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tv   Africa Direct Chocolate Revolution I See Beauty  Al Jazeera  March 20, 2024 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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the law briefly went into effect when it was approved by the us supreme court, but with a complex legal picture, migraines remain where each entre 0 is heidi 0, castro, a dozens of men recently arrived to the united states from central and south america are waiting at a houston, texas gas station for work, their hopes evaporate with each passing car that offers new jobs for undocumented laborers. you know me like that and i was 27 year old alfredo from guatemala, says he'll take any work that's offered, but money is no longer his primary worry. as before, empowers any passing police officer to arrest these men on suspicion. they crossed the texas mexico border, illegally by name was on each of the v. i became a 5 par families, not the harmony one. i just want to work. nadia s before says anyone who cross the border between ports of entry may face up to 20 years in prison unless they agreed
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to return to mexico. alfredo says he'll never agree to deport himself. he owes smugglers $32000.00 and fuse for his family safety until he pays up. he says he'll have to move to another state migrant crossings have already shifted away from texas to other border states and the laws advance. i have use a clause in the constitution that empowers states to defend themselves. the white house says s before is unconstitutional and will continue to challenge it in court . and sean tier, the leading candidate to become houston's new district attorney and november, says it also invites racial profiling. you would have mixed families, meaning some people are here with documentation, and some people aren't driving in the same course. you would be calling the person who's driving if they do have documentation, a smuggler, and charged them with a felony. and rip a family party immigrant families near the texas border say they already live in fear. 18 year old ana is a us citizen,
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but her mother is undocumented. she always shows me to work hard on my studies, so i can get out of here obviously like she doesn't want me to be the same. she worries her mother who she says has broken no laws other than crossing the border to give her daughter a better life won't be labeled a criminal by the state of texas. heidi joe castro elgin 01 they sent out a stories were covering on algae 0 on our website out to 0 dot com, the very latest on all of our top stories on that. that's the news for now. i'll be back with more news after africa direct to stay with us. thanks so much. the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing
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day. frank assessments, for addition to the highest level, they've been using games for the policy for the economy service. and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera, the the last week and a bunch of days before sent for them up for c and faulty love. any you
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folks who don't adult, they remodeled to office to couldn't was okay my to premier the most frequent through those indicated usually by the federal suitcase. when you deal with you guys in the car. uh, did you buy the bedroom? if i show for christmas, i thought i'd sit there for them is all use of it and brush and clue, or somebody's out for a little repulse when they're bumping. hook it to ship, you know, lots of the feelings. if you can size your, i'll stop it down the pool, okay, to ship you so, and i'll send it home. if you must have pre,
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the premium will cost you that long as you know, she's not showing me motion partials, so fill up pretty me. a fork is obviously it was the measurements of dollars on this as long as it's a pre, uh, the fee. this was on visits, she missed, it pulls it up as strong as i was curious of emotion this to sundays. it's a mean of sun coupled with these labels at the back office of 50. so what i can do much it if you supposed to share form of it, i'll say louder. he says, was you so much? i say some was the most i do for the
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research and find me uh the particularly meet your divorce and know some of our kids in den faded. do man and then piece of new measure beautifully. uh, they need a show for us cuz some for most of the work is facing a room for the singles 10 plus june uh plus strong downfall. so just a month to month. i mean, he has to be to the loopo initial pull up, pulling me 2nd onto, onto the coast apart and put you to this significant amount. almost your regular monthly most go look o capital d on your products. you'd have seemed a little simply not possible for me,
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a middle step in my life to death throes for the do you fit on the floor. he thought it was just simply moping. you know what you why would you go now? isn't that the stormy separate colors on prior to vision? so probably little man, i'm in college also. i'm well, any further question? you don't any don't to any, don't see this then. okay. now great month. it of the pool. you book, you know, for so this will donate in the face of school or piece of go through months i've gotten was already classroom is looking for these. it produces google caution the the,
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i mean you just, you find little pigeon bunk, which is the more a month to month for the piece, the whip on your for prescription already or is it going to see my for special in shipping to so lucky with fast for sure, man of it more. it was a whole the see a fuck, the system. the all sounds good. uh, i received a new credit is on top of that. um,
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let's say i said good. is every month to month. so do most do, do, do the 0. so if you could put them on a mazda lot, save this into b plus, cuz he moved on file. i'm unavailable. well, no, not to you. is that's what the program is. so for a month, 2 months on slide, it starts to you, me up on the, you know, pump or deliberate, putting them on and off. i mean, so very model much sims, i mean the problem is sort of age to solve. who bro? repeats, you need it. this i'm afraid to pay the or show what do you want? you can just leave a nation, mr. the funds on fish the the, the city that i gave
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the lucas. oh you hello. so you could go, you can consult the design. mm hm. it does show a new portions of uh, let me me a couple of the
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the jones, why am i gonna pay the most of some stuff? do you see a lot on now? see they've got people going to salty is through to all the do throw on. i got a mining say need to drop the import ducky soft. so what do you good? so i'm pretty mind with the lakers you for the pre s a demo. you don't tend to permit. cool, now they've cleared the thunder peters on a a and the panels. good luck, a. go, continue to zip up with see if should be able to do on to include them. ok. okay. while i say, do you have these ups, this appraisal, they do cause oh, additional cut out some full sauce is shift somebody saw similar to the
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civic or should i saw it was of it see it. but it also means your best good is who was it on the new the circumcision to fix it for you. so on pallet. so lizzy, i mean i've got an actual fall on the post up. oh my gosh. well, i think pulls up all of, you know, something comes up several plus a lot. but i mean, not you looked on the phone because it was a bundle of you know, policy and
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the tv is there for myself. and the reason why i say to be late, you live with tv a. this is chris. oh, awesome. grandma t z dunlap, i see the issue hello is the best way to sit there for a while i, i was saying, i see on the list before ready to send you a 2nd. so i looked at the bus the okay. see the fact that you told me about them before, just midwife who meant they need to see the country mentioned what uh,
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what fuzzy fuzzy fitness, fitness program and so my father's videos made a move on the roof for me in any kind of way this or the premier enough when in fact before 12 a 1st and last, who was of it? but was that the pc? let's get you is 3. see, i'll office, let's press the front left in my separate novella finish. your goal is to receive a security football team and you must have been of all of the best selection of faded on the software this fucking up. and it does sound kind of like a lot, but also i'm also look on this little movie show
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a look of also a muscle. oh this is the zip lazy this on the of the the is it literally made this to me is a this is yeah, of course. i think the tip is a quantity for to devolve there is no physical is. so he still pointed to me on speaker phone, but all 50 flag call me my kids off to take it on the exit block
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for the fall and you called this got to the street. las cruces have seen the pistol acre just on this on the home. he's the tools is a boost onto makes to me. 8. see luck to latham to my cash. evade on my vehicle. if i put in little tonia, news, news. news. by itself. a consultant equal the echo the
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causal more like he has a double fisherman finally on multiple plays altamont activity don't really push was you my key as by fe new t by say the leak measured the buckles on to the signal. say look, i seem good to get that easy the on my killing the functions to get home. you can locate the partials on that just on the phone. can we use it by examples for them from these you, jeanette, and then from on the look good. coordinated you like he has said to simply me to do hostile,
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to the extent you chose to get home you called could supplement. it shouldn't be happy for us to do next. the only thing for home or on time to have really long dial the from the course and again cut program. so if i'm do model divide 2nd, she's economic mom. the domain like a gift you feel like they're moving to move on for that quote to g golf at the and my let me do you mind me to
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a minute of the a full cross phone deal long listing again, a love seat as far as live consuming the sliding deal to the genus that's too easy. scan in those we club. yeah. well the whole i found something i think this was the, the trustworthy ever more in the pause the book with guys they know the best. what i see in the city of all so that is the middle of the the last this is the super i don't
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assess the same from a girl. first of all, as they do that hold for she. well, some will south model we left will soon follow this, that bill is verified all the way. hello boxes. these are available soul to see to move in the from after skin because of all it keep of plus met clinical shows before i let i let me vision out of so if i'm only see do finally me the problem i take to go. so last problem i did both on the belt definetly to do them false mit on novel, successful social piece to back fully what left from this off to and from on nail. so come on p if be, so we'll put these on for my. so forgive cooling. apple do nice. was that something
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that i booze on that the exercises are no longer just up to date that that got back to say that a decent with a 2nd? sure. to put on cookie. okay. now of the triple at the disk with that for sure. the
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component would be a little safety taps released and they should be locked up soon. it gets, gets passed. i pay $50.00 substitute a that one, denise. as to who we prevent from the st. kitts. so to keep this kind of, you know, the you know what the what do people take for the cups? well, the past past the vocal you 1st of all coastal seasonal phone. cool. cool. going on with both of a cool effect and by gushing the swap is the phone number,
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it is the cups to on more visit that is on the people see use to us is on phone people blackwood abundantly as the kids get a hold on to the the full 5 years, the
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long digit date is on for inability to make a 14 fit for the key available. so let's say that that is on the capacitor. okay, that able says on the phone alias on the list bar support. think of a i also see it all for the full donate visual stuff. the best on the on ivy method left on the beer. he's the silver on from one main focus. i left the, i know solid for vacuum, a phone call for 880 because my the i'm supposed to get. although 2 of them, the high speed, the swap all valid, violated with all the wireless. so
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we may have thought a move. what else over and i saw this last night in the was the uh, the whole bunch office show, uh, no volt because they all know basically policy busted delivery the following up on this within the next week or so stuck. i mean, you know, still in the vault, but i see that that will do the use of a deep vinyl. the chief of fits if i'm while because of these kind of thought i was just kind of dc. you may close the dixie mean if there's any kind of email they put you've got a phone to kinda lead police on ridiculous bustle. feel politically us christmas.
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they won't be off. i won't see somebody. yours is a one a faster, so we'll keep you posted to cut on the schedule. thought for more of the new email . by the way, you people have all the funding data for me is because they must be nice to see you all know what to do, my them. i said to see, see, go see is replacing those i have to, this is my case that i likes the feedback from the mindful. of course it is the reason why you wow, sounds interesting, which i didn't. so let me just see on the
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a ask like a narrative from africans perspective. these are the want him to do what came up for a perfect to show documentary spot. african filmmakers have been on the to on for over 20 years or future with fish from the sheriff and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges. here. the goal goes to the whole that delayed presidential election on march 24th after weeks of trimble. petty protest could be recently free political prisoners propel the opposition to power. stay on elsa 0
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for the latest updates and in depth analysis unique perspective. then all of a place in something does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices, to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, and upon proceeding landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention the stream on out to 0. let me go by go by of the the did he told me the but i mean, you know what i mean by the, by the he will know,
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going to the me the example i'm going to hold i'm going to believe the, i mean the look on the degree yet i'm the you think i'm the number pretty okay. really busy. yeah. the
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the the these are in the military says it's now killed at least 90 palestinians during its ongoing attack on the al sheet. the hospital complex in northern gosh, the little this is out to 0 life from don't, i'm for you back. people also coming up. we hear from doctors are watching guys as hospitals during his rascal environments. they describe the whole re 16 stay with one child.


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