for the 1st time in years, argentina has a budget surplus that in february, they have managed to reduce inflation from 25 percent to around 12 percent. so the government is saying that in a way this plan is working, but against him, against me, they are. those were on the street. thousands of them say that me lays economic plan comes a very expense and a, you estimate public contrib house. foreign affairs committee has been holding
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hearings of the american exit from afghanistan in august 2021. hundreds of ass guns died off the phone of the us, but the government and the advance of the tenant band, among those testifying his general meaning. who was chairman of the joint chiefs the stuff at the time it was my view that absent those conditions, i was not in favor of a unilateral withdrawal of us forces because of my assessment, the associated costs and risks, the fundamental tension facing the president. in fact, to present was that no one could satisfactorily explain when or even if those conditions would ever be met at time as quickly running out for humanity to address the climate crisis. that's the message from the wells methodology organizations. as it confirmed 2023 is the hottest year on record, is described the states of us content as of the charts and one that next year is
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honey likely to be even hold to his elders here a mutual adjust evanson folks since the 1980s each decade has been warmer than the previous one, with the past 9 years being the warmest since records began. now 2023 has officially been confirmed, is the hottest on the record. and by a huge margin, as the average annual global temperature, a priced 1.5 degree celsius above pre industrial levels. and i symbolic because it means the world is edging ever closer to the limits set in the powers agreement. the shift from the cooling mountain india to the woman el nino, by the middle of last year, feel the hate and 2024 is expected to be even hotter. and of course, that affects operations. see surface temperatures were exceptionally high for months of 2023, and in particular, in the north atlantic. august. so
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a new record for ocean temperatures beating the previous high set in 2016. in addition, nearly a 3rd of a global ocean was gripped by marine heat wave every day last year. well, the 90 percent of our sales experience, he weigh conditions at some points in 2023 class. he has suffered, the logic smells on record since 1950. and the global sea level reached a 30 year record high until it takes the ice was by far the lowest on record with a loss the size of france and germany combined. the number of people across the world who are acutely food insecure, has more than doubled from a 149000000 before the type of 19 pandemic to 333000000. how the report size, although weather and climate extremes, may not be the root cause, they are aggravating factors and continued to force people from their homes.
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the major league baseball season was starting south korea for the 1st time. tickets for fortunately, sold out in less than half an hour for wednesdays cuts and razor between the los angeles dodgers and the san diego padres indulges on each one failed at $700000000.00 suit, the stall should hey, a tiny eunice came to thoughts from so major league baseball has landed in south korea for the 1st time. the los angeles dodgers received a hearty welcome over the weekend. a team with familiarity in the country full of baseball fence topping the roster is its newest superstar show, hey, or tiny function of i'm looking into that. i don't know. come over there. i'm on the new team and we had an opening inquiry. yeah. which is old something out of the ordinary. in that sense, i'm very excited. i'm looking forward to the 29 year old to time american week. most valuable player will debut with the boys in blue and the 2 game season.


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